Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, June 30, 1899, Image 3

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3)0 rou BUT FEBTILIZElib? e* We handle ttie best brands on tbe market, Owl and Royster, also Acid and Cottcn Seed ’A Meal, at tbe Lowest possible prices. % We keep oa hand at all times a large qaanity of Corn, Flour and Meal, together with a general line of farm supplies. Our line of Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats cannot be surpassed. We are fully abreast of the times, and keep up with all the latest styles. Out entire stock hex been well, selected, and we carry a general line of everything that can be found in a first class General Merchandise Store. We pay the highest market price for Cotton and Cotton Seed. YOW & COOPER, AVALON. GA. mm Am ftanbnpjLLB. Qa. t — ■> *- --- »-. — ..-yel l - ,1,,. JP^DRSONAtS, ' SOmothlngYou Never HMN of Before. Save you heard that we have ffce prettiest, nobbiest and ben se¬ lected stock of dross gooda ever btoaghi to Royston 1 Everything «$k4o-cbitc. ties of every kind, snm- jn«r corsets, sea island, percales, beautiful organdies, belts and just Anything you want we havo^ tbat see them exclaim, Oh, what a pretty stoekl We also carry a full line of shoes, hats, un- derveats, groceries, etc. We have two lady clerk* to show you through. Don’t fail to see and price my goods or you will regret it, after hearing others tell how cheap Pm Hilling. Now come *nd see for yourself, we undersell all. Tour* in low prices, & M. Haunt. Dr. Parker of WalnHt Hill was da town Monday. L. F. Lenhardt made a business trip to the country last Friday. J. B. iiurruss made made a bus¬ iness trip to Avalon Wednesday. Leland little spent Sunday in Boyston, with friends. Daye Landrum spent Sunday at the Johnson House, in Royston. Nice Jelly, in five pound «4* at J. E. Cox’s for twenty five acuta. 8. C. Knox and Ernest Barton of Lavouia, were lutown Monday. Mrs -T. A. Manly speent Tues- d:iy with relatives in the country. W. L. Williams of Royston was in town Wednesday on business. J. O. Carson came over front Royston Wednesday.on business. Jeff Dean is operating a saw mill near the Sanders tree. Jim Scroggins "" of Hollingsworth n . , , was in own ues a}. Walter Laves of Parker Store was in town Tuesday. Leiaud Little has the best green coffee in town. Ten pounds to the dollar. . E. 8. Clodfelfcer made a business trip to Lavonia last Wednesday, Turner Beasley, of Lavonia, was in town Tuesday on business. Ed. McEntire made a business trip to Royston Wednesday. Dave Landrum is visiting friends near Tugalo river this week. J. D. Brown of near Martin was • in ' town Thursday evening, If you want the latest stj le in . a bat or a pair of shoes, call on J. E. Cox; he has received a new stock. p 0 .ri Tittu w viaifino sister Mrs. Ed Iienly, near Atlanta this week. Miss Ovie Little has returned from Athens where she has been visitin" risitin, friends friends for for several several da days. vs Miss Ora McConnell of Cornelia, is visiting friends in town this week. A. L. Fricks, who has been wri t ing Insurance, spent a few days in town the first of the week. Oscar Cannon, one of Lavonia’s hustling guano dealers was in town on Monday on business. Miss Mae Rampley is visiting relatives in A.ndersou S. C. this WBek ‘ A two ounce box of the best snuff made, for five cents at R. L. Llltle ’ s - Work on the new brick buildings has been resumed after a few clays delay on account of lumber. . ... v - rr , f,n( . biroiv , of c L rt.voS] S p»nt,a few H^vs in town i*. •. Vi*- I- - CA it’! V '.*•)t J. J. Katnpley left for Anderson Meeday to attend to some official business. Miss Lula Fredericks who has been yisiting for several days in Lavooia has returned home, T. C. Hayes has returned from Athens where he has been the past week on business. Mrs. Ed Honly has returned to her home near Atlanta after spending several days with her pa¬ rents. J. C.Crow and family spent Sunday in the country, with rela¬ tives. L D. Pulliam and his daughter, MisaSalfie, apent the day in town Sunday with relatives, _ ~ , . . ... and notions that has been brought to Carnesville th» season. Misses Sallie and Ella Dickson of Jefferson, are visiting the fami¬ ly W. F. McConnell this week. Miss Susie Bruce of Toccoa Is visiting relatives in and near tojvn tlii* week. T. 0. Burruss has been confined to his bed for a few days this week, quite sick. The nicest lme of furniture, buggies and bicycles, ever brought