The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, August 10, 1889, Image 2

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E I> I TO 111A E > <>TKS. The Legislature seems to have mi elephant on its liands. J he discus— 'don of the Western & Atlantic lease 'j>iii is beclouding everyth,ng else. The Macon Evening Kcws, of yesterilav, says Tcin Wo'ilfolk is staiving hirm eifi to death because iliey won't give him ro siauraut jneals. Th. b« endenw taltot «tU progress of civilization is thut feul*~ iivat, !„ s Urn »»J N Kiu{cr bond* KiJrfliw *fl reported t£> have been arrested also. They khould both lie punched Wli to the ex tent of the law and outrages on .civilization should be Hiippropseu. There is noting that has such a corrupting and demoralizing tn iiiu'jicG upm u» i*n>:o m lighting. The Agiicultural committee ft v c hard at work on the dog law biji Introduced by Mr. Mo Dan el, of Carroll,and the Legislature will have done a goad filing when if makes |he bill a law. If dogs are property at all, they should be taxed and if they arc no property at all, and are a nuBunco, than which there is pot It mg more certain; they should he taxed without disenminatiou to get rid of them. ♦r Jasper Euperior Court convened la.d Monday morning to lioid the ad journed term ordered for tho trial of the Malone and Tyler cases, Judge Jenkins presiding. Jurors, witness es and dulendunls were present and Solicitor General Lewis was at Ins post. The case against Walkor B. Malone was called ami Die Stale made a motion for a continuance on account of Col, Whitfield's absence. Col. Whitfield was unable to attend court on account of bis illness. He 33 employed tor the State in the Ma - lone oijflos and Co]. Lewis said lie could riot go safely to trial without iiiin. Tho motion was sustained aiul a continuance till the next reg ular term was granted. The other eases sot for (1)0 adjourned term took the same course and there peiug no other business before the court it adjourned. SEVERE CASES OF JJLQQD EDISON. Thousands suffer from blood poison, who Would be cmcu it they have B. B. lb, (Botanic Bipod Balm) » aw. Seurt t« U» IIUhI 1 W Co.. Atlanta, (,1a., for book 01 Wonderful '__________ ^^001 ......... cun s, that icu>inC0 n>., most skeptical. Ilia sent free. ' <7.0. , ,, (ilbson. Miss., writes: •. tor a number of years 1 snrierd untold ngoiues irom „ hlbod , poison, jscveral ,, , prominent physicians ~ did me 1'D‘® if • r ‘dUr , „ l ,(H i L n I begun to use B. li. B. with very little fauit, but, to my utter surprise it has made me a well and hearty person'” Z. T. Hal lei ton, Macon, Ca., writes ”1 contracted blood poison. 1 first tried physicians, and then wcnt|to Hot Springs. I returned homo n niined man physically. Nothing Fcemed to do me any good. My pi other persuaded >no to try lj. 1>. B. To my utter astonishment every ulcer quickly healed.” Uenj. Morris, Atlanta, Ga., writes; ‘I sulfered years from syplnllitic blood poison poison which refused to be cured by nil tiyatmeiit physicians pronounced A n hopeless case. I had no nppeirte; 1 liad paius in hips mu) joints aj.d fn\ kidenys were diseased. My throat was ulcerated ; ■, and , mj . *’ i.a s t , a ■* ..... --es of running sores. In this condition 1 .,,,,,,.-,.0,-1 » 17. It healed every ulcer and sore and i cured i . mo . comp<ytely , ...„i I , ,.,,+ \,itl 1 , 1 n ,. two months.” &^«SSIWSraSSS:I!D'R^ £*•< 5 s3 * y-** <lJ « world.J* nt n dglkJlj I *•*?“ «!,;«.sOTlifil ^—~ , ,5**'' i'uLToJ* r *«*“ i “T* e hd®* rnJwitb**V"‘i wtii i* ih* want*. jwd Mfici In yont botn* for d tL>m to thus* SH ****& i«* nil mkr^n^Uni^ iirwj. AAJieS „„ L? 11 n ? rP % * ’tysEnssJsr » n . . . • to*vndwu»ntk.kudituniwinslUu«4o»>viM*f«n Ah ««sa«mi, *100 per bottte. Cwiulc* — I. been, fco i.,.'v that the in America, v ,, .claim tie lar^-Ht liberty in h'jiiiiu;' public meetings and making parade* should exhibit sueli intoliT.iuco tu:vjcmf other nationalities. the atp.