Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, June 22, 1900, Image 2

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THl •»«> A •£>•» i l'j* PFFU3IAL oRiiAN (>;•’ I'll A ’■< KLlN' Cl . “ , 1 . K irORTCH, Erlltor & Prop. A. N. KING, Arm elate Bit!? or. K.Vl r.s SI l!:S i: I’TIoN’. ,AN1 Y vm: x 1 On iix MUM:. M"N I VJtV M.-'l I SIN Hoaulivi 1 liasint'ss mUt-rii- .n*‘iti • t>n« tit. liar pci ijjc-li. first niM-rt ion, iiikI jlfly Cpnts per iiit’lt for uadi stil.i. cijUi'iil insertion. hibornl tip comil on colt trouts for ml- ic*rtisonii'iito t.o run innu'.-r tliun tun months. i.y‘:il iiiuios .loa ornt < pe.- lino first iusortinu and iiiv tvn!. j for oiid , ’ib: i*<jiji*itl insert n‘ii. Kills duo nfior first insi i tioa mill tthorwise iirraiii'od. Addrora till liu. ino. s oonuniinion ■.ions mid mnUi !i i •;.:!(! :in "> s pny idilo pi 'I'll I? \ [)VA N! I.. lCntoro.l m tin* posiulHoo in C.ii'Jio; t il!o, i ia.. ns socond <■ i.iiitlor. ri'in.isuKo v. i i .a i.i'. Havana i uc* Id ! her (imf election, and behaved very decent Jy, butsiioisnof fully oivih/ed yet. 'J lie war with tiie li.rus gost Kngliin'j 1 hr.-e billion dollars pud many valualiie lives, and fho pud is not in sight yet. Part of tin? railroad car in which president Krug ha; established Ins ca]Htal is given up to a jng shop whit h In;; • ait soi lied money. The old man sc m; to 1 irave started t (io it... } r ; ,a! -. v gs a last resorl. Col. T. W. I h ' ; ! has ii: fired from the <-i-> -riai;, < ,.i <u the Atlu m i >. m •. M\ II ! Howe limed th'- i'A duties ol th< paper. Col. ;> i Withdrew on . oomit ol it-»!iiic,-- difference;' of - lir-ion iiotwccn the lei-.sees and hiinself. ■T— " Wc have often lieen to),i th.ii the war in tlm Philipincs was oyer, but now we are informe ! that , none of . tli* , seventy , , troops in tlioi ■ i-.Ian-.I-; spared to go to < ’Jim > n:, tlielivesaml piojiei-iv of Ameri¬ can citizens. This complinu nt is t hrown oat to the Georgia iJoinocra.ey by the Houston (Texa;-,) Post: “The .Georgia I )enp»ci ats avor comm-.-r- cial expaiioioii, but not land-gral ) ping, ami v *ry rinj-cvi v •coiiduik* that fore A*-', tia.-lo is iH'ltiT ii an iated bv the art . of pea. e J», , war. The Georgia I) mo u-ats have read our latter day pial history to t-onie profit.*’ -<>*-•---- “The Hartford times is •niiced ‘that neither in the mind of eongn ss nor in that of the pi es idont is there any set tied eolicy in ' regard , to , Hie new possessions ho a ■. lar as Mehmlt-v .. w iy c-one.irne-l * tins • , !ia.> Ireadi acciisi-.l.'i.-u a eiiougli pvitlence to saoha-.n- it. le. .orybodv lias ion.u smeo vx if . ] to . suspect him of having a lixad p >licy on anything.*' AVer seems to have eonpncncctl in China. Tue international for- cos have been fired vrou\) i’roMi Tnku forts, winch means a dock- ration of wnr L.y China against the v.i.