The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, June 15, 1889, Image 2

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Thos- R. Fcim : Fulishcr I -— S U M . * She's faker than a lily, And she’s sweeter than a rose. Aml'she Knocks the neighbors silly When she wields the garden hose. flic lifts her skirts hand, from danger With her left while her right (Jrasjs the nozzle and (he stranger Gets a very pleusmg sight. The neighbors' eyes all twinkle, And their interest daily grows, for they like to see her sprinkle, And tligy like to see the hose. -^-Freah Barber (shaving custo mer)—Who is that old lieu going along the other side of the street, wgh a bustle on ijer like f» boxing glove? Customer (rising deliberately and looking)—That? Oh, she’s iny >vjfe.—Ex. f, Where did you get find. cake, Annie?” 4‘Mothcr gave it to me.” “She’s always a giving you nip re’n ghe does me ” “Nevermind, Harry, she’s going to put mustard plasters on us to night, and I'll ask her to let yog have the biggest.”—Life. Caution in tho premises.—“Hadn’t I better pray for ram to day, Dea con:’’said a mini ster, Sunday. “Not p> day, Dominic, I thick” was the prudoiR reply, “the wind jsi»'t right but yop can advise the ladies of your Congregation to buy the Light Run niug New Home Sewing Machine without fi*ir of making a mistake.” t Fp . tho Georgia t Wee sly tress. lhe thi.d annual meeting of the Georgia Weekly J'resB Hill he he d m Carters vi He, (<a., on Wulnc-dj,y, July J. tlio meeting Will be called to order promptly at liup, o i ocl. a. m, Oa Iiuirad ay the association lyji! leave on an ex mision of much interest to all who im.y attend. A lull attendance is re quested, l or information regarding transportation.addreris.T W, Roberts porrespoudnig’secrefay, Sparta. Ga., 1>. h. I 1 resident HI 1ERI FF’y M a ET1NG. All the sheriffs of Georgia avo re giioste 1 to meet in convention at the poqrt house in Atlanta at 12 o’clock a. m.; July 10th, next. Every paper m state please copy. L. 1’. Thomas, Sheriff Fulton Co , N. 11. McGuinuia, Gordon “ Juo. W. Wier, . “ Clark “ J, A. Hurst, rt Thomas - J. A, llil’.smaq, Morgan rr AY. II. Phillips, s Jasper •Ld). Beauchamp Butts “ W. W. Barron s Jones “ KG']' ONE, BUT MANY. Among our exchanges wo ob rerve allusions to “the heroes o* Johnstomi.” and discover on reading them that they refer to different persons. the hero Necessarily of Johnstown? so. Who was A young man on horseback dashed down tho valley, crying out to t\io people to lly to'tliehiflg and Have themselves ir nn ti»c coming flood, and, forgetful o' his own safety, rode on, carrying (he warning until the raging waters overtookaud overhelmed him and his panting horse. Another young man saved twenty iwo human livo< from the torrent Vhcq every time lie pushed Ins frail boat out it seemed that ho wont to meet certain death. A lone woman sat at her post of duty iq the Jqhnstowu telegraph of jiee aqd, tliougb she knew that de Mtructwa was coming at fearful speed, iustoa^ of saving herself la- gan to call up the other operators down thu valley. She succeeded in warning every one of them, and then sent the words: “This is my last message.” It wa*. indeed, her last, for the flood hail come and she sank beneath its loaimug waves. An humble negro porter on a rail road train, when the couductoi and those superior to 1pm in authority would not dcsort .n,! in.nlii Mvpi»«n g .r, but stooit by «„d *ltn,r f W manfuHy lo M vo