to Carnesville, at the lowest pos¬ sible prices. Can be seen in the Rampley brick building, north of public square. N. A. Fricks and J. W. Wansley spent Tuesday evening squirel hunting. Little Leah Burruss was painful¬ ly hurt last Tuesday evening by a window falling on her ankle. Chas. Harris representing Bran¬ non Bros, of Atlanta, was in town Tuesday. W. D. Beech man the popular Athens Grocery Drummer was in town Wednesday. Miss Bell Conger is spending the week in town with Mrs. Lulu Mc- Entire. Several 0 , of . people , our young attended the holiness meeting at Farmers Academy Tuesday night. Dortch & Burtuss have the best and cheapest harness ever brought to Carnesvilld. Call and see them. Judge J M. Phillips is visiting relatives in the. Palmetto State this week. Mrs. Catharine Aderliold, who has been confined to her room tor several weeks is still very low. Mrs. J. R. Dortch who has been confined to her room for several days, has been qnite sick. Go to Leland Little for all kinds canned goods and confectiona- ries. Kc ' and ^ Gober Uot f 1 s l Tuesday m the country fnenj6- LelandLittle has both apd sour pickles at a low price. atoqu note neuua printed ^ is °® ce and P ut U P in P ads ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ eighty cents per thousand. Miss Blanche Buruss has , returned , home from Toccoa where she has f Qr severa } ( j av8 visiting rela- tives. Noel McConnell, a httle son of „ w p McConnell’s, has been dan- ggvously ill for a few days, but is improving at present. yy p McConnell and D. L. have bought T. H. Sanders farm which lies just out- side of the town limits. The new brick buildings which are now in course of erection will be completed and ready for occu- pancy in a very short time; Dortch & Burruss are setting furniture, . ., . buggies and,bicyciea ... , ■. mci- bottom prices for cash or on easv terms. There were aboat seventy applicants for iioense to school lust Thursday that the examination. W. R. and J. M. Little, J. A. Manley and N. A. Fricks attend- ed the Masonic Barbecue at mony Grove last Wednesday. Several of our citizens are speak- ing of going to Gainesville the 4th of July to hear lion Wm. J. Bryan speak. Deputy sheriff Rampley re¬ turned from South Carolina Tues¬ day night accompanied by Jim Crawford who is wanted here on a charge of rioting. Leland Little is still working to get your trade by offering the best bargains in town. *• A. Herndon He. r«»r„ed home after an extended emit in E%rt county trtar. he he* too. .ntoiogwithastnikeof w, y?“ br “‘ ker V '■, h ° purely- b f” S1S ' Among the guests registered at the Manley House this were Cbas. S. McCormick, Chas Harris and L. Ewen of Atlanta, J. H. Jackson and Mr. Eskew of Winder, W. B. Beecbman of Athens and 8. M. Pickens ofElberton. Dr. L. K. Burruss is the cham¬ pion hawk marksman of this sec¬ tion. Last Tuesday while driving out to see a patient he killed three chicken hawks at three executive shots, with a pistol, at a distance of about sixty yards. Call on J. E. Cox when you want anvtmng in the grocery or confectionery and line. He keeps the best cheapest. William Cox, who lives about five miles above town, killed a huge rattler a few days since, bis snakeship had ten rattles, was four feet and four inches long and ten inches around. Its hide contains one bushel of wheat brand since it has been stuffed. This was a huge monster and when it was reported to the 6nake editor, he had some misgiving about i’ts enormous site but tlie facts are vouched for by Dr. J. R. Hall and of course there is no ap¬ peal from his statement. Plumb Locals One of our bachelor friends of place has received a nice night cap through some young lady for the protection of his from the mosquitoes, black and other pests at night, that right girls take care of the bachelors, and don’t forget them because they lose a part of their Col. A. N. King gave us a pleas- call Sunday afternoon. Guss a bright self made man and has ^ e several warm friends at this . Steve Cfawford of Tabor visited of this place afternoon. The protracted meeting began at Farmers Academy J last Sunday m ° r g ’ Rev „ ‘ Craft ... ccmduct , the meeting . lle impr oyed ver y niut 'h in his divine knowledge since we last heard him. Quite a large number w ere in attendance at the morning services at the academy Sunday. Many were there from distant points. ^ Miss Lula Defoor is visiting Bus Lillie Olodfelter this week. The heaviest rain that lias fallen f° r solue time, fell