The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, June 08, 1889, Image 4

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Mr. Montgomery >1. lois-.ui, a veil known writer on the Georgia j,rco8, will booh publish n. volume his poems under the title, ‘‘Scraps oi Songs and Southern scenes.” The Barneaville Gazette reports a genninc curiosity In the way of a hen egg. The .egg is sent to the editor by Mr. J- C. Lifscy, residing at Lifsey store. The last product ion of the hen is of an egg exactly like a man’s head, except that the eyes are missing. The nose, mouth, face outlines, chin and even ears are shown, and one or two stro kes with a lead pencil gives it an ap pearance remarkably like a sculptors productioiwif a human face. The hen that 1*8 .these eggs belongs to Mr. J, J. Moore, and she has pro duced several like the one mention ed. They are about the size of a common hen egg; with about the same weight. BONDS JUMPING, Macon, Ga,, June 5.—Yesterday the bonds of the Covington and Macon railroad sold in Baltimore at 94, and today the information comes from there that they are selling at 95, and the indications are that they will advance higher, steadily and firm. The advance is attributable to the very probable through north ern connection of the Covington and Macon road with the Seaboard and Koanoke system. It has been published in some of the papers this week that the Cov ingtou and Mac bn had been sold to the Northeastern railroad, and on account j,oF ’this fact, presumably, the work of surveying and building the Covingtou and Macon extension from Machen to Griffin and Mc I onough had been stopped. Those iri position to know say that there is nothing in the report of the sale, and the suspension of the running tfftho Machen-Griffin branch has no significance whatever. When the w’ovington and Macon is sold The Constitution will know it as soon as any other paper in the coun try. Reports from New York today algo state that bonds of the Georgia are,, selling firm- at BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala, ria. Nervousness, and General Debility. Physt eiana recommend It. All dealers sell It. Genuine feiiA trade* mark and croeaed red Uuos or wrappeii TAX NOTICE. THIRD AND LAST ROUND. I will be at tho following places to-wit; J. (J. Dumas’ on Monday, May 18th Haddock Station, Tuesday, May 14th. V. B. Clark’s store, Wcdi esday. morning, May 15th. Jesso Miller’s store* Wednesday evening. May ]5th. Wash Ross’ store, Thursday, May 16th. J. S, Stewart’s mill, Friday morn ing, May 17th. Bradley 8 Station, Friday evening. May 17th. Round Oak, Monday, May 20th. M. N. Tyner’s store, Tuesday morn Ing, May 2lst. Glovers mil, Tuesday evening, May 21st. T. C Pippins’ store, Wednesday morning, May 22nd. Canoy Creek church, Wednesday evening, May 22nd. Popes Ferry, Thursday, May 28rd. live Points, Friday morning, May 24th. Wayside, Friday evening, May 24th. R. A. Gordon’s store, Monday morn ing, May 27th. G. W. F, McKay’s store, Monday evening, May 27th. Jackson Roberts, Tuesday, Muy 28th, Ihiberts Station, Wednesday, May LnFayette Balkcom’a Thursday J May 30*h. James Station, Friday, May 31st, Morton Station, Monday, June 3rd. Grays Station, Tuesday evouiu iT . Juno 4tb. Haddock Station, Wednesday, J une 5th. Sid Jones’, Thursday, June 6th. I atn in Clinton overSaturday and will close my books by the 20th of Jane. William T. Morris^ Tax Receiver Jones Co Apr. 22nd 1889,-^til jnu20 * L ti'J.h tA. EtS OF W/JOi» j POISON. Thousands suffer from blood poi i gorij who would bejcured ifttioy gave 13, B. B. (Bontanic Blood Balm) a trial. Sendltojthe Blood Bairn Co.. Atlanta Ga f or bookof wonderful curesi that convince the most skepti cal. It is sent free. J," O. Lisbon, Meridian, Miss,, writes. ‘‘For a number of years 1 suffered untold agonies from blood poison. Several prominent physi cians did me little if any good. I began to use B. B. B. with very little faith, but. to my utter surprise it has made me a well ar.d hearty person.’’ Z. T. Hallertan, Macon. Ga. writes, *‘I contracted blood poison, 1 first tried physicians, and then went to Hot Spring. I returned home a ruined man physically. Nothing seemed to do me any good. My mother persuaded me to try B. 13. B. To my utter astonishment every ulcer quickly healed.” Benj. Morris; Atlanta, Ga. writes; “I suffered years from syphilitic blood poison which refused to be cured by all treatment. Physicians I pronounced it a l hopeless had pains case. hips bad no appetite, and kidneys in and diseased. joints My throat my ulcerated were was and my breast a mass of running gores. In this condition I com menced a use of B. B. B.. It healed every ulcer and soro and cured me completly within two mouths.” Many Persons Are. broken flown from overwork or household cares jjrov.n’s Iron Hitters rebuilds the system, aids malaria. digestion, Clot the removes cx aesaof bile, andJlyoa genuine. via* A STEM-WINDING WATCH. ——* mwmmmmmm m wn mm ■ ■ — — ■ - — A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN . AMP S 4 JPASH . For