The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, June 29, 1889, Image 4

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Urge your merchant to buv cotton haggmg and he will not handle jute at all. Articles intended for publication must be written on one sale of the and the reaj name of the writer signed to it. not necessarily for publication, but as an evidence of good faith. “I know anegro who uses a fish fora* horse,”said Air. Cagey of Au gusta. Mr. W. C Casey knows more about fish and snake stories than any man m Georgia, ile is author of the paragraph that the. on ly reason far doubting the* script ures is that so many of the apostles Were tish«rm< n. Cat fishes, when frightened besayB, always run down stream. On this he builds it narra live and to it. A mg o, fishing iu tho Savannah, he says, hooked a huge cat'lhdi, which ran down stream at a rapid rale, the boat und darky following, the cat not stopnmg till exhausted. It was captured, but placed in water. The next day the negro tied a rope to it, attached t!m lino to Ins bout and uirued the fish in the river, Down stream the boat went, faster than oars could carry it or wind propel it. The fish is fed and pelted with Care. A set of bar nos •* bus been made for it. The negro is now hying to ed ucate* it to go ap stream. Atlanta Journal: She was a coun try lass. You could iell that bv the brightness of her eye, the licalthlul culoi on her cheek, and the sweet and giilish wonder with which she look ed upon the city’s towering buildings rising skyward all about her. She wore a sky-blue dress with a bright led that did not match. She had come to town with her sweetheart to Fee tho-last performance of^he Last Days of Pompeii on Thursday. The two walked out. of the union depot hand iu hand, she limping a little on account of a pair of shoes two sizes too small. The shoes pinched harder the longer the couple walked On reaching the corner of Whitehall mid Alabama streets the girl sat down on the water plug and delib erately began unlacing her shoe, ami as it came off the tip of a black stock ing was seen from under the edge of her shirts. The shoe was soon un laced and pulled off, and. gathering the two up with a look of mexpross ible relief she bunded them to her sweet-heart. He received them as a matter of course, and then, after the girl hud taken his arm, the two pro ceeded on their walk, stopping now und then to admire the pretty things in the snow windows. After a time lho couple returned to tho depot and the girl gave tho nIiocb to the stewardess to keep for her until she was ready to go to the show, in the meantime taking several walks about town with her Bweotheart in her feet. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY. The Colorado Short Lino runs solid through trains equipped with Pullman Buffett-Sleeping cars from St. Louis and Kansas City without change, at Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, where, direct cou neetiou is made for all Rocky Mountain resorts. Solid trains from Memphis to St. Louis via. the Iron- Mountain Route. Round trip tickets via. this line are on pale at all coupon ticket offices in tho United States. For further infor mation. illustrated report hook to 110pages free, timetables, etc., call o.i or address II. C. Towitsend, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, St. Louis Mo. ron tiik Midton, IUUoumh*^. WwakiKM, lake MiUuria, lmligctlon (uio UHOWVS . . IKON I 1 ITTKIW. It cures quickly. Tor n*W by ail deul-Ml UI uaxliau©. Get th*' t^uuinu r. »C-V>v* y:i’t VJ Dm Fwiwl tMgnh—p»r. *v»U'h rwnUKt. lium.ngjt in grufS* Ui* wotij. H<**y Wie Miet, A Ik-lh wilh . ■ U w« ■ o, J . M rki . V -j r ■- *"'i* of equal tJV fN» l*cr«un m «ack lo* fitiy ran wvor* ta« lOf^llt.'r eaki# lino vriili of our |R larjr* atul itwltl ♦*! um««' Th.'