The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, November 28, 1895, Image 4

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A Cheering Message, The star boarder bad quarrelled with the landlady’s daughter, whose steady company he had been. Three- year-old was in tho parlor when the quarrel occurred. She was supposed not to bo old enough to understand such things. The next day at luncheon timo Three-year-old looked and across piped the room at tho star boarder out, during a lull in the general conversa¬ tion ; “Don’t you care, Clmrlic 1 . just the Buffalo I'.x- oves you same. l’ rc88 ‘ _ Wlinriifu, Then* arc kna\ «• new and Uicn met wifi w!..» renre eni r. mm |... a I utter- a,i«tr»t-«m- eus stimuli ire Mentl'-al with or rsms.-Hlric t»rn|irrl h-h akin to Hi.....' Hostetler'-, Siorn- m h Hitler, These compounds *nnn| only no reed people in routing ttioir tr*sny nrtlrlo, upon WM<*|ualTih»d with the (jcnulm* which much their opposite ns day I* to nl/hl. JUtd take no mi I intitule for tho (fraud rheumatism remedy for rnalfuin, kidney djFpppMfi. contttip&lifin, and trouble. without Thotifht. is troublesome to him who lives his own Hpprohfitif T»r. Kt nuu’s S w a m p - Hoot euro* *ii Pamphlet Kidney and Bladder troubles end ('ormulfaf Inn free, laboratory Binghamton. N. Y. A pa rp d I gee ted in bettor than a volume bur- riediy r a I. In Olden Time* People overlooked the Importance of jx-rma- nejitly beneflilal effects ami were Fattened with transloni act ion. but now that It l» gener- »ll> known thatHyrupof X'lgi will permanent- lv rure habitual coirellimilcn. well Informnil po'.plc will not buy other laxatives, which act lor a time, hut flna'ly Injure Iho system. KiMponsIbliliy walks hand In hand wllhco- jiaclty and power. Hrwnrc of OintntrntN t'nlftrrh Tbm Coninhi dfrrmry. ns Hifrrurv ''ill iir»‘iy destroy tho krtinn of MUfll ftiul rorupb ii'ly dorahKu tho whole »yn- t«*m when ent«*rlii(;it arl.ifioH tlirougu the mucou« nur* fnrt‘s. Niirli bIhmiI'I nwvor hi* used ex- <f*pt on ]iri?Hrrtptif>n« from reputable do fold phy»i- riiuiti. ah th n dumace. t bey will Is ten them. to Jallte utarrh you run jHiH-lbiy uiRUUfautured derive from by F. J. ( (’un* t.’heuey ite ('<>.. Toledo, 0.. contains no mer- - ur.v, and is taken fh/rn nUy, nr/In/f upon the hloo in I t«nd inncwu Haji’” < surfaces of the s.vKiem. hn\ tm; Catarrh Cure be Mire to gef fin* ceiiulne. It is taken Inter- na ly, and isrande, In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. ■ i,.-n,v * ce. Ti-sttmiudaU free. *1T“.-old by druggists, price 76c. per bottle. fl»u HnUinu I'xirniirdinnry. Two a. re* muliH-rrin fattsn u hoa*. Tlics W*b B d u t mulbx-rr «m mid «t rr j.. rfn*iiy fat when taken muii .m tr. .■si’. k ri. i, .-i, cn>i what arc sR fat lmas worth? l .u-hi-st kniils of mul- fru-' s i/li't-s w' l PIbo’s (’un* cured mo of HtandjiiR. a Throat and Lung trouble of tbreo y«*ar 8 ’ K. CaiiV, Huntington, Ind., Nov. 12, 1804. |iti|iiiireil llenlth in Not ICmdly Iteumlncrf, vet l'arki-i'. (ilniii-r Tnirla )ms atialimil It In mannas... For every wea k re-M a nd dlatrem. Mr*. Winsluw’s HontMatt Syrup for children - tfoft , 1 idi.c Wlih.cri'eye-urellr. WcTJmm i»rhottl*. p - »on'«“;n-walrr rinnti.'lf.ts»#llat 28r Gastric Dyspepsia And constipation troubled mo for over a year. I grow worse anil could liarilly perform my household duties. m I had severe pains In my stomach, es¬ pecially at night. I treated with our physician six £$5 months without avail. I resorted to Hood's Sarsapa¬ rilla, and having taken six bottles I am free from all distress In my stomach and am no longer troubled with dyspepsia.” Mas. Mxn cubit Faxgxn, Indian Falls, N. V. Hood’s Sarsanarilln * I— *" tho Only llljf —— Vrur* • LiC ni 0100(1 An J » Urlll©! * Prnmlnim PremJnimUpm i. . the pubUo ys. t\;ttox%t. , fit llnAfi llwWH , 5 w Dillft IIIS **»)• 1° in buy. eiuir to take, i e«*r ctt’wt. mo. The Greatest fledical Discovery ot the Age. KENNEDY’S Medical Discovery. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS. Has itlscovsr.d tn one of our common pasture woods a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to n common pimple. He has tried it In over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two eases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred eortiii- eates oi Us value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when tho right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by tho duets being stopped, and always disappears in a week utter taking it. Head tho label. It the itomach is foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at tlrsL No change ot diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of tt Dose, one tablospoonfu! in water st bed¬ time. Sold by all Druggists. WY lr V«V*Y ,r *. ,h w World » Fair I MKIHE3T AWARD. IMPERIAL <5fRANUM Always WINS HOSTS of FRIENDS wherever its Superior Merits become known. It is the Safest FOOD for Convalescents! Sold by DRU00IST5 EVERYWHERE l 5 MARLIN REPEATER. s 25- 20 MARLIN. ' if*. BF Ob Solid Top O.w (Viihrf. 