The headlight. (Gray, Ga.) 1889-1???, August 24, 1889, Image 1

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• - \ A SX.Z&ECX ■<* - (L.B AMBITION iO MAKE A \ KRACIOL'B WORK, RELIABLE IN IIS STATEMENTS, CANDID IN ITS CONCLUSIONS, AND JUST I NITS VILAS' VOL U. There nro several distilleries Faye tin county mar the Clayton .ine, uiul (he* are have in g over their peaches to have them nuii'.u actual'll into a liquid form. Kerby, son ot Judge David ft. Smith of Kmannel count v killed on last Saturday morning a wild eav a- large as they generally g.ow in tins country, lie measured 22in c.L s in height. Lowenthal claims that the killing of Bohnefield at Jaacoii, was in self-defense. It deveW that one stole a diamond ring irom one of the dead nuns lingers after the catting. Hawkinsyi’le received her first row bale of cot ion last Tuesday was neatly covered m Alliance cotton hugging and sold for 14 cents per pound. Air. It. E lieynolds was the lucky man. Thwrs’ay a negro woman with a peck of peaches vva ked from her koine in the country to Macon u distance, of ten miles, and then din pose 1 of her peaches for 5 emits. She at first asked ten cents for them, but was ]>ersuaded to take 5 cents. _ Miss Eunice Wicker of Monlez mmi is a prodigy. She. in twelve yea s old, and can repeat in stantly the letters of any word backwards. If sic is unatilo to spell the worn she does this as scon as the word is spelled for her. This is indeed a most wonderful cxerci-e, and conies to her by tuition. 'fft. f:vr jc-r ot* M »* now living near Athens, never mar l ied ti l h:s 103d year, llis wife "as ju t 20 . They lived happily together. “It was no unusm 1 sight,’' pips the Athens Bhaonic’.e, “10 sec tln> old mail; at the ago of 130 ploughing in the field, lint he was taken sick when in his one hundred and thirty-eighth year, and lived hut a few months." Thec’tyofSt. Petersburg, whieh does not count 1 , 000,000 vl lants, cousuim s each day 10.000 bottles of wine, 1 500,000 quarto of beer ami 1 , 0000,000 glasses of an a ! coh >l known under the name vodky: A TJMIE TONIC; V hen you don t feel well and hardly know what a give B. B. B.*(Botanic Blood Ba'ni) a trial It is a fine tonic. rr 1. O. r. Callahan, /. I, 1 ro Iiai.Owte, * v N. n “B. B. 13, is ^ fine tonio, and writes; a bae done me grert good.” L, W. Thompson, Damascus, writes; “l belelievo H, B, 13, is best b'ood purifier made, ft greatly improved my gen ial An o'd geiitlem *n writes; “13. B, B, gives me new life and new sttergth, if there is any thing that will make an o ; c! man yen ng, it is 11. 13." I*. A. Shepherd, Xo folk, Yn. Aug 1388. writes; “1* depend on B. 13. 13. for the preset vation of .ny health. I have had it in my family HOW nearly two years, and in »li tliat time have not hai . to have n doctor.’ Tbm. ft.,Ik. ainpslia, e. write.; “I suffered terribly Bom dyspepsia' The use of B. 11. 13. lu.s made me feel like a new man, I wnuM not lake a thousand tlol ars for the good it h»s done me,” \V, M. Cheshire, Atlanta, (in. writes; “I bad a long spoil of ty j,hold lever, which at last seemed to settle in my right leg. which swelled up e< orinoi'siy. An ulcer also up ii -ated wbi- h disc’d .rgml a enp lull <>f nutter a (Uy, I then gwe 13. B li, atrii* ud*J t cured me,’ filK OLD YETS STILL ALIVE. * he (jut "coiited.v" vf Georgia had a grand ami glorious re-union a few dav8 ago in Atlanta at. the Ziition ot I he Confederate Survivors | Association of Georgia, An iin - mens* euricour-e of ol>.