Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, August 04, 1899, Image 4

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THE SCOURGE IS Existence of Yellow Fever at Hampton Causes Great Alarm Throughout the Country. EXPERTS ANNOUNCE MALADY GENUINE YELLOW JACK People Hurrying Away From Resorts In Vicinity of Hampton--Extra Precautions Taken. A special of Monday from Norfolk, Va., stated that tho breaking out yellow fever nt the Soldiers’ homo Jlampton, tt and , tbe ,, , of , an epidemic even before it was known thnt there was a case of yellow fever in tho ITj.ited States, is enusing almost a panic in eastern Virginia, and tlions- and. , of , people, , especially the summer guests nt Old Point, Newport News, and other immediate Atlantic resorts, are flocking to tho northern and east- ern cities for protection from the dis¬ ease. No Doubt lift to DIftcaft©. .Surgeon Oenernl Sternburg , , Washington received the following from Liciitcnaut Colonel DoWUt at _ Fort ,, Monroe regarding (lie outbreak , , of fever; FoicrMosno*, Vn, .Inly 13-Surgeon rten- eral, H. S. A., Washington At 4 o'clock p. m., yesterday Surgeon I’oltus, United States marine hospital service, quarantine officer, officially slated thnt yellow fever Is nt the Soldiers' Home; 34 cases, with « deaths. Commanding officer took Immediate meas- , urea for quarantine. Surgeou Bed us states surg'-ou general mnrlne hospital sorvico was notified yoster- day ntternyon, (Slgnod) T'kWitt, Rnrgcon. Adjutant General Corbin and Major Johnston, assistant adjutant general, were at Fort Monroe Sunday and were present when Surgeon Pottus made his report to Lieutenant Colonel Do Witt. General Corbin eays that from all accounts there is littlo doubt lliat the conditions are serious, and there is no telling how fur^ie infection inny have reached. Genera! Corbin further says that there is not tho least question about tho character of the disease, physicians who were present at tho postmortem on some of tho victims declaring that yellow fever was surely present, According to advices received the “ "''w department Monday, there had been a total of 40 cases, six of whom died. Tho Soldiers’ Home has no connec- tion with the war department. It is under a board of managers evented by congress, which manages nil the diers’ homes throughout tho country, The men admitted are soldiers of the war ot the rebellion. Officers of the war department are very much con- cerned on the part of the military post nt Fort Monroo, which is within six miles of tho hofno. Hoiflrn From Hio lteRortfl. A Washington special says: Tho yellow fever outbreak at the soldiers’ homo nt Hampton has caused great, anxiety at the national capital, be¬ cause, when it became known that tho scourge Was in reality existing in tho Soldiers’ home, the summer guests nt the hotels at Obi Point immediately packed up their things and took the bouts and trains for Washington gnd Baltimore. There is fear that in this way the disease may ho carried to tho capital, and that n quarantine may be instituted in Washington. Monday the marine hospital service hurried a number .of surgeons to Hampton and vicinity. Dr. Wasdin, of the marine hospital who is already at Hampton, is as tho export at the, home. PEERAGE FOR PAUNCHFOIE. Britinh Ambassador to the United States Goes ITp a Notch. It was officially announced in Lou¬ don Monday British that Sir Julian Paunco- fote, ambassador to tho United States, who Was head of the British delegation to the international peace conference at Tho Hague, has been elevated to the peerage. TAX COLLECTOR HIDING OUT. Davis* of "Walker County, Alabama* Short His Accounts. A Montgomery, Ala., dispatch snys: State Examiner Perry has filed with Governor Johnston the result of his examination of the office, of Tax Col¬ lector Davis, of Walker county. Ho reports that the collector OMUpuftthe state and county $14,705, and has ouly $1,000 to his credit in tho bank. Some two weeks ago Tax Collector Davis went to Birmingham and got on a spree, and Governor Johnston sent the examiner to Jasper to check over liis accounts. Since thnt time Davis lias kept out of the way of the authori¬ ties. PENALTY IS DEATH. Under Givens Charge Is Returned of Desertion. to Manila On board the transport Ohio, which, tho Newport, sailed from San Wednesday night for tho was Benjamin Givens, of