The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, October 31, 1895, Image 3

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THE NEWS ■ ^^htksiuv, October st 1, 1805. LOCAL. dr. stapler. 556 Cherry St., . , Macon, Ga. Ear, ^gTMakes Nose, Throat ^Specialty and of Lungs, the Eye, m»ly * == MACON COTTON MARKET. (Corrected every Wednesday.) Good Middling . ci Middling X Low Middling X Ordinary ■ NOTICE TO APPLICANTS. The next examination of applicants for U'aclicr’s license will Ih> on the (ith of DecvMilK'r noxt, at tin* court house in Clinton. A. H. ,8. McKay,C.S.C. — Read the general presentments of the grand jury. G. B. Henderson, of Adgates, spent . , last . .Sunday a , with Jus fann- Iv at this place. Miss Dalton Dumas is a few days with her cousin, Atiss B M Greene and wife and Miss P^ettie morning Turner for the will leave this exposition. LMrs. ke Henry Souther has been sick, but wo are glad to learn of improvement . , her an in condition. You will save money by going to J. S. McLeans when y T ,yu are in need of Harness and Saddles, at 812, 3rd. Street, Macon, Ga. The birds have have had a rest for the past few days—Charlie Greene having been detained at home looking to the wants of a bouncing baby girl. We want your business, , . yon want good Clothing. If we get your business you are sure of good Clothing. Eads, Neel A Co., Ma- con, ’ Ga. Court adjourned last Thursday, The case against Frank Jones who is charged with murder, and tlie case of the negro girl who is held for arson, was continued until next April term. , visit r . Macon and A v-, Lads, , iSocd cv o Co. this season and see the hand- Bomesfe Clothing, Hats and bur- lushing Store in the city. You are welcome whether you buy or not. Parties in arrears for the papdr are authorized to pay tlioir sub- ^M’iption to Mr. H J Stewart. The ^^ountB^&eVsjiiall but in the ag- griga,te they amount to considera¬ ble to us. Eads, Neel A Co., Macon and Aldanta, are the- largest retail Clothiers in the Smith. Your child can buy from them as cheap as the smartest buyer in the land. Claude Purslev has accepted a P -mi with the enterprising shoe house of E B Harris & Co., Macon. Pie is a clever and deser¬ ving young man, and we wish him success in his undertaking. Eads, Neel A Co., Macon, Ga., Outfitters to all mankind, from 8 years to 100 years. Go to them it you want Clothing, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear or anything worn by man or boy. It is with regret that we chron¬ icle the death of Dr. King, father of Mrs. Burney and Holsenbeck, of our county, which occurred in Putnam last Friday. Three broth- era a sister, seven children and a host of friends mourn his loss, He was buried by the side of his wife, who preceeded him to the grave about four vrars, at the family burial ground in Jasper county. Peace to his ashes. Eads, & Co., Macon, Ua.. m tho city. You aro sure of the lowest price if you deal there. Your money back if you are not pleased. Notice the change in the ad- vortisement of Benson (fc Todd, successors to I* I) Todd & Co. Mr. F. C. Benson, who has been in tlie, .clothing department of The Dannenberg Co. for 18years, has formed a partnership in with the P D Todd well known good business, for the purpose of conducting a first-class Clothing establishment. Gent’s furnish- ing goods, hats umbrellas, trunks Ac will be found in their These are excellent young men and we bespeak for them a liberal patronage. T ‘ TICK J A GREAT R4ILW\V With its branches running in eve- • y direction, are the arteries and veins which convey the blood to U) every part of the system. A old, sudden changes or exposure, may cau^e poisonous and acids then to clog •he circulation, comes Rheumatism. Beware! if you , on i . vith Ur. Hrummon s i^. 