Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, July 14, 1899, Image 3

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li-J^est DO YOU DUY FURTILIZims? ^ r e brands on the market, Owl and Royster, also Acid and CottcnSeed # Meal, at the Lowest possible prices. We keep on hand al all limes a large quanity of Corn, Flour and Meat, together with a general line of farm supplies. Our line of Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats cannot be surpassed, We are fully abreast of the times, and keep up with all the latest styles. Our entire stock has been well selected, and we carry a general line of everything that can be found in js flint class General Jferchajidise Store. We pay the highest market price for Cotton and Cotton Seed. YOW & COOPER, i I AVALON, GA- TIE ADVANCE. Cabnksville, Ga., July 14, 1899. Personals. Something You Never Heard of Before. Have you heard that we have the prettiest, nobbiest and best se¬ lected stock of dress g< ods ever brought to Royston ? Everything up-to-date, ties of every kind, sum¬ mer corsets, sea island, percales, beautiful organdies, belts and just anything you want we have. All that see them exclaim, Oh, my! what a pretty stock! We also carry a full line of slices, hats, un¬ dervests, groceries, etc. We have two lady clerks to show you through. Don’t fail to see and price my goods or you will regret it, after hearing others tell how cheap I’m selling. Now come and see for yourself, we undersell ail. Yours iu low prices, r S. M. Hulme.- *r Ed McEntire was Royston Wednesday on business. J. J. Rampley was in Gum Log Tuesday on official business. J.* W. R. Haley " as In town Monday. C. E. Adair and J. R. Dortch are in Atlanta on business. Jeff McDaniel and family visit¬ ed relatives Tuesday. S. M. Ayers made a business trip to Lavonia Monday. Go to Leland Little for all kinds of canned goods and confectiona¬ ries. A- .U. I riefyyis in week writing Insurance. Guy Tucker and Jona Human of Royston were in town Sunday. D. A. Baker, of Royston, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mrs. W. II. Rampley was in Lavonia Thursday shopping. Seab Ilaley of Oak way, S. C., was in town Monday on business. J. R. P. Sewell was over from Lavonia Saturday on business. Dan Carmichael made a busi¬ ness trip to Flintsville Tuesday. The nicest line of furniture, buggies and bicycles, ever brought to Carnesville, at the lowest pos¬ sible prices. Can be seen in the Rampley brick building, north of public square. N. C. Gordon, of Aid, was in town Wednesday. Ben Dickson has been quite sick for several days, bat is inipfoving. J. E. Cox and wife visited rela¬ tives m the country last Sunday. Mr. Jim Phillips of South Caro¬ lina was m town last Saturday. Carnesville has had quite a num¬ ber of visitors during the past two weeks. It. H. Burruss and II. T. Man- ley arc spending a few days at Franklin Springs this week. Henry Sewell, of Lavonia, was in town Monday attending justice court. C. B. Burruss and J. D. Pulliam of Salubrity were in town one day this week. > J. E. Cox has just received one the nicest lines of dry goods and notions that has been to Carnesville this i^ison. ^ Clyde Ayers and his sister Lucy are visiting relatives in Toecoa this week. J. R. Leard, Ex-Represenativc of Hart county, was in town last week. Judge J. M. Phillips has return¬ ed from South Carolina, where he has been visiting relatives. Alex White and his son Neal of Bowersville were in town a short while Tuesday, Misses Lizzie and Pearl Bush of Banks county visitod friends in town last week. Leland Little is still working to get your trade by offering the best bargains in town. Mrs. M. M. Dortch, of Gaines¬ ville, is visiting relatives in and near Carnesville this week. County Treasurer W. IT Smith was in his office Wednesday at¬ tending to official business. Dave Landrum left for Tugalo Monday morning to teach a sum¬ mer school. Miss Ola Pulliam, of Salubrity, visited relatives in town one day last week. Mrs. McWhorter, of Ft. Lamar, is visiting her brother, Dr. J. R. Hall, in town this week. A Mr. Wood of Gum Log