company H, Fourth United infantry, manacled and guarded, be returned to Manila for trial upon charge of “desertion in the face of enemy,” the penalty for which is _ BISHOP BECKER PASSES AWAY. The Well Known Trolnto Dies Suddenly at Washington* Ga. Bishop Thomas A. Becker, of the of Savannah, Ga., and leader the Catholic church in the south, at Washington, Ga., Saturday. The death of Bishop Becker will profound sorrow throughout the state, as well arnoug his co-religionists as xvith those of different denomina¬ tions, who, while differing with him in faith, admired his splendid traits of eharacter and his wealth of mind and hearh 1 Surgeon General Wyman has not yet decided whether he will go to Hamil¬ ton, but will do so if there is any nee'd of his Borviccs. Arrangements oro al- rendy tl „ lo to throw , |lmrnntino lincH i around any place where the disease shows itself outside of the homo, j Secretary Hospital Algor Given directed Up to I*ot.loots. the Josiah Simpson hospital at Ft. Monroe to he ■ to the mariue ll08 ow , )ita | sorvico if it is wanted by Surgeon I General Wyman. This hospital con- 'y 118 1.000 beds, and wns fitted up for the troops stationed at Newport News last summer. Only a small portion of it lias ever been used. Thp j| secretary told Oenernl Wyman CB on j] 10 wnl . department for any- thing that it had or was wanted, and it would bo furnished at once without rega ,. (] to regulations or rules. The secretary said that Surgeon General vvymnn should ho assisted in ovory wa y in dealing with the epidemic. Tho following order was issued by tho war department Monday: ' o Tll( , r , ri . s „ n ,. n of yft || r , w fnv „ r , lrtV | nR | )mm om ,dally reported at tho soldiers’ i lome at Hampton, Va., the secretary of war directs that you give orders fortholmme- dlate movement of the garrlsonatEt.Mon- rD o to sofho place of snfety somewhere on the northern const to be selected by you. Two commissioned officers and not less than twenty men will he left in charge of the )' 09t - ,f there are immune* lu the eotn- ".and they will he given preference. Ac¬ knowledge receipt and report action taken. "H. C. Corbin, Adjutant General." Til© I'OHHi I>1 © UftUg©. Dr. Wasdin’s official report of his tho examination Soldiers’ of ’existing conditions at home reached Dr. Wyman Monday. It is dated Sunday and notes tho fact that tho doctor has seen all cases of suspected diseases nt home. Ho sums up the history of th e contagion ns follows: “Early in July nil old soldier enter- od tho home for n short rest and soon afterwards appeared at the dispensary, whore lie informed the physieiai l in ' that ho was but recently from Santiago, via a transport to a northern tlionco lie started for Manila via Francisco, to bent his way to the on a freight train, and entered his baggage. He complained of chills and fever and was pre- for. Ho mingled freely with inmates of tho home and a short ago disappeared, From this as possible cause, tho outbreak is as j there “Preceding had been Friday, noticed the nothing 21st of July, of a suspicious nature. The weokly death rate was ns usual. Hut on the 21si and 22d there became ill during the night, with sharp pains, more or less chill, high fever, some eight or ten in¬ mates, men of usually good health. Those seizures, although noted ns pe¬ culiar, had occasioned no alarm until about denth.jpeeuried, Thursday, tho 27th,. when a the man becoming distinctly death. yellow some time prior to “Ou or about the Hame day another one died, without linving attracted par¬ ticular attention; ho also turned quite yellow. Autopsies were held ou both liy the resident pathologist. Then a telegram was sent you asking for an expert. I found there were 3,500 in- ill mntos since and thirty-five had been taken the 21st.” ALGER POSTED (JT1S. v . ltetirlng War Secretary CrtticlU.. Notlfie. General Tlint He In llclng A Washington dispatch jfcjger says: About ton General days ago Secretary cnbled Otis, saying that there was some criticism of him in the American press, but assuring him that the ad¬ ministration was thoroughly satisfied with his conduct of the Philippines campaign. HALL CAPTURES A TOWN. A Sharp right Itetween Filipino* niil American* Before Calambn. A special from Manila under date of July 27, snys: Brigadier General It. II. Hall, with 1,000 men, has cap¬ tured Calamba, ou