The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, June 13, 1895, Image 3

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Tin' A A A.if A Vi, > w > > Thursday, .lime ID, 1 N',i5, _ LOCAL. . D R. STAPLER, - 55(> Cherry St., . . Macon, (la. Makes nSpecialty of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Lungs. ^ 5301v A.— PRKAllMINll. PITT'SCHAPKI* There w ill he preaching at Pitts Chapel June20th & Doth—5th Sat. A Sun. It. A. Seale, P. 0. Mrs. Andrew Penn, of Montioel- lo, is visiting at 0 ay. M,». Iliolmr.1 J, .........,„nm,oJ I........from A......... loot T,„™l„v. ‘ lirdavomonryliylmying id! the ICE you need ot Keller A God- fluid. Haddocks. Judge Barron, after depriving us of our “dude,” hied lumseli to Macon last. 1 uesday. An entertainment at Round Oak means a large number of pas- aengers for the railroad. JpflF"TCE and Lemons always to lie found at tlie store ol Keller A Goddard, Haddocks. « Solicitor Dumas is smiling his sweetest smiles in Blountsville neighborhood this week. Js Jones going to be represented at the fruit carnival in Macon Ju- ]y 1-20'/ The farmers are beginning to complain of the dry weather, They have about conquered the grass. ICE ! ICE !! ICE !!! A T ou can always find ice during the summer months at the store of Keller A Goddard, Haddi cks. The Georgia watermelon is pa¬ triotic. It opens up is great shape on Cm 4th of July. Mrs. John Clark and children, of Fortvillo, hoarded the train at .Gray last Saturday and attended f he'exercises at Round Oak day. Our regular hatch of news from Haddock failed to appear this week. Guess the “old vets” have their hair in paper curling for v iinnmncemont week. Clever E. P. Hunt, of Round ( •ak, dropped in to see us yoster- d y. His sectoii claims no betti r citizen, and Jones county claims no more enterprising town than Round Oak. Mrs. Austin has retured home accompanied by her brother, Capt. Bah Barron, who is -considerably improved. They have moved out near Clinton, where they, with Capt, Bob’s two bright little children, will keep house. Judge Richard Johnson lias placed us under obligations to him for a copy of the Geological Survey of Georgia, by State Geol¬ ogist Spencer. The survey cov¬ ers ten counties of the Northwes¬ tern portion of the State. Gqne Morgan is prepared to keep us cool. He keeps ice, lem¬ ons and sugar on hand, and knows how to mix them to make a re¬ freshing drink. Thanks to his generosity,, we have tried it and know whereof we speak. Ernest W. Childs, brother of Prof. C. C. Childs who is a stu¬ dent of Mercer came up last week and spent a few day with the homo folks. Ho left this week for Tif- t n,where he goes to combine bus¬ iness with pleasure, endeavoring to turn an honest penny ere he re¬ turns in the fall. He enters the Senior class next term. Judge Ross has a communica¬ tion in to-day’s issue urging the people to take some interest in having the county represented at Macon’s peach carnival next month. Wo hope that the people will look upon it in a favorable light, and show to the balance of the State that old Jones has not only as good fruit as lie 1 sis- ter counties, but that it is a fallacy when they tel! yon that all of our ambitious and enterprising citi- zens have moved away. Let the county be represented. We owe it to Macon; we owe it to ourselves, Clinton's Sunday-school had tlirir pienie last Saturday. Wt learn that it was an eujnyalde oeeasion. The little folks etlgag- in the various games iiieideut to Hiieli occasions, mat tin; older made Iiappv in endeavoring to ass in t tin* little ones in day. Dinner was fill and ice drinks freelv dispens- 0 *'' Delays a re dangerous. A dol- lar spent fovHood.s Sarsaparilla now may prevent illness which j" t STC *.!?Id? m£K Sarsapari 1 i. Hood Pills cure all liver ills, relieve constipation and assist de- gestivn. 