Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, August 04, 1899, Image 3

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WE HAVE THE MOST EXCLUSIVE «* And largest stock: of Dry Goods and General Merchandis in this section, and have the best facilities for showing them to our customers. We keep on hand at all times a large quanity of Corn, Flour and Meat, together with a general line of farm snp’d -, Our line of Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats cannot be surpassed, Y/e are fully abreast of the times, and keep up vi” - th? tyies. Our entire stock has been well selected, and we carry a general line of everything that can be found in a dr3t class General J/erclnuulise Store. We pay the bjgiu&i 'plots 10T Gutto ‘ i , YOW & COOPER, AVALON, GA. THE ADVANCE. Cabnesviele, Ga., July 4 , 1 S 99 . F^ersonalS. Something You Never Heard of Before. Have you heard that we have the prettiest, nobbiest and best se¬ lected stock of dress goods ever brought to Royston? Everything up-to-date, ties of every kind, sum¬ mer corsets, sea island, percales, beautiful organdies, belts and just anything you want we have. All that see them exclaim, Oh, my! what a pretty stock! We also carry a full line of shoes, hats, un¬ dervests, groceries, etc. We have two lady clerks to show you through. Don’t fail to see and price my goods or you will regret it, after hearing others tell how cheap I’m selling. Now come and 6ee for yourself, we undersell all. Yours in low prices, S. M. Hulmb. W. R. and J. M. Little are in the mountains this week fishing. Tom McConnell, of Comer, was m town Saturday and Sunday. Nice Jelly, in five pound buck¬ ets at J. E. Cox’s for twenty five cents. Claud Tribble of Lavonia was in town Tuesday. A-: L. Fricks made a business , trip to Toccoa Monday. W. R. Little pvas in Toccoa Monday oil business. Fletcher Knox of Eiberton was in town Wednesday on business. Go to Leland Little for all kinds of canned goods and confectiona¬ ries. W. O. Dean, of Jfonroe, is in town visiting friends. R. L. Little made a business trip to Cromers last Wednesday. Will Groves of Comer spent Sunday in town. W. B. Anglin, of Bold Springs, was in town Tuesday. Grat McEntire, of Erastus, was in town sale day. J. E. Cox has just received one of the nicest lines of dry goods and notions that has been brought to Carnesville this season. C. P. Ray, of Lavonia, was here Tuesday on business. Protracted services will begin ' Cross Roads church next Sun¬ light, Chua Perry, of Madison, Ceiff gues'Vol Mrs. C. I). McEn- known co.onday. os/ * . Iron at $1.80 •ibbie and wife of Lavo- cc isiting relatives in town > o,,r ‘k. to.' . iid Little has both sweet Sour pickles at a reasonable price. /Tom Little, of Atlanta, was town Wednesday shaking hands with . his . friends. . many Jullian Little is spending a few days m the , country this ,. week , vis- . iting . . relatives. . If you want the latest style in a hat or a pair of shoes, call on J. E. 0 Cox; he , has , received . a new stock. , , Dortch & Burruss are selling furniture, buggies aud bicycles at rock bottom prices, for cash or on easy terms. , The Royston jockey club was here Tuesday trading with the boys. H. II. Chandler and J. C. Black- well of Lavonia were in town last W ednesday. Mr. Bob Harrison and daugh¬ ter, of Atlanta, have been visiting friends and relatives in town this week. Mrs. R. D. Yow came up from Franklin Springs Saturday and spent Sunday with her father, Dr. Aderhold. The nicest line of furniture, buggies and bicycles, ever brought to Carnesville, at the lowest pos¬ sible prices. Can be seen m the Rampley brick building, north of public square. Mr. Dolph Little, of Harmony Groye, was m town a short time Wednesday enrouteto the moun¬ tains. Call on J. E. Cox when you want anything m the grocery or confectionery line. He keeps the best and cheapest. J. Bell McEntire of Walton county is spending a few days with friends and relatives in town this week. Leland Little lias the best green coffee in town. Ten pounds