put in jail Wednesday. He charged with selling liduor. Dortch & Burruss have the best and cheapest harness ever brought to Carnesville. Call and see them. Uncle George Green has been on the sick list for a few days this week. Prof. F. P. Kirk opened his Cross Roads chnrch last J/onday morning with sixty pu- pils. A. N. King is in Dublin this week attending thp meeting of the Georgia Weekly Press Club. Dortch & Burruss are selling furniture, buggies and bicycles at rock bottom prices, for cash or on easy terms. R. L. Little is spending a few days at Franklin Springs this week for his health. Morris Burruss is still very sick with fever. We hope he will be out in a few days. Mr. T. O. Burruss, who has been quite sick for several days is able to be out again. Good Note Heads printed at this office and put up in pads of one hundred, at one dollar and eighty cents per thousand. Gober is in Maysville this week attending the district meet- ing. Dr. J. R. Tucker and M. C. Rampley are attending the dis¬ trict meeting at Maysville this week. The county commissioners met in the Ordinarys office Wednes¬ day to transact some official busi¬ ness. Leland Little has both sweet and sour pickles at a reasonable low price. Ghas. Harris, of Atlanta, and Hub Merck, of Gainesville, two popular drummers, were in town Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Neese and children will go to Royston Friday to )en d several days with her par- Ilobt and Ernest Ayers have re¬ turned to their home in Anniston, Ala., after spending several days in town visiting relatives. Quite a large crowd of young people attended a lawn party, given by Miss Leo Tiicxer, last Thursday night. M. F. Nelms and wife of Har¬ mony Grove spent a few days in town this week with friends and relatives. A two ounce box of the best snuff made, for live cents at 11. L. Little’s. Among the visitors that are ex¬ pected in Carnesville soon are Miss Annie Hammock, W. O. Dean and L. D. Gale and wife. M. A. Ilerndon and Robt Alex ander left for Mayesville Tuesday evening to attend the district meeting. If you want the latest style in a hat or a pair of shoes, call on J. E. Cox; he has received a new stock. Tom Hairston, Tugalo O’Bry¬ ant and Bart Holland went sein¬ ing last Saturday evening and caught one hundred and ninety two fish. The Misses Dickson who have been visiting relatives in and near Carnesville for several days have returned to their home in Jeffer¬ son. Nice Jelly, in five pound buck¬ ets at J. E. Cox’s for twenty five, cents. Leland Little has the best greet* coffee in town. Ten pounds to the dollar. Everybody having relatives or friends buiied at Cross Roads are requested tejpieet *£ere on Friday before the fourth Sunday iu July for the purpose of cleaning off the grave yard. Let everybody come and help do the work. Call on J. E. Cox when you want anytmng in the grocery or confectionery line. He keeps the best and Plumb Locals Schaefer Gilhspie, of this place and Miss Kate Turner of Garland- yille, were happily united in the holy bonds of matrimony, on the second day of this month. It was kept a secret for several days. We extend our best wishes and trust they may find the pathway of life even and smooth. J. T. Crenshew is very sick, but we hope he will be out again soon. Rev. James Manley, of Roys¬ ton, conducted seryices at Farmers Academy last Sunday. -Mrs. Ella Vickery, of Atlanta, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Terrell, of this place. George Broom made a business triji to Lavonia Monday. A good rain fell in this neigh¬ borhood last Saturday and crops are looking fine. Madam Rumor has it that an¬ other wedding is to take place soon. ,D. J. Hayes made his semi¬ monthly trip to Toecoa last Satur¬ day. Dave sells a large quanity of country produce in Toecoa each year, Rev. Harrell, of Toecoa, will begin a protracted meeting at Hopewell church the last of this month. Your correspondent at this enjoyed a bee gum robbing at the residence of one of his friends last week. A young lad of this place while riding a bicycle a few days ago met a friend in a new buggy