Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, February 09, 1900, Image 3

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BRING YOUR COTTON AND COTTON SEED To AVALON, We pay 4he Highest Market Price. We also carry one of Ttie largeet »tock of Dry Goods find General Merchandi© in this* section, and hare the beat facilities for showing them to our customers, We keep on hand at all times a large quantity of Corn, Meat and Flour, with general line Of form supplies. * Our line of Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats cannot be surpassed. We •»*,£ fully abreast of the times, and keep up with all the latest style*. Our entire stock has been well selected, and we carry a general lino of everything that can be found in a first da* General .Merchandise. Store. We pay the highest market prios for Cotton and Cotton 8*L YOW & C00PE1, AVALON. GA. Capes, Capes, Capes! Ladies Jackets, Ladies Jackets! Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! Our aiecrtment of Capes and Jackets is Up-to-date. Capes both cheap and fancy. Prict 65 cents ts $5.00. Jackets Id Tans, Biaeks and Blues, from 2.50 to $€.06 A niec tot jrf Jackets. We buy direct from ths Factory and buy at prices that tell. i Nothing Shoddy in Shoe9 is our Motto. jnpts Made. at Havo everything in Ladies Shoes from $1.00 to $3.00 including a line of Zeigiers shoes. Mens shoes from $1.00 to $4.00. Childrens shses cf all kinbs. Our im our satisfied customers the guarantees that shoes have made reputation for <f are our a wear. :c, 4 BROOKS & TABOR n% THE AHYMCE. Caxnksvillk, Ga., Jam. 31, 11100. Personals. 6* * J. C. Fricks was in Atlanta last week on business. J. W. Crump, of Charleston, S. C. was in town last Saturday. J. F. Tabor, of Lavonia, was in town Tuesday on business. W. C. Hall, of Cromers, was in town Tuesday. A. J. Owens, of Cannon, was here Tuesday on business. L. F. Lenhardt is the happy father of a fine baby girl. Oscar Cannon was over from Lavonia Tuesday trading horses. Mr. Davis, of Tennessee, was in town a day or two this week with a few horses. T. F Allison and O. B. Norris, of Lavonia were in town Tuesday on business. Dr. S. B. Yow, oi Avalon, was in town Monday and Tuesday on business. Mrs. N. A. Fricks and children, of Martin, spent last Sunday in town visiting relatives. A. L. Fricks made a business trip to Atlanta the latter part of last week. Boyd Burruss, who has been in Atlanta tor several weeks, has re¬ turned home. Lee King, of Lavonia, was in town Wednesday attending coun¬ ty court. A. Johnson and Guy Tucker, of Royston, were here Wednesday on business. Col. H. II. Chandler, of Lavo¬ nia, was m town Wednesday on legal business. Col. W. R. Little and E. S. Clodfelter attended justice court at Crumps Thursday. W. F. McConnell and D. L. Carmichael left for Atlanta Thurs¬ day to buy a drove of muies. Several cases were tried and disposed of in the county court Wednesday. M. Crawford, one of Laconia’s leading business men, was here last Saturday on business. O R Randall, of Martin, was here Monday attending to business in the ordinary court. Don’t forget to call on us before having your job work done. Our prices are right and our work up- to-date. Several weddings arc expected to take place in the near future, in and near Carnesvillc. J. W. Jordan and J. R. Skelton, two prosperous farmers of Walnut Hill, were in town "Wednesday. - L. J. McConnell, one of Roys- toa’8 popular fertilizer dealers, was in town Tuesday. F. A. Mabry, of Toccoa, was shaking hands with friend* in town the firBt of the week. A considerble amount of business was transacted in Ordinary Crow’s court Monday. S. M. McDaniel has been in the country for several days doing some carpenter work. J. G. W. Sewell, one of our most progressive farmers, from Iron Itock, was in town Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff Rampley went to South Carolina last week after a prisoner who was wanted here charged with riot. We print good noteheads at one dollar and fifty cents a thousand. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nothing but the very best of paper used. Dr. a T. Ihmpley. of Eltertoo, is spending a few days in town with relatives, and looking after some business interests. Dr. L. K. J. B. and M. B. Bur- rugs are in Atlanta this week on business and buying horses and mu j es Miss Swilling, who has been . vis, iting the family of her brother m West Eud for several days, has returned to her home m Royston. An unusually .large crowd was in town oaleday. no property was sold, only one piece being ad- vertised, the sale of which was postponed until next first Tuesday Dortch & Co., have just new lot of Buggies anti are selling them at old prices. Buggies have advanced in price but our figures are the same. A. L. Fricks is now occupying an office in the court house, and will be glad to serve his friends at any time when in need of fire or life insurance. The checks for the old soldiers’ pensions have been received, and Ordinary Crow has been kept quite busy for a day or two deliv¬ ering them. Dr. J. W. Starr, of Cannon, paid us-a pleasant call last Satur- day, and left ns a “fr«.,lv*r” dollar for . year’s , subscription , . to , a The Advance. Prof. John M. Looney, of Mar- tin, is teaching his school in a va- cant store room, belonging to W. Mitchell, since the burning of Jfartin-Avalon school building Tuesday of last week. Quarterly meeting was held at the Methodist church last Satur- day, Sunday and Monday. Rev. <7ofer, the presiding elder, was present and preached several in¬ teresting and instructive sermons. LOST, strayed or stolen—A solid white bird dog (setter) with exception of a few dim, brown spots on ears, and answers to name of “Snow.” Five dollars reward to anv one who will deliver him to me at Carne3ville. Jas. D. Allen. “There are 2things in this world for which we are never prepared, and that is—twins.” Alfred Dobbs, who lives about two miles south of town, had twins born to him last week, one weighing six pounds and the other, ame. E S. Clodfelter returned from Rome, Ga., Sunday with Ed Lin¬ der, the negro who was wanted here for the murder of another negro. The crime was committed on Mr. John Laities’ place during Christmas. Now is a good time to join the Fraternal Union of America. A. L. Fricks, Deputy Organizer, has opened the charter of Primus lodge at this place and will re¬ ceive members for the next thirty days at the same price as the char¬ ter members were admitted. There will be an examination and election for County School Commissioner held on Tuesday ** »«. MW »• <*» « «» £ S. < . m 6arnesvil !, \ Gs. LktAwroitn, Pres, of Bd. of Lu. ^ Ool. J A - Neese has moved n> to his dwelling, recently purchased from J. A. Huff, which is located on the Martin road just outside of the city limits. He has had con- siderable work done on the bouse, and it w now one of the most con . yenient and ttiest liU | e cotta- ges j n fcown There win be gn exam j nat .ion ^morrow b y the county Board of Education f or applicants for the offi(JC of 0ountj School f7ommis- sioaer The electioil wiii be held next Tuesday by the Board of Education. We have heard ot no aV owed candidate except Prof, j of)11 m. Looney, of Martin, who will stand the examination and be a candidate for the place, The citizens in the community of Red Hill, met one night last week and formed a cotton gin stock company, for the purpose of building a large and modern gin on the public road near Red Hill postoffice. A sufficient amount of money was subscribed, and the work to put up the buildings will begin at once, and everything will be in shape for operation next season. Martin, who was arrested . Pickens county, Ga., few in a weeks , ago and , , brought , , back , , here , by Sheriff ,,, Clodfelter ., to answer a c h ar g 0 G f selling mortgaged prop- released from jail last weck on a bond signed by Mr. do [ in Pritchett, one of our accom- moda tj n g townsmen. Martin left a f ew davs after his release for other parts, and Mr. Pritchett is now offering a reward for his arrest. Notice. Any one wishing to insure their lives with the Fraternal Union of America, can save $5,00 by join¬ ing Primus Lodge No. 302 within the next 30 days, as I will open charter of said lodge. A. L. Fricks, Deputy. Office in court house. “What do you