1 ar-d Side-ejecting a .otherc.ift>n.«r™«»j-.The Marlin Fire New Haven, Conn. _ p PISO’S CURE FOR . o time, fry dru g $ift». r —..... j Sw jgf JfBBi Till-: LEGISLATURE. - .....................—........ — GKOItGIA 80L0N3 MKKTIN IIEG l,T, A It SKSSIO.N. Proceeding* of the Senate and House Presented In Brief. Monday’s session in the honse wa* principally taken np with tho rending of new bills. Mr. Jlroyles’ bill to amend tho charter of the city of At- I lanta was passed. This bill provides for the incorporation of 200 acres of territory running eastward from tho fourth ward to the DeKalb county Iino along , ,, tho southern boundary of « the Georgia railroad, ft also tiro- vide* that tho city officials, cottrioil¬ men anti mayor shall not hold any other office. A bill by Mr. McDan¬ iel, of Fannin county, to remove the (■(.'inly seat from Morganton to Blue Bulge, which was reported njion fa¬ vorably by tho committee which had it under consideration, was tho causo of considerable discussion. It was finally decided to agree with the re¬ port of tho committee, and as there is some opposition to tbe measure it was made the special order for Wednesday. In accordance with a resolution intro- dueed by Mr. Battle, of Muscogee, the bouse went into adjournment for ten minutes to hour an address from Hon. ( buries Jewett, ex-sjicaker ot the In- liana house. His remarks were listened to w ith great appreciation. Mr. Boi- feuillot, of Bibb,introduced an imjior- taut bill. It provides that municipal corporations sliall exempt from taxa- Iion, for hui h a term as tlio.y sen fit,all inaiHlfaotOfioB seeking to locate 111 • this state. This bill was iutroduoctl at the suggestion r the Georgia manufacturers. Tho followinf? lulls were trivon ’ a third , uiiil * pu^Hcil: , J f.*HiAi)liBu . t *. . .fJiuliilg o u eVHtent of fillhlfC wIiooJh for tho town <>l /•«. * ’uytoil, , . rn io aiuoud i an act , to . coneol- , idat(‘ nniMid and codify the varioiiH nets * mci irpornling „ 4 the 4 , city -. of r Forsyth; -n to pay John 1*aver $2 per diem for running eli vator; To nmend an act in- cor jiornling the town of llayno; To cs- GxDliHb a new charter for the city of Cyovington; Io create a board of com- tUo county of Webster; lo abolish ap- ,m ii]h from tho police court to tho and cuuucil of Bavannah; To amend the cliarfer of tho town of Bos- ton; To establish and incorporate a bonril t f tux receivers and assessors for lire city of Bavannah; To abolish the i-it y court of LnurcliH county. A large , )Um j )( . r „f n ,. w bill* were introduced and read first time. The house tvl- Wednesday in order that tlio members might celebrate “Georgia Day” J at the exposition. * .. 1 . irero were people , from , all ,, quarters , nt tbe capitol Wednesday to hear the debate on the Bush hill which was the special order in tho house. Tkoinves- ligating committee on tho bribery charges had, however, not yet made its report so, upon motion of Mr. Hush, tho bill was curried over and made the special order for next Wednesday. The reformatory homo bill, which was another special order, was then taken up anil occupied tho uttcutiou of the house during the session and even beyond the usual hour of adjournment. This bill line been so often mentioned that it is familiar to everyone. This bill was first introduced by Mr. Burwell, of Haueock, and the bill discussed dnr- ing tho day was the substitute offered nml recommended by the committee, A great number of the members were lieard from on tho subject nml a num- her of amendments added to tho bill. It failed to pn^s, however, and wne, upon motion of Mr. .Tenk- j nH( ,,f Putnam, recommitted to t * 10 penitentiary committee. This practically defeats the measure, ns Mr. Jenkins, Lvored in his argument, stated ^ whiU , lu , a reformatory, this was not the best solution of tho question. It carried with it a big up- propriation and it was doubtful if tho good returns from the investment would be worthy of this expenditure, There was read in the house a resolu- tion from the Atlanta Women’s Club asking the lreuso to pass tho loforma- v.ry b.U Ihe resolution was signed by nil of the members who are tho most prominent ami best known wo- men 3,1 Atlanta. 