25c. Miss Kate Morgan was accom- l"™-'*»' V two ..I br »<"" P»I»K Mi ’“™ Mattie Middlebrooks and Mamie Lester. They attended the Sun- day-school , , , . . at , t lmton . on picnic Saturday and children’s day at * Rouml ( )ak on Sunday, and no loul){ their visi( to t | M . ip | H! luv,*d teacher was a happy event in their young lives. W(1 Wl , r(! ploaW(1 to WJ0 W . H. Cmodson. of Round Oak, who has for some months been confined at home with dropsy, out last. Sun- day. Mr. Goodson was brought. very low and his friends had about-abandoned all hope of his recovery, and they will he glad to he is almost his self Ho has boon under the treatment of an Atlanta special- i«t and is indeed grateful for his remarkable recovery. The commencement exercises of Haddock High School will com¬ mence next Friday night, with a temperance play—‘‘The Turn of the Tide. ” Admission 10 cents. On Sunday Rev. Dr. Nelson, of Macon, will preach the com¬ mencement sermon in the school house at 11 o’clock. The exerci¬ ses will continue on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights, to which the public arc cordially invited. Quite a crowd from this place and Clinton went to Round Oak last Sunday and witnessed the .i,.i,;u,.,„,*. . 1 ,,,. •• The program was an appropriate one, and the Sunday-school.which is composed largely of very young children, carried it out in a very creditable maimer. Superinfeiul- cut Hunt and his assistants have just cause to be proud of tlmir Sunday-school and their credita¬ ble observance of “children's day.” The crowd present was a large one, but Round Oak, in her usual hospitable way, right roy¬ ally cared for them. FROM KOBE RTS VJ RLE. Mrs. Lula Neal, of Macon, is visiting the family of W. T. Rob¬ erts. There was a quiet wedding near here a few days ago, the contrac¬ ting parties being Miss Mollie Wells and Jim Watson, of G^js- Woldville. We extend our con¬ gratulations and wish for them happiness and prosperity as they journey on through life. 7V. A. Lowe and family spent Sunday with II. P. Emerson. Miss Josie Jones ami her broth¬ er Carlton made a flying visit to the Central City last Thursday. Capt. Crawford says any one that wants to have their tlesli re¬ duced can have it done very cheap by following a mule and plow. He knows the receipt to he a good one from four months experience. Luther and Sam Morton spent Monday night with Mrs. Emerson in order to get an early start next day to the Central City. C. P. Roberts caught and killed one of the largest hawks ever killed in this section, We think he deserves a good dinner from all the neighbors ns the hawk had destroyed lots of chickens. j (; ro p S j,j-o lookingwellennsidor- ; v "eathm. If we have j in 8 “ l0 ( - (, 0 call for help to capture Gen. j Green’s forces, Gen. Bob King- i man may be prepared. Dixik. Til la NEWS t ROM .1 A M LS. M ! of the l’;u 11 :' around he - ., |V ^-ttine their rops iii a VC' O good slllipi*. Sollle ot t lli'lll -• about the land being i |„ m |. Crops , nv looking well llu , l|gh ni ,| lor small for tin* time j j ,,f Y(1|U . jr, 88 i.,,,*, y. Morton, a (laugh* ! t(>r u( - ] )OIVl , iratlin.L' M« rton, ean.e liom'e with Miss May Stewart last j Friday altornoon and staid until J Mondav. She is a nice young la- (k )j iss es Lois DutlV and Nan- her while here. A Sunday or two ago W. J. Marsh and his best girl met at farmer Wheeler’s house. Ifebor- rowed Moses Wood's brand new ««t |» tab 1'or l.i.m.', »ml !«.- '"ro they ............ „l springs broke and ho was troubled as to what to do. He felt hut failed to find a string in his pock¬ et. At last he found a tie rein on his bridle which answered his pur¬ pose and went his way rejoicing. L. P. James, his better-half and little ones, Gene Bragg with tin* amiable Miss Rosa James took in the picnic at Clinton Saturday. Mr, James has lols of get up ami get about him, and his wife like most women is even better than her husband. Miss Millie Shea received a tel¬ egram Saturday calling her to the bedside of her mother. Wo hope she can soon return, to resume her school. H. J. Stewart Jr. made recently a trip to Savanna!', a id Brunsw ick in the interest of the “Chattanoo¬ ga News.” Jfe took in Tybeo Cumberland anil St. Simons, but didn’t have time to call on the home folk. We expect him some time next month. Henry is a good hoy mid we trust he will grow better as lie grows older. Miss Daisy Kingman, the belle of the villi. 1 , lias returned home from the G. X & 1. college. We wish her a pleasant stay. .MORTON ITEMS. Tim drouth is twisting up tlm corn in this section. Rain is needed very much. W. J. Marsh, of James, board-J 0,1 In,i " 1" r ''.Sunday nmniingj Round! to visit the old lolks at Oak. J. 11. Wright and ladv spent Saturday and Sunday in Wilkin¬ son. Mrs. Ida Balk com, Mi>s Itu Christ inn and Levi Ivinslow, . of James, were in (he village Sun¬ day. M'. (). Wright, of Yallaha. Fla., is visiting the old folks at home. He has been absent throe years, Init says lie don’t think he can stay away that long any more. One of our young men was cut¬ ting oil'a fellow’s hair the other day and when he got through he put the scissors and comb in his pocket and went on to work. He gave as the reason for his absent- mindedness that lie was lost to his surroundings and (’reaming of his girl. HO FOR CARNIVAL. Mr. Editor: —I desise to call the attention of all our good Joiie> Co. people, especially those inter¬ ested in fruit culture, have lands for sale and are interested in the building up of our county, to the fact that we are earnestly invited to make an exibit of Jones e nin- !y 1 1 'iii t h of every kind at the peach carnival to he held at Macon from the 1st to 20th ot July. A smuli quantity ot any kind from each one is desired to make up a eo 111 “/’ display. An excellent tv it is to advertise tin resources i.f the county. It may be the means of furnishing many valua- ble additions to us. Let everybody take an interest in the matter. Rail roads will transport all the oh bits to Macon gratis. The coni • i»ittee there will do all the work and sect f,nt t he disphiy is p,-oner- lv made. Label and send to (nipt. (Ico. W. Duncan, manager, eon, Ga. ; or all contributions sent to ih‘ at Gray, or Clinton will meet careful attention. Be ready by the 5th to 11th of July, Then go down on reduced R. P fare, see and enjoy the fruit gia can produce, It. T. Ross. RLOUN'i SVil.LE i.(H'AI.F. Misses 1 hi 11 as Du in u>. See ! Mi lei', two of our charming y<>tuib> la dies, ret rued Iron) the t i. ,\. A L Col lege Wednesday, Their many friends welcome them hone". Mrs. 1*. Lee Ward roper, after a pleasant visit to relatives hero, has return d to her home in Gainesville, Mrs. Edgar Odom and children, ot StanfordviUe, are visiting brother, C. M. Farrar. MissSallie _ Newton, accompanied by her pupil, Alice Williams, turned to her home in Monticollo last Saturday. James Dismuke and his pleas¬ ant family, of Dovedale, spent Sunday w it !i us. Grain is being harvested week. Spring oats arc very good. Below is the honor roll of Newton’s school for the last month. Susie Jewelf, James Mil¬ ler, and Alice Williams tied fo.i the prize for the greatesl improve- ment in writing. They drew if and Janies Miller was the for- tiinate one. Susie Jewctt P8, Leona Jcwet I OS 2-7, James Miller 00, Oscar Miller 08 55-7, Annie Williams ON 8-11 Alice Williams (58 1-0 Walter Barron Williams 08 1-7 CORN ICOPl A SIFTINGS. Mr. Editor: —Please admit us space in your valuable paper for a few items of our home circle. We feel such great interest in our county paper until we want to contribute something toils pages, more as an emblem or token ot our appreciation think than is of nothing assist¬ ance. We there more enterprising