1 ning rpemedv. t 5 e_nu to tne m-uin- .nond - e icine York, o., - aK Lane, New and they will end you two large bottles by ex- ress—enough for a month’s treat- nent,—with full special directions yg»nts Wanted, Send 25c. for • -jmples. ' mum PROM ‘ ROBERTSVII LF There quiet . marriage was a near Sf)y agod 88 and Mr.. Nancy aged 02. They were married at the residence of Aaron Stripling. Rev. Estes performed the ny We offer congratulations ^ ^^'theyW fulfof Xa B ‘! *' ure -, Miss Maggie lady . B. Chi.'^sa of Wayside, , is in S young stopping over afew days with Miss Lilly. Miss Roberts. Edna Gain boarded • uie train F ridav afternoon to visit the home folks in Macon. Miss Fannie Lowe, a> sweet lit tie lady of Morton spent a we k with her grand father. O"'™ Roberts. Miss Annie Emerson, an at- tractive younfi lady of Griswold- . villo, accompanied l)y Mr. Merit!. j ^ ac ’ jn * t <K, k in t ie \i-Jiap Sunday and ware the guest oi M J. R. Emerson. We are sorry to know that J, B. Edwards l»n> been from neuralgia. jj rs> Emerson returned home F r ida V ’ from Mrs Morton’s where she B ta f ew days with that family> The visitors of Sleepy Hollow i together W'ith the host and host' ha<1 a delightfut horseback Sunday afternoon. Dixie, - FOB SALE. Three fine, young thoroiurh-bml Brown Leghorn, 'and two Ply l; roosters. ifLOb each. P’. M xtewaiit. j . Clinton, Ga. HADDOCK NEWS NOTES. \\ i' liftVt 1 luvt , 01)0! • mu hunting i l»Toiv now. and w’hencvu't lie dog i wits good, anil the seent hot. we foiled the true with 1 donee, tuilv expeclimr n ’nos-nm Now the Mr. Editor they' tell me that i last grand jurv inis located a | blind tiger in our midst, and we j that hope it i* not a false alarm the proof will he sufficient to convict.and the law strong enough to drive it out from our midst • with all of its whelps. skunk and the mink aro much more for preforahle rolm than the blind (i- j ft cor. ’ one the 1 most I' ust, nml tun. 1 the other , invades . , our verv home circles Imt to decoy and to allure those who lire hone of our bone ; and ilesh of our llesli to their hel- lish abodes, that they may rob tlu ' m ,,f tl,at wh ld ' ,s P n \ . 4 . Wuinn mind and soul. wuc. w i‘K*h u man i> Imt a hrute. of any fiendish act that he suggested by his diseased deluded mind and corrupted' soul. Poor friends and relatives, who of us will go to their rescue j and deliver them from such i f ;1 pe> i Messrs. Frank and Charlie lor, who we reported through your columns as being on a visit ed of the death of Hall, by a tele- gram, which occurred Wednesday - . the 28rd inst. Hall was not the resident of our community f long op a enough >Hort whiJe to draw Hut his manv stav ot was u c i og0 to i,; m . in strong and last- ing friendship, by his well ed and manly deportment. While we sy til pat luxe with the brut lmrs sulmiissivcl'v pi nSi wL'or i* all n things t | • v for i lus glory i and our good it wo hut remain faithful and believing. Brother Seale, our much