think, Mr Twain, about the existence of a heaven or heill” “I do not want to express an opinion; it is policy for me to Keep silence. I havo friends in both. places.” Business Locals. Stationery of all kinds at IL L. Little’s. The largest towel money can buy for 5c. • See them at Lavonia Racket Store. Coffins and caskets all sizes and prices at Dortch A Co’s. The Lavonia Racket Store has tinware, all grades and prices. Will meet competition on whole¬ sale bdl and save you the freight. If you want some up to-date stationery, call on R, L. Little. You c*i get your Valentinas Lavonia Racket Store at ^ ^ A nice line of coffin*, casket* and bunai robe* can ba found at Dortch A Co’s. If you havo a lot of cabinet size photographs that you prize very highly, preserve them by putting them in a nice frame. They can be bought cheap at the Lavonia Racket Store. R. L. Little haa just received one one of the nicest lines of sta¬ tionery evej brought to town. Decorate your rooms nicely with beautiful pictures, they are for sale at tho The Lavonia Racket Store. New Home Sewing Machines for sale by Dortch A 6'o., on easy payment plan, at hard time prices. Go to the Lavonia Racket Store and get your plow lines at 5c each or back bands at 8c each. * Dortch A Go. guarantee to seil furniture and stoves cheaper than any Arm in the county. Get their prices before buying. Bring that chair into use again that you have laid aside from no other cause except a worn out seat. Sets for sale at the Lavonia Racket Store. Go to Dortch A Co. for Furni¬ ture, Buggies, Stoves, Sewing M&- ehmes, Trunks, Yalices, Carpeting, Bicycles, Coffins, Caskets and bu¬ rial robes. See if you ean’t get anything Aon want cheaper at the Lavonia Racket Store than elsewhere. If you want a good new Buggy, call on Dortch A Company. They have just received a new lot and are selling them at the old prices, regardless of the great adyance in Manufacturers prices. One fine, large mule, one gray horse, also one two-horse wagon for sale at H. P. Swillings, at P. O. We have just received a new job outfit and are prepared to do the most up-to-date job work that can be done in this section. Notice. T. O. and L. K. Burruss have some of the best mules that have been brought to Uarnesville this season. They *ro all well broke, *nd can be bought at prices and on easy farms. Mi AN KLIN SHERIFF SALES. Della Atkinson va J. B. Atkinson, li¬ bel for divovee in Franklin superior eourt, March term 1900. To J.B. Atkinson, Defendant: You tire here by commanded to be and appear at the next term of the superior court of Franklin county, Ga., on the 4th Monday in March next, to answer the plaintiff in the above stated case in an action for libel fer divorce in said superior court. In default thereof the court shall proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Hon. It. B Rus¬ sel, judge of said court. This Jan. 3rd, 1900. H. K Chandler, Atty. for PlfL, W. P. King, Clerk of Supr. Court . (Tporxiis Franklin County : Will tic Hold on the first Tuesday in Feb next r.t public out cry at the court hount> door in said county, within the icgnt hours »oie to the highest bid¬ der for cash, certain propci ty of which the following is & fall and complete descriptiou: All that tract or parcel of land situa¬ ted, lying ana being in the ct.’ity of Franklin adjoining Intuit; of Dr. H. 8. Freeman, Dill Bradley, Tima. 'Taylor and others, and containing sixty Bis acres more or les3. Levied on ns tho property of Nnno.y .I. Leverott to sutii- fy a fl ftwiastied from the county court of said oounty in favor of Manley k Bros, against Nancy J. Leverett. Written notice given tenant in pos¬ session. This Jan. 3rd, 1900. Georgia Franklin County To the Hon XIB Russell of the superior ssiurt . J said county The petiiion of J WTurner shows: 1st Thai he is the natural guardian of his two minor children, to-wit: A IJun Turner and Lee Turner, and ns such has given for bond to the of Ordinary of said county property tsaid wards in terms of the law 2nd That lie desires to sell for rein¬ vestment, at private sale the following property, the same being the estate of his said wards to-wit; Two uwlevided