The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, June 01, 1889, Image 4

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SKV’KUK CASKS OF BLOOD * POISON. Thousands suffer from blood poi son, who would be cured if they gave B, B. B. (.Boctania Blood Balm) n trial. Send fojhe Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., for book of wonderful curee; that convince the most skepli cal. It is sent free. J, O. Gisbon, Meridian, Miss., writes. "‘For a nunibsr of years I suffered untold agonies from blood poison. Several prominent physi cians did iae little if ftny good. I began to use B. B. B. with very little faith, but, to my utter surprise it has made me a well and hearty person,” Z. T. IlallertAn, Macon. Ga. writes, *’I contracted blood poison. I first tried physicians, aud then wont to Hot Spring. I icturned home a ruined man physically. Nothing seemed to dome any good. My mother persuaded inc to try B. B. B. To my utter astonishment erery ulcer quickly healed." Benj. Morris; Atlanta, Ga. writes; *‘I suffered years from syphilitic blood poison which refused to be cured by all treatment. Physicians I bad pronounced appetite, it a I hopeless had pains case. hips no jii and joints aud my kidneys were diseased. My throat was ulcerated and my breast a mass of running sores. In this condition I com menced a use of B. B. B,. It healed every ulcer and sore and cured me complotly within two months.” Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga April 29th 1989. Whereas it appears to tho court that tho estate of Miss N. A. Ross, deceased, iB unropreseuted, these are therefore to cito all persons con cerned to show cause at this office on or by first Monday in Juno next, if any they have why administration on said ostato shall not bo vosted in eomo proper person according to law. Witness my hand officially, E. T. ROSS, 4w Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co., Ga. April 29th 1889. Notico is hereby given that the report of Commissioners sotting Asido one years support to Tilda White (e) from estate of her dec’d husband is of file in this office and I will pass judgment upon tho same at the June Term next of this court unless some legal cause bo shown to the contrary. W Roods njy baud officially, R.T. ROSS, 4w Ordinary. «* ‘•v r s Si 31 &AKlN c POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vanes. A ma vel of purity, strength and whoier ■omeness. More economical than the prdiuary oompetition kinds, and cannot bo sold p with the multitudes pw test, short weight, alumn or phos phate ROYAL powders. MAKING Sol ouly POWDKB in cans CO 106 Wall Street New York fl -"flNEST'Sk tHC WOODWORK' 1 Kt ft HQMf MWINCi MACHlNt f* OyAMUf MASS *0* SA\£ ev OAf.LftS.TtX. Neuralgic Per ton* «?ssaa t!A* Wiuk MdJ^l M Many Persons household j£re broken down from overwork or <»«* Brown's Iron Bitters rebolld* the system, aids dit'eetlon, remove* ex ocas of bile. AL.d curee lutiaj la. Oct tbogenoixuL TAX NOTICE, TIITRT) AND LAST BOUND. I will ho at tko following places to-wit; J. C. Dumas’ on Monday, May 13th Haddock Station, Tuesday, May 14th. V. B, Clark’s store, Wednesday, morning, May 15th, Jesso Miller’s »store, Wednesday evening. May 15th. Wash Ross’ store, Thursday, May ICth J. S, Stewart’s mill, Friday morn ing, May 17th. Bradley’s Station, Friday evening, May 17th, Round Dak, Monday, May 20th, M, N. Tyner’s store, Tuesday morn ing, May 21st. Glover’s mil, Tuesday evening, May 21st. T% C Pippins’ store, Wednesday morning, May 22nd. Caney Creek church, Wednesday evoning, May 22nd. Popes Ferry, Thursday, May 23rd. Five feints, Friday morning, May 24i]j. Wayside, Friday evening, May 24th. R. A. Gordon's store, Monday morn ing, May 27th. G. W. F, McKay’s store, Monday evening, May 27lh. Jackson Roberts, Tuesday, May 28th. Roberts Station, Wednesday, May 2'Jth. LaFayette Balkcom’a Thursday, May 30*h. James Station, Friday, May 31st. Morton Station, Monday, June3id. Grays Station, Tuesday eyouing, June 4th. Haddock Station, Wednesday, June 5 th. Sid Jones’, Thursday, June 6th. I am in Clinton everSatur 1 ly and will close nay books by the 20th of June” William T. Mourns, Tax Receiver Jones Co Apr. 22nd 1889.—.til jtmSO TfiV % A STEM-WINDING WATCH, A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN, AND S4 CASH . For an Hour’s Work. IIFTINI'S want, in at l«4u*t, one village more gnlworibar to T&XAB every (own, and hamlet iu America. 