beloved pastor,preached to us at EorlviHe this last Sunday his last sermon conference year. It goes with out saying that lie preached ub a gospel sermon and one calculated to do us good ii v.e ,1 but In-ed its teachings. ° He did deservedly and , , ,, titutional <uul m lguboi iitKKl ^ lulls, and wanted to know it we ban any, and if we have, 1 hope that sermon will drive ail of them of our midst tor wm can get along vuy \soil witnoiu thoin. O.i, Lovi mnnv niai v of itc llsJ)a lvivo ' t 1(11 frit tin* Tn ‘ h]iai kIimvh pangs ot the ravenous lioa-l, bent on mischief, satisfied with noth- i ng less than our utter distruction is „„ respecter of persons, the minister of the gospel, the fairest and most virtuous of women, and our officers, from t he President down, have all been victimized by the polit e 1 and the neighborhood liar. Attention—bo on vour ears—the latest and most sensational wilt Make be given Tiie News next week. a guess and see how far you miss it. Miss Salli" Barron, of riiiii-in. •:>••!!! a few days with us List week, ('nine again, Miss Sallic, your roini.lneent smiles are ever welcome in our mid. t. Mrs. Daves, Decatur, the chairman of the ladies missionary society, gave us a fine lecture last Sunday morning at Fortville. IVe are glad to welcome three new pupils in our school. Our school progressing and we hope it will con¬ tinue to prosper. Several of our young ladies and young gentlemen went out fast Fri¬ day night to serenade the new mar¬ ried couple. Col. Lester was in Ids wit tv way, as Jic always is, and of course furnished fun for the C iwd. Mr. Clark and family left Monday morning for Atlanta, where they go to attend the expiration. Had quite a swell a flair last Tlnnv- day evening at the Fort. This is aim- «»••»« " f thu belK m oui town.__ Rot ND OAK l’KNCILlXOS. • r.v tki: cioi.n*. Early lust spring n JiHle crip- .. tVvini ,. sizo was I bn,u « hl , llL ‘ ,v nml * oM to on, ‘ ot . <HU ’ ni > rehants. It was after the purchase was made and (lie t idier gone he fore it was discovered that ,| )(l chicken wt ; crinnle Crinnlcd V v <l t as , 1,0 ' vas ft ‘.tei wards named , ! ' : turned out in the streets to liv. or die, as fate would have it. He has grown to he n full Hedged • rooster, , hut makes , , crowing P oor,Mt “M°Ky lU w « lkin . 8 iUul crowing of any rooster of his perience nml practice I have over So much so, that a hig Tom cat that lives around town has watched Cripple Ned limp around the street sand listen to him crow a thousand times a dnv, more or less, until Tom has learned to unfortunate crow chant very much ieleer. like Now the j this is no Cleveland assnsinntion *'ake for Tom has actually gotten the limping and crowing business “to a fine.’' os,him,,-. ........ **«-* my watermelon patch Henry Ronner and fooled it and made a sight of great big melons each year, which was the first 1 ever ; made, til to be eaten. The last time I tried it before this, live or six years n^ ago, and the bust I made a little boy fifteen ; Vl . ftrrt ol(i ( , ;irri „ (i twenty 'seven of tlHHU from tim paid, to the lion., in £. *•> ooi uitton ton lvwh't bask, t at (y\o on, lim' Inn.. j Loll, never was much on nr'.on |’Inters either, so this year “melon thought l’de come the ; t i od g 0 on them and named mv ” l ,ilu a , nat u (wouldn’t work, got hold of the wrong name I guess, so will select another name next year. Will ' ‘ someone ,, suggest , the name ot e a good Hater ra/.er for me for next year; Don , tool me now. 1 have just finished digging my this y c . (rs and t hey arc all of the | ce(Uater varjeh% ,„ lt as llOW . 