The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, December 19, 1895, Image 3

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Til NEWS O '"jFltRDAV, December 19, ’95. local. — D R. STAPLER, j£kT " Vod ’ Tlo- 10,1 .V a 'Vf 1 1 **' L ' 0 am ? A merry Christmas to our read- era. Mr Ben Stewart, of Macon spent last Sunday in Clinton with vela- lives uvt8 - Two more days in which to pay your taxes. The books close Sat- urday. Atr. A. A. Penn, shaking hands with his acquain¬ tances in this section last Tues¬ day. Nothing new in regard to court house. The commissioners fire resting upon their o/irs, as it were. Charlie . Bragg, smilingly ... . an-. Bwers to the call of papa. A fine bouncing boy lias arrived at bis ' home. Mr J B Anchors, one of the best section Jio bosses in Georgia, went o\ Macon last Monday to in- torview Santa Claus . Miss Kate Morgan don’t im¬ prove much. It is a pity that such a useful young lady should j ba confined to her room. Rev. E W Sammons will prone! at the residence of M C Greene next Sunday at three o’clock. all turn out and hear him. The Gray school is having quite a number of applicants for teach-1 ers place. Out of the number we 1 hope a good one will be selected, Gene Morgan aim , his clever lu-j tie wife arc cozily ensconced in their now home. They begin to feel at home my housekeepers. Thk News will soon enter upon its second volumn, and there are people in the county who are yet afraid to subscribe for fear if will suspend publication. Next week being Christmas we would ask our correspondents kindly send their “dots” a little earlier than usual as we want to g« eUi n our work hefoiq the lioti- d.« m are fully upon us. Sam Parsley and sister and Jot Harris left last Monday morning for Atlanta. They go to tide 11: the exposition. Jot being , chip off the old block, will charter chutes during his stay in the Gate City. All of Jones county anxiously await news as to tlie condition of Mr Sam Barron. There never lived in the county a more popular man than Air Barron, We F.op.e soon to hear of an improvement in his condition. There is one town in Jones that don’t want the court house. clock Station is satisfied with progress she is making and don’t care to be bothered with a Sheri if, jail and an addition to her legal fraternity. 11 appy Haddock. Tho reason that Ike Goins miss¬ ed connection Iasi week was that he forgotour postoffice and dircc- fd 1,is communication to Macon. Is it the cold weather, skating rink or recollections of your un- f "Vinate trip to Atlanta, Ike, ti.vd hart kinder unbalanced you for the time being’? The matrimonial waters around Haddock seem to ho lid. Ed Coleman says he set a g lod example, and as he was fortunate himself, he stands ready to help any other old veteran become a benedict, provid I Jr- brings a dollar and a half. There’s nothing selfish about Ed. An old negro nmn who. lived in the upper portion of the county, being unable to take care of him- self, "a. placedinqail last ba.ui day to await action of comm..-- sioners, as to placing him on the paupers list, died in the jail some time hist Sunday night. Coroner Trapp was summoned and held an inquest over the boclvi The ver- diet was that he came,"to his death from natural causes, and that the Jailor was in no way to blame. Our people in the are habit growing of more tj,ipl "IV more E Morgan for the latest and t of everything Chamberlain's in the line. He sells whooping cough. When in of such a medicine give this dy a triai and you will more l.H‘ pleased with the result. MAURI 1C l). CooK-IlAUtn ax.