The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, November 28, 1895, Image 3

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TEE KBW3 Thursday, Nov.-mhcv 28, 1805. .______________________Y LOO UV-’ a t, ' 12 3R. STAPLE, fiofi Cherry St., . . Mr. mu. Ga. fiSScAMake. aSpi I'ialty of tho K\ a. Ear. Nose, Throat and Limes. 6801 v _ NOTICE TO APPLICANTS. The next examination of far teacher's lii'on a will lie on die tit': of December next, at the court lu.u-t in Clinton. A. It. .' Thunksgiving day! Hi n fruit is too high to u m -a,: a luxury. Eh, Major? Fresh homo-made f-au. aga was on the bill of fare of many Cirav- i as this week. Gray’s Sunday-; eh .,>! is still alive. Gome out nil ve (Iravites livelier. * “ and Sir. Tom Luzon by, of spent last Fiiday night with hi I rother, Terry Lazenln-. Col. Hointes Johnson week in Atlanta—iakii -:u eights at Georgians great snow. 1 Mr. J. D. Anbhors and fainilv. of Haddock, F.jxrnt last Sunday vithtlio family of !;is brotlior. Mi J. B. Anchors, at Grav. Mrs Judge Johnson left Sunday for Atlanta. Sim goes to rone a crowd of M. . iadh through the Exposition week. grounds. She will spend about a Tins cold snap reminds ns t hat its almost time io receive anotiier visit from our friend J J IfwitF-rA son, of Grisvvoldville. 11 taO' si cold weather for him to tra\W. AA’hat are tho peopl of Gray gi, lug to do another year about th E' Lrttlicoh lirman of tl.o. hoard of trustees call a meeting. Its time we were making arrange- - meats as to toucher A-c. Col WE Lester is in Atlanta, taking in the Exposition Be need not apply for the position ' ot | bmkemnn on “tho chutes,” for | our genial friend, Clarke Siniii, J has proved his pbivd^lii* tlw position, and J*a-.= a plication. wlr^'A-«' Air. Mr Sam cum OlrkD Glnlds, -Ji., Jr r\hq : govornment position wUnAi -su - veymg corps, m tar away Sjita, is on a vnuL to lus D-y Mr and Mrs bam (balds, oi Uhn- j ion. No doubt 1 ! V,-:;. win lyr jdeasant one, boln to •ns numerous friends and ro’ar ;,ve3 “ Mr ighborliood, J F Dumas, carried of Bl, 1H unt^pe rr ^ > Macon last Tm sday aud rJai-- fited .fl.2o each for tirem. Heims 4 ) m ire that h • v. ill p’-iv'e on i a "market about Christina.-. it-is seon ihat cotton is net ih," <«:-f ^||y source of revenue. Most of our farmers have hog.- i ; to kill. With cribs full of corn and meat in their smok.g!ioji mmdP -s.- t.ey will bo onaliln mflut/Wr. to • heir own canoe” a Wi ii ii tho. ianmi'X wfli class ict in "t!iii condition ii be a S-niti.'-1 pleas- ure to live in ti.iiber.uti ul la id i f ours. Putnam, have I.THiii on a vi.<p <o the family of Terry l aw;,by. Mr. : Johns began farming a few vea.s ago at the very lowest round of tho agricultural ladder,dmt lie has ; succeeded in buying and paying-! for two plantations, and is to-day ; one of the most preeperogmenue, ChariieV in that good old county success but proves thatdhere a | “life in the old land yet.” ! Davis H< Isenl ock, cA r Vdeyd.' •and polite depot, -Visit’d Clinton last .Sunday ’iUTefmonn. ; This isn’t much of a nhws itein, ! when it ... known tliar.he in a i | but is a