The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, July 06, 1889, Image 2

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. TUSUilS i’ijli SALE . CMLY- A FEW-FOUND IN THE NEW YORK MARKET. An Old nnrlsey Talks A taut the Favorite l>tsh That Tickles the Palate of ’Ilis < Fun toting Race, agil lolls How W Cn.ik It. ’ A repcrL r wh leaning against a ftspultu Hull in the Washington market reeentiy, wl)c!i a countryman came along with a small bog swung ocrow his broad shoulders. lie .paused before the stall and eyed the bulky form of tho ponderous inurkctinan with a twinkle In his eye which proclaimed that ha was not a stronger to the man he finally v. inked at, Tim huge butcher returned tho silent gpuating with tho humorous stoicism > t his tribe, and, after n decorous pause, re marked with a satined blaiiuucta he did not ®W# m pt to) conceal: . ‘‘Ah! I »■* you’ve got ’em." l “Yes; I’vo got ’em,” replied tho country man, ‘‘an’t hoy’s Jess th’ jiurUoat critters you tn<$ hty y*r eyes ’pon.” Tlio countryman slowly shifted the bag from bi< shouirler b> Wi* Door, and then thrust las ample right hand into it, but with lire •ueasdred slowness which denoted long prac tice in the art of subjeoting toa scicnoo. Rlisw iy bo drew his hand out'of tho beg and held up toiC p iarga animal by a long, clean, white The animal iookCd like a pig, and it didn’t. It hud kon f-ray Iiair all over K In ttoin jiatcUcs. It was remarkably fat. The countryman repeat**! (ho oix-j-atioa until three of the animals lay ujxm tire stall. The jqitcher Then turned gated them at over them and with admiration. Then hold over. them up, one at a time, by tho long tail, and thirdly dumped them in the scales, one at a • tome. When he had finished he went to his drawer and produced a silver do'hi*-, which ho handed to tho countryman, who took tho coin and wont his tliiy pay, only u grant of satisfaction di&t^osing Uo wtu auijily t/jiisfled. B4jd the reportor. “Opossum, “ Yos, nud mighty oh?" fino they are; plump ones ns they can bo, ami first class in every wuy. H said tho Imtoher. flicm?" “Win buys butcher. “Who iiuys 'omf exclaimed tho “Why, lpy Tl. ar fellow, them ’posamns won’t hang on tiioin j«gs twenty ruin its by my watch. Bvory colored man what ooraoe Bl-uig this way will seo them ’possums tho piiuit ho ftr/fces tho entrance, There's and ho’ll make a brsak for my stall. nothing in this market in tho moat linn a colored man ’ll buy uh lAng as one of t.lieiu animals is around.!*. "Ton make good profits on theta John 1" brings; ‘‘Well, you nee, 1 takoall that and pot all tho butchers ourcs about botlior ing with ’em. They don't ornament a sftdl to kill, you know." Tllo rojiortcr o'-uh! not subscribe to this fcntirueot, btfi before lip had tlrn-' to remark lm caught fight of an aged African bearing down upon tho stall with uil tho expoffitiofi his yearn would allow. "How much fur (11s, hossr ho sold, grab bing fSoIdr tho largest said tho r^to butcher, -sum by with the tail. omphoslk * “Sol’! Great (Scott!" cutcl^imed' tpo Afri can, with huqentilrion in Ida voice and cott stereatiwp i|> hit looks. “You don’ boP oiu, eh? Too bvll I den* set my heart on dat ’iKisrami. V can’t lenmio have ’em!" "No. He's sold; Bold him before I got film." ywii ain’t don’ eofidis oner said the Ciistomeh, soiaing the nqxt in sine with a look _*"Nd; Before -tout tlte cue’s conversation for ajdo.** had pwvwodod far bad ther another apeivut the reprdseQtwtlve of llam coins m>on soeno and was waiting his ioru. Hu looktsl upon tho sccoud prizo w ith a longing eye, nud tho Reporter could no© that ho was anxious to compete for tho jioeswsiou of ih "How much docsyY Want fur itf asked ibo lirfit volume £iRfioracr, eyeing tho 6txx)tui couior *0 of dtsfcrutot *T want seventy-fivo American pennies ■with I’ocuhontas stamped on ffio liodk," safijl tin* butcher, with a wave of ids iuind, ‘TTlgiuyS-er d<JSiih, tnra," said the axs oud ivnx'r. “No, yY won’t di» no si eh, Mr. Bmaitle," ercfainied the first custojucr.’ "Dot’s my •possum, an’ I'm gwintoV have Tm, an’ y'r needn’t let y Y mouff julco iqj olxii' do hopes ob pit Mu’ ’tUL" Tho mau hold the opossum thinly to his rtrrong grasp with hla right hand while lie skirmished in all his pockets lor his money. After a while ho produced tho required pennies and Rail} with lofty mien: "Dw> y’r mom-y, uah. roki.ohnutus irn’ all." : . - 'Die second cuttoinor said nothing, l>nt as. (Wtaiuihg that tho rvmuining ojx)ssutn could be had for fifty cents, paid down the tariff and ehuttlo l off, i-osting upon the fli-st cus tomer, Uowovor, a glance which looked liko n rnsor iu tho sharpness of its direct vlnw and i>» tho hluntncss of it yi its sidewise ewceit "Tbll file gentleman hero something about the ’ possum, Uncle Jack," said tho butch©*. “Oftfuly,” stiff Uncle Jack, with a chuckle. "I’s lic«'ii beyin’ ’possums from y’r morenfiyo your, ain’t ft? I guess it am. An’ mighty nice 'j'ossnnis doy is, ter bo aho\ But they don’t hoi’ cr candle light tor •possums hiylclan’ where I was fotc’i up. 1 cuius from ole Virgluy, w'ero do ’pcesums grow on do ’simmon t n\w." , “1 see. Your mind goes Kack to the good old da vs Ixfforo the war. Yog can’t forgot tlmso days, even hero in Now York, eh?" ."Well, I mout furgit do days, but I pant fargil d* 'i’* ss “ B W said Undo Jtu k, aud there was a levity iu his voice which indi cated tiiat the sly old fox kuew a thing or two. "Well, tell ns all ftttfut it Tei! us how j’ou eook tfio opossum,” fatff Uio reporter. "How you cook ’mu, U*s| Dnt'u a fine quest'll. Do people up <li» way donn know Jmfiiu ’tioirt ooeidn’ er ’possum. Doy grwft ’b»«it it liko doy want do' ^loxum ter swim ©sway in grease. W’y, took at dat 'possum. Do lie look liko He want eiiy mo’ groaso tor ia.vk ho’soU fi\ it! An’ don do_v g« akin do ’poaBunil’’ And TJnvlo Jack burst out in a fit of laughter which was sunply tndescriba “lemmo tell y’r how yY dri it. Y’r tek de ’powuuj nn’ hold ’im obor a fire mek of corn shucks till y’r dun singe all de ha'r off him. Den y'r scrape ’im wid a dull case knife; ei»’ don yY put ’im In hot water, Joes like y’r do er pijj. By dat time he bo clean an’ w’lte. Den yY clean’im joss liko y’r wod a pig. But now comes do p’ink. Ye mak yY stuflln' iu di* way: Tok cr loaf ob corn pone an’ brek it tip fine. Don y'r ent up two rod iu rtyis, den rut up two red peppers; mix dis np nice an’ ptit it inside do ’j'o.ssuxu, careful like lHnput’imtaer big oben and wedge ’im afi round wid big swuet vx>rtaVra Put fie led on de oben, an’ put oak coals under it •pa’on top on it. Den let do ’upssum etay (kpt till Hm be cooked brown all ober. When ■to done. Lor 1 , w’at er dish I"—New York Him 1 vcm* By using stxla water aa a wash n» •lean wilings that to' « totm amokud by ft ^oruScno lamp 'rAUeriug n not* in m» manner by th* e Jn r. 1 !arlii" People ftK o| Oufi-m;:.*"- li.iw I;-s.-, Are n*'kV:L Back ar t ]'.' ■*:) tv-fore the offjcc:; of 0 ‘•‘..4 trr.n -attitnttc steq.'P'd.ip If:ws fri.-r«t;it ,51 Bowling «;»•«*»' t* an-l m that viciuff otr almost any <l;iy, tic observed cci t:: men pacing the pavements wlt.Ii » .itinttry look in their eyes, eagerly scan .