The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 25, 1889, Image 1

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a*. mS EiiJ mmm 5 i u si i ■M ■ m m 1 Wi : I ■ %■ m & VOL II. D. M. Dodson ofCampbell county Ijhs an apple tree standing below llathcoek’s mill which is 45 years old. It is loaded down with fruit, and look3 as if it might live forty live years longer. A gentleman of Murray county h is a genuine curiosity in bis pos session. It is the deed to a tract ofland in Kentucky bearing the signature of the famous Daniel Dooue as witness, The document is musty and yellow w hh age but notwithstanding this the chirogra phyofthe old hero of a hundred battles appears in characters still bright and legible. All Celestials are not like the ianious Ah Sin of “ways that are dark and ricks that ar vaur’’ A few days ago several young ladies went into a Clunaman’s shop at Atlanta to sea what curiosities he had in there. One of them, noticing the little roll of wira-lige hair that John curries under his hat. became curious to sec whaiapigiail looked iika Ive never seen a Cunamun’s pigtail,” At Aker’s mills, eleven miles from Atlanta, is an old man and his wife who have a remarkable sot of ch’ldren. One of the sons, who is 28 years old, is called Bud. He has never been any farther than Ma-iet ta since he was born, at a lit’-le white cottage perched on a hillside near the mill. Another gen is 21 years of ago; and he has never seen a town in his life, having been no farther than Mclver's station, one and a half miles from his h mu, The girl , of the family ig known “bwe-^ as nai," out sne is caileu. A>r short, The family talk cracker dialect, ... sleep tn a two-room house , and do all the cooking in pots in the yard. ‘Where ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise.” A remarkaVe case was tried at a justice court in Pickens county 16 centiy. Mr. Stephens Kirbv sued the Marietta and North Georgia Railway Company for damages to a hog by reason of the loss of one of the hug’s feet in a collision with the train. A fter a strong legal fight for three hours, m wliica the defend ant’s counsel contended that the rule of assessing damages was the los8 in weight of the hog by reason of being run over which was one foot, weighing; half a pound, at cents per pouud, 5 oe'nts, and plaintiff’s counsel insisted that the ru'e for assessing damages was the value of the hog when hurt, with the cost of nursing and medical treatment in curing the hog, er with such damages as the en lighted minds of-he juvy proper for the mental pain and anguish of the hog—the jury tbfiplaintiff $5, On Thursday night last Mr. H T. Huff, a well-known coal dealer of Atlanta, while cutting down a bee tree on his farm, five miles from Atlanta, on the Sandtown road, made a strange discovery. The bees were in a hollow tree, and Fel.x Jackson (colored) was put to work with in ax to hew it down. “Lawd a mercy,” exclaimed the negro, as he dropped his ax and jieered into the opening be had made by the light of a torch. The negro had discovered an arsenal whose 2XHSH muskets tree were eight o’d army and two bayonets which had bouQ stored away ^fbe by Boidiers twentyflve year. ago. stocks of the giins had nearly rotted awav, and the b. m! ,roa... ifc. r w grown about one uf the b y- .nets and made it-immovable. AMBI7I0H IS ,r ° MAKE A VERACIOUS WORK, BBLIABL1 IN ITS STATEMENTS, CANDID IN ITS CONCLUSIONS AND JUST IN ITS VIEWS." ITEMS OF INTEREST, A movement has been started in Hart county to have farmers decline to hire hands unless the hands can show m writing that they either fulfil ed their previous contracts or have been honoiably released from the same. Lawrence Keowu of Gwinnett county has four