The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 18, 1889, Image 3

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PUUUSUEO F.VEllY SATUtlDAY Moa.MNU AT «;U 4 ’, OEORfil.V, -BY T. ,Tt. PEN S.— Subscription l’atis--In Advanco. One Year. .... i 5 f’.xil untfi«...... ‘I !*-t-e Month, ..... A EitaraJ at tbs }>(,*%) tide ai Crar&a ». second class mailAUUttc-r. Vostolfiee orders, drafts, etc., slioulS be made payable to T. It. Bess. Kates for advertising made known •Indication. Communications for individual benefit, or (if ft personal character, charged for the *nme as advertisements. Marriage and obituary notices, not c-x tceding one square, inserted without charge —over one square ivi 11 be barged for same gis advertisements. (Opinions Correspondents expressed alone them are responsible through for liy these columns. TOWN AND COUNTY. Did you cer hear cf so many picnic’s, May parties ami excursions? Mrs. J. C. Me.Michael of Barnes, willc, died of pneumonia the 13th inst. '/’he recent dry and cool weather lias been very unfavorable for the young cotton. All Obituary notices exceeding twelve lines will be inserted for one. dollar. Itememl er this. 1>. I>. HOlSKXil/CCK FoUXl) GUILTY. The hoys all oyer town hung their ilie-ad* low when the trial of D. D. Jlolscnbeck W3.s ended, and the so licitor read aloud thus. We, the jury, find D. 1). Holsenbeek guilty of soiling goods lower than any house in Gray. We copy the following fiom the Jasper County New3. Mrs B. W. Frobel, of Atlanta spent lari. Saturday aiui Sunday in M'-nticello. There was bail and considerable wind in the Wllbourn neighbor hi od last Monday. Col. W, P, Davis has bought another pocket knife much to the delight of his Court House friends. He had a ten cent Barlow last year blithe lost that during Xmas, Mr. Frank Webbs friends will be p'eased to learn that he has been elected Local Editor of the Emory College Phoenix for the ensuing year A compliment worthily bestowed. About two o’clock last Monday* Afternoon the alarm of fire was given and it was soon that the houses owned by Nett Max *y (»pl) would soon yield to the mighty fiend. It originat'd* in an outer building used far a wa 3 h house, and the wind being very high, soon the kitchen and dwelling were in flames. The < j izens renderttl prompt assistance and* manag'd to save all the contents of t he iiotise-i The loss is estimated at eight or nine hundred with no insurance. Ten years ngo the superintendent of an Jowa railroad booted a tramp out of his office for having the cheek to ask for a pass. To-day the is the superir.dent of the same road, while the man who lifted him on bout keeps a restaurant and sends him over lunches. WHY IB IT That people linger . along complaining about that continual fired feeling? One bottle of B EGG S’. BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER will entirely remove this feeling, give them a good appetite and regulato digestion. For sale by D. D HOLSLN BECK. NOTICE! I will do all the work and sawing ofy our pines at 40cts per hundred feet. For further information apply to the undersigned at Monticello, Ga. A. A. PENN. Notice to Debtors and Creditors _ 4 AH persons having demands flgainst the estate of N. S. Glover, Lite of Jones County, deceased, are hereby potified to render jn thgir demands to the undersigned ing to law : and all petsons indebtea to said estate are required to maice immediate pavmmt. W. J'. GLOVES, Ad mV. N. S. Glover, decease a Apr. ?nd fit -Hr*. E. 3 HARDEJI A :>.!,« ml rffitr : CXUTOA LOt'AI.S. Mr. Ilonry* Penn, of SL-nUcelhs, vis ted Clintsii last. Sunday. ' Plums are not growing at all on 1 account of the diy weather. Mrs, fid Morton and Mi-s Addin Kate were in town Tuesday. The oyster will not f>e ‘‘in the soup” for the next four months. Be utiuil moonlight nights week but oil! how fearful the drouth! Mr. Jno S. Stewart and wife, of p v0tm d Oak’ spruit last Friday ill - '~‘ l Judge Johnson returned on Mon day trom a fishing trip “down the country.” Carpet shaking In the back yard tells the tale of woman’s fun and man’s misery. The flowers on U e spring bon nets are natural enough to stick in a vase of water. Mr. Mitchell of Monroe county preached in Clinton bit ml ay at 11 «: m. and at night. The Clinton Sabbath School will have its annual picnic at Gray on Friday before first Sunday in June. Mis. Richard Harris, of Atlanta, spent Sunday' night and Monday with beraant Mrs. G. T. Purseley. Rev. Mr. Cook expresses Ids ap preciation of the very large and tentive congregation to whom iic preached last Sunday at Round Oak church. Rev. C. C. Davis, who was in the Clinton work some years ago, is this week holding a meeting at Roberts Chapel near the home ot Mr. Jack Roberts, The Fortvil’e Missionary 7 Society will have a mass meeting at the church Saturday, May 25 h. Din ner will be served on tbe grounds and an interos£ing programme is being arrang d. Messrs. 