{ Veterans ■ i «**re on hand, inanv of whom w ere , u, mn ,, the 8Cil , 0 f bflr d fought l,at ‘ hrle others crutches, % v came on jwooden \ M;U nuU legs o]tl atiil with empty sleeves. ‘. V ‘ warwM hardened by tne Summers heat and Winter r R j 1,nd,ug s ' *“ v of Amr long years mnA * >' mv Z und tc,ldor and sentiment again and w tlioy would listen to the simple yet eloquent spechms of their beloved old cornrados they would brush the tears from their gray heard and fur r"\vt!;l cheeks. The objects of the association are t Lo conservation of Confederate history and memories the promotion of good fel'ow&hip ami the cultivation of friendship, renewal ot old ties b t\v»en the surviving officers ai.droldit vs army. It will not interfere with n r die 1 el - to any l.ica! or regimental organiza tion of ex-confederate soldier*. All ex-ecu federate soakers who w re honorably discharged by parol or the termination of hostilLies mui who have not brought any discredit on the service since may become "’embers. A icaolution was adopt ed dm iug the organization to hold 11 convention ef all the surviving vet erans of the South during the State* Fair at Macon, and propose! that Jeffers''ii Davis be invited (0 attend Bov. Joim.B. Gordon, that grand 0 d hero, who is so near to the hearts of country men, was elected Command. er-m-t hief, while ’ Geu’ls. 0. 11. r/vVjoOe oni> m « v.,« Bapt. McIntosh Kell were elected commanders. God bhss yon o'd ‘•Vets"—you fought for our rights while we were in our cradle and we love you for it. The time will soon come when none of you will be left to tell the Uiril ling stories of battle seems and war reminisc iices to which we loved to listen. jy mm TO HE LI . tdllHLY ^ W f -b i AN ptlKlOOll The most wonderful collection practical real value and every day use for die people ever published on the globe., A marvel of inouey-earning for every one it. Thousands </f beautiful helpful engravings, showing just how to do everything. like it tin* No nniverpe. coinpeti When Aon ; nothing m which y 0 ,, et ,j e ,_.t that is of true value are sure. All sincerely und ing somc-tbing paying employment thoroughly looking fl ' i 111 a " extraordinarily low ghou ! t\ write for description [ enus on the most remark able achievement m b..ok-making since dm world began, Soamuhi i- & Go., Box 5003, St. or Pniladclph m Mercer University, MACON, GA. Full Faculties. Five 1. The Preparatory Department. The College of Liberal Art*, ^ The Scientific Department, l' JJ» P* 1 "'™" 1 #fTW *W ^ 110 7' u ." TUI HON l'Br.K m the Depart- _ ment ot Liberal Arts, Science and 7 ’i lco 0 gy. FALL TERM b.gin3 on Wednesday (25th) in September, Eor Catalogue and other infour.a . . ,, ‘ “ KEY. G. A. yrvv M KNALLx, in Y D . . . •» President, or JOHN J. BU.\N 1 LY ‘ec pro tern Mae u GRAV\ GMOBGlA, SATURDAY-. aUG, 24 'SSA. COVINGTON & MACON RAIL R. AD «V m Imglw pP®* d <■ __ i No. No. Time : j ! 5 1 .No LO r.. c ue.% c o 5 ; Lao! F'st In etf‘ w 1’hur ! L S u 11 d a y t ‘ 2 . M'-T M J ui: .