Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, July 14, 1899, Image 4

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OIL IS SEIZED BY GEORGIA Nearly 200,000 Gallons Arc Forci¬ bly Taken In Charge. IS STORED IN EIGHT CITIES. Order of Seizure Was Given By Agricultural Commissioner O. B. Stevens. A speeinl from Atlanta says; Nearly 200,000 gallons of illuminating oil have been confiscated in Georgia as a result of tlie order of Commissioner iStevens directing inspectors through¬ out the state to seize all supplies that fail to como up to the standard by law. This statement was made authorita¬ tively at tho office of the commissioner of agriculture, aud is taken to indi¬ cate that the tight on illegal and dan¬ gerous oils, which the report of State Chemist McCaudless showed abounds in the stnte, is on in dead earnest. In eight cities in Georgia, the names of which arc withheld by tho officials, largo supplies of oil have been tested recently and found to burn at a point below the limit of 120 degrees Fahren¬ heit, below which oils are declared dangerous and illegal by the law of the state. It is the opinion of officials that should tho names of the c.ties at which largo confiscations have boon made bo given out, a panic would in all probability bo caused, and this tlio department of agriculture has studi¬ ously avoided. In order to give pro¬ tection to tho citizens at tho places whore oil supplies have been seized, inspectors at these points have been notified in every case by telegram to take charge of the oils and hold them until directed what disposition to No zlppcal From Order. Assistant Commissioner Wright was notified by a state inspector Friday morning thnt two tanks of oils amount¬ ing to nbout 12,000 gallons, and located in one of tlio largest cities of tlio state, bad been found to bo below the stand¬ ard, having burned in the Tugliabuo tester below 120 Fahrenheit. Inquiry was made of the department whether tlio agent of tho oil company at the place would he permitted to make the Bulk of tho oil in tho tanks good by tho addition of higher grade oil that would considerably raiso the standard of the fluid and thus put it within the limit of the low. It is interesting to note that the codo privides that any person who sells oil below tbe legal standard shall, upon conviction, bo guilty of a misde¬ meanor, aud subject to a tine of not less than $250, or to a sentence of not less than one year, or both, in the dis¬ cretion of the court. Heretofore, it is understood, oils that havo failed of the test in some eases have been added to by permis¬ sion of tho authorities with higher grade oils, to bring them up to tho standard. Under the ruling made Fri¬ day aud with tho knowledge that a large portion of the oil in the stnte is below tho standard, it is evident that the de) nrtment lias determined to fol¬ low tho letter of tiro law and hold the oil concerns doing business in Georgia up to the tacit agreement they made when they established agoucies in tho state. Many inquiries havo heen mndo os to the punishment provided by law for those persons who put oils on sale in tha state that are regarded as dangor- 33»rq -P,reply made at that tho was once j .,0 would cuter into no such agree¬ ment; thnt tho oil condemned ns dan- gerotis must stand ns it is, iu tho control of the state’s inspector until ho is notified what disposition to make of it. t -<rjn I) x, s - Tt ‘r^Tash , , 1 1 one-half of tlie 1V^ua working * 1 * prosecutor iu tho Levering am' 1)1111 lo "*° .•nils nro in Alnba ;v /the International Tr 11 '” And / ^arranging for the * j'i’S damages 10)1 shall ns a properties. Abram 1 * who tiio most noted iron nxo. Person Vtho has long been i, t , some Alabama intores , ' , '' , • Uhemist i director in the companj °, ~ Scarles. This is ont' 1 110 ntl,e * /•"nits of the trip made b; -nt method >st winter in company -it is cer- rl. Edmonds, of Bait 1 '" 101 ; " ‘ lie 10 study of the resources 8 lvel *,’ ire to ---—test. Should rox J^ttATE G in New York choscup^’p"— 'h the recom- xvdi ion of the stnte chemist,'it will .»e necessary to do away with the ,ent law prescribing a fire point nt *M . • degrees Fahrenheit. has been proposed to adopt a j point at 100 degrees Fahrenheit, ,w which oils will be illegal. If it found upon consultation with the uttorneygeneral, who is at present out tho city, that such a change can bo it is certain thnt the additional will be adopted and in force by tho commissioner of agriculture. OFFICER’S WIFE KILLED. Fire and Explosion Occurs In Homo of Captain Dickens at Capital. A Washington special says: Fire and explosion in tho residence of Cap¬ tain Dickens, of tlie United States navy, at 10:45 Friday morning result¬ ed in the death of Airs. DickeiiB, who )-.