*n.pfiiig the same tiling, IlngU&h as was residents ease in 1 tost on when tins were eeie hrating the Queer i’.«! Jubilee at Fanemil Hail. Such exhibitions wilt not help the lri,ili cause b. this country. ......... ......■ —— jr* s ;ioa«y Kavod !>y it l ly. " Here is ft etorv b),ne-l>otiie from the Companion, ehowing how a by was the means of saving much work and cxponS',: “Flies are most useful Beaveiwers, for they destroy much matter which is ia juiioiis to uiati. They lay their cgga in flit b(*gin to cat % they vountr s uhmm as two !>iuc*-bottie will cat uj» a dead? t!nin 0116 ‘ : '- n <:0liU: • fu.. s have a wonderful scent. If a P«»« nSih rhl! „bt Im> long iKdnro a troop o( tli«a will tie crnWh'd under 1,!^'T^so?" the tloor of J ail a sss”wi'5‘iirisr«s;;” , s great expenae, became uninhabitable, and y.’oikliii u were elided in to lemov the flooring. Hut one of them suggested turned t!iat if a bine-bottle tly siaiuht be into the room, it would find tern exact spot wh tc? tlil? dead cat wan lying, Tlie <iy, being caught and tifrjied time. in, bnrzwl At last nlionttlie room lor sonfe it, alighted upon a ccrtahi K]i.»t cm the boor, and remained there. ‘ There's where your dead mt is ! ; the the v/orkin.-m said. A single board was pmoved, and the rat scented Was exposed tho Lody 1 'to view. The by had through the crack m the boor. — /" ; (MomtnniUuK of AnlmnK "* Bavaid Taylor much relates the following:— eapaeily “Aniuials have nii'i’e *o nnderstandlimnansi>eocli (HuiIoom tluia invariably jugeneral ly siijipoaed. The talk to' t' elephants, and it hend. is amazing how much tho l.ijtei oompo Tit ■ Arabs Soverji tiieir eamels with a few cries, aid my aisoeiaCCs in the African doseH were always amused whenever J addressed a remark to the hi > dromedary who was my property fur two months, yet at the end <u that time tin? leeast evident ly knew the meaning of a number of simple Hwitencec. Homo years ago, peeing the liij,po)',i:tai.iu:; in IkirnuuiV • inn looking very stolid and dejeete/l, I spoke to him 111 English, but he did not even open ins eyes. Then i went iothe oppo site corner ui the cage, and a. id in Arabic, ‘I know you ; conic* here to mt*’ Jfci in stantly repeated turned words, Ilia bead and towards thereupon rife; he I the came to the corner where I was standing, pressed his huge, ungainly head against .the liars of the cage, and looked into my face with u touch of delight while I stroked bib muzrllo. I have two m three times found n lion who recognised the same, language, and the expression of his eyes, human.” for un instant, seemed positively . • . i.F b w«’ -v ^*6 A mcrclumt wanted a milliner. Miss Maelay kind. wa^open to an engagement of tlijs dis The merchant hearing of her, asking patched for ti icttcroHeiiiJg her the situation, mail. and Rirecdv she had answer read by the return ''letter, she wrote her acceptance on a postal card. Hut instead of mulling you luwiwlf, »>ho. cave Jt to a sniab boy i... mail for her, winch small poglopsand boy carried marbles,for it in four pocket, clays \\ ith his before lie posted it. Meanwhile the w | u . u Maelay reached ids which store according to the terms oi tho card ““!!! not required. The Supreme Court of Illinois held that she could not obtain any damages for the breach of a central t without with. She proving had proved a contract proposal to commence which a required that she should assent assented by return mail, and *tshe had not \.v re turd mail (tlm smftllboV being hei agent i(I ((,'y, i itattl , r ), j n , f by ;l null! four days later, she bad failed to show acceptance of tiie merchant's offer. And judgment was given against tlie milliner. ilcr <’»Io»* Chimcul. —»-- A young lady who was much worried about her complexion, friend asked the the best advice iWans ot a improving »egetitrian her as to o! appearance. friend. “Thru to vegetarianism,” said