1 hero were four G jeeial orders set for the day. lliree of these wore of great inpor- tnnee ami either would have taken up tire whole morning. These bills were the Bush bill, tho reformatory home Wll. <!>" uuiform text-book bill ami the Fannrn cc.unty court house bill. j'r* h °T ° f “ dj0 ur ,• M ,"' XV Willingham, cha.rnmn of , the oomm , t- tee, asked to submit the report of the commUteo oppoiiitcd by the house to investigate the bribery charges. Iho honse refused to accept however ami i( went over until Ihursdny. During the morning a delegation of twenty promiuent residents of Fannin county appeared before the legislature for the purpose of protesting against the pass- age of the bill of Mr. McDaniel, of Fannin, to remove the county seat from Morganton to Itluo llidge. '1 hose gentlemen say that tho recent election was not a fair one. A resolution was introduced in the honse Thursday by Mr. Johnson, of Hall, to have the governor direct the attorney-general to investigate the: consolidation of the railroads in Geor¬ gia and if there is any evidences of a violation of the constitution which discourages a monopoly, to proceed against such a corporation. The res¬ olution seeks to have the general assembly investigate particularly rail¬ the consolidation into the Southern way system of so great a portion of tho railroad interests of the state and asks that Ihe governor instruct the attorney-general to investigate and proceed against the system if any vio- lation to the state laws is shown. The house concurred in the senate nmeud- ment to the house bill to allow the jury, in all cases except the great capital crimes, to reduce tbe offense to ft mis- demeanor, and, if tbe judge concurs in this recommendation, to punish n* in tho case of a misdemeanor. Thi- measure is the senate’s substitute for a bill of a similar character which passed the house at the last session. The bill ] embodies introduced tho principles by Mr. Jenkins, of a like of measure Putnam, and received the hearty i d irsercsrt of tbe oode eommif»:oti before it wa* takeu up la the sen ¬ Tlio Till wan debuted at Considerable length and finally passed. A number of new bills were introduced, most of them being of a local character. The following bills were passed: To re¬ peal art net incorporating the town of llaynnei To authorise the comp¬ troller general to reopen tho matter of assessment of taxation of the property of tho North High¬ land IimJroad Company ; To amend an act incorporating tho town ot Madi¬ son ; To provide compensation for the commissioners of Thomas county. Tbe house whs in an uproar for a time du¬ ring tho morning’s session. Mr. Me- Daniei’s bill to change the county site of Fannin county was the occasion and Mr. McDaniel's speech the direct cause. 'ihe bin was finally passed, I ho railroad c< immittee Submitted iheir report. The scalpers’ bill was requested to bo withdrawn by the member who offered it; also the bill to make the roads issue mileage books. Tho committee reported favorably on .’Iraurioti’s bill to put sleeping cars in the hands of tho railroad commission- (rs. f I he report of the investigating c 'remittee on the corruption charges was submitted and read. Tho nature of report has already been published, “— Senator Harris, of Macon, introduc- ((1 an important bill in tho sebato Monday morning. His bill seeks to give i t lii f to the supreme court by i renting a court of appeals,to be com¬ posed of three judges, to bo appointed by Die governor lit once and to sit at tix different plac.-s in Georgia. Mr. Harris thinks his bill a good one and that, it ought to pass, us it would give the needed relief before ihe bill of Mr. Fleming to amend tho constitu¬ tion could be adopted by tho people, and that if the bill of Mr. Fleming be¬ comes a law, this one could bo repeal¬ ed. In tho meantime, for the next two or three years, the court could re¬ lievo tho pressure. Senator Boynton introduced a bill which seeks to amend tho code,and to allow sheriffs and their deputies to carry weapons concealed. Senator Mnnro thinks counties should have the right to hire their convicts to private parties, and therefore he intro¬ duced a bill to that effect. Senator lb cks introduced a bill to provide for three conductors to conduct (he coun- I v rM 1,1 1 111 UJ<> auopit.u trie ri kuiuiiou iu\lung ni.crc tav.v lloke Smith to address the gen- cfal esscmbly in joint session on tho brst lnesday m December at H p. m., in the hall of the house of represonta- Benate th, u adjourned over until Wednesday, that the members might mingle with their constituents and have a good time tukiug in tho ex¬ position