— At «1 < ck ()i,...c,-Mr..i . t . home of the I'.iiL*' t , Columlms, and Miss ! Hardeman wore united in the 1 v bonds of wedlock on Tuesday account «l this mtcio.-tinf, at- tan-, but.have failed to pet it, reproduce tho following from the Union-Recorder, writ tin i,y ' ,,,, f , v ~ witnna, " ll • • •'The marriage last Tuesday at i'’^’ noon, uniting Mr. .lames Thomas Cook of Columbus and ... Miss Margaret Eugi nui, . daughter of Dr. John Hardeman of Had- dock, (,n. was one ot the loveliest of homo weddings. The presence manv sincere friends and the mimerotisgitt: and telegrams ot ■ ,Minralul,,lions b lsi.,,11. ]>..]>- clarity of tlm handsome couple. , As tlie notes of the wedding march sounded under , 'iv. Rob*S ert Coleman's touch, the bikini. * MI •' n , , .. . , ■ n i . 1 ‘ “ * 11 111 orated parlor, and as the ribbons j were entwined by Miss Bessie j Wool fork, of Vineville and Connue Crawford, of Milled*- i villc, Mk-G ertie Whitaker with i Mr. Gordon Hardeman, Miss A’i-; j mi Cook, si ter of the groom, with i .Mr. l’jeree Lester. .Mr. Frank j Schiit'll, best man, with Mr. Cook. I :ul! ki.-dl\, A, iss Maude Han , j ' ' ! inal L made-cin.onor, with the laid. —almost “’twin rd j I tors” (though cousins.) Mi Maude claimed the privilege . . the bride. 1 lie away c-re- »it'aiy "as permrmod bv Lev. R. j W. Bigham, tIso vcneiable great j uncle, and Rov. William Foote, un(i]o |jf tlifi|;rido ' a] . (!w;!H j;£ , ;ni _ . , ... . bio ,‘VH. lotiesnmoins . . . tho nappy orula. party left .or Atlanta via Macon.” Kbiass-Mahoxs. __At Haddock Station, at the home of the bride’s ' mother, on last . . bundtiy , , r.ftarnoon at 8 o’clock Mr. Cnarlie Keller loti Miss Ain!fie Lou Malume t< the HymeniaT alter, mid in {),(.• presence of a large crowd of rela- y es and admiring [fiends v.■ re ,U:l< ^' lnfll> alUt Lee. (■. X\. Farr performing tlie ceremony. Tlie bride is from one of the best families of the State, being a niece of Bishop Key of H Meth¬ odist church, and closely connec¬ t'd w h • •.'■me •••: I he best people u >. ,,i. s oIumfas and other Cl tiilS. is a young lady of high and refinement. she entered society she l;a> cen exceedingly popular. Slit is liked and admired by all and most worthy companion she will make for the man she lias proni- ised to love, honor and obey, The groom is a gentleman offirm cliri itiiui character, of honest, steady business habits, and has the confidence of all who know him. He is originally from Mer- Liothei county, bin lias made this «««!>’ bis home for a mi ni¬ ter of years, and always being aud sinsero, his acqu.iin- tances soon bec< me fast friends. Every one likes eh.vcr Ciiavli- , Keller mid wish for him and hr " estimable companion a long lit. of happiness and prosperity. Mr. ‘ , in( , Mn . j< e i Ie . r w ,' ji] ^„ " Hluldock) wll(! ,. ( . f )( hnvi ; comfortable home built. Eads, Neel & Co., Macon, Ga.. are tlie only absolute “One Price” Clothi••'•■'• in the city. Yon are sure of The In vest price if you deal there. Your money back it you are not pleased. Si moi i S II.M (mail, of 1 iiiinel- ton, West Yn Inis beensubject to attacks of colic about once a,year, aud would have to call a doctor im d then suffer for about hours as much as some do when they die. He was taken recently just the sumo as at other times. and concluded i<> try Iain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar- j' h " (l >'- H, ‘ F«. vs: r . in fiv(; That i- mor e thru anylliing else has over done for me.” For-ah by Modi• 1 <‘ine Dealers. INDIGESTION FIVE YEARS. Oxforin, Ga., j Dec. 7. 