The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, August 10, 1889, Image 3

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lew ♦* <r_: 4 ' I**#- * v u * ■ .OB! tFBVBRY SATUHLIAV MOB.MSii AT Gil AY, GF.OBOIA, • —«*' T. U. I’EN'.V.— ft. •ijit3t.ii 15aie%-ln Advents. ShSouth, £ n jJP r \ ' 1 1 g :-v - - Z, ^dciM« .... nJulatS. „ .. Rt ° , raV Wn . ,i „2 ■ ' .rpSR’ “ h0U,d k ' CU' Rf‘ jhffo^dvcrima* UU ' made known t|i|munic!.tarns * na t- mvacter for individual ybarged benefit, for or ^je'os advertiseuionts. - Jjprnage and obituary notices, not. .'piffoUne square, will inserted be charged without fur ehttrgc —!.v| rertisements. one square same s *4 ■•ops were never known to be fcet Sr. Dints Iloifcnlwek rpent last wJk with relatives at Half acre. s?asm is at hand I Z btin the amount o; travel.' j!r. J. K. Hightower is progress jrJ nicely with work .on the quarry. ylfe, Ilfs. K ilpatriok,*<jf IJuninhrcya- h**e'*tliis visited relatives near |v,#k. lira. Ifightower and daughter jPpAit last Sabbath with friends in jlftKboro. ily. Wdey Jones has purchased film Pol. I?. V. Hardeman tile null r»oijtly put up at this place. fMr. U. Morns and fapiilv, of m .coil spent several days this week w to pleasantly wit,h the family of i. ft. Jf^turn or, Capt. LG J, Smith the popular and dcient Agent of the'G. & M. R. IG Bound Oak visited relatives m ontlcello last Monday. i Air, Richard Bonner, .of Macon, its a few weeks vacation and is peiyling tbe greater portion of the ile with his son near here. It wont be m/ny years he fore yWr/nccviHe, McDonough, Monti illo avid Covington will be linked 'gether by railroad irou,-—Coving En 4 From the Macon Telegraph we m tiee that arrangements are being *de for the passenger trains of the 1 >vington and Alaeon R. R. to use depot E. T. Y. & G. It. It. •Tessrs George Persons and Wyly s pS have leased flic Montfoello fi ;s and wi’l hereafter run the » r. 'ljliey are occupying White rooms m tho storeot N. B. & Co Fl'.ol, Isaac llardoman, ac ompany ig a party of, left Wednes ay morning Tor Porter {ipfiiigwthe veil known mountain resort, where be party will remain until Septem ier. Agiiorig the ladies were Mrs laidtwnan. Aliss Berta Hardeman, IDs WalUe Rogers, Miss Hattie togers and Miss Carrie Iluimes, lr. Frank II. rdeman wag also with I he party.—Maaon Telegraph. ■o MONTICELLQ ITEMS. i Mr. Dick Hightower, of Gray, was in town yesterday. l Mrs. Map Ben and Airs. Joe Bar foron, of Jones county, xiro visiting II. lveily ibis week. Mvs- Sallie Barron returned home load ay from a visit toiler sister Earn Barron, of Jones county. Guess who the young man was that teieame so absent minded as to I jose himself a few evenings ago and had to call y>n a friend tQ assist him to his room. * A haiidsome monument has been recently placed over the grave of Dr, Dozier at the Presbyterian Cemetery. The work was done by Mr. Q. P. Heath of Macon Ga. The Town Council 1ms placed an prder with Mr, J. R Hightower, of Gray, Ga.. to furnish them with stepping stones to be used at street pressing upcu tlja public Square, and froqithe sidewalk to Court House. man told u» the cthor dav tl pt he has nlaved so much that !rh<» be to make his cup .lump l»ja in Whenever he catcher him the act of jnmpiug ever the 1«*'*’W»*»'***» h M - : in PiliHrlSYlLi 4 I'J As this :>• tho first from this ;so „ part of o’d Jones a desor'.pt ion, rather au' fiUemH aPom\ since no one except Washington do it justice, wid not he miss. Hutnphriesvi {« is a minia ture Sleepy Hollow nothin" ‘"it :r; , nt _ ing 'but lehabod Crane, has like the original Hollow some tlang capa He of tilling one with porstitioats horror, viz : what some persist m calling a haunted house, Although Mr, Green, the present oe cn p ;ul t has never been disturbed by his ghost-ship only in the form oi a bcrof \ Jlost of the ‘*liege lords” of our village are engage^ in tilling Uie snil ; and a more indus'rious succes ful number of farmers Jongs cannot produce. Major Orocr, however, unlike the others, has retired from jt!;e political field and become inter ested in Merchamlisiijg. The