Tuesday. under The committee appointed a joint resolution to ascertain what les- sees of the stale convicts nro in arrc.nrs for , , lure . of , convicts, . , submitted , , its ., re¬ port to the senate Wednesday through the chairman, Senator Banford. The report shows that penitentiary No. 1 owes for lust year $2,317.43, anil com- pany No. it owes $11,250.66. For this yenr company No. 1 owes $3,172.79; No. 2 $153.15; No. 3 $7,216.37, mak¬ ing tho total amount due $17,488.40. Fi fas against these companies the re- port Bays, have been issued. The fl fa agniubt company No. 1 has been levied on the property of the estate of Senator Joseph E. Brown, that against No. 2 on property of W. B. Lowe, nml the fi fa against company No. 3 on property of W. D. Grant, who is one of this company's securi- ties. These fi. fas. were -levied on the 18th day of October. Tbe house joint resolution inviting Hon. F. G. duBiguon to address the general ns- sembly was concurred in. Senator Harris, of tho twenty-second, intro- dueed a kill amending and more fully defining the offense of barratry. If thiB bill passes it will make tho offer- ing of ji lawyer’s services to bring suits nml offense, and in addition to being fined or imprisoned the offender shall be disbarred from practice. Tho following bills were passed: To regu- late the sale of domi stio wines in towns and cities; Bill to amend section 132‘d of the code of 1882, to be changed sobs the contestant shall give coutestoe no- tiee of liis intention to contest in ten days after tho election, and ooutestee M liall give counter notice to contestant in fifteen days after the election; To define an d apply the law of abatement to certain cas.s; Hill to prohibit the H(i \ 0 0 f Bee il cotton in Columbia ooun- ty Between certain hours; The bill introduced by Senator Roberts, that a master may not contract with a ser- vant exempting himself from Kahili- tjl , s t ,. lhe 8t , rva „t for injuries sus- t , inod u.rough negligence; To author- i ze tho payment of checks and drafts iuul saving bank orders in easo of tho ( ,eath of the drawee before payment; Hill providing for a uniform time of opening the pub ic eohools in Bibb co „ utv> an d amending the charter of the Macon Savings Bank ; To amend the constitution so ns to allow municipal corporations to exempt from taxation cotton mid other manufactories; Bill authorizing the governor to lease cou- v iets for the unexpired term, in the event a lessee throws np his lease; Bill to allow the principal physician of tho penitentiary to discharge subordinate physicians, was paused, as was Iho bill putting Dade county iu tho Rome cir- euit; To prohibit pugilism and prize fighting in Georgia.—The bill makes it the duty of all peace officers to stop tho tight by arresting all the parties concerned. A good portion of the time of the senate was takeu up Thursday in read¬ ing local bills the second time, The senate passed the bill of Mr. Brown, of Falaski, to incorporate public schools iu Cochran. The bill of Sen¬ ator Roberts to prevent corporations employes from contracting with their so as to relieve corporations from dam¬ ages by reason of accident, was not passed Wednesday, as reported, but was laid on the table. Thursdav morn- ing the bill was taken up and was the snb j ect oi considerable debate. The P^ent law allows railroads and other corporations to make contracts with tho ‘ r employes, whereby, in consider- era ion o io employ men, he cm- P ,oy ®. »ot to hold the corpora- ; u ’?. *? or injuries reeeixti i while in their , employment. A nn her of.ab o spoeeh.s were made for end against the measure. On he pas »*e of the bill the yeas were 24, nsvi ue i .K ho i,uiT It rh dry nR of f i eoember u o when he will uaJms the genera i Assembly on the political issues of the day, Both Have Fund.. The investigation Committee, in the anti-barroom bill corruption charges ; held another session Monday morning. Rev. A. J. Hughes, who was tho custodian of the prohibitionists’ fund, was first examined, lie showed that 8425 bad been paid to him an.l that it bad been expended for postage, print- ing and bis own traveling expenses. Mr Btciaer of Atlant., testified that, as custodian for the liquor men’s fund, bo ha-1 received 82,800; it bad all been expended for legitimate pur- poses. Fifteen hundred dollars of this amount had c .mo from the retail liquor men of (Savannah, $600 from Macon, and tho remaining sum from the brewers of ihe slate. This is the substance of what wits brought out. Both s des Lave a small fund ami contend equally as to tbe legitimate usage of tho same. iho senate confirmed tho appoint* ment of the following solicitors at Wednesday morning’s session: Gra- barn F. roster, solicitor county court of Stewart; John (X. lisle, solicitor county court of Dade; J. E. Sheppard, solicitor county court of Marion; Howard Lee. Heazley, solicitor county court of THE PROFE8SOK I.YNt IIED. ( r , barged ...... with Having Assaulted . . . One .. of III* Pupils. A sprout from Alley. <»«., iavs: f n- day morning nl.