-rid, which wiH result in t!»o partition of tiie Oriental country. Preside *r.t .McKinley may call an extra so . . uf Congress to ileal K-itl. 11.0 rttralvn. If .v;,r exists, growing o tbs destru the lhiii.d E and other !. g - L'.OiiS, ... ll ml !»e li. '"'-'ml'Y to more trom.,, and owing „> .Pi- t'iOrlS ,. T lil : ‘ -. * : ; ; 'i- ;;;; p’,,7 troops can 1 - " . , 5 un:\vii there m safety r l hereforoif mori are needed itv U rcquiie auriic.riiv from (’ongre-. t ■ furnish them. Here:'.fter si iiool teachers in Chi c-ago wlii be ex pec d t goanned with a physician's certcate oi bustness Tiie school it tard reached , , ? . ne cfineaision . . J taut t , strong, healthy teaeiiej’s are ed. The great fault of the system (J f the day, says ti;o is the pin deal weakness ;-f yi the teochern I *>( •< It I Vo I A K. 5>o< it h. o i(lec!ir.< , »l to siot-wi*. the* it A \ < |ij’inci|iiil of lit ' 1 Tugulo Inst.itiu.*, to which jiiiii’r* 1 :‘ wn.i fleeted u j sllol't lillll' IlgO W/' were anxious ct the tiin- •»! his c*< !• ( ' tion to i ill nncopl. but wn i)'* now pro.if j • ! )k <1 i<i not, an wo am sum tin? :4 of the liiriiilufe hit \ i <? 0 K-<i tin st*rvices oi a man v. no n . I»v far the superior of anv etliu i j,„ in l iii ■; -ctio i. 'i'iii-.t if'-Hi ie ' is IVof. (iiinier, graduate man a i o( Mfi-cor college, of Miu Dje on. I’liivei- itv of Alalmma a ml the ^ ni\c, ..i\ ol Illinois. He ! to our |M'opie with tiie higlir, ! most llattering lecomnu nda- i.iinis of any one who applied, i. lie j : s i-rognized in this state 1 Mabiinia as bemg one of the best land most suecesuitd totichms and I disciplinarians in tiie sout ii. in i'lofi 11 . s (iat n r and S'ammoe-;, og-ttl'.'i Wltii io two accomplis!: C( i and experienotid lady assitart 'I I we led no he. italic v -n ; aji ig that we have the strongest corps of educators in nortii (inoigria, and ( , u , ( ass .„. c (.In* people of Frank.' 11 j adjoiningr counties that the -j U ^,. ;| | 0 j^^tist Institute offers to tiie student tiie most flattering op- portunilies for obtaining-an oduea tion almost free of charge, of any school in t he state. Cattle Sfaisiris< in Georgia. One ol the argument.-; against lhe attempt to raise beef eatlle in (g, on a large scale is that ivj ,j l issturago of the same rich, MCV.S and i.- tent as that found in I iii?' Writ iiilaf-l.ingand tiiat, there- fore, if would be impossible to j with Western ranchmen., Hut according to the sub-joined | C dipping from the Deliver the wild [listnres of the West are, praeticaliy i xhansted aisR ' s iii other deinde catti . 1 r.ii.rii.; wiii b , carried # on extensivelv m !''one-ai _ \ pnstures.'’ Fenced p.istuie;-; i.-i j < worg-ia, subjected to tlu proper eultivafion, win no doubt be mad • | equal to any in the world and there would seem to bo no goo • reason why the b vt beef may not) profitably raised under such L-ho statement of !) .ivi-r Post is a:; follows: I “'.’"ii i taking of tli--* tin tviisii.: ai the M ost is in full pix.g Do far the work is 0 : 1 ! V in the elementary stage hut it ha-;. | nevcrtiieless, developed smile very ) interesting facts. One is that the j char:, i,-i of the West rn cattle j :as eh; ii:»-(-.l materially during , wo (It. as have the stock j langes. Tin- oul time, range, t !..4 j free unliiniteii emd uni’, ue. ■.i r.