■iug the taco <>l eve>-y person who ap preaches. If that person happens to i;i -pirc in the minds of these watchers, front the fact of his looking at the office signs, from his appearance pronouncing nlm to be a stranger, or from .any other outward indication, any remote hint that be rnigb. be desirous lie of purchasing Is approached a passage acrost with the ocean, r.t onco offers to assist him in his search. The name of the port to which ho wants to go being elicited, the “runners" will at onco •oinpeto with each other for the honor of introducing him to the agent from whom ho can obtain “thg best and cheapest pas sage. ” The man is at onco dragged off. perplexed, but somewhat tempted by tho offer of a cheaper fare than that which he had been led to expect, to tho steamship office where the “runner" who has him in charge can obtain the largest conunisoioi} upon the purchacc of his ticket, "There isn’t half as much money In thij business now that there was <t few years ago," said a veteran runner recently. “We used to get $8 commission on each ticket across. Now tho rates are down to almost nothing, and the companies \» U allow ua oidy from $3 to $5. Then when several fellows get around a man, of eourse the one who will offer the passen ger the most reduction off his tickot gets him, but that reduction, of course, has to conic out of our commission.” “Do you depend entirely upon chance in tho passengers yon catch?” “Not altogether. Borne of ns who have made a business of tho thing bayo agents of our own in other cities and out west, who advise us when a party Then ia cumipg make to New York to go across. we It a jmhit to meet tho passengers and ar range with them to bny their tickets.” “Jiow do you toll by tho look of a man whether lie may prove a customer?" "ft's easy enough,” said tho veteran, "to spot u stranger, and easier still to tell whether ho is Garinnn, Swedish or Irish. Then It you can speak to him in kis own language tho probability is that yon are all right. If not, it’s easy enough to back out. Sometimes I’vo spoken to a man entirely on ‘spec,’ and struck a first class passenger. Of course, the higher grndo passenger you get, the more com mission there is off his ticket for you.” A former runner, who asked Is now engaged in other busiijess, was if the steam to ship favored companies gave special couuaissipqa men. “Oh, no,*’ said he, "any steamship com pany will give you a commission it you take them a passenger, it makes hardly any difference who you ere. 1 sometimes earn a few dollars that way yet, and fre quently oblige a friend by obtaining a ticket for him at tho discount of my com mission. Lust summer When I made a trip across myself, I got another friend to buy my ticket and saved $3 on it.” Another ex-ruunur said that there were very few men who made a permanent business of picking up passengers now. t like himself, a good many were on the lockout for commissions when travel w brisk, ns in tho summer season, of vyboji they badq't anythipg else to dn. Put the commissions were small now, thp C 9 jq-, made a business of it had mostly sue cecded in establishing little offices of their uwm—New York Commercial Advt’.vt.'uei •j>. ” A STEM-WINDING WATCH, A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN, . -x mu S4 CASH , For IwwaftiMWM—am..... an Hour’s Work. —iiw ■■hi»mim——mmw— ■Wo bTi wnr.t, ftt loiist, oijo more enhserib^r to TRXA8 51 BTiiS in ov«ry to\\n, vilinno and hataletin America. It you writo t<? uh at unco, we wiU auixrtnt 50U our aRdnt n your of n»ighV>orhtxMt, Dollar and will subperipthm stil-K'i j»ny you a oneh unmnw don One on orory ry $2.50 ipti.m you yon *ond, s.-ml, and ami vo will also Kivo yon a prosont sont of or a a Gold Fountain for tho first hubscriptiou you &oml. Whon you show dm lithe \»apor ally in to gottliiK your neighbors, uumbur of wn tmoscrlunrs; know you will but have no 11 men if *ou novwr gut motp than on« 8ul>»cribor.r«;m«mber PKlibENT, that ws iliall Kivo you tilt? (told m AS A ami will n/ikl it to you am soon m yon wnu! thobrst *i)l>«cnptioD. rhojionis thocolnliratoit MANHATTAN FOUNTAIN PEN,with gold tuounU'd barrel, which tttitod with a 14 carat gold >on, tho eatahlinhod prioo of la Tht*»o jums tre *hoy mdinpenttablo hold onough to inK ovovy to write ono who twenty baa oagoa writing of to foolscap do, na tapor, and arj« nhvaya roady for uue- They write freely, invo ho a gradual will