brother uu i nunieioub s in that, place, aim i y.e..s...h)...JD « than two miles ot them, and the jpisit ref; l'.'ed to was the.,first in fhree Speaks’volums years, (except^ for the in' manner » which he sticks to his business. North , Ga. ^Conferenc", „ , , • The Rrhich convened Monday, at Liberton, IL an- A Lou rued last r Koalc, who has lnid charge pf. tliis jcir nit to Fayetteville, for flic* past in . twot (lie years,, Soiith goes District. Bey. G. AVr] ‘Atlanta this circuit.I Farr is issigned Lewis to is retained Rev. Walker reluc- as presiding elder. It is with • tunco that the p, ± ipie of Jones part with their — inner pastor. Bro. Seale ltas not only, gauwil the love and conti,!, nee ot churches, but is neld m big.i - teem by all who have come contact with him. lb- is a true pure Christian gent :<mmn, tearless in the discharge of I?;s- duties, and is ever r< nify^o; tak" an active part in all'tilings thaf tends to elevate the moral and ligious standing which lie of resides. th«vc^mmini- He has- nity in work done a uoWe here-sown go. >d seed, seed that \iid in time, tl,A Sopfe T,« of NKWS realizes that it looses one its best friends in the departure nf Bro. Seale to other fields of - him bor, and will ever remember with gratitude for his substantial «nd and words of cheer. We com- mend him to the good people of his new home as a man and chris- tian iu every way worthy f their love and confident*". HADDOCK NEWS NOTES* Mra. LD Lockhart Ima after spending Mr... K D I. | "Tth her sister. star. M;v. E. V. . Coleman and lit ! Mis. Maggie Finney spent last S ttiuduv with friends m Millodgi • ‘ villa. Miss Maggie B Childs, of Way- side, visited relatives at the ford place Iasi week. j Mr. Thnd Holt, formerly of j community, but morn recently i Macon is on a protracted visit his 'brother Walter, Mr. S. H. Haddock and wife pi id hat Sunday in Macon. i MrJohnC Haddock spent last iSunday in Macon, visiting anoth- or one of his “best girls” w • sume. * • l entertainment last .. r jo’-'it. - - t!x? manngD- i nn nf oi Prof. svliool, w;i *‘\' U; '. % a success, quitted them ; u!ty and tsai-cetlntionsand sing XT id such a nature as would d _ of ... x years i ■xpen- etica and sii: Evory olio went away w k i! jiJ< sod with the evai:- mgs entertainment and fully sat- that Prof. Kay is the right man-in the right place. ^ r - Farrar and wife, Mi .- SikiUi '?? *} rotiiriH-d Anchors. from WiH Atlanta Iasi i;» ah or taking in <;!i th ' a ie J ; ! S After spending several dav. i'ivasantiy with ¥■ i.ativas in At ini.- ttMtn.l taking in the^ights at ' i ‘ i 1 lone} n,Hio- turned . home. •) ttdge J C Barron, Cols, Lester 'Bid-Din. rj yof (Hinton, were in at tcmlauee cl non our Justice court last Sat urdav. .Mrs Bode Jalieno has returned y a hj one! nj two weeks vvi!a ‘ ;i ' ; -i-a i m Auguste, Mr. L. B. :! •Mar. i iiv drummer for ft well known X. C. tobacco factory, lias about con.mmnted a “»Lre B ' vhi( output ' h ha ot " al his ; . l! W'' tactory oui : >•>•’ l .