The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 18, 1889, Image 2

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¥” irty ? ftfnWisfc , riios. r. penn. : : Publisher. It is czH that Chmnoc-y M. J) ( new has a horror of deal h. ■ Inthematiorof General Butler ; against Adrijj)al l’oi ter. it seems he old war horse against sad dog. The boys are crowding V* aeama her. They «:»ys he refused to clo.-e Isis New York store during tiw txnicjnial. John Starr of Pike county killed two owls on Po •dor crock some time ago, one of t cm mca-ur ng fifty inches from tip to tip. The Queen of Erigkc d seldom drinks more than one email glass of wine ut dinner, amla'terward few drops of good Scotch whisky. It is announced that Gen Stephen I). Lee, now president of the agri cultural co'icge of Mississippi; will enter the lace for Governor of that State. Capt, Johnson ot Brunswick i« doing his share toward keeping up tli® bird civp of that section, lie is buying up coops of quails and turn ing them loose near the city. •The Pari3 newspapers have ffcuck n hyphen into ti e name of the new Anericarj A! blister. They put it Mr. Whitelaw-Reid. 'That seems to tie m to bo English, you know. The suggestion is made that 1892 would be a good tuno to drop the name America apd cifll this liejpis phere Columbia hereafter. Thu/iks, awfully, but tho United States of A;nerica is pretty good name. In Mr. D. II. CuFer’sgi-dcn, near Ferry, there are a half dozen dew berry bushes that bear fruit that is of a creamy white tint when ripe. These bushes are bearing this year for the first time, and the fruit is iq e. The Delaware Legislature has tbm'.vJ, kAlg. d ‘ v /i lfs l ‘G ift J&f kind of business for lawmakers to bo up to. The Delaware constitution, now nearly ono hundred years -old, is indeed a Curiosity.—Ex. Mr. Charles Donaldson, of Abbe ville. has a genuine Texas centipede. It whs sent to him by his brother, F. W. Donaldson, of Genton county, Texas. It is between five and six inches long, with long, craggy limbs protruding from its body. It is said that wherever one of them comes in contact with tho human body the flesh of the person wjl] decay. “Will you please giro me some thing to eat?’’ said tho tramp. “Wo have nothing for you today.'* said the housewife. “1 am sorry,” said tho tramp, “for it will not be con ycniont tor me to call to-morrow. ” The New Home Sewing' Machine Go’s agent are not like the tramp lor tlioy will make n thojc business to call tomorrow if you will only drop t _ » Iliut ..I thftt i thinklllff . - . . • oi a. YOU lire ^ * buying a New Home Sewing Ma chine. ■We have before us the magnificent Trade Issue of that sterling southern paper, “Thy At’anta Journal.” In this age of progress, we are surprised at the wonderful displays of business enterprises, but in ihis instance “The Atlanta Journal'’ has taken the fr<3i;f rank, and is justly entitled to the proudest position in peorgia journalism^ We knew it was in all its depart ments a first clas§ we^ly and daily but were not prepared to gaze in ad miration upon its mammoth “Trade Issue.” May the people of the Empire State rally more heartily to the Journal's support and keep it to the front. BBowtrs moM bitters _ _ Cun* lmUgt«tlon, Biliousness, P\-spepsia, Mala. Tia. Nenotnueef, *u4 < :,i,eral IV tiUity. 1-hysL «aip reeximmeud it. AlieiaMn wl! it. Genuine trade mark and eroaned red Uiu s ou wrapper. -•:< i l i l * *■' \i w vL bt ) v 5 ' t ••Jjj T* * V* K ( KLKBKATION. S.pnirs to 1>o sung by aTtheiw lire's! n4 the *.rti Amuuti m-vting of tho | Jasper Cotinly S. *S Association j 1st autl 2ml IHS'J. j | 1st fcong No. 345 I’ray. r and Piaise Sml - 4lh „ .. yl r “ 1 lt «, = “ 2') 2 7th “ “ C;« - <• 197 U 11 SfNDAY MoBNTNG. 