The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, May 09, 1895, Image 3

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THE NEWS. Thursday, May 9, 1895. LOCAL. Our school is still increasing In number. Mrs. Richard Johnson, of Clin¬ ton* is visiting relatives in Macon, Bead the advertisement of the I’ooser machine works, in this is- sue. Frank Morris and bride spent last Sunday with relatives at this pi nee 42 P“\Savc money by buying all the ICE you need of Keller A* God¬ dard, Haddocks. Mrs. Burney and Mrs. Will Bradley visited friends and rela- tives at Ghiv last week. - • A communication from Pippin received too late for this issue. Will appear next week. The teachers of the county were paid a portion of their 1st quar¬ ter’s salary last Saturday. Miss Annie Morris, of Fortvillo, has entered Gray school, and is boarding with Mrs. Austin. iCE and Lemons always to be found at the store of Keller & Goddard, Haddocks. G, IL Henderson has accepted the position' of night’watch at the depot, of the M. ifc X. rail road in Macon. Miss Beulah Ross, of Union • Hill neighborhood, lias been on a visit to relatives at Gray and Clinton. The farmers report good stands of cotton, and soon the clanking . of hoes can be heard from almost every hill. Miss Sallie Barron left on last Tuesday’s train to spent a while with relatives and friends in the Central City. Miss Fannie Miller, of Blounts- viilo, has been on a visit to rela¬ tives at Gray.- She left Tuesday afternoon to visit relatives in Ma-. con and Twiggs county. New desks have recently' byen .placed in. the offices of theOrdinfl- 'Ty and Clerk. Besides being liahdsome pieces of furniture they furnish a‘convenient and safe repository for valuable papers, books'Arc. ■ • Good many of our neighbors have placed us under obligations to them for several messes of sal¬ ads from their gardens. Its a happy lot that befalls a man to 1»© surrounded by kind and gen¬ erous neighbors. • Mrs. M. J. Jones is on a pro¬ tracted visit to relatives in Ma¬ con. The Major’s face has about healed from the effect of the but¬ ting the goat gave him some time ago, but lie has a sad wishful look that can be accounted, for only by the absence of his wife. How about the declaration you made some time ago, Major, about do¬ ing without the women. Gene Morgan has grown tired of the chicken business and has t>rn down hie mammoth fowl house and moved the cackling a -my of hens and placed them under the watch care of his moth¬ er, where, as every body knows, they will prove to he-more remu¬ nerative. Now if he will plant him a garden and buy a cow and churn he will soon conclude that it is not good for man to live alone. We are thinking of ap¬ plying for the job of keeping him awake, since the chickens have gone. The board of county commis¬ sioners was m session last Tues¬ day. Their time was mostly oc- e^jijed in examining against and approv¬ ing apeounts the county. As regards public roads they will only require the worst places look ed after at present, condition and the roads put in good by. when the crops are laid They don’t re¬ quire any specific number of days, Lut the district overseers are to see that their roads are put in good condition, if it takes the full time—ten days. The district overseers are to be paid $1,50 per day for each day’s work perform- ed. BRADLEY S WEEKLY DOINGS by ihok hunker. Miss Willie Berry was in town a few days ago. Jim Stewart and ladv went to Clinton last Sunday. Mrs. Burney ami Mrs. Bradley paid a visit to Gray Saturday. Richard'has been feasting on radishes, lettice and salad. Joe Bradley visited his little brother at Round Oak ■Saturday. Bunt Smith's foot has gotton about well. Says he can plow o. k. Miss Mary Wheeler went to Ma- con Sunday with her brother, Al- Ion. John Stewart and