The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, June 08, 1889, Image 2

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' H ,Ar i 1 iH* i Thos. XL Penn ; Pulifcher A young tornado is reported fiora Wuyeross. Hail stones as largo as goose eggs fell. Some damage to crof»s reported. Ned How, colored, swallowed u fjpji hone at Wuyeross, which lodged in his throat, producing lock-jaw, from which he died. — '— g Mr. Calloway, an a'leged inform er on illicit distillers, has been sc veroly whipped in Union county. Ho is considered by some an imbe cile, but appeared in court against persona charged with unlawfully Whusky. _ A 1 uUw toiurfd Oiiile. Recently, In a Washington liwm enr, e abiomrf Undo wiu si'uO.I among (he pnfi.--.ei> fcn-s. A young woman of bis own color en tered, ana ho immediately rose and oiTeruii Lor Ur «*t. film oracclully demurred and koid: "I -Jo not like to deprive you, sir, of your hi* Kent. “ “Ub, no depravity, miss," pwiler wus repl*-; “no depravity ut oil I to ktaoi-L”- The Argonaut Mrs. T. J. McGill of Dawson missed a hen from her poultry yard ono day this week, and two days later her henship wus discovered in the well perohed on tho sand box. The backet was lot down and piaced under her, when she got upon it, ■was drawn out, and evidenced joy at her deliverance by eating a hearty meal and singing around the yard 111 a merry strain. A DAMPERONllIM. JtTLiA (with a dreamy look In her eyes)—Can you guess of what I am thinking, George ? George (taking her hand tender ly)—No dearest Julia, but I hope it is of me. Well, partly; but I was thinking of the cozy little room wo will fix up for mother after we return from our wedding trip. (George didn’t look so pleased.) A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY The Bnttenck Delineator should have a place in the home of overy family. No lady can afford to be without it. It is one of tho leading Journals of Fashion and illustrates all thojatest designs and styles. Address It _ BUTTERICK HJ PUSHING Co. 7,9, II West J3 N. Y,. Your attention is called to an advn-usement in this paper of A.T Evans & Co., Chicago, Ill, who are offering complete set of family scales for 98cts. This extremely low price is mado to get now customers, for to every one to whom a set of scales is sold they mail their ctUalo gue g'vmg full description and whole sale prices of watches, jewelry, flowing machines, books, and a large variety of useful household articles. They give such unquestioned bank relerences as should insure overy ono that the firm is entirely relia hie s m MONEYI MAKE •*!• Bybuyiu|^ w holtf and act ing hh H jentfot the cheap. Ml reliable b<>nsA o» , »r,h. On ro. Milt .>f OS j„ «'U# r “GOLDEN DAYS.’ A HIGH-CLASS WEEKLY FOR BOYS AND GIRLS THE BEST WRITERS ■ for youth that money can procui are their regularly engaged upon and best work to Golden Days. fuzzledom will perlex and delight the ingeniou bo -> e ,md girls, as it has in the past. TERMS: $3.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. address, JAMES EL VERSON, Fun N. W.-ocR. Ninth & Spaces Sts. rB -“- 11 SHERIFF s {SALES; GKOUGJ.U—loi.fcd County, Will yo Hojd before the Court House door in Clinton said state and County on tho first Tuesday in July next belweon the legal hours of sale the following Proper ty to wit. One aero ot land and store house thereon adjoining lands of John Garland, John Gordon m*d others and known as the Sugar Hill Store houso and lot and on tho right of tho road leading from Hillsboro to Cornucopia. Levied on as tho Property of II. A. Gordon to satisfy a Tax fi fa for State and County-Taxes for tho year 'J 1885. Transferred to II. T. Powel, Cash ier Macon Saving Bank, by S, J . Philips Tax Collector. Written no tice served on tenant in Possession. Property Pointed out by H. T. Powel. This 26 Feb’y. 1889. W ■ W. BARRON, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Jones County. WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Uimtou. Jones County Ga., within the legal hours of sale on tho first '1 uesday in July 1889. Six Sevenths undivided interest m Sixty acres of laud in Jones Countv and also one Seventh interest additional in said B'xty acres of laud, the said land situated in Roberta District, Jones Co., Ga. adjoining John Y. Low and Roberts and others, levied on and sold by virtue of two Fi FaVNo. 