The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 25, 1889, Image 2

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Uc ft&r* i* k i * JTlOff, R. PENN. : : Publisher. The yellow fever in Vera Cruz i-i very bad. - — Pond offerings yea erday 5244,000 iecept-d, $241,000 louritnd a*hall's a 409. ___ Emperor William treated Rang Humbert yesterday to a military review. ■Tin i mmmiii * w i—n 11 --------- Brooks & Wells, boot and shoe manufacturers at Westxord, Mass., iiure failed. Up to the 19th inst. the state has oivd pensions to nearly twenty three hundred disabled Confederate soldiers. A . out.try editor cloi-eshis finan •: rl re dew with the remark, ‘ Mon olosc, but not quite close eeer There i* a„ old negro in Quitman ■.ty who has never owned a ,ok. lie has been for years bar of wood across thy of bis crib every night. (Jn last Thursday, the 9th, Mr. J ( >hn W, Thompson of Walnut Grom Walton county, lot off bis figiipond and ho and Ms son killed -evenly - live snakes. Two of i boil'll • .‘io very large waterun cousins, • o rest. some smaller. The layout sm.lces made a torrible show. A white mole is as raro as a u. .i..i crow; but, notwithstanding s raiity, Ben Tim mail presented on e to the McDonorgli Weekly. iv'h goes to make up a part ol , i s grand display of living curios ities. The mole differs from the mb r varieties only in color—A being snow white. Tripoli, a very valuable substance hue boon found on Col. Seaborn J ones’ property, near his residence, in Rockmart. It is a fine light frUbHance, ofa yellowish color en tirely free from grit, and polishes the fin cat metals with great rapid ity, without tho objectionable qualities of other preparations, -•«- ..a tie vei n tj wn njet deep. In Oconcecounty recently Air. J B. Cook’s two little sons, Emory and Jimmie, placed a largo wash, pot iu tho corn crib, sinking it i: «ep down into the corn: After placing the pot in position the boy* filled it two-thirds full ol water, covering tho water with cotton seed and sprinkling meal over the Cecil. '1 hey have fished outol this trap from five to eleven drowned nits each morning, making a total ol liglity seven large rats to date A gentleman li\ing a few miles rom town, we won’t give his name, dreamed a few nights since that an Uigntor had him. He had often beard that if you would gouge them i" th? eyes, that they would (urn y<>u loose. So he proceeded to stick b s thumbs into the ’eator’s eyi-s i J awoke ins aht ly from the screams pa from his wife, when he found at lehad almost put both her v "s ut. She claims that ho d.d it on purpose, and refuses to become rstisfifd. she’s mud yet,— Dooly Vindioutor. In obedience to a call of President •h F. Lorry a quorum ol the exceii \rcc mum eeo’, the Georgia Week ■ I ,os; association met in tl* A. : of the Markham house at 12 >’ ” 2 . ‘eru.iv. . .. u .anuit-'us’y agreed to r‘rt' the reading room of the* i : 'H ull hi use at 10 a. m. on the (l Hof duty, to Represent at the ion of the new capitol on ■..< day. Every member of th? We tk’yjness u requested in the resent. The members will proceed ’ < i artersviPe on the evening of he same day, where the annual meeting is to be held on the oih of July. The boys anticipate a big time, as a movement is ou foot lor an excursion to \\ ashington citv and other poiutsof interest.—Conatitu uon. *** ! TtF,r.? Col. Albert It. Lamar, of lli'.