The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, July 06, 1889, Image 4

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a do r bi r: wedding. BilUngelca-Uulkrd arid Tharpe, mm « k * ^ } cateriliiy. * jiu,iarjs Yosterdav Bullard’s station, on the East Tennessee Virginia and Georgia-road was the scene of a double marriage. Ieha3 been known t.o their friends for some time that Mr. Louis C. Biilingslea and Miss Victoria Bul lard would be married on yesterday. So it was no surprise to them to see Mr. Bilhngaiea start oil'early yester day morning behind a spanking double team for the home of the bride. Of course there must he be bridesmaids and who would more naturally iill that office than Miss Mamie llilhngslea, the sister of the groom. Then there must be a groomsman aiul there was no better friend to the groom than Mr, Frank B. ‘1 hurpe. And again it was no surprise when Mr. Tharpe was scea to drive oil’ with the groom expect ant, and it was still no surprise when Frank told them he was going to be married as lie is fond of a practical joke, and while they could see no good cause why lie should not take such a step, they thought he was jesting. But when about D o’clock yesterday tifternoon they all came back as Mr. and Mrs. Louis (J. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Tharpe and registered at tne National llitoi, where Mrs. Hooves the mother ol Mr. BiUiiigilea and Mrs. Thame had an elegant wedding feast prepared for them, it was ac cepted as true. It seems that Mr. Tharpe and Miss Jiiliingslca had been contemplating such a s:co for some time and came to the conclus tliat a dtublc wedding would bo appropriate. Rev. B. F. Breedlove of East Macon performed the ceremony that united the two couples for better or for worse. The ceremony took place at 11 a. m., and the parties then took private conveyance to Macon. Mr. Billingslea is an express mes eongor running out of Macon, and is highly thought of by his employ tvs. He is a young mau of bright prospects, His bride is a daughter of Mr, Daniel Bullard of Bullard’s, and is a young lady of high attain ments and lovable character. Mr, Frank B. Tharpe everybody knows. For several years lias been a merchant of East Macon, lie is known as clever Frank Tharpe, an appellation that lits him well. 11 is bride is the daughter of Mi s. Hooves of the National Hotel, and is a great favorite with a host of friends. There was a reception to the two couples at the National Hold aud number of friedus called to pay their respects. There was a magnificent supper, consisting oi everything that could be the bride of woman a clear pearly ami transparent skm ami all is always a sign of pure blootl, persons troubled with dark, greasy, rest assured yellow or blotched skin can that their blood is out of order. A few doses of BEG US .BLOOD PURIFIER & lil.OOD MAKER will remove the cause and the skin will become clear anti trails parent. Try it, and if satisfaction m not given it will cost you nothing. Jt is fully warranted. For sale bv 1>. D. IIOLSENBECK* DEAFNESS GAN’T BE CURED. Uy local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the car. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constituti oual remedies Deafness ia caused by an mllnmed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when is it entirely closed, Deafness is the result, ami unless the iullamation car, be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed canditiou of the mucus surfaces, be will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Heafucss (paused by catarrh,) that we cannot cure by tailing Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send foi circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0 Heeding »tonic, ot children that want bolldlna It I B , ROW *^™'oN BfmRS. .^o a «? ^ \ MAH™! ‘feftll TL_A. YWSlSrF f*i »’* <•««*.’on “?