11. 8. Greaves, (Jus Stew art, Jack and Will Baimnand R. V. Hardeman left lust Monday for the Oconee Swamp on a weeks fishing frolic 'J imy wdl Camp out and have aj Uy time with the swamp owls and the finney tribe. ----—,-s & .*sx-------— YOU CANNOT AFFORD At this season of thp year to be wit hout, a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, coi ic, diarrhoea and ail inflammation of the stomach and bowels are exceed ingly dangerous if not attended to at 0l;Ce * Cue bolt e of LE(.G> ! DIARRHOEA BALSAM will do more good m cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth, We guarantee it. For sale by D. I) HOLSEN-BECK. ------ **&*Zim—* --- A PLEASANT’ TRIP. Deap. 11 eaDL totrr At 4.30 a. m. May 10th, at Juliette, 175 people boarded t|ie E. T. V. A Ga. train hound for Cave Sj rings. Juliette was the starting point for the ex cursion and at every station till At lanta was reached the crowd yvas added to,—big, little, old and young piled in until two trains of eight coaches each were, packed. Oi v,, 'SC on si eh an occasion as this a «ody expects to be walked over, sat upon, bumped again*!, toes stepped on, dust begrimed, etc. Girls, as usual, forgot fans, and t sticking their heads out of d ows j ost their Sunday hats. 11S tbe train stops a t some Nation several never-te-still young fellows must needs get off and run into the little store and thereby see the train move off without them. Th< n ensues ^ ratio, tbo passengers y ell, but lie “makes it.” Except in ‘‘Fatty ease, instead of jumping on the ear rivp he landed right square on his head in the middle of tbe tide track, lurne( ] •< 6 nmmcr-setv’ and was left in tbe fcumb!o t0 awa ifc the t f lho train that evening. At Cunningham Station we enter Vann’s Valley, where tlio railroad runs for miles through a beautiful level whore not a cut or fill two feet deep is to be seen, the ica J lying at the fi-oi of the mountain, with prut- 4y t>»ick residen'es and big barns, !S fp*tnd:d. Leaving ti.e valley the 1 mg Hans worm their way through the mountain.-, not running so 110W7 |i l iar l» curves forbidding T lrs gives us a tino opportunity to take in the lovely scenery. P o' we know it the Ifuip runs ou* a a -u'l't >f table ui.mny, of a 1 Lv.n 1 trade itpfc srai!Ci» mry wav von I look. Hero ihe E T. V. & Ga. terse* ts the B. & \V. K. II. by a A’ iti’ani is turned and we make a run of Id miles on the B. & W. 11. K. Oave Springs. Heme just ahead ot our two trains (with their 750 pas sengers) is one from Home earn ing 500 peiscjis mere fo join our mam - niotn picnic. Soon the immense crowd of pieuioers use hui Tying !l!i t,,e * avp 0 l' ri,l n L e i v -b - tlil1 n 4*‘ rite town to ihe park. r l he population of the p’uee is about one thousand and the town is one long street that makes off from the rail road at right angles at d extends to a large civek a hali'milo away. 1 iiis creek forms a kind offence for one h;Jf of the park, which is ob long, and the mountains on the other side form the other half of the leree. The Spring is indeed a mag nificent curiosity, .tie immense quantity of water cou.hl readily run a mill, and a pin can be plainly seen through s : x or eight feet of water, which is fine to drink. On the side oi tne mountain, about one hundred and fifty fief (slant hejghth) from the Spring is the mouth of the Cave. An udmis ion of ten cents is paid, and a lighted candle furnished. About 3 JO had gone down abend of me and, looking down,, the hun dreds ot little candles seemed like twinkling stars. hundred fee! down from the entrance, at the bot tarn of the Cave, we see by can lie light the s.ubteiranoan stream that gushes from the mountain hundreds ot feet away. This is the real Cave Spring. A live duck was once. dropped into this stream and made its way out unhurt through ail un dorgiound route of over one him die ! feet. In this cave of solid rock arc quite a number of rooms, of all sizes and shapes. Passing from one of these apartments to another, we had to crawl through a tunnel o! at lea-4 thirty feet and in this room we found a bed of dead coals and a pile of ashes, and a certain Jones county man yelled out, “Let’s gel out, boys, Hades is certainly not far off.'’ The inspecting crowd, con fainmg about an equal number of gentlemen and lad'es, all enjoyed the underground ramble and thought the scone fine and one not soon to he forgotten. The air h said to be perfectly pure and is cool, the si la Wi.lis are “humpy” and rough, while overhead hangs num berless large 1 ronzed icicles, break through the bronze outside and you find pure white io"k. Juri out of the cave the air is oppressive in the extreme and one l’-.els faint and pants for breath, At 4 o’clock p. m. all leave the park and wend their way to the de pot, where, after the usual flurry, with “all aboard” at 4:30 with a whistle and a whiz wo are on' the return trip. Never heard so many | expressions of pleasure at one days holiday by n crowd who was lively ard jovial lo the end of the trip. No spare for personals. “J.” «• Neuralgic Per non if CnS t!xi?o tronbted with nervousness ramltint from care or overwork will he relieved by taking Brown’s Iron Hitters. c; C nutno aus trade mark and crossed rod lines on wrapper. <n THE PRIDE OF WOMAN. A clear pearly 7 and transparent j skin is ]| always a sign troubled of pure blood, a persons with dark, S y y . , ■■ ’ J ° ll * < B 111 an I r ^t assured that their blood is out of order. A few doses of BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER & BLOOD MAKER will remove the cause and the sk'u will become clear and trails parent. I iy 7 it, and tl satisfaction b nofc g iv<in ifc wlU cost T 011 nothin S ^ ^ fully warranted, for salo by ^ 7 HGL8ENI4EOK. Jil 8d? Ml 1 MOSEY! By liuylnpat whole sale and Mdu.g nt -■> V*-pt reliable f'rthechrMji* hiuia« f 2d t one on ceipt rarth. c< of 11 08 »taiup« cts. On re- in ^mpf«»ons we Will >eiul Bi ft act r.f fur if i iy aaftfes, f%*f t her bo with our c*.ta I'igueof Wfttebo*, Jfeoks Onus an « 1 ! mime roue hiiiiwiioU articles on which offer great indnccnieiifs t<, o A Ageno. w* and a otfierr. Tb i II® ■h* Ift* arc accurnt Icly fitud and adjusted and itro warrsi) fed in . every reject, and aro c.nly *.?■ r» d at this price forthe f-.rl};c priwenfe pr to enc'-irag* and others !o hand!* our yood», Op Up a a ter» loil&r caah order fr'* 7 .i our mammoth circular wo will om * t of sc tics free, <.r allow j-.m tie pn re paid for flu* w t. A. T. EVAN.-j k CO, Id2uad I ii nlste til, UIICAGO, ILL, M’ewantit distinctly understood that wo are not responsible for opin ions and sentiments expressed by our correspondents, or are responsible o* r communications of any desciipt S m STATS WE LIVE \l The -negro w!u* assaulted Operator j Tripp ar. Tenuille, has been caught :uul 18 ,n j al1 * There are a million dollars worth of new houses going up in Savannah. That is a splendid showing. It :S said that the finny tribe is more plentiful m the streams this season than for many years past, and the fisher m< n,don’t fail to bail them almost daily. John Horn, a negro desperado of Laurens cotiniy, who has been de fying the law officers for some time, is in jail in Dublin. Lie was cap tured after much work by the county bailin' and marshal, A movement has been star'ed in Hart couuty to have farmers decline to hire hunda unless the hands can show in writing that they have either full!.led their previous contracts or have been honorably released from the same, Mrs. Ben Almond, of Elbertcn, lias growing in her yard a lemon tree that is eleven years old and an orange tree that is thirteen years ohi. Bo.h were planted ftum (iio seed, and they have borne fruit several seasons. Though rather dwarfed, they are very hardy and have ma tured some fruit. ALL'ANtE SAYINGS. Be faithful to the principles of your order.—Ex. -- Learn to make a dollar and live on ninety cents of it. - To get out of debt, lesson your ex ponses and increase prolits. Study your business as closely as does the merchant, the manufactur er, the physician and the lawyer. Rely more on your brains and en ergy and industry and economy and you will grow more independent. . The (Ucniprs’ wives Can help out ns much as the man. They can save up eggs, butter, chickens, etc., and pay for a great dial of thing3, and m fact almost everything that a small family would use. Farmers should give their sons something in the way of a horse, cow, pig, or something of the kind iu order to get them in a good spiri', and then something can he done. Try it. - SUNDAY-SCHOOL ASS0CIA TiON. Program of the seventh A nnual meet ing to be held at Monficellj on Sat urday and Sunday June the 1st. and 2nd.1889. 