° capitalist. Inc reason ' ,t)r c ^ ho M" , U tnm.vnti.'i, ot Dm i he;- . U V' "''-".'l bave n \ nii 1 \"! U ' 1K >{ to J ! ! , ;'» ( d<n'r. 1 in' y ujii . . jdace,. i''"'’'* winch . n . u { im will ! ; ;' ,! , at ! ,d<!,f.on is ye a greui j ? to our little city. They about closed,; trade with I ” s noted band to furnish mu,ie on the day of (he opening, they will exhibit tl.e mar- : ,u-, workings of thus .wonder- invention. After they nipjiiiod even family i;;-.l,.n" one of these ornamental a- as useful invention.-, -vi 11 move their cmnneuliais fr. lory to Fort AA'ort ii, Texas Tliese wo young men bid fair to be the A/neyed k;ugs .T <dJ J an.-i '?.ur e'-iTespond-nt v i -!i ; for m'i;ch success in tin ir mrler- a '“ ll! J ii) improve sleeping aparf- k!;e muititud ;. Pi!!'!!.. ... "A‘"P . ^ . P' tllls ! ^ iU ‘ !n \ho hamU ! P • hing lh( ' *' ?■ " e,comy " hother VOJ! !a W<»- «ot. - —’O -«• • -vW.- . «- -4»- - P" . • g VV 111 > ^ . B , * i»l.*asuro " . 1<: in ^ sup- Vn, • W " ° ‘‘BiL, ‘ Bp „BB 7r \ * 1 *! ’ ' *1 ji! I”', 1 1 * ' \ B i* J 1 B'D’ i • 1 P I i,*' BlB-mB , '' jB' ' . . r '‘ '‘B ^'; U1 "g , . ,' t , ip.’ i^BlB ; ' . * ; ■BP B.- 1 nuf alwavs gives witisfadionB'’ Fur sale at, 2b and r/J cents l;i . r lotlloby M"dicine Dealers. A'ou will save money by ,', Lo y s _ Mc j jf . an ; whr; „ yo iiro in beod-of Harness and. Saddles, at ;H2,43rd. Street, Macon,'Ga. FROJI FIVE POINTS. AVe had quite a remarkable marriage near our village ,[ay. It- was long expected w.--Id ing. The ;l hind of walk away contracting parties were II Ii and Mrs. Emma Lawrence, All. parties being willing, Rev. John T Glover tied the knot. Mr. Wcafherby and ladj’ gave them a bountiful supper. If a Mis.-; i; as as a mile a Mrs. ought to be worth a ling; We wisii thorn :: fongand happy life. f F Green v‘isit-1 our villa'a- to- J||Vj an( , hv . t|)( . W! , v „ !ir , rr „ - pnndent called by and enjoyed a . ; ij,r<plu(nis dim:- r of lsoirs an(l Lpareribs, which i enjoyed, I tried it | )( ,j n g „ 1V fast dav ; but not t(j ( , () pj.,, R ,, v _ XI Gresiiam did some (i ni0 —f, s t. G all day anR to j c j j,; ^ vv jf ( , to ;, s ,.j ],j m a good an(l th( . n at KI) milc ,| lth; . t i ie Aindf, himself sick, and -aid ,. hv „ r:im i, na he didn’t believe " » ■ j. )0 j )(>w Mi . L arkStewart passed * through , )U _ r R)Wn , ast we k : also j„ hn sa 'jjNii; V “i;l y 1 "rLlSaJLd'h", ' ’ ' 1 11 ' ana 11,1 n iiet ” nesls ' 7ho late freeze and sunshine . is cheating the poor cows out of ally cotton bolls. We can scarcely get in the road but wiiat we see an agent some hind, bailiff or sheriff, and they keep a fellow reared all time. Jim Smvkv THE NEWS FROM JA MES. Tho fanners are so near,,p wills cr „,, s IUU ( h av «> o imu!. 1U(1!|I . V M|l lia! .,| .. di . king tln-m -1 tit (n m le ad fo f, ■, a .nl mv .in uj> to Ai lanta <o take in Hi- K\ x >-V m t;.,,, j is one .rood si-n for tlu> farmers. and t lint is v. r\ f w duns coma to tit ant 1 his. fall. Wa are glad of this state of tilings and hope ! to a.'a the dav v.’lion the farmers i will owe no mini. Mrs. II .1 Stewart arrived horn last weak. Sh • )s been (.1 til ‘!• ' Exposition and ( uatla liooga the hist three Wa, ks W ;! 1 a'a ■ m j 1 Id 1.1 a M is.