The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, May 25, 1889, Image 4

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CUlillLNT UAITKN1N03. South Macon wants a fire arid company. Montgomery will have her Industrial Exposition next fall. A destructive Cyclone over several Western towns a few days ago. Col. Albert R. Lamar, after piekng-s, died at lira home in last Saturday. Judge McManus, for many the efficient Ordinary ofBibb ty, died on the 18th lost. The next stato convention of Georgia Farmers Alliance will bold in Macon, August 20tb. The premium lists of the Georgia State Fair, to open Oet. 23rd, being issued. The demand for lids is unprecedented, General Albert Pike, who is most advanced Mason in the world, is 79 years old, and was bom on tlio same day as Gladstone. They arc two grand old-men. The Chicago Times says that the general belh.f that the lower classes in China got insufficient food is a mistake. It is chiefly rice but is given m sufficient quantity. Cardinal Gibbons, the celebrated Catholic, was in Atlanta last week en route trom Now Orleans to hi* home in Baltimore. An elegant re ception was tendered him by Mrs. Rhode Hill. A Shetland pony, weighing only forty two pounds, and resembling a dog more than a horse, passed through Milwaukee lately. It. was 2 feet 5 inches high and 2 feet 3 in ches long. Outside tho President’s mail 500 letters conio to the White House every day. It requires a large force of men to work till midnight to answer them. JJgo Halford replies to the most important ones by dic tating to Miss Sanger, who type writes what ho says. Tho Alhoneum tendered, at the elegant Ayres residence on Walnut St., in Macon, Iasi Friday night, a reception to its local poet, 41. S. Edwards and wife. Selections both in elocution and song from Mr. Edwards’ writings wore given in splendid sty le and his heart must have throbbed with pleasure at the homage paid him. The poorest momory on record is that of the fellow tried for burglary in Brooklyn the other day. Lie testified that, ho had never been ar rested before, but when bis metnorv was jogged by certain evidence, ad mitted that he had a dim recollec tion of being convicted of murder once and a twenty years’ sentence. A contract has born entered into with Alexankor Doyle, tho sculptor, for tho Jong-talkod-of monument of Hol'ftCO Greeffiv, " I HO cost V ill lie J)'~u),UuO. a _ , _ ..... 1 he tlguro , will bo in a sitting posture, and tho statue and pedestal will bo eighteen feet high. J.ho material of the casting will be standard bronze. It will bo erected in City Halt park, Now York. There is an old lad) in Randolph county, who lives within seven miles pi m Ltuinuort, . afoovo i tho i averaeo for „ ' « intelligence who lias not been to lior . _ OUUUty town • thirty-nine if- * . 111 has ritUlOn . , years, 118VCT in UK V VO— * hide, except a gig and hoi so cart, and though living in six miles of the OOUthWOStOrn «v ... . riulroil . i since . it ever was built, yet never has seen a rail road- How is this for lack of wo v • a %• ... a manly curiosity " IICOU lcic Crfinh, , * ,p, J here is . an old .. negress m . Clarke . , county who prepares herself for death every night, and this is how she do a it; After a short prayer she clothes horsclf in a long, flower hedocked gown, plaits her hail carefully, crosses her hand on her chest and falls asleep. Two cop pers are placed on tho table beside her to put upon her eyelids. lias directed that Rho ho buried on the banks of the Oconee river, believes she is going direct heaven. She is angry beyond p-ession as ,-he awakes each >ng—not having moved a during her sleep— apd finds alive. Many Persons sToV<*n dote ii from overwork or household Brown’s Iron Kiturs . .id« th# #vsWin. Hitls d^MtiOD, retuoTe# ^x* s' L’fic vmd curgi ouLfcu-ia. lie; the ^oakuia#. Mr. Jii i MuJhg, Jr., cf Hedge j enttnfy is making a reputation »s an j ^ egg- raifcer. lie lias around, one length- which measurers 7] inches .wise, and six around the center and weighs a quarter of a pound. TAX NOTICE. THIRD AM) LAST ROUND. I will be at the following places to-wit; J. 0. Dumas’ on Monday, May 13th. Haddock .Station, Tuesday, May 14th. V. B. Clark’s store, Wednesday morning, May 15th. Jcsso Miller’s store, Wednesday j evening. May 15th. Wash Ross’ store, Thursday, May ! 16th. J. 8, Stewart’s mill, Fiiday morn ing, May 17th. Bradley’s Station, Friday evening, May 17th. Bound Oak, Monday, May 20th. j M. N. Tyner’s store, Tuesday morn ing, May 21st. Glover’s mil, Tuesday evening, May 21st. T. C Pippins’ store, Wednesday morning, May 22nd. Cajicy Creek church. Wednesday evening, May 22nd. Popes Ferry, Thursday, May 23rd. Five Pcirits, Friday morning, May 2 till. Wayeide, Friday evening, May 24th. R. A. Gordon’s store, Monday mom gAv. j n(Tj May 27th. F, McKay’s store, Monday evening, May 27th. Jackson Roberts, Tuesday, May 28th. Roberts Station, Wednesday, May 291 h. LuFayetto Ba'kcom’s Thursday, May 30* h. James Station, Friday, May 31st. Morton Station, Monday, June 3rd. Grays Station, Tuesday evening, Juno 4th. Haddock Station, Wednesday, June 5th. Sid Jones’, Thursday, Juno 6f h. 1 am in Clinton every Saturday, and will closo* my hooka by- the 2(Rk of Juno. William T. Morris, Tax Receiver Jones Co Apr. 22nd 18S9.