The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, July 27, 1889, Image 4

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xauWKKS IK JAP 4 K. r.LCRAL WONDERS OF THE DAM GO-2AKA GARDENS. i - "•* ,, * r pulque and Beautiful Designs lr> they* . pnlUemunis—Walking I’lowerpiecjes—-A * Floral Murderes*—Giants, Dragons an ; Demons In DIos*om--D»i»d»eay<i Art. N T o one goes to Dango-zaka except Id the chrysanthemum season, ami the little community tend, prune, dwarf and culti vate their plants jn peace until the chrys anthemums beginto flower. Then Dango gaka becomes a gay fair. Banners, flags, pennants, lanterns and gorgeous potters fill the sides of the steep, narrow street, holiday crowds trudge up and down, and before every garden entrance an eloquent ■proprietor sits, Turk fashion, on a tab's covered with a red blanket., and holding his hands over a bibocht, or brazier of charcoal, and stags tho little merits of his chrysanthemums. Tho gardens themselves are models of landscape art and arrangement, all so many poems in rocks, trees, vine* and flowers. Jiwsr' pines, dwarf maples, dwarfed everything, mo ranged in prosaic rows or benches, but tthc pet chrysanthemum bushes are now housed ip temporary huts or sheds of I bamboo mats, in order that not u petal ctnay uncurl or drop, and that they may bo kept at tlmir perfect stage ah long os possi ble. Bushes ua tall as those in the crj peror’s garden, covered with as superb and finely tinted blossoms, are there, but not fn such regiments as in the imperial grounds, These florists, too, have their bushes hearing 100 and -00 separate and full blown flowers, and bushes where pkillfpl grafting has made the great top tit variegated blossoms look like one well arranged bouquet of long stemmed flow ers. • Tho specialties of Dango-*a)ca gardens lire set pieces of Bowers that dwarf all other floral efforts in that lino. Under inatted sheds, which nro so many tem porary stages without footlights, tableaux With life huo figures are arranged, The faces and hands of the flguro nro of wax or composition, hut their clothes and Hie accessories and scenery are made of living flowers, trained so closely over frame (Works thr.t ppe cannot oven suspect a juediankm, The flowers ure pot clipped, and wired or tooth picked Into place to wilt lu a day, but the plants forming tho lower parts of th<* * pieces crow h ill the £>rOtincl. l?Or iv tD0 iijtpcr . courses tile plmit , . Ih taken un tf!th all Its roots, and they are .WlAppOU ill f*tr*W Alld cTotllS tunl Wdtcrcd every day, as if they were lu tho ground, fnsieoa of being propped up inside tho pkoloton framework. Tho blossoms are fliaUIl to the Olltsilo and woven into place, and the meat natural effects are realized in this ingenious way. Ground of ladies nro literally clad in flowered IHJlllC fZ" S 11110(1 Hn^ n with a n uh Of deep (ri hi,flCliryWWlth0l crimson or yeliow, u mnS pml having folds of I'«!o lilac at the nock. UhotableMUX represent scenes from history and legends, from the latest plays at the rillliuomlza theatre, and in one caso Ulus irate the last sensational murder with winch the Japanese newspapers have been Tinging—represented in this latter case by fi floral Mrs. I)rus« plunging ix dagger Into a prostrate chrysanthemum man. in one garden alcove three youngsters pUmd around a huge vaeo of evergreens. J rum a bole in its side gush streams of white Chrysanthemums and a small boy svith a distressed couuteuuuce and a red Chrysanthemum coat. Tho figures arc life 5 S 5 sf “s£i tc , the . 8 i ory jfailen & in and would have drowned. The t>oy iu tho jar is a common subject with tho artists who embroider or decorate porcelain, jranleii that lacquer or lironxe. In another is a study of rooks there is a Charming llttlo pool in a rocky niche, pverhuug and almost curtained by trees. On a ledgo over the pool sits Edisn, 0110 id tho seven household gods of luck, clad Jn chrysanthemum clothes, anil holding a fishing rod that lias just hooked a small Chrysanthemum fish. As a picture, this Jittlo lone ilshorwoman Is the most charm* Ing thing iu Iflingo-sakn, end tho tiny lit tie amphitheatre, With its high rocky avails, I to mirror pool and parted curtains <>t maple branches, Is