1st Song No, 355 Prayer and Praise | 2nd “ “ 312 “ schools arc requested to j practice the above pieces fur good! concert singing. I J 11. Conaway, Chorister. “GOLDEN DAYS; A HIGH-CLASS "WEEKLY FOE BOYS AND GIRLS. THE BEST WRITERS for youth that money can procme are regularly engaged upon and give their best work to Golden Pays. PUaZBEDOM will per;e,v and Joliet the i.ngeniou boys and girls, as it has in the past, TERMS: $3.00 TEE ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ADDRESS, JAMES EL VERSON, PfiB N. \y. con. NinTS & Si’nucE Sts. rniAADELPlIIA, P ■A ! J m i li mi SB fit 111 IMS Foil SALE BY D. S. fifilfflltt game - FOR THE HI.OOD, lilUousnpee, Weakness, take llwlaria, indigestion naj lUttlWN S IRON ltlTTF.US. it rnros guii kiy. i'or sale by ull dealers Hi Uiodicine. (Jet the genuine tesskwx PJjifi k-Vvi.ucA/tyu;,: to ! , . «n receipt of W.I j 1 IV>.D uiio Jriil lUacctsut ........... Tilt, V„t4,K Hf ♦.» i'>*f.’m:*stors, A»C']its A a of New ^«»rk im t!;.» J ?1 \ ! . S i J I I f Kithnatt* Illr.dtrnted Hporthman-l ^ ('v jniiri'. ; i puoliBh*>d onti\A An;i-r:e;monit:ni'M. SoinsaimMal Apply to r terms to ; jjj j J I i l‘j y • f > i Richard K. Vox, Franklin Serarr. X, „ V o: l fm _ #8|8oJM bI««« o. w Wa(rl> bMJli , L, MpU " ««««'» 8„ii.r«i..q y.U.U".*‘X“'V:r viittiHr ) Sampler. ,ino of The*-* ii«‘w»how tainplet, ^bsmssbs*^ at ii:," 1 them In hotna k ept yonr for 9 month* and shown them to thota hots whj»n»»srhaTOc*n*d, who wnto at ouco can the* ha btcomayoor euro of receivitift own property tho %Vsitct> lijota ul^^boT: _ .... __ ki it’ry w --. y - j THE ^ J?si Yd Uj W00PW0F \K' G t g)(g | o Af'fAgHMFHf^.^D NtW'HCMf 5CWJNG MACHiNrC® O^a'NCE-.'MASS tScA 6 ?: 28 UNION SQUARE.NX J VT.LQUIS.MO. ^ A TI-ANTACA to, CAL Cl5:| l i- FQR SALE^.BY , OALLAS.TEX, SO.1 SewInff-HlAchine’n lo * 1 , one* fsi-iblish j | trade m all part*, by p and I* *‘»np foods ear»X where the p*o »e enn *ee th*'*. we will send free to one P*r*oa in each loe«’<i]r,tfie very * best cewinfr-marhine mau« ia the world.Neitb all the attachmcnte 'V e wilt also een«» fr**c a complete line of our costly and valuable art sample*. In mum we ask that you •how what we tend, to tho sc who may call at your heme, and after Imoaths ail shall become your own Iproperm This grand tnachi oe >s l;na.1e aitar the Kiii|;ct' paienta, Lwhkh have run out; before patents \ o«t it sold for $tf: i , w uh t he » * lUSefiv.' No capital requim V ah*. . tt t om hack Arms Or rou nothing It Rill IMOnX'S and IRO.V give tilTTKRS. cure Ly yon. all dealers a good aj>pi' site. Sold la medkiue. -*r •J ' GO TO ( 0 9 » . ■ earn WW ’&•-$>, Pl^.'FW Jia Mmt feSf <5» $ A* ^0 Drilg StOPO FOTmCrij OCCUplOd __ IZ” Da - G- R. DOSlsr JMOllXlCCllO* oa Bm ): FOR :( ■ Canned Goods of all kinds, Oranges, Apples, Fancy Confectionaries, Can- i riles, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Flour, Meal, Grits, Iku.on, Laul, Sugar. Raw Parched Coffee, Tea, Spice, Giugcr, Soda, Syrup, Molasses, Soap, Kerosenc Oil, Etc. In fact Headquar ers for every thinari n the Eating line. Have just returned from Market where I purchased for the Gash the choicest Groceries at prices that f can afford to sell to my patrons that will astonish them. Having been in the business for sis years, am pre pared to know the wants of the people. My intention is t© keep a full Dnepf Fresh Family and Fancy Groceries and my motto is. to save all of my customers Money, To be convinced of this fact give mo a trial and you will come again, I will not purchase anything but the Freshest riul Purest Goods. Jusl received, another Fresh line of Fancy Groceries and eonfectionaues. Thanking my friends for a liberal support and a continuance of tlic same, I am, Respect!i<ljy, J. If. S. SMITH. BGrAil goods delivered to any part of City when sold,—4—9. INDURATED FIBRE WME* ABSOLUTELY 0N£ PIECE 1 HAS EQ HOOFSl it ,!