the Fite took wildly; and fed on potliins but parsnips, washed down with copious draughts of dandelion tea, for one month. Toward the end of the twenty-eighth day she was nearly’as somehow pretty in color as but tevie.g. Yet, or other, lbo tint didn’t ploaao friend her, and again, after the consulting lady her vegetarian months pickled young subsisted for two on cab bage surely and raspberry her color vinegar changed, neat. till she Floii’ly be but came a good copy of red sunset Still not satisfied, she existed Varied strawberry her nourishment more, and on i»e ..i d turnips for six months, w hen she assumed a lovely tondiatono pink and haj white been line. erected A very tasty vegetarian ju-it to her tiveniory by lfer friend. ^ ****** ot*uc hw«». "te?v On tho banks of t!y» river idle, lot ween Bn wiry and hedge MKson,'a swan bad built hei nest iti a previous to the recent serious ttoov's, in May, and was sitting on eggs. When ti e water rue.tled a to tlie height ot about three feet, to do which tlu.v bad to eollcct more than a j. |r ,, 0 carl t ,( sticks, reeds, leaves, etc. upon tiiis elevated nest tho swan continued to sit—the eggs having beet raised \uthout injury- whilst tlte male bird aUraetAl kepr would-be intruders, who were by the fc’tyUi, at a te^iectfu, distance. . The veavtiiohiukd opening for ot private letters, or perusing iiuinorai notes .piiyato well known use ontv, and feit is n most ‘letter thii act, ffor, who liv every without will UoMlv'aad bundling.adniow ledge i* it iS breaking at the most sanctiunos 01 humanity. UU-V.lthx'l.... Nearly lUv* SkltUvJ I’uU* Jl\H‘\ a'S to vi nnbUcation of private tottwa even tluiV IWftV LilVO IUHH1 JnVCttHl tO U-. L’.'t' tors ,fo riot iKVofoe ubx.luraly ours, that is, we are not absolutely altbongb free the to letters dispose bo of their contents, directed to us. Tho American law t;e knowledges this; ‘it hag ]>evn the dueided, ri that the law, that no .wk..... person lias Bit ««t -««*{»*» a written order or p rim e hi o’. .Jm writer, d thou is appaenlv* rwtaaioa e iu . • the ar.-: letter-writer. tlte prep orty I ijse*.' ( <), i f a. June 25 th 1879 Whereas, TV, IT. Burden as Aun.'r. C n Estate of James I 1 ■ Baruei. dec d cti pplies to me for Dismission from vaid Estate. These are to cite all persons concerned tg sh ,o\y cruise if any they have to the contrary, at this oflice on the first Monday m October next. Witness my hind officially. Jt. T BOSS. Ordinary. <**»#* 0t!ic °’ ' ,mlM C * June 25th 18S9. WJ'crca, W. V. »«"«. M«f * ; on I ..s lute of Wyntt Puttcrson, col. applies to we for Dismission, llurse are to cite all persons concern ed to show cause if any they have to the contrary tit tilts on or by Mopday in October next, Witness my hand officially, ll. T, ROSS, Ordinary. GOLDEN DA YS. 3I0 H-CLaS 3 WEEKLIf BOYS AID GIRLS TIIE BEST VvEI ___________ iEIoS ‘ for youth that motley Rail pl'OOU ; . f .^ ° u l ;i rlv rnvmred upon and give thoit' beat work to Gohoujr Days. I’UZZ LEDUM will pevlcx ami ddigltt theinge nion boys and girls, as it has in the past. TEEMS : 8.00 VKB AXSfCM IN APVASOB ADDRESS, JAMES El,VERSON, Tub con. Ninth & SpkcckSts. Pin:, adelioia Pa ■Mne«k 2 -*> *r— ffr ,1 A YEAR. «:? i ' += - .45. Ef ' 1 . -~ i” H .5, We. , v=- LY g Lfi mémm fl 343! '5 LP“ R. 1 . WEE" SW *- . a i" ' ‘ ' urns V. » ,j m; a .. u. a e; ‘ , . w ‘ ‘ E ‘ ‘ ES}? 41".} .L JKJLIJA“. '-% .A. mm §Tz~§7 Large Page”, of Chciaest Reading Matter. ‘; '3 33-: {hicuzestof Dollar Yieeklicao i "rm PPL-zv I'v:.v::».a f-a nowwishiu the reach (f 321. Its table 02 con- 1:: :1»: unawiiss a thus. is mos: dcm’rame ma. family paper. Sub g scrihf' u, rmces. 1.4 tr 1:: Laampie won. (:09 93.1593. , 1? :n: I". v.1 113549-21 . (30.. ”Derrek. I BUY YOUR Trunks; Satchels - Pocket Books, and Fancy Leathr GOODS, > from the factory at FACTORY PRICES. Macon Trunk Factory, II!>!■!