and said: “Is that an A. Wren,” meaning A. Wren buggy. “Yes ’tis, we had a good rain. Did you have a ram?” “Yes sir” was the lads reply as he moved off in haste laughing under his sleeves at the misunderstanding. Henry Locals. Lumpkin Pavne is very sick with typhoid fever. Prof. J. W. Landrum opened his school at New Hope Academy last Monday. Quite a number of our belles and beaux attended services at Liberty church last Sunday. Dr. J. R. Hall of Carnesville was in this community last Sunday night to see a patient. Some of our farmers are about done laying by. 0. L. Jordan, our new mail car¬ rier, brings in the mail on time. Mr. A. M. Payne has plenty of ripe watermelons. > Prot. James Aderhold lett Sun¬ day for Habersham county, where he will open his school again. Very little business was trans- acted in Judge Cleveland’s court at Flintsville last Saturday. A. J. Purcell visited friends and relatives in Atlanta last week. Lee Whitfield formerly a resi¬ dent of this place, but is now re¬ siding near Carnesville, was among friends here recently. J. M. Crawford and wife have been visiting among kinspeople lately. One of Mrs. II. Hill's children is right sick. The people of this community are manifesting much interest in a school. Tabor Locals. J. E. Isbell is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Sallie Harding and son Jim Faulkner, of Toecoa spent one day last week here with M rs. I). Isbell. i/vs. S. IC. Taylor is right sick with fever. J/rs. T. R. and Miss Rhoda Is- bell went to Toecoa Monday shop¬ ping. J. J. Phillips of Carnesville visi¬ ted relatives herofSunday. Steve Crawford is teaching school at Union Hill, his school opened A/oiulay. The school at New Hope opened Monday with a good attendance. The patrons arc to be congratulated on securing the services of Prof. Landrum, and his fair assistant Miss Inez. This bids fair to be the best school around. How ? JB M Phonography Pitman , by Benn Howard. and Jerome B. » A perfect belf- instructor. Over 300,000 c, To Write, Yl sold. Sold by all book¬ Skgrtham sellers, or wc will send it by mail, with the Phono¬ *i i 1*11 ,■ 1 ■ graphic Header and the Phonographic Copy Book, for £1.35, cloth, or £1.15, boards. THE liENN PITMAN SYSTEM ftas for 43 years been the standard. Called by the U. S. Bureau of Education “ The Amer¬ ican System." First priV.e, World’s Fair. Full information and complete catalogue, free. THE PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE CO, CINCINNATI. OHIO S. S. Conference. At the last meeting of the La- vonia circuit S. B. Conference it was decided to change the same to Franklin County S. S. Conference, still retaining all the Sunday schools of the first named confer¬ ence. All the JZethodist Sunday schools in the county are cordially invited to meet with this confer¬ ence on Saturday before the third Sunday in July at Fairview church The basis of representation shall be one delegate from each Sunday school for eacli 25 members or fractional part thereof. Superin- tendands shall be ex-officio mem¬ bers of the conference. The hos¬ pitable people of Fairview will take care of all delegates. S. N. Holland, Pres. Luther Roberts, Sec. -- . We are still here selling Furni- ture, Buggies, Bicycles, Harness, Stoves, Carpets, Pictures, Trunks, Yalices, Umbrellas, Cots, Croquet sets, Seins, Easels, Bicycle parts and everything in the Furniture,j Buggy, Harness and Bicycle A dandy buggy collar for one dollar, a number one wagon col¬ lar for one dollar and twenty-five cents, and our one dollar and twenty-five cent buggy bridal is best ever brought to .this market, everything else is at equally low urices. Remember, our goods themselves; all we ask is to call and see them. We still have the nicest, cheap¬ est and best line of furnitur^ in this section. Our customers are increasing daily' everybody and we are anx- ions to see in our store whether you buy or not. Call see our line and get prices Give us a chance when you want to buy. Respectfully, Doktch & Bitkuuss. Are You Of Being Sick? Then let ns suggest a cure. Ten to one the trouble started with your Ever. A torpid liver causes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Head- ache and a doaen other ailments. iocs ^kheum&. #V 4 Reutal<j}C/ QfRJEr goes straight to work on the liver. It cleanses that organ; makes it active again- the acid leaves you’re blood and you're cured. Testimonial below: I cured my wife o( ucnr&Igla ot of seven years’ stantiin« by tbe uso your In medicine after tbe best doctors Cincinnati failed. 