-aeli of prairie ha« disuppeared, and; with it that cl;;: •; of range c.itt!ol for which the Western plains we, o nice eeiebrated. The i-allle that now come to market are of supei i-i or breed Hereford, Gailowa v and Shorthorn. The longhorn has shared the fate of the hullaln; it 4 gone never to return lor ti; VO ! s more money in improved ie. h ''-rae -stock wlneli can !,e niarlcetcd two ions vounger. Anoint-: . - whit u tue t-.s;.: r of .-•;';-..a?s has <! east rat I is i;i - ' .. „ I tin- .. , . tone . aksio.-near.-.n-t* - • ' range, .... t here is, m tact, but one left in the northern part, of Mon tarn*, wh.ei-e a tract of land of two : hundred miles wide is still virgin territt'fy, but it wilt soon bo destroyed, for too many cattle :,rp being driven on it. It may set (lo ' vu as a ts ' c t that in smother decade eadtle raising will bo p d on exclusively n fenced turcs - ' vl th allalia uaea for winter r t !iis will tend to * )rov ° the quality of ^t*oek, and a ' St) the prospects for hotter turns, its tli ‘il .lioiv will l.o : k, less labor and a better price for the eattie sent to market. 1 '' 1 II * >ll .|.,lvl,..! *‘ H.(. l .„l (!,.,« I - ut. It ,< no ,, * !<mg ;• pave to raw • po-r cattle. i. ; , ! s -Ui S Ut' !’0Sl ; It'S W * > - • ! ; rnnivh'riitive. , • \ ■ • • P roV( ‘ limit now ilu ' :U( ' , i >U " <1 t!,e! ”. v i '. !no, k s ? the sliH-'x grow cis. So la:’ a s the i (‘‘.‘iisiis La, i'i*« ivssoil r sho\v - 7i;U 111, ; in., ics i..rmt‘!iv i.i.tu'.l ,r,l ,|..|.,(rhiu't.t or. tiie suic.-: supply m the \v est been excessive, and will havo to I, be reduced probably by several miiUons when all the returns have • ,, sont which will cc . n U) not bo several niontns vet "—Ex. Ijj:- Ft’.! - Sl*' 1 t : " iV r.’*<:k ,i due ; i V 1 ;.«r- ; tU»» v, .- IA : *• i.\K i ‘f *;:,'■ "?» G *4-..-4 v -DA,! ,3^r f i V j '< >TT I :\ ' 11 *■;:S <> tji•'* W wan* to niovr; to town to ji'.itt!i cliildi*. 1 in k- lioi)]. Wher ■ iIP tin* houses < A * pivsont we limn a lew that nr VftOH’lt \V() cun h. a c i in ^• >*n< i. , »jst 1 )'; bn It. and i-angmii.-i.i ■ ic-uie to pimvidi- houril ill a rnuoiii blo rule for those j 'luilt • whov.c parenty <lo not wish | to mope to town. Our people j -:iio:ilil call a meeting to tie matter ami make an organized j • Ho. ( to accommodate thosewho j wish to take advantage of our school. Communieafion In drelaimiiig my posjti' > ei mg' my vicv , i,,*.»n the (|ues- 3 10,1 pertauui.g to i.e ieo-islative timb *r oi t:iis tii ■ .:isi smr i. a-iai el (Icoiyria, ■■■-. reg i-.'