and more ap¬ propriate toward the advancement and welfare of an independent people than a good home paper. Cornicopia is situated on the Hillsboro and Forsyth road,about four miles North of the Ocmulgee river, and is too well known to Jones and her sister counties for further introduction, but, will pause to say that her inhabitants are religious, moral, noble and oaf riot ic. Miss Emma Childs is quite sick. We hope she w ill lie restored to l K ‘ r ‘" 1 ' 1 h ‘ nllh 111 the near future. Miss Kiltie Tyner is tit homi again from a visit to her sister. Mrs. Sid Simmons, near Wayside. Rev. J. W. Glover tilled appointment at Count v Bine on the 1st Sunday, Lf and preached to the delight his " ‘‘ A i,,. ' ! Messrs. \\. S. Tvner, 1). A. Boeland, W. W. Childs and B. II. Tyner attended a picnic, at diim Springs on the 1st Saturdav but was disappointed upon their arrival then*. Try it nearer home next timi', boys, and carry your dinner. The extreme warm weatlu r of late has been a great, help in the ovenvhidming defeat of General Green. Em I’erkiss. HOG CREEK GHUNTINGS. Crops are looking fine so fa r. but rain is much needed. *• • Middlebrooks . , will have roasting . ears by the 25th or the mouth. J. .m. Mercer worked about one hour the othe.i morning and t hought he had hot ter rest a while lest he get rich Ioo fast. J. W. Jolly went out to find some Pansy Blossoms, hut conclu¬ ded they have quit growing. John Bradley has some very fine corn—forty acres—from waist high to as high as your head Mr. Editor 1 have been think- ing of how nice it would he to ]mve a pienie at Gray, We have fi V( . commisioners, county Judge. Ordinary, Clerk of county court, Siierifl’/Treasner, 'Lax collector, ()l | r honorable Coroner, all tl.e lawvers and propoefive lauvers. , . c n , i , ■ lluu ‘ w,1 ° ,X I , " , ’ 0H nn ‘ f,,r . oih(;,; the next time, fling m a carcass j Let the county commissioners teachers, the’ eorresuondniits of t!i oo(]( . mm)y (1 iUK . nl] ,h “ klu<l . . v;,,m< 11 Gut.! he, 1 the good things needed. Tin* Dr . and preacher.- and rich young men furnish the lemonade, the music j j t) , Vou and 1. Mr. 1 Editor will be there with our (•oii- tiibution about dinner time. Macon and Northern l-’ ,<i- V 11 « ( J I XJ * TimoTa'oloKo TAKING LFiTCT At 8.00 a.m.Fi'mmy.Fmi'v. 10, ’( f> log j STATIONS. > Dai! v Lv. A. It. ' A ! Macon 7 < 0 (VllHllger St t*» L(‘» S Id M . D. A- S. .June. (I LO s Is Chalk Cut 0 11 s *’>:> Van Hureii <5 »7 ** Morion ti IS 0 17 (i rays t'J ID 0 27 Dradlev C) Oil '.) il l Wayside Oak ) r»r> 0 42 Hound T* 47 0 5(5 I 1 i 1 lshol'O * » 10 IS Minuet a. .) < 10 B* ~' r> Montirello 5 02 10 45 Maeheii ! I O — !() 4S Shady Dale I ;u) i I 0(5 (foil I'rev I 17 II *>5 Madison :> 5!1 12 00 Florence R .’57 12 IP Farmington » 10 27 Bishop :i 0!5 |A gp Watkinsv ill- 12 42 Sidnev 1 1 7 12 5o Whitehall 7' 1 !) 1 00 Athens ?! 550 •1 10 I’M G.C. it X.Depot 2 20 I’M A r. Lv. 7O0A.M Ports!) ! i 15 i>. m 10 15 a. 5i Wanin' i m 8 550 i*. m 1 555 A..M New Volk ;] 2o f.M Connect I >n w it h G.i. 1!. 11. n I Madison, with South Western and main stem divisions of 0. of Ga., a Is,i v. it !i 15. S. A. F. and L. T. V. it Ga. for all Florida points. H. lit Nr A. Shaw, T. P. & rt . Agt. Traffic Mgr. V ■y [■■■ III! •v T A K E X FILLS ,\ positive cure for billimisness, '’“"^ipation, sour stomach, dizzo n .T’ iDDtji'stmn, p««m jii Lm-k. or Iseiuliu-lie, urn! nil diseased cnusml Irmn «v lorp.d comlif.oi, „l Hie liver and bowels. TATUMS R II L M A T I C LIN! M E N T Cures rhunnitism,sprains, ..... bruses, , L'me back, , pain in ni pain in side, toothache, neuralgia, head¬ ache Ae. Manuiactured by Chas. F. Tat uni A Co., Eatonton, (la. For sab 1 bv tlm lollowing ii'er- chants of Join - county: W. E. Morgan, Gray; J! J. A J. T. Fin- imy, Haddock; Ordinary's Omen, I Jones Co. Ga. May •>, 25. \ When as W. W. Barron as ad¬ ministrator of estates of Martin Harrup, dec’d. and Anderson .1. MiddleLrooka dec’ll, and as admr. w . in ani! ,. X) . (l „f Win. Johnson, _ all () f j on ,. M county Ga.. ajiplios to me for dismission. These are to cite all persons con¬ cerned to appear and show cause at this office, if any they have t<> the contrary, on by the first Mon¬ day in August next. Witness my hand officially. It. V. Ross, < hdimiry. TO THE PUBLIC lam prepared to do as good D , I oiler and mill general repair w ork as any shop in Geor¬ ipl gia. Have luul years of expo I. m u< ^km lienee, niul can fully guarantee K&i AT IS FACTION IN EVERY ...... “U ! bartici rail Can sii]>n!y all , >Ti demands for new engines, boilers, ... s Mill and Gin Outfits at OCK I OTTO.M PRICE'’. Holi-itiug your orders, Respt • > J. E. RATCLIFF, Mgr., POO,SELLS MACHINE WORKS, i: uy’"-'J 5 -ly Mim.mugkvu.m:, G y. haddock High School 11A ! »I.)< )CK o', r V. C \. Prepares hoys and girls lor any ..f t lie eel lege classes. Rook-keep- in;.; and penmanship a specialty. \ praetieal ecinealion gi\*'n at the I o\, t rates. Large and commo- ,lions, building, with latest itn* proved,appliances. HATUS ol' TUITION AND 11 »AHD1 Tuition each department $2,00 per month. Hoard per month from $(5,00 t (,) 810,00. $2,50. Musie per month For fin (her infornintion. apply to |E. L. Raw, Prim, or R. 11. Bonn ICR, Pres. of, 15. of T. SHERIFF SALE. I w ill si II before t he court house floor in Clinton, Jones county, G.i., between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in July 1SU5, tl.e following described property, to-wit: All of that trai t ol land on the South-west side'>f the Clinton mid Irwinton read, also South-east ; itle flf Clin- toil iind GrifwoldvilIc road, ad¬ joining lands of K. T. Morton, and on the South-east the lauds of E. P. and Anna T. Morton, contain¬ ing forty-live ( 15) acres, more or less, I eiiig all the land said E. T. Morion hud of lot number 18, and a strip on the Not th-west of lot number 47, being forty-five acres in all, according to the J. C. Wheelin' survey. Levied on as the property of S. R. Poland to satisfy a fi fa issued from the County court of Jones county, in favor of Jno. 1*. Ross, assignee, against t S. i>. Poland. Written not ice served op tenant in posses¬ sion. April D, I8‘J5. R. N. Ethuuhui, Sheriff Jones county. Ordinary's Olkick, / Jones Co., ('a.. May 25, 'Do. \ Whereas petition by credilofu is of file in tl is odice, asking that, adminst rat ion be had upon the estate of Edmund Dumas, late of said county, deed. These lira lhel'cl'orc to cite all persons cou- r. rued to ajipear and show cniise at this oliie oil or by the first, Monday in July next, why admin¬ istration of said estate shall not He vested in Clerk of Jones Supe¬ rior court or some other compe¬ tent person of tile county. Witness my hand officially. R. Ross, Ordinary. OujuxAiiv’s Okitcm, 5 Join's Co., Ga. May 25, ’P2. I Not ice is hereby given to all whom it ma)’concern that II. J. Burns as inlin’r. de bonis non on estate of Parsons Crutchfield, dec’ll., applies for leave to sell ail the balance of the lands now be¬ longing to said I'slule, and I will grant, such order on the first Mon¬ day in July next unless some le¬ gal cause l.c shown to the contra,- ry. Wit lies.- my hand officially. !!. T. Ro.-v, i Ordinary. OrIMNAHV '<1 ( )KI' tef, Jones ('n. (!a. May 7. 181)5. / Wliereas H. 'f. Bragg as Execu¬ tor "f estate Ib'arniloii Patterson, dec’d., and as Trustee of Calvin T. i’nltci'son, ih-c'd., applies These for dismission from said trusts. are H •itc all pet sons (•oncerne l to appear and show cause, if any f hey have, a I, t liis office on or by (he fir,! Monday in August next, w hy the same siuil 1 not he gran¬ ted. Witness mv hiind officially. JL T. Boss, (> ri I in ary. T()P AT THE— Reeves House 221 FOURTH STREET MACON GA RATES $1,00 PER DAY.