-as fearfully burned, aud died before medical assistance, could reach her. Other persons about the house were severely ed. but not dangerously wound- OIL TANK EXPLODES. A Fatal Accident Wherein Three Miners Lose Their Lives. Three men were killed in an explo¬ sion iu the Hurd mines in Port Oram, near Dover, N. J., Friday. Tho men were reconstructing an old shaft when a tank of oil exploded. The dead are: Edward Mills, superintendent; Fred¬ erick Skerffuer and William Murphy, ali of Pori Oram. M>U,;^vas instantly killed. Sherffner aud Murphy were thrown to the bottom tlio shaf-', into water aud were drowu- INVADES M’KINLEY’S STATE. Bryan Speaks At a Big Banquet At Columbus, Ohio. About 1,000 people attended tlio dol¬ lar dinner given by the Young Men’s Democratic Club of Columbus, O., in that city Friday night. It was tho largest banquet which the local democ¬ racy has hail since that, given in honor of the sevonty-sovonth birthday of the late Judge Allen G. Thurman in tho narao hall ten years ugo. The affair was strictly democratic in its simplici¬ ty, all classes being represented. Tlio chief guest was Colonel William J. Rryan, at the table with whom wore also seated Hon. C. T. Callahan and George Fred Williams, of Massachu¬ setts; Judge Tarvin, of Kentucky; Hon. Allon W. Thurman, of Colum¬ bus, tho toastmaster, and a number of others prominent in state politics. The entrance of Colonel Rryan wbb greeted lasLd by an outburst of applause which until after he had become seated. Hon. Cbriitopher T. Callahan, of MnsHnchuscttR, was the first speaker, responding to thotoast “The Issues.” Ho dwelt particularly upon imperial¬ ism, trusts and free silver as the lead¬ ing issues in 1900. When Colonel Bryan was introduced there was another outburst of ap¬ plause that continued for several min¬ utes. When quiet had been restored Colonel Bryan launched upon a dis¬ cussion of the issues of tho dny in re¬ sponse to tho toast “Democracy. ” His speech was a great effort and was wildly applauded. PLEAl)KI) SELF-DEFENSE. Slayers of General Luna Acquitted in Filipino Court. A cable dispatch from Manila snys: Tho trial at Cabanatuan of the slayers of General Luna, the Filipino leader, who was assassinated by the guard of Aguinahlo’s residence, resulted in tho acquittal of the defendants. They pleaded self-defense. Tbe testimony showed that there was a conspiracy on the part of Luna nnd officers to kill Aguinaldo aud mnke Luna dicta¬ tor. Luna’n death seems to have strengthened Aguinahlo’s leadership for the time. Luna’s supporters are now olitwnrdly loyal to Aguinaldo. Tho members of the Spauish colony here are now lionizing the survivors of the Spanish garrison at Baler, on the east coast of Luzon, who returned to Mauila Thursday night with the Spanish commissioners sent to treat with tho Filipinos for the surrender of of tho Spanish prisoners. A dozen banquets havo been arran¬ ged in their honor anil a subscription lias been started for tlioir relief. Lieu¬ tenant Martin, the only surviving of¬ ficer of the garrison, denies tho story that 1m killed Captain Morenas, tho Spanish officer who commanded at Baler, because lie tried to raiso a white (lag. Martin says tho captain diod of berri-berri. The transport Churruca is to take General Bates to the Sulu islauds on a diplomatic mission. The general will endeavor to arrange tlio basis for a friendly understanding with tho sul¬ tan of Sulu, who claims to bo friendly to Amerieaus. Under the sultan’s treaty with Spain, ho received a sub¬ sidy. General Wheaton is to take com¬ mand of General Hale’s brigade at Han Fernando. General Halo is returning to the United States with the Colora¬ do regiment. GEORGIA LAWYERS ADJOURN, The M cell nu nt Warm Springs Was Magnificent Success. After the most prosperous year in its history, tho Georgia Bar Associa¬ tion adjourned sino die at Warm Springs, Friday evening, nnd Judge Hamilton McWhorter, the retiring president, turned over the office to his successor, Hon. J. R. Laninr of Augusta. There has bean a larger audience than ever before nnd iu all respects this session of tlio association has been a magnificent success. Harmony and