- 18tn inst. of r onjefction the brain. Col. Lamar was the Editor of the Macon Telegraph six years, assuming that responsibili ty m 1881, after which he was con nested with the Macon Evening News until the time of his illness. We publish, in this issue cf T Headlight, t. e speech of J Ion. W Y. Atkinson of Newmin, which delivered before the Teacher's As.-o ciation, at Athens, during the last session of that body. He deals in a clear and limbi man ner with one of the mo:?L impor«fi!il live issues of Lite day; and we trust t-hc subject of bettor methods, better teidiers, and better school facilities generally will be agitated, until something substantial and effective will take the place of the shamelessly slopshop methods now so much in vogue in this state. Inferior text books, inoiferont ac cominodaliens, grabsalary and ignor ant teachers, in some instances, rapidly sinking the noble profession of teaching into disrepute, mining private schools, and leaving our noble young people in a helpless con- j dition as far as the plain practical business affairs of life are concerned. The State needs to observe in an earnest manner the Spartan proverb; ‘•Teach your boys and girls what they should practice when they become men and women.” We hope Mr. Alkinson will intro duce Ins bill, and that it may become a law. Not only this, but Georgia needs to encourage, in a most sub stantial manner the cause of true Education in her limbs. Ordinary's Office, J ones Co., Ga April 29th 1989. Whereas it appears to tho court that the estate of Miss N. A. Boss, deceased, is unrepresented, these are therefore to cite all persons con cerned to show cause at this office on or by first Monday in June next, il'any they have why administration on said estate shall not bo vested in some proper person according to law. Witness my hand officially, B. T. ROSS, Ordinary. n pr rr r mi rrtWTt. Notice is hereby given that the report of Commissioners setting aside one years support to Tilda White (c) from estate ofherdee’d husband is of file in this office and I will pass judgment upon the same at the June Term next of this court unless some legal cause be shown to the contrary. Witness my hand officiallv, E.T. BOAS, 4w Ordinary. tH W-X i^rfr i S3 CHS OF ill BS roil SALE BY d. si. ran. 08* MAKE MONEY! muo r.vD amt yingntwhelo j astir g a* «**» sRentftirthcehonp. !htb!o houses r, »»n s'arih. On ro- > «®>pt t f 93 cts. ns i ZtiTti't tnp« ; , " H> A urcafa* nrtndtHi I -*L>si roL isaLaVALatV^\ , iiicfi;o.'iLa Hf.wlnf. Mnrhinp FREE ,o- J'e> at «nu< «• tabltah t (placing; trade in all par.*, by cor'.ne? and Roods wh are the panda can see m, ere mil aend free toona \ parsou teat a#sctu(r-machine in each local)ty.ih e very nia< ae in M Wuri d.with all the attache .>en?» We " * •rva alac aeod !'«•«>«» » complcia line e'f o«r coatljr and valuable art k ■'.< aantplea. In return we that \ o« show w hat we aend. to tb.'«e who may cal, at you* home, amt after 13 Lmonth* all aii*il b*con:e y, ur own KBproperte. I'bia rra nd machii ’•» » r|\* -w*a a^er th. Sh ’**»r Ff-ien’-Ss *. / w fc i--b > 1. ': re } SZFKrr-' v. ..m i - , <■*> ■Ht fe ;) GO TO 3 e®» 'a; <w» * ^ -f Cf -£•& '£ lb * U %3 til Sst 3 ; s J u gi *i 1 vG # J^g $t03TS For&Slly OCCUpfrl "bj IT- G- E. DOSISI ^ -*-V_E Uil ’g"! LlCt/llU AaI | A 4 SO 02 Cg*! Cl-e 5 ): T’A Jc O TT> ci .f •A Canticci Goods of all kinds, Oranges, Apples, Fancy Confectionaries, Ci in dies, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Flour, Meal, Grits, Baum. Lard, Sugar, Law and Parched Coffee, Tea, Spice, (linger, Soda, Syrup, Molasses, Soap, Keroseiic Oil, Etc. In lact Headquarters i Av/a V # -*_/ J. J y tiling inthe Eatingline. Have