■. the woi tiiy and .i . ;:oiab!c‘ "''‘‘U who are now aapii ing to licit high and hoi.o ed nmUion. i I am pfoaiptrd so to do, not by anv feeling of discrepancy that found its abode within the >i • mains of my judicious acumen, viewing them from a comparative ■ :;tand])oint, hence it is no of mine, in my efforts to the fitness of the one, to pluck one. | iam-l iron, the brow of the ml, ■., Concerning my knowledge of i.!n two , aspirants . in a comparavve ! sen so. I , would . . not . dare . d'aw . a ■ line of demarcation r.s regards, their merit or their nonmerit. I Oircum,stances liaving b?cn more conducive to n-v opportunities to judge with greater accuracy tin 'juaiificatioiis of on; * 1 n t ■“i other. Ouo 'uowcv -r, I'or wi’c.iii J aruin.-d a ii if:; ft t (: ■■ • >.»i tur.. -i ! V amply setb.-ieni to anpuiii.-, niv- j self with his integrity as to jns. 'fy | me in advocs-.ting ins n:idi-.-i]mted j l ights to tiie coveted ik>»>cio:i to I which he asj-im;. I exjn rienea no I deg’.-c- ol liosititiu-. i i saving F i- m him are I •leaded ail tlicru: spiaii dies requisite toward the making of , an able, loyal , | and truatwortn 1 ni.-oive, one for c-liom. forsoi iii of tiie ' • 1 > i YiOtVrf he IUaOd O'i'I'-SL;*. ( cannot hut ; ins 1 ifiie Jitness to represent t;> 1 : - nous :;Cv.\io;i of onr s ate in the le.'i-ilat'-, u nan i ti<--/rg;a with bo. s and d: 4 iik Of ins op; ; n I ,’d not d-.tiv .,ay the; of ins nn morons supporters, mere i\ 1*0 A >i ; i ny ho i ild speak e, l iillv as Well il I n; behalf. Umzc.N. Tickets for Pritivsry. ' 1 We are prepared to print tickets lor the primary and will appreci- the of the eandi- 1 p.t'mnage LV here is many as four war.tcf! one man, we will print ‘ the t nfty . hv< . nts tnousand. ci pei i . . '■ {l i < t - •i i. 1 - , < ’ 4 ’. i i'.' • - • ■ '0 G 11 * {*: 1 t • s- , v . ve , . per theus Eaen , cut did do xvill need a ! .. ... 1 ■ t>r ’mu,- iIukmiui t-esot a about tli;-.-i f HU Ha <•;' t he mu »u ' printed are wasn-d. •' i.v^ as at om-e nmi imve v .a.r ti cts ready and di-dribu!-.-.!. -- hF—?---- Glorious Mews , (Amies from Dr. i>. R fhrgile, i 0 f Washita, I. T. lie -Eleetrie Hitters lias cured Mrs. Brower of scrofula, which hm cans. <1 Iior great sull’orin^ v o:\rs. Torribie sore§ would i>rcaL o 1 it oil lie,' he;..lI. o. .mil best doctors < could ; ive no hel but now her health is' oM-dlmu." r-loctnc- -• >*l.ters is • x. , best . bloo*. , , , t-lie t im rilier known. It is the sememe 1 L’V , tvttCV j-.'i’.ionv OCXO.iUa, s.lti thrum, .i^ors, boils and ,01V,. tt stimuktes liver, kidney, ;};U 1 bowels, expels poiaons, hcJjis y u .. . . Mv >* h III. ...... . .1 ll. Tnok.r, Dh. i L, « U. GAl oa •- DENTiSV, be in Carnesviile every fourth week in the niontli. Oitiee m l)r. Tucker's. '."ho Oris rn ■ r-.y-o Co; ■ » it v.i? nn- sere Urnui cxtvc <1 ’’’•’I! ;> i f > r-jy Vi'. 3 uC * W> •r.AdSbio; CH^‘v:X. ( i , '!'oav ^I.nOO you receive Yon furnish nbslncts, pr.v reeoiviin^ lees :in<! to ,J. A. Nkbmk. | ). A. NEESE, IT Y4~y.. T~ LAW tV.-V oCUCC. j KING & SWILLING, ■ Atty-m-Luw j Citviios-'viilc - - Cit’orffin W. H. Little At* y-i.t -f.niv . vdlo, - (i ">r}'i:i. W. 3 5 . Slovn’i, w r:.