enthusiasm havo marked tho pro¬ ceedings—harmony in tho working of the organization nnd onthusiam over tlie excellent papers that have Lean read. The address of Hon. Wilson; former congressman and cabinet minister, and now president of the Washington and Lee university of Virginia, was the event of chief interest. BAD DAY FOR MEMPHIS. Oily SuflVr. Costly Conflaera- lion On the I-ourth. July 4, 1899, will remain memorable as furnishing a full share of excite¬ ment and disaster for Memphis, Tenn. A day of activity in the employment of fireworks in celebration of Inde¬ pendence dny closed with a conflagra¬ tion entailing a loss of between $400,- 000 and $-450,000, including tbe his¬ toric Gnyoso hotel. Added to tho monetary loss was the probable fatal injury of ex-Fire Chief J. E. Clary, the serious hurting of As- sistont Fire Chief J. V. Ryan, the death of a negro in the American Bis¬ cuit comnauv’s plant. FARM HOUSES TO~I!E~NUMHEREI). Knox County,Tenn., Will Follow the Plan Used In California. A special from Knoxville, Tenn., says: Knox county will have nil its roads named and farm houses num¬ bered the same as cities, following the California system. This is tho result of efforts of the chamber of commerce. Similar systems arc in operation iu Maryland, Pennsylvania and Now Jer¬ sey, but Knoxville is the first iu the south to adopt the idea. RIOTERS FIRE ON THE POLICE. ISattle linee. with Fatnl lleaulta ln the Strceta of ltnrcclonn. A special from London says : De¬ spite assertions to the contrary, riot¬ ing in Barcelona was renewed Wednes¬ day night. A mob stoned a number ci shops ard were charged by the gen¬ darmes. The mob fired revolvers at the gen¬ darmes, who returned the fire. Iu the encounter three gendarmes aud a large, number of rioters were wounded. Eighteen arrests were made. WHEELER WILL JOIN GEN. OTIS liwnilllbv MrlfinlAV UlUUh OrHnrc “Fiffhtinrr 1Igllllllg «"» Inn” To the Philippines. NEW REGIMENTS TO BE FORMED Colonels and Hajors For the New Volunteer Service Are Appointed. A special from WnHliington Rays: Brigadier General Wheeler was Tlnirs- day ordered to report to Oenoral Otis n< a Manna Manila for for service set vtoetu iu the the Pkilinnine ihinppme islands, tho ordov for tlio onHsi/nont of volunteers for fervice in the arehi- pelngo was published and seven mdre colonels to command the regiments were appointed. TUere are yet two colonels to bo designated. Eight majors also were named. The recruiting will not begin until some time next week, the exact date not having been fixed yet. Recruiting stations will bo opened in every (flats and territory, and as fast as tho men are enlisted they will be sent to regiments to bo assigned to companies. State lines are obliterated, and the men first enlisting ° will be first to bo mustered in. The assignment to companies will be by the officer commanding, and he will be at liberty to organize a com¬ pany composed of men from one state, if bo finds it convenient and practica¬ ble. The organization of tho ten reg¬ iments in this country will not make any difference to the organization of the regiments in the Philippines by General OtiB. His regiments will be in addition to those hereafter to be known as the Twenty-sixth and Thirty- fifth inclusive, and will ho numbered thirty-sixth upward. It is expected that three regiment will bo organized in the Philippines. The regiments or¬ ganized in the United States and the Philippines will increase the army by 050 officers anil 17,007 men, if there should be three full regiments formed by General Otis. The colonels appointed Thursday are undor orders to proceed at once with the organization of the regiments. Rome of the officers are now in the city, and have been consulting the dif¬ ferent bureau officers with regard to equipment and supply for the men as they join the rogimouts. The order for the enlistment is as follows: The regiment4 will bo organized ac¬ cording to the provisions of the act of March 2d, 1899, and will consist of fifty officers and 1,309 enlisted men each. Tho secretary of war gives the pillowing instructions to govern tho recruiting: “The enlistment of men for the ten regiments of-infantry, United States volunteers, will bo made by the regu¬ lar recruiting officers at all tho re¬ cruiting stations and military posts within the United States.” Tho recruiting station for the Twen¬ ty-ninth regiment, for the states of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala¬ bama, Mississippi