The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 18, 1889, Image 4

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- ocn way TO We have among our exchanges to day the sumptuous May number ol that band some illustrated publica tion for the ladies, the Paris' Jtashiun Journal and Art Dress Maker, of JV'ev/ York and Cincinnati. Jr. the ever changing sphere of fashion the Paris Fashion Journal is undoubtedly the most superb, the brightest and most entartaining illustrated monthly in the world, its descriptive fashion articles are contributed .b} the foremost writers * in this country, Paris and Berlin, exclusively for this journal, while its stones and sketches are bright aud entertaining. No other magazine published comes anywhere near giving as varied an amount of charming reading matter for the price as this popular Fashion Journal at adollai Its illustrations aro veritable art treasures, and it is, in everything, certainly the foremost publication Wetuke f n,i pleasure f in announcing . the consumption of arrangements Piis month by which any of our lady readers upon sending ten cents in postage to the publishers, Messrs A. B. Plceher and Co., 250 Racer Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, will receive a specimen copy of the Pans Fashion Journal free. JJf FO IT It HACK AC11EH t)r you arc all worn nut, isally k<k»! for nothluj it In general UtOS debility. HITTBK/t. Tit HitOWNH Sold It will cure yon, and deulere give a medicine. good appetite. by ail in ft* NOTICE, THIRD AND EAST ROUND. I will he at the following place* to-wil; J. (J. Dumas’ on Monday, May 13th. Haddock Station, Tuesday, May 1 Uh. V. B. Clark’s store, Wednesday morning, May 15th. Jesso Miller’s store, Wednesday evening. May’ 15th. Wash Ross’ store, Thursday, May 10th. J. S, Stewart’s mill, Fi iday morn jug, May 17th. Bradley’s Station, Friday evening, Mi17 th. Round Oak, Monday, May 20th. M. N. Tyner’s store, Tuesday morn ing, May 2ltd. Glover’s mil, Tuesday evening, May 21st. T. C Pippins’ stove, Wednesday morning, May 22nd. Uaney Creek church. Wednesday evening, May 22nd. Popes Ferry, Thursday, May 23rd. Five Points, Friday morning, May 2iih. Wnvside, Friday evening, May 24th. II. A. Gordon's store, Monday morn ing, May 27th. G. W. F, McKay’s store, Monday evening, May 271h. Jackson Roberts, Tucsdaj’, May 28th. Roberta Station, Wednesday, May 29th. LaFayctle Balkcoma Thursday, o0*h. James Station, Friday, May 31st. Morton Station, Monday, June Bid. Grays Station, Tuesday evening, Juno 4th. Haddock Station, Wednesday, June 5th. Sid Jones’, Thursday, Juno 6th I am in Clinton every Saturday, and will dose my books by the 80 th of Julie. William T. Morris, Tax Receiver Jones Co. ^pr. 22nd 1889.—til jun20 ‘‘GOLDEN DAYS.' A HIGH-CLASS WEEKLY FOE BOYS AUD GIELS. THE BEST WRITERS fer youth that money can procuic are regularly engaged upon and give their best work to Golden Days. rUZZ LEDUM will perlex and delight the ingenious boys and girls, as it has in the past. TERMS: $3.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. *• . ADDRESS, JAMES ELtERSON, Bob N. W. cor. Ninth a SercceSts. Philadelphia, P OH. B. A. JOSES. SSk r RESIDENT DENTIST M0NTICEI,r,0 GEORGIA. I will be in IIiHsooro second week in each month. K SJF M . ____ _ y fRpYALftWKfj § 0 |: : : mMi w' ^ vm Bdjg £% nill ™ g&j is \alt4 a wg sis £ Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A ma vcl of purity, strength and whoJer someness. More economical than (he ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold n oompetition with the multitudes ovv test, short weight, alunin orphos phatc ROYAL powders. BAKING- Sol only in runs POWDLit CO 106 Wall Street New York K3ff mm S.SU m TAW A STEM-WINDING WATCH, A GOLD FOUNT AIN PEN , AND 84 CASH . Fos* an Hour’s Work. A Vo want, at lonet, ono movo subscriber to TKXA8 511-TIN* *S inevery town, village will aud hamletin America, fluent [f ymi wrfto to uh at om*«, wo will appoint cash you our n your noijfhborhoovl* a«nl pay you a oommis* •ion will of Uno also Dollar Kive on evtry pronent subscript of £2.50 ion Gold you send, Fountam and v« you a u Pori for tho hrat BubHfrif>l ion you r.viui. When you show paper to your noigliljova, we know you will have no iitticuity in pelting than a number «.noH!;bscriher.r» of bubsorihers: nn-n.bnr but oven w'h if 'on novergot morn Gold 1’ou AS A I’Kl.NhNT, imd will ihu.ll nail it give to you the M»nd tholu nt subscription, you theeolebratoa aasoonasyou MANHATTAN 1'tM'ISTAlN Hio non is gold PLN,with gold mounted barrel, lilted with a 14 carat >en, the established price of which is $2 fin. These pens uo iudispenaalfjo to every, one who has writing to do, no .hoy hold enough ink 'ready to write twenty They pages write of.foolscap freely, >a)ior, and gradual an* always flow, glid«' iiHsmoothiy tor'use. pencil avo a as ft over d.e p‘ i"*r, aud will last a lifetime. Tho pviv.o of TLX AS SlFi iNG <S is $4 a year. C^f thi,a »o give you $1 on each subscription KOLlJi Rubseriptions, you sond. lu ddition to this, if you synd Hold us Vonntain Pen and we tiall send you the a $5 item-winding and Stem setting Nickel 1'nsod Watch. Phe w atch is NOT A W ATI.UI'IJ KY. It is full ioweled, nui has the duos* Waltham style movement. silver, and The case the b solid thick uickel beveled eoniainhig glues. 