The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, May 31, 1906, Image 1

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j T ( )Nes County News. M.C EENE, Propr. LC t A D H RSONAI i>i\ Y. Walker, itist. Amekica: )nai. Bank Br.n., >n, Ga. CO. INSTITUTE. The ai istitute for teach- ers will at Gray June 11- 15. Pr ti Earnest, of the (State N College, Athens, Wj 11 coj . it. Arrangements special will he j r some lec- tures at Will not some- body kii nisli a piano and let us u o splendid musical talent c of our Jones eoun- ly girls le occasion? Prof. Earnest tly requests it. AMMONS, C. 8. C. Mr J TTis visiting his ehildrei j j. J udg- ■Jonncr was in Ma- con Tu n attendance upon •the coi ■ a of Ordinaries, Mrs cewart spent from f-a turd il Tuesday with friend: ntieel Io¬ Mis:' nic and Julia Green were \\ d guests at Gray for three c this week. San il tough and friend, Mr Re of Round Oak, were visiter ray' last Sunday'. Tue )f a hotel is hegin- ning t It. Gi ay is assum- ing to o portions. Mr \\ all, of Macon, •out an. nt Sunday' at the of FI ison. Mit .ttie Ethridge came home • ierday from Monroe •collet spend her vacation. The linary will hold his first court he new court house next M end The , u n ty com missio ners w id hold r ir regular monthly ses- sien i Gray next Tuesday'. Pro acted services will, be held at Gr / in July, beginning on the fourt Sunday. W U Patterson and wife, of Machen, spent Sunday' at the home of C W Bragg. The good people of Gray were glad to welcome that Christian couple, Mr and Mrs Andrew Har¬ ris, at Gray' Sunday. Would the county were filled with such. A party composed of J jf Mor- ing, R O Blanks, B M and C L Green, C B Bowen apcl others, will leave next Monday on a fish¬ ing trip down the southern rail¬ road. The new courn liouse was used for preaching last Sunday and though the weather was threaten¬ ing a good congregation E Pounds, greeted who the pastor, Rev J delivered an excellent sermon. Mrs Pauline Stewart Duggan and her little son, Rnvid, have spent this month with her par¬ ents, Mr and Mrs John S Stewart, of Wayside. She will leave next week for Anniston, Ala. Building material is still going, up, but in these unparuHek pros¬ perous times the high prices do not check building • from going up also. A friend at cur ei now suggests that the best wav to head off the mail order botu* e is for f he local merchants to «bv. rGse ’?.>etally and get the tra t hems- yea. It does look reasonable. All the successful mail or: ■ r houses are heavy advertisers and if they can make it poy why Y the ‘local puermhantv GRAY, JONES CO., GA., THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1906 J B Anchors, bo9s of this sec¬ tion on the railroad has been in Savannah for the past several days confer!ng with the officials in the endeavor to get. a raise for the section foreman of the Cen¬ tral of Georgia Railway. There are many striking exam¬ ples of the value of good roads. Wherever roads have been per¬ manently improved it is found that there has been a very great increase in value of the adjacent property. The Board of Education will meet at Gray Saturday, June 2. The Commissioners of the newly elected members of the hoard have been received by Ordinary Bonner and they will take the oath of office and assume their duties on that. day. Mr Monroe Philips 1 of Monti- eello, chairman of the executive committee of the Cenrral Associ¬ ation, and ex-president of the Sunday-school . convention, at¬ tended preaching at Gray last Sunday'. He gave an interesting talk to theSnnday-school. While we beautify our gardens and premised we should not forget our relatives and friends who are at peaceful rest. There are more little mounds in our cemeteries j than there are residents in onr i county and it is fitting that our Silent Cities should lie bept in order. None of us are too poor to plant a lose above the resting place of a relative or friend. Dr R R Barron, of Macon un¬ derwent a second operation for appendicitis last Monday. It will be cheering news to his many friends in this county to know that the operation was success¬ ful and that he is getting on nice- iy- All the lumber for the church has been purchased and work on the building will commence this summer. While the material has been ordered it lacks a groat deal of being paid for, and funds are badly needed. Contributions from those desiring to help in this cause will be duly aypreeiat- ed ami t hankfully received. The county court is somewhat divided, Thers is no room for an office set apart for the Judge in the new court house and he a f firms that he will not hold court over here until he is provided j * one. On the other hand the so- licitor is using the Solicitor-Gen¬ eral’s office and say's that inas- mnoh as this is the county site he will try' no cases in Clinton. And, there you are. Possibly no county in our state with a population not. greater than is claimed here, can boast of as many' good horses .