and Louisiana, will bo at Fort McPherson,Ga.,and will be under command of Captain Edwin E. Hardin, colonel of the Second New York volnuteers in the war with Spain. A delegation of southerners, includ¬ ing Representatives Claytou, Bank- head and Griggs, saw the president with reference to tho selection of offi¬ cers for the new volunteer regiments. As a result it was slated that the pres¬ ident promised the following appoint¬ ments : R. E. L. Spence, of Georgia, to be a major. Frank F. Crenshaw, of Georgia, to be captain. S. G. Orr, of Georgia, to be assis¬ tant quartermaster. Marion Mnbson, of Alabama, to be soeond lieutenant. I). M, Harris, of Georgia, to be sec¬ ond lieutenant. Stove Men Advance Prices. A special from Chicago says: The western stovo manufacturers mot Thursday and advanced prices 5 per eeikt. DATTLE AT A PICNIC. Pistols and Clubs Used With Fatal Effect by Tennesseeans. Near Pikeville, Tenn., at a picnio Saturday, a battle occurred in which eight men werj fatally wound¬ ed. Ou one side wore tbreo Hoge brothers and Eas Hankins; ou the oth¬ er Carroll Seals, two brothers nnd his son. Ed Seals was fatally wounded in the breast., Corroll Seals was shot in the shoulder and left. Ervin Seals is hit in the thigh, while Eas Haskins is wound¬ ed in the head fatally. A man named Willard had his head fractured with a club. CROWDING THE MPANTARDS. French Consul Says American Enterprise Is On a Doom In Manila. The French consul at. Manila has sent to his government a dispatch con¬ taining a long list-of enterprises which Americans are establishing in the archipelago and warns his own people that they must be np and doing unless they want to be far in tbe rear. A translation of his report has reach¬ ed the state department from United States Consul Cobert at Lyons. KEE1> tvovr witTru. j j Ex-Czar Ignores New Nominee Fo* Speaker of the House. Prospective speaker of the house, Hon. David 15. Henderson, of Iowa, accompanied by Mrs. Hendorsou and their daughter, arrived in Washington Wednesday afternoon from Chicago. One fact brought out in conversation with General Henderson was interest¬ ing. He has not heard a word from ex-Speaker Reed since the conkst for the speakership began nnd ended.- Not a line i f congratulation lias been re- | Drived from the big man of Maine. 44 Do Not Grasp attheShadow and Lose the Substance ." I life, SSSSS2S the &duil substance; keep that pure by re 3 u ^ r vse °f Hood's Sarsaparilla and robust health nuitl be the result. Be sure to get only Hood's, because . Steed'S SdUafyaliffn ^ ^ NwerDisa ___ * I Pncf* About Olivo*. Every one l.nflws there Is such an nrtloli. as olives, most everybody has eaten them, lLut ffw are aware of their nature, prop»|vt!% and characteristics, to say notbiifcg f tlx-lr origin, home, cultivation, eVfaration, etc. The original home of the olive tree was in Syria and Palestine, thence it ' vns flurried to Greece, where it flour- ifih<,<1 iu ,lH ' ,ime of n ° 1IU>r ’ wh0 InaUps menUen of u ie „-,-o aml ns fruit. Tin* origin of tho olive is lost in antiquity, but there is little doubt that It is many centuries older than the Creek pocis. The olive tree is a small one, gen- orally from 1 to 3 feet In diameter and 1,r > to .35 in height. Old specimens are found which have attained larger pro- portions, but these are exceptional. Baly Is the most prolific country at the present time in the production of ollvos . France and Spain being second 1,1 tl,e onll ' r named. Olives are produced in many other countries, ^hey were planted in California by the Spanish missionaries somewhere a,K> ut 1705, and to this day “Mission” olives are considered the best in the state. The value of the olive as a relish is of considerable importance, but Its oil Is of more importance, commercial- ly speaking. Ask Your Dealer For Allen’# Foot-Ease, A powder to shako into your shoes; rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Bore, Hot, Callous, Aching, ttwoatintf Feet and ingrowing Nads. Allens Toot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all drug¬ i’REE. gists and shoe stores, 25 ets. Sample mailed Adr's Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y. Ex-Secretnry is the oldest of the Navy Richard Thomp¬ son living ex-cabinet officer. Educate Your Rowels With Cascarcts. 