-.iit 2 ok a niae went to tbe house of the she riff of tins c, untv ’ anil calling him - u* t.dd him • J-..1 tin. Ire bail at lire i want . be a man ed imprinoDtiu, and no iiulucea tlio hberilT to fto with b m 1o tho j lil. On h ® " ft v ,, 1 ‘ cre ' i; / * ' " } f „ - ’ , . met the sheriff was -Warmed and de- priycil of the j.ul l,i opened it, taking J.W. 1 erdne, who was confined in it under ft warrant charging him with having committed an assault upon Miss Wallte Grady, a daughter of J. E. Grady, n prominent mill and turpentine man, and who was awaiting tbe action of the grand jury. Everything Was done without alarm to tho sleepy town and at about 0 o’clock the body of Perdue was found by tho roadside about two miles from town, dead, shot with many lmllets nml his throat cut from ear to car. All the parties are white, nml Pcr- duo was an old man who has for yours been ft teacher in schools in Georgia. CAPTURED FILLI BUSTERS. They Arc AH Prominent Cubans of New York. Detailed official information has been received at Washington of tho exciting events attanding the capture of the fillibustering steamer Horsa, which is now held at Kingston, Ja¬ maica, and of the arrest in Cuba of five of the principal members of tho expedition. The information is cou- tained in a long dispatch from Havana, dated Ttiosdfty. Sunday boat It states that on last ft with five passengers and her crew ar¬ rived from Aguedores, six miles from Santiago de Cuba. They said they were fishermen from Jamaica, but af¬ terward admitted that they were on their way to join tho rebels and flint they had thrown over their arms when they were discovered. They were plnced under arrest. Their names are: Fernando Alvarez, who bail a eommis- bion of general from Venezuela, Fer- naudo Mendez, Francisco Zaldirnr, Manuel Haroztarena, Leonard Vent, all Cubans. dispatch As soon as the foregoing was received, the men under arrest were identified as five well-known „ members of the Cuban eo ony a - ew York, who, it « said left that city on the niglit of Saturday, -oxornxer off boarding the steamer Horse tape Baruegnt. ’ ** * , " 1 ' ‘ ’ “ Articles of Organization Approved and Take Kfft rt January 1. The following statement has been Riven ^nes out at the office of Ihe Trunk Association at New York: ,. Tho Rrticles ot organ ization of the • jot * £$ ri) 4j] c association "ov byeveVy hixvo par" been y ap P P d t „ it ’ aml it wa s agr eed to make them ‘^pYStl*are Hvp Tftnllarv V igqe now in execu- " ti ‘ arbitrators! i n reirard to tho anDoint- «t of “Tho board of managers will doubt- j l)C announced in a very few days. Tlie committee on revision has been oontinu ,d with power L to arrange all t s , j , en . j%„ a * „ reemellt ’ deoide ou the public lle . of opjes oi tbe propcr .g" ’ the ureas ' etc” A ** . A , NA , da hi: Blu« and Gray to Meet in Vlvksburj and Locate the Battlefield. A dozen generals and other officer! who wore the blue left Chicago for tin south Wednesday morning to meet representative leaders of the grsy, ti irrange details for a petition to con¬ gress to make tho battlefield of Vicks burg a national military park. The) orm together the officers and direc :ors of the Vicksburg Military Part- association, organized lastmonth. Thi lattlefleld will be accurately looatei ind the ground occupied by both arm es in the contest will be gone over In ho members of the association. It ir loped by this united notion congress ■nay be induced to mske an appropria ion sufficiently largo to confer tin battlefield into a suitable monument nmoriug the soldiers i f both side* who died on the historic spot. „ __ Su fli e lently Severe To Throw Down a Few Adobe Houses, Qnite a severe earthquake t bock vis jU(l , he city of M( lico Sunday. Xu m e r0U s water pipes were bunded aud fonr adobe houses iu a suburb fell, The first shock was from east to west, iudicatod b the 8e ismograph at h Iialw „ ai meteorological bureau, Afterwardg , he direction of the needle eJ m a flattened ellipse tracing in tho sand, its direction being northeast nml southwest, duration |W-T# ^ Hints for Housewives. Persons tot having feales and j weights at hand may readily measure article wanted to form any recipe without the trouble of weig iing, a - to bo made for an extraordi- wary dryness or moisture of the nrti- weighed or measured, Wheat flour, 1 pound is 1 quart; Indum meal, 1 P"™! 