1X95. u t ine rii la and it has entirely cured of indigestion of five years : i U g # Mrs. W. H. F. Thoma-.. ' --- ; — Hood . s Pills cure indigestion. . . --- years to 100 years. Go to them you want, Clothing, Hats, ; Neckwear or anything worn j man or boy. Till-: aK\\> FROM jami.s. Tho farmers aro about to; wind nj> their crops for this mat getting all(1 most of’tlmm mad.' good use W’e are glad to report that tho Sheriff has‘had but little to ^ wo «|t would live u . t ^ht we would not have any use for a court house and jail, and wehopethat we all will get on that line in the near future. Oni the , iiignt . , ot the I 111. mst. Mr. llenry Burnet e o, Morton * Nation, stole ,us h,th<ts >a,,g\ and ... Manud , Grav ,,, . sfeol . ,, )niul , ‘aim , Miss Kate Wright, daughter Mr. Win. \Yright, of Morton’ Ration. L: earn" hne to get lio1 '- ' — n V l Y . *' '' 1,1 j. is ij nt , „ f husiners. so thevj e. A,i: foribii„ ... , u,i >!»»•„,-k tor tnem , long . ami , happy , life, i• ■ a and i , tlint tliev n:iv never regrm the dav • that they • v.; re made Imp-1 1 | py- i’ on Jerrerson (ml) ,, eanie 1111 town cm last Sat:.relay and ear- iyd home a brand new organ lni | 1 ' ia| nily. \\ e wish there vu-r. ^ l nclo ()ss ruts liac an oigan I'/: m ' | i,is iious-also, and lie is amdhoi ; good, well-to-do hirmov. Brother G W Farr p. enck here on Sunday last tor u . and j body 10 ,ls « to - ffo ho 1 1 well pleased !'' wit v k- seems n atr new preaciier. He "'ill | iveticn at l ift's Chape! on tin [ fifth Sunday in this mo: oath. I.very | bodv is invited to be C.icieon that i 1 :’’- *•-' li! all um. mii. and i givoBro.. f „ Farr a tell house, aim ! u , wi| , tfl|| vou , ;11 hl . v> j|j preach forget the for day, you the again. 5th Sunday Do not in J j this month. On Sunday night last ALn ami! M:--'. S Silas ami their two charm-i in ., daughters, of Slocmhb, Mr. an ,i Mru Boss Silas, of Robert.--1 for j v j]i.., |.ward 'd the train here Atlanta. Thev go up thereto tak> j in the ex > ition. Wo wish for them a pleasant trip and all lu;i that tlioy can ludc up. . v/al{or 0ril)1> Monday last for Hibloy. lb made I the tii.'i through the cminliy on a | mule. 1 Miss Kdnie Cain, of Macon ic! ],.).■! b ‘en here visiting Sir. K H ilia Vs family. ........... Ednie, and time. stop longer with in; | Hi ‘ next , Mira l.ula Bragg, of Bradley. 1 i Inis been limvon a visit to rela- live.; and .friends, ■ A M so-ry 1 he;-! he could not be with u : long; r. i \\ •.!n>pe she '.' ill call again s.i< u. j Departed this iiIV on (he i 11.1; ;.st,—Aunt Haioiiue Pitts, vife in,<■!•.' -Mance Pitt Bhc •m s a good woman and a good j •.nc and motner Mie was an ole ; -errant ol Mrs. Mary L rit s. I n- j •e Malice lias the syiiq at iy o. 1 the whole community. : - The little daughter of Mr Fred W ebber Holland, Ma-_s.. had a ; ery bad c ,.d and eongn wlncli he k:- ad not been able to cure wit!; j anything. 