coijit pletion of the Church and School house, now in process of election, a ill make a lo* g-nccded improve ment in tlte neighborhood. All iti all, Uunjplinesville offers great iu diicements, at least to ibo sexes, as she would readily assent to array fyer old bachelors, who are f ‘ready, willing, and awaiting” to add their names tot^e list of poor ^nfortunates(?) who are seeking lo solve the problem “is marriage a failure,” ogamst those of any com munity. She boasts, too, of the beauty which Venus has kindly conferred upon her girls. In enjoy ment she also comes to tho front— “tripping the light fantastic” being the sole means of whiling away the long winter evenings. To sqm it ail up, th.ose wanting farming lands, m search of pleasure, or who are candi dates for matrimony, should by: no mexyns, pass Humpbriesville un lived* wL Airs. Kilpatrick, who has been sick some time is convalescent. Air. J, W. Comer, wife and chil dren are yisting friends near Clin ton. Mcsttfs. F. W. Humphries, J. II. Broach and Miss Amelia Broach, attended the. general meeting at County lipo. .. ‘•L. A.” -rnJ 2 > -eSi* COMMUNICATED. Headlight :—The reunion of family connection (as it has again been the pleasure and happy moment of the writer) is one of the grandest uccadons of life—to meet and mingle with the loved ones. It is now the custom of the surviy ing .ch ildren of the grand and good old man, James Godard, and Ids loving wife, who have long since passed away, together with their children and grandchildren to meet at the old home place now owned by Ins son, J. D. Godard, where lie and his excellent wife, with their hospi tality and kmdpess, welcome the family together.. Once a year they meet with each other m happy re union.® The loving sisters, their ■husbands and children make every effort to have tbe tiny spent joyous and pleasant. At’the last reunion thpro were present about three score or more, The refreshments for tho day ifcrp good enough for a king, consisting of barbecued meat of va rious kinds, and everything to niqke a table tempting was spread before us, with fruit3 in abundance and water melons that could not be excelled in S’zo and taste, grown by the champion melon grower 1G H. Bonner, while J. I). Godard had melons equally as fine. Then came icecream ip abundance and oh! how all enjoyed the occasion. Our good old friend, Capt. It. W. Bonner was ou hand at the last reunion and live. iy , U) j c h e , er f u l as iq his former days aU( p cn joyed the day splendidly. Ai r s, Ile.ndrick and daughter from Maecn were also there and enjoyed tIlf5 occasion very ranch. The bright and nimble hftle foet were beautiful to behold ! ’ May we ab bv g«ol Providence live to meet in ean there meet be a no reunion more vr on «-a^ .-fie -v<-<■ UJ -?, ones in God’s tiuoim there to par. W . „ i he e* >:*;*. •- <.ry iru* i•iTtts* i* a •> ig cue aim tual t>f t;ia Pumpkin * u :u - - ;s iy i- • ^ ’ J;lu *■ ' t>e;U Cli:it 1 v, ! ‘ i v ' c > *^ r ^ iatllas bcon * v> ^ * ac * 3 are thing*, . and . won’t lie, so hero goes. In Ult ‘ 0;iri .V l'- f - ol '* lho s P ri »fo accord- 1!! o he my usual o.usiom, 1 went into In > E ardeu to b’^tsome cucumbers, a!K * t ? ’ Ulter lV3to in8hmont. after 11 ^ t!,e ?oc ' , |^ hi U 1 lookvJ aronlvl a,u! . MhM ' lhe!irst . vu, . ° f Ul 11 '! ot « A)n r ‘ 5V If' ‘ n ' numbers. oi t,l ° ami to one dr '’ " 1 1 , soed think that ’’ 1 ’ ’ you may 1 m l**varicatiug but to prove that what I have said is true and even more I asked one cf my neighbors to come in aul witness c similar scone. It being rather late in seas for planting such things find. having ol the Jackson , , High it- i * some Grade „ , on hand , , thought 1 , would i) just drop . . little , , to , ? the . * iu a . give vines a good , send , off— Maybe ,, , you , it .. didn , ... t the , desired , . . dlect. ... . ,,, well, n nave my neighbor and I took the Guano and seed, went into the garden, dug the holes and put in only a small portion of this famous fertilizer. I gaw tbe grouml beg;lu to rise sorter like a pope ox old fashion Ljglit Bread and the seed had