Laguna de Bay. The loss .to the United States forces was NVitlJjtho fqpr killed niul twelve wounded. largo armies engaged tho fighting was terrific‘.and jgreat num¬ bers of tho insurgents w$ro killed. Calamba is a city on La Guna do Bay, about 30 miles southeast of Ma¬ nila. It is much further south than tho United States troops linvo yet pon- etrated on land. COLLISION ON VOLGA. A Pasaenger Steamer Goes Down With 155 Souls On Board. A dispatch received at Berlin, Ger¬ many, Thursday, from Nijni-Novgorod reports that a cargo and passenger steamer collided on tho river Volga, and that tho latter snnk, drowning 155 persons. captain of Tho report states that the the cargo ship has been arrested for disregarding signals, ENGINEER AND FIREMAN KILLED. DJuafttriou* Wreck Occurs on Erie Rail- way—JMLany Passenger* Hurt. At 11 o’clock Saturday night Erie passenger vestibuled*train No, 7 for Buffalo aud Cleveland, leaving New York at 7 o’clock p. m., was wrecked Lackawanna. A freight train w as first wrecked,and passenger trian plunged into the wreck. Only the fireman and engineer of darailed engine of the west¬ Chica'go express, which turned on the track, were killed, though number of passenger* were injured. APPEAL TO COTTON RAISERS. Suggestion That a Change Be Made In the Manner of Harketing Crop. In its lending editorial Sunday The Natchez Democrat tuido tho following appeal to the cotton farmers: “Tho timo will soon arrive for tho marketing of the next cotton crop and tinless a change is mndo as to the mode of doing it tho same low level of prices that was current last year will he the inevitable result. It is a well established fact that large port and interior receipts during tho months of September, October and November nro tho great factor in mak¬ ing prices, and it is in your power to prevent this, ns you have tho remedy in your own hands, which is to hold hack on your farms ono-third of your ginnago until after December or Jan¬ uary. The two-thirds will bring nearly ns much money, marketed in this way, as the whole crop marketed in the usual way. “fu doing this you will not he de¬ priving the merchants or the hanks to whom yon are under obligations of whnt, they are justly entitled to, but on the other hand, protecting almost their salvation as well as your own. “Tho government says tho acreage in cotton lands is 8 per cent less than last year, and thnt (lie July condition is 4-10 per cent less or a total depre¬ ciation of 11 4 10 per cent. "Estimating tho currant crop at 11,200,000 hales, it, means a slirinkngo of 1,277,000*lmIoR,or a crop of 9,923,000 hales for 1899-1900. “Notwithstanding all this and the further fact that tho cotton mills throughout tho country aro making profits ranging from 20 to 40 percent, mighty efforts are being made to create tho impression that tho crop will he an enormous ono, with the view of getting your cotton cheap, and it. is for you to determine whether the greedy spinner will succeed. “You will bo ussailed by tho wily speculator with nil kinds of arguments to prevent you from holding your cot¬ ton, but it is your ouly weapon and your financial salvation depends upon its use. < i Wo will keep this appeal promi¬ nently forward in our columns and devote a part of each issue to earnest¬ ly advocate it, and w r e ask our associ¬ of tho press and merchants aud bankers, who are equally interested with us in building up the prosperity our southern country, to join and sid us in our efforts.” SALISBURY YIELDS POINT. PropoROH Joint, CommisKion To Arijuat Troubles Tn Transvaal. A London special says: The Mar¬ quis of Salisbury having at last broken silence on tho Transvaal question in so decided a manner it mny be expect¬ ed that President Kruger will hardly be likely to refuse to listen to the gov¬ ernment’s now proposal for a joint commission to examine the franchise bill. This proposal meets varying criticism in London. Liberals are in¬ clined to regard it as another instance of tho "government incurable tendency of the Salis¬ bury culty by referring to it shelye to a' commission. every diffi¬ Mr. Labouchore calls it a climb- down on Mr. Chamberlain’s part, and undoubtedly it savors moro of Hnlis- bury than Chamberlain. Others think it n concession to the Transvaal’s con- tention that the matter should be re¬ ferred to arbitration. All agree, how¬ ever, that it forms a practical bridge of which Kruger can avail himself to retire from an impossible position. TO SELL OLD ORDNANCE. Obsolete Gnus ami Stares Will lie Placed Upon tli© Market. Obsolete ordnance and ordnance stores at sea coast forts in the depart¬ ment of the gulf, which have accumu¬ lated to such an extent as to be an in¬ cumbrance, will shortly bo put upon the market aud sold. According to an order issued by General Frank, commanding the de¬ partment, the commanding officers nt these forts will nt once cause invonto^ and and inspection reports to be prepai^P forwarded to the headquarters for tho action of tho inspector. The action of tli'e inspector, it is stated, will bo to put the gnus and other ordnance on sale. Cities on the lookout for park aud cemetery decora¬ tions will in this way be given an op¬ portunity to purchase such implements of warfare as may be desired. WILL NOT OPEN GRAVE. Insurance Company Seems Satisfied That Chase Is Keally Dead. A special from Bristol, Tenn.,states thnt the attorneys for the insurance company in the case wherein the death of Thomas Chase, who held a policy of $27,000 and whoso death has been brought in question, have abandoned tho idea of opening tho grave in which Chase is alleged to have been buried at Milligan, Tenn. President Hopwood, of Milligan college, mnkes a statement thnt Chase is surely ; dead and that the dead body was seen bv no less tliau fifty people who were intimately acquainted with him and that there could not possibly be any mistake as to his .death. Prussian Town Destroyed Hy Fire. A great fire raged at Mariouburg, in west Prussia, Wednesday. Forty houses were razed to tho ground. Tho fire brigade from Dantzio and Elbing were summoned to assist in subduing the fire. Dreyfus Reported Ill. The Petit Journal (Paris) says thnt Captain Dreyfus is ill with fever and that his condition is serious. ORDER BEING RESTORED. Rioting ami Lawlessness at Cleveland, Ohio* Is Subsiding. A dispatch from Cleveland, 0.,says: Slowly and surely low and order are triumphing over law lessness and dis¬ order and tho city is beginning to re¬ sume its old time appearauce today. Frifluy the street cars were well pat¬ ronized especially during the busy hours of the morning aud evening. This is paid to be the best indication that the government is wiuning in the struggle, 44 Actions of the Just Smell Sweet ” Du frugnnn of Uft Is vigor and sirsngth, nclthtr of which can be found in a perron whose blood ia impure, and whose every breath speaks of intern.-1 troubles. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies iht blood and rr.iiTTihe weak strong. JfocrdA 8aUaf)<Miffk i Panning: the Gont Along:. “Will you obllg** m<- by holding this ram wbilo I oprn this gate? It la tened on the Inside, and I find that I must, climb over.” Such was the remark of a man stand¬ ing at a gate In a lonely rend, and It was addressed to a stalwart sailor who had Just come up. The only other object visible on the long straight road was a large ram, whose massive, crooked horns were being held by the man as the two stood quite still In fropt of the gate. “Why, sartlngly, shipmate," said the obliging tar, as he seized the big horns. "1 fhank you,” the first holder said when he got to the other side. "You will, no doubt, be surprised to hear that I never saw that ram until to¬ day. The vicious brute attacked me about half an hour ago, and wp have been tussling together ever since. As long ns you sland before him holding his horns firmly, he enn't hurt you. Ooodby, T hope you will be ns lucky getting away from him as I have been.” The sailor’s answer has not yet been recorded. A.k Your Uraler For Allen’* Foot-Klise, A powder to shrike into your shoes; rests tho feet. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Sore, Hot, Callous, Ae.btug, Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Alien’s Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoes easy. At all drug¬ gists aud shoe stores, kG cts. Sample mulled FKEE. Adr's Allen S. Olmsted,Eeltoy, N. Y. Heaven must enter you before you can en¬ ter heaven. Con't Tcberco Spit end Smoke Your Life Away. To quit lobnccc eoelly anil forever, be mag¬ netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- liae, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Ail druggists, 50c or $1. Cure guaran¬ teed. Booklet aud eample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. A man whols full of faith Is always faith¬ UP op 'W! lit/ the excellence of syrup of figs is due not only to the originality and simplicity of aWd (the combination, but also to the care skill with which it is manufacture^ by scientific) processes known to the) California Fig Syrup Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and orlginol remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured by the Caiupoknia Fig Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par¬ ties. The high standing of the Cali¬ fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi¬ cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs lias given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken¬ ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial eflfocts, please remember the name of the Company — CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl. I.OCISVIE.1.E. lor. S’BW YOKK.N.Y. Hiding In An Ice Wngnn. If you had happened to he near one of the largest apartment houses In the northwest quarter of the town about 4 o’clock the other afternoon you might have seen a struage sight, for a gavly painted ice wagon lumbered up to the door and the Ice man handed out, not a cake of Ice, hut a real, live woman, and a pretty woman at that. Great was the astonishment of everybody who saw, but the woman herself wasn’t in the slightest degree embar¬ rassed. She had been hurrying all over the town since morning, making ready to go away for the summer, and when at last she stepped Into a small shop in n side street to nttend to the very last errand on her list, she was beginning to be dizzy, and her head ached with tho terrific heat till she was on tfie very verge of collapse. The shopkeep¬ er suggested calling a carriage, but she was afraid to wait. Just at that moment un ice wagon drew up to the curb, and the women—well, a mpment later she was sitting on a borrowed stool between two bldbks of lee’’ in that wagon. She simply had hersplt delivered at her own door, and she firmly believes that If she had waited for a carriage she’d have succumbed to the heat. The lee wagon, she saj’s— and, she doesn't forget to add, her own common sense—saved her life.—Wash¬ ington Post. ___ Tbo Wonderful Discovery From Soutti South American America, Mosquito *'M«ta Mosquito,” Perfume, mailed Famous recvlpt to any address ou o' the retail Two sizes 10 and 36 cts. Address Arthur Peter A t’o., Louisville, Ky. A few drops rubbed on bands, Lice and arms keeps mosquitoes away. Ciod invites us to come just us we are, but He does not want us to stay that way. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cnscnrels Candy Catbartie. 40c. or 2.V. it c. C. C. (ail toeure, druggistsrefuudmoney. - I. irice doors always swing on very small binges. Plantain Chill Cure 1 Guaranteed euro, or money your so A SAMOAN TEST OF FEALTY. What \Va« Keqalrcd of a Lover Whs Courted a Halt! of Another Faction. The following gruesome true story shews what u lev«*r family approval and tribal fluence exerts upon the Samoan acter. The story Is vouched for every detail: A certain young Samoan, the eon a chief, who had reached that when “a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love,” deeply enamored of the taupo or belle belonging to a neighboring village, be¬ tween whose “talking man,” father of the taupo, and the suitor’s there existed a bitter feud. The tachment was reciprocated, but, as customary In such Important as matrimony, the question of eligi¬ bility was duly submitted to the (a^e-na) or family council, promptly returned a verdict of possible.” Instead, however, of cepting the decree of Ills family renouncing his inamorata the man rebelled and declared ho would wed his dusky sweetheart in spite all the codo of Faa Samoa and trammels of family and tribal proval that could bo Imposed. young girl n^so asserted her enec and scorn for the obstacles which were put In their way, and with help of a few girl friends began paring her trosseau of fine mats gaudy tapa, which brides In Samoa af¬ fect. The wedding day approached. The feeling between the rival villages ran high, and before the. arrival of tbe date fixed for the ceremony culmina¬ ted In open hostilities, Overwhelra- lng pressure was brought to bear up¬ on the poor lover, who was reviled and taunted with being a traitor, and all the curses of endless generations of ancestors heaped upon his devoted head; family Influence combined to exert its every wile to break the en¬ gagement but still he stood resolute, lie was driven from house and village an outcast on the -world a^id his prop¬ erty confiscated and divided. 