-i- am DuliV want to (he the of i 'ridav last and remaini'd an- til Sunday afterno m. is a big tin; dav n t; AV Iiat t he in :: (er w i; h :! i May, ; iiat sun ;it o' as prettv, good, nice til Hi ;-H ■i a < a i (a. j \' .1 rt• ■;! this lifu on (luv iMth in.'d.. .Jack Dull' i me and wi'll ear'.;l \ ) , , ,l lived. Jack \<; 1)1 ... ..... bird d:\gs in the laud W" u friend IiuJly I hmiit'.it t f at way. Wiiat was the matter vvit’i iiiui no one can t<■ 1 i. ( i 1: ! ....... . , > .i. . r" ’ j\ V' . • , i ‘ ''* v , , S. ‘ : m n: d |... , l; ,.' ],., p., ^, 1 . , v n; . . - j, sp.At Lllt her Morton, of M-rcer. j as t Saturday ‘Vn ', an l Soinl:'-,' V in cut at : ;o:ie At all, me <;i: > ■ t ot h s mot !i-, ■r a,n 1 farndv. Lutlier i ■ !o iking va!I and w< vc. 1 as tie l , •dr. and -Mrs. E T Morton, of! \i lorlon s S; at ion. Bud \\ (it)' j | his two I rothera, .foim and Jfosa i.H rdetl t he I i'ilill hero i :: I ! >.< bay last for Atlanta. They (hare to tsike in tho Kxn »siiion and make their poe “ >ts a iitiii : !i ghler. AV- v. i,!i — >r tin in rx pleasmt trip and the.! they ma. return ail O K.. with their pook- not quite empty, AV” came very near forge ting •“ -V Henry Finney and J., •; B:*i ::k !--y. <A IT?;-. . can..' i;p ; r]W •; iir'n t 1 a 1 j Ic. \\'<? df 1 i'mt know what the; were plotting up to. They may have been u - 4 «i -t j.'o white,, or tiu-v might have come to go, T AV Dutfv to t!te rnc - for Stain Senator: i; imtv „ . ilIT or.Joe. or ! :k p, ,,, j, ; a,- . A , : ,v Finn. v. B.inklv ?;i ;p' v vou( ( |," v!;l , k T mi i lev k vu m.-r • t hi*,’:' in iim dark, is'in and still .vind.ati'; ■; id;ie; ii tin !;(,dv ha bet.; r in , Oj) III. J, P Jr r Vi and J dm Bailer, I ri nier of St.on> Wail. ‘ train iu-n.'im M m-dav ihi.i'Y. Mr. L. P. is • ... J ; , , , . i a rm ,nn it, o e, a rco., and if John ; Wei! with the town ii ■ way buy ir fora winter home, for !m l;.;- no t. j wi > ! k not a viler:,' lie ii ve:s. I Missis Gertrud, ;;i I Mattie Godaid, of Oak Hill, ■ ml la t Sunday afternoon rd Roek if; I. th ■ 5 J :st of the Smith, ’ - •re were fhv as handsome K ladies at K<; >r Ilil! as one wouid wisli to c I tiie luaiter v, itli liio you C'-; uen I any one t-d? - For a pain in the eh 4 a niece ° f :i1 ll v ‘ ilil (:,nua ' borlam’H Bum Balm and lanin 011 th ^' ; th, ‘ l’ a «L «» <l another on tho back between the ""‘m, ^'“‘i 1 ’ 1 ‘B j 1 ”— J hi- is lal.^ \1.,. in cases where the pam is cause;, by a'cold and t h. er, 1 mi tendency toward pneumonia. for sale by Medicine Dealers. BLCUNT8A ILLE i.OCALH. The friend-of Jno. Williams Sr., will regret to learn Unit Ie h is iieen quite ill for several days. Mr and M rs AV T l ittle spent tw„ or throe last-win-k. days very pleasantly j n Macon Mr;; M C Jewett and her bright little daughter, Susie, returned home last Thursday from a d> - iightful visit to relatives in Ma¬ con. Mis,-; Georgia Jenkins and Robt. Jenkins attended the Exposition in At lanta la-4 week. Mrs Will Epps and Iter bright iittla bo -'» °f I’wiggs county, are visiting her mother Mr,, A L Mil- lor. AVe'i. Mr E li tor, w ■ rot u 'n -1 hoi.m last Hulurilay afte nuioon trip fecily cliarmed with > >ur to the Exposition. Everything con- spired to ma!;e the 1 rip a plea -nut one. Truly it i im in ns" sltow. 