1!. W. I’AKKKB. AM W. Fourth Street, Cincinnati. Ar a Your 0ruo3l8t or Merchant For IL CULLEN & NEWMAN, < Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tenn.j ] 2 Boxes:— i Price I You have sick-headache* occasion, ally. Thev rid are them not pleasant; why not get of ? If you call in a physician it will cost you from f i to $5. How the can physi¬ you escape this cost but secure cian’s treatment? Let us tell you. Go to your druggist and ask for Ramon’s Tonic Liver Pills. They will cost you (1 bo* Pills and 1 bo* Tonic Pellets) only 25 cents. These are the exact medicines that any doctor would prescribe for a sluggish, torpid or disordered liver. You take one of Ramon's PU.L3 immediately. of That the causes bowels. a com- You filcte action then take one of RAmoN’S Tonu' Pellets dailv for a week or longer. and These keep the bowels healthy time they open, but at the same arouse the Appetite, purify the whole the blood and "tone up” BVSLCUa. *1 ry this j 1 st once. It can not harm you At all dealf.ra,o.mAll.for36f> r,box..•! GO BXOWX M t G CO., Verb SHOE NEWS FOR DRESSY WOMEN. The Oxfords which we sell are the embodiment of everything that is good and dependable. They are stylish too. We watch . that point very closely, because the best dressed women in this section look to us to keep them posted on Shoe Fashions. Call and allow us to .show them to you. SAILOR HATS A representative collection of the newest and correctest styles. It entailed much thought and study and work, the gathering of this stock of women’s Sailors, but, the effort is well repaid, be¬ cause we have a greater and better assortment of jaunty hats than ever before. Call and have our sales ladies to show them to you and notice how cheap we sell them. COSSETS We counted and found ten different styles of Corsets in our stock last night. Surely you can be suited from such a compre- hensive collection. We’ll let three of the kinds “get their names in the paper” this morning. Thomas Glove Fitting Corsets;* Paris Shape Short Hip, Thomsons Extra Long Waist, Thomsons Medium Waist, Armourside Corsets Medium and Long Waist and the R. <fc G. Corsets. Dendy &• Stribling, Lavonia, Ga. R. L LITTE, DEALER IN Fancy and Family Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Fine Can¬ dies and Hot and Cold Drinks. In fact every¬ thing that can be found in an up-to- date first class Grocery and Confectionery' Store. GIVE ME A CALL And be convinced of the fact that I am carrying a full stock, and the best quality of everything in my Cuba. line and that I selling them sal, Jtist— am Ala, hard time prices. .„iizaniifo, •ry of the navy . it •efev these claims to n_ s for decision under pr$ ->u 2 , of the act of Marcu . id: “An net. to afford as- DOES 41-2 CENT _ and demands against aims ment. The purpose of the _ Beat . these . T Prices for _ of the claim8 is , 0 gc t a judi- Good quilt calico aination by the court of the U parties interested. Good checks ............... N HAS JUDGMENT. Heaviest yard wide sheeting •ats United States To Collect A Ruin st Trr urvaal. any Jew beat ihes -"'^* 1 memo- ueri- A fair cape ....... 60 cents. the jcuro A good cape ....... 90 cents. lsvaal nt of A fancycape ...... 1.22 cents in. :r A neat plush cape .. 5.60 yfancy plush cape 3.00 The prettiest plush cape -you ever saw ........ 5100 LADIES Are these PRICES in JTillinery cheap enough for you? A trimmed felt hat ...... 60 cents. A neat trimmed felt hat. 1.00 A showy trimmed felt hat 7.50 A fancy trimmed felt hat. 2.00 We have the best stock of Afillinery in N. E. Georgia and the best milliners we could find in the South to do our trim¬ ming. Broko s & Tabor, Royston &• Lavonia, Ga