/t- w NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED! j Hi EOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER! . ina HAS APPEARANCE OF POLISHED MAHOGANY. 5«3| PAILS, TUBS, BASINS, PANS, KEELERS, SPiTTOONS, 1 SLOP-JARS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &C., &c. LARGE VARIETY CF GOODS. CQRDLEY & KAYES, Hew York, Sole Agents. Oswego, Factories: Portland, Me., Peterboro, N. H . Watertown, Mass., N. Y., Loekport, N. V., Cleveland, Ohio, Winona, Minn. FOR SALE BY ALL HOUSE-FURNISHING, HARDWARE, GROCERY AN!) CROCKERY DEALERS. FULL PRICE LIST AND CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. fc- THE EXCELSIOR .m I HEliiS g|_ __r .3 / r toed late Equal «o SsSSn y; | ; ....... r^tu s wantmjj these ma s;; i nx.n L. V, 3 / 'mmm .*>; t Jb J £ Ii u • AC * ig. m mi I 1 ’,! |f CSi k* [ZyJ D.D IIOLSENBECK, GRAY GA. - ^. T > =ir_ ;y ! • * > i 8 1 m ’ jm it 11/ UT* Mi r Jso0' u. i Mg •• ■i&xpg i %: , I ?■ ‘ 1 m IS* ADDliliSS,. T. R PLAN, GRAY GA . . 8. JJOSSER. J. D. HAKVEY. li. L. DAVIJ R 0 S 8 IB, HARVEY & DAVIS. (!o!> TO THE CITIZENS OF JASPER AND SURROUNDING O COUNTIES O I o I ! o 1 Having permanently Located at Monticello Ga we ofii-r yon the best and cheapest line of Dry Goods Clothi Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, consisting .of Hardware from Jews harp to a Cross-cut saw, and fyll line of Crock ery from .a. 1 gallon jug to Ewer and Basin, A BEAUTIFUL LINE .OF All wool Henrietta cloths. And all colors of Cashimeres The Nobbiest Line of Prints a n d Ginghams South of Mason a:id Dixon Line. Also new and elegant line of While Goods, Embroideries and Edging to match and all the Latest Styles of Veiling’s. Hosiery from 5c a pair to $1,00 a pair. Gloves in endless varieties and prices. Towels, Table Damask and Doylies to match. A BEAUTIFUL LINE SCRIMS AND CRETONS, WOMANS’ BEST FRIEND WARNERS' RALLS CORSETS AND FULL LINE OF COTTON A DES, CHECKS. STANDARD OF THE WORLD SHEETING AN.0 SIJIRT1NG TICKS FROM OCEAN TO ACA, i-HATS IN ALL STYLES,-| Tin-ware. T v 7 oodenware and Willoware. Trunks, Valises, and fine line of SHIRTS \Ye always keep oi ha id a full supply of meat, corn, Br^o, Lard, Flour syrup and in fact everything in the Grocery Line that the Farmers need It is a lull'd matter to got first class lard. We are happy to announce to cur friends that we can furnish you with an extra fancy quality—tha purest, best in the worl 1. It is a p Lit in our business method that ws test, examine everything that we sell before purchase, which, in o.i judgement, must b.e the best, A full lino of MC ; . t'AiiAi 1 i.Y ts. (iA.Y 1 ) 1.113 AMD.T'GIIM and th® sweetest toilet soap and the best Laundry Soap in the world. Now, do you want something in our line ? If so como ssss.7srx.nx: It is our intention to accomodate the people and to serve thorn to better ad van* l!, s° in li,e rutttietliaiwe have ever done. Feb. Kosser, 18!i, 18S9—ttf Harvey * & Davis a If You are indebted to Ti HUT r F.&. -sr r ■ For we need the MONEY DISTINCT and must have it.