3Tie day came and the bride sat alone, deserted by her family, waiting for her faithful bridegroom, The hours passed; he did not come. Sud¬ denly a step was beard outside the but, where she anxiously waited. She rose expectnut. A curtain was thrust aside; something was thrown into the room aud rolled to the feet of the horrified girl. She stooped aud picked It up, and then screaming and laugh¬ ing slie fell upon the ground—a ma¬ niac. It was the severed head of her fath¬ er and before her stood her affianced husband, stern, relentles sand cold ns if turned to stone, in bis hand the terribly mlfe-oti (head knife) freshly dripping. Family persuasion had tri¬ umphed at last and the ordeal which had been given him of proving his fidelity to tribe and family In order to be forgiven was the task he had Just performed—taking the head ol the bride’s own father and throwing it at her feet. The shock was too great for the poor girl, whose reason, mercifully, gave way. She uray yet be seen about Apia, homeless and wandering, a sadly pathetic figure, decked Ophelia-like in bridal wreaths, with a chaplet of vines twined around her heud, singing her family song of victory or crooning a ditty. The young warrior upon whose fealty so terrible a test had imposed sought aud found in war oblivion which his poor afflicted bride-elect yet hopelessly awaits. Wanted Her Money or Her Teeth. A great crowd collected at St. I.n- zare Station, Paris, one day lately to see a furious dispute between a young girl and elderly man, during which the girl kept uttering the cabalistic- words, “My money or my three teeth!” At length the police marched them to the nearest police station, and the girl told h^r story. She mot a man in Montmartre who so admired her teeth that lie offered her sixty francs f$12t for three of them. The girl had them pulled, but treacherous monster did not pay. The mail of St. Laznre Station was, not the culprit lu question. was a case of mistaken Identity. police are now looking for the tlilef. Rich—Yet Starving. Doctors frequently have very wealthy patients who nvo starving food, to fieath. They have money to buy but their stomach lias not the strength to digest it. It lies there a heavy fermented mass, the sole cause of dyspepsia, nervousness and biliousness. The surest remedy to cure a weak stomach is Hostetter's Stomach. Bitters. It will restore vigor to the re organs. Nothing Is “just as good that a private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. In some parts of Ilussia the only food for the people consists at present of acorns, leaves, and the soft bark of trees. Fducate Your Rowels With Cascurets. Candy Cathartic, C. cure constipation forever, 10c, 25c. If C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Affections are the roots from which life springs.__4^ Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething.softens tio^ailays pain.cures the gums, wind reducesjnftamma- colic. 25c. bottle. a The grace of sympathy is purchased at the cost of suffering. Rev. (now Bishop) Joseph S. Key, Wrote: “We gave your Teethina (Teething Powders) to our little grandchild with the happiest results. The effects were almost magical and certainly more satisfactory than from anything we ever used.” Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous¬ ness niter first day's use of Dr. Kline’s’Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottlenndtreatisefree. Dr. R. II. Kline., 931 Arch St.. Phila., Pa. Piso’sOure for Consumption has saved me many Place. a Baltimore, doctor’s bill.