already showed signs of germination, so 1 dropped in a few, kicked a little dirt over them, and anticipating the result, I told my* neighbor to get out of tbe way. lie gave me a look of astonishment, become alarmed and broke to run. But it was too late, tbe vines had wrapped themselves completely around him and Ins only remedy was to cut himself loose, lie was to bewildered that he bad forgotten vyliich pocket his knifo was in. But afier takieg about a peck of full grown cucumbers out of llis pockets he succeeded in getting bis knife. Now, if you think it wasn’t a job to get those vines off jucf ask my neighbor about it apd then goto AUmuid’s and put in your order for some of his High Grade or you won’t bo able to get any for the next four years. Femes AIonjioji. r iSHSX* Tho corner stone of .Smith’s block was laid last Thursday. Dr. Aladdux, the chcsen orator of the day, failed toputm an appearance but.the spectators were highly entertained by appropriate remarks from Judge T. J. Smith and sou E, B. Smith. The following deposits were sealed in a glass jar t.nd placed in tho com er stone by Miss Nannie Smith th e lovely grand daughter of Judge Smith, Wesleyan Christian Advocate, Judge T. J. Smith; Daily Telegraph and Constitution, coins of 1811) and 1888, certificate of deposit Augusta Savings Bank dated Dec, 9, 1861, E- 13. Smith; one bottle scuppornong wine, Mrs. K. 13. Smith; record of Presidents and Vice- Presidents of the United States, also record of county and municipal officials of Jasper county and Alont-icello, Joseph If. Smith* copy of first, newspaper printed m America, Boston News letter April 17 to 21th 1701, Mrs. N. 13. White; invoices of goods purchased by A. & J Baldwin of Alonticello from Simon Hyde and from Lord & Olmstead dated 1819 and 1320, Misses Annie and Lizzie Kate White; copies of Jasper County News and Savannah Morn jpg News, Airs A. P. Penn, Jones County Head Light, Miss A!uttio Penn,pebbles from Alississip pi river and from Shaw's garden, St Louis, Mo.. Aliss Maude Penn, and Master Henry Penn, copy of New Testament, Hunter Jordan; Confededcrate $10 bill, Muster Lqvick Benton; billhead, A$essrs. Rosser, Harvey & Davis; copper coins, .Masters Troy Kelly and J. E. Hecht: testimonials to J. T, Smith by his song E, B, and J, T. Smith. —Jasper County News. THE PRIDE OF WOMAN. a|SIgiS r: blood r egt assured (hat their of is out of order. A fow doses thc kin will I -;.m clear fold 1. ,..... ;i t. Tiy If, r-nd if :-au'.-.*«<-. ion fo not given i wi.l cost you noUimg. “ U l, TI?*i Jasper OiidIt N^ws •'iflVS Right,.*,j «if the fairest !a Ho:*, tliat ever trod <>n Georgia $oii ir:c visiting Moutieeilo from tiifU-r— ent parts of the State and the 0. A trains aro still rolling tho prec ions freight in at the" rate of a half down per day. Bui this state of affairs mav not be best iu the long rim for the lawyers have loft their offices, the doctors can rarely be lh( ' dorks are on a strike ami the merchants are sparing to sus petnl business. But on pretty creatures we have plenty of room for you m d no matter what may be the anal result nor what a dreadful di l C ma business mav get into on ac count of your presence, We happily welcome you and trust your yffit ni;iv [, e pleasant. ‘ One of r the . moat . interesting . . occa p . oi , tlir . the sions : suason was onter tauunent , . . at ... the Masonic ,, . Hull last Saturday .. . . evening . given . ; bv Prof- .. • JSeal , T , for , the beneht of the Academy, , iSotwitlisuunling ,, . ... .... it post-poned , was from Friday to Saturday evening on account of rain there was quite a crowd out to hear him and a hand some little sum was realized. Prof. Neal is a line elocutionist and de serves more than a passing notice, though to those who heard him his recitations were sufficient passport to tlijfjr genuine merit without a eulogistic remark from us. llo is yet a young man and lias a bright future before him. llis comic reci tations were the most enjoyable we have ever listened to, while his pathelie recitations were rendered in a vt ry touching manner. The music by Misses Lois Johnson, May Bonner, Katie Walker, and Annie White as sisted by Messrs. Cornwell, Han cock amt Davis added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. A Tit U P TON 1C; When you don't feel well and hardly kooiv wha t u give 13, B, B. (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial It is a fine tonic. T. 0. Callulgpi, Charlotte, N. C., writes; “B. B. 13, is a fine tonic, and hue done mo grort good. 1 ’ Jj, W. Thompson, Damascus, Gn„ writes; ‘T bolelievo B, 1>, 15, is the best blood purifier made. It lias greatly improved my general belth,” An old gentlemen writes; “15. 