The Jones County news. (Gray, Jones County, GA.) 1895-????, June 28, 1906, Image 1

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Jones County News M. C. GREENE, Propr. LOCAL AND D H RSONA T -j Or. II. W. Walker, Dentist. •Amkhicax Nat toN-.-vi. Rank Macon, Ga. Bteg.-g: EXAMINATION. The examination for applicants .or license to teach will lie held in (<ray .lime UJ to 30 It will be necessary to attend both da vs. Questions will he given out at 8 o'clock. E W Sammoxs, 0 S C. TO EXECUTORS, ADMINIS- T R A T() RS AN D G U A R DIA N S. The law requires all Executors, Administrators and Guardians to make their annual returns to court of Ordinary by the Brat Monday in July of each year, and adds that a failure to do so is good cause for removal. You are lu-reby notified to make your re¬ turns promptly. If you are coming prov- ldeniia 11 y hendered fr<mi please notify nm. 1 his June 19th, 1\M. R H BON'S£k. Ordinary. Oruiitary’s court next Monday. The county commissioners tn Session yesterday. Mrs Edwards, of Slocumb, 1ms recently been on a visit to her •Aster, Mrs J H Mprrftg. Master Emory Morton is spend ing a While with his cousin, Mer¬ ten Johnson. Miss Eva Souther -is spending this week with relatives i&t Ma* ceil. F H Johnson and family left last Tuesday for an outing of two weeks at Cumberland. V\TM Johnson c®.ur* 'out from Macon Sunday ail'd spent the day with his parents in Clinton. Mrs George Chiles, of Macon, returned to her home Monday af¬ ter a visit to Mrs J L Anchors. Prof. C A Martin, who taught the last term of Gray school, circulating among Ms here last Tuesday. Berner Johnson, a student 0 "Tech sehooi come borne to Hi is vacation last Thursday. John Boonner and Jot .Smith :hav<' been dividing their between Gray unci Haddock week. Thcy spend the day at Gray and the night at Haddock. We are reliably kntermed that t] K . Hon Hoke Smith has been in¬ vited to address the voters of ■flows county sometime during, the month of July. Missi's Annie and Mamie I), , Smith had as their guest Sundav Misses Annie and Stella of Macon and Mr James Ross, 0 ! Clinton. Charlie Roberts, who recently moved to South Carolina, has turned to Jones, Evidently, in ids opinion, there is no place like Georgia. of F M Stewart has a system water works on his jilace that is proving to he a convenience an- deed. By the turning of a faucet Ids lot and house are abundantly supplied. II you have children of your own. or are interested in any oth- T children, or wish to see the ed- 1 ucational interest of Gray pushed forward, come to the meeting at GRAY, JONES CO., GA., THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1906 | I Handling in Clinton next day by the pastor. j Miss Ellen Anchors is in Ma- o vi on a risih tJns «,*»>!- The County Commissioners will I meet in regular monthly session next Tuesday. Reports fmm every section of ■ 1 lw <JOUllt >. 18 to t,w .'‘ l3,rt ... . 1 ., hfl < . prospects for crops of all .kinds good. While there is much young grass a Tew days of sun- shine will enable the farmers to kill it out. Mrs Lafayette Balk com was with her daughter, Mrs *S B Po- ] alK i .Sunday and Morntav. She was accompanied by her grand- children, Luclle a«d Tom Balk- com. Bro pounds filled his appoint- n!( , n t - at Gray ,] ast , Suadav. He • * was greeted by a , large eongrega- tion who thoroughly enjoyed splendid sermon. He expects to 3j0 »' 11 pi <*i i acted meeting oil the 4th Sunday in July. I he carpenters are expected to begin work on the Gray church the latter part'of July. In the meantime we will need aid the cositriliatioos promised and a great deal mere that is not prom¬ ised. A worthy muse*—deserving the help'of all. After being confined to the feouse for come tame with a dame foot, we were read glad to see Gus •Stewart a b-te to walk around this week. He has friends by -score who wild he glad to know that he will be able to return to Ms work in a very short while. Barfield & Daniel have up to the present shipped about <>iu‘ dozen cars of peaches from their Bradley orchard. They will get about 18 or 20 cars. It is said that theh’-rrop is exceedingly fine They are giving employment to a large k umber of hands. Thai:' in- fbrec% we shai^j m the benefits of t ho P oach indu9tl y 1,1 « ar midst. Our neighbor. M W Kitchens, has proved himsels an expert in oiiii 11 culture. Ho picsentcd two at this office that were very fine indeed. Together they weighed' three pounds. On about the hundredth part of an acre of land he has gathered eight bushels. Thus we see-that these old lands yet responds liberally to propel cultivation and liberal fertili- nation. The fellow who stops his paper because he becomes offended at some item