1. Schools called to order by Pres. W II Thompson, 2nd,Opening song byall the schools, 3rd, Devotional exercises by-- 4th, Address, Greeting, by W, T Lane. 5th Song by all the schools, 6th Address, Cheering,by Dr Walker 7tli Song by a'l the schools, 8th, Contest for the banner by all the schools, Two Songs each. Monticello Methodist, Ililhbwo Providence, Cal vary, Midway, Hope well, Hill Seminary, Monticello Bap tif-t, Liberty, Concord, Prospect, New Rocky Crock, Betldehcrn, Bethel,Sar dh, White’s Academy, Monticello Presbyterian, Andrew, and Hebron, 9th. In'ermission for dinuer, one iionr and a ha'f. 10, Reassembling. 11 Sunday morning, called toordei by President at 9 30: 12 Religious exercises; 13 Service of songs by all the schools for one hour: 14 Sermon by at eleven; 15 Intermission one hour ami one half. 10 Reassembling of schools, 17 Children’s jubilee: The chorister Of each school for some _ one selected i.ii by the: school , . ri .. beie be no chorister) will compose the committee to award the banner SwoSaS? taking all mutters in consideration. Banner presented t’v W. P Davis at the close of exercises Saturlay aflei'n'on. Lewi* i Thcnap'Hm of Lumpkin , have two youag‘owls which they propose to tame tun] keep for pets, j They are of the large Unwed species, ! autl although thc-v ate unable to fly. | they w-i'l iMsm-ure four feet in ex pause ot wing Their downy, fluffy vevuing is just being replaced by theseconLituy feathers. Mrs. It. A. Edmonds ot Elbter county has a cooking pot that was brought out of the revolutionary war. it was bought by her father from a gentleman that came out oi 'he war, ami lie used it a'l through ihe nosing of his children; ami sue hag used it ever since. It n sup posed to be ore;' iivo hundred year* old. Mrs.'ll. H. Carlton, out at Clover hurst, in Clark county, has an ol 1 gooso that haatbeeai indulging iu the “poetry ot motion” for some time. I lie I oys throw the old goose a I eice ot Incad, and then begin to play on the banjo or guitar an t<» pat, when the delighted goose will eoatmeare to dance and continue at short interva 1 s. as the nutate and patting is kept up. Judge I’ilsbury J of America lui* the icr, a pap3i-printed .... m i any in 1864, by J.mos & D ckinsen, with Francis 1. Wheaton as unitor, It contains the legal advertisements of seven counties, including Sum ter county, and showed up a rood local advertising patronage. The judge f mud several volumes of this pap"r while moving from tlie old court house to the new one. At Americas, abo-ut a month ago, Charley Pin'ips, son of W.S Philips, stuck a lit' go splinter neatly through his foot. The doctor ox ti rated the splint-r, which measured two irdies. Bince that lime he bus been troubled a great deal with the loot, and Fiiday, while examining the place discovered another splin ter which he pulled out himself. It measured 1 1-2 inches in length,am! has been in his foot all this time. Sometime since at the cribs of James and Will Patrick, on the Thrasher farm, in Walton Comity’ there was mi immense rat killing. A party of men and boys with three active d g*, on two seperate rainy 'lays, s'ew by actual count .300 grown rata, to say nothing cf mice an 1 frying-size rats, it was found in one crib that twelve bu-hels of she led corn had been cutoflTthe cars the rat* having had access to a large pi'e of shucked corn. In the oJicr crib it was thought even more com than that had be-n cut off. The well o.i Broad street, Albany, that vent-latei t he subterranean dram passage, is being cleaned out. This well lias a lus'ory which is ol considerable interest. Twenty-five years ago the bottom fell out of a town well, which occupied that position in the streets, and a large part of the street cawd in aroitiid it, leaving an ugly and dangerous* sink in the middle of the street. This occurence discovered the subterran ean passage now used as a sewer. An opening was effected to it after much difficulty from the vacant lot in the corner of Farkas’ Btables. The well was bucked