—8. Md., Dec. F. Hardy, 2, 1894. Hopkins Rev. IT. P. Car-on, Scotland, Dak., says: “Two bottles Hall’s Catarrh Cure com nlete- ly cured my little >. irl.” 8old by Druggists, 75c. The gross expenses of the state of New York during 1893 w 11 reach $25.000,COO, No-To-liac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 10c, $1. All druggists. To go to some places is to tempt the devil tempt us. Soleaoe af»« the •arrant. Before marriage she Yra$ a school- teacher and It took a good deal of masculine tact to wean her from the Idea of making a scientific career with¬ out Jhe Interference of a husband. But now sho presides over a happy little home in Detroit, and Is gradually be- doming domesticated. Among the re- cent possessions of the family Is a Cow. led to and from pasture by a girl hired She boy, was and skimming milked by off the some servant rlcb yellow cream the other day when her mistress appeared on the scene. "Janc,” she snid, do you know that there are In that milk millions of ml- nute organisms of bacilli that look hor- torted Jane, ns she banged the table sis. "' l,h thesklm.ner, 1 here s not by one, way and of I eopffij- won stand .t, either. I ^ours he bucU , ndf&fi£ ter. Yer the first woman ns ever told mo I was not clean about my work, I’ve nllus been fluttered at because of me neatness. Toil'll not find a one of them things in that milk, and 1 must s,r. 1,a ” , " cc “ ** < " “But listen, Jane—’’ •Til listen no more, that I won’t, I've heard too much now. And you don’t need to give me notice, ne’tlier. I’ll leave within the hour, mum, f nr they’s plenty of places and them as don’t be slanderin’ a honest workin’ girl.” The husband came home to find his wife in tears and audibly wishing that she wasn't “smart.” Having Fun With Temper. In Paris there lives an eminent paint* or who Is economical and sententious. The other day one of the students broke a pane Ol glft8S In the Studio window, and replaced It temporarily by pasting a sheet of paper over the n pet lure. When the painter came down thp next morning he tjmist his cane through the makeshift, with tbe re¬ mark, “He that breaks, pays.” Nono of the elfiss.^however, took the hint, and next morning another sheet of paper was pasted across the window. It met with the same fate. And so on the next day, and so on the fourth. On the fifth day when the artist came down there was the paper as before. Fire flashed from his eyes. and roaring. “He that breaks, pays!" he drove his cane through yie paper— and through the pane of glass behind it that had been put in by the stu¬ dents and then carefully pasted over with a sheet of paper. Thousands of Itchy People Have been cured quickly by Tetterine. It cures any form of skin disease. Mrs. breaking M. E. Latimer, Biloxi, Mia?., had an Itchy out on her Skin- 8ho sends *1 for two boxes postpaid to Ga., the manufacturer, J. T. Shuptrino, Savannah, and writes, “Tettorino is the only thing that gives mo relief.” Send fifty cents in stamps for a box if your druggist doesu’t keep it. sufficiency The self-sufficient man will never get tho of God. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Ease, A powder for the feot. It cures hot, smart- as 30,000 testimonials; all 'orB'td'ZSto; shoe drug *yid stores sell it; 25c.; sample mailod FREE. Address Alien 8. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. Brooklyn, 1,200 N. Y„ pays 34 cents per night for each c. p. lamp. Beauty Is Blood Deep. t CieLn blood moans a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casoaretg, Candy Cathar¬ tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy the" liver and driving all im- purities from hotly. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking gists, Capcarets,—beauty satisfaction guaranteed, for ten cents. 10c, All drug- 25c, 50c. He who drifts to ruin will get there just as sure as he who drives. >4 2 K ► f seesvwsp je eifl Atie ? > U < Are your nerves weak? ►J Can’t in you back? sleep Lack well? energy? Pain r < Appetite your poor? Digestion < bad? Bolls or pimples? * Lfl These Eigns of < are sure h poisoning. what poisons? From > U ways From found poisons in constipated that are al¬ N bowels. 4 » ^ If the contents of the bowels are not removed from >4 the body each day, as nature intended, these poisonous ► * >4 substances are sure tp be ► i absorbed causing into the suffering blood, al- ^ ways and frequently causing severe i disease. K >4 There is a common sense cure. va m ■' V. , They daily insure an easy I y and natural movement of L i the bowels. X > You will find thatthe use of < 4 ;9, ► r~ ► r < 4 < r with tbe pills will hasten < < 1 It cleanses the ► recovery. from all impurities and 4 blood ► ► is a great tonic to the nerves. > ► 1 Write f V; Vector. < Our Merlical Department haa ono ► of the moat eminent Tell phy*iciane the doctor in ◄ tho United States. You ^ X just how you are suffering. ► l r "wtll Without receive the best medical ftdrio© 4 cost. Add ress, ► UR. J. 0. 