*« Mtnpi*w. as •rvll as th* wai.H, w« w»<l ♦haw. H» Ikum * ...... fWe - % yrr®, Nftvi aftrr jr«tt *■«* k*pB vatw «»J ♦iirsa la ii«W SSKMiB3na£*Sffi “'H yowr «• a pro party Tkiv* mi V (SI .. * 8,r. mm'm ri’.MAiillM fLUomgtUiaw, CLINTON, GEORGIA PRACTICK 8 IN OCMUI.CEE CIRCUIT Office in Court House. DR. R. A.JONES. Ov a RESIDENT DENTIST MONTICEUI.O GEORGIA. I will be in Hillsboro second week each month. “GOLDEN DAYS.’ A HIGH-CLASS WEEKLY FOE BOYS M T B GIRLS THE REST WRITERS lor youth that money can prom are regularly engaged upon and give their host work to Golden Days. PUZZLEDOM will perlex and delight theingeniou hoys and girls, as it. has in the past. TERMS: Spl.OO PE It ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ADDRESS, JAMES ELVERSON, Pun N. W. ccr. Ninth a Spruce Sts. Philadelphia, Pa NMEM I \ y >|j£|sJyiL{ WOODWORK' bM;/ 1 AffAO-HMCaflSkb t»a*“ v.tcuiam “.“SSigSSfSa?®. % WiVi A STEM-WINDING WATCH, A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN . AND $4 CASH . For an Hour’s Work. Wu want, at leant, ono tuoro subscriber to TF.XAB IlFTlNt-iK in every town, villagwand will hum lot in America. If you write to us at onto. we appoint you onr agent u jronr Ono neghborhood, Dollar ami will Mibrn-ription pay you a cash send, c«»muia- ami ioaot «u mery sou ve will also you a present of a $2 6l> fountain Pen for (he ttrnt subscription neigmmra, you wend. When you hare show .he patwr to your wo know von will no littionliy in gutting than a number subscriber, of subsciihera; letnomhor but that eveu if »oo n«*vm get m ire Hold one Pen A J'KK.NKNT, will we thall give you the AS and nail it toy,m mi. MH»n r*you rend the first »ub*t notion. The lien in the celebrated M A Mi ATTA N H H1NTAI S PKX,with gold mounted barrel.!fitted with a 14 curat gold yen, the eaiabhahod price of which is £‘J 5»». Tbo*. pens ire iodUMnulilo to every ono who has writing to do, as 4ioy hold enough ink to write twenty Mgas of foolscap taper, and f*r« nhvaya ready for emoothly uw. They write freely, lave a gradual flow, glide lifetime. aw us a pouoil over be paper, and will last a Is $4 Tho price of TK X AS S1 b'TINt iS n year Of this •0 give >ou #1 on ouch eubnmoti«*n FODllsunscviptions, you send. In dditton to this, if you send us we hsll Ht«nd you tho t«o!d Ftointniu I*on Bid a ^5 ttem-wiiiding urn) Morn ATKKKIJKY. setting Ni» kol It fused lull Watch, Die watch is NOT A W ih ienoled, yal has tho finest Wnlthsiu style movement. Thovnao s solid nioUel comeiniug So per vent, silver, and over the !avo tie IhU k tHweled (mlit glass (lie It is tVn a pertevt and (he timekeepor. March. warrant TEXAS S1KTINUS could not afford to give either a or a wstvh that it would not guarantee, kor >our trouble iu aocnriug 4 watch. subscriptions jou will fet id 4 rash, s pen and n $5 If you want neither p*u nor watch, hut do want to vi rk tor cash, write us and we shall olTor you a cash lomniisston greater than that ofteicd by any Journal or Magazine Tr'X AS in SM-TlXt America. h is pr«>t>i»My of th® lioet known, on® inti in ct*rUiuly <*u® t»f tint moet popular, humorous and »t»*r«ry pgpt*v* in On* world. A volume h>ray«*nr con* him i**J wtH'kly numb®»», puklkhwl **J0 pugtl.Si'O IwBilspliem. illuatrutioniit T sum coluiniiH. It. is m two weekly. Th» • American edition Is over Londttu. copiea iMiglaud, ■Mt-heil Murtn^n ciftMiUIion edition, published of Al MW copiwi» in week. hm a MFTINGii i* sold by nen vtlenlera at 10 rent* » copy. Rend five cent® in alamos, and we Nhsll s«nd fuu A wmple copy of SIKl’INtiS. and full exolnnstiou thu* ot tMiua. WLuu wiiUng «uto w her® you taw advt. mm$i f LADIES Kooding a tonic, or childn*n shouM take that want building BROWN'S up IKOh U1TTKRS. It U jileasHiu to take, cures MalarU, IndlotN tk>&. aud UiUouMiesa All deal ora keep u. - DR. P^OrrETTT'S I aSB FEMALE MEDICINE lOfifLii all irrpgilJtfJtlMaij jmioyiut troc^pf f/oia which «P7?ianY Uilles suffer, it h* J Wtak.dfMUUtel vreman health cnsXcs che*rM tho tfetpobdcMt, Ufpr®*s«*d is Aik jv(u D.u^glcw M, NEEL a CO. ■* > Correct and* Latest Styles THE LOWEST PRICES. Semi us your orders and come to see ns when in Macon. BADS, NEEL & CO, —15— n .rr.. 557CIIERRY hS Goods sent O. 0. 