10 f. H. G. Building itself, were tliero no others, would repay for the trip. Unci" Sam has s n'ely honored the Soutii with the g-'nd exinbit. But I cannot par- n.-ulame; the wnoie plan ot the iiSy to= tilll ™!i: g 0r with us longest is the sacred of the sweet tone bells, -j>|. e easc alK i H yst-nn with which \ t | au t ;i handles the immense challenges the admiration 0 f every one. ' - Do you want good Cothing, kind that fits and wears Eads, Need A'Co.. Macon, Ga. FROM ROIJKIITSVJM.K. 1 ' avm ‘ M lU '!' «■*<>'.»(; tnrott ;? h ^thonng and I In* Exp.* it mu -'m-. to he th«* tonic of the day. l'h ,to wore several boarded th B r ' A ,; !i l,l,l,! " 1 lh ," -pitul. „ Limy have ivlttm.ul nb i f u, ' n n,ul s >llu<1 ’ w,t '* out an v !lI ul )S . , broken or tenth or oyes out. If any one wishes to know how farjl is from -Macon horo n! night. just ask some of our I i they lntvo moas.uvd (lit 1 S •ral . ,« ,, the people . ot , 'i . \'C ot < i - attended a oom-poiind party at the residana;' of Mr. A. .1. Brooks last Friday night, and laid a m i .t d. !i rid fill t ini a !’>v the hospitality ot Mr. ami Mr • Pro ike. wa w 're invited t i r, ;i ,; V . r t i tlia dining room at OiOV'iX, where an elegant laid ' had been alnhorately arranged for the oee.i- ion. Wa 1 .we am! give extensive - ra; the kiml host and V. for tho nltasuro wo had while there Wa attend d preaching a Idem Sunday, and wry unaxpeeta l!y hoard Mr. Simeon Thurpe deliver .in aide discourse. -Mis . Minnie Bobarl.s, a sweat ii l! rnctivo ■< miig lady of t 1 I - Visit!! Ji Miss Susie Iowa wiio is si, —- dug w ith tile family | of Bob B - iks. We wish for her plt'a.-aiu stay and : am {<) ■•:{ svillo. Mis. Josio Jones, a ,'harming is visiting the fami!\ ’ voting la iv, A J Brooks. .Mis Lilia Htul - m, of Hud.on-! ''•;!!«•, is now ma ?7* mg merrv the! i nonu .... , Oi r r l- i> I r hoo. V .' it.. ; | Sri i l at this phic ? closed we 'k tore l ist, and Miss Mamie, our! laaidier, lias 3s one to liar hoiivi in | : '.! i i li'dgevi III Wo dll not give her ; iir-t i a(* to say u. “’she i was a goo , 1 j ; ! 'aeiioi',” for siia was far beyond j tliat, and ifyve can got her herei year, will or one be satisfied, thativi)] till lierj ' lev. E A\ r Sammons .spent. Fri- I night at Mrs. Emerson’s. Alias Edna Gain lias vacated | 1 ;to and Tie V. "hool jo « end | week at Die ~ position. Sh" will return and resume her work j Momiay. Mr. and Mrs. N. (!. U«)!i.t(h! Sat urdav in At hud,i. i II,»g killing'time will soon be t, ( . r( . a „d then IhiAho we will 'n havo i.ieutv i m nitically ‘ m’ n- iVoeb'l. vi- u f t at ‘.. Be A-eEm j • \] Be . rl ., ,, ,B‘ ir p,'. •' Bi t . B'-■ r ' m t .ii. t ., B, P i 11 / v d ' ” ;■ ; 1 ' . 1 ia ' i» 1 ' ' ' Eads. Nee! & Co., Mac in, Ga., ):i!iitb , i’s to all mankind, from ;> mars • to 10 ) years. Go to tiueu il you want Clothing, flats, Shirts, Neckwear or anything worn by man or lar.. *. -------- COHNI0OPIA GJFTINGH. j I 15V KM 1>BK.'CIXS. i ia> measles king are whom poruaing our vn ini!y they may i vour, and those that have l ad the a mre of a friendly m.bat wi them are almost i" raal to fi° t0 th ? well after a I > ueset of water. ATe can’t well i more their uspieion i 1 we '.a.