‘is are own¬ ed by our local horsemen. Great as has been the future predict¬ ed for the automobile, man has manifested no great desire to for- sake his old friend, the horse, and today line roadsters are in greater demand than ever before, Not only are good roadsters ea¬ gerly sought, but those standaid bred and of aaknowledged speed are also coining in for their share of the honors. The time her’a Annual Insti¬ tute to 1)6 held at Gray June 11- 15, should he attendedjuot only by Jill of the teachers, but also by the citizens of the town, local trustees of all of the schools and many of the parents througnont the county. The occasion ought, ns it deserves, to receive the help¬ fulness and inspiration of their presence, Ample accommoda- tions are now provided in the new court house and a large attend- mice is both desired and expected. Prof D L Earnest, of the State Normal school, who has been elected as instructor, is a special¬ ist in this line of work and his lectures wiil repay all who come •jo hear him. We have tried in all possible ways to show our appreciation of the liberal patronage given us since the first day of our coining to the county. In the columns of our paper we have fought for our county to the best of our ability. We would not be ego¬ tistical, but believe that by using this paper as a weapon we have been enabled to render some as¬ sistance to the enterprise and progress of the entire county. If the paper has pleased you we are fully repaid for the labor we have given it, and we hope to make it better as the months go by, as we have decided to give more atten¬ tion and work to the local field, realizing our readers appreciate spicy local page. In the time we are relying upon our cor¬ respondents for the news in respective localities. Did you ever notice that “talk” doesn’t hurt a man much? Per¬ fection isn’t looked for in man. and when someone tries to injure a man by' ranting about a few faults he has, the absent one, who is probably attending to his own business affairs, is elevated in the hearer’s estimation, while the informant is lowered accord¬ ingly'. If a man knocks along, doing fairly well, people realize that while he has some faults, he has more virtues, and they are charatable enough to overlook these faults. But it is different with a girl or woman. No mt.ter how good und pure a woman may Ise, let someone start an infamous lie about her and every one is willing to pass it along, and there is alw ys someone to believe it. That lie can never he lived down. It may burn low but gossip-loving are aeady with new fuel. Did y° u ever thil,k how extremely mean 8<),,u; goody-good people are in this respects. We heard a y'oung man remark last week that, “the world owes me a living.” It is hoped for that young man,s good that he’ll get the notion out of his head. He never entertained a more foolish idea nor one which will bring him a smaller measure of respect. The world owes the young man nothing; but instead he owes the world manhood, and society an active, no¬ ble a steady, honest energy which will enable him to associate with decent men and women in a true manliness of character that will make his friendship valuable and his desired. pres¬ ence and companionship intelligent this The truly activity, ' and young man should contrib¬ ute to society’s happiness and welfare the grace which comes thougth study, toil aud honest thought. VOL, XII. NO. 29 te,,. F°] ARE YOU © [» get ting thorough Satisfaction in Your SHOES? If not COME TO US And get the Most for your Money. Here you will find just what you want, and CHEAPER than elsewhere. We carry a full line of strictly dependable S3HOES suitable for you und your family. We <lo not Sell all the Hood Shoes, But all the SHOES \\v Sell arc GOOD. Macon Shoe Co. THE STOKE WHERE QUALITY MACON, COUNTS. GEORGIA. Phone 740 IX c r? 9 w . Our business continues to increase and we are in a better position than ever to furnish supplies on Reasonable Terms.. See us for any kind of for Cash or On Time. Our stock of SHOES is unsurpassed tn the coun- tjuand prices as GOOD as the BEST. Let us make you prices Hulls on Oats, Corn, Hay, Bran, and Cotton Seed Our line of HARDWARE and Farming Im¬ plements is Complete. Get our prices before placing your order. BUSH SUPPLY COMPANY, GRAY, GA. THE FARMER TILLING HIS LAND 1 % is the foundation of the wealth of j this great tuition. So let him IllifA lighten his labor as much as pos¬ m*. sible in cultivating furtn or gar¬ den. Our large assortment of ag¬ ricultural implements in chilled H troll or steel ploughs, Held or gar¬ B S E fj den cultivators, seed or grain drills, wheel rakes, mowing ma¬ chines, etc., will enable you to make an arduous tusk one of com¬ \ parative ease. M C BALXCOM, Agt. F. C. KIES. GUY ARMSTRONG. RJES & ARMSTRONG, DIAMONDS, WATCHES,; JEWELRY SILVERWARE, ETC; FINE REPAIRING. EV EG TEST 7 YJ FREE. RELIABLE GOODS ONIT t * > 15 Third Street Macon.