The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, June 29, 1889, Image 2

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Tkos- B- Penn : Pulishor The State Alliance Convention will meetin ^laC'»n r o» August 20th. 1’resident Livingston is actively engaged tryirg to secure cheap rates for the delegates on the rai’.rou is. We have.not read the Olivo Bill, AVeuiidt rs'aiul however its object and jnirposo is to prevent monopoly and encourage competition. by the It. R. of the State. This step is m tac right direction, and should receive the endorsement of the Legislature and people, even if decrease tho rental of the State road. It the purpose ot the bill be com-nmmaud we cm af ford to lose the rental of the road, the compensation lo ttio business nu n and larmers of the county will be an hundred ibid. Covington is to have two more Rail Roads. This is what the Star lias to say: “We publish two notices of appli cation to the legislature for charters for two new railroads to Covington —one from Franklin, Heard county, via Jonesboro Ip Covington, and the other from Lawrenceville, via Lo gansville, VValnut Grove and Coving ton, to Monti cello. If some folks “don’t mind,” Covington will bo come a railroad centre yet, some day, Let the work go on.” Retirement of Supt.McEvoy The following circular sja-aks for itself; Covington & Macon If. R. Okkicb ok Sui'kkintknubnt, Macon, Ga., June 25th, 1889. To Employees and Connections:— Mr. A, J. McEvoy having retired from the service of this Company, Mr. A. G. Ciaig is this day appoint ed Acting Superintendent, iu addi tion to his present duties as General Freight and Passenger Agent. J. K. Jonbs, President. We hcoitily endorse the old time Democratic thought, that the office of government is spout when it pro tects the citizen in his effort to maiu tain and educate his family. The common school system, can only be thought. One has as much right to ask government for bread, as for an education. We have been taught that government is created by the people and not that it is parental,— Besides observation compels ns to admit that the common-school sys tem of Georgia, has been hurtful to the cause of education—iu this that t* has lowered the standard of ef fiency in teachers and scholarship in pupil, and has broken down the private schools of the country. We are therefore opiiosed to devoting tho Tentid of the State Rond to the com mon schools. AN ACADEMY. If wft regaid tho comfort of our children and love them us they de serve to Iw loved, if wc have any town pride, we will build n new Academy at * Gray, W e are poor, but jiot no poor that we can not build an Academy that will be au ornament to the town, .ar.d give adequate accomodation to a large number of pupils. Poverty cannot prevent, parsimony and meanness may Is the world only a great marketplace for buying and selling, and is the acquisilou of gold and property of more consequence than the proper education of the young? If there be any who will answer this question in the affirmative mid re iuse to aid so laudibJo enterprise let n* not lie discouraged, but. build without them, and leave to them an immortality of meanness in reaping where they had not sown. But we believe that the people will laydown all prejudice, of party, faction or eect, and unite id performance this duty—to rofuso might entitle us to the comm iteration of wife, child, or sweet-heart as the case might be, but not to their respect. » ' ■ ♦ » ■ " ■■■ " ■i n Ah a rule, Mens a fool. When it’s hot He wauts it cool; When it’s cool lie wants it hot, Always St hat wanting it’s not. —Boston Record. The new capital is to be dedicatee on tbs 4th of July. The day will be inomorable iu the history of Georgia. When Georgia puts her convicts on the public roads and g ves her people good turnpikes, then will she blo-soui like a ios.