thnv, glide lifetime. Muoothly a* a pencil over \Miimr, and last a Tho prion of TEXAS SIFTINGS in $4 a year. Of thio •e give you $1 on each subscription you sand. In ddition to this, if yon send uh FOlUt subscriptions, wo hall send J’ou tho Gold Fountain Pon ami a #5 Hjo Him n-wiuding NOT and Stem ATERBUUY. rotting Nickel Cuad Watch, Hi® watch f» A W It is full toweled, md hasthebnoet Waltham stylo movement- The case s solid nickel containing 20 per cent, silver, and over tho lace thick beveled glasH. It is a perfect timekeeper. IV0 warrant both the Pen nnd the Watch, TEXAS SIFTINGS could not afford to give either 0 H«»n or a watch that it would not guarantee. For your trouble in Securing 4 Bubeoriptio&s you will tot If $4 cash, a $2.50 ffefther pen nnd n $5 watch. but do you want pop nor watch, want to »ark for cash, writo us end We shall offer you a cash )otnmi«aicm greater than that offered by any Journal or Magazine TEXAS in 81 America. rT l GS is probably of the best N one knowm tnd is ctwteinly one »»f ihe meet popular, humorous and iferary papers In tho world. A volume for a year eoq. Aina v’3 weekly It numbers, is published «00 pages, hemispheres. 1,500 iiluatrations, The I.P00 in two weekly. American Vnmpeap edition to published over^d'JP.Oisi in London* copies England, The hag •ached circulation Mitiop. of Ch».tK«y edldee week. a a SIFTINGS is Add by newsdealers at 10 cents a copy. * Send live cents in stamps, and wo shall send you a Ample copy of SITTINGS, where tnd full explaustain U\i® advU el •nus. When wnting state you saw ’ft . 3r •ftS Seirier-Warkla. —feSQjfriid# «t WtV Mtlbrith m aJ) p«ns, b» __JTJl «»? oar r.-.arliiitrr. *n<! t<x>tk whw tbit rtiul* ran m tUftra. w* will wad to otu> p«i*on mtitch loaEiUj .ih# Yt*ry * b«»t Mn-jcf-machuj# mjsde in the world, with all the attarhment* W« win al*y »«m 1 free- a comph -<9 • Uo* of oar eoatiy and vtiaoth’ ax\ ja*mj»le* ftoow what In return *»nd. ore to ait thoee that yoa we who s»iay rati at your home, end afxar » ItnomhaallthaU fipv.’rertr. Tfcie baeome rr*nd meefaiur vour own *bvr t» t. which lta«e the Sinter before patent», ran eat; ratenie P—^>1K _ * L" ■ chPbtnu. ^ it ftotd fer and Sllei, with the film now aeha fur ■ ItfcVl ■ SlBwW>«« >0 capttal required. Plain, tnef inatructioeM f\r»u. rhoea who write to «• at ct»c« can *e Cur* <Vf« the toe it n mgr-machme in th* world, and tha 4jj« hue offtorki * VO., ifbick dom. art mr <•««, ehown Au^isa. taffvther ia M»SS: imtrvw Urdu;. ■ j 5 oiik too. Ga. July i>t 1689. Whcreae James Baker applies to me for adpiuusti ation de bonus non on Estate of Solomon Baker late doced., of said county, ’iliese are to ci’e all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to the contrary—at this Office on or by the first Monday in August next. Witness iny hand officially. E, T. BOSS. Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co. Ga. June 25tl* 1889 Whereas, W. II. Burden as Adm’r. on Estate of James G. Barnes, dec’d. applies to me for Dismission from said Estate. These are to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they have to the contrary, at this office on the first Monday m October next. Witness my hand officially. E. T. BOSS, Ordinary, Oi’dinury’s Oflice, Jones Co. Ga. June 25ih 1889. Whereas, Alex A. applies for Disrjiisai&i) from Guardianship of Wirj. S. Balkcom, minor. These arc to cite all persons concerned to show causo if any they have to the contrary, at this office on the first Monday in August next. Witness my hand officially, It. T. BOSS, Ordinary. Ordinary's Office, Jones Co. Ga. June 25th 1889. Whereas, W. W . Barron, Adm’r. on Estate of Wyatt" Patterson, col. dec’d. applies to me for Dismission. These are to cite all persons concern ed to show cause if any they have to the Contrary at this office on or by the first Monday in October next. Witness my hand officially, R. T, ROSS, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Office, Jones Co. Ga. June 25th 1 §89, Whereas, Mrs. Caledonia Glawson applies for Guardianship of Chas. G. Glawson and Cal lie C. Glawson minors under 14 years old, and Jossee Glawson, Joseph E. Glawson, Annie B. Glawson and Eppfl E. Glawson, rnese Minors over l4-»aaiis of au.» persons cerned to show cause if any have to the contrary at tbi3 office the first Monday in Angust nfcxt. Witness my hand officially, R. T. ROBS, Ordinary. 