• ;:j *^iir il 7 n m. 1 'A.ALA.Mi ‘ '(Kk>‘ 25'Lv. Macon joiftl. P. M j, ; i’.M "ft 7 Ar. i>!. 2 -.» .02ft; 7 3a Mi. y’s Mill J < | -•! _ hop i. 7 4 j' t \ ;»1 Huron ! -ft : ft •it: dOft.v 7 i‘J : (•cherts ft 5 1 j. HU tligVbuf! Mo; ti'U ft 0 it I. C f ID j sole < M\l VS .1 ■ ) 'c ' cc v> N • • * ......! t*' Bradley 12-00 S I CC R- T ........ it*. 12In! At 1 S S2*J' 24} \* Bar av.-ddo ions : ! a } » CO vf • il235i8 CC T. t 33; Round Oak J ' ft 08 Z*j ^ • • ..... 1 ; ; 1 O.V S 47' Hillsboro ! t j i 1 2oj 8 07 1 Minnetn rassiii-ld 4 2!ii. w i 00 : i* i 1 I 4ft ; 2 lf)i l» I S M niticei 0 4 2 l! 1 2 ft 3 OO' il 4ft jMavhen a ft 4 1238 2t)! M ! .1 ! 3 aajiunti' it ft 7 areo 3;j| 12 1217 a Bo! trey i a 1200 4 2 ft'(A0.35; >11040! AT 1 100 4 -r •ft HO I 121! fore aeo i 2 21 ! I tr. ‘ft 45'1141 ’ Kaia:'n don ; . 2 ( 10 ' cr . I o', ; t> 00 1 Bi nop ! ft — ?* i j ; d 12 ! loti! Wnf-yuaill.. 'i ||; 0 It.) 1 •* A* , i ! C 20 : ; 120 l) Fidney ; l Hti, j 'J 04 d «S J2i4! White Ha l 1 2H 1 ; 8 50 ! ... ' ...... i 7 00 1240;Ar Athens J.v j 1 'ft;... 8 30 statrxkuMBm A G CIIAI ( 1 ACT'G. SUPT. mmmmmm ja^ I'jrm.*riy of BM IX.) A Hi. S 1 ;; > i 5 >' f) 1 1 t ! ) ; KMX MANUFACTURER OF S CSTTEfth J A^D DEALER IM ’ Lcatlier, Saddles, Harness ind Shot Makers’ % Supplies. WII.L BET Hii’i-j;, Fa* 3 , Bpvvax- W ))'. Ets BALL AND SEE MM BEFORE YOU BUY. 410 CHERRY ST. *r\ MACON. GEORGIA INDURATED FIBRE WARE. ABSOLUTELY ONE PIECE 1 HAS NO HOOPS1 NEITHER PAINTED OR VARNISHED 1 NOT AFFECTED BY HOT WATER! HAS APPEARANCE OF POLISHED MAH0GA3Y. PAILS, TUBS, BASINS, PANS, KEELERS, SPITfOONS, SLOP-JARS, WATER-COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, &s., tc. LARGE VARIETY OF GOODS. CORDLEY & KAYES, New York, Sole Agents. 0s#fcS*v Factories: Portland, lie V,, , Polorbo*#, Ohio, N. H , Watertown, Macs., H. T., Lv.kport, k!. CKvcUnd, Winona. Minn, rta SALE BY ALL. tKCUE *V««Stt!ML HABrtWM^. C«OCL>if W-0 CROCKEHV DEALERS, run ifccim #wte CKiK&rjm. (Tim nr, rmfCATtcN. No. 40 M. AL. SOLOMt>X, GKo. 11. HILLY ILL if m; l LLH u rcalors In GROCERIES — AND PLANTERS SUPPLIES OPENED HirsiNKSS J i' LY 1ST. hird Street, Macon Ga. Yoril FATliOXAOK IS SOUCITKD* t-ms’ MaCON BAKING POWDER Is made i;i Mifcon C«;\., of STRICTLY PURS CREAM TAIL"AR A \ J) S 0 I) A. AM is WAPRAN ED ts I2 Superior lo el! etliers If you want the.BEST ask for and insist hawing MACON BAKING POWDER. Address Macon Baking Powder Co. 'c.i' •. « Macon, Ga> ;••• si the excelsior cams ei “ • l . FtEPEES AXl> mm I MB 1 IEB 5 EBS ■ [W«r e' .tiSfel’nnrurttvtl left. TirJiH «» K.(n«l «rt WWSM afrf i.h«* Rue# t/♦•«:*, GiniiFaft find Ittahis t a Fine Ht:iple« mf (P l’ntri.ti’d, The Circular nr.d Itdl other Boy 1,0 m> p . rmfactiiier can uw, ii. $ki ,'•7; Scud for Circular. K» . trot 1 h! e (o com m un icate vrifh chines. parties wanting' tLtSiu aia .yft Old Bins Bepaireei at cluHt 2 gnotic« nud cheap. MW gsMaisey Cation Gin Weeks MACON, {<*. -IN NEW SUNSHINE RANCE, Wlilc h wo rn n ko In four with o f wlthont bW»TEfi-B»CX.’ RESERVOIR m J ""T «ta 7 y^ i .w-;«ia;g-..v you Can heat your house thorough- ». T ly, HEALTHFULLY and ECO- V*L limn ___ sS! v* i NOMICALLY with the i TORRID STEEL DRUM FURNACE % Those who use the TORRIO always praise V m Send for FURNACE BOOK giving heat- tMW Ing Capacity and piiCCS. ORR PAINTER & CO., READUb; pa. <4 S’