children with a difference in -their ages of two yeais, and just ton pounds difference in their respective weights. The first weighs 2 .j-, the sei ond 35, the third -15 and the fourth 55 pounds. Several days ago a lady in Ferry saw a jaybird eating a chicken on top of a fence post. Only a short while before the chicken had been seen in the yard alive. Of course was a small chicken— only several dayso’ld—yet almost as large as its captor, Here is an interesting bit of war history. In May 1804 Rev. Isaac Padgett went on the mountain to hear i lie guns at the battle of Ressa ca, thirty miles away. While lis— tening he placed a good sized rock in the fork ofahickoiy tree, stand ing then, as now, on the top ol the mountain, Recently lie climbed the tree and found the rock nearly out of sight in the tree, where it had quietly lain for twenty-five years. In Atlanta Wednesday the little eleven-year-old D’Alvigny, daughter of Dr. diaries who lives out near Grant park, was sent out on an errand and her pet Maltese cat followed her. On her return she L pjAV'i Up LiiO VWV V* when' •S~. 'A**** 1 ; } . cr trB!8 she met some boys with ... a dog. , T lho . ,, dug , r bewail lc au to worry J the cat. which ° ma le a desperate effort to g.-t away ..... from the child. She clung to it, and the animal attacked her fero- ciously, biting her three times in the calf of the leg and in the foot. Her ff0Un(]a arQ qUlte pa i n f u l, and scr ioua results ate feared. --- - -* A responsible citizen of Bruton tells Wrightsville Headlight that the hail storm which recently passed over that section was.undoubtely the heaviest and most destructive that had ever visited there. In many in stances it literally annihilated the cotton and corn crops, to such an extent really as to necessitate the ground plowed and the respective planted over again. On C. L. Holmes the bail k.lled outright all the fowls on the premises that wore not under sneltcr, besides doing like damage on the place. But the. most remarkable part of the story comes with the sequel viz. Two days alter the storm had parsed, it is said hail was found from 12 inches to 18 in dies m depth in certain localities where it had drif ed. An e’ephant stampede is reported from Riga, in Russia. Eight trained elephants were performing in a circus, when one of the animals, in stead of going quietly through the performance, raised his trunk sud daily and began to. trumpet. II s comrades at once lecame unruly and made for the dour. One of the leviathans burst it open without trouble. A lady who attempted to run across his path was seized gently around the waist and safely deposited on one side, ne huge SESSHH their cariosity and they 10 to excite excite their cn-ionty am «y examine examine i 1 it »tm m nute’y. ante. y. Tney They the the » » entered a small courtyard and began reg,^..- iv™. u«en»i piercing cries as taev pM<ccJ Eventua- kOT * J" .y were ni ne walk-d off to ihu:r quarter j, GKAr, Georgia, satubd^y. may 25 isss. . • • DR. J. T. SMITH, - • MOETICELLO, - GA. Office in building formerly occupied by Dr. Dozier. When not at office eau be found at Mouticel’o Hotel, All of my Drug's are Fresh. April 1st Cm. OR. R. A, JOiES. RESIDENT DENTIST MONTICELLO GEORGIA. I will be in Hillsooro second week in each month. -mu Mis MOSTTICELLO, - - GA. Mrs. AT. A. Suerill, Proprietress. (o) I OFFER REDUCED RATES FOR MONTH LY BOARDERS. I HAVE COMFORTABLE BOOM S AND NICE NEW BED’S. 3-7 -’83. Loans Negotiated On & Town Prnpartv IN BIBB AND ADJOINING COUNTIE? L- J- AHDERSOIT & CO. SUCCESSORS TO ELLIOTT E8TE8& GO HIS Second St. Macon BUY YOUR Trunks* Satchels- Pocket Ecoks> and FancyLeather GOODS, FROM THE FACTORY AT FACTORY PRICES. Macon Trunk Factory, J, Van & Co. 410 3 rd St. Macon G a §m KWWr 4 LeCOITTE BUR 3 EF.Y, SMIT1IYILLE, — — GA. All Kinds ofFruit Trees F'or Sale, SPECIALTIES: DeCoxte and Kieffek Fears. Japan Fersimmon and Grapes. 