■ ff ~ra W ll»l Ml V.HARDilAN CLINTON, GEORGIA .INMMTEB FIBRE 2 WARE. " ABSOLUTELY DEE PiECE! Nazgfifjiwfl-i HAS NO HOOPS! VARMSHED!’ égrfigfigflfiv HEH’HER PAENTED oa gimmwfimfi NOT AFFECTED 8‘! HOT WATER! 3):. ,s- ms APPEARANCE 0F pousnso museum - mfismficf'fis'r; FAILS, rues, ansms, Paws, Kansas,- sparrows, 1:;qu g"<42‘£¥~’f§- SLOP-MRS, WATEB-COOLERS, nsrmcsnuoas;&c.,ac.. , fijwfigfiw uses vmznr 0F GOODS. ”fig;- mg‘HW,“ CORDLEV Factories: Portland. & HAYES, N. m. V..Cieveland, Pateraam, New York, Ohio, N._ m Wmonm 3019 wazemugn. Inna. Agents. um.. ' " ’ Oswcgam. Y., Lockport, GROCERY AND CROCKERV DEALER 'm SALE BY ALL ”OUSE-FURMSHING. HARDWARE. FULL P8165118? AND CATALOGUE FREE 6N APPLICATION. 4 .ggiilpiig^gg siliiliilBliSli 1 H ST «f r^EHi«.v6. nsTtfm^asm ! a it.,-ll .,t,Kt «ml b * , ITT* c “ta . pn^ent “ 4 of • ' ; • > ?: if : - s s s : I? J gift**? tK8S8S* : S ’■'• t *'88S 8S r*® -t" 5 V if«Oggpaag: ^ * vso ^: f ;} : J-f= ■ & 6 3 Vc.u,i< Cat.’t *• i Aewfcig ......*' ariittgt Fsi-.n M JT-tj-ucss. Ilarr^fcOO acfilininuU 40 “ ** “ loo S-v ■X iiI.ari.oit xv.iiiiut licit gars 300 ow» MTRIiHFTC IWyWI/ JMriSS'ii: •’ i;ooS 38S *" 800 b«o •• 1st *•*» '20 * St> «* >.»•» «»<••*. lCO'^s 8»««»«BumilJlWd* aig Wlfist «*• PRtcMiuai to-the*. vottfii SBBSafliiPlM TiL H yo uMiiixK.rtniuty, a »3,OflO present to i>e sivea U» wiiiii one. So aiKwcv qulcfe—no subsj! tottoMsy.;- Oil 1 Tjiijb t *• aiefcoitmtSo • «Ktovv I’oris,atwu%talt. Iiiaer.ia’a EZOaSEi tfO«m«rA2i, lao ar t a Wfffhutgton t., cmicaqo, iu. ,i •>< m, s+ ;l ; >. . . * , ♦. JZ> ■M mm 'em -*v v w> s v / W/ fm /1 Ht •A ■ ? s . •WJ % % I :\m A t i / i*/: 1 * if p fi % ' 4 ■ a ; J . ; 4 \£ts *c ? €t/ L" i A ' * l\ ' A 3 - A 3 ./ J p n 'tls 4 ? - * * i . AT fiNTE D D E C E M B E 1? •3 T II 18 8 6 Improvement on Horse Collar s By James L. CampMl, Monticsllo, T E S T l it O N I A L 6 : ' Augusta, Ga., June 11th 1881). Mr. J. L. Campbell, Mo-vncEI.T.o, ., Ga. , Dear Bxni-M c have four of youf Collars on our Dray Horses and are so well pleased with them that I would not use any other, 'Since wo have used them none of our Horses have had a sore shoulder or have been guided, 1 have no hesitation in saying they are the best Collar xve have ever used. Yours Truly, Sup' A. F. Ckojibe, i, The Augusta Factory Urn on Point, G x. i have used the Campbell u pnt leather Co bar and can say that | the only collar that would not gab my mules. aiul It is perfect comfort titling, easy the wearing 1 respectfully gives soecommend to untie. them to all railroad workers, it. T. Martin, ii. It. Cuuractor, • • Moat, Ga. I have been using Collar the Campbell Taunt Leather for two years eh the Mail Boqte, Railroadgradms and hanhng heavy legs to Saw-uiillg friend, and find it to be t’ o Mule’s i.over making a hhv 'J' or gall Tuan. - R. Mox', Ga. 1 had a mule with sore shoulder, t m-t used Sibiclv v c ur Paten r-r- I vuthcr Dollar, r. tired thv s caider in a lew days. J. G. Tc-U^SO^V Augusta, Ga., June 10th 188-1 This is to certify that I have used the Collar made by Mr. J L. Caiop bell and eari say they are the best | .. r j- • y cia % IJ, Car^ Augusta, Ga., June 11th 188Q This is to certify that I have used the Collars made by 31 r. they James 1.;. Campbell and cap say are igj good q dlar. as 1 ever used. Yours, L. W. Kent, . of Au Depot Street and Stables ll 1«. Co. Manager gusta certify that I apt U sin« . collar patented ^ by M r. Jamas L> CampbeJ]> 5s giving entire satisfaction. Before ujing and it. one swol- of my mules had Dyo sores a len place on his shoulders, caused from the use of the common stylo collars.' Since using this patent collar, bis s'totuder^ have become en tirMy well. I'M no tie hes-tancy public. in I r ,commending R to ijlteiul t0 * 1;0 other. Very ife '* John' L. G. Wools, Augusta, Ga., June Sth 18 Sri ■ Mb, J. L. Campbell, Monticei^v Ga. Dear ?ti::—I have now hfv.l one of vb 'f Col f ai ' S ^ ^ " >' de f^. a Cl, * ai ^ 1 .*^1 ‘ X'lJnUnt •- -L^V