4 fit Ft; mm •4 * w*w <%Fr&Rm i m : A ! P - J LeCOKTE NTOSERY, SMIT1IVILLE, — — OA. All E iiuls of Fruit Trees For Sa 1 SPECIALTIES: LeConte and Kiefeer Tears. Javan Persimmon and Grafes. JBksY-S fecial prices to Alliances. Send for Catalogue Free. IF. W. THOMPSON ,; Proprietor. BUY YOUR Trunks i Satchels- Pocket Books, and Pancy Leather GOODS, FROM TIIE FACTORY AT FACTOIiy 1'KICRS. Macon Trunk Factory, J Van. & Co. 410 3rd St. Macon G a Moffett's TEETEIHA (Teathing Powtiers) Ilowela, Allays Irrllstlon, AldUMcKtloii, the Chilti,nmk*9 Krtpilstrstba Teething .'iasy and strengthens only SS Cen’s. Teethlna cures Eruptions c»*t. Sores, and It and Children nothing equals for It the hummer troubles of o/ on;/ ope. ii soft and mrs, Try it and yen will never he vtthent TF.ETIUXA as long as there aro cliUd* «eaiu tuo Bouse. Aak your Druigut. B iUuaiiufr ranted. lJeerj Case#. Kcth tiJTia ladles* Gold f p**»t»' with works anJ cue# ©r equal value. I caltiy One Pewim in eeeb le* t'treOwr with i»An severe one and free, vaU uabie hne oar Household urp* of Sample*, web Tk<** aamplea. een<| aa -1- 1- , .. , , , •» tfca wwtek. we ■ 11II 11 ■ '■ SVee. and after yem have kept Ue» . to tout homo *>r % mow the and ahown them to thoee whe may hare called, Utev bevome yoar ew| pramtr Thoee who write at oocefaa bo core of peeeirinfp the Watch £»d Htlft-W Rumplea Co-. Wej*ay In all expmea. tf lebt.ete. Addmat «:ICSTS, thoBaSseMpUoi! price for «#» j-ear.we will tilt , 1 cadi LIST op PREmIum® •’ fPre ‘ tts «* nenter present oT . 1 '88 GtVEH FREE c Kfefa TO’SiiSSSKSS L to do so for gtid y*>ar. regular «il«eriprioa price. heeat | ‘ - '. • • *.000 6&EAD LCAkSSS “ * . w» c»iar?ro nothing extra for tho promtnnis. Oar Profits um come 1 \\ M '* «iao* STS , —:——— —~rr—sasssaesa ) Jssatm H_r. * - :. * P !Jb=Tfr fSTOPf j HMEdUST M-MrmrMMTGASS cot &3€00. ary SHASE i Ll « sn gj p{remum aaf tteextra premi “ “ ; " . • . *3 i ; *» rt . - •. ^wSiaipai V9 “ : 2 . a too «»o 1st fart, sasos smt I* as ft, $ux>: ioo sra watches. oirt, p.vo: in #safes? s: S qiils of S20 eaeli; lO Olfa of 310 i-srti s 50 I>f S5 fHci! s 188 Ait oaolt s anil IOO Stem-wl»<Sln« Watches, and jnst tobe eiron *><•«• to tho we jJ&SSSSBasiS «S6 porsont who aaswor this advorUsemonf. say kind where they saw this r.d ferasesaont, in order that we may Queittvelr subscription, know either what singly of advertising in chibs, pars OS heat. for thsso extra presents. feswsar ■**'—tssa Ill who send us <50 cents fora year's or can compete Bo raujLsaBscRiPTio*^ will scml twoexlr* Miiuscrltu itSos. lor aClnli of twenty amt *12.00, wo will «-nd five extra Suh*eriptu,ns. kora Club ____________ of forty anttJVOO, extra Subscriptions. You can have tho extra papers mailed to friends, *nd retain the premiums b-r yourself, ntif ho I Tllte IRldUUI fltlT Anil I lift OllfUU tit Tit reruu BitilS This tered to unless your opportunity, to cent a with ©U.OOO tho letter. present As U> to t)eftiventesnmeono. reliability, the Mercantile So answer Agencies quick—no sutecrlptlons TJanks wiU en- satisfy that 4a tl iff pnmlsiT IV f *'" Send money smalt by nostit! notes our and 2 cannot or bo obutnod; largo you by wo aa we monoy, amounts or stamps (1 cents) whou l-ostal notes autumns, express or draft, oa ( bL—, !U? er Now York, at our risk. riBStolE’a liOIttE JOUH-VAXi, 160 and 163 Waablnaton St.,-OHJOACO, f:V. >.