1 gave him a Abe ‘"H- Wa of 'AJiainberlain s Cougli Rem- edy, says W P Holden, merchant an.d Postmaster at W -A Bnnheld and the next time 1 sa.v him ho said it worked like a charm. 1 nr h: inlend-d espeeiajly for acute th tout uni lung • ■. olds and croup and ifis moils T- its cun s. iero is n ) anger in giving it to .nldven fm- it contarns-nothing injurious. Foi -a)'-’ I>y medicine Dealers. Ho you want good Cothing, the kind that fits and wear-; well.'' Tn Eads N ai & Cb„ Mac m, Ga. j\t . , the L. .d. ... L. ,, dnireh , , ,, nl in ’ * don, oiPDecomber ktl, the colored people will given Christinas ti< <■ and entertninment, under tin nnumgenient of I W Branllcy and \ !■) Wiiliams. A most ple.isaui time is mured our colored (rends. — - You will vav' moiwy l.y to j <j_ Mcl.'ians when you i;i'<; i i • need, of JJari'n and H.uldli at ' » <J2 . bid. .Street, Macon, Ga. THREW AWAY i: til CANKH. IRack . Ml ‘ creek 0 v\^il«y N. e»j), was bad ly i., so "klict; .*d v : tn^ yi\< 'iiiii.t 1 1 \n mily not" to In.■ m ■ nrom.o ' !j 'i':,‘ '' ri.!,' l"L', ( Luamberimn .. i an, J.alm lu i:,, ; ); o - Iso much In- thivw awiy ‘/Y" * i : r: *. 1 ’’ tZ ' ‘ 1 } inedieine.- and , iroatnioni rwit 1 oetiior. ., i- . - or sale j r.t • ?r. od e- nt>: . ' ! bottle by Medicine Dealers. • W’e want vora business, yon want good Clothing. If we get JShhk"—Eads. N-cl'& CmAla- Ga Don't Imv vm:r II.-r. - aim Haddles until i on have I n and ,.p,. d j McLean’s stock at Frd. Street Macon, Ga. K ,m. Atlanta, are the largest • Clothier- in the South. Your child can buy from them as cheap us , the sinartest buyer in ti< • land. lidl'M) OAK I’ENCI! !NOS. HV IKK COIN’S. Going back to Mr Almond' lmu».‘ l got my overcoat., umbrella ready carried a mile, 1 imlf put out to Decatur, a mile and a still foot-back, for 1 couldn’t lit' rather ln-ivilv loaded, the pm- spei’-siveal-alioti trickled down my back lit; • a wot weather spring. Alter! iia I gone about a mile . overtook a one-horse wagon load- ol with wood „.‘ 1 offered to pa\ (hl , r „ 11(nv r h is wood i fhe would (!ll , w j, |U1( , „ U( . „,e (o l>eea- tul . i n fifteen minutes. Ho told '9- 1 jump on. that for iv dime, | "ouh. g-t urn V _ 1 ‘ time _ . . v . ;(< ,; ro: ,keded haul ol ja< k ’’wood I had ov. r seen, but 1 p : l< on, luggage and all. : 1 :l ^y 1 '" '! -- V* ........i; .,Uh.Mil 111 -|. b> 5l;y- 1 tv he was gotten into a sort „ ol cut , •’ -• dropped , , , bade ,„u into •, , .' ! hut soon - 1 , !l1 ^' ul, , p’ Ai ike did seem j . to mat e slowest inule 1 ever saw. | wore a hole in each sock right under mv bi'c Iocs t'rving to work t he mul«: along. After ii while we ' ( . , n)( , j,, n r( , u ,r|, down hill pin ■ , n t H«» mud tuv and Mike put out. mid ' 11 -v-r one saw n haul of p',;.,p ....,, ImV. and'make' ii'ii cii’ort d on. ( ; the Inland iliug. it could have; . ;! -. .-m on that oceeedon. Of : - ■■■y. ■ it;.. w"ro a lot ot knots: the (>() I, th. v would grab my i U1 j iiv.ler jerk me around and i hold ;i like in uliga.ior, while the j dancod. 1 didn’t have a | hand, to spare t pull 1003< from i ii r,w Roth of mine luggage were wi busy ii | r- ■aging ai to mv 1 l. e knots held mo the w i. i eat ! he doube h i. ■under me. I When wa reached long ievil i 31 ik > did better am it into a >rt >f chronic case of halt trot and gallop and kept it up’tili wo canm in sight, of the electric, ear station ; D.