—til jnn20 mi j'v mm WfRiVtJr A STEM-WINDING WATCH, A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN, AWP ®4 CASH , For an Hour’s Work. We wmit. At least, o>io mom subscriber to TKXAS UFTINuS in every town, village and harulet in America. ^ y* m write t.«»UH at. will appoint yon our«K*'ut SSSSS’ >iil nt subM-riptiou of pay "AAMJfS a $2 youacHJsh 50 < you < U1 semi, Fountain commis- and tlj:'‘ ^fc-tTwISS tiSZ&t&S&l uvot The rrico of TKXAS SIFTINGS i» «4 a year Of thi* i* *©« w ,,n each aub?crfntum you send. in uihtiun tatliis, if yon aend ub FOUR sntmcnptionii, we UZ2S'tJ°*&!S f&JT&hS fbe watch it NOT A WATKRHUKY. Itw full fowled, utd has Lb* tines* Waltham stylo movement. The cam koe a Bolid thick nickel h6Vvl«d#fose eunuiimti# 20 It por cert, silver, and over the Wo both the is IV a perfect tho timekeeper. Watch. wArnint n mid rouwitt you wnnt neither pen n«>r watch, but do want to *»>rk for cash, write us and wc shall otter yon a cash romtniasion greater than that oilored by tiny Journal or aitiH 63 weekly n’.«vib«is, published «II 0 panes*, hemispheres. 1,500 illustrations* American (.WDcolmnin*. It is in two T. a edition is over l*2o,U00 Ion copies don* weekly. England,ha# Tha *eached European circulation edition, published of 60 -OCO copies in week. a a SIKl fNtiS is s.>U1 by newsdealers at-10 cents a copy. wuunwnt.'iyi» imh" h.t®, 0 .iLmmi.i, TIXAS SlFflNlGS % pofl ; •0S A*wtn»-wr..hln» tabliah ^ at one* aa tiadc in ail ■ SkpV.i ] and rvher* the people ran tre tb«B». rr* "wi!! send free to oua P*f»ou it' each kva’tiv.tb* very beet ••tvinp-niacbire nude !B th. world, wv*h aU the n's.bmrwi w, "e will alt.' !Mtndfrc«*a complete hue cf cur coat it and talaabie a.t •atriples In return w e ask that' . a *1 k«w H'bat we send, i b**e »*i ( i tuay at >our ton'e.find after ^3 Lmonth* all aiitt'i bw-oms > mr own ^property. [made afttr Thta the Singer ersnd ma;h-re pateuta, ia [ubu-h hav e v jn out. before pati ala ^ run tachmenta. out it tt nta. acid acid and and K wil» ,»,;h the for |ffiafREp?'-2HSns ‘ now eat. at trbiaa <a I Iwscf No capital tnairactloaa r**n TUoa* who o writa writ* to to ua ua at at once can a< tnra IVft the beat ••w^ug-xnachine his in tb« world, ard tbo Clarence H. C ubbedge 672 CHEt\R.Y STREET, M,\COfi Q\. General House Furnisher. Dealer la Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Cutlery, Excelsior and Capitola Cook Stoves and Ranges. CLOTS, HITS, SITS U HITS. Correctaiitl Latest Styles TILE LOWEST PRICES. Send us your orders and come to see us when in Macon. BADS, NEEL & CO, 557CIIERRY ST Goods sentC. O. f. unless city- reference is given, 8. W, BONDS HI m 18 i mm f& tl IIS saa^3v-<* Beds Free to Customers, Tff, PB5T or mim WQW J fiQAR.3 AND ^OBACCOp ■AT THE B A It, FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Come once and you’ll come again. Morgans Corner . Macon, Ga INDURATED FIBRE WARE, ABSOLUTELY ONE PIECE I HAS NO HOOPS! NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED I E t] NOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER! HAS APPEARANCE OF POLISHED MAHOGANY. us PAILS, TUBS, BASINS, PANS, KEELERS, SPITTOONS, 51 m SLOP-JARS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &c., &C. LARGE VARIETY OF GOODS. CGRBLEY & HAYES, New York, Sole Agents. Factories: Portland, N. Mo-, Petorboro, Ohio, N. H , Watertown, Minn. Hass., Oswego, N. Y-, Lockport, t., Cleveland, Winona, FOR SALE BY ALL HOUSE-FURNISHING. HARDWARE, GROCERY AND CROCKERY DEALERS. FULL PaiCE LUST AND CATALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. "THE EXCELSIOR y'A Stf-^g ■ ■ aEaB Bl laa EBTTBI HI feeders > ri^Gvamnteed j]OMDEIBERS m: V', 4SBg to he Eqnel to "«W «he I.f-st. preks tko See^ mi aBISIfSBSt Clean, Ciins Fa-l sad Mabel .j a Fino gtaple, Tt’c Circular Kcl! Box i ; Patented, and no other ritu wWmt gflp'.v. nufacturer can use it. Ti- nM Send for Circular. No v - '"> ^7 .ji trouble parties to wanting communicate these with s au VlV^P|H chines, i .*ssb ____ '*M5 “ ‘ « tLfiJnotice *31 Old Gins Repaired at short - ^^Msssey and cheap. I vWKsf?! Cotton Gin Work? MACON, Ga. % ■V A ‘V A r ' ' : ' ■ - . m i GRAY GA. My business still goes 011 and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that i will astonish them. 1 will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, ecti tsca have in Stock a full line Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children's ra -C % 5S • y . T s l ? -V & J OQ that I am going to dose out regardless of cost. In addition e to the above, , T i can -y a Full Line oi hard I ware, * Crockery, Tinware, Wooden ware, and many other art Miles O’ enerally kept in a first-class store, mi of which I will sell at Rock bottom prices. Give me a trial and convinced that I mead business. D. D. KOISENBECK.