■ f* n '‘ ur f' , Y' j ",' n! rtb ' n "’ i>»n<iie <«> on ,. BOY YOUR Trunks, Satchels- Pocket Books, arid Fancy Leather GOODS, FROM THE FACTORY AT FACTORY PRICES. Macon Thunk Factoky, JVan. & Co. 110 3iti> St. Ma coh Ga fmm \ ;.VVJ--A&y • » A STEB-WWDIN8 WATC3, A GOLD FOUNTAIN PEN. Afm m * For ma Hour's Work, Wo wart, at, one moro snboos ihrr to TfCXAS ?IhTJN<LSin ev»iry town, viil«uroaad ha nlotln Auioricfi. it you w»Gr Ut ua .*:t i.ucu, wh will appomo yon ourugent r you noiglihorltood. and will pay you a cash eommia ionot On** fXjUnr on ov -ry su!j**niptioR *>{ you semi, and vo will a loo kiv« you a prnsout »v ijjU.aU Uold Fountain I’oii for tliu firat aubacnpftiou you Bond. When yoi 1 show .ha littiouity paper to your noi^hbors, uumber \vo know you will have no in KottlniT a of aubscribors; but oven if 'oil Audi never xobmore Uietinld than onQtiubHeriber.rtoiuoubm'thutvrQ Pan AS A VUKSEKT,ar.d will n.iil it, you wml tbo subscription, to you a:iH«ion imvou liral rho i.hii is the col 'bratml M / H 1 1 ATT A N i (>’ U>,TA 1 - J ?KN,v/ithgold inouutodb.inel.btted which with u 14 car;irgoi«i jon, the oAtfibh.'hcd pvico of is ,V». Tnesw pens vve imtisjuumblo hold to every c»no who hn* writing to do, as .hey ami eamigl' ink ready to v.’vito for twenty They pngca wtifo of fcdscap taper, «nutiiftl ave mucjii thnv, Rlido smoothly use. pencil freely, lavo h as us a ovor ho naper, mid will la»t n lifotiine. '1’hA price of T KX AS 1 ITiNtiS is $4 a year. Of tMi kivo yon }g! on each 8 ub>oriptioii you bond. In ddition to this, if you send us FOTfH subscriptions, no hall »cnd you the *2.»iO iloM Fountain Pen and a #5 rim itmn-windiag watch NOT and Stoni WATKKIuJIiY. sottinir Kicko! It-is Oasod full Wutcn, is A jeweled, uui has the lineal Waltham style movement. The case b solid nickel romalnin# 2 n per cent, tilver, and over tbo lace thiok beveled glass. It is a perfect timekeeper. Ke ivaninl hot it tlio Itii i;ml the Watch. TKX.AS SIFT1NUS could not afford to give either a pen or u wat-eh that it would not guarantee. For your trouble In sccurinar 4 suhseriptions you will not $-1 cash, a pen and 1 *. $5 watch. If you want noithcr pen nor Watch, but do want to talk for cash, write us and we shall otter you a. cash mmmipsion greater than Uiat offered by any Journal or Magazine TKX.A& in SI America, FTlNtib Is probably onoof the best known, md »m certainly one of the most popular, humorous and Horary nin.i 59 papers in numhors. the world, a volume 1J5C0 for illustrations, a year con. colutnnii. weekly It ie published «<«) pages, in two hoinisplioros. l.vHHi Tpb \ meric an edition in ovor T.V copies weekly. Ti;t •euclmd European circulation edition, published <.*f 60,tMK) copies in London* week. England, htt* m a SIFTINt IS is sold by newsdealers at 10 cents a copy, '* Send five cents in stamps, and we shall Bend you ^ tamplo copy of KIFl'INttS, and lull oxnlouutioa tliis oi KH'iUB. WUou writ^iig state whom you saw advt* f ‘b'W 'A YEAR. ’i’f. 4 wvm WW Ma. «., .. 2. iflwnIszo-w a lafia‘m ~§ ESE! I Hm F__ d‘w' ._ ?ress ,. ‘L -‘ ’ ’-- i; J::..-. [A | "l._¢ ~» :f'f: ‘ ‘ '- é‘w- ‘-:"’ “..a-.~ l‘ ‘ ‘12:: "N _ - ’ ‘4' EAR, 4 j ‘ 1 ‘ [ONE Tet Large DOLLAR Pages cf Choice“ .A. Reading 2 Matter.‘ i 5152 FM: ‘1 P?.ms he Greatest is uovr within of the Dollar reach Vleekflefl. of all. Its tabla d can— , it“: «?txflpes in] 11:2; is most dem-u'ole m a {flWfifi‘a fab. vannn B J 1', ’ ' ". Denote" arch.“ I . ' ‘ . > . co- 12141353 FOR OYS PEPSI* V«‘ Hk-oxvnV Iran Hitters. - 1'liysu'lims recommend it. All deslers keep it. 51.00 per liottle. Clenninc ims trtule-mnrliftnd crossed red lines on wrspper. A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY The Buttenck Delineaior should have a place in the home of every family. No lady can afford to be without it. It is one of the leading Journals of Fashion and illustrates all the latest designs and styles. It is well worth the subserption price, one dollar per annum. Address BUTTE RICK PUBLISHING Co. .7,9, 11 West 13 N. Y, 0?. asffs»fsTEET118!A (TecfSilng p&wdfrs) A^vrcls. AHtyt Irritation, AMs D|e#st; 0 n % Rrcslat^s the b :r< ugtbccti the Chi 14, makes T«cthlr»g Kruptiortg *' mid as>d Gotti Sore»* only S5 p«ur». no*Ulna- Tecthina eqttaH curt** it for the fi* utrimev troubte* oft iiiliirt*u of nay a?