-kled ti, -m one." and they satis lied ns on they first romid. Mr. J. A. Adams lost a good horse last, week from piieumoni i. AA' i hear of s 'veral ea ;.. , i. county, but know of no other on-- that has proved fatal, Then were ,oin • gent.Ieinen wi: ’() passed N-irlii through (J.",rgia our town with laat Uire- we from wagons loaded with apples. When 1 7 ' at ,; D' l« >««'> they want- , i„ swap apples lor luiseui;;;,and 1 loarn they have maclc tho name j> proposition at every house they -ivo pasr:e 1 in tiie neigfiborlio id. The quslion under e •••nsiilci'ation is, were liiey silling apples iiunl ing buseuit ! Il the latter wa- 1 their mD-ion we need not look for tne up; D wagons again soon, be- ! V ' a ' y l ,’ u< •>' '* 0,1( ' ol 'i | bn ad around here. i wanted some apples bad. Tiie v,Vather is cold and the leaves • are living, Yei there ia good timer a 'I he cows are lowing and the lings an-dying, And there is good times a coming. The jicoyle are out of debt by hit¬ ting ha d lick-i, c ood times a coming, And ; 111 i<■! at home and forge! jinii i- lie t; luiies a coming. Now for an icoy winter, then sweet sunim r, Good time; a eomin ; By I lie next, fall we will have plenty money, Gil th. re i . good tim, s a coming. "I have us'd ! I ood V. S:ir aioai'i l« for , :::"iiu and itlia. care 1 i I have also given it to my Im! and il ha helped him way much.” W. II. DeLoadi. Daisy, Ga. Hood’s Pills cure all liv r ills. ................ to persons subject to attacks bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be had by taking berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar- rhoea Remedy. In many es tiie attack may be prevented by ; taking this Remedy as soon as first symtoms of the disease pear. 25 and 50 cent bottles -nla by Medicine Dealers. . ROUND O'AK PEND!FINDS. r.v n;i: uotx:?. 1 mi.ssol (hodog's hoi I l.ut hi! Ih" front leg which la id him lip, tha o!Imr being rui cal (o step, a Iron l half wa v hot \v< '■'ll his foot and shotildar, the lick tripped him a ml tho front part af his body want to tin. ground. As ho mad ■ an 1 1 i - * t w ri.i; I had !'io.,i 1 pill'iv ;i ;lv .-.Mil !,..! 1 , ’. it t rook i nun m . I 'ft lull'd to my i ight. threw it i !i all ti o l oft a a sen re.1 man could and hit j. j,'j j... n •k , and shoulder, kno 'king n , o:e> fourth around. This flow , .111 d him t ' cro:ii h ol) I !i ' groan 1 and w! i ia, wild 'll • Vt. i a m el s I I, I W > mo" ■ roe!. i a i ■ m m i-ijtht hand, i fan ,|| (1 ,| ioeicn r him I or o\ o|' an his <u her sid If' no 11 JV.l fill' v. illf;'. i i i | > j t . ,'j,,,. lu m ,j . riglit iiand, wa t { ■ ! >,,, ( ( 1 S' all the 1 i ;11 , a ' w ilkod a wa v '« a \ for 1 ha-i eiiougti f il a id v. i u " me and 'the u ;'y looking Thad ; Wa s gu. to I lie last, lie » Indio \e 1 or triad to ni 1 b i dyj)-'; in "* ni . \v i: ii l!i.i ? .