33 and So from Bibb Superior Court at Novem ber Term 1888. No. 33 is against Henry Rivers for 1-7 interest and No. 35 is against Festus. Winnie, Amelia, Violet, Alary and Mariah Rivera for 6-7 interest of said laud Sold to satisfy said Fi. Fa's. Prop erty pointed out by Plaintiff’s Att’y. and tenant m possession served with notice levied on as the joint proper ty of said named parties. Terms Cush. \V. \Y. BARRON, June 3rd LS89. Sheriff. GEORGIA— Jones County. Will bo sold before the Court House door in Clinton said County on the first Tuesday in July next during the legal hours of sale at Public outcry to the highest bidder, that body of Land situated lying and hwK'ep' flftifisSk* W n< L n 'l}oWe. W. II. Hoads’ Estate and olherS on Thomas Vy alnut creek Humphries and house known place as the and ooeupied now by Monroe Green, be ing the same land sold by Joliu S. Humphries to H. J. Turner ns ap pears m Deed of record Book, V. Pago 131 Jones Sup’r Court. Levied on as tho land of It. J, Turner to sat isfy one fi fa from Jones Sup’r Court in favor of A. H. Stephens vs Thomas J. Miller Prim S. T. Bragg and R. J. Turner securities. Property pointed out by Pl’ffa Att’y. Written notice served on tenant in possession This 26 Feb’y. 1889. W. W. Barron, Sheriff. HOW’S THIS! \S> offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any ca«e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hull’s Catarrh Cure. V. J. CHENEY & CO.. Trops., Toledo, 0. We. the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last ] 5years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by heir firm, West A Tuuax, Wholesale Druggists Toledo; 0. i Watdinq. Kinnan & Marvin,! Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0, E. II. Van Iloesen, Cashier Toledo National Bank, Toledo. O. . Hall’s Catarrh Caro is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the ystem Testiomouiala sent fro e - H ‘ fie* in* faat*.JS i^ to KOtt DYSeKPHTA Cre Urown’s traa r.ltters. ttSESs ■ ■ GO TO ( J* H. So SMITH At the Drug Store Formerly Occupied by Dr- G- K. Dcsicr Monticcllo, m Ga., ): FOE :( Canncd Goods of all kinds, Oranges,Apples, Fancy Confectionaries, Can dies, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Flour, leal, Grits, Bacon, Lar d, Sugar, Raw and Parched Coffee, Tea, Spice, Gitftr, Soda, Syrup, Molasses, Soap, Kerosene Oil, Etc. In fact Headquarter) tor every thing in the Eating line Have just returned from Market wire I purchased for tho Cash the choicest Groceries at prices that L ca afford to sell to my patrons that will astonish them. Having been ii he business for six years, am pre pared to know the wants of the peoj. My intention is to keep a full line of Fresh Family and Fane; Groceries and my motto is to save ail of my customers Money, To be ci vinced of this fact gi ve mo a trial and yon will come again, I will not .rchase anything but the Freshest rnd Purest Goods. Ju3f received an ler Fresh line of Fancy Grocerie and confectionaries. Thanking Eesdtfnlly, my lends for a liberal support and a continuance of the same, I am, J. II. S. SMITH. fiiiyAll goods delivered to any part' City when sold,—4—9. illilifSaiagpf., WtM a m V. 1C mwm, D. D. HOLSENBEC, GUAY GA ■rf vw * - •.* SSSc ~J£*r '.: A $t wmmsm MX mm. msm. fi w if:; V 0MM it i mm v > V WmWM »i' A m. '^2 mm aria f ^sEBlila, Wm 3 mSBm K V r-f ‘•Z\ ADDRESS, T. R. P-M GRAY GA, A ' INWRATEB FIBEE . WARE. ABSOLUTELY um: PIECE! ,ssymi -~.~ firm, x g; HAS NO HOOPS! "; -. "mgu‘pfigifiéfgw' NEITHER AFF‘E'cTE' PAINTED on VARMSHED! nor 0 av Ho'r wm‘sm MOESTRUgllBLQ‘r/fl . ms APPEARANCE as Poususo mummy. 1:33 nus, rues, msms, PMS, «mans; snnoons. i, 51:2: ~‘ 2: swP-ms, WATER-CUOLEfls, nsramenmns, “:4; W f’Qf’mtfi-W ‘ LARGE VARIETY &c., m. s‘ 4 OF GOODS. “ 1""r?"