I,or nn f.lboth w«.tdt.nnl«nentb thorn-. ging torrents. E S„" * ,%* h ;‘ z « hf r ***** ;“ H «*«<* , «~l= f.ich forgot , Mh uJ thought of the seli sacrifice which shine out amid the k°U'-ffS ei that disaster’ajid rekindle our faith in humanity. There was no hero of Johnstown, nor heroine, either- There were many brave men and women who struggled end suffered and died there trying to save their fellow crealurers. Many such heroic souls were, no doubt, imoticed in the wild turmoil of the hoar ef death. Let us honor all those of whose 1 self-sacrifice we know, but wo may be sure that these are by no means all ami that the others shall not be wibloat their reward, though they may fail of our feeble praises.— Macon Telegraph, TIMELY THOUGHTS. Suppose all the women in the land should leave homo to combat tliO errors of the world, what would become of the children, and the household affairs? Go slow, go slow. A good cause tjiay be hurt by bail management. Homo is woman’s throne, on which who sits as Queen. When she leaves it to enter the struggles of the outside world, sho lorsakcs her Ciod-ordainc 1 duty, and be comes ono of tlie common crowd. The reason why thero arc so many unmarried women in the land is, because the old spinsters have left homo and gone to meddling with affairs that nro in tho line of men’s especial duty. SHERIFF S sales; GEORGIA—Jones Comity, Will bo sold before the Court House door in Clinton said state and County on tho first Tuesday } n July next between tho legal hoars of sale the following IVopcr ty to Wlt . One aero ot land and moru house thereon adjoining lands ,,f John Garland, John Gordon and othora a!ui known as tho Sugar (jiiiytoro house and lot and on Ul0 vifiht ol - tbo road loading uilRboro to Cornucopia. Levied on ;(H Ul0 p ropvriy 0 f r. A . Gordon to 9at isfyuTixfi fa for Slate and County Taxes for the year 1885. Traiwlerred loll. T. Rowe], Caali j L ,,. Macon Saving Bank, by S, J. Philips Tax Collector. Written no tice served on tenant in i’ossession. Property Pointed out by II. T. iVtrcJ, ‘I'UU* &'9 l* v «r» , , l&Ofi, — W. W. BARRON, Sheriff! GEORGIA—Jones County. IV ILL be sold before tlio Court House door iu the town of Clinton, Jones County Ga., within the legal hours of sale on tho first Tuesday it; July 1889. Fix Sevenths undivided interest m Bixly acres of land in' Jones County and also one Seventh interest additional iu said s xty acres of land, the said land situated in Roberts District, Jones Co., Ga. adjoining John Y. Low and Roberts and others, levied on and sold by virtue of two Fi Fa’s No. 93 and 83 from Bibb Superior Court at Novem ber Term 1888, No. 33 is against Henry Rivers for 1-7 interest and No. So is against Festus, Winnie, Amelia, Violet, Mary and Mariah Rivers for G-7 interest of said land Sold to satisfy said Fi. Fa's. Prop erty pointed out by Plaintiff’s Att’y. and tenant in possession served with notice levied on as the joint proper ty of s.i’d named parties. Terms Cash. IV. W. BARRON, June 3rd 1&S9. Sheriff. GEORGIA—Jones County. Will be sold before the Coiut House iloor in Clinton «ii<l County on the first Tuesday in July next during the legal hours of sale at Public outcry to the highest bidder, ^ o3 y of Land situated lying a fid being m said State and County, Bounded by lauds of \V S. Lowe. " • H- Heads’ Estate and others on allult creefc aUi< kno wn os the 1 li ° ima Humphries house place and ““i;"*- 1 “»» kr Monroe Ur«n, t» “8 “><« lnnd »y'A b, John S. *• *>• J - 1 >■";« as ap r >**• *6® 131 3oik ‘ s bup’r Court. Levied on as the land of li. J. Turner to sat U(j’ 3ue fi iaffoni Jonc Sno’r Coart m «r a. ii. st ep i, e „ s „ J. Miller Prin. S. T. m£nJhtU Bragg and 11, J Tnrnor ^nritic. -“'jn^AUy. Written Written notice «rved on tenant in iosaession 1 ThMAU'. This 26 Feb’y. 1889. . W. Oarron, Sheriff ■ a m L to ( w H @ SMITH At the Drug Stars Forrirly Occupied ly Dr- Q- R. Dozier 11 Honticdllo, *3 CS Ga., ) o e 10 ft O 9 ( Canned Goods of all kinds, Ora os, Apples, Fancy Confectionaries, Can dies, 'Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Far, Veal, Grits, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Raw uud Parched Coffee, Tea, SpiceJ.iuger, Soda, Syrup, Molasses, Soup, Kerosene Oil, Etc. In fact Headquarters for every thing in the Eating line. Have just returned from Markt where I purchased for the Cash the choicest Groceries at prices that can afford to sell to my patrons that will astonish them. Having bed in the business for six years, am pre pared to know the wants of the tuple. My intention is to kec-p a full Ime of Fresh Family and Fa ey Groceries and my motto is to save all of my customers Money, To b convinced of this fact give mo a trial and you will come again. I will r t purchase anything but the Freshest vud Pure«t,Goods. Just, received nolher Fresh line ef Fancy Groceries and confeetionalies. Thanking r? friends for a liberal support and a c ontinuance of the same, I am, RcpocRully, J. IT. S. SMITH. AH goods delivered to any par of City when sold,—4—9. >T * MpL. THE EXCELSiOR «?■" a •. 1$ Hy (till 111 llli i II •te] II ; ■ e/t m feeders A ?.*■ /-.• AND <unmmrcmna J ! y“-as?asa““ srts M--" : ■ fpsssnsfjsajsi I . ’'xi . 1 trouble parties to wanting communicate with w-' ■ :: tnv:a isa f A' ' : " 3sse L“ If« w ':>0 £ ROYAL Pi ! 4i § Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A. ma vel of purity, strength and wilder someness. More economical than the ordinary competition kinds, and cannot multitudes be sold n with the ow test, short weight, alumn orphos pliate UOYAL powders. Sol only in can? BAKING BOWDlUtCO lUtj Wall Street New York TiMTlIT iSiS PRESS --AND- THIS PAPER -FOR SLSO PER ill. CASRI if * * S-T . I . set Maim MONEY! DUE tsz.* Sg&Si -■'CT Tb.o.ap. - rtt» Pf**« “«raw, Books. G-3J s £° KES"LSan« ■S.ryrenyoJw.r c*w*l pfe-w.ii* toe 1M» - fn i OtJSSRe 195* M'rtsifSt, rrH ^ rm J • CHiCjSri f • ILL, , s l , STIfiE ©f$S*Y sff? ' 1HE ETh'!G?!AaCAfJ HOTEHAKGE HSR HiSEK13 TH£ LE3PAR0 HIS SPOTS.” KiUMSDoiBiniuMs ikk aEtjEAHYvsciusGsmi. CAS KOT BB KEBOVrS WITHODT BESTKOVIXa TUB l’ABUll', HO HOT JItOX OK SBSUOHT JiB IJVIBEi!, CAS HR r«EH WITH STAMP OK PE.V. RETAIL mm, ils. -ALSO MAKUTXCTCrnKIlS 03T Writing and Dopying Snks, Sealing Wasj SSaeiiage, Wafers, Etc, mesEos mm oo., 127-129 Wiiliam Sheet, NEW YORK CITY. JtSTABLISXIBS 1825. 146.600 03 a=::sfs;?s{s«.ri7*SS 60 d£3<TS, thoBuoscriptlon price for one year,wo will ertrr 1 caflU present ’ of #3.000 GIVEN FREE TO SU 3 SGRI 3 ERS 1 i " •• - • . » 1,000 READ AND LEARN! w B109 cnclu 50Q '!g' ^ ________ S3MS3T aW'rom . , -J Will dime lo •• - 8 : a - mSggtS&lM .JR 1 *3* M our SSSA aUverttsIna patron- 10 •* - ■ STOP f nranwr uoutb/ibs *80. #1.00 L.r two 80 " io “ 8«,0 iSSCaa.UYSBARE M caoyo tubscrlpflcns, tbe ettra paper 80 “ u'%:. - 1 00 HAVFUUS rrVDT pa 0 j® relative, aialisd amlthaextraprcnsl- to a friend or COO" «... u 1 f.Od IK IMS premium orsruiauTtaii > ™—-Zl_n um 1)0 lorwawod isMs to yourseU. o UprlfflitPlonos, 800 •• 1.S00 UIIO fi fll«Z!irtOrg»ns, _____ SSO - I " 'fi-WTr * 760 - - || , I Ext’n TopThnetoni. 