‘ -jU-ic ■V t Inn In. I iOi.V. l.l. I ricm'.i ■" i cut :• i iri on. ’ ,;!l ;l.>* outtr s, Pin, • i<:!•) ■■■ .. i;. H. CHAHOL - ~ .. tiV-.U . aw ! - (iama'.ci. . f -»*■ t -i t */;, - : r xUiL u yJ w j. Aav. ..v . \ ■: ■ t t h. ■ . • / C'»n«t^r. kv 2 V : «• t*ro- T V-:* Ii Kffvot 1 -'X». ^O'ihUflUUfl. No. i:x N„..)s : : d ■ ' : : :l ’w 'im! ip'. Hk | - h ''■!! ! 7 ad’! if ’' 1 •' •• t i.uo..... v.Ull-' i.) i.-w.; ;-■•£ s •:' o, 7 * I- » ej i u IK 1 a - < « C ■.l-l.t.Mn . 11 in K j 1 S I •• art. au-?. ■ s •«•.. ! ii-. ■ on- S'o-a 12 b . ■ IT S i fi ».■?# ITT r<Y?, ! *• t “ h ru.iiu.-in, l'Clll rtvillti -1 I 1- 2 vs!. .j 6 ; -V-..I lo p j . . b ! i-'tmift iS'ii!' o i mi t a -t.' • h\W •i 7 •' 1 . . .- ei, i - ; -' r Ii DO a lu !-y- Lv.. . r . - .1 -J__ ! :• /'y ;t !! ?h\‘ li ■ 0 .}. . iiicllJUOUU "X ;;j (> ’-S' •« j :y i ~ ■ . 5 27 ■ j, “ .')• .yy’j 1 ? “ v ,l - : ••I !;• 4 -t!; Vll(«j _____ ' : 5 ?o.l Vm. 1 , Son!I»l>ou it*. N'o. v„. )l.l.Vo. j 11 i jUuily 17oj .jt'aiiv i.-'pl Daily • N.y .rw.i ? i .... i 0 Ph dotuhi- “ini “ \ ' < ::l:t r* I A ,) ; },. o! I f ii. > ■_[ ,—:. , !!• “ r; 1 “ - ilio. n &) : -l -•U’I_'LU-'.L r Inf » . -7 tt n 1 11 l| ! «*! li ;i (•*r 6 .»»J i:-- 0.1 I Z,T 17 f »* r>. \ \ 33a i H b) f. Tli d .5 r>! £L h‘ . 2 p! o w E l*!Hi tF f t.’W i‘i........ i * n i>J 3 ,..... 7 >■:•!- < 5 ‘« -J>l c I ;, b. ' 1 7 TJ :• l I H J ‘ p; 7 •*'.* a \ <) i'i p S 'i a , ai At .ti 4 'v, pi IP* vh.-p 7 M li l : Dry y &» a i YAT iv' uTA-rro::;-.. la:i. Diiily 1 Y. Ly~; h 10 u! II. 07 . L- ,7 e» yi'i : P HI i>. 11 . • .'!•• ill, i$l t 50p li •- Hi. i J i l.v — Ui.ld& O fi ie* l j Kim ‘i “A’ »• HI ' i '.!*• 1 ! >n. CY. \A'\ ‘■’tr.-.jv; • ,,M - ; iri >.k ..■); r' i; • * .• and v*-'b-i.*ht«-7t :n an \ r.i i I e Thr l.'A •in r n jtox Y.-t'c i ov •r \ S' i n, Atlanta i:A 4 : New Yorh »*i i 'll 4 : v ; MV.n'a ■ •; T t l- V A.k I Ol !V | •; Ic. ( AT; I >1 1 g ' V : s -1 ij' ?n 4. W • v I * 4 ; S . :i J; I \ ' I'l - . JS V ID V :tt.-n ll A 14 t YYt: H, N V i a>- l 4 ’ ll 1*4. VU in ami M-*n \ oa Bir- r.d 4;;.kin an«l A ti ?> vi* all •i’. 1 il ■ Iman !Ti‘» cr.r*i \ 1 :?■ \ Oi.tvriotlo, xw Lt*'!- :i . -V ll .th -1 id. northbouiKi Kk"VWo» new 1 J?A A -; ----*-*>♦- Look for thz ;.'k; ! „ ! , y . hc w.wn- k f k-• ard bnW. or may besta-hn-.: "'d fvi -in over tbe BUI -loss ; b Vw- arc IlODr*, !'Y \ 1* rl eiiU l '”r !r : VOu 0} lilt. tuOUpaiu, v. ‘'it V.iil A 1:-IS 5 L novel ri-jccot !tailo4,‘heirt •?'. ■ ): tj 1 v 111- aiseaso never gets l^et- ter of itself rv7solutely it l)r. MUes* BezrJ, coveiyia certain in every enso wlu:re its use L. persisted in. 14°!^ if-’i'kr’i .liT7.^ about tho heart, &hd was unable i| : to attend to my household duties. tried nearly every remedi that w:n recommended »- mo ; ; 11 k' doctored v.-jt'i till. 1 .-.-.itin.: 5H.vsicir.ns oi tics ; section bu: ol: -.m, -i Ueip i "i ' -.'