-catur just in lime to see 111" : all important car to me pull to out nil j for Atlanta and leave me lor the next car,- v.'iielv can ■ in about half an hour, bn! t ‘ y"' my busnmas. ! p't wi how- hvos* mu! could lonMhn iu;ul Jil l inside of me like a liv volcano, kauso as why, everything agin me. Alter the elm- t”i< car got out of town a lit He way-the fishing pate Unit runs :lv. thing pulled off and left us high i ndgnharhood lor a hammer and ; : tnuilly no found ail ohl h m ,i a,,.! mi ''hit a-mi. t non with tlie-iu he "out ,Tt. 1 • a ' ),i: ^ AT! t,.: n.g and banging i il pass.eiigem wore worn 1 I liting, the ear started, m Atlanta sometinn- the a! , i , 1 w:. ton ;n id , m 'riioon. - to look at i my v.atMi and I pus. d (he tram I expected to was half way to Athens, finally 1 simmered dor n to my normal conHition, went to up-town show, where- 1 ha ked and liucrlied Trj t .i u; next train was read v to , jtarL | !:s . di.-x tion ! wished to j ] home just, in to Misses Waif Bivins, Maggie Qli-ihis, Nolle Turk, Mr Bivins and two |> 0 | )S s t. irt f or the big ten 0 , n |s show in A! a In, Tliey all p ):j i ; , p laugh H, fa iked and (!( | afc ||, 0 Exposition, Mill ; ,j t| )( , whole hoi inesa come home wiU) o on3 . 0 ti)inrg like iu-ilu-end- v/ays, or grip, thinking every min- t j vo ,;j ( i |„, t) K! next/ Air Bivins g(; , l0 i,.,^ to Texas,Miss Waif gone l,om< si< 7-r , Miss Nolle is Macon, Miss M v jgie is at hoi\n i, : R.,), No 1 is sick in bed and Bob No 2 is holding tho fort at J \V . |n .j. ■ (-■,,- S. Mr G W Gordon has completed his new store, except shelves and , crantiro, and very skating kindly rink. gave Mr u j-,; Ki jii;,. <d'it as a ( r w MM irk furnished the skates,. ; h lias iiad on band a ! tine . My stars ! the fun we have ' ! ' a< lt ils almost the enliifHmVn lias i \ been on wlieels. Mr Oliveros, of : H. C., 'spent last week in our town I mid he is a stunner on wlieels and il l with fun. Mi Fonnr, of Ohio, nv ives quite graei Horne,' full v on ‘ skates also Mr i'Jert ot i Hill boro. Horn e others are leu; n i i to ,Kat« pretty well, imom- . r ;.. .j are the two Bobs, Mis ... I Waif Filin well - and Messrs May M<*Iton. a- a.; j H:; ill K ■ ' I and ivd ;;■»;>]■' r, spent about i is mucli : ■ piled doy. ii on tie- floor as on i ime '' " ’• " ! i, n il "'X ,lav " !l '/ 1,1 V”.’ . r: .?. 0;iti V and lias . >,<«„■. cautions oi; i - ,. r yo:,:;g hub- ivlmniav in lutur.- * vi /if here, against (, a certain vomiy j man Jiving r ■ Jiore who » writes , uol< , . - ,f U ,, / f, , # ‘JV" J lH i gs ho is -notified , that , lie can, nev- | er comes or says any more about it. She says ho only wants to ' know if he can call. One of our b-hoys c'died to Ins now girl a lew nights ago and wore a borrowed hat home. When - i ■ 0 "hat became of hi- bat. ; with a toss of his head replied, a bov isn’t worth a cent if he can’t feed l:is girls pinter dog on a four much troubled over tlie seivro ness of Mr Ham Barron, we all hope ami wish he can through all right. CORNICOBIA SIFTINGS. l’.'i i-.i 1 l'E.tKINS. Married, on tin lOt h inst,, a I 111 e home of tl id bride's undo. &P ..»« m*,. Miss Lillie 'vatson and Mr. \\ II Holland ol I j «rds\ ille.