up from the bottom and the work of tilling in arouud was begun. It required a longtime and a groat deal of dirt to fill in the hole, but it was fl».ally filled, and has proved a great advantage to the city by giving it an important subterran ean revver. A I UNO EXHIBITION. During the grand .Military Tourn ament in Macon on the 20th and 21st of this month, Mr. E. 1). Irvine has decided to hold a Piano Exhibition. Mr. Irvine has just returned from the Northern Factories with a mag nificent line of celebrated makes and he invites all visitors to Macon on tho above, dates to be certain and call. aetendance A superior entertain pianoist all will be in to with the prettiest of Music. Among other novelties will he a ' “BABY PIANO.” manufactured expressly for little girls giri who to practice visits Macon upon. ‘Every little | tain mu>t he cer ; and call to see it and play a pretty pian«* piece of Music on the Baliy niKOBMWU MUSIC STORE Is the place on Mulberry Street. Those who cannot visit Macon should for a catalogue of the Baby Piano. *EVEUE CASIJ3 OF BLOOD POISON . • Thousands snfiTer from Ulool j.-ol— 5 *n, who would be cared if ;no y gavw B, B. B. (Hoatanio Blood Calm) a trial. Send tojthe Blood Balm eo-. Atlanta, Ga., for Look of wanderflil caires; that convince the most skepti cal. It is sent free. J, O. Gifljj.i, Meridi m, Mis 1 ., wring. “For a number of years f stifle; cd untold agonies from blood poison. Several pronaiuent physi cians did me little if airy good. I began to use B. B. B. wi h very little faith, but, to my utter surprise it has male me a well ai.d hearty l'Cisrtr..” Z. T Ilalle; tan, Matron. C;t. writes “I contracted blood poi.-u >. I first tried physicians, and then We.4 to Ilot Bp ing. i returned bouse a ruined man physiciaH. ]^ j othlIlg kerned to do me any good.' ,\ly mother persuaded me to try B. B. B. To my utter astonishment every ulcer quickly healed.” Benj. Morris; Atlanta, Ga. writes; “1 suffered years from syphilitic blood poison which refosid to 'bo cured by ad treatment. Physicians n«cd it a hopeless -case had no aopeue, l had naius m lups and j„Lms and my kidneys were 'di-eased. .My throat was ulcera e;l and my breast a mass of running sores. In ihts < omlitiou 1 com ineneed a use of B. B. 15.. It lieuletl every uluw and .save mid cund mo complclly within two months.” Ordinary's Office, Jones Co., fin April 29tli 1939. Whereas i', appears to the court that the estate of Miss N. A. Ross, deceased, is unrepresented, tin-fin are tlion fme to cite all personscon eerne i t > show cause s t this otlloo on or by first Monday 7 in Juno next, if any they have why administration on said estate eimll not bo vested in some prop r person according to law. Witness my hand officially, 1C T. BOSS, 4w Ordinary 7 .. Ordinary ’s Office, Jones Co., Ga*,, April 29th 1*9. Notice is hereby* given that the report of Commissioners sotting aside one years support to Tilda White (c) from estate of her deck! husband is of file in this ollico and I will pass judgment upon the saiuo at the June Term next of thri court unless some legal cart c be showu to the contrary 7 . Witness my hand officially, it. T. BOSS, 4w Ordinary. COVINGTON & MACON RAIL ROAD. * II It .INCH UA.ILitOA.D 3 . At a meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Covington uni Macon Railroad Company held on the 8th of May 1889 in the City of Macon, tbe following resolutions were adopt ed: Resolved, Two-thirds in number of tins Board concurring, that a branch road he constructed from a point at or near the town of Mac hen, on the line of said railroad, Ihrougii or near the town of Jackson or some other point in tbe county of Butts, to a point on the Central railroad at or near the City ot Griffin, i tho County ot Spalding, said branch road to be about forty-five miles m length, running through portions of the Counties of Jasper, Butts and Spalding as aforesaid. 2. It was resolved, with the same majority, by said Board, to build a branch road from the main line at Machen to or near the town of Ea tonton in Putnam County, a dis tance of about seventeen mih'S, run ning through portions ol’Jasper and Putnam counties. A. CRAIG PALMER. Y OF c. & M. K. K. CO. SRomnrs^ IRON BITTERS. t THE BEST TONIC. Vn<ll»,'"“*<'U Cures Completely Mnlapta , Mve» iu%d «Q<tomc l*. Cnlj Hr own's Iron IJiricr: nrii-Je bf fir/iq 9^'i Co., PftJt4mofc- <3 U U» niilk cm wratfjot 7 .