“iiiu n ni stair, Aflcr ! ho ul owr. the eoiiap " i Mila and ! a; u SO W ' m m v knars I e hi Id rr.i ive iv wa fop.siok and kind a,,ti v : 1 1- • 1 s >ni .hi 'VO ■ |> ,t ,H " Ia ,u v li!,! . * *'"’*• . and " 1 nio ii-.w son!) i - I v ’ .* :v was on the limit. , i ... i , j . ..... i. i a '. ! could ; t II I .' Oil J, 1 ' P “IDO . ■ 1 ’ l! i sen-sing woo i ll | In and mv I s 1110 I mi •’ - '' a ‘ , , " s.iuii 1 ''me cal 1 ' .’ 'in A U file k door an ! ju I- i , n I lie ijiii' ! n 4 A ( f I liing *, 111' must have linen holding u { of war \vitii 1 'John. \ ter a while ! lienr.l what s u :d ' ivgime'.iL of ni'ii coming Uu'ougii tim hall, then ea:11 ’ I :i s ninil of a wo n . il s vo;e • l hr ni d i! i 11 •' k led.’, a king who I vs ; w 1> *i'i I came I'rnm and what wanted, in fact 1 v. as 1 'i‘ipi:r "i ! 'E v* a ynri of ib:y; : < 1 i sketch > «* m y lii'; 1 f;<>;n t-!r< ('ay I w i bn :i ■ '•'!> Es • time I inmlml ai A iter 1 wa - through wit Ii! ‘his ", I lap 1'was ! inD i '» < qui/ef 11 1 .t t on the hunt I f • a valis- Unit a ........ f • un Texas took ,iT the train for li e's. ' The door was I hen no -n •<I, wiii 'h ) i * xpo-ted to mv view, two wliib wo-! m n, two iii; worn ei and v ■ i little • headed motley ••hil- tlren of doubtful s x. AA ii r.- ".loiin” wa ; ! Imve never known. i hough I a p:io-. ■ ii" was let t ii i tile buck piazza wit Ii a d ub'e bar ;I - .hot gun us a re erv for, . to iring up the rear, Alter Ihev w 'i'o satisfied to wlial I v. n rl i he recent an from Tex t s!"p- pad for ■w rd and i iforiu ■ ! m ■ tliftf my v N: iise was tdiiu'e and h uv | bet ■n carri -d on. Him one of the utiblencli.'d ilom;'rt;i"s standing near lmr after the vaii and as it was hand d m •. hIic ex pressed great regret that th • m; .ale had been made and with l! old. o 1 ’ relieved siiliii ■ i'i lil l dun , hat I som'"A !uit I’ri'r! del - I tie-m iy my iiun'ied nninner of ap knoi'r.Mg A’B' 1 ’'"" at , the ie door. r, ! nil laughed loud end told her 1 wa < in a Iran' .■ i . e • di (lie 1 ric ear a I) - -aI nr i ha! arrived in Atlanta af i 1 o'eiook. I I ii-.i ml hack !o Almond in a lialf run tw n it king f m v ft , * 8 1 1 »o houw, \\ lu'l'e I .....B ' ' 1 ■ with him. ’ •' ' ''' L' '■ ' • *•' r. G \v r G ir ion is •; ling alieail sonvertit) - .' tlm cotton warehouse into a dwelii.g ami stow. Hc'ioui cio-- ••! lus-e lad Friday Prof. Chi: wit- SI ter. b l- :,r a>i.l mil' • left M eul., ;■ in- ingforlu fa i ber’s Imm •, t.o-p-nd a w-iiiii- until in e..:i ge a ho.- here to live in, as Georg- Pmv.D v .dll so m «»;•;• tipv tlm hou ;e l ie Prof, ha ; jti’d vacated. Miss Kale Evans, of Flora, ' ot . lent last, week with Mis • X • 11 i-• id 1 i, Miss Davao! j. county, wi ii Mi- N •die this w Mrs. .) A Walk- ■r wi th her tar > hi 1 1 <: n rl er-in-law. Miss .Mini!" Cliiid- ;; X nf last Tdur.-day wi;!t M i N-11 i •. .M ;-rs Iloi'nea i i d: >r soil, of Maeon, out Sunday J'li ^ I .0.1 ill on • to r-i 1. Tim ma ict.c pa wer hat b. mgiit t Iii'in Ii ■ as found in a coup! ;of young ! tdi n. M- i an d Mi/ i Midi! i I ■ - j) ii' j> i rl, of Jh -A ^ ~ in rV ou 11 d Oik. Timy a' v: ■ i U. with tirun their qa - d (Pi ii i : war im,>!