^vere uni! li th • In T bonds of mat rii. ony. Id. J ~ was no| a .•••urpn-.e to am •.!(.•. a!- Uiouph Hie gu. .-t emi.-asicd eluelly jd relatives and \vr* leiv^ Ire mis. 111 mu i.<* •’ aiqnisiied young ladies, ol much , admirable intelligence, wild' the groom is an entergri-ing ami bus-1 in-s young far n t. *W ' hope Hioir iuture may bestrewn « itll H'"'era and that prosperit; ililil happiness the dm-< m IV follow them of tlmir li \ (‘M. Mr. D I) Mild.d IS hands among Ids many I'Und d' .bine after n twelve month va¬ hi I: ';■>«' <•'■ ■■<■ *. r' ! ..... SlidI i.m ot old, jolly anil lull < ) fkf:i. It is quite a treat 1 to . near i.. Inin ; Y Ins experience I . i i in the West. pi,d . as he loaned it. ! w \\ e are m ■ receipt, • ot a joke . . hr , tel . on him II at. a T. n» He had contracted i op.' ••rist mill for a Ternis farmer and i scein; that (lie machinery was a ) const rudo.1 thai the rocks "'ould run br..’kunr,is i the belts ware not pronerly arrangcil, but | flu norgy and will po *r Hi; i Mr. Miiohel possess ne O' fail...! to bring him su'.*ee..s, lienee lie I went to work t > make sonic in ai!. P 'scntly hi employin' came — mud on an insp 'cUng tour and found every thi ig In a pi-iigrccsiw j motion. While lie wan compli- | Mr. Mitchel and eougrat- j ulating himself Mr. Mitchel said, 1 "Mr. Jones, this n k i- rt;;.*i j.:. r i backwards. ’’ Air. .Tones weni i around and cvaiiiincd the meal and said, “Well I don’t ea. re d—, * meal is /jood enough fi r me. ^ - d if lu 1 ot atinu-ul t■ ■ make m. I and he didn’t on! Iv ulisty Mr. -ion. but tho public wc . satisfied. Tim Georgia boys wul always g..', t.licre it vou will give them time. There was an eveniic.: singing at i. ! i on 11 last ftttondfil second l>u; Sunday. (lioi<' It v ■>'' | v. wuh m n*o boa.sene,; there U,an I ever saw at one time for the H ize of crowd, hence the vo-*al music \vn.-; rather j weak, the charming but all were music, entertained of Aiiss Km-j by j nl ie, performing ah the ,o Kv , ;rv | 0 :ly has a notion of th dr ' ( , wu a!) tl HO!) i 0 hoomi to be patty j t , j , e . x | s ; tin ir >i in On a' 1 till t]|( , l . ( ,. I| t ]l(ll|H1! Some want it a Jumps, fcomo C«my, Wayaiilo am] j | )(J jj ( , vu onQ ] lfl3 su ; ai ;1 ■ <1 Five p,,in( i. 1 ain’t so:■ wliy any o.i want it mill :• -; for convenience. II Dial h ■ the case it is inmossible t ‘vJhAis u | ., , mile;s we build i! on , wc cmdd e ■ rv it from b(v (() ,, w]l V . () . [|I(1 do the,lulling and pushing? |,i | lUl ,, ,. V) ,| ini ., horn-" and one . q.ence calb •• ‘ .. . W- hav 1 a good • (!linton find if \v< ' v , t ' ....... „ r ( .., ur , v> move, th" pu lions *. M i coiiv ni"Ve of u rail road 1 consul' r nothing I > coin- , 1 , •” ^ Ill' iire : -nit cost of l’e V -• ig both houses In nee if I fr chance I will vole for it to c i at Clinton. W M 'Midited has returned home from a prospecting tour .r Gordelo aud Perry. ,1 S McAv! iclnu. i is on I he sick Hsl. 'i'll ■ in :a ; 1 < ■ •. have ii boll' all goiu but not fo go! ion. 'Their oommu- nion was so eio.o with some of mr friends and neighbors mi limy have I ft a lasting impn sion. 1 I ( i NTSVHJ.E LOCALS. ' ” ’ s ^ ^ »■'*■ *>» •■»<»-»-• I 11 ,u 11 a good ;ornmii Holiday. . We gret logiv him up. '1 lie elum'li i - now without, a pastor. Mr Sam Be non wiio has been ! dangerously ill, wa thought to he ii little better M on day a 11 ei noon. | I . , ,, : . T " 1VI ’ S 111 Mi-S E William has returned | lonK . iV ft,. r H m 1 1 visit to her daughter in Putnam. i MrsRjpply, of Macon, spent Hiinduy with Mr.