to the dollar. Luther Bond, a successful young business man of Royston, was ip town Tuesday attending the regu¬ lar monthly meeting of the board of education. Bill Bowers one of Rovston’s prominent young business men sppnt Tuesday in town. Leland Little is still working to get your trade by offering the best bargains in town. Dortch & Burruss have the best and cheapest harness ever brought to Carnesville. Call and soetliem. Rev. Mr. JfoGuire is assisting E. L. Sisk with the protract¬ meeting that is in progress at Carnesville Baptist church this A two ounce box of the snuff made, for five cents at Ii. Little’s. 1 Good Note Heads printed this office and e put up in pad^f one hundred, at one dolIav^Bp eighty cents per thousand. Tabor Locals. The crops in this section are fine, we have been fortunate to have plenty of rain. Mr. Joon Ayers and Mr. Peyton of Mt. Airy, visited thier sister Mrs. Lula Isbell Saturday and Sun¬ day. Mrs. Nancy Dickson is visiting Mrs. Lizzie Isbell. There is a good deal of sickness here now. Mrs. Lizzie Isbell and Mrs. Lula s Isbell are both sick with fever. , Miss bnnth „ ... of . Evstanollee _ A „ visit- ed ,, the Misses r . Lnglish last week, , The protracted meeting at New 1Iope begin8 neJit Friday night . • The' meeting ° at Broad River last Sunday. There were accessions to tUe church . Mrs. A. D. Isbell has heen right for several days. Royston Locals. Mr. Ben. H. Aderhold Carnesville a highly esteemed cit¬ izen was in Royston this week. Misses Mamie Burruss and Lil¬ lian Manley, two charming young ladies, were shopping here one day this week. The wedding bells chimed last Sunday eve, at the homo of M. B. Burnett heralding the marriage of Mr. Luther St rick lend to Miss Adalee Burnett. Miss Bertha Little of Harmony Grove has been elected assistant of the Royston High School. She graduated at the Georgia Normal and Industrial college and spent one year at the female seminary at ItoanoK Va.. She is a lady of rare accomplishments. We noticed among the Royston locals last weeek, a very compli¬ mentary mention of Prof. W. II. Cobb, of this place intimating that it was very likely that he would make the race for senator from the 31st senatorial district, and that lie would doubtless be the nomi¬ nee of the democratic party with¬ out opposition. Until we saw the your paper we hud heard very little said about politics and had not heard of any names be¬ ing mentioned inconnection with any office. Since seeing your pa¬ per I have been in Toccoa, Lavo¬ nia and other places in the senato¬ rial district, and have made con¬ siderable effort to find out who would be the choice of peoplee or at least who the leading democrats of the district, and. especially of Franklin County, thought would make the best race. From the in¬ terviews I had in the different sec¬ tions and the most iufiluential and leading uieu of each place,'; I find that W. II. Cobb is beyond ai- doubt + he most popular man that can be thought of, and that if he should decide to make the race we believe that ho would carry the election by* the largest major¬ ity of any man that lias held the office for years. Prof. Cobb has many staunch friends in the Pop¬ ulist party who w'ould not only vote for him but would use their influence in every way possible. We feel no hesitation in saying that if Prof. Cobb will allow his name to go before the people that he will go in office by an over¬ whelming majority. Citizen. Plumb Locals Miss Lindia Tribble is very low at this writing. The outlook fdj^he success of the Protracted meeting at Hope- well is very good, Rev. Harrell is an able minister and will no doubt build up Hopewell church. . The Holiness meeting is still in progress. Quite a large crowd was present (^Sunday. . Mrs. Judge Goolsby visited friends at Plumb Monday. Miss Lizzie Broom, of Cadiz vis¬ ited her brother J. P. Bropm Sun¬ day. S. J. Oliver has some line cot¬ ton his crop averages up well. Mr. Huff, of Carnsville gave us a pleasnt call Monday afternoon. Clever James Chapman of