.n taking 4r. Miles’ Hear--- Cure It ’ms done i ie more irood th&o a., ills medicine I ever took.” a t.w. vNXA IIOLIiOWAY. (n . ? L .ay-i " J ' V ' ' T ’ Dr. Miies’Heart , Ctlre . s ts . sold - at ail n Sru-rglsts on a .poAtive guarantee, Wide-fcf free ""1 '-og and booklet to i-i M V ..a! I’D.,!. Liiar , In-1. **-« '*-*•*• U Qi fjUP 1 g,]j V& L‘l Nil Earner lillmery. 1 j ’ i i’ock of r 10 WO V - > Plhh I i I 0 D vj n s Braids, ^ ) Piece Goods, Ornaments, Millinery Ornaments, Ready-to-Wear H ats, |Shapes and Trimmed Hats, Js complete, and we are crowded day Uy day with customers who appreciate the extraordi nary valuers we are- giving them and tiio abso¬ lute reliability of our designs. TJioy realize that cur milliner, Miss Anderson, is a real am : designer, and that a hat bought of us will boot uv ■ ■ I style and will suit the wearer. W e have air • an up-to-date dressmaker, Miss ( lv.ii .'/a 1 - , w ho will take your measure and j;;ivo you. u lit. DEN DY & ST RIB LING, t. if ■ c"i |e | -'ti 11 y; .,w fo ‘kMt’B 1 ‘ . f!‘ '■ ‘ ww *f 111 - tJ p & ' : ,j BLy <rl ifi y;;-d -fj i f -y.’ ' t-; ■. a- , .- 4 I- si.-;- v;--..'. Vl. Ly r: m By-Iffly; - V ' l h ivy j|i M-&M jLj, r > fi¬ iJ f. - gr-w v ; f nfl -. . f p... • .; ,.W‘: ; .! 'its L-C„ .. w P p W S .. to h & v & V ■ * mm 4 I 1 tM :.v id • | & i I fi &- pH $ p.^ \m , 'Sy -L ' 44 -Vf -- 1 fyyc : y. c- r y- 'd . . 4 j A'e ... a*..' ■ v Li " We have just received our new 11 me of Buggies and Bicy- !es and are in a positon to IVS t ■1 i ALL COMPETITION in PRiCE.S, QUALITY AND i Cm i V- t H I x J a FuiiiTUEE iii) mnm. Our Stock of Furniture is complete in every respect, and we Guarantee our prices. We also carry a foli line of Caskets and Gurriai Rohes of ah styles sizes anu PRICKS. We carry the Largest Stock of Sewing $a- chines. Harness and Steves of any House in this section. fricls me. right. DORTCH & CO. v A Word 2 a private A. tO 9 a • a;> M Suffering: kb . % V t Women % \r x » 'b A No but yourselves know of the L;.' one > Buffering suiter? you It go isn’t through. Why do y L -A 4 Hv TS. \4 5 you lose necessary. Don't \ o your, health and beauty, (for the > (A -to { ?> W’ ® A*P : * loss a:id loss of oi “worn the one oihcr.) is out." speedily Impure Don’t followed feel biood “weak’’ by is the at fyj& ^ \\* the bottom ci all your trouble. v x L I ^ 19 I Is g 0 wi!} purify yotir blood and bring 5 ® J V C " iU claht dottles. i ' {» JOHNSTON'S SA11SAVAIULL.\. It 1* real for houiacnr, »n the left £ inoAgestloii. paipitntion uf the heart, co'd .< hands panacea ami feet, pains sleeplessness, ^ a S nervousness, j i ft sv/e;Hn" of feet, soreness of the breasts, neuralgia, vterino displacement, and evil those » symptoms which tnahc<:hc average woman's life 6 q miserable. We have a book fftil oi /l L hsul*rt inljimiation, i cu v? 4 nt free. y “THE MICHIOaTToRUO COL’ Detroit, ADch. ------ l‘"V sa.v ov *n‘S. T T It. „ 1 uckor, , L. w. i>urruss and „ J. T c C u i o. ... I..MW»nJk*. <«a. '■ ----- i f l.4 - 3" JL by 's 5 T‘--- i r?r il v.- wh>?.r. t ‘ -T - ” r ' r.i -fi: t-J * :v » ♦*' - I.