*. Ex-Treasurer Adams, of Macon, whose s al committed suicide by starring to death, bu* concluded to settle the deficiency by paying fifty ceuti oil thr dollar. General Wado Hampton, with his daughter, Miss Daisy, is at present enjoying a sojourn in Canada. Up on his return the Senator will prob ably visit Washington for a brief stay. On the death of Jacob Kimes of Columbia, lately, his hunting dog would touch no food until the fun eral was over, and his parrot, which had been garrulou s has not spoken a word since. Ladies, when you have fully made up your miml to purchase a Sowing Machine, you should get the New Home it combines the good points of all Sewing Machines, with the addition of many new improve ments, When the doctor placed his carlo the editor’s heart and then sadly murmured:‘'Poor ATow, circulation nearly gone! 1 ’ Jle raised himself and gasped: “Tia fa'se 1 Wo have the largest circulation iu the county: —Ex. Sam Jones very truly says; Girls are not us particni as boys. A boy will not go with anlmpuve girl any where, but a girl will go to a bail and dunce with a fellow she knows to he as dirty and smutty as the devil.” IBJBS* wMUr FOR TISK m.oon, luillKcstlon Wcukueas, Malaria, an© IliliouimGiw. tnku UltmVN'8 IRON IlITTF.ns. It cun'rt quickly. Fur pale by all Uoulurs tH uaxliutuo. Out tlv i©‘uulua HOW’S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hull’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the l«ul 81 C- •• •> i i, t • fectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by heir firm, West & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists Toledo; 0, Watdino. Kinnan & Marvin. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. E. II. Van Iloesen, Cashier Toledo National Rank, Toledo. O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system Testjomonials sent free. Sold by all Druggists 75c a bottle. f ■ f ce’ t ■ ■ V . ROYALf VlU jpmm I'XiJbiHZ 1 - !5#S V POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A ma vel of purity, strength and wholer someness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold n competition with the multitudes ow test, short weight, alumn orpbos phate ROYAL powders. BAKING Sol only POWDER in cans CO 100 Wall Street New York Ordumry’s Office, Jones Co. Ga. June 25th 1889 Whereas, W. H. Burden ns Adin’r. on Estate of James G. Barnes, dec’d. applies to me for Dismission from said ''.state. These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to the contrary, at this office on the first Monday iu October next. Witness my hand officially. K T. ROSS, Ordinary, Ordinary's Office, Jones To. G a■ June 25th 1389. Whereas, Alex A. Ita'kcoin applies for Disniirsion from Guardianship of Win. S. Balkoom, minor. These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to the contrary, at this office on the first Monday in August next. Witness my hand officially, 11. T. ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary's Office, Jones Co. Ua. June 25th 1839.. Whereas, W. W. Barron, AduTr. on Estate of Wyatt Patterson, col. dec’d. applies to me for Dismission. These are to cite all persons concern ed to show cause if any they have to the contrary at this office on or by the first Monday in October next. Witness my hand officially, R. T, K08S, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co. Ga. June 25th 1889. Whereas, Mrs. Caledonia Glawson applies for Guardianship of l has. G. Glawson and Gallic 0. Glawson minors under 14 years old, and ol Jt-ssee Glawson, Joseph E. Glawson, Annie B. Glawson and Eppil E. Glawson, Minors over I t years-ofago These are to Cite all persons con cerned to show cause if any they have to the contrary at this office on the first Monday in August next. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROSS, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALES* GEORGIA—Jones County. Will be sold before the Court House door in Clinton Haiti County on the first Tuesday in July next during the legal hours of sale at Public outcry to the liighe-t bidder, that body of Land situated lying and being in said State and County. Hounded by lands of W S. Lowe. W. II. Heads’ Estate and others on Walnut creek and known as the Thomas Humphries house place and occupied now by Monroe Green, be ing the same land sold by John S. Humphries to K. J. Turner as ap pears in Deed of record Book, V. Page 131 Jones Sup’r Court. Levied on as the land of I?. J. Turner to sat isfy one fi fa from Jones Sup’r Court in favor of A. II. Stephens vs Thomas J. Miller Prin. S. T. Bragg and It. J. Turner securities. Property pointed out by Pi'tls Att’y. Written notice served This on Fcb’y. tenant in possession 2G 1889. Fee w. w-ttwwn: mn tors' ifu ks. GEORGIA—Jone3 County, Will bo sold before tho Court House door in Clinton said state and County’on the first Tuesday in July next between tho legal hours of sale the following Proper ty to wit. One aero ot land and storo house thereon adjoining lands of John Garland, John Gordon and others and known as the Sugar Hill Store honso and lot and on the right of tho road leading from tlill.-boro to Cornucopia. Levied on as tho Property of It. A. Gordon to satisfy a Tax fi fa for State and County Taxes for the year 1885. Transferred to II. T. Powe], Cash ier Macon Saving Bank, by S, J. Philips Tax Collector.. Written no tice served on tenant in Possession. Property Pointed* out -by U. T. Powel. This 2G Feb'y. 1889. W. W. BARRON, Sheriff. Printers’ Fee f 1,82. GEORGIA—Jones County. WILL bo-sold before the Court House door in the loam of Clinton, Jones County Ga., within the legal hours of sale on ttio first Tuesday in July 1889. Six Sevenths undivided interest m Sixty acres of land in Jones Comitv and also one Seventh interest additional in said s’xty acres of land, the said land situated in Roberts District, Jones Co., Ga. adjoining John Y. Low and Roberts and others, levied on and sold by virtue of two Fi Fa’s No. 33 aud 35 from Bibb Superior Court at Novem ber Term US8, No. 33 is against Henry Rivers for 1-7 interest and No. 35 is against Festus, Winnie, Amelia, Violet, Mary aud Moriah Rivers for 6-7 interest of said land Sold to satisfy said Fi. Fa's. Prop erty pointed out by Plaintiff’s Att’y. and tenant m possession served with notice levied on as the joint proper ty of said named ..parties. Teems Cash. • • ‘ ’ W. W. BARRON, June 3rd 1SS9. Sheriff. Pi inters’ Fee $9,00. I.AIKKS Scsediug a tonic, or children Rhonl-l that tcar.t bulldUs® titi. BROWN'S IKON BITTWRS. It !s pleasant to lake, ouri s Malaria. Iodlgafl. hon, oi.J Biliousness. Ail <!