8®“Speoial prices to Alliances. Send for Catalogue Fl/e. IF. IF. THOMPSON,\ Proprietor. W W H our c,ita» ^ ^“rv l numerous hots' «*hoM h l' M artic. hrr%. TJ v arrant Hi 1’. I < CLINTON, GEORGIA PRACTICES IN OCMULGEK CIRCUIT Office in Court House, £ 9 m ::: * ■ v ry.'-rjp Covington & Macon R. R. Northbound.) (Souwbaund tv fe* '‘>vi ? rThih" B No. F 1 No. 2. | ? Dailv. V, *— tc 4 *-v u.uiocov - Dailv B-l I f If o ifo Ilf ft ft Dai! At &> o g. S ii ml a v S.“ hi f I A pri tli V" v. com L 18 8 !). K V: fe p. M 81’A'l IONS P. M A.M PM I - 1 00 In jLMACONA .Musey Mil (loo 8 Oft ft 1 ftu 40 28’ -- : ft 01 8 1U U 40 8 I -- -.1(1 Van UnrenR 5 4 1 8 07 i V 57 8 40 t - Roberts ft 3s 7 oft I 20 00 7 lift Horton .1 28 7 Ho ;.v> > s:v o l-j 7 42 L G rays ft 21 7 18 ; 4 o ... 11 00 0 28 7 48 •. Franks.. ft l;j 7 02 20 11 17 o yo 7 04 ..liaiTons 5 08 I! ft7 .4 10 11 22 s* 40 7 57 .. Wayside ft Oft - 3 Oft 11 :«> 9 ft2 8 Oft Round Oak 4 ft .8 d ii -■ 11 * 12 18 10 10 s l:i Hillsboro 4 40 ct Hr-' 1 ' 1241 10 22 8 27 Urasstield 4 ;;.8 r. 20 l 1 HI 1052 8 41 .Miimeta 1 24 'ji 1 lift l ;;;> 11 04 8 48 Monticollo 4 10 *.■; 1 1ft 2 29 II 40 0 Muchcr. eft 00 19 ft ID 11 1230 2 ft:; M ft 1(1 9-!2j ... Marco 3 38 10 1210 1 3 3 5 28 942 Godfrey.. . 11 20 1 IftO o 990 110., 4 lo 10 3ft ..Madison.. 3 00 1100 4 ftu (J 12 10.ft.ft 250 10 o 5 35 « 48 U21., Florence 2 27 4 ft 7 I'armmgtn . , . 0 10 7 20 1 j 4 i Gould. 1 ft.'. ^ .32 « 2 .:> 7 38 1150 Watkinsv’l 14ft ~ 21 G 40 7 50 ! 1 ftu ..Sidnev.. 1 3 ft 13 9 10 (i 2 ft 8 00 12 01 White Hail I 31 GC 7 to 8 I'i 12 1 ■j -Nriit |j I 18 -C 8 ftft 7 30 8 30 12 3 ft i) l 001 LC 81 mm “GULDEN DAYS.’ A HIGH-CLASS WEEKLY FOR BOYS A 17 D GIRLS. THE BEST WRITERS for youth that money can proeme are regularly engaged upon and give their best woik lo Golden Days. PUZZLEDOM will perlex and delight the ingenion boys and girls, as it lias in the past. TERMS: $3.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. address, JAMES ELVERSON, Pun' N. W. cor. Ninth & Spruce Sts. Philadelphia, P to ran Fiis S33 OO -AND- «rtm -FOR SL 9 ffl HIM. US 9 El lisa TE Pill AND Til McassTiTRioi FOR | rtj Rfi ^ njjn ^§11. flWaTjW Pi«n LAMl ra »'8 JlO satrijOTn Jil vLlI tiiawii 1.4 us* S0.27 odgebs Worsham & Co. -120 and 422 Third St., Macon, Ga Wo offer our services to the farmers of Jones amlJaspor Counties for the season 1883 and 1889. We have now in stock pure TEXAS RUST PROOF OATS GEORGIA RUST PROOF OAFS. RYE and BARLEY. WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE STOCKOF and TIES FLOUR, GRAIN, BACON, TOBACCO’ etc., at the LOWEST PRICKS. t\ e have made the best trades of our ]iyes in 'Fertilisers an<3 wo assure planters that their interest will be served by calling on us before buying elsewhere. Fornextseason we are GENERAL AGENTS in Middle Geor gia for ii S MILEEIvACO S., famous Bono Fert ilizers. ‘PLOWBOY’S BRAND” a com fe M 1 *. uunu j , isuoi me MACON OIL and FERTILIZER CO., cotton seed meal. \\ r e bav.e also imported a very large lot of genuine QeRJMJI [C\W'T KMQ OfPoj\3^|. Estimates made to Alliance Clubs. AH farmers are cordially invited to call or write us for prices etc. RODGERS, WORSHAM & CO.. - 9-2 Gra. 420 and 422 Third St., Macon, G t. % lilDMM V': ' ■A . r '2 Formerly of BEHIND BROS. Suceessor to BERN!) & KEN C MANUFACTURER OF Site, Im Cite, 1 . AND DEALER \U \ \ Leather, Saddles,Harness » and Shoe Makers’ i Supplies. WILL BUY Hidaa; Sheepskins, Furs, Beeswax, Wool, Etc CALL AND SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY. 410 CHERRY ST., m M AUUaN a daw , GEORGIA