family, of Macon, will spend the summer at Tranquilla. T(u> Mj ^ Whprfcr nnd W ih- , have been , visit ■ ■ to , Mrs. ters . jjj, on a g m Joe Jolly, Joe Mercer and Lit Bradley, from Pig creek were here a few days ago. Decoration day passed ofi' here quiet. No graves to decorate, but plenty of flowers. O'. A. Wheeler has been to Ma¬ con to buy peanuts to plant. Any thing beats cotton. Allen Wheeler, Jr., and lady came up from Macon Sunday to visit relatives here. George Ross, son of G. W. Ross, stopped here' on his way to’his fa¬ thers, to take a little recreation. ' Mrs. Sallie Adams, of Macon, daughter of T. G. Mathis, will spend some time with her parents. Wesley Griggs, from nea r Hi 11 x- boro, was here Monday. Come again, old friend, we were glad to see you. Mrs. G. W. Gordon, J. W. Turk and son, all of Round Oak, have ■been on a visit to the family of Mr. Mullikin. Dr. and Charlie Bradley went down to Black lake,Baldwin coun¬ ty, on a fishing tour. They re¬ import fine luck. ••• Mrs! 454 Odom and Mrs. Wha¬ ley, of EtaiifOrdviMe/- Putnam nility, made a short-visit to Mrs. \Vill Bradley recent ly. ,- H ni fruit is on the yip grade. Bud Bradley carried fifty dozen to .Macon and sold them for 124 per dozen. Gene M: ought to make his jaiih now on 1 iis liens. Mrs. Judge Ross and. Miss Jes¬ sie Christopher,- of. Clinton, and Miss' Beiilali Ross, from Union Hill, was here last Saturday, the guest of Will Bradley and lady. . Miss Mattie Mullikin came over a few days ago, anil while here the excursion of Sunday-school child¬ ren passed up the road to picnic at Jordon’s crossing, near Monticelio. FROM ROllKRTSVILLE. W. E. McAuthur and family spent Sunday in the village. Miss Belle Smith, of James, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Silas. We were sorry to hear of the illness of J. (j. Stripling, but glad to know he is improving. Carlas Silas, an energetic young man who is at work on the main lhie, is now visiting his parents. Miss Lila Roberts, of the G. N. A I. College, visited the home- folks Friday and returned Sun¬ day. N. G. Roberts voices is now of enjoying the the melodious Oc- mulgee mosquitoes. He is also engaged in the timber business. General- Green is on the war¬ path, and the farmers are prepar¬ ing for him by gathering up weap¬ ons of all shapes, form and fash¬ ion. We saw Green Roberts riding about Sunday morning in his new buggy. He says he only ride, uses it when he .takes his girl to so we suppose he wai^goiiig for her then,and anticipating a looks most de¬ lightful ride. That very natural for young men, so go ahead Green, in a few years your age will tell on you. Some of the young ladies of our village spent Saturday and Sun¬ day with N. Roberts, and attend¬ ed a picnic at his house Saturday. A certain young mail wanted to go but he had other work to do that day. He has sympathetic friends though. Dixie. FROM WAYSIDE. In response to the invitation ot a fair niece, we attended memo¬ rial honors at Jaiu ,, s academy. The program was appropriate, all a -quitti d themselves pai e :ee!l nt This day and occasion lias not generally observed in past years ns if deserves. No county has made such a sacrifice, scarce¬ ly a family that has not laid a loved and honored member on its alter. When our minds revert to those days of carnage and privn- tions, we are for a while unroeon- ntructed. It is well the human mind adverts with the times, oth- j erwisewe would be a nation de¬ mented with grief and sorrow, Let us then consider their deeds of valor, aside from the carnage and suffering. The iofty charac¬ ter and vicarious punishment of Mr. Davis was a deserving theme, omitted hv most of the speakers. I fear Aleck .Smart’s modesty prevented him from giving his town his dues. 1 was impressed in my calls on most of the resi¬ dents by acts and expressions in¬ dicating the kindly and respectful sentiment each entertained for the other—a condition to tic desired and , hom'd , , lor every where. , James T oughtto , , . be , christened , . .