&!»» asx* 4. J ss SDBSCBSESS 1. .uisKUfc** NOltscEciWms, LISTS, iuJi } “ ewseatol ^ ^ GI¥?H FUSE T8 Ri»Utayour*Mldressac*»i»y«fS-«-*Ht‘ to do so fur one year. GO cents is tlior«f:i»lftr , HHtjino.?oi8r»i*fcl»iiil subscription nico. continue lionet } J ‘ “ “ . * • • * £,wq e?KAD AND LEARS J “ . w« fur the premiums. Our Jrs-uHts will cotnc »j “ Man* 0T3t . 50o 1 . SsWSSfttSiarS«»,; satstaea " . • g rsropi mmrnrmima S3 BOO. ffttAOE I *S if nndttH. . ■», J ; mvcdosr GOT MY MzipS M rfiaMm extra prena- fife , . „ I 1M irwrtfl I pffeaj; l = s sS& 4WB4-A IT »n «* N® ISS®®aa2: UVo a S' t tSSSStBens" *s S I • a aHKhnl-f ^ ;'-r.n t*^R«a*Tr“ cnBi fcAlKA picfe WNd $ 1 too , 888 watches. .® esffl.VsJ^faWs/ %®es$s ^g&saSs&S £&•:,! •: a «n» I*t of Gift, 920 cadi; 9250 : 2 i»l «Ifts «!?i, of S SI© 1 GO; *Rcb; 8 i'<( 40 <llft, of 93 930 ; to I«l» X ““ASKS SB£a«£XSsSS ■« I© each ; • ^.*S* oacti; iirirt 1<M> Ktcm-wiin!iri5: advortisotaent, WatcheH, jiuit to bo given I'r^e sawtiils to the ad- LouUilij; liuus, ^rtlsemcnfc, porsons who answer this andsity where t):oy 4lS«2RK^a5s5&aw 4S •• fi la order that v/o ra:t7 positively irnow what fclridcf advertising pays us best l kII whos?n<l us CO canW fur a year’s suhscrlpMuu, either singly or In clutv% can comneiA for these extra preserts. ■»W»«reffa | V OOll Sj&SSIHPTtOK Subscribers. ------- accompanied ---------------*” Cliibof by *6.00,1 *3.00 Wowlll KtsuiUvvalextm Subscriptions, ■Cash, rtir will send one©xtr» and Suhsci i I»Uoii. send For a ,'slraSubniriptioiirt. Tea a<»l For Club of _____ ftOlub ot twenty fl'ilK), wit v; ill live a forty awl T 21 . 00 . wewill<*-..i<r ratlin extra Subscriptions. Sabscripttous. Voa youcannavoineeitra can hsvu the e^tra papers i-apcrs Dialled mailed to to frlpiids, Trlcnds, ami ami retain retain tbo ttio prominrai premium lor lor younwM. joiiraell. n||T tiU TUI( Into ftllT UUI Anil mn runiu attUW »» II rMrHK This ThU la is vmif your Annartnuitv. opportunity, a A 883,000 .nfltt present nTPuoTif tn to !«, grlveu n>S«icn to t<k some annu* nno' one; .da So niimvAr answer quick—nosub.-KTlptioaicn- nnintr no ^uhscrlntifirm on. I tcaxl Send unices money, luonoy small Is sent amounts witti tlio Uy postal latter. notes As to our stamps reliability, (l and t 2 lie cents) Mercantile whon ix>stal Agencies notes cannot or Hanks bo obtained; will satisfy lame omnunta, you that by wo dons we di-oibH. oi7,Vi.. "***' or cxiiroBH or diwft »r Now York, at our rialt. XtEl&XcXEftS XXO&IXJ JOUtVATAJu, 160 and IC2 Washington 8t., CHICAGO, „ U‘ er tz> 4Z) W//* i 1 as 4 4 pi U* 4 \ A K M A* / , * * ■ - • p > a TED DECEM CO E li 7 th 1 8 8 6 , . Improvement on Horse Collar. By James L: Campbell, Montic.llo, Ga. T E S T I M O N 1 A L S Augusta, Ga., June 11th 1889. This is to certify that I have used the Collars made by Mr. James L, Campbell collar and can say they arc as good as I ever used. Kent, Yours, L. IV. Depot and Stables Manager of Au gusta Street R R. Co. Augusta, Ga.. J uue 12th 18S9. Mk. J. L. Campbell, Monticello, Ga. Deati Sir: —The Horse that I am driving shoulder, suffered I a good procured deal with a sore one of your Collars for him and m two weeks after, his shoulder was entire ly well. I consider your Colliirs the best I have ever seen. Truly Yours, Jordan S. Morgan. Augusta, Ga., June 8th 1889. Mn, J. L. Campbell, Moxttcelt.o, Ga. Dear Sir I have now had one of your Collars in use for four or live months and am much pleased with it. them I can confidently desiring recommend good to any- one a Collar. \ cry Kerr, Truly Yours, Merchant. D. BQuThe Patent on this noted Collar is on the Market of the North' and North -Western States an 1 it is in the hands of E. J, JOHNSON, Patent Broker, Philadelphia, Penn. $1 A YEAR. I ' ‘ ‘ 2;. 