an Hou^s Work. Wo waut, ftfc least, ono more subscriber to TKXA8 IlFTINUS in every town, village will and hamlet in America. agent U you write to ia at once, we appoint, vusl,_ccnirmk you our d vuur nawblMcliuod. JO will also Kivo you a pros, it «l „ fi.oo (fold Fountain Pen for the Ural subscription you send. When you show ihe paper to your jiuighbors, WQ know you will have no lithcult y in gottmg a number of subscribers; but even if *ou never get more than one subscriber.remember that we Until give you the Gold Pen AS A Pltt Sl NT, and will nail it to you ns soon as you send the first subscription, the non is the celebrated MANHATTAN FOUNTAIN PUN.with gold mounted barrel, fitted with a 14 carat gold jen, the established price of which is $il fit). Those pone we .hoy indispensable hold enough to ink every to write one w twenty ho has writing of to foolscap do, a# and always ready for They pages taper, gradual are flow, glide smoothly use. write freely, lave a as us a pencil over ho paper, and will last a lifetime. The price of TEXAS SIFTINGS is $4 a year. Of this r « give you $1 on each subscription you Bond. In edition to this, if you send us FOUR subscriptions, we hall send you the *2.50 Gobi Fountain Pen and a $5 tlio item-winding watch is NOT and Stem \V ATERilURY. sotting Nickel Cased Watch, A ll is full jeweled. Mid hurt tho fines* Waltham .style move merit. The case B solid nickel containing 20 per cent, silver, and over th« We narrnnt, Imtli tho Pen nml the Watch. TEXAS SITTINGS could not afford to give either a fen or a watch that it would not guarantee. For your trouble in securing 4 Bubscriptiona you will <tet If $4 cash, a $2.50 pen and a $5 watch. you want neither pen nor watch, but do want to trork for cash, write us and we shall offer you a cash lommihHion greater than that offered by any Journal or ftfag.'uuut* m America. TEX AS SIFTING? ia probably ono of the bent known, »nd itorary is certainly one in tho of the world, most popular, volume humorous for and aina (*2 papers weekly number M00 a u year con- 1,000 columns- It ia published Sj pages, two hemispheres. 1,600 illustration!* American edition is 120,000 in copies weekly. Th# European edition, published over London. England, ThB •cached circulation of 60,000 copies in week. hag a a SIFTINGS is sold by newsdealers at 10 cents a copy. Send five cents in stamps, and we shall send you * Mmpto When cony of SIFTINGS, and full explanation Oil •iiUB. writing state where you eaw thus advk X y ROYAL M3»| mi ^AKlN c POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. \ ma vel of purity, strength and whoJer someness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold n competition with the multitudes ow test, short weight, alumn or phos ROYAL phate powders. Sol only in cans BAKING POWDER CO 106 Wall street New York 11. (JUiiBEDGE 672 CHERRY STREET, M^COfi Q\. General House Furnisher. B© «r lei? In Crockery, Class s re, Tinware, Cutlery, J Excelsior a id Capitola Cook Stoves did Ranges. . mi 1 EL 100 . i cloth, mums ii mmi Latest Styles TIIE liWEST PRICES. Send us your orders al come to see us when in Macon. EADS, NEEL & CO, -15—3 n:. 557CHERRY ST Goods sent C. 0. . unless city reference is given T. V. DONS ■m -./v- m Beds Pre to Customers. TDK f W im IdQTO? jjiQARpkND Tobacco^ -f THE BAR, FILLING JUGS AD BOTTLES A SPECIALTY. Come oncind you’ll come again. Morgans Corner Macon, Ga INDRATED FIBRE! WARE. / _ \ ABSCUTELY ONE PIECE 1 HAIN0 HOOPS! NITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED! NOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER 1 NAS APPEARANCE OF POLISHED MAHOGANY. m MILS, JBS, .BASINS, PANS, KEELERS; SPITTOONS, SLOP-JAS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &c., &c. LARGE VARIETY OF GOODS. CORDUY & HAYES, New York, Sole Agents. „ Oswego, Factois: Portland. Me-, Peterboro, N. H., Watertown, Mas*., kno TOB SALE BY ALL HOUSE-FURNISHING NL, LockporL N. Y., Cleveland, Ohio, Winona, Minn. HARDWARE, GROCERY AND CROCKERY DEALERS. rULL PRICE-LIST and 6TALOGUE FREE ON APPLICATION. _ the excelsior V. jp,;;:-; •*] FEEBEEB Mil Lcopensees a:;d «"Snaran(eed to bo Kqnnl to r ■■■> -AiSigff raefiiho Dost. Fiolta the Seoct i VV Cle»n, Gins Fa.t mil makes a Fine Stnjilo, is4 The Circular Koll Box > Patented, and no other ma !' - nufacturer can use it. V Send for Circular. No trouble to communicate ■with :v parties chines. wanting these ma notice Old Gins and cheap. Repaired at snort PfSjMassey Cotton Gin Works MACON, Ga. JLXUliuu Mnf i pp m R R 'ft GRAY GA. My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell • to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them. I will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries. I have in Stock a full line Gants, Ladies, Misses and Children's that I am going t ? el o 3 out regardless of cost, In addition to the above, I carry a Full Line ot hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, all of which I will sell at Rock bottom prices. Give me a trial and be convinced that I mean business. D. D. HOISENSECK.