* ... the town , • of “Krolhi.rlv love,” I ho “Aren- .Hu” of this county, the happy - XT vallov ,, we road , of in „ Rassalas. , No wonder ; ., the tramps have , caught , , on. You know, , Aleck, ,, , I , told , , , you where , / to go to , get . rid , of 0.1 them— • your possessions around , ’ , pon du , )> Last February, after the heavy rains, wo carried twenty-six dozen eggs to Macon. The washout was us steep on u branch that we had to walk a pole across two creeks, but we carried them through with but few breaks. ’ Perhaps if Ike Goins had used the same dil- ig,mce and care he would have had better luck. If I was that null would not trust anv more ’ eggs with Goins, “sho.” - Mr. J. A. Walker is lamenting the oversight which deprived him of bacon last fall. This spring in cleaning the box to pack invnv new hams found three in the ash- es. The joy.of their discovery did not alleviate the deprivation of last fall. Bailiff “L. B.” had the mixfor- tune to loose his only horse Sun- day. While his Condit ion may have been that-of the renowned Rosnnante, it, was all the horse kind had. His cheerful ... , . and . , .10 hopeful disposition, ■ “And blest with a kindly faculty to blunt The edge of adverse circumstan- ce9 >> we trust will hear him over this,' as it has past calamities. Mrs. Freeman, mother of Mrs. W. A. Whitehead, left last week to visit, relatives and friends in Machen. Sidkway. SLOCUMB DOINGS. We had a nice little rain this afternoon, much to the pleasure of the farmers. Miss Minnie McAuthur, the j charming and efficient teacher of the Hudson school, spent a few days with relatives here last week, much to the happiness of some .of our young nien. We regret to learn that W. H. Moore lias quit sporting a watch chain, and even carries his watch in his pants pocket. It will be with sorrow that the many friends of Mr. Abe James to learn that he has been quite sick. We hope that he will soon recov- er. H. M. Moore and wife spent Sunday last in our little village, visiting the family of his brother, B. A. Moore. J. D. Roberts and H. M. Moore imagined they were so far behind with their crops that they hair. were continually pulling out their So their good wives prevailed and up- on them to get an extra mule they would pay for the hire of it, rather than have bald headed husbands. Miss Rosa James, one of .James’ most charming and accomplished and young ladies, spent Saturday Miss Sunday last with her cousin, Hattie James. Van. ICE ! ICE!! ICE !!! You can always find ice during the summer months at the store of Keller & Goddard, Haddocks, ROl’ND OAK PENCILINGS. RY IKK OOINS. The funniest thing I’ve seen since Polly j inert t he masons, was a half drunk fellow trying to chew a rusty J screw, which had been purposely given him with a half dozen cloves lie was walloping around in his verba! sausage mill in order to disguise tin' scent of the do-me-good, of which he had too freely imbibed. 1 thought “in my soul” the fool would break ev¬ ery tooth he had trying to grind up the screw. He would shut first one eye, then the other, then both. His neck veins looked like they would burst, while he frowned his face into wrinkles that looked like a tobacco bag when the string is pulled to close it. It was too f inny to see t! © poor follow come down on the screw with his teeth, with both hands under his chin, periling up with all his might, while lie trembled all over like a leaf, jerked up first one foot then the other, as if on a hot rock, and bent over like he was going to sneeze. After all the cloves had been ground into powder, except the