that does not suit his fancy, always imagines he is get- ting even with the publisher. |, u t he is never missed. This on¬ ly happens oeeasioma-Hy, for there are only :£, few people in aJlv oommimity who imagine a p^per should contain nothing but udiait they approve of. The average farmer is proba- ably not aware of the fact that an average mule sells for $10 more than horses. Such is the case, and the price has been gradually rising fora number oi years. There lias never been what would be called an over¬ production of mse’es. while 11< Miss Ida Finney, of returned homo Monday after week's stay with relatives at Gray and Bradley. ' I The directors of the Jones v (1U( i Improvement j pany will meet in monthly sos- i sion next Thursday morning. Let lull interested take notice. Grayitos have had an unusual fondness for Bradley during past several days. When it is re¬ i memhered that there are many | over-ripe . peaches . up there their .* j frequent visits explained. j are From the huge lumber mills comes the reports that lumber has not Iwen so scarce an article in years as it is now, and the in¬ dications are that the demand for all first, class lumber will be stronger during most of the months this year than it has been for a long time. There is in fact an abnormal demand for it. The trade territory of a town is not all dependent upon the dis¬ taitcc neighboring • ,, trading , to „ points. The trade territory de- pends upon the enterprise of the merchants and the residents of the town. If a town does not reai'li after the trade it will come only as fast as it has to, and it will grow as it is forced to. But if the merchants go after busi¬ ness in the surrounding country, advertising in every possible way. a&d making good every word of their advert ising, trade will come from, wn everiiicreasing radius, the town will gain a reputation for being awake and it will forg< to the front. It is the men in the town and not altogether the men Hiving within a certain mini- , her of miles froaa it that makes the town. Young men, you ATe tire archi¬ tects of your own fortunes. Rely upon .your own strength of body and soul. Take for your. star, self-reliance. Don’t take too; much advice—keep-at your helm and steer your own ship, and re¬ number that the great art of connnnndrtig is to take a fair share of the work. Think well of your self. Strike out. As¬ sume your own position. Put potatoes in a cart over a roughrord t he large ones come to the t< ]> and the small 'ones to tin pottom. Rise above the envioui and jealous. Fire above the mark yow intend to hit. Energy invincible determination, with a right motive, are the -levers that move the world, Be in earnest. Be self-reliant. Be generous. B< civil. Read the Adver- 1 papers, tisc y< ur bvisiness. Make moi.e} 1 and do good with it. One of our -good citizens was toiling a party of friends a short while back a conversation In chanced to hear between a young boy in his teens and a Christian Aeientist. It appears the 8ei<n- tist came across a small hoy lif¬ ting under an apple tree doubhd with pain.' “My lift! man, ) • up lie said, “What as the matter? “I at ■ some green apples,” moan¬ ed tho boy, “amd, oh, how I ache!” “You don’t ache,” an¬ swered the follower of Mrs Eddy; “you only think so.” The bo} looked up in astonishment*, and then replied in a most positive manner: “That’s, all right, yen VOL. XII. NO. 33 feSkV- IS ARE YOU getting'thorough qO Satisfaction iti vX i Your SHOES ? VS If not COME TO US And get the Most for your Money. Here you will Inn! .lust what you want and CH EAI’KIi than elsewhere. Wo carry a full line of strictly wlcpeiulalde BHOFS suitable for you a <1 vour family. We do not Sell all the flood Shoes, But all the SHOES we Sell are flOOD. IVlacon Shoe Co. THE STOKE WHERE QUALITY COUNTS. Plume 740 MACON, GEORGIA. J / UP T (J v c 1 *) A r> Out business continues to increase and we are in a better position than ever to furnish supplies on Reasonable Terms.. See us for any kind of for Cash or On Time. Our stock of SHOES GOOD is unsurpassed the BEST. tn the coun¬ ty and prices as as Let us make you prices on' Oats, Corn, Hay, Bran, and Cotton Seed Hulls Our line of HARDWARE and Farming Im¬ plements is Complete. Get our prices before placing your order. BUSH SUPPLY COMPANY, GRAY, GA. Jap-A-Lae Is the best Stain and Varnish combined in existence. Try a small can on the Chairs, Table, Piano, Bed, It will look as good as new. Sold b y M 0 BALECOM, Agt. Macon, Ga. F. C. RIES. GUY ARMSTRONG, . RIES & ARMSTRON G, JEWELERS. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEM EERY [SILVER',Y-NRE FINE REPAIRING, EYES TESTED FREE. RELIABLE L00DS OKU 0 1 nr*? • 1 J ^ „ * *4 " ^