10c, Candy 25c. Cathartic, cure constipation forever, If C. C. O. fail, druggists refund monoy. A Chicngo colored citizen has invented^n electric heater retailed at $1.50. a 11 j || | i i “8 liave been V\ 8CAHETS for ! Insomnia, with which [ have been afflicted for over have twenty years, and I can suy Unit, Cnscarets Kiven mo more relict than any other reme¬ dy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recom¬ mend them to my frieuds'as beinft all they are represented.” Thus. Gillakd, Elgin, ill. CANDY CATHARTIC Kg' TRADE MARK R£0i3T?RSD '-.V A H “r^CURtcONST.PATioN; Pleasant. Palatable. Potent Taste Good. H)o 860 ;.?- Ropjpdy (Vupar.T, riilrnjro, 3fontrrr.J, Ncir York. 310 NO-TftyBSR ^ Gfimmedd THH ATLANTA^" ^ ~ Offers thorough practical courses in Bookkeep- ing, nnd Shorthand and Typewriting. Students placed in positions without extra charge. Be- dueed rates to all entering school this month. Cali on or niidrcBi. the aTI.anta BUSINESS COLLEGE, 1CH, 130 t\ hltehnll St„ Atlant.i, Ga . BOTTLE OF MORPHINE J. M. Warren, Ordinary Wilcox To., A bbevUle, says: U 1 used daily one bottle morphine and quart of whisky 7 years ago; Dr. Syms cured mo fSrn^tmg^u^-^^^Vhiv^nev^’ warned any morphine Patients or whisky since. Will answer any questions.” No given a written guarantee. suffering or io^s of sleep, llatdt cured in 20 dnys; Dr, no pay tillahsolutely cured. For terms, etc., write B. A. Syms. 51 Williams St., Atlanta, Ga. DENTAL DEPARTMENT Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons Oldest Collcue in State. Thirteenth An- mini Session opens Oct. 8: closes April 30th. Those contemplating the study of Dentistry should write for catalogue. v Address W. FOSTER, Dean. (13 03 Inman Bltlg., Atlanln. Ga. TAL-LIJ-LAH LODGE. Tallulah Falls Reservation opens l'or guests July 1st. Directly on Grand Chasm, 2,000 feet above sea level. Everything new. electric lights ‘ ur ? or : <1 fi.n.ll IU A;io.Vr« la '. ' hrce treo!f«a hem« il rnV, 1 l !, , ! 11 la .',n nN ? ' If ’ 1 ,'„ trestles rebuUt ,.m nnd | jond In spietuliilcondl.Ion. : 5MSSS^SS£5l^?r?a.atah m‘ d , da L a " d i“ te ,? 1 “ ora - Ior 8 l ,eclal Fails, Ga. GOLDEN CROWN --- Are the best. Ash for them. Cost no more j tlmn common chimneys. All dealers. I’lTTSBUKG UU YSS €<>., Allegheny, Fa. | jfei fa | 11 1 i|JL,SlrlS In. Isa IJ fl glj i 1 a y D i tfji over 20 degrees colder than u nset * veirigftrniors just like a perfect substitute tor “ SEND FOR CIRC FLA US. AGENTS WANTED. I NIVF.USAL KEMlKiEltATINT IlKOOIiLlN, CO., 202 Fliisliiug Aveiiut*, N. Y. £12 stacI-E; USE CERTAIN CHILL CURE. A Salitlc Explanation. “And is this tho first time you have experienced the sensations of love?” she asked. “It Is,” he replied. “Am I the first girl you ever told you loved?” she persisted. He hesitated. What reports might not have come to her ears. “You must remember,” ho said at last, “hoiv easy it is for the ignorant and uninitiated to accept-a base imita- lion for the real Chicago Post, Plantation m__+ Chill Cure isiuaranleed linl/n To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? -Price 50c. ' ALL ELSE FAILS. Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Syld by druggists. MPT< :- w—rrg-r IMITATI'/E FILIPINOS. The Amprlcnn Local Paper 5nyn They (Exceed All Other People in Imitation. .. .. amis. This race of people, of Malay origin, which occupies all the archipel- ngo of the Celebns Sou, lacks the aesthetic taste necessary for the prop- er combination of colors, constructive ability, uniformity In architectural de- signs, and the good taste which Is re- (juired for the culture and advance- men! of a people. They have no ideas of tills kind of their own, and In all matters of taste do nothing more than what they see In races of the West. Any one who has observed the Fill- pinos will nave noticed that they have no Ideas at all la regard to the proper combination of colors in their wearing apparel, as, in spite of their dusky complexions, they select in their cloth- lug the colors which are least suitable to them. I ou will see Indian girls !ln ' 1 half-breeds ns brown as berries using ln their dresses and scarfs such colors «is blue, green, yellow, brown and black. A woman of dusky com- ploxlon with a dress of any of these colors presents nn appearance that Is hideous ln the extreme. It Is not un- common to see dark-skinned Indian girls dressed in such bright greens that if they should encounter a cara- Imo they are liable to be eaten by that festive animal on account of their slmi- lnrlty to a bunch of hay. The reason why these people cut this ridiculous figure is that they see these bright colors on European