-', i s : *i> • — . --j-.- < N . , . fc.aV-:. -'-■jAi i t . 0 uc:-: ■;'TSD.« •: '. y.-r r co-....*, :. - - • )S i vr 1 l*U.A- -l t IJ, <>»•"»*.’f G*4. ' -r -7 ” TJU'V r'A Aw -Vu'-t. fGftg htil. • «'3V.-Ii.*fif- r »ys': l.y ]>••«.*.a not 1 , ;: 4L-»y •■ *•.: r *>r rmi J.*u *j. ' *T..uiiiV trt!i ^ 5 a'.vr.r£fc<i | '«•* u.r 3i, as ii>ip 1 i'«-r Gor.-ovt .fns*-«r. - ?’,()Of> ! i > v noxi nr::v:'*l c~-*rrtpc* f c-.-'t - ; I ' r r ltf nr.tri'f x t ti .':trcst t C orre curiv ct :• M i>>\vor, mswer, 3 k’.GOO d >0 ! | 200 '?•>'; ww. ucaresl av-tmt-i *•«> <-:».•** - 1 C' j j i; ... ’ - r ,. 9vm<l ^.- (' nr'. »-f rhcf.o y.-ceir• ’inis v--;’* ...^-k -i.ed fs, *»- •». r'lin wi; i.i-t...i-m-, yi-.aL.., y> i -N'olvl a:.d to l-a sunt by ..Id:-.:-;' .14 L.\:-.*CS5. iicfiA'cSiCC, S3}* 1 * 61 ... ?T L-'.iSir ; i.-j i.«u"<-in incte»u-r. r \ov «-*: •- -.-r, v;:- t : >: •• rr it nraw. A i: * i. .> ^ f —'rr v x : ,.aw. i Yob SicK rt kit f. Of Being ® IV EicK? Then lei us stw*t a cure, a ': n 10 one tiie trouble storied with your liver. A torpid liver M . cut.- Constipation,Dyspepsia, .s Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head- n. J aci.oau ld dozen other ailments* f. itoitt? 5 #t>.nA^euia}gio ^RlS&c | ^ fUREr > %%/ got? straight to work on the fff \i liver. It cleanses that organ; ‘4 mattes it active again the acid leaves you’re blood and you’re ¥.f \fe, caved. Testimonial below: „ . I emod in v,-eo or nenralirla of of r$y seven ;;r ■ • viia s’! umrtini f. t!ic best the doctors ttKi? Jy KO conn itt s . fwilvd. I'AUKKU. i L'.i/ C. W. Fourth 1!. iltrcct, \V Ciaciuuuti. to- i’f ft?/.¥iai ilaigglstor Sfirrehast For it ^ y . COULEN & NEWMAN* Stile Proprietors, I? w. ..noxviiie, Venn. g; iiSTERIES! ‘ fhe Nervous System the- Sea# of Life end Mind. Recent Wc 'erfid Discoveries. r I i v. li if Uiaf vlf tUtl’dli ‘ : 4! I r » tin* ie.Hfli.'isrMihjnal •i nr*;;- i -i rtfch «l stuu> in nil ti*» UOl.villi Utglil ‘4 V^ii -4 il ! v. ' not Ren-T* ary k r M O Vi *1 K\ M it it iho t u soaf i y of life 15 ^ i< Un a 'A i \\ tirlmuu* >f )‘ ip rpJirt i S. d i. c o r a, / r. f r w ^ . n. ;;r the | v ,;..c-, {» ,y Af of ilus brain. i /V>' k \JJ - '•-( n.V ,1 / ; dll'! .ivo ;~r- is SO V e ■ 6 rt) { ^ :• J 1 / / a; sy>o I»H 1 : N ?;«•• vf»;:s * ^ ti* ib;ir tv* :} ; \ f / l;«r \n'U:{< t»f a ; Iff dio tv l ! i i ‘ K’i: n *4 J his* Itui ) (}; ftfsco.nt tils': :- v or! • '»•:i : • <iPMo • s!> t r:i ’ .! il I lir -:s I b . v ■: j*p . .* t h<> «*• >i;* rol oi‘ $lij r.t'rn: > v si i". < v j 'io oi ' !t'j -.i .4 ; . fpi 1 Hr•; i :.t :,P :*•{ s a Gf.i igt* t ;./• o - mem * \t hr. sCp;.- V V<!lf: '•n't: ii'ii-i 4.7-0 «t<-1 Y:'l !S f»> • •'' T i 1 > 1 1 r V •i . : ft. . :•< 1 1 lit s |.*I«B p i wiiiCfHe' •) .: iipE •• f r.<- i lO rt> ;o ji ;i'> , i -.ii v* i'4 1 * * * - ff.-n ti i.*j •in'pii’cd -:v id--, ;pyi .' fn ;; iv;s-:hir 5 ^.'lit? .rnJ .il i i f ? or>;oou iiiftv llo.V.lli 40 poi i i, Ui’ ! V'lA*. u.-:-. will •'«. ;tv. '4 .