15, P>, gives me new life and new strength, if there is anything that will make an old man young, it is B, B, B.” lOtii P. A. Shepherd, Norfolk, depend Va. Aug. 1888. writes; “I on B. B. 13. for tho preservation of my health. J have had it iu iny family now nearly two years, and in all that time have not had ;to have a doctor.” Tboa. Paulk, Alopaha, Ga writes; “I suffered terribly from dyspepsia* The use of 13, B. 13. lias made me feel like a new man, I would not take a thousand dollars for the good it has done me,” W, M, Cheshire, Atlanta, Ga. writes; “I had a long spell of ty phoid fever, which at last seemed to settle m my right leg, which swelled up eronnously. An ulcer also ap pealed which discharged a cup full of matter a day, I then gave B, 15. B, atrial and it cured me,” Btaio of Ohio, City of Toledo. Eucaa County, S .3. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that liis the sonior partner of the firm o f F J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm Will pay Urn sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and every cass of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the nee of Hall’s Catarrh Cure, FRANKJ CHENEY Sworn to be before me and Subset iLed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A \) : 8fi A W GLEASON, Notary Public Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taknq in ternally find fiats directly ou the blood and mucus surfaces of the system Bend for testimonials, free ....... . \\ TIY r 13 IT i i * ,at l’-°p-c huger arong , a-ways , BLOOD rUltlFlKit a MAKER wi:’ • itirGy remove | f give them a good apjietite inVT«ourfe. Fw " i ’ M• M. SOLOMON, GKO. 13 . JULEY, )P?F BVTlMil n / |1 i * Dealers In GROCERIES -AND PLANTERS SUPPLIES OPENED BUSINESS JULY 1ST. Third Street, Macon Ga. YOUR PATRONAGE IS ^ A GORGEOUS TAUSE. _ llrtcrlptlou of I lio I'lmmlnK , Oiiuli-iw »r fii«. Kin]- of $tnm. The Summer l'alaoe of the ICin.% the Mango (iardena, is considered tbe'hand fiumest ing is erueted plane in in Siam. The main build the style of a French chateau, and is surrounded with grounds laid ol} - with great skill by a landscape' gardener, in paths winding in serpentine sinuosity kiwis every djreetion, llowers of all till the air with perfume, mid to add to the charms of the place miniature lakes, dotted over with lotus plants in blossom, (lash their sparkling waters in the sunshine. These lakes arc fed from (he river that flows in front of the palace, which to gether with the yard is enclosed by a wall containing a number of handsome build ings set Through apart for tbe various wives of the King. the kindness of the gar dener in efiarge l was shown through t he palace, the King being absent he not staying the there more tljau a month during Tho year. palace is built of teak and other eostlv woods, the walls paneled most hiiMilamncly; like mirror, the bringing bard wood, the polished u out grain ; t he ceiling lofty, elaborately laid off in handsome de signs and most gilded ; tho floors a mosaic of various woods also design, highly jiolished, while the curb broad room a dillgrei't of that lead the second story—the llight, sleep- steps to ing keeping apartments the — is simply grand, in with magnificence of the in terior. The wortiiy King’s chamber, baUi-rootps, etc., wore of the abode of royalty, and his forever.’ conch ‘a It thing made^f of beauty,’ if wood not ‘a jo/ carved in the was rare designs, nipl draped with most lace fringed exquisite with gold rare ; a gold embroidered spread covered the bed; the with pillows and bolsters were also hemmed lace, and above it swung a handsome punka to keep biir> extol. It seemed more like a work of art to the eve than the resting plaeoof one who courted slumber, surcease of business and trouble ari/.ing from the control of over 7,0011,(100 people. noticed In some of tho rooms we some vury handsome furniture and pit lures, cosily though tables, crystal place and alaba- dismantled ter vases, etc., the was during place that the absunge tired of of royalty. and Jt is the a ona power world would retire to for a mouth and live in elysium or Oriental ease. In the center of several of the lakes lianilsornu pavilions discourses are music, erected, nnd where their the rippling band on surface float barges ready to bear the wives and children or family of the King, when ho couelqdc.x to pass his time there. .Scattered containing throughout the gardens era cages monkeys, birds, etc., that add not a little to the pictqrewpjo ness of tho scene. For un-r an hour our party tjtrolled through the well-kept, grounds constantly and employed gardens, fifty beautifying men being and in keeping them in order. Amid a grove of rarest foliage, musical with birds, is a handsome Italian monument, erected to the memory of the late tpieei), who was drowned by tho sinking of a speuiui yacht, erected by the King, and by his direction kept in the neatest order. As our time v/as limited \yo could see but a portion of tho bounties of this lovely place. It would take a column to speak at length of tl,e various palaces that art; Scattered over the grounds, the Oriental NOTICE! BALK OF TOWN PROPERTY. I offer for sale at reduced prices the following properly residence in the town and of MontieoUo, Ga. One distance lot, located within a short of the Public Square, containing good 2 acres more with a two story frame house, land Lot perfectly the level. Also one business on Public Squre, fronting 67 feet, and running back 150 feet. 1 will sell the above property very low for cash. Or if the purchase;’ prefers, I will sell for half cash, nnd balance on 1J ESS"SSs Jasper county, Ga. Jam ex Watsox. J run ms xiT.oon, Vro.v ii,v«, Maluria, Xjjuif'tslica aoft 1 liUousnfts, »Aka 1 UHUW.VI IKON BITTKIUI. It mrv.% <;Tiic.-k iy. Yor Mila by ull doiileif V i vxUvna-, v,iii v Hpul TO BELLI teiijijtb AN Bit took The most wonderful .cpllectjoy pf practical, the real value mul overy-cay use for people over published cm the >;lobe. A marvel of liionoy-sny mgm.d luoney-ctirning for everyone owning it. Thonsmids of beautiful, helpful everything. engravings, shewing Nogotiipettitop jqst how to do ; ing like it ip the pi divorce. IVhen you select that which »s of true v ,.w<« safos aye sure.* All sinp. >. ly dc-bir ing so/ncthiiig payifigemp! iyu,t/ir.'leoV , fu) lh(0*011 gIB/ c.iia-m* at hu extraordimui y 'low «A , sliott'd* write for dcsonjd'oxi rite/, terms on luo nuyst rcinaikuofo achievement, the world began. hi look-tnahjing jS'nfto •SOA.MMKl/L & Go., Box 500.3, ”i. Louis or Pliiladelj -ki : ‘‘R> 1 feiHf! } Jt. vYi V UOOim HTOSERY, SMITH VILLE, — — GA. All Kinds of Fruit Trees For Syl SPECIALTIES: LrCoxtk and Kievfku Pniitg. Japan Peummmon anx> Chapes. ifer SpEciAL l’hwm to Au.ia\o;!s. Send j-*qu -GATAnoriVii Fuee. W. W. Tim{PfiOF, Proprietor* MOHTIELLO, . n - GA. Mns. W. A. SiiKiuu., Proprietress, --(o)—-- 1 OF/EU REIK’CEO KATES pOIl MO.VTU LY ItOAIlflJiltS. J HAVH GOMl'ORTAtiLE JIOOM R AND NICE XKVV BED'S. - • ML J. T. Sim * * M01ITICELL0, - GA Office in building formerly occupied by Dr. Dozier Wpem not at office can be found fit Afoot jcellQ Jfotol, AU of my Drugs are Fresk. Apiql 1st 6in. i? ■a.1 THE ONLY THI ITKItPiAH CAM KOT CHAHQE HIS SKIK * HOP, THE LEOPARD HIS 6rBT|." BziiKMwt/uM rriiu tkit tkiiu (.scuuottviB. - e-m mot na soovEO cajikic. wrrHoiw tub NO HOT IKON OK (lt.VHI.flr KB, QumrtK cav Jir bubo wuu STAMP OU n.’i. RETAIL PRISE, 25e. -also KiKcrAt-qpusin o»—— Writing and Copying Inky, Sfallng Wax, Muiiligs, Waftr«» Etc. THM&EtJS QaViQS 00., W-m W»w«m Slruel, NEHTAQAA CITYv V iKAUljnlW