hird interests in a tract of land ,2 lying and being in Hart county Ga, adjoining lands of Lucy Turner on the north, VV B Higginbotham cn the cant, B Rucker on the south utul Nannie and Mattie Sew¬ ell on the west and containing 08 and 4-10 acres more or less 3rd That said tract of laud him no buildings of any kind on it, has about 3 acres of bottom land and nitons 25 acres of land in cultivation on the orchard nor pasture »nd rents for50dol- dars per annum 4th Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of iand of such lying «ale and in a being cer¬ tain tract in Hart county Ga. on the public road leading from Royston to Hartwell, adjoining lands of R. M. Turner on the west, B. F. Duncan and R. M. Turner on the south, J. M. Pruitt on the east and G. W. Scarborough and James Scarbor¬ ough on the less, north, containing which 07 acres more or upon tract of land there is a good four room dwelling and necessary outbuild¬ ings, eleven orchard of and good pasture, bottom about land, acres and about 45 acres of laud in cul¬ tivation, and rents for 100 dollars per annum. 5th The reasons for making said application are, that the tract sought house, to be sold has no outbuild¬ dwelling tenant house nor ings cultivation, upon it, has and but few acres in no orchard nor pasture and consequently rents for a small sum, and petitioner would have to incur considerable expense to have the necessary buildings erected, lands cleared, etc., in or¬ der to realize a reasonable income. While the tract in which lie pro¬ poses to reinvest has all these o*» vcniences and is stronger, better land, and petitioner would have to incur no expense in building and clearing. Petioner shows that notice 6th of his intention to make this ap plication for has four been weeks published required once a as 1 by law. j D. T. Brown. J. P. the troops ♦, R. L LIT^CW, 3r ' D»AijBR nr Fancy and Family Groceries, Cigars, Tobaaeo, Fia* Oa»- „ •a.* die« and llot and Cold Drinks. In fact every- 'thing that 'can be ton ad in at ap-t*. date first class Grocery u4 Confectionery Storm. GIYB A CALk And be convinced of the fact that I a* oawyfag * MR stock, jif.d the best quality of everything in ary if > —— - ft ^ line and that I ^ am relhng the* a# * f ^ hard time pri< DR. HALLS LECTURE. He has lectured twice in Lavoala tn the past week and if the people of Carnesvitye fail to jet him the will miss a great treat, fits subjects were “A Happy Home or Home Building tad How to get Married and stay so,” ahd he bandied hit subjects like master. fS • We Too Have Something T® Say About the SAME, You can HELP to MAKE your HOME happy by trading with THE LAVONIA RACKET STORE «ul if you can secure the happiness of your wife you are nafcitg feaj strides towards a happy homo. — . a i . ixr .jjj, | a fit ^ .idatiou of the ising tho We are pleased with the Encouragement omr oomip^'l* Priemc'ftH 11 removed ^ us, we are satisfied if with help our Business since “ ^® 1 111 ^ 1 county, and we cannot you with o»r f»f 0 delivered his with our headquarters in New York, the greats 1111 ’ 8 a PP 1,catl0n for country, at 54!) Broadway. We certainly B6na te committee at we will, will you let ust *S by a vote of 10 to T te eport tho favorably proposed tjjo r ’■y§ •Aond to WasM/ Fine Combs, Coarse Combs, Barber Co»be and othe kind* q| Stationery, we are tho Stationery folks, we havo Lwgaf aaf^ Fools cap, Letter, Note, Tablet, ink or pencil, Bex paper and alto line of Pencils, School Crayons, etc. Just received a case of Slates that we are selling wwy down, % 5, •, and 7c each, and give you slate pencils 25 for io. So* I We give you 30 balls of white sewing thread for llkx Wifi *©11 you 1 dozen spools of good 200 yd. machine thread for 3®c Will give you a good heavy Doeskin Jeans at 14«, just the liking to make those boys pants. Better quality at 18c. Bed Ticking 8;fC up. A small lot of good boavy ohovfei f-4 ft wide at 7c per yard We have pist received 50 do?, men’s, ladios and childr*** Han- keniiefs at prices to suit. We have left a few of toon* (pod, heavy, fle< ce li led vests at 24c e,.ch. J “The RACKET STORE,” Jv i. The l^teuVus /flfk a - "Other T A ’, * / a ease.