** it is&ifctiuJ$ur f TpyitA*i4ynu wllfnc’vcr be withert TKKTfililA as lony as tliero um cUU^* Utf* lt _, 5k •' t j A GO p l.y i «# v ® vs *£« m... fifiiiri-qpn At the Drug Store Formerly Occupied Vj Sr- G- E, Dozier M fx Tft 1ry fi o> § — 3 <r> - na ex Gel, 9 J y. F O E _>■ a 9 Canned Goods of all kinds, Oranges, Apples, Fancy Confectionaries, Can dies, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Flour, Meal, Grits, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Raw and Parched Coffee, Tea, Spice, Ginger, Sodfe Syrup, Molasses, Soap, Kerosene Oil, Etc. In fact ieadquarters lor every thing in the Eatinsr Y3 lin^. p Have just returned from Market where I purchased for the Cash the choicest Groceries at prices that L can afford to sell to my patrons that will astonish them. Having been in the business for six years, am pre pared to know the wants of the people. My intention is to keep a full line of Frssh Family and Fancy Groceries and my motto is to save all of my customers Money, To be convinced of this fact give me a trial and you will come again, I will not purchase anything but the Freshest rnd Purest Goods. Just received another Fresh line of Fancy Groceries and cor.l'ectiouanes. Thanking my friends for a liberal support and a continuance of the same, I am, Respectfully, J. IT. S. SMITH. ECrAIl goods delivered to any part cf City when sold.—-i—9, jusaiii :■ .: fibre wm. ABSOLUTELY |NE PIECE! HAS NO HOOPSI “ piiii NEITHER PA8NTED OR VARNISHED! NOT AFFECTED BY HOT IVATERI mmm HAS APPEARANCE OF POUSHSO MAHOGANY. - PAILS, TUBS, BASifcS, PANS, KEELERS, SPfrfCONS, imm SLOP-JABS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &3., &C. i LARGS VARIETY CF GOODS. G3R0LEY & HAYES, Hew York, Sola Agents. fta SALE 8V ALL MOUSE-FUSKISHIrtG, ca», , ^rt:asaa&r»s5 , sa."* ,fc eUGBWAIlE, CRCCERY AND CROCKEBY 0EALER8. Fuau psice tiar ans cavALOGtis fhe3 oh appLicATioa. liiS PI 1 1 X 1 II 1 -fflh S ail Bulls, £ eSOKiBB =s 1 5 tad -if BOASTIEQ. m —13 ATTAINED BY TEE USB OS' THE CELEBHATED_ DJSW suEHSHiEHE BASSE, Whis h wo make in fonr elzgs vi t h or submit j”- 5 ^-3£^5 E m!@h iHiLF,mGii slsset, i@w 6LS8ET sMTEg-Bieg! riimtv. TORRID Wwmwr-“^|pg STEEL DRUM FURIIOE, vr ' i Those who use the TORIS1D always prals© It. Send for FURNACE &QQK giving heed- rnmm ing: capacity and prices. is ®K1 PAH1E8 ft BS.I BEiBBBFMe MACON BAKI N S POWDER "Is made in Macon Ga., of STRICTLY PURS CREAM TARTAR A N D S 0 D A . M is MEAN IB to fe Spior to all ote si you want tha BhSf ask for and insist on having MACON BAKING POWDER. Address, Uaeon Baking Powder ©o. fYIacon, ©a. rnmmf, THE EXCELSIOR Un- ' mmmmx l FEEDERS A>'D ... mmmm >%!!,(- gr.osrar.trwl Eest. Picks to be the Kqaal to Clears, cut’s Fart teed and ftiakot a i'ii'.e Stsj'.U-, The" Circular Roll Box ir Patented, and ao other ma r fete WMmMkf m nufacturer can use it. • mfc. Send for Circular. No trouble to communicate with ¥ parties chints. wanting these ma Old Gins Repaired at short ' •A . mm ms WMk fe-Si ; t ; ^m i7F7 m m PfBja t ‘#iil ■ m m Jjk m iHiSlf m m ■y JL lit m if ; & _ 1 f,* NOTICE mm & M3l~ M8. 8 B I ¥ m m m 8 E 0 B fill \ My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends and cus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them. I wil se ^ everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; Dry Goods, No Boots, Shoes, Hals and -j (Groceries, have in Stock a full line non that I am sroinsr & to close out regardless of cost. Id addition to the above, Is carry a Full Line ol hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, all of wdiieh I will sell at Mock bottom prices. Give me a trial and be convinced that I mean business. Q, D. HQiSEISBECK.