Wil- born, passed through our neigh¬ borhood on last Saturday, Jim is looking for some real estate in this section. Jfessers Louis and Goss Payne are making preperations to saw a bill of lumber near the residence of S. J. Oliver. . Mrs Fannie Hur.nicutt, of Red Hill was t/ie guest of friends at this place Monday. Crops are looking fine since the good rains. The rust pest has about stopped on the cotton. Tugalo Locals. News is scarce in this bur", but the scarcity of a thing makes it more valuable. Ben and Miss Deannie Smalley have just returned from a weeks visit tc relatives in Pickens, S. C. Miss Lula Ward one of Ocoiiees charming young ladies is visiting her sister, Sirs. Joe Leverett. The jieople hsd a very good time at the Union meeting last week. W. M. Walters of Wei born vis- fed his brother, Allen J. Walters of this place last week. (,’rops are growing nicely since the refreshing rains. Rev. A. F. Nunn has been carry¬ ing on a series of meetings at Providence church the past week. Mr. Austin and family of Wal¬ ton county are visiting J. W. Par- tee of this place. Salubrity Locals. Crops are fine in this section. J. M. Burruss anil wife attended the Union meeting in Lavonia Sat¬ urday and Sunday, Mrs. Alexander, of Toccoa, is visiting in this community this week, Mrs. Smith and daughter Mrs. Conly of Atlanta, are visiting rela- tiveo in this comipunity. The ;ic., in this community are convalescent, 1 Mrs Lon Griffin,of Lake City Fla., is visiting in this community. ■ Thos. Eskew and wife and Will Looney, of S C., visited relatives here last week. Miss Lula Whaeler spent last week with her .sister Mrs. G. A. Brown. Mr. Jim Bonds and wife, of El¬ bert, are visiting relatives in this section this week. Miss Lula Mashburn, who has been visiting relatives for the week has returned to her home, Pop Locals. G F. Rumsey made a trip to Fort Madison last week. B. F. Camp Esq., of Carnesville, visited here Sunday. Mrs. M. A. Isbell is visiting rela. tives near Ft. Madison, S. C. W. g. Stone has the finest water¬ melon patch we have seen. Several land buyers were in this community last week. George Smith has just returned from Piedmont, S. C.. where he has' been visiting relatives. i§J. T. Wilson has twenty stalks of cotton growing from seed sent him from Cuba by a relative* It is certainly fine looking stalks without a single square on them and Mr. Wilson has decided that cotton seed from Cuba are no good here. How ? Phonography, Pitman by ftenn Howard, and Jerome B. A perfect self- instructor. Over 300,000 .E? JYA?ITT" sold. Sold by all book- JliOftTNAND! C 1 Seilers, or wo will send it Wlt ncuwi-1 lj y »»>’, v,i.h tLo Phono- Rtader and , h . for $1.3 cloth, Pkonograpk.o Copy Pooh, 5, or $1.15, bbards. . ■ THE BEMK'aiTMAH-SYSTEM tins for 43 years been th« standard. Called by the tj. S. Bureau of Ed cation “The Amer¬ ican System.' 1 First prize. World’s Fair. Full information and complete catalogue, free. TliK PHONOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. CLEARANCE SALE. In order to make room for our large stock of FALL GOODS we have decided to offer for the next thirty days our entire stock of Furniture, Stoves,* Harness, Bicycles, Chairs, lattresses, Springs, Cots, Carpeting, Pictures, Clocks, Trunks and Valises REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. ./ carry a full stock: of every thing in our line, and we are in a position to Sell goods at unusually low Figures. \ # < J * WE PAID SPOT CASH FOR OUR ENTIRE STOCK, • * Consequently we can give our Customers the Benefit cf the Liberal Discount that our cash comnvmded. *- IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN THE.ABOVE LINE GIVERS * A C^LL.. - * Our stock of Buggies is complete, and we are offering them at the lowest possible prices, consistent with Good Material and First Class Workmanship, f C*3 CARRY A NICE LINE OF BUGGY POLEW.ND SHAFTS. / * US A C/fUL WHITHER YOU .t. • N&AINiT TO MAKE A PURHASE OR NOT Tip. Neil Sixty Days We Maid Alai Mir Business A Liae B( B DORTCH & BURRUSS.