worth raving over, without the contemplativo dcKy being in-' produced. The great piece of t ho year Is a scene {rum ancient history, where tho Empress Jiugo iiud lier councilor, Takcuonchi, f taud on the deck of a chrysanthemum fhip, bound for tuo conquest of Korea, ■pud receive omens from the gods of luck pud the murine deities, over whom Jingo Kogo had control. Only tho fonvard.half ot the ship is shown, hut that is morn than fifty feet long; a prow of y-dlow chrysanthemums and a hull of banded rod find white flowers, riding en a deep green Fea flecked with a foam of white flowers. Seeing anthemums, this life size ship of living chrys that has been on view for a fortnight, and is good for a fortnight longer, makes ono smile to remember tho tiny floral ships tltit tho florists of the Western world build up os marvels of their art. The plant, of Atazkn is a splendid fel low, thirty feet high, with shoes and sword and voluminous garments of highly colored flowers, and the mask face lias a l>air of big rolling eyeballs that hold Japanese children spellbound, fjuo chrys anthemum man fleeing from the giant hn climbed a livo wine tree, and two others aro hiding behind a mossy green rock. Ono florist lias a large landscape piece, with a waterfall of white chrysan themums pouring through a gap in a mountain range and spreading into a stream, where a huge green dragon with fed eyes and foaming month is coiling and xhsporting itself. A rustic bridge, car peted with reddish-brown flowers, crosses tho stream, and a chrysanthemum woman leads a chrysanthemum horse, ridden by e tfhe chrysanthemum third man, across the bridge, monumental piece of this season fepresents a temple drum and standard, foin* big thirty feet htgh altogether, with a demon coming out of one end of it and terrifying below. This sumo colossal pilgrims aud worshipers derfnl piece and some won chrysanthemum hushes with 20 odd flowers on them aro passing attrao turns tn a garden celebrated for its l-o in tifnl landscapon. — Japan Cor. Glolw> Democrat. - - __— _ Fowdor for tho Shoos. Sostoa Budget. WSLWRSM vy «bk «ag '■if* v OT3* __ @TKE ©*3LY **TK£ ETHICP1AKCAK H0TCHAH3E HI8 8EIH '* H0R THE LEOPARD Kit SPOTS." iCiainai iioas mru wn :hk u sqi'auv isciuacstBM. L’AK WOT BE 11KMOVED WITHOUT KESTBOmo TUB FAliKlC. BO nor IUON «H SPW.MJIIT BB UVUtBlf, CAN HE f fit: it tV I Til MTAMr OIC IffiUm —ALflO MATTCTACTUREnS Off Writing and Copying Inks, tsaSIng Wax, ^usilage, Wafers, Eto. mmiisWm co. f 127429 Wiliia m Stre of, NEW YORK CITY; HsrAauanrn isa. ydv’V-'L'’ j VO A STEM-WINDING WAT CH, A COLD FOUNTAIN PEN, AND 84 CASH . For an H o ur’s W ork. npimihSe^ , , rtv «u tf you writ* noighhorhoodf to us At onoo.wowifi anti wili appoint cash youtour Ag«ot n your pay you a tend, conmits- anti ;Jon of Ohu Dollar on evory »uI>a« ii;*tion fnn nuiguborH, know will JSS liave ,ho import'/ your wo you no a»n *i»»you tiieGoia ronAs a i’KKKfcNr,«ndwm i»A*» PEN.wllli gold mouiitad barrel,fittedwith* 14>caratgold SS‘ twBntyjMKwotfooiwHp *«y imM Mi»u*a hik to writs ‘5i^!?Ta , XMtVrflK&«I.$4.»«r. subscription 90nd. Of this In •« give you $1 on each fSSufffeSft* you itom-windiug »mi stem .witting Nickel uued w.tch, gj ETSTfiS, ami ^^J^A^th^pirSrtlSS’wSSS. . .(.lid nickel conwining »l per cent, i>.«r tho Texas siftings could nut .tn.rd to give either o *S£ZE/%$S£& *et $4 cash, 92.60 and *5 watch. rouwm Vi'^’Th.\vuVi"u, n pen a IKff&S .,! r 1 end^ uttered by Journal miuini««lon ereater than that ah? or ' 1 TijxA8'Sl1' ,, n probably piipular, ono of the humorous t»nt known. and indie *SEfcWJ certainly ono x£&5$& of tho moat l fat»ohemiaphdree. ££ ''.«*>oolumna. It ia publiahed Tie Wi5{^^t?s;aawAi?Sa..