last Sunday af- ternoon. Cotton blooms are plentiful in this section and have been for some time. fine The in this forage section. crop* It are is looking worth any ones attentiou to look at Dr. ,^"1 T“ n T ’ J. W. Wansley, ot r Carnesville •„ p 3sse( t tendered i though his our thank* seqtion Monday for „ n( to us delicious plumbs^ , Royston Locals. During the dull summer days when Royston'* pressed" merchants are not closely with active busi ness they are planning lor some public enterprises and among those now being discussed are an electric line td Carnesville, the de- vehement of the fine water power • on north ana middle rivers and the building up of that famous water¬ ing place Franklin Spring, and ma¬ king it a profitable and popular resort where people cun go during the long hot summer days for health and'pleasure. The range of discussion takes in a first class well equipped electric line from Royston to Carnesville, the power to be supported by a large dynamo to be placedjpn one of the rivers * ^ ^“ W of lua „ uhct . urta ,,„ tt „ B , sto , them a lerge cotton factory end „ lch ot l,e, mnnnfrctnring At Bailments as are found to be pttiilt- a ble. The electric car line is a practi* cal oiie and a large amount of it could be built with but little grad- ing and it would be a paying myest- ment to the small outlay in its con¬ nection, some-northern capital has been seeking investment in Frank¬ lin water power and it is not an im¬ probability that a personal inspec¬ tion and an investment will be made at an early da}' and the project will be made a thing of life, and the hum of the wheels of industry will soon be heard when now' no sound breaks the monotony of the roar of the water fill, and a large number of people^ will find profit¬ able employm ent in factories at good profits wif»ere now there is no employment for lotion much idle labor. The popu of Royston would soon double, her business would increase A,i volume and every line of trade would show increased activity and profit. Farmers could diversify their crops and sell their products at a fair profit. Truck and fruit farming would become paying occupations and the mar¬ kets would always take the entire crops and have active demands for more. The ad vantages of these en¬ terprises are numerous and the profits only brain of capitalists to reap them. Franklin Springs ia filling up with summer visitors, the cottages are about all occupied, Col. J. N. Worley and family of Elbertoni come in a few days ago and will remain for some time. Mrs. Connell of Elbertgm occu¬ pies the Royston hotel but will not keep boarders. Mrs. D. F. Johnson has rented the Spring View hotel aud will open it in a few days for the accommodation of guests. The demand for rooms is greater than can be supplied and old Franklin J Springs visitors. promises alarg e number Dr. J. D.'Veal has moved back to his cottage at the Springs where he well remain during the summer. 1 Tabor locals, Miss Sadie Byard has been very bw for several days, with ' 1 ’ Mr, and Mrs, T. C. Isbell visited relatives here the first of the week. Elijah Purcell and family were the gueots oi <-. F. Isbell Sunday, S. .B. Maffet and wife of Tugalo ^ are visiting relatives here, Mr. Minrod Scott died last Sat- beStliiTforTnumbw of^veara but bore his affliction With great He was never known J thTwilWrf aOd ‘ ag ° seven yearg ot wag tnem be r 0 f the Bafitist f h “trn L ^° r ' ty Hill o Sunday. His family have sincere Sympathies Truly in their bc- reavement. a good man is gone. Peace to bis ashes. S. S. Conference. At the last meeting of the La- vonia circuit S. S. Conference it was decided to change the same to Franklin County 8. 8. Conference, still retaining all the Sunday schools of the first named confer¬ ence. tho Methodist Sunday school^ fix the cohnty are cordially incited to meei with this confer¬ ence vk Saturday before the third Sunday m July at Fairview church The basis.of representation shall be one delegate from each Snnday school for each 25 members or fractional part thereof. Superin- tendands shall be ex-officio mem¬ bers of the conference. The hos¬ pitable people of Fairview will take care of all delegates. S. N. Holland, Pres. Luther Roberts, Sec. • • *-— We are still here selling Furni- ture, Buggies, Bicycles, Harness, Stoves, Carpets, Pictures, Trunks, Yaliccs, Umbrellas, Cots, Croquet sets, Seins, Easels, Bicycle parts and everything in the Furniture, Buggy, Harness and Bicycle line. A dandy buggy