screw, my limber friend spat it out and said: “That blamed green ” one aint no good.’’ p Jiigt here the , crowd . the , , saw real ex- tract. „t , lh..j..k.. , . ,**) . . , , . “©""TT cuuluu ., »,«• hies. In the midst of all this my ■ ridiculous friend . , staggered , on, thinking ..... doubt , , he , had . placed , ”, no his part ot a first Irish minstrel ■ : , * show , to perfection, , .. I got. on to the new style of r ™ ml dancing not many days ago. -'^ n .' young lady who 6asn t an adult partner lias the Privilege cf walking up to any knickerboeker kid, -grab him by lend him out on the jl °or, while he lays hold of the of her skirt just below the b,>U - " lth both hands, when the intoxicating whiil begins. this modern style of manipulating the globular dance is a precaution the “hugging set tomii- si(! ” varioty, which has been in so long. The new style may u * 11,0 ti,st, ‘ s of tho most fas,1(1 - «’«« an<l «* weJ1 as {h " strict pupa’s and mania’s. Mho knows? Miss Fannie Lou Colbert, of Monroe county, had quite an ex¬ 'citingexperience with a mad dog one day last week. She was in house when she received no- some one on the outside of the started approach in ot the dog, just U9 jt t!i(> front door. She sprang from the hall into a room anil attempted to shut the door, but a weight which hold the door open, caught between the door and carpet strip, which pro- vented her from shutting it en- tirely, ah opening f, being left large for 1,0 °? *» »'ul growl. I bin, Miss t,nt rf,e ,ar<1 1 fl(1 7 "trerngth Ob to t stand . and hold the door, as the seemed determined < <* come into the room. A chair happen¬ to be in reach, which she in one hand and struck the on the nose, knocking him back, while she held one of the back posts of the chair in the ope¬ with her foot, still holding the door with her hands, until the was killed by some one on the Miss Colbert says her heart beat itself nearly to death has been almost too weak to beat since the day the dog got af¬ her. I suggested to her the of falling in love with some fellow in order to excite her heart to its normal condition. “Mr. Smarty,suppose I try you,” said. I told her I was all right, Scollup, and could stand from a sickly smile to TJio stands of corn and cotton not only fine in this section, but in every other where I have or heard from. Peaches and plums, don’t talk about them, trees are handing full. The are large enough to put teeth on edge when you look the fur on them, and the latter large enough to eat with salt, is the girls eat them, but if I they could eat ft bullet salt was sprinkled on it and call¬ a plum. Pretty Miss Minnie Green, of Walnut Creek, is here, assisting Prof. Childs in his school. Anoth- importation of the fair sex. Can’t other community ship us or two more? Girls don’t grow very large up here, and but few in a hill. TO THE PUBLIC I am prepared to do as good engine, boiler and mill general repair work us any shop in Geor¬ mM gia. Have had years of expe¬ rience, and can fully guarantee wJ »SATISFACTION mm IN EVERY & if PARTICULAR. Ht Can supply all Q demands for new engines, boilers, Mill and Gin Ontfits at larh’OCIv ROTIOM PRICKS. Soliciting your orders, Respt., THOS. Y IIALL, Mgr., POOSKR’S MACHINE WORKS, may7-1 Ti-ly Miu.kixikvim.k, Ga. SHERIFF SALE. I will soil before tii<*court I oust* door in Clinton, Jones coi nty, tin., between the legal hours of stile, on the first Tuesday in June 1805, the following described property, to-wit: All of that tract or parcel of land in said county and state, containing one hundred and eighty acres, more or less, bound on the north by lands of John Ritchey and Hugh Gordon, east by Jno. C. Green, south by Sidney Gordon and west by public road. Levied upon un¬ der a ti fa issued from Jones Supe¬ rior court in favor of \V. F. Price it