women, and, without thinking of the effect which on account of their different corn- plexlon micli lines are liable to produce, readily adept them and consider them¬ selves the most elegant of the elegant. No sooner does a new fashion arrive from Faris, Vienna .or Berlin In shoes, trousers, bats, shirts or neckwear, no matter bow extravagant, tlio Indian and the half-breed immediately adopt them. The American troops had been in Manila only a few days with their ] rov ,n twits before the stores on the Escolta were besieged by natives and half-breeds buying all the brown cloth obtainable, wool, cotton or silk, and in a few days they were all arrayed In suits of the same color as those worn by the army of occupation. They noticed (he liats of straw- or felt with a blue pclka dot band, and in a few days all the Indians and half-breeds were wearing the same kind of hats as the Americans. I believe flint the Americans will have but little trouble in introducing here their usages, customs and lan- gunge, as to that end the spirit of imi- tation which predominates in the na¬ tive race will be a powerful factor.-. The Manila Freedom. Sold by Ills Sweetheart. Henderson is in love. Of course, that is nothing unusual. The object of his affections is a pretty little girl ut Mandel’s. She is extremely co¬ quettish. and, to use Henderson’s own expression, she could not be sincere even if she saw him marry another girl. He was taking her out as often as his little salary would permit, and many times he has exceeded the limit. Regularly twice a week he is at the «*** ^ f teen cents worth of clean laundry, waiting patiently for the store to “let out.” For mouths he has thus escort- ed her to her north side home, and every time he has asked her to tell him something encouraging. She al¬ ways evades his question, but the oth¬ er day she promised to write to him. Tho next morning he received the letter. It was the chilliest one he had ever read, antique was just on the point f| j. ,l ( . S ] i;l jp wlJv*S lie SMb the following words in one corner of the last page. “1 wrote something on the back of the , ,, Carefully, and very curious, he la- for almost an hour, before he loosen the stamp of tlio envelope, finally n , . lie succt-uueu. Upon the back was written: “Was it , iar(1 tQ remove ?”_ChlcagO Journal. A woman is really in earnest when she weeps on her best pocket handkerchief. rc-n’t Tctccco S| it rr.d Tmcke Vcur Life Away. To quit to I. a coo easily nnd forever, be mag- netie. bill Of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac, tho wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50c or $1. Cure guaran- iced. Booklet and sample free. Address sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. is The Mr. oldest practicing solicitor in England Henry John Davis; admitted in 1835. Disgusting ! hktn eruptions, which keep you scratching, find look raw nnd sore. It is unrefined in either r ’ , ’-Ni nnd gives the Impression of uncleanness. Don't you want to get lid of It? Get a50o. box of Tcttorlne from vour druggist, or send stamps to J. T. fal1 Shuptrlne, Savinnah', Ga. It cures, ’ «« « a ‘«“«- A woman’s idea of prosperity is being able to buy the most expensive scented soap. True Value is Shown by llic Test of time. During 30 years Wintersmith’s Chill Cure 1ms been tried and true. It has cured thousands and will cure you. Try it. AU Drug- gists se 1 it. or bottle sent to any address, ex- press Address, prepaid, Arthur on Peter receipt of retail price, 50c. & Co. Louisville, Ky. The house of Gen. Phil. Sheridan in Wash- iugton cost$45,000nnd has trebled in value To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascnretis Vandy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. if C. C. C. fail to'cure, druggists refund money. Queen Wilkelmtna ordered all Waterloo battle pictures removed from the peace dele¬ gates’ apartments. I use Piso’s Cure for Consumption both in my family and practice.—Dr. G. W. Patter- sox, Inkster, Mich., Nov. 5, 1894. Conductor F,. D. Loomis, Detroit, Mich., says: “Theeffectof Hall’s Catarrh Cure is wonderful. Write him about it. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Yrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething,softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion.allays pain.cures wind colic. 