22 ounce ® Brc 1 ? uart: bu tte ! . 1 quart; t . loaf when soft, 1 pound is pound 1 ®«? nr when broken, 1 is quart; white sugar, powdered, X pound 1 ounce are 1 quart; best brown sugar, 1 pound 2 ounces are 1 quart; ten eggs are 1 pound ; 16 large tablespoonfuls are { pint; 8 largo tablespoon fuls are (fdl; 2 gills 4 lnr B e tablespoonfuls f pint; 2 pints are nrc j are quart; 4 quarts are 1 gallon; a common sized tumbler holds } pint; n common sized wiuo glass bolds J gill; a bolds teacup holds a gill ; a large wine glass a gill; a large tab], spoonful is i ounce, Crusts and pieces of bread should be kept in a granite bucket, closely Covered, in a dry, cool place. vessel, Keep fresh lard in a granite Keep yeast in wood or granite iron- wore. Keep preserves and jellies in glass, Keep salt in dry wood, placer. glass Keep vinegar in or gran- ite ironware. Lard for pastry should be used Lard) it should bo cut through flour ; not notr rubbed »'’ u e‘l- Forgot . a She h "« Wn« v\ as a a rhiea'.o l hicag Gir! . j) 0 .,t on l’byeiciau (called to the Yen- dome) —Well, Mies Jacksou-Parke, it ' ,0 th .. at . J? U B ” « 0,n « to t0 lie ill ! but I think , . , it is only \ a cold, and , that ^ can ( , riyo jt r.l.nmbpnraid)—-Brinr? ont prompt meas- / r ^ ' * r, hot right • tor r a pail of - . f water . away, Miss Jackson-Pnrke to soalt her feet, ohicn^o'aml Tu^’tATln tell him bow I am? Physician—Certainly, cer- xf^ P T^: g .,.'i.r«: nB na1, i A St. Louis plumber has fallen heir to the estate and title of the Lari ot Antrim. The estates are worth $80,- 000,000, but if he has been a plumber any length of timo he doesn’t need them. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Bl Ryal ^ ^ MS h WWUIm ABMUITEEtf PURE The Island of Cuba. Under tho existing conditions of revolution in Cuba, and tho probabil¬ ities that the approaching session of congress will recognize the insurgents as being entitled to all the rights of belligerents, a few statistics concern¬ ing the importance of Cuba, its popu¬ lation, and commercial relations with this country will not be inappropriate. The island of Cuba comprises an area of about 46,000 square miles, about one-fourth smaller than tho state of Florida, though the popnla- ti«n is much more dense, Cuba having over 1,600,000 inhabitants, while Flor- id» has about 450,000 at the present time. Of Cuba’s population nearly two-thirds are white. The chief cities of the island are as follows: Havana, the capital, with a pop- ulation of 200,000; Suntiago de Cuba, 70,000 ; Puerto Principe, 46,000; Holguin, 35,000; Matnnzas, 27,000; St. Jago, 27,000. The total revenui of the country from all sources are es¬ timated at $25,000,000 per annum, while the expenditures reach $35,000,- 000, or a per capita debt of nearly $170, while the value of its landed estates is $220,000,000. In a good year the exports of Cuba reach $90,- 000,000 in value, comprising sugar, tobacco, cigars, molasses, cedar and hardwoods, iron ore and tropical fruits. Two thousand vessels with a tonnage of 2,500,000, trade with tho island annually. In return tho United States exports to Cuba merchandise and supplies of nil descriptions to a value of $24,000,000 and over. Of the $90,000,000 exported annually by Cuba, about five-sixths of it comes to this country. Oil! A witness in Judge Low’s depart¬ ment of the police court came near be¬ ing sent to jail for contempt of court yesterday, for telling the truth. The witness was called and sworn. “What is your name?” asked Pros¬ ecuting Attorney Madden. “I. Denau,” replied the witness. “What’s that?” demanded the judge. “I. Denau,” repeated the witness. The judge and prosecuting attorney stared at each other in blank amaze¬ ment. “Look here, sir,” roared the judge, when he had recovered his breath, “you will not be permitted to trifle with this court.” “Well—er—I only know what I have always been told was my name,” explained the embarrassed witness. "Of course, I cannot swear to it, but if it is not my true name. I’d like to know it, your honor.” “That is all any man knows of his name,” declared the judge, “What have you been told was your name ?” “I. Denati, sir.” “You don’t know? Mr. Clerk, enter up an order--” “I didn’t say I didn’t know,” has¬ tily explained the witness. “I said my name was I. Denau—Ignatz De- nan, sir.” “Oh !” said the judge. prosecuting "Oh!” echoed the attor¬ ney.