17. unless city reference is given 9 9 ) GO TO ( 9 9 j; m, a, smith At the Drug Store Formerly Occupied by Dr- G- E. Dozier Monticello. BS Ga., ): FOR :( fanned Goods of all kinds, Granges, Appbs, Fancy Gonfectionaries, Can dies, 'Tobacco, Cigars, -Snuff, Flour. Meal, Grits, Bacon, Lard, Sugar,.Raw and Parched Coffee, Tea, Spice, Ginger, Soda, Symp, Molasses, Soap, Kerosene Oil, Etc. In fact ■ 3*1(1 I m Ha every thing in the Eating line. Have just returned from Market where I ]>nrchased for the Cash the choicest Groceries at ; prices that I can afford to sell to my patrons that astonish them. ■ Having been in the business for six years, am pre pared to know the wants of the people. My intention is to keep a full lino of Fresli Family and Fancy Groceries and my motto is to save all of my customers Money, To be convinced of this fact give me a trial and you will come again, I will not -p+’-rehase anything but the Freshest rnd Purest Goods. Just received another Fresh line of Fancy Groceries and confectionanes. Thanking my friends for a liberal support and a continuance of the same, 1 am, Respectfully, J. II. S. SMITH. S@“AU goods delivered to any part of City when add.— 4— 9. THE EXCELSIOR JpgiMITIlI feeders SB! v.v is, 2‘J SI LcomsEis AND \ i [tho Guaranteed I# ko Xlqual »o Beet. Picks the Seed Clean, Gin, Poet and Make, a Pino Staple. The' Circular Roll Box ir S Patented, and no other m nufacturer can use it. m u : trouble Send to for communicate Circular, with K - - chines. parties wanting these ma Old Gin3 Repaired at short ■ * - notice aud cheap. SB Massey Cotton Gin Workt MACON, Ga. 'Z 15W D2 {Lffi‘fifiiéfiém % THE ONLY, I ' . ‘m * ENK . nmomu can m cnauas ms mu m m: uomn ms spurs." numb: mm: “flu thin mi in mm.“ cmumulu. CAN NOT BF. REMOVED WITHOUT DEITBOYING THE FABRIC. N0 HGT IRON OB EIUNIJGIIT u QUIBED. CAN BE USED WITH STAMP on PEN. RETAIL PRME. 250. “ALSO HANNACTUREM 0,-— Vlrlflng'and Copying Inks, Sullng Wax, Mucflaga, Waters, Etc. TMWEES EAVEDSEEOu 127-129 William Street, NEW YORK CITY. ltfiunusfifi‘éfi ' INDURATED FIBRE WARE. ABSOLUTELY OUE PIECE! a I HAS NO HOOPS! NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED! I NOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER! f HAS APPEARANCE OF POLISHED MAHOGANY. • PAILS, TUBS, BASINS, PANS, KEELERS, SPITTOONS, ,..'u SLOP-JARS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &c., &c. LARGE VARIETY CF GOODS. CORBLEY & HAYES, Haw York, Solo Agents. Oswego. _ Factories: N. t., Lockpert. Pcrtian-A N. Ss, V., Cieseland, Pelerftoro, Ohio. H. H Winona, , WaterlaanT Mass., SALE ---- Minn. BY AIL HOUSE-FURNISliiNG. HARDWARE, GROCERY AMD CROCKERY DEALERS. FUU. PRICE UST AND CATAkOGUE FREE OW AFPUCATION. . . * if mm m m i mm Ki m m & HQJ m m MM Hi 6 tip* m ¥ hrUS-' ill m m MR m <g. MS m ns • m - i .i. ?VM si 1 t rx iki' NOTICE -* “• >■ ft?®. GRAY ■ B GEORGIA. ** ; My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them. I will sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, ‘ Hats and Groceries « - I have in Stock a full line HOES I that I am going to close out regardless of cost. In addition to the above, I carry a Full Lineol hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, til of which I will sell at Rock bottom 1 tU1U nriees P 1 ^ Give me a trial and be 3onvinced that I mean / business. El. ». NOISENBECK.