2 It «i per is cent, perfect t nnekeepor. over 'acts n DaIVIl We warrant both the IVu and the TLXAS SIFTINGS could not afford to give either a yen \ or •i, watch that it would not guarantee. subscriptions will For K your trouble in securing 4 you £4 cash, n $2.50 pen aud a $5 watch, if you want neither pen nor watch, but do want to vork* for cash, write thau uh and that wo offered shall by offer you Journal a cash •etnmission greater America. any or \l<iga.*.me in of the ( best known, T cl i:\AS certainly SI l> T1N( of .F the is probably most popular, one humorous and in ih ono iterary papers in t ho world, a volume for a year c m a ins f»‘3 woekh ikly nmnbeis, KM pages, 1,500 illustrations, ’ It published two hemispheres. T’ <,000 oc >luran s is 120,00*) m copies weekly. Thu e An ieri can edition is over in lionden. England, Las 8 iur« ii edition, published of 60,000 copies week. •cached a circulation newsdealers a cents LIFTINGS is sold by at 10 a copy. Send live cents in stamps, and vvo shall send you ft simple copy of LIFTINGS, and full uxolanatmu of 0 nua. When writing state where you taw uiut ftuvt. ,v m 2 .. J *« I A YEAR. ”17:33:“ g’IKqZI V ."U .1, ff: ‘ 1:31”)? 9""9‘433‘23 w .141..- 1 'h- ‘14; «kw 5:, *“t¥:-—’17~ v-‘imt‘mfi‘ W 5;» ! ' w ONE DQLZ‘HAR 5 _ _ , A. ” YEAJRJ Ter Large Pages of Choices: Reading Mr. The Greatest. of Dollar Weeklies. ‘ 't'nn Fan Paws Is now within the reach of all. It! mhlao! con fimum mammal all that is meet dwimblu in a x‘amily paper. Bu!» 54mm; u.'. nave. Addy-s-ss [maple Duffie. Fm . b‘l‘LISIfl I’llfigfi (30.. Detrult. Oh. “MW Cr, Moffett’s TEETHi'^A (Teething Powder:) AMeye Irritation, Aidsion, Child, RendaV* the s: :.:TtU*»nai lh« at like.' Teiihii»K J*‘asy amt on’y i5 Cen*a. Teething cures r.i viptiuas and ftnd rothir.c equal* It f t tli*? buumier t roub!** of Chtldrea o/ cry due. Jt iisctfea*: i stuft Try it aud you will »r t o without TKETtUiSA aelouic itrussi-fe as there ara child* Hu U UcLLcuftC. yvur Cl A HENCE H. C U B BEDG E 672 CHEERY STREET, MACOfl QA.. Genera! House Furnish «e% \J £ rf % U eaZop Tffff Crockery, Q Iassware, Tmw-are : Cutlery, Excelsior and Capitola UC Qj&, Stoves and Bang-es. ires an 5 | vra s-au2ft PPI k’Diil & y. ^-c." " m ?? a mS£k, Bl a I a 1L. 7* J " ia 1 BbI ) I o “' W - ^ and Latest Styles THE DO WEST PRICES. Send us your orders and come to sec us when in Macon. BADS, NEEL & CO, —15—"ir, 557CHERRY ST Goods sent C. O. D. unless city reference is given. T.W. BONDS iHf ^ 0S y Aim A J VV fiifff ilt S sill ♦ Beds Free to Customers. T A w r /Iff? WQWK OF l V A CL EiQAHS and Jobacco^ AT THE BAR, FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Como once and you’ll come again. Morgans Corner ; Macon, Ga nu FUSE WUL ABSOLUTELY ONE PIECE! B Hp L HAS NO HOOFS! NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED 1 1 ■' K 0 T AFFEOTEO BY HOT WATERI HAS APPEARANCE OF POLISHED MAHOGANY. PAILS, T’JSS, BASINS, PANS, KEELERS, SPITTOONS, wm "S?!S'SS"" ,h ' k n “w I 4 CCnDLEY & HAYES, Nsw York, Solo Agents. FCR SALH EY ALL HOUSE-FUR.VISHING. HARDWARE, GROCERY A\’D CROCKERY DEALERS. FULL PHiCE LIST AMO CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. ft i f EXCELS?©^ all £ & *1 - ^in L/ vvw*m lifc "1 \COHDENSERS *■- ^ 1: g : - r ;cks th ® 399 TUe Circular Ed! Box iF -r> uufacturer Pctouted, and r.o other kk. ..,^8 aSw& H Sor.d can uso if. A G ^ for Circular No -1 trouble toroir.nmn3ce.te with SiC>Jv T*' ' f" Mb R I cliiucF. :• ’ - - ,.r ; - ...... ju.. • - '-.G ! •' 1 -'. ■- v - 5J Old Gins Repaired at Bbort w Mks - MACON, Ga. £ a .JL n. m f s - ice |g2i!?g «f * IP y > •; R GRAY GA. My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them. I will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No* tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, I have in Stock a full line s* Gents, Ladies, Misses and C.hildr cr’s ! 1 “Flf 1 m 6 0B S that I am going to close out regardless of cost, in clClClltlOll / - til T I 10 0 H, )f)VO, V ^> i 1 } fi Cl J_ JLjlI10 T iry a Ol JlcllU IioVl!" ^ ware, Crockery, _ * J mware, T w 1 r T oodenware. ^ and many VV (L* A XJ) CliXVi. 111U1AJ other , -f articles J * generally |1 : kept in a first-class store, | all of which I will sell at I Rock bottom prices. Give me a trial and he convinced that I mean business. D, D. HOISENBECK-