The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, May 17, 1906, Image 1

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Jones County News. M. C GREENE, Propr. X >■ D J_j H Jg-J, J lx xxx x x •x x >a Miss Irene ;v bridge visited the Central City recently. Mr l’cyi oldi preached at the school house hud Sunday night. Mrs Coo Chiles, of Macon, was a visitor at the home of J B An¬ chors this week. Misses 8a tie Poland lias recent !y been on a visit to friends in Macon. Miss Eunice Blanks, has been on a visit to the home of C W Bragg. The raising of blooded chickens is oow attracting about as much interest among farmers as cattle and hogs. The Gray Gin Company is ('reeling «■ new gin house on the east side of the railroad, in front of the depot. Mr M \\ Kitchens and Miss 8al!ie Meeks visited relatives in the lower non ion of the county Saturday and Sunday. j Misses Annie , . ,, Smith . and i\ettie rn lurnersnenv the first of the week , wit . ; 1) ... Miss T Lnah. , Roberts, ,, , , wno , , lias o< quite ... sick. .i ll;e \\ nipping P os t should be s. ; up i:i ewry county jail for men who heat their wives and un- mercifullv heat horses. Mrs M< Kellar and daughter. Miss Annie Clare, of Macon, e ' 'ht baturday and Sunday very pi asa itiv a, Angle View, This paper never lias or never will urgi ti.e people to stop tak- ing the |viper of a eonteniporarv. We can not if you patronize fifty othar papers so long as you take ours. Mr and Mrs M C Greene are rj)end ing this week in nero Mr toreene is attending t the ,i ,v grand , , loctg , Knights of Fvthias. - as rejiresentative from Jones ,County Lodge, No 17b. Mrs A C Roby, of Albany, and Mrs C C Ciiiies, of Atlanta, who are now with their parents, Mr and Mrs John Greene, of Way¬ side spent several days with rela¬ tives here this week. Miss Katherine Moore, of Per¬ ry, came up Monday morning to be with her aunt, Mrs F H Johnson, for several weeks. Miss Kate has many friends here who are always glad to see lief come. Nearly every one of us is figur¬ ing* on having a fine time just ahead when we get all fix' d, and this vision is just a head of us when we fall asleep, To live in the now and enjoy the present is the work of a philosopher. On Saturday evening M iss No- ra Morton entertained a few of her friends at tea. Various games were enjoyed until a very late hour. Those fortulnite „ , enoueh to be present were sorry wlieu the parting hour came and hope that Miss Nora would, in this way, entertain them again real soon. Those present were Misses Ethel Stewart, of Wayside, Annie ami I. „,la Bragg of Brad- ley, Annie Kingman of James, Frances Bragg, Adabel Greene, and Mamie D Smith, Messrs J W Bonner, T H Trice and C A Mar- tin, of Gray. GRAY, JONES CO., GA., THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1906 I will sell my stock in hulk o’ at retail price at ]>rices that will suit you. Call and see me. 8 H Haddock. And it came to pass that after he had advertised his gods, then came unto him great multitudes from all the regions round about and did buy of him. And when his competitors saw it they mar- vHed among themselves saying, “How be it that this man is busy while we loaf idly about our ''oors?” And he spake unto t mi: “In this fast age of push and rustle it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a man to flourish without ad- vertismg » > We would like to make a pro- 0'«t against some of our young ladies concealing a very pretty forehead behind a lot of loose hair. It may be the fashion— |>ut hang the fashion if it is go¬ ing to damage the looks of apret- tv girl or woman, A fine fore- head , , is . something ,, . to , , be proud , of „ and , we cannot , Spend , so much 1 . and . much . . time waste so ingenui- ty trying . to make ... it appear that , the Almighty had made them as destitute of forehead as an In- dian. Wo want to say a good wqrd for the man who meets his obliga¬ tions promptly, They are not as plentiful as they should be and the man needs encouraging. Most men will pay but fewer men will pay promptly. Almost any firm will testify that, counting the time, postage, booking and like it costs all some accounts are worth to collect them, and still the man owing it to them is per¬ responsible in a iinanoial , It often . happens way. « very • that the worst . ... this sinner in par- 1 1 icular .... the best , able ,, to is man pay. There is no reasonable excuse for any man to live in a town if he doesn’t like it. If you have no word of commendation to say for your town, its institution, or p< ople, emigrate. A on won’t stop the town clock by going away, The church bell will soon have a musical ring, the little dogs will play just as well and the pure air, bright sunshine and sparkling water will have the same health- giving proprities. Speak a good word for your neighbor, if you can; if you cannot, don’t ever- lastingly enlarge