1 v.’iis 111 1 1 ■ '•'■(» <>< S'MtT 1 to oat I r i‘‘l to .stringing . tliom , liko in poo- pj 0 do snap beans. They are (i , , mt ri , ht : ,1 after I siri-m , ^ .ue I,, .ms. . One of the swell negro boys of i ( '.is sect ion walked iriumhpnntly ! into one of ihoGot;..; hero a few days ago, loading a gang of seven of nine others of tlie color to match and called for a '’pine-ap¬ ple bat.” He was told by the clerk that lift had no such Jutt and never heard of one. ‘‘Never heard of a pineapple hat bt V” “No, never did, ” said he. All the ot h- er boys began to Jaugh and said to the swell, ‘‘I toldyer so. ? 5 “What sort of looking hat is it,” asked the clerk. .Said lie, “daze got sor- ter high crown and 'sorter turned up narrow brim. 1 1 Muhy its an Alpine hat yon are al ter,” “yon sir, yes sir, boss, dats right, (hits whut 1 want. Alpine, Alpine, dats right.” Allot' the swell’s gang and every one else in the store took a good laugh, which caused the swell to look real seldom. A few days ago I was ruling along the road and saw a man la w ing ° full kuiglh on the ground , t , ‘ ' 1 ,,,. .. ... "ouidn I you call tmu horizontn . refreshments? Ii lus head hod ( j0 en lower than his heels, would- ........ .....", "'/"'g “"Wly 11 » liml slept-while standing,vvouidii t you i mV e called tJiat agonizingly per- |Jentlir . Il]ar? jf stood on hi :i(1 a|id (l(1 llims( . if up with his hands, muldn’t that ; ^ ‘'' > U .mi . ■ r " n.. . .. * i.. *•' as wHi as adversely perjiendit*- idar, with horribly handy, diago- |ia j attachments of incinerate va- r iei v. Bob _ No I circulated , among t be 'Preen e.- Sunday. Perhaps lie bring back enough to boil with H ()n j. () t. No*> wimf -m-ek toHol- " rip*for !an(1 Goo(1 , 0 . 11 t • il u,t) . ! Mi-- Minnie Greene left Fun- ,i aY nioni ing for her home on Walnut creek, after spending a , vi .„n ), to tlie pleasure of a lot .,f us and herself too, so sin- say . Capl. Melton and daughter, Mi....- Tallulah, left .Sunday morn- ing for .South Carolina,' he to spend a few days and Hie a month or two. . j, Waif j>j v j na was foolin witl) er Sluu]uy af . mmoon, from which came r-ounds that svf-ined to affect to r brain !Ul d heart v-rv much. The sounds however seemed to hav<- the most m,,, l inihwuc. liE-d esoecially ' ifiir. 1 h^'-ed " on «n d Oh, for little . to thing- a jme-e just in dampen and a changm the weather to indicate winter. .1Mfc-.»<IIIV«vW M A II in AO E AT FORTY 11. 1 .IT ()no of the most brilliant wed- dings that has occurred in this rortvillo church last I miraday at- J tie ternoon 0. Moughon at ! o’clock. married Miss Hat- to | 'Ir. Ed \\. Coleman. was both of thi- ] Rev. II. A. Sea county. pastm- th- " f lh !'. !' h, " vh ' i"' rl, ’>; n! 'n v 'oautitul ceremony, tm-ehm. n Wl] thirlv tilled with the relativ. j andfriei .’.s of the contracting par- H ( 's—tints testifying to the popu- 1(U ;T V "{ 11,0 ‘•ouple. 1 lie church was darkened, the lamps •• ligliu i , d i and i ii,,,.,...,j,,. tin iim,i| di» , - rations presented a scene of mag- nitioent loveliness. I'ln ■ (lota 1 decorations at the niter, Irom and’idmil'm ) W !T h HUS b em s'V.Hd-'c!m't.d 1 llH 1 1 « IfST Bowers was a of beauty. Miss Marv Kingman was at tin organ, and as the wedding march w 'ed led forth on the Oclo.oei an. ‘^sand Link iheir'phu' s! "mJh- John Homier and John dock were tluf ushers, Mr. Will was best man, and Mi.