—San Francisco Post. An Anglomaniac. "This is abont the time of the year,” said Mrs. WattB to her neighbor, “that the fishing fever strikes my husband. If he can get ont on the hanks of some creek and catch two or three little mndcats in the course of an afternoon, he is perfectly happy.” “So he is fond of fishing, then?" “Fond of fish¬ ing? Why, that man is a perfect an- glowauiac." AND ASTONISHING ecus: or an extreme cask OF ST. VITUS' DANCE. Ilow a Young T.ailv u.iraineil tho U»e or Ilex Arm., Limbi and Speech In Three Weeks. jy nm t\ c Slaniari-Vnicm, Brooklyn, AT. f. Too much bar l'stuity at school brought on fit vitus’ dance. Rueh was the common ex- . »»*«“<" ° r M1 « 01e ^ arft niver f- d * U(fb ‘ er of Mrg . Amelia Rivers, of 08 Ry. 0r8O n street, Brooklyn. The disease grew WO rse every month, until the young lady s entlre ri g h t side became paralyzed; hut,now (hat a marvelous and permanent euro has been wrought, U will be interesting to read her own version of the effloacy of Dr. Will- jams’Pink PilU. "For more than a year,” said Miss Rivers, "doctors attended me without effecting the slightest change In my condition. It any- thing, Igrcw worse under their treatment, antll February o( this yenr, when my condi- tion became critical. nj had lost the complete use of my arms and limbs and speech. I could only swallow liquids, and these only as they fed me with a spoon, when they could got my mouth open. j wanted tosleop all the time. The stapor I laid tn was something like a trance, and no doubt I would have died If they had not waked me up at intervals. iipho first week In March my mother, who Is a sick nurse, was a Ivised by a neighbor to t ry p> r- Williams’ Pink Pills in my ca»e. She got some of the pills—a box from Nellson’s drugstore, at tho comer of Myrtle taken avenue and Hall street, Before I had one- half the contents of in the box a remarkable change was noticed my condition, Rr msam\ Unbs and sneeclu and by the time the pills were gone I was up and about the house almost well. But my mother thought it wise to get another box of the p Us, and this lore she did, and hero you see me stand be- you with more strength more am- Wtion than I ever had. attribute “Some of our near noi^hbors my reffll i n ©(i body and health to some mimeu- mother lous or supernatural agency; but my - -S »ST r ^ hree weekg from the day I well swallowed asyou the first dose of the pills I was as airhV!iSs^riSK 1 a& and all forms of weakness. They build up blood nnd restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In men they eect to] wor ry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature.’’ manufactured the Dr. Will- They are by 1 y m au ,j' r a <, r 3 B g 0 I }d tfyTllTugidsis^'M cints a box or six boxes for *2.50. Strength to Spare. The majority of people do not possess an of their adequate, ordinary of power labor. for They the are performance always in a “run-flown” condition, and so fall easily into consumption, grip, pneumonia, fevers and kidney disease. To ob:a n strength look, to tho stomach. Strength comes from well-di¬ gested food alone. T<-n C8 and ne-vines don’t give real permanent strength. But Tym posi¬ t’a D yspepsia Remedy does. Its right For use salo tively insures perfect digestion. everywhere. FITS Mopped free by Da, Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after tirst (lav’s n«e. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2 00 trial bot¬ tle free. Dr. Kline, 91)1 Arch St., Pima., Pa. It is More Than Wonderful bow patienlly people suffer with corns. Get comfort by removing them with Hindercorns. ASTHMA POPHAM’SASTHMA SPECIFIC OlTe.relief In lira minute.. Send for a F StKJE trial package. Bold by Druggist*. receipt Of One Box Rent postpaid on AddreesT1I08. $1.00. 8lx boxes $5.00. FOPHiM, P11ILA., FA. An Unheard of Offer ! This$55.00 Full Leather Top, Genuine Columbus Buggy with shafts, sent any- "where for examination on re- K fj/\ ceiptof $5. Brewster Springs M if desired. None better retailed at $!C0. Absolute ue guarantee for one year. If exactly as represented, pay nearest bank the balance, $50. Prce $53 35 CAM with o*nt*. ur3fi.r«giit«redleucr or money order. Sir ,„»r 4 ” k ' r ‘ AiSriCafl BEgg? CO. Columbus, p Ohiw, Iff > fcte \ *1 J M fi Ufll n&V^HRF ^ OUntius SEND jour f*rf JmJ make Wd.".«reuh».ro,ho.S J day; absolutely fur- 3 a sure; we J\^7 nish work th« in work Ihe locality and teach where you free you £S li send uiyour nddress and we will explain the business fully; remember we guar. 