• • 111 mt and low has to put-en-iii hide or get shot. M e i Min lie C di id ; and M in- .jt"i on sp on t il relay nigiil bi 1. 1 .vn and 1 d’t M i i in irning. Gome some m if s yotig i.a.lic :. wlr-n your fire is out. Mr E C Aid"!:-, of Hillsboro, came here , noout , , .om¬ weeks ago and paint-d the town wliilf, n<>( red, and l ;ft lastSatur lay. ( Eads, Ned & Co., M Ga., icon, are the only absolute “One Clothiers in the cit /. Von sure of the lowest price if deal there. Your m , icv back you are not please ! The to ■ ■ 8 oiole •»*• ■ Jones county are oeoaially invited to visit the mis i-iiyb " •••’ th"> hi "ica-ion to vi it tho city. Wo guarantee to save you "U " V |»iir<M! so. rin I,a ■ ■. ilamlsotnost stock of Dry Goods, * 1 ’ 1 ' ; ■ m-v 11 h> ■ :iid Dion .' ;i ■ s, rd 1.irta, riiilarwciir, Clothing, Host, •' .'.ms far man Ac., at die Very Lowest Prices. I. Curtains, t'he'ieille, Pm ! ir I 'I uhle ('overs. 1,ini'ii Table Dnti.nsiC I'ut'k 'y Bel i'able Linen, Tow !m and Bad Sjiroails / Specialty >’-»! •. in li/i” (lie pn\*** of ( <o ([ ,J ?! • M’lv.» ii.'om{ w(» i fill mainfiiin (he Io\r nri\*t‘s a?', usiijil. 'll F(> . i J • I I'oni, ,m<! con\i net* Vi Hirst'!\(»s that wt* do all \Yt‘ cllilll. v^rs.m.pies sent on application a id orders promptly at 5 to.J gegxf* ' res *nr, rr- KO A h O lire, e ■ and, ('deny St. Macon, Cu.£ ■. xanaKirvM^unnxir rr-.r. -■. i i s A - I ■A T . K i -V,- miDTFB Our Stock i s.hoes U) l!i 1 c ’° tier ol Sect in 1 and Che;”.",’ ; ’ !(*:* Sop o ir &nnU hoforo buying olsowlioia Pf 033 ) st /Ie % go 3,is ^ Mid. , f ^<4 and . Oj me ,1 BEE UB " rt- , >___ lien in Town CZ...J < )l i i-'l'l ml New One Want ■ I. ■B « 0 r B liBJ ■ il 3 • J - . - j A 674 tXr f'TtiG'h u'l'y S Macon, 'Ga i ) iLLKOOM Agt Third K I'.'i ( 1 : near i'o t! Olliee, Mac n, Ga. DEALER IN Hardware, 8* d Dp l vi ' 3, o o rfi -i Xo *1 n v Ji O O L5 ■) Plantation ■ Ol Q lesi. X J •"’) a fresh Si ix k always on hand, OTMv |i,'i...... are as low a.s the lowest, J' T‘ i f ry and I real all customers allce. A’i ; i in n i of n;,yi liing in my line give me a call. H V, E%‘ ., 51., i)?! a u- {i a. ‘3“ «4 1‘ 1’ V. 53! L. _ 33-. : g ‘ E5 g“ ¥- ?Z :4 .. .5 | ^ * t*ii jj ij 3 3 * • .*T ■ J | a h ^ i.« | j 1 j' ! J* (I J U ' J J i i i ’! I 1 BliUtlilllOEStt. IlfSl U titopr th ’tfljMj-. 111 I i I lygalw I &■: G-J I i'Bi B a but.') j) M | VA Aa-W SOLID OA K SUITS; 15 & t pwards 1 SOLID KOLII) ( OAK AK CHAIRS TABLES Cfc 75c & & “ “ ) i ■< * * m TWO-J'LY CARPETS 86, LTand^O cents’ per yard. Wood-Feavy Furniture Co. 55H A- 500 Cherry St., MACON, GA. © B SEPAiEKS, M. GotoriU'"’ ^ nmtmssionMerchant £$ W BO.wHitR . MiVODY, Scalesman BA. JLt> ' ONI.Y 2 'j GT;'_GO.'! JiHHlON CH ARG ED F OR SELLING COTTOw ...... Xu*Charge ' -—NT *---- , ” -—— f n 1 Stora~e .M ae v Ion ■ -i > u C-! „ , ;r< > n t lowest bank rates, In trance cliarg d o. a mouth. - .17 2' YOUR urni' ure from -JL-J. •. ajz; a_tp'tjs 142 M ilbery HI. Macon, Ga. Have j i 4 recoiv i full line of FURNITURE, COOK- NGm.d il MATIN i STOVEU. Aisoa full line of TRUNKS, CLOCK-; and GLASSWARE, FURNITURE