-s »,!' ill*'s'lnit*!, of honor. v ith "\i - N ile Finnev Mr TUes Memdion ;......... v ith limits. The bride, a picture ot leveli- tie: s an<l queenly marched grace, with the the maid of honor up right aisle and the groom with his best . man, matched up the left aisle joining each other and tak- ‘H tlieif stand under the mar- S . , ......... , i ...... ^ ,, , ' Aft,'film eremonv was party ivpaius! to 1 1 c > ;) i (a I»1: * home ol tfit 1 bride .-Hit- ( , )L w Mouglmn, where ,i oli i.. lliru l reception was tender- d. j The bride is a young aeeompiish- lady of ' rare beauty and many ments, a graduate of Weslovan fe- nl;i j e a;u i a V!t lued | )( , r () p the cultuvod SI ’( i j 011 j n wii ieh sh, resides. H he groom is an Alabamian by birth "o 101 l0 r manv many vr-u-s \ ■ ni - has n is made i.o. r,,, ! nt >' where !w • - L ■•<! esteem for Ins bu. in, s, <tlm ii t iea tl ons and many noble traits of character. It is rare that couples start out as man and wife under such favorable riu*v • wore the rf'cipirnts ‘ ot many ‘ iippn.'onato ■ and , oicpmL n p; TiraNravs iidns a host of friends and admirera who extend to them the warmest and i„ st wishes i„r a life of ju'osperily and happiness KIDEWAY’S liETTEIt. Our town , has taken . , on u , bum- . ness appearance since t he yd ton kiNison )] cuf'd. 1 ,e giiniety . mill, memuntile and s.mlhy rr-apwl .i'i'iiiJy a share ol La- lmr- vest that has resulted from crop. The late fall lias overcome the apparent Mi >rtage of summer and most of tho farms will make a little more yield than ted at that time. The season has been iinexeeplionally favorable for gathering—no rain or storm to heat out and stain the staple, or disagreeable weather to retard picking. The continued dry • weather has slink led all of the old buggies and wagons, entailing the ] necessity of repairing, but w<- arc sustained in the verification of tlt<;old adage “wliat is one man’s loss is (mothers gain,” since il goes into the worthy hands of Mr. Lynch, who is faithfuJ in Ins work and reasonable in hi.-: chargAll regret that another year lie will iinder.his relations with (Itis com- inunity, and many good..\vislies i will a "company him and family : to their now home at Adgal'-s. John Wood has n eently built a 1 new store in tlie heart ot town,; giving B0W Rffiby competition. i The ingenuity of man emus in- terminable; the stimulus of mon- )ni „5,................. , llc ■„ , ,, in !l!rill (-. t j M j 1 v r | h j (( ,...j : ‘ irnve and sellersof spuriou..fruit I Ov.-s satiated many ... o,, agents, and we lmv ex...-, '-.I mloffiranee but not against Eio .so»uing nuiohiiio ‘ind iir^ Laid- two be, t friend.-. W<- f<»lt Unit our nr-^ds wore Kalis- on inventions ’till a neighbor ^ exhibited the quilting frame, who asserts that it is all that is claim- ed for it,— maiding our sewing i ncufiii tie to perform tie' work of ten hands and dispensing with the ineonveniemm of having a room hh^-’kaded a week wtih the old ' ,y We '? fr,ull0S are glad ; , t to state ( that , our little neighbor and friend, .Mamie Whitehead, is getting on nicely at school in Machen. ’’ ,.er< is u vac; ncy in tl •• oflie • of J. P., owing to llie re-fig mtion of Mr. XT' B. I las call. S'.me L. B' . • iend urg'd him to ae- .