26c. a bottle. II. II. Green’s Sons, of Atlanta, Ga.. are the only See successful Dropsy offer Specialists in the world. their liberal in advertiseinent in an¬ other column of this paper. While at the head of the State Department Judge Da> rec.ived three honorary degrees. Jfo-To-llao for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobnccc habit cure, makes weak men strong, bit d pure. 50c, $1. All druggists. Sidney Cooper, «v?ed 90, had four pictures on exhibition at the Luiidon Academy this year. j “T* writes^ . , ln I s0 n A T Typical , « _ Polonaise « , Gown. _ f rom Berlin forty-two horses anil twenty earrings, ami the Emperor, though accompanied by the Empress nnJ his two youngest children, nus not a very large suite with him. It is said thot h Is .unjesty makes a point of be- lng magnificent, ns his early teaching taught him that It was letter to err In tllis way t ] mn to be too economical. | t j s we n Known that the Empress Frederick was always too economical | U ] lor wav () f conducting her house- hold, „ Q d that often great offense was taken when she and her daughters np- p ,. a ,. e d at great festivals In shabby clothing, ns it was said that she would not take the trouble to put on a smart ,]r ess f or the future subjects of her husband. The Kaiser saw this fault of his mother very clearly, and though he shows a great magnificence out- wnrdly, and in so doing gives his poo- pie great pleasure, his household nr- falrs are conducted ou a quite econo- mlcal basis, and there Is no waste, as was formerly the case, in the imperial menage." London T„„e, Curious Custom. In China it is t-h* custom for guests at din- ners to run around between the courses. This is supposed to keep the diner's digestion in good condition, but the nervous hustling American needs something else, and there is nothing better than Hostetter’s Stomach Bit¬ ters. If a man or woman is suffering with constipation, indigestion or any stomach trouble, it’s their fault if they don’t get well. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters will cure them. See that a private Hevenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. In Baltimore the streets are sprinkled by tank attachmets to the trolley cars. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cnscarets, Gandy Cathar¬ tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up tho lazy liver and driving all im¬ purities banish pimples, from tile body. Begin to-day to boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cnscarets,—beauty satisfaction for ten cents. AU drug¬ gists, guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. in Sheep Wisconsin are clipped at the rate of 40 per day by an electrical machine. cs» >! % >: .V iM How is this? caused Perhaps it, sleepless grief, nights or or sick- ness, No or perhaps what it the was care. matter cause, you cannot wish to look old at thirty. hair. Gray hair is starved The hair bulbs have been deprived of proper force. food or proper nerve \r.. i It r..- li M increases the circulation in the scalp, gives more power ~ to the nerves, supplie",„:^ ing elements to the hair bulbs. Used according to direc- tions, g’iiy hair few begins to show color in a days. Soon it has all the softness and richness of youth and the color of early life returns. Would you like our book on the Hair? Wewiil gladly send it to you. Write sssl If you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the about Vigor, it. He write the be able doctor may to suggest something of value to you. Address, Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass, r STOPPED PRSE Permaasntiy fr.ssnity ?pet(.-n!s(i CareS by DH. KUNE’S CHEAT I F*e RESTORER | Epatma Positive enro for all Jfervoua>, Fits, Epilepsy,'* and St. Yitu*' ^oEitaor Nervouaueaa } \ | I free fitter to first Fit day’B patients, use. they Treatipor.nd$2triftlbottl® paying charges only jj I received. Send express when to Pr. Kline, Ltd, Pcllevna tern Institute of Medicine. 931 Arch St.» J’h’.ladelrbia. Pi. OR. MOFFETT’S Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Males Teething Easy. TEETHINA Relieves tbs I AS Bowel Troubles of ■ Children Sfc of Any Age. fa" TEETHING POWDERS Only3.%c, If A c all druggists, <:■ 1 C. not, J. M mail 25 cents to Dr. OFFBTT, St. Mo. Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. Leader ” loaded with Smokeless powder and “ New Rival” loaded with Black powder. Superior to all other brands for RELIABILITY AND STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES. Winchester Shells are for sale by all dealers. Insist upon having them when you buy and you will get the best. _. r-iNKtiAM. lw TO MRS. PINKHAM NO. 67,1043 _- — - you for the good that Lydia E, Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has dons forme. I have taken five bottle* of the Compound and two boxen of Liver Pills and feel better in every<#espect. I had suffered for years with dropsy; the veins in my limbs burst, caused from the pressure of the water. I hart the worst kind of kidney trouble, faint- ffig spells, and I could not stand long at r, time. I also had female weakness and the doctor said there was a tumor in my left side. The pains I had to stand were something dreadful. A friend handed me a little book of yours, so I got your medicine and it has saved my life. I felt better from the first bottle. The bloating and the tumors have all gone and I do not suffer any pain. I am still using the Vegetable Compound and hope others may find relief as I have done from its use.’ Miss N. J. Lockheabt, Box 16, Eliza- beth, Pa. Only the women who have suffered j been restored to health. * Mrs. * Pinkham responds quickly and without ... . charge , to all letters Irorasimer ino* women. Her address is Lynn, Mass. ° WANTED—Youn p men to learn tclpgrnphy for positions on railroad. Southern Bailway Telegraph School, Atlanta, Ga. Malsby,& Company, 39 S. lire ut St., Atlanta, Ga. Engines and Boilers Steam Water Heaters, Steam 1'umpa and renbelthy Injectors. X, - s§§J»si§i Manufacturers and Dealers ln SAW MILLS, Corn Mills-Feed Mills, Cotton Gin Machin¬ ery and Grain Separators. SOLID and INSERTED Saws, Saw Teeth and I ocks, Knight’s Patent Bogs, Itirdsall ^aw Mill nnd Engine Repairs, Governors, Grate Purs and a full line of Mill Supplies. 1 rice find quality of goods guaranteed. Catalogue free by mentioning this paper. “THE m LIFEOF MILLER, WANTED. Lake alA* OnI> S’ lHllAHtt 50. OUTFIT FREE. SIDNEY (J. Y\rANTED—Case TV of bad health\hnt 1-Dpans IM P/ N S will not hene.1t. Send 5 ets. to Chemical Co., NewYork, fjr 10 samples and 10G# testimonials. SPECULATORS it t.ii« iakes and Swindlers vmalers in m W 11 Scree-), Cni- ruvo, Boston, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Washington, wasmngo Bn- and other cities. Beware of Skin Information J leans nad Agencies. Send l.i cents for copy tat esS edition ON ’CIIANCK. IS pages, which gives list cl alleged Bneket Shops and alleged Bankets and Brokers Sieve ami other leading rities. Bead shout leader of Big Brokerage concern now- a hinted States prisoner and in Ludlow- St. jail, foy fraudu¬ lent useof mails.Other swindlers now unu*arrest. Bneket Shop Keepers recently convicted. i»<M uo* talk on evils of BUCKET SHOPS. Bail bonds of the Notorious Dean Gang fixed aft 875(11) each. How- fools and their money were sep¬ arated lw a Wall St. firm. Ifo-.v member Chicago Board of Trade w-orlted the nubl iv Find membership, out who you are dealing with. An Exchange elaborate a good Financial rating, fine pr muses or literature is no protection. We know the honest from Hie dishonest Brokers. Reports on Brokers (one report), $2.ini. Additional reports, 81.00. Col¬ lections rf accounts lost through Brokers a Spe¬ cial- v. Accounts examined wild investigated, ne- ferences 15Exchanges and foe legitimate Brokers in U.s. Correspondence confidential. Write cw call Address K. I.. UI.AIiU & CO.. 30 Broad Street, New York. DROPSY uf testimonials and lOtlays treatment enses- BojR Free. Dr. H. H. GREEN’S SONS, Box D. Atlanta, Qa„ 0nr owngrasAHW BUILDIFG. nsBiiS sna m KSSt»S, 4 of whom i! i; aiiB authors of ra-wo* 6 * )00 ^ 5 - Both sexep. Mb VACATIONS. nSjB AU hociimshranchts, Academic departmects. Baglish ,yid " Lf.ADIKfl BUSINESS C0LIKC1 SOUTH OF THE POTOMAC RIVER. 'Pails. Stoaoerspher. Cstalos free. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Tulane University of Louisiana. Its advantages for practical instruction, both in ample laboratories and abundant hospital materials, are unequalled. Free access is given to the great Charity Hospital with 900 beds and 80,000 patients annually. Special instruc¬ tion is given daily at the bedside of the sick. The next session begins October 19th, 1899. For catalogue and Information address Prof. S. K. CHAIFIjE. M. !>., Dean, THE JUDGES OF CARTER S are the users. More users of it than any other. Why? THE BE5TI Costs YOU no more than the poorest I and Whiskey Habits cured at home with¬ out pain. Book of par¬ ticulars sent FREE, Atiauta, Office B.M.WOOLLEY, 104 N. Pryor M.D. 8t. 2 tisers.. A*u 99-28