«w. fcKgS* MtiZ %BELSK?i2S2.' » «t*S6fcsfJitfinr - Si -f - ' immim V 77. Tm.S-S!fIlNCS * i Sp-fi £ ROYAL tt&ll ■•Vvv-Vu^y^ , »*„ mS$ ’.VI * m mm m Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A m.v vel of purity, strength and wholer someness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold n oompetition with the multitudes ow test, short weight, alumn orphos filiate powders. Sol oitlv in cans ROY A L BAKIN G POWDER CO 100 Wall Street New York A household The Buttenck Delineator should have a place tn the home of every family. No lady can afford to be without it. It is one of the leading Journals of Fashion and illustrates all the latest designs and styles. Jt is well worth the subaerption price, one dollar per annuih. Address BUTTE RICK PUBLISHING Co. 70>, 11 West 13 N. Y Many Persons Aro broken down flotn overwork or household taro* Brown’s Iron Bitters rebuild, the system, id ?» digestion, removes ov «««<?t bfle. an'', cures materia, tiet mm : - fTji’H'i m K m a. . m ilsrs fcfSti 83 m m ■ w%. "sSSSiS j i - 1 «iiiar * fei-. * mmm. r* J. •*r- T NOTICE - £3 m. re O BE ■ a My business still goes on and I am prepared to sell to my friends andcus tomers goods at prices that will astonish them. I wil sell everything in my line, for the next 30 days cheap for cash; l^ry Goods, No tions, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Groceries, ! have in Stock a full line that I am going to se out regardless of cost, addition to the above, Is carry a Full Line ot hard ware, Crockery, Tinware, Woodenware, and many other articles generally kept in a first-class store, all of which I will sell at Rock bottom prices. Give me a trial and he convinced that I mean business D. D. HOISENBECK. C B ROSSER. J- D. HARVEY. -g..^ R - h Dav PiflSSEB, HMVEY & DA¥iS. <!o!> TO THE CITIZEN’S OF JASPER AND SURROUNDING O COUN TIES o 1 0 1 — i o | Having penaanenlly located at'Monticello Ga we off you otions, the best Hats, and Boots cheapest and line Shoos, of Dry Goods *'ClotliiJ . from Jews harp to Cross-cut consisting of Hardwar* a saw, and full line of Crockery irom a 1 gallon jug to Ewer and Basin. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OP All wool Henrietta cloths, And ail colors of Cashimeres e Nobbiest Line of B and Ginghams Prints W © outh of Mason and ixon Line. Also new and elegant line of White Goods, Embroideries and Edging to match and all the Latest Styles of Veiling’s. Hosiery from 5c a pair to $1,00 a pair. Gloves in endless varieties and prices. Towels, Table Damask and Doylies to match. ( A BEAUTIFUL LINE SCRIMS AND CRETONS, WOMANS’ BFS'P FRIEND WARNERS' BALLS CORSETS AND FULL LINE OF COTTONAOES, CHECKS, STANDARD OF THE WORLD SHEETING AND SHIRTING TICKS FROM OCEAN TO ACA. | —HATS IN ALL STYLES.—- | , Tinware. Wooden ware and Willoware: Trunks, Valises, and fine ine of SHIRTS W e always keep o.t hand a full supply of meat, corn Brail, Lard, Flour syrup and m fact everything in the Grocery Line that the Farmers need It is a .hard matter to get first class lard, We are happy to announce to our friends that we can furnish you with an extra fancy quality—the purest, best in the world. It is a point in our business method that we test, examine everything that we sell before purchase, which, in our judgement, must be the best, A full lino of stm cm com PARAFINE CANDLES AND hPERM ana mo sweetest louet soap ana the best Laundry Soap in the world. Now, do you want something in our line? If so come and see us. We have the goods for you and at prices to suit these hard times, Since locating at this place we have increased our stock, and now have onr store filled from cel lar to garret with the best of goods. It is our intention accomodate the people and to serve them to better tage in the futuie than we have ever done. Rosser, Harvey & Davis. ii THE excelsior {?£&• a ga cotton m ilffei TV \ FEEDEES w i. £ SS SMik AX D : mCOIDENBEES »■r p Jr'li QfSthe raSCnaraBtetJ to fee Eqnat to Best. Picks tl>. S«i fp juClean, Gins Fino Fast Staple. and Make* a MB , Tlie Circular Roll Box if W? f Patented, and no other uu> aufacturer can use it. Send for Circular. No trouble to commukicate with | j parties chines.' wanting these nta* ssm! .w. • • 13 feSnotico jPIassey m Old .MACON, Gins and Cotton cheap. Repaired Gin Ga./ at Worktj short T-* \wm *' •» dK BU«6, G00X1HQ and RUSTING. --13 ATTAINED BT THE USB OF THE CELEBRATED NEW SUNSHINE RANCE, Which wo make in four »ixM with or withpnt |f ESEftVOIR* HIGH SHELF, HIGH CLOSET, LOW CLOSET SWETEB-BICK, an HE^L f OUr h ous eth or ° u gh-^>^ I , 171 Y d EC °" with * ' NOMICALLY the J TORRID STEEL DRUM FURNAGE7I Those who use the TORRID always praise 1 It. Send for FURNACE BOOK giving beat*. ing capacity and prices. i OBB PAINTER & C 0 . ;BHDllj 67 .PA>^ ■! f