jnst returned from Market where T purchased for the Cash the choicest Groceries at prices that 1 can afford to s •’! It my*\ i that will astonish them. Having been in the business for six years, am pre pared to know the wants of the people, tty intention is to keep a ft?;I line of Fresh Family and Fancy Groceries and my motto is to save a [] 0 f my customers Money, To be convinced of this fact give mo a trial and you will come again, I will iOt anything but the Freshest rnd Purest Goods. Just’received another Fresh line of Fancy Groceries and confectionaiies. Thanking my friends for a liberal support and a continuance of the same, I am, Respectfully, J. H. S. SMITH, fcST'Al! goods delivered to any part of City when sold,— 1—9. aw w-jreaw ra i! afflfWMW t *'W9^^*WHKa8Wf!3 l » THE EXCELSIOR m k i'F. : 1 '.' .’.AG A CIITIIII h ■ F 1 E 111 E AND .--EfeffiSrad 1 Y_ ;-A •* ponarnctpeil to »:e E^ital to I: \v 3 W -'Wv / \ trouble -tM-asa with to communicate ■m iffSISil - - -■ ; A 0 . i). liOLSbAEECK, GRAY GA. z'4TA"sn^.” .xv tin 'rS\ -1-- .-‘U r - . ! ^— tl.& ■ ' stlgftff . . ' ' ■:. ; V T ' ■ ‘ : C \ n. £ P* , m . >* 5-r: ■ v •. 4, ■ : *9A **H.. |Mr :.v 1 DSS. T. R PEAA, p u il T) Al f y It r A. \ v ER $1 i i THE WEEKLY Us! " L ga . dii ti 2 -5 T J k b 2 yp .5 -t... B. BOSS£K. J. D. HARVEY. R I*. DAVI3 > E3SSIR, HARVEY ft DAVIS. ------Go!)—- TO THE CITIZENS OF JASPER AND SURROUNDlva <> COEN TIES O I 0 ! IM Having permanently located at Monti cello Ga. we offer you the beat and cheapest line of Dry Goods Clothing and Shoes, f Hardwaoi Notioni?, Hats, Boots consisting of from Jews harp to a Cross-cut saw, and full line of Crockery from a 1 gallon jug to Ewer and Basin, A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF All WOOl Henrietta cloths. And all colors of Cashlmeres i tie Nobbiest Line of prints a n ci -singnams Qnsif-h fiF Mason r and %**' W & 2 'A * S' OT !I1© b Also new and elegant lino of White Goods, Embroideries and Edging to match and all the Latest Styles of Veiling’s. Hosiery from 5c a paii to 1$ 1,00 a pair. Gloves in endless varieties and prices. Towels, Table Damask and Doylies to match. \& BEAUTIFUL FRIEND WARNERS' LINE SCRIMS BALLS AND CORSETS CRETONS, AND WOMANS’ BEST FULL LINE OF COTTONADES, CHECKS, STANDARD OF THE WORLD SHEETING AND SHIRTING TICKS FROM OCEAN TO AC A. |-HATS IN ALL STYLES.-| Tinware. Woodenware and Willoware. Trunks, Valises, and fie line of SHIRTS We always keep on hand a full supp ! y of meat, corn Bran, Lard, Flour syrup and in fact everything in the Grocery Line that the Farmers need If is a hard matter to get first class lard. We are happy to announc* to out friends that we can furnish you with an extra fancy quality—the. purest, best in the world. It is a point jn our business method that we test, examine everything that we sell before purchase, which, in on udgement, must be the best. A full line of PARAFINE CANDLES AND SPERM and the sweetest toilet *oap and the best Laundry Soap in the world. Now, do you want something in our line? If bo come and see us. YFe have the goods for you and at prices to suit these hard times. Since locating at this place we have increased our stock, and now have onr store filled from cel- 1 to garret with the best of lar goods. It is our intention to accomodate the people arid, to serve them to better advan tage in the futuie than we have ever done. Feb. Koossr, I8li, 1889—ttf Harvey J & Oavis. V p \ indebted f »5» Oil are to -1 TS EES!? : WEMsm ■ Uft! . For we need the MONEY ‘3 ;.st have it.