0. AYER. > Lowell, Mass. ^ ^ THIS PAPER In writing to adver¬ tisers. ANU 99-31 mr ®* Cfl! vvi. ■n C SAVED BY < ( LgItM to uxs. pihkhak ho. ;», Ml „ you h#T6 saTed mv Ul0) .^tched < almost, mo ( the brir)k ot y,, gr , v sigh- BBfl wi#h to t) '* k , ou . About teeB monthB j Wfts a toU i wreck, f hTsJcall i had been troubled with euf . orrhaja , or(ome tlme , but had given ^ an * atteDtioa to th , trouble, „ infl#mmBtlon ot the womb 6nd oyar , es rcslllted 6ad then I nt- fere(J agonics * had to givo up my player), pro- {c5sion mubleian and iano w con(ined to my bod aaa llfe beoamo 'Sp*" sc. » ___ _____ havo contracted the l w habit under their care, if my intervened. “Onedaymyhusbandnoticcdthead- and sement of your remedie. im- mediately bought me a full trial. Soon the pain n my ovaries was gone. Iam strong “d robvis walk ndc a wheel, and fcelUkcAglr tnher «• like water of life to me. I am very gratefully and sincerely your well- wisher, and I heartily recommend your remedies. I hope some poor creature may be helped to health by reading my . .. —Mrs. Col. „ _ E. _ P. _ RicllA-RHSON, story. Rhinkl a sdeb, Wis. ___ Vi J aB ';®^fu* E X®dSr°f “Va“!re #d i haveoi!" blood Has been purified and my complexion has isp- CANOY CATHARTIC TRADE V/J.S BCOISTMIO ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Rttaeuy CstmpnBjr, Chicago, *»«n*rtak Yo rh, Sl 8 »6*T0*8fie GOLDEN CROWN Are tli© best. Ask for them. Cost no more than common clilinncj'S. AH Dealers. PITTSBURG GLASS CO„ Allegheny, Pa. PITTS’ ANTISEPTIC INYI60RAT0R. The most eminent physicians of this and other countries believe in the existence of bac¬ teria (or germs) in the human system. Any remedy that will destroy this poison without in¬ jury ANTISEPTIC to the pationt INV1GOHATOR "mil meet along felt elimi¬ want. pot only nates all bacteria poisons from the diseased system, but is a fine tonic also. It cures all STOMACH AND BOWEL TROUBLES, Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Blood and Skin Troubles, Nervousness, &c., &e. In fact, it is a scientific combination of medicines, each of which does i‘.8 specific work on each separate or¬ gan of the body. It never fails to reach the dis¬ eased organ and always does its work well. A Safe »n<t Reliable Household Remedy. For c»ale by Druggists ^verywhero. College of Dentistry. DENTAL DEPARTMENT At] t roIlo „ e of Pli ysiciansi and Surgeons Oldest Coi.lkg E IN State. Thirteenth An¬ nU ai Session opens Oct. 8; closes Apri il 80th. Tlioso contemplating the study of Be nlistry should write for catalogue Address 8. W. FOSTER, Dean. G2-0.3 Iiunan Rltlg., Atlanta, Ga. THE ATLANTA '/i ■udinedd oueae Offers thorough practical courses in Bookkeep¬ ing, an^ Shorthand and Typewriting. Students placed jn positions'without extra charge, Re- duced j-ates to all entering school this month. Calion COLLEGE, or address. TIIE ATLANTA BUSINESS 128,130 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. DR. MOFFETT’S teething POWDERS 2£Vg!i lids Digestion, Regnlates tho Bowels and Makes Teething Easy. TEETH Iff A Relieves tho Bowel Troubles of Children of Any Age and Costs Only 25 Cents. Ask Your Druggist for it. If not kept, by druggists ST.LOl’IS,MO. mail 25c to C. J.MOFFETT, ITt.B., c J, REPAIRS SAWS, RIBS, BEISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, &o., FOR ANY MAKE OF GIN. ENGINES. BOILERS UNO PRESSES And Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulley- 4 Belting, Injectors, IRON Pipes, WES Valves SUPPLY and Fitting / LOMBARD & AUGUSTA, GA. Tomtom 5 : Pemiiu:to”and wo! Over 00 \T M T O all writers. 364 rtudrnts last year Stir year. Send for catalogue. Add aK0 STMYER'S BUSINESS COL'GE.L m’s UNIVERSITY OF VIRt V Letters.Sciencs.Law.Medicina.Ene. High location givee freedom from Malaru Yellow Fever. Scesioii bi jiius S< }!trinlM*r 15. AddrcsH ( haintiau, Uiiivcrsiry of VIr*, a Chni’letiesville, Vn. <c DROPSY Bo of teatimonialu “ cnees- tk and 1(1 days' tri cat in 9". Fro©. Dr. H. H. QUEEN'8 SONS, Box , Atlanta, Ga. If afflictad with ) Thompson’s Eye Waler aore eyes, use i gy— 252.5:%C~‘£S.§ .l m mm (jUREoV/KERE all else fails. Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, Uso in time Sold bv drimorists 19,335 C'ES_