•.OillOl-* • list* ■ In? it of i!if various'jr>(uwi ti-'ii !h*?y i:>,j.v w i Tv/ii-i Ii iris of r’liroMio tli arw -iuo Ui i Hoorfc‘I .b.-tioii uf i!.< m ! 4 rc:i!cr.s t'*l It! il.-l.-v! >f • ho i)Ti;?i, t:*)t fi m» ,» «i<*rsinKVI* •fit ;>ri n-ii'iiv oritSii ti ir>.. in .bo orv tri it- f. ■J.’.io .rro:ii> nii>t;iiv»' of *«:ysiciana In ■ tf ; b • ■ ? is sh •. ? i• **>' tri--a \ tha ,f:nr t h t ;:i« i ;lu- ti‘4 -t-fiicrs which • 4 - I'ltiis'- iif ..'11' t -•»u’ <v i ).‘i. .:s. t\v % l '•.»{.! -Mtf-d *»{.»»>• . is p*r k: !«iU»d this fof ■-r i ) vc i■ o .tu l 1 v .u»; !n«ny itr»)jt;rtanfe '/•ie it .mm- *. f iiMi \\ it ii it. .-hio:' ssn-onSf u- ;l 'H‘i '1 l’i -I J i (;l i! -lilliM! !I1 Hi;* ii --’iVii 1 : l! : 1 - - 4 !, :i. lev iii*.1; y nit.'* ho-K •it i :v. ;t?D v. ? . Ait itpttfittv 5?*j, dai !-p*sl . 4 ' i -i !), DI- 4 .-. 41 JIP. bi ut’’^ ihiiy, ehi 'jsy, St. hi \i Tt »*•' ;:■ I(: S‘:a-x(;s 11*> . I : 'l’i* i: > ’ i. T’lf M l UM(ir‘tL ■ SLl,-C«?ss •!-. Ue..,-,-. i -.* ' -. i ii4 Is dni! U) th«i r Irti.i: !•. ;! 1 •• f. jm-tri .hut •> *Jo. Hi. .Ml;.;,-: ti r. >»: a iv*: xi vin •*. •if s r ; ris ; o .« r. yob; i vi* ; is o-, or >$'\Q 1 )V 11 it. ill li -t Eikl %r\ D n( prim, *1 ■ c~ I) trio, siK -f i<-s for h t--.< ])!•' |> 1 - it roniaidf : Jt«ip opia ti.ii* it-rods - .ru- j. WM V: m •ii W s * * ■ # A * !S rt *v.®i ®V‘ O-i.yi q a « w i. 9 * w s A* \°y» . ■v ,<* w o V* * - ■» e ft Oo Toy See Spots gP*. ^ before liver you in fault. tho Rheumatism, air ? That’s your s fc\ Dyspepsia, Neurajgia, Head-' < ache vnd Biliiousness are all r* your liver’s fault. I S Symptinns of & Disordered Livers Pain in back, aide and shoulders, a i bad vaste in the mouth, coated S tongue, bt»d,fullnc'£iin general drowsiness, diges- j jj>\ tion the stomach, loss ^ of appctb.’e, M's-u:-." and sick stomach, habitual costiveness, dots before the * j eyes, vLustiess, s':in sallow, eyes yellow, ner- dry -V cough, contused pimples mind. on the face, §£ these Ai the first appearance call of 1 symptoms on your . merchant for a bottle of iP I V» j* Z <«sHieuaJ«jioS ^fckllirtic ) ‘A | QlREr I m Vy-..- pjy *’■ go« sttaightto work on the g'.er. It cieonses thi* organ— i, 14 snakes it active again -nurifies a or-} your blood and^on ’« cured. W,j A:!s Veur Druggist or Merchant For it CULLEN & NEWMAN, £ois proprietors, m,i Knoxville, Tenn. m, Ilf ll || | a #% & g*a* ^ NO CURE. NO MUSTACHE, WO Pay. ' NO cn y. OANDRUFI? CURED. ./.yi 1 ' '-l 5 '.- Cenirncis to avow i.air cr, ,h" hcr.o SL ;f if* un cs 0 'k”" y wll ° -' :i -“ !i 'll Juv oilicc rt ,r[: " K '- :■■■■■•■: lb» liea.l i> .u. u Vitr. -toad ■, ,• ii r, i„ SSSi*”t»* . ..... r If ■ c !ian,i : - ww »!.*.«! PI K c. you c.-irtnoi cat. to St*t« iJion ac * co,u ,°i *'"» , {l .? iuuja. p«i PKiik. o. ItlltKIioi.Z. >»<i OCCI. Rqcvu ull Maso.’i'c T-itur *i, Chic/ 0 3- . he One Day Cold Curo. Fi.rcc.Ms mid sr.rc threat use Kerni lott's Choco- es l.axative ijiili.iae. J-aUly take ?n r.s cfvn<l^ I'lh' cure.