860 ?, lluss's,3PQ “ 3 Sidecar Top 870 810 a ikSoiiaPImetwu, Wagoei, 70 SlU ... fox all. 3 Imp’d Steel Harvester Farm anti 8 Binders, 1,5 “ 350 iisr«i r siiEr 1«» TttO , .«, * sffifflss. a ■ II zoo SbsS I 130 ”XTRA CIFTf*Hs5®\ SS8Rv jaagSti == 1 ,a ?. "“•is - «• Ycij" 3 JTlUil FR?F!rU , ^‘ l1 et Five Vrr'.r Suit-'-rlvH, I ’,v R- no B-nh"! »"il tnnr. ...bir/rdeltb, anting » *»» CUT m 3 ' jT m SR®* W a®® 5 * ■L rfftHT.T Jsra hoism jo-jiwal., ic-o and ica v/a6hi:ig*ca ot., Chicago, ill. g JJ ROSSER, J, D. HARVEY. u. l davis iOSSEB, HARVEY & DAVIS. ----Go!)- TO THE CITIZENS OR JASPER AND surrounding O COUNTIES O I o | — | o | Having permanently located at Monticello Ga, wo offer you the beat and cheapest line of Dry Goods Clothing ofcions, Hats, Boots and Shoos, consisting of Hard ware from Jews harp to a Cross-cut saw, and full line of Crockery from a 1 gallon jug to Ewer and Basin. ' A BEAUTIFUL LINE OP All wool Henrietta cloths, And all colors of Cashimeres The Nobbiest Line of Prints and Ginghams South of IVlason and Dixon Line. Also new and elegant line of White Goods, Embroideries and Edging to match and all the Latest Styles of Veiling’s. Hosiery from 5c a pah to $1,00 a pair. Gloves in endless varieties and prices. Towels, Table Damask and Doylies to match. A BEAUTIFUL LINE SCRIMS AND CRETONS, WOMANS’ BEST FRIEND WARNERS' BALLS COftSETS AND FULL LINE OF COTTON ADES, CHUCKS, STANDARD OF THE WORLD SHEETING AND SIIIRTING TICKS FROM OCEAN TO AOA. j-1IATS IN ALL STYLES.-j Tinware. Yf'oodenware and Willoware. trunks, Valises,and fine line of SHIRTS We always keep oa hand a full supp’y of meat, corn Bran, Lard, Flour syrup and m fact everything in the Grocery Line that the Farmers need It is a hard matter to get first class lard. We are happy to announce to our friends that we can furnish you with an extra fancy quality—the purest, best in the world. It is a paint in our business method that we test, examine everything that we sell before purchase, which, in our judgement, must be the best. A full line of am IT" -n i ■ u iiiiiuil PARAFINE CANDLES AND APERM and the sweetest toilet soap and the best Laundry Soap in the world. Now, do you want something in our line? If so ^ ome and see us. We have tho goods for you and at prices to suit these hard times. Since locating at this place we have increased our stock, and now have ©nr stove filled from cel lar to garret with the best of goods. It is our intention to accomodate the people and to serve them to better advan ta S 6 in the futuio than avo have everdono. Hm °y * Da,ls - " r-"* 1 *"............ — 1 ’ - . 5 bbSJ SdRC IfifADS* WHtBSal 1 - ABSOLUTELY ONE PIECE! 111611 HAS NO HOOPS! NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED! ; NOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER! HAS APPEARANCE OF POLISHED MAHOGANY. m PAILS, TUBS, BASINS, PANS, KEELERS, SPITTOONS, SLOP-JABS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, Ac., &. ,i- y. LARGE VARIETY OF GOODS. CORDLEY & HAYES, New York, Sole Agents. Oswego, Factories: Portland, Me., Peterboro, N. H , Watertown, Mass.. TOR - _ SALE —— BY N. Y., Lockaort, N. ¥,, Cleveland, Chiu, Winona, Minn. ALL HOUSE-FURNISHING, HARDWARE. GROCERY AND CROCKERY DEALERS. FULL PRICE-LIST AND CATALOGUE FREE ON