•••pt il. but he tlat-foot dly refu.-- ed. His long connection with the office makes him capable. TP* edict has gone forth and another man will have to take it. Eb Burney, col’r!., of Monticel - r hi, and ti iend was left in the roa«l with a huggv hull m Irom Clinton by the horse dropping dead. it Gypsn doetoml • tonm-rly owned it. Gn-s was loo inucl.-. Sidkway. Do want good ** '"T. (.otlnrcr, , . the you atid well? 'I kind that tits w-ars ry Eads, N"<A Co., Macon. Ga. A LOVELY M A U •; 1 Oil'. I,emit if til inai'i'iagf ceremony performed in the cilv ! of Valdosta lest Thursday in w hieh a former resident >f this ] county look ; a conspicuous part,— Mr. Ja s, . Morgan being wedded t , Miss t'leora Braswell. M r. Morgan has n absent fr< t he countv seme lime, but the 1 are ’a host of old friends who will j< )!('< • at hi- good fortune. Mr. md Mrs. Morgan are at pro'.etil in Atlanta taking in exposition, and w ill arrive at (tray tht- latter part of the week, where they will pend a tew days tll ,. parents of Mr. Morgan, 1,1 d"'d!;mg ot l he occasion I lie .. uldosta News \ say -: --One of the most beautiful mar- riamv. ever witnessed in thi- cilv , )( cured at the Mot hod) at church s,erdtty ni ' o! k ^j ,u " nuv f ® ‘ ‘‘ -j Ihe-dmirh was hcautitullvd •CO- rated and cvcrv thing s< •■■mod to j favor the marriage, nature even smiled ns the bridle jmrt.y enter, d church. At a few minutes after ten i > ’clock tlie M.eet-toneil organ, at the graceful touch of Mrs. Keller commenced to toll tho presence ol j the bridal party; the lovely rob- hid hides maid : strolled down the right aisle while the stately i grooms-men marched down tin ! ld{ > **»»*>* each other dircet- 1 .' ;l1 ’ 11,0 |l (,t ui tl: " eimtor aisle Hie ladies ^ook Hair ...... (hn It'll >i<i<% llio s.,,,.,! ' on the right. k The bride enter, d v ith Miss, Li 1 - la Pardee, the first brides-maid and walk.-d down the left aisle- The gr - entered wit ii Mr. \T. \ j.-, ; ti I, Die best man, and go- ing down the right aisle met his bride elect down just in front of the altar where with n fi \v very i ap, rapiia! remark.: law. B. An- t j mil y made tl:o couple men and wife. The uttendants were, Mr. W. A. Knight with Miss 1 ilia Pardee, Mr. Tim Jlanson with Ati.-ia m organ Mr. Arthur Denmark with Mi ; s Etlie Middleton, Mr. Bob Middleton with Miss P.eblm done., and Mr. Eugene Morgan wit!i Miss Irby Sheltoii- Tho happy pair, accompanied groom’s by Miss Kate Morgan the B j, t „,. Messrs. Eugene Moram, ,, n(1 Tim Manson, left on tim'd. train at eh veil o’clock for A( Mr . ull(1 M Morgan wj| , ..-.j, M ,. Alor „ ttll . (1 0 p| returning. Tho News extends congratula¬ tions and best wishes for their lu- ture happiness and success.” CORNICOPiA SIFTINGS, ’■ hM ''i.ui.ixs. We have just returned homo from town (Monticello) and like resting one whole week. only fourteen mile- from our hotis< to Month olio, but by the time a man male ■. j)i* round t rip in -mo day, in a two For •• on, pyi- fij ,. Vi . (,«!!.; jt.llcd out g< Is lost ami find;' himsell' three or miles on the wrong road and no any lo g. ; back, nobody to Jndj him laugh or cry, the thoughts ol mother and “home sweet home’’ -emus mighty sweet before he gc( back. But feel very well pensated for our days (he journey train, be- .-ae.