on their faults, If you have become thoroughly disgusted move aw.ay; go some where where things will suit you. We regret to see a disposition on the part of a few of our young people to quit school. Stay at school another year or two, and don’t be ashamed of what ought to , be your . , ....... that ir , yov want , to learn more. Step from the district scliool to the high scool, from the high school to college. if you can. Got a buoine* edu- cation .by all means—you will never learn too much. If You sire to become a mechanic stead of an engineer or farmer, an education will not unfit you to become either. It: will a ]_ always he capital bearing a large income of interest. Miss Jane Thigpen and Mrs Ross visited Mrs L C Morton yes- terday. At 8 H Haddock’s for one week onlvf 10 yds colored lawn, 47ets. tOlvards yellow hamespun -lit cts, boys st raw hats 7ets. Have this advertisement wit h you. For one week only, 5 lbs sugar, (» bars Magic cleaner soap, 2 lbs good parched coffee, (> lbs cow brand soda all for $1,00 8 11 Haddock. There will be preaching at County Line next Saturday and Sunday by Elders Reynolds, Mat- thews, Hammock and probably others. W ' i "" • , f t-i • g c " i ld j to drink call on our popular mer- chant. J J Smith. He is now prepared to give you as good drinks as can be had at any fount. Here is a tangle. An old man of fifty and a young man of twen- ty-eight, both widowers, The young man lias a step daughter thirty-eight years old, that he marries to the older gentleman, and in return takes the old mail’s daughter for a wife. Now what re¬ lation are those four people to one another? Tax Collectors Last limiatl 1 will be at the following plrces at t he time indicated: May 2*2 pm 0 L Roberts “ 2B a m Three Points, “ 253 p m Sardis church “24 a m W HGreen’s store. “ 24 p m Five Points, “ 25 a m Z E Goqions. i L 25 ]i m Plenitude June 5 a m Louis Stevens 5 “ m J R Andrews L i Ci a 3 Jos R Bonner, Yl 5 Haddock l ( -1 am Jno Clark’s store, “ 7 p in Jno Woodall’s store, “ 8 a in Walker Fullers “ 8 p m Bradley “ 12 p m Wayside i i 155 all dav Round Oak “14am R 8 Russel 1 1 14 ]i m Cornucopia “15 a m Pippin i i 15 pm Caney Creek 1 1 18 all day James Will be in Clinton every 8,-itur- day inclu5ing last Satur<iay in June. .1 .1 Hkxderson. Tax Collector Honor Roll Hiidd./ck High School. Eighth grade—Ida Finney, Lu- Clark, Sophronie Brantley, John Toni C1 ark. Seventh grade—Geo. Morris, Sylvoster Mem . v , Louise Horne. ' sixth „ rad e_Calder Finnev, Tommie Brantley, Ellison nr.s, Arthur Speights, Laura Horne. Fifth grade—Peter Bivins, Tom Bloodworth, Lewis Huff, Lula Huff, Louise Morris, Robert Clark. Ar.-olene Mercer, Fannie Middlebrooks. Drs J M & It Hwlmeis Mason <? DENTISTS, 354 Second Street, . . Macon, Ga Dr. II. W. Walker, Dentist. UerCySrt . Macon , G ____ TO ROAD TAX COLLECTORS, You are hereby notified to collect ['™“ «« .“.uS; aml fifty cent8 , ($1,50) «nd those who do not pay at once must lie notified J" "^o^tbenhnfivo dnv.fand RO> y01I ftre mi „ il( .. c | to make a full report of the same to the county com- missioners of Jones county on the 1st Tuesday in June at .Clinton. .iso. T. Glover, Chm’n. C. C. J C Barron, Clerk. VOL. XII. NO. 27 h vi; ' . /'* AllE YOU «m ti ng thorough L3 Satisfaction in c. fl <S J 0 € Your SH )E i ? If not COME TO US And get the Most for your Money. Here you will find just what you want and CHEAPER than elsewhere. Wo carry a full 111,,, of urirtlv ilt jt' ntlublc SHOK8 ,writable for v,.u end ' vour family We <lo not Well all the Good Shot's, Bm all the SHOES we Weil are (GOOSE iuurw. .rnamM.tmrMaunxwinmmMumw.xrxix.'. i^tasa IVIacon Slice Co. THE STOKE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS. GEORGIA. cu CT two TFT r r> i c n 13 uu w Our business continues to irxrease and v/e are in a better position than ever to tarnish supplies kind on Reasonable Terms.. See us lor any oi FURNITURI . 1 for Cash or Cn Time. Our stock of SHOE’S GOOD is unsurpassed the BEST. In the coun¬ ty and prices as as Let us make ycu prices on Oats, Corn, Hay, Bran, and Cotton Seed Hulls Our line of HARDWARE and Farming Im¬ plements is Complete, Get our prices before placing your order. BUSH SUPFLY COMPANY, GRAY, (A. i THE FA R MER TI LLING ?fv r HIS LAND s foundation of the wealth of m-c3'> is the v> sifUL 1 this great nation. So let him xy lighten los labor as much ns pos ^ r siblo in cultivating farm or gar¬ ‘ large of den.. Our assortment ag¬ -i— ricultural implements in chill'd •r xs ' iron or steel ploughs, Held or gar¬ ,---.A.- den cultivators, seed <r grain ai drills, wheel rakes, mowing ma¬ .. V< • chines, etc., will enable you to make an arduous task one of com¬ parative ease. M C BALECOM, Agt. F. c. RIE8. GUY ARM STRONG FJE3 & ARMSTRONG, JEWELERS. DIAMONDS, WATCHES,J JEWELRY SILVERWARE ETC FINE REPAIRING. EYES TESTED FREE. RELIABLE GOODS OKj 315 Third Street Macon