“’"%i connuzv &. HAYES, New York, Sole Agents. ”1 Factories: Portland. la. Peterboro, N. H., flatwougn. ‘ ' ‘ ~ Dunn. M. Y-, Loekpofl. N. Y., cmmm. Ohio. Winona, Mann. Mam. H3 ME 8‘! ALL HOUSE-FUBNISHINB. HARDWARE, BROCEHY AND CROOKERY DEALERS. [UL]. PBICI'UB‘I’ AID GATALOGUI van on AFPLIOA‘I’ION. . Sena vo r .it in.u^i^rci^UhT svuobl. inni.-j A lire actual Butt ivsirs- (J 15. ROSSER. J. IX IIARYEY. B -L. DAVI . BOSSES, HARVEY & DAVIS. -Go!> TO THE CITIZENS OP JASPER AND SURROUNDING o COUNTIES <> I o !-1 o | Having permanently located at Monticello Ga we offer you the best and cheapest lino of Dry Goods, ' Clothing otions, Hats, Boots and Shoos, consisting of Hardware from Jews harp to a Cross-cut saw, and full lino of Crockery from a 1 gallon jug to Ewer and Basin, A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF AH wool Henrietta cloths. And ail colors of Cashemeres The Nobbiest Line of Print and Ginghams South of Mason -and Dixon Line. Also new and elegant line of White Goods, Embroideries and Edging o match and all the Latest Styles of Veiling’s. Hosiery from 5c a pair to $1,00 a pair. Gloves in endless varieties and prices. Towels, Table Damask and Doylies to match.' A BEAUTIFUL LINE SCRIMS AND ORETONS, WOMANS’ BE c; T FRIEND WARNERS' BALLS CORSETS AND FULL LINE OF COTTON A DES, CHECKS, STANDARD OF THE WORLD'SHEETING AND.SHIRTING TICKS FROM OCEAN TO AC A. |-HATS IN ALL STYLES.-| Tinware. W'oodenware and Willoware. hunks, Valises, and fine line of SHIRTS Wo always keep on hand a full supply of meat, com Bran, Lard, Flou ( syrup and m fact everything m the Grocery Lino that the Farmers need It is a hard matter to get first class lard. We are happy to announc* to our friends that we can furnish you with an extra fancy quality—tho purest, best in the world. It is a point in our business method that wo test, examine everything that we sell before purchase, which, in our udgement, must be the best. A full line of mobAmp 0 tJI 1 PaKAI IJii E CANDLKS AND ^PEEM and tho ewcotest toilet •oap . the best Laundry Soap in the world. Now, do you want something in our lino? If so come and see us. Wo have the goods for you and at prices to suit those hard times. Since locating at this place we havo increased our stock, and now have our store filled from cel lar to garret with the best of goods, It is our intention to accomodate tire people and to serve them to better advan* tage in tho future than wo have ever done. Feb. HJosaer, ISh, Harvey &, Davis. 1889—ttf $1 AYEAR. $1 i B i cidMto^n^Sitomfon'irr YE* i' f>? Jonrnal as toon *> noMMe, we bsw iainraEEToiwsciiiBEBS^J^saRKlsIss^aSS^Sl^S V# I ,.,J«^.5.«««^««v , Tni-.s*i»Kimi I rMsyonm,i S t S en a . LIST OP PREMIUMS* c ^* i : ,JEA0 AKS L5&KMi i: : » i * sW««*, SH fl e2S r '5s?s3s?22ssarJ nn-MwivKmmr -1 s~=i 8 ^ jj : I .* : V- " ICO m ■ «Ki& I 800 " “ 1,800 BOO fE 10 BLINKS loo " eoo 3 3£idc!liujr«p Ext’n Top J'haoton*. 850 “ 750 600 Mogg's. *0O “ iii 3 Victoria Fhaetoni, JO - »I0 RIO 3 Imp’d Tana ITajoDP, 70 " S Steel Binders, Harvester Mid “ 880 Improved H:,r 173 10O 1 fAis, Press, 3 12-ft. Wind 8 8u!?iy news, I*® 3 Disc II arrows 65 “ B Dor. bic Farm Harness, 40 " 800 180 Sk 3 “ Cat riatfe Harnees.60 “ 850 a 4Hiccrant 5 rabhiSewincIttacblneeCO IVairiat " ewra BSbhbsss: % wM ■ it 6 Katv Oak room Krd-room Kills: Suite", Far ior Snitee, SuiteslKO Bed. 70 60 i " " 800 800 GOO 310 sifts 370 386 880 800 -*f 55’SO l lO ('iftn of !?IO of ii* o'LC-li • SESSNf^e .1-3 6r£*r i rSa<ia.f*»tvlliprcl^sl3f5 *• aw « 3 •• 34* Y9mlpemgII01jJgggj.c^A;:f - torth^exmtpremia. iJSSWBSSSKjaffigMBS'JS a 1^ ? USTltlSfSiitRSTf,"^ ' 1 "-tfris Stih5-.:vir-:ir ns.’iVraClab of forty andiS1.00, we »ni seed tea SSSSJSSSSISSSSS^Si' 1 »• DUT THIS SUT Ml SHOW II fUfitt. '"5 THE WEEKLY Detroit Free Press OJiTlD Aa. 'NTSJAiJR. Largfe Pagus of Cholc-eat Kca.ltop. Matter, "bo Grres-toEt of r>ol\»p Weeklies, Veil Fnaa PKra« te now v/lthm the reach of all. lu tf b*e erf coo embodies ell that is moot desirable in ,i {SempleocStae family rjjurx. Sub scnijoetoflce.. c itc.ii. Ad|lrr« 1 iti.88 t o., Dbti'nSt. ajiion. Hires,