-ie w got to see (),•■ Mores, so; •.•• m .i riding , I , y- cuv-t, saw a omeksmil.n Khopaiui nuinlters ot oilier thin;..;-; too mi- morour to la ted to catch tho eye of a country S tia. 1;....., »n I «»«•» .«« ! lif* nghl road when you slarl luudi Mr. G. I,. Hardin 1ms been j sick for sometime but think jm U impravn, r. W - hope o at !• Mi Beauty Miildh brooks a rii*i.:<*; -oimg b“!]e of our town i vi iling Poimd v.idi Oa!:. hi Macon plea and | Atlanta. Y.V r . <ant and there’s some iie.lieiiig heart o that will < W. i!:<- doubh utile v. • n .•!)•■ t-;,:.- lime . jj . E . ... ■ Mobb v and Mi R , of Gp. ,e|-,. v -it• <1 Miss I,aura Adam.; last Fun MoMicbae] went -- t -7 in louble qmc.J time, A voting ladv was tho attraction. John L. Hardin, ot ", aeon, | nent last Su nday with liis - .rot 1.- i ■r L \V. Hardin. Gonnicopni traars the b nor of , ,. ’ j, Dim- i ."U on<- no., ' 1 1, V.'-' j, j ‘ • ' ( ave lor ' " -|'0 M ntlENDf IN THE G'OCN- TV. i • • ition with E. p, . < —'! tic .-i)fM' 111 ':filer,-. ■r Ciicrrv and Thud (treats, Mu- (;•!. Tins house basil well t-d »•••* *•*» •-*»•' d-ding in Imi,.-i end I m.i iidident that ! can • ;■>; . i" , i,n. -n 1 5 LAI ' "A D 'T 1 l' ,, 1 .ra..). ■ ,-si.saBcsrcsKm naa—mi— WiH Tlie pooplo u f Jones arc cordially to invited visit the T. EE HITE Whenever the\ 1 1 ,’i V • 1 ( X ’ ’ ; | ea la visit the i■ it\ We guar! a .p to save you Cloaks, money on Ka every pur In if, Large i, (land , me a slmd, of Dry GixmIh, ncytiooi Dims - idiiit End.-ny, ar, < lot Id eg, Hose, for men Very r- • • m smile, i .,, si', nml Cover*. Linen Table Damn.k i “ I Talde Linen, Towels and Uni Spinnl • A -Speoialty. Notwithstanding tin- priced cotton has advam-d w<- dill maintain the low ! ’ 1 ; l '< invalid come an I convince your, c'wh that we do all g<Er dumpies sent m ie i plies lion a id erdc ■ promptly slti ailed to. Lasser's Bee Hive. • )'VJ, ('lu’lTV SI. Macon, <ia. *■* WIE M xm *r>A MXYWB Our Stock «’ f SHOES 1o (he Corner I S.x’o’i.) ami Ch ‘rrv K < r > tS • * oa: g > > 1 buying el.imvboto Prices, style & goods, solid. rTCome and / : ■ SEE UB eaEEUnir/ 'When in Town )1,1 Friends, and N'< w (In Want'd. Clisby €0 9r McKay, 571 A 575 Cherry SI. Mseon, ('a. X«J ! .O.BAIiKCOM Agt Third Sbr«e|.. near Post Ofliee, Macon, Ga. DEAI.ER IN Hardware Groceries, Plantation Supplies. JjpS&'M keep a fresh Stock always on hand. ££2’*'My nriees are as low as the lowest. try nod treat all eustomers alkft. Win 11 in m od of anything in my line give me a call. EfiENET§RE f(JI1N! - CIIQM ^ s ® ** ® ITH 1 i u PC GUPEIS .SHADES SC. HI tepr tta iijBj. Bimfrou( iu'Q TA v SOLID OAK ITS , t $15 A upwards SOI.ID OAK 01!A!RS COc & i l ■ fe Yf ■ ' XWt SOLID ()AK TABLES 75c A “ il TWO-pj.Y GARI'ETS 85, -15 and 50 ____ S2* : cents per yard. Woo UL“.I ^3 ip eavy Eiirnitur© Go. A GO Cherry St., MACON, GA. ■ vi <S*«WW JW B B & ... JTA ( 0 B SPAEKS, *J AvkO 153 h f ■ *.j otOD QommissionMercliant M7YC OIN ) (BA- E WBONNER Beale sman oNI.Y 25 CTSOOMAHSSION CHARGED FOR SELLING COTTON -No Charge for SUmr. o--- Money loan'd on Cotton in store at lowest bank rates. N‘i In;-uranc" (Larged for first month-. BUY YOUR r f-A ■ % urniture from * •/ 1 A J\ mm y —■ >. Mua u Pig Mnlberv St., Macon, Ga. Have ju.-.t r: .s o' ved. a fa 11 line of I* I P NI I i I! L,(()()K- ING and HEATING S'lOVEH. Alsou full lino of TRUNKS, CLOCK >and GLAbbW IRE. FURNETURE