'znE»* an tee a clear prodc oi $3 lor every >- av’g D. T. nORGAN, Manager, work; abs-olutely Box LF, DETROIT, sure; write MICHIGAN. At onee. PARKER’S BALSAM HAIR beautifies the hah. j Cleanses and growth. %J8HNever 1 Promotes a luxuriant Gray Fails to Bestore Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases $1.00 & Druggistg hair falling. E? 50c, and at Timely Warning:. The great success of the chocolate preparations of ’ the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established Jh g^pffmany in 1780) misleading has led to and the unscrupulous placing on the imitations market of their name, labels, and wrappers'. Walter j|9k Baker 8c Co. are the and oldest high-grade and largest Cocoas manu- and facturers of pure Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are i m | used in their manufactures. Consumers shoultl ask for, and be sure that ->=. - they get, the genuine Walter Bauer & Co.’s gooefs. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. Scott’s nothing lost Emulsion makes cod-liver oil taking next thing knows to a pleasure. nothing about You hardly it—it taste it. The stom¬ ach does not trouble you there. You feel it first in the strength that it brings: it shows in the color of the cheek, the rounding of the angles, the smoothing of the wrinkles. It is cod-liver oil digested for you, slipping as easily into the blood and losing itself there as rain-drops lose themselves in the ocean. What a satisfactory thing this is—to hide the odious taste of cod-liver oil, evade the tax on the stomach, take health by surprise. There is no secret of what it is made of—the fish-fat taste is lost, but nothing is lost but the taste. Pirhjps standard your druggist has a substitute for Scott's Emulsion. Jstt t the all others trv to equal the best for you to buy ? sei cents and Ji.oo All Drugflats SCOTT & BOWNE Chcmiata ¥ N«w York 7 MwTA^POSlf^ e^lRE^TORTG^ A Lift of Reliable Business Houses where visitors to the Great Show will be properly treated and can purchase goods at lowest prices. STILSON t COLLINS JEWELRY CO •f 55 Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga. Everything In the Jewelry and Sliver Line at Factory Prices. Cft'# r/N£ M/itmRfL Wm re hall S t. Atlanta. Ga. D TO AVOID THIS T7013 ;°n TETTERINE k I The ONLY painless and harmless T CLUtE for the worst' type of Eczema, h I Totter, Kingworni, ugly Grunted roach patch¬ ecalp. es on the face, chap\ pim¬ Ground itch, chafes, iry oau. ples. Poison from or ponon in I P C In short ALL itches. Send 50c. H -tanips or cash to J. T, SUaptnne, Snvnnnah, Ga., for one box, 11 your druggist don’t keep Ty.nkh’S, it. Atlanta. You will find it at (Ju as. O. For Siyle, Wear and Comfort, Visit 14 Wliitoliall St. Successful i growers Si of fruits, berries, and kinds of vegetables, and know that the largest produced yields by best quality are of fertilizers the liberal use containing at least 10% of Actual Potash. Without the liberal use of Pot¬ ash on sandy soils, it is impos¬ and sible to grow fruits, berries vegetables of a quality that will command the best prices. Our pamphlets arc not advertising practical circulars works, contain¬ boom¬ ing special fertilizers, but arc fertilization, and ing latest researches on the subject of are really helpful to farmers. They are sent Ucc for the asking, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. If in visiting‘s ATLANTA you ilo not find in the Manufactures Building that large portion of the EXPOSITION DEVOTED TO 'TPis ,^r Piano. ..PRE-EMINENTIN ARTISTIC TONE QUALITY.. Or anyway, if you think of buying a piano, write to either The John Church Co. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. CINCINNATI. OR THE EVERETT PIANO CO. BOSTON, And you will get valuable information. THE AEUMOTOR CO. lines hair tho -world's windmill business beuauso it has reduced the cost oi wind power to l/t> what It was. It baa many branen houses, and supplies its goods and repairs \ at your door. It cun and does furnish a <>H. better article for less money than SW*atiWfl(j others. It makes pumping and ^Completion Geared, Steel, Galvanized-filter- Windmills, Tiltlnfc r and Fixed Steel Towers, steel Buzz Saw Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed Grinders. On application it will name until onf» ei« of these articles that it will furnish \ January 1st at l/'.5 ihe usual price. It also makes Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for catalogue. factory: 12th, Rockwell and Fillmore SireeU, Chlca** OSBORNE’S udinedd { (^o//er/e AND School of Sliortlianci „ , books , used. AUGUSTA, business <;A. front day of No text Actual entering. Business papers, college curr nov an i goods u-ed. Send for h-mdsorne v illustrated citx- logue. Board cheaper than in any S luthern city. A. N. U....... ........Forty-ei: lit,'91.