1/ you write to uh at once, we will appoint you onr a ymfr of One neighborhood, Dollar aud will v»ay you a cash commie, ion on every siib.icrii>lii>» you gtmtl, and >*A will also give yon a present of a $2.60 Gold Fountain Pan for the feral eubacription you soud. When yon show *b« titficnliy paper tt> your neighbor#, number wo subscrtWrs know yon will have no lu getting a of ; but even if wu oevargat more than one subscriber,remember that we ifeal) nail it give you the Gold Pen AS A PRESENT, and will to you n# noon :us you tend the first subscription. The lwnia the celebrated MANHATTAN FOUNTAIN rEN.witn the gold mounted barrel, fitted with a 14 carat gold >*d, established price of which is $150. These pen# ere ihey ImhHpousahle hold enough to ins every to write one who twenty has writing of to foolscap do, a# mper, aud are always ready for use. They write freely, lave he a gradual flow, glide aa smoothly a* a pencil over paper, and will last a lifetime. The pnee of TEXAS SIFTINGS is $4 a year. Of this ddition |ri*« yo« this, SI if on each tum«l subscription FOU K auhejoriptiona, you send. In to you us we ball send you the $3.50 Gold Fountain Pen and a $5 fhe item-winding is NOT ami Stem W Mdtinsr Nickel Cased Watch, Mid watch has A ATEKHURY, It is full jeweled. t*u» finest Waltham style movement. The cast s solid Blokel cotusining 30 por vent, silver, and over th# laco thick herwled iclnas It is a perfect timekeeper. He warrant both fhe Fen nn<l the Hatch* TEXAS SlFTlNtiS could not afford to give either a pen or a watch that it would not guarantee. For your trouble in securing 4 <n*K«criptioo* you will fsf If $4 cash, a $2.60 pen and a $6 watch. you want neither pen nor watch, but do want to cork for cash, write us and we shall oner you a cash nmm tiftsiem greater than that offered by any Journal eg Ifagaxinsin SIFTING? America. I# TEXAS probably one of the best known, aid is certainly one of the most popular, humorous and Horary papers in the world, a volume forayoar con ains oolnron*. 5) weekly It numbers, puhlishml «00 pages, two bemisphorea. 1*500 Must rations, ttJW) is in Tt# American edition is published over UkUWQ London, copies weekly. Tha wacliad Vuro)>eah circulation e»btioii, of 60.000 oopies in week. England, ba# a a 8IFTINU8 is sold by newsdealers at 10 cents a copy. Send five rents in stamps, and we shall send you ft Simple Vibcu copy of SIFTINGS, and full explanation di •run. writing state where you saw UBS *4vt» Sc m to (aaliA Vfaeklae ..i.biu, ,1 tan ‘"in * au ram. k,nnNh •SatWSfttSsS 23rvSS§SS3 Wmi Wifa g^- gfggH* g fig -<j» saaan. £ sMKEjtosasrEfts-xfffc FREBSSSfeSnS M»f t ynw wipm 1 iuw wi« wm« u u It onn m/m* T«vLi* * M <»• VO.. J&* ^ ClarenceH. Cubbedge 672 CHERRY STREET, MACOfl Q\. General House Furnisher, Dealer la Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Cutlery, Excelsior and Capitola Cook Stoves and Ranges. EADS, NEEL 8 CO. cm, as in weroits. 1 Correetand Latest Styles THE 1,0WIST PRICES. Send us your orders and cone to see us when in Macon. EADS, NEEL & CO, —15—3m, 557CHERRY ST Goods sent 0. 0. D. unless city reference is given T. w. BONS H Ml< IAK0 mm §!|f Beds Free to Customers, tm mi or vam mvm fllQAR? AND f0B,ACC0£ -AT THE BAR, FILLING JUGS AND BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Como once and you’ll come again. Morgans Corner, Macon, Ga THE EXCELSIOR •• COTTON 61 m'-z n * FEEDERS Y ' s , AND CONDENSERS |Uaarant«od Ithe Ileat. Pick* to be Bawl to mm I Clean, (be 8ee4 Gina Faat and Make* a Pine Staple, The Circular Roll Box ir nufacturer Patented, and no other ma can use it. warns Send for Circular. No trouble to communicate with chines. parties wanting these ma- 1 fl i Old Gins Repaired at snort notice and cheap. Massey Cotton Gin Works, MACON, Ga. S INDURATES FIBRE WARE. - _ \ - ABSOLUTELY unn'oTf ONE PIECE! - ^ UOQ wn I l ?». r->. J NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED! { 1 I '-•ir* ' 1 HAS M0T APPEARANCE AFFECTED OF POLISHED BY HOT MAHOGANY. WATER! I • o Vi. W,LS ’ TUBS - BASINS, PANS, KEELERS; spittoons, WmMM&sa » SLOP-JARS, WATER-C00LERS. REFRIGERATORS,4c., 4c. LARGE VAR,ETY 0F 2000s. m mm cORDLEY & HAYES, New York, Sole Agents. Fftfftofiftt • IVilMi M#>t Psterlwro, N. H.. Ainooa. Watertown, Mtsf,. Fw SALE BY Otwego. N. r.. Lock port, tt. V., Clevetand. Ohio, Minn. - all house-F’jsnishing. hardware, grocery and crockery oealers. rwu PR ICS - URT ANB CATAW«UC FREE ON ARRLICAT10N, Notice s Asa R R GRAY GA. My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them, I will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, I have in Stock a full line Gants, Ladies, Misses and Children's SHOES A that I am going t» close out regardless of cost. In addition to the above, I carry a Full Line ol hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Wooden ware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, all of which I will sell at Rock bottom prices. Give me a trial and be convinced that I mean business. D. D. HOISENBECK. j