-a 4T ’Eil- 4^ t: n. mm * of «- ' . »E •A ■. -v; % X *vf j: 11 4 I k* m S < % -*-r< * A- % x J2I XT TUP jd n c b u b r, it v x & iooa Improvement on Horse Collar. By James L. Campbell, Monticjllo, Sa. TESTIMONIALS: Augusta, Ga., June 11th 1S89. This is to certify that I hare used the Campbell Collars and made *by Mr. James L, good collar can 1 say used. they are as as ever Yours, L. W. Kent, Depot aud Stables Manager of Au gusta Street R. R. Co. Augusta, Ga., J uue 12th 1889, Mb. J. L. Campbell, , Dear Sir: • Monticello, Ga. —The Horse that I am driving suffered a good deal with a sore shoulder, J procured one of your Collars for him and in two weeks after, his shoulder was entire ly well, I consider your Collars the best I have ever seen. Truly Yours, Jordan S. Morgan. Augusta, Ga., June 8th 1889. Mr, J. L. Campbell, Dear Monticello, Ga. Sir :—I have now had one of your Collars in use for four or five months and am much pleased with it. I can confidently recommend them to any one desiring a good Collar. Very Truly Yours, V. Kerr, Merchant. «@™The Patent on this noted Collar- is on the Market of the North and North -Western 9tat»3 and it is ‘ a lie hands of S. J. JOHNSON, Patent Broker, Philadelphia, P enn. FOR DYSPEPSIA Use Brown’s Iron Hitters. Physicians recommend It. All dealers keep it. fl.00 per little. Genuine ha* trade-mark aud crossed rod lines on wrapper. 1 1 feo /TS'isa m e IX 3 111 CHI^ ^ ftT i.ANTA. GA ' ;_. CAL 'atlJti V.LOUIS MD. I— fORl SAtEBY | DAUA5.IEX. Needing „ 1APISS a tonic, or children that want fcuUdin* BROWN’S ___ up. should take Iti, pleasant IKON BITTERS. and to take, cures Matarta, Indlge*. Son, Biliousness. All dealers keep u. Augusta, Ga., June 10th 1889. This is to certify that I have used the Collar made by Mr. J. L. Camp bell and can say they ai’e the best I ever used. Your W. 11. Carey Augusta, Ga., June 11th 1889. Mr. J. L. Campbell, Dear Sir:— We Mosticello, Ga. have four of your Collars on our Dray Horses and are so Weil pleased with them that I would not use any other. Since we have used them none of our Horses have had a sore shoulder or have been galded. I have no hesitation in saying they are the best Collar we have ever used. Yours Truly, A. F. Cno-MBE, Sup’t, The Augusta Factory. Union Point, Ga, 1 have used the Campbell Patent I.eather Collar and can say that it is the only collar that would not gall my mules. It is perfect fitting, easy wearing mule. and gives comfort to the I respectfully reecommond them to all railroad workers. li, T. Martin, r, R. Cui tractor, f ■ THE excelsior m \*:.r m m m :r>; m V % •«> ■ llilSiii FCDEES CONDENSERS and m 'zmX ss . jm§ i-i" Pine Staple. ft * The' Circular Roll other tats "f a Patented, end no ifastfl -. nuf&cturer can use it. ... Send for Circular. w» trouble to communicate BS Bul parties wautiDg these -i A'i : C 0?dGlns short ■ wi and cheap. Repaired at notice * -i Sin Worn, Massey Cotton ‘-W» MACON, Ga*/ Monticeui.0, Ga. I had a mule with a sore shoulder, caused from railroau grading, aud would have lost the use of him had I not used your Patent Leather Collar, which cured Uk shoulder iu a few days. J. G. Tollesox. Mon’Kcello. Ga. I have been using the Campbell Patent Leather Collar lor two grading ye#™ on the Mail Route, Railroad and hauling heavy logs to Saw-miU» and find it to be the Mules friend, never making a sore or gall- Pe*n. T R. Eudora,Ga. ttuiusin? This is to certify that I a horse collar patented byMr. entire L. Campbell, that is giving it. 0 satisfaction. Before using one oi my mules had two sores ami a s " " len place on his shoulders, Cllik y from the use of the common st? “ collars. Since using this pat«‘‘‘ collar, his shoulders have become en tirely well. I feel no hesitancy W recommending it to the pum*®’ othor. \ er T ^ ' intend to use no G. ^ |;011 spectfully, Joil-v L. ■