Co. vs. \V. 1?. Finney. Written notice served on tenant in posses¬ sion. Terms cash. It. N. Ethridge, Sheriff Jones county. Ordinary's Offiok, Jones Co. Ga. May 8, *95. Whereas W. W. Barron as ad¬ ministrator of estates of Martin Harrup, dee’d. and Anderson J. Middlcbrookn dee’d. and as admr. will annexed of Win. Johnson, deed., all of Jones county Ga., applies to mo for dismission. These are to cite all persons con¬ cerned to appear and show cause at this office, if any they have to the contrary, on by the Witness first Mon¬ day in August next. my hand officially. R. T. Ordinary. Ross, Ohjunary’s Offiok, 1 J.mes Co. Ga. Apr. 21), ’Ofi. ( Whereas Stephen D. Julian ap¬ plies to me for administration on estate of Mnrgurett Julian, deed. These are to cite all persons eon- cered to appear and show cause, if any they Monday have, at this office, on t he (fret in .June next, why the same shall not be gran- ted. Witness my hand officially. R. T. Ross, Ordinary. Ordinary’s Offiok Jones Whereas Co. Ga. S. T. May Bragg 7, 181)5. Execu¬ j as tor |if estate Hearndon Patterson, dee"«l., and as Trustee of Calvin T. Patterson, dec’ll., applies for dismission from said trusts. These are to cite all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any they have, at this office on or by the"first Monday in August next, why the same shall not be gran¬ ted. Witness my band officially. R. T. Ross, Ordinary. J 0. Barron. M. C. Greene. BARRON A GREENE, Agents for Buying and Selling Lam'. Cooperating with ex-Gov. W. J. Northen, of Alanta, manager of flu! Emigration and Investment Bureau. I’arties having land for sale are requested to confer with us, eitlier in person or by letter. Barron & Grkknk, Clinton or Gray, Gu. HADDOCK High School HADDOCK ST A., GA. Prepares boys and girls for any of the college classes. Book-keep¬ ing and penmanship education given a specialty. the A practical Large and at lowest rates. commo¬ dious building, with latest im¬ proved appliances. rates ok tuition and hoard: Tuition each department $2,00 per month. Board per month from $0,00 to $ 10 , 00 , Music per month $2,50, For further information, apply t E. L. Rvy, Prin., , Ci R. H. Bonner, Pres, of B. of T. Macon and Northern R. R. Co. Timo Taiblo No 1 taking effect At 8.00 a.m.Sunday,F'kb’y. 10, ’05 402 | STATIONS. | 408 Daily Daily A - M - Ah. p.m 8 80 Macon 7 00 8 84 Oomulgoe St. 0 50 8 40 M. D. it S. June. 0 50 8 48 Chalk Cut (i — 8 58 Van Buren 0 ^ r - 0 J8 Morton 0 cr 0 17 Grays 0 rt 9 27 Bradley 0 08 9 84 Wayside 5 55 9 42 Round Oak 5 47 9 50 Hillsboro 5 82 10 18 Minneta 5 10 10 25 Monticelio 6 02 10 45 Machen 1 12 10 48 Shady Dale 4 81) 11 00 Godfrey 4 17 11 85 Madison 8 58 12 00 Florence 8 87 12 10 Farmington 8 10 12 27 Bishop 8 08 12 80 Watkinsvilln 2 64 12 42 Sidney 2 47 12 50 Whitehall 2 40 1 00 Athens 2 80 1 10 I’M G.C. it N.Depot 2 20 pm Ar. Lv. 7 00 A.M Portsmouth ’ll 45 p.m 10 45 a.m Washington 8 80 p.m 4 58 a.m New York 8 20 p.m Connection with Ga. R. R. at, Madison, with South Western and main stem divisions of 0. of Ga., also with (I. S. &. F. and K. T. V. it Ga. for all Florida points. H. Burns, A. Shaw. T. P. A Frt. Agt. Traffic Mgr. a i» j T A K E Yt atums ’IuverT JP1M.S ^ positive cure for hilliousness, constipation, indijestion, sour stomach, dizzi- ncgg) pain in lack, g j do> or headache, and all diseases caused from a torpid condition of thf . ]j V( , r uri ,i l K >\v«’le. TATUMS R II U M A T I C L I N I M K N T Cures rlmmatism, spruins, bruses, lame back, pain in limbs, pain in side, toothache, neuralgia, head¬ ache lire. Manufactured by C’has. F. Tatum & Co., Entonton, Ga. For sale! by the following mer¬ chants of Jones county: W. K. Morgan, Gray; II. J. & J. T. Fin¬ ney, Haddock ; —STOP AT THE— Reeves House 221 FOURTH STREET MACON GA KATES $1,00 PER DAY, '