5.1%.," ‘1‘?” furs", ' "rH‘E- WEEKLY gléii‘ 3.2 I 5 Jun 5! E341 ”9 fl- ~_ WW ?3 “ Try»: « W933 ‘ '.I J1?" “h ‘f 1'; ‘ ONE 1301.14.42.43 .A. YEAR Tar Largo Pages of Choimmt Ran.dltzg Matter. [ The Greatest cf D‘iiar ‘Weckliau. 11m 1"": Pam is mm with“: the reach pf nil. lm-mbloot mu. Itum ombuueu 1}!ng113332» mat dcrimwa 5y. 9’ mm“, pupa}: l?mt “?%fiqu'gh ~,_ ‘ :‘flvafi r rv- 00.. 111-711;}??tfiflgktm4 ' N t, Augusta, Ga., June 10th 1889. This is to certify that I have used the Collar made by Mr. J. L. Camp bell and can say they are the best I ever used. Yours, W. 11. Carey Augusta, Ga., June 11th 1SS9. Mr. J. L. Campbell, Dear Sir:—W A!ON'TICELLO, Ga. e have four of your Collars ^ on our Dray Horses and are so well pleased with them that I would not use any other. Since we have used them none of our Horses have had a sore shoulder or have been gained. 1 have no hesitation in saying they are the best Collar we have ever used. Yours Truly, A. The F. Cko-mbh, Sup’t, Augusta Factory. Uxiom Point, G a. I have used the Campbell Patent Leather Collar and can say that it is the only collar that would not gall my mules. It is perfect fitting, easy wearing and gives c.pnfort- to the mule. 1 respectfully recconunend them to all railroad workers. R. T. Martin, It. R. Ccutractor, ., ufcM’S t&Li^AGSSliUS* bifir-u . "If.yq Irritation, Alt* • si' sail Kr^ntr.i^ns vlrn i5 ( « ‘JeetMua a r i *. -‘••icy I lo-.ic <nJy wu ., curt vt.r,ilom *.•;«•» ;-«ir»*S A •* Moth lair «*<?$*.»* ? It J. \Ls;■-:imniu-r f T vab'.' -»ciChiitirfia cfc.’jtxye, J is>rfcand stit a: d yvj Vlil t»« v^r L. Tl?n .a Tone »<s the?? tra child *ca lu too Uoutc# A»L j j~.t 8^8 8ewfBr*9laeliii« ^X T »> a» oute c s t a t> 1 i i h pypgvi’i trade in all psm. byf and pacing goods our wLcre ma’rlyne:! the ptop 1c can sr* thva. we '/n Htend free teon* wi4s*/'ir r i Tvison *r. each locality.the vrfr -mrlt i . ht * ^ world,with acvring-tnaeWne aa the Attachment* tnade ia i ' t i:il !V &mf:4 bShsf? M \Y: ]ine e will cf ow alao acad fr ft *elo*Lk a <m«ipNM art Ir-TScfJSM inrctWBVrtyktb«tye« % 4 V/iH. NLf.Ffdpcity. fiR>ur.tfc3 ah Tla* stall tact trrasd tlie four him: vvm mu m t * *^ef »he .S:fi2t‘r patents, fi J i \ v5c b Lave mn ou;; uefere j^trnis ran cut it retd with the s Jf«b» 9 IBttmSB^ree. ^v> capital mqfc;reJ. Plain, tner trsuttct:cn& sarru. i hose who write So us at once can •«. rtii v the be^t ing-uia:Lme in the world, end the pTHEHa I** " Monticeu-o, Ga. I bad a mule with a.sore shoulder, caused from railroad grading, and would have lost the use of him had I not used your Patent Leather Collar, which cured tin. shoulder in a few days. J. G. Tollesos. Mo.NTvCEr.Eo. G.v. I have been using the Campbell Patent Leather Collar for two years on the Mail Route, Railroad Saw-mills grading and and find hauling it heavy be the logs A1 to tile's friend, to never making a sore or gall. *J’ R. Penn. KunofiA, Ga. This is to certify that, I am using a horse collar patented by Mr. Jams* L. Campbell, that is giving entire satisfaction. Before using it. one of my mules had two sores and a swol len place on his shoulders, caused from the use of the common stylo collars. Since using this patent collar, his shoulders have become en tirely well. I ieel no hesitancy in recommending it lo tlie public. I intend to use no other. Very b®' spectl’ally, John L. 0. Woods, FOB DTSrePSJA IV nrown'i Iro. BUwn. 1 Physicians ^commend it. All dealers ke*p it. SLOT per hotUc. Gerwn* tas Wtaio*u.urii u-ij jrd**’ iax] lists OU wiai***