- L \ Farmr. . W G Kimbrough, Jr., of mini, and Alma Pelof, ol Atlanta, vi-i t ed t 1 ic Ta in i I y ol .) 1 Williams this w<-k. ' Mr, D E Norri from v near Dad-luck, spent Sunday with ■1 T Williams. Goins’ two Bobs enjoyed thi n:-' lv-'s with t dr friends here S T" l,y : _ oj.jn wv' Oi-rin;, .Join- ('■■.,(ia.i DeccinlM-r fnb, IH'Xt. \ - is In by g! -u t!ul Be land H Tlionue-. a.- -■ rludui -iramr <.t Tlioni.n Tlmim-s. de-'d., bus wpi ■ . !■■ nie f.,r I'vn..-d ti.f lauilsei -od j Ei;- ni j - , in ,! l) , . v legd -'.eisc be shown to time con inny. V\itu<- - my hand officially. I! T Ros-vOrdinary. . Tiie people f Jones county are cordially to visit invited the EE HIVE .... w „..................... ii.o «e.v on -very |.nrclmsc. The I.Miges,. I la ...I......»■*( si..,-k of Prv Ongds, » In ,o..s and - s I. I,. -, iTd.'i'wcni’, clothing, llosc, ■ l! >r men Ac., at the ery jowest Prices. !. ice (’ll-I,'iu. Cheneil!.., P.Hi'inv and IkiMe ('.II, rs IJnon Table Dai, .e* I erk 1,'cil I, Me Linen, ’!'■ avets an I tied Spu ,ut.i A K.- c» ' • '■ - ■ efo. . No! Withstanding the pric, a conon Ii is advanced wc h; ill maintain the low pricc i as usual, le anc and Cl,me said coin ia ■ Mr, elves dial we do all we claim. ■ amjih < sen! on applies, 1 'on and ovdi rs promptly attended to.JSj jLasaer's Bee ^ xlrsre. - o .>■>',), OlieiTV St. Macon, (la. 5 ^ y •Knmcov iMinBsiW'iucK ■'ag.vjviiirwa—f n—i v. Ttr'-'wstwiep ‘V17T.N W 11N) tj;. t \i lLj 1? M \y ¥ FB t± i A Oar Stock ,f SHOES Corn w ’’ hoc'in'! and Chorry Streets. Sea our goods beforeJbayi ig els •w.'ie • Prices, style & go }ds, s Hid. ?T ■' 3 j m i-.i-r- 4 ■ AAA and SEE US f_ g - 3 W iien in Town Old Friend,i i ml New One s Want. ■ 1. Clisby % MdICisy, 574 A 570 (filerry Si. Aljicon/Ga} JLV.L* !; \,J » JL. le-A JA .A.EKOOM A <—> art Tliird St red, near 1’ost Oilice, t. .^SMacon, Ga. DK\LKU IN XT Hardw ^ 1 A3 C\j L £ ) Groceries, (‘Plantation it- Supplies! L. 4 • iSW* 1 / keen a fn1 1 Stock always on hand. B&f'My prices are as low as th" lowest. /; 1 try and treat all euslomers alke. Wiien in need of any thing in my line give me a call. ?Efififiéffififl rUfis OCTCV 11 UHL, HSRPI Uht!I * ■»-/usr=r '«•« - ___ C-J’T on A "J 9 ? I . V ttSI i CO 3 pr iiliyliosly. pS Sill! MmM mmm S Gt Fills: BTOfyou buUi i I _ £ .') ^OUIJOAK SUTH*I5&upwards t , \ VJ COMI) OAK CIIAJRSMCc J & “ ■ V H< >U D OAK TABLES 75c & “ fj \iiuS TWO-I’LY « AIM KTH £6, ISand.OO ‘t|p^ " 1,trf her yard. Wood-Peavy Furniture Co. oo" A 50) < Horry St., MACON, GA. 5 J til ~S J) l|ji \ J.S A \ "T? A. JffT AI > ) 3 W'P ivlsi * fH jpl t QCs| # 1^--T ftnf r 'J A. -y» 4 'ry> ,**■&. YTTl tUIOuIUlI. J-.VJ.C/X id L’XXciill I* KJ unj'-xx. 7\'T -\ fH IA (AJ (ipt <4 E W BONNfB bmiesman <>NIA -•> ( 1-S < D.iAh - s Mvl.i t N' <, ( ol : Q g . . ” ---So C mrge for Htorage--- Mone y loam <1 on : otton n store at lowest bank raLe, No li -urane' ch«r '■ d b r month. -j/ A’ITT JSL YOUR . ... > b •’ limit ure JP. . «J XjA ZAZEU'TTS P>2 Mulhery St., Macon, < ia. Have j 11 t rec.-ii d • full lim of FF.ltXI I’i.'UU, G ING and It LA’I Lift STOVKS. A ho a full hue of’J'RFNKS, CLOCKS 11; i (I (JliASSWA'M-;. FURE‘TETURE