collar for one! dollar, a number dollar and one wagon col- j lar for one twenty-five; cents, and our one dollar and twenty-five cent buggy biidal is best eves brought to this market, and everything else is at equally low nrices. Remember, our goods advertise themselves; all we ask is to call and see them. We still have the nicest, cheap¬ est and best line of furniture in this section. Our customers are increasing daily and we are anx¬ ious to see every body in our store whether you buy or not. Call and see pur line and get prices Give us a'chance when you want to buy. Resjiectfully, Doktcii & Burkuss. Are Yon Of Being SicR? Then let us suggest a cure. Ten to one the trouble started with your liver. A torpid liver causes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Constipation, Pyspepeis, Head¬ ache and a dosen other ailments. (UREr goes straight to work on the Uv«r. It cleanses that organ; makes it active again—the acid leaves you're blood andyou’re below: cured. Testimonial I cured my wife of aenralKia of seven years’ standing by tbe us« of your medicine after the best doctors In Cincinnati failed. B. W. PARKER. IK W. Fourth 8tnwt, ClDsinuatl. An Your Drugfllit *r Merchant hr M. CULLEN L NEWMAN, Sale Proprietors, Knoxville, Tenn. 3 Boxes:— i Price! You have sick-headachcs occasion, ally. They rid of are them? not pleasant; why t'ot If get call in physician it will you a $5. Cost you from fii to How the can physi- you escape this cost but secure ciai/s treatment? Jvet us tell you. Go to your druggist and Liver ask for Ramon's Tonic Pill*. They will cost you (1 box Pill* and 1 box Tonic Pellet*) only 25 cents. These ate the exact medicines that any doctor would escribe for a sluggish, torpid or disordered liver. You take one ol RaMoa'c Pit'S Immediately Tbat causa a ws- p!«tc action of the bowels. Vos then take one of KAmoN’a Toni.- pEttKTa daily for a week h-altky or longer. and Theae keep the bowels open, hut at (lie »ame time they arouse the appetite, pyrify the til nod nnd ""tone up" the whole svuteu. not Iry this jnat once. It can harm you kt aU mail. forB6o,,6bo*an$1.00 bbowv aura, co., »sw Vm» shoe Hews HOP DROSSY WOMEN. Oxford* W or ioh We sell are the embodiment of everything that is good and dependable. They are Stylish too. We watch that point Vdry closely, because the best dressed women in this station <£dbw look to Us to keep them posted on Shoe Fashions. Call and us to show them to you. SAILOR HATS A representative collection of the newest and correctest style*. It entailed much thought and study and work, the gathering of tli is stock of women’* Sailors, but, the effort is well repaid, be¬ cause We have a g renter and better aaaortment of jaunty hat* than ever before. Cali and have our soles ladies to show them to you and notice bow cheap we sell them. u COSSETS We counted and found ten different styles of Cbrsets in our stock last night. Surely yon earn be suited from such a compre- heusive collection. We’ll let three of the kinds “got their name* in the paper” this morning. Thomas Glove Fitting Corset^ Paris Shape Short Hip, Thomsons Extra Long Waist, Tliomsons Medium Waist, Armourside Corset* Medium and Long Waist and the R. & Or. Corsets. Bendy &• Stribung, Lavonia, Ga R. L LITTE, DXALftft nr F*aev and Family Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Fine Caa- die* and Hot and Cold Drinks. In fact every¬ thing that can be found in an up-to- date first class Grocery anil r Confectionery Store. GIVE ME A CALL And be convinced of the fact tiut I am carrying a full stock, and the beet quality of everything in my line and that 1 am selling them at hard time prices. DOES 41-2 CENT COTTON Beat these Brices for LOW. Good quilt calico ......... 3 cents « yard. Good checks ............... JJ cents by bolt Heaviest yard wide sheeting .i cents a gat'd. Can any Jew bent these A fair cape ......................- ■GO cent 1 A good cape ...................... SO cents. A fancycape ..................... 1.88 cents A neat plush cape .............. ... 5A0 A fancy plush cape. .............. 3.00 The prettiest plush cape, you ever saw 5.00 LADIES Are these PRICES in Millinery cheap enough for you? A trimmed felt hat .......... 50 cents. A neat trimmed felt hat ..... 1.00 A showy trimmed felt hat.... i.50 A fancy trimmed fdt hat ..... 2j00 We have the best stock of Millinery in N. E. Georgia and the best milliners we could find in the South to do our trim¬ ming. Brokos &> Tabor, Royston &• Lavonia, Ga,