Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, August 24, 1900, Image 2

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THE ADVANCE. i ■■ -TP- >««•» o^-AN Cf .*■> ■1 2 , R Rf:«T TV, SQftor «e rrop. 4 . If. S33STQ. Aesouigjte |Mi.tor. rates <f aegm.'SMPri#*. il f. rtE YEAR -it.00 SIX MONTHS v - ** 60 i^rilKEjK MO^TltS-- T r £5 tr*- RATES f.Oft Awi'F.M7H4S/, negulv Vusfn^y^dwrtk-nH iits oeo! ** eSSSwent insertion. (Abernlxl*<; >unt on e<»u?i’*W* * r'l- yartfMincnts to run ltu^ar ^lun> two fnonths, ta j IaxjhJ ten cont* »wr duo #"* i^rtwu m 4 /,Kh.'rwi*e #*rijriK«d. Addr*** h.uajsixy #<inuCfHiicn- arid juuiie all remittam-rs pay- ^l,le jto U+ir, ADVANCE. — t~z — y ~ T 7 ~~~ t — t' " = " Entered a,t in Cffrnci.- fiile, fiA- • w ^(;i.llfcH*l) W>.*Kldr. ; -sX"? T~T _! it-" • flfiMOCCATlC TICKET * ---r P r— -rsrrz? jn>r Pro^(}cvT W. d. BUY AN. For -Vice Piv -vl/’ni A. E STlfVENSGN, Wpr G«ifVcr#of, Alien D. CgjuiW, Fo r&rtM*rv of filrl c t Philip Cook. |r'or Coniidrolfef .G'/ufMl, W*- A. Wrigirf For rftaD Tpefl pro?/ Ko)>ert p. Bark. For Atyproey ,Grnor/ti ( Joseph U Terrull, for Stat? Gonpipwlpn^r, G. R. Glenn. rforUommit-wncr of AaGeulture O, B. t>teyofli# ( far Prison tiouv^issioitrr, Oi)l Verm, ( iement A. Uvans. F for J Ut. *»• V com nis-r, Uuexpired T««. . fqt ^s»oci«Ur JumU'« ktiDWl^O (k>U rt . fftA*' Idtfy aA ’WfiiwrR A. Jattle, H<jn*v T. iAVfi*. for Solictor gtficipl.Votf'rv Ou^uit, h>. U. Brjittii. ---jLvr /Vi edr %tp 4 *±*rn 4 .Lar t A o. Ityeop, !,• or (iiNigrtifUftun^, W. M. Howard. FQR STATE 8 EN 4 TQ? for tbr 31»T Sjojiv^yi^ l*i»«riot4 W, \l, COBB, prop UE PHE8E H ! t AT LV K j 11. H. GliANHLER,. FOB OfcMfiAKY; w, u. unw, mu aueuiFFi fi. s. gWPFBOT?/ mmxi W.C. BALL, FOE TAX REOLiVEK: ilUAS JlJGliBMITlI, Tax uiw.JWTQ'D M; U. DUNL’aN, FOE TEliASURKU: Jr 0 ,'C, mjllbr, FPU sy eve you « pavk oomm fpe coepnkr, ,|JJ4 PRATUK1L FPU COMMISSIONERS! J. M, ANDREWS, J, P. ADAIR, T, M. WOKFiX, A delegafior, pf cnRed pn Jfy. R» ye# fn phie»go the oth_- pr d»y, puprfiiiaqted phup pherp w«A j mqch dissatisffthilbn gnwng t!)C jnenibers pf their rtj fit* wRh the present Adb»iui«D'RUon, gnd urgihi tbe impori#s«eof fcbuoi’?»nl»lUoh of Brvan clubs among bhe npgrops, In view of ihe Rsniihljcan t<>nd<‘U ‘ j FV toward tfie goverijrniiflfc b- soy 1 ural Gojpved rf e es gu(.su}« pf the j constitution, (.ip was u iogiaal j move pu the past of Amiji other! ioan j pien of polar, But qn (be pand, thfi v, hi(*) South j$ imperial ist’c ip if? attitude toward the blacks frprp JbegrfuRe tq the grave, ^nd Air. ft/W* toHdt plfoiSP the white South beaaugp fijs obi^f imp- port is fpim test qwiFter- Mi^cd in copfusion fiire ig vary truth are (the pplifics aipf thh thereof fhjs year t- m -r—. v Fb.-^* „ rijr ™ 1 t?rZ n" ^ Corner Sion* T«g*!o institute. The lay in"// tee vomer stone of Tugulo lagtitufe _arill take pliu*, j » ug. x>unax iv a. m, m, n vn'i*T " ill J - r >nu»r stone tferemo- <■ nics. coW bu * omlU^f the people will repair tp th« eourt house where th*-y will listen to speeches t>y prominent wo* ou «duoatioHaJ subject*. A mo?y Uftea u"ho bar* 1h#»n in ^ il(;d tQ ^ present and nuto I ^cl.ics are the following: t, C. McCor.nell, Lynchburg, V a., Dr. P. T>. Pollock, Pres. Mercer L'pivei’skft Dr. (i. A Mtinnallv, JV***- Southern fewiele College, LaGrange; Governor Northern, Atlanta. Sh W addresses will be D, Gamer, president of the Insti¬ tute and Gol. J. A. Neese, county school comgiisaioner. This wall be a general education¬ al rally. AH parents who have children to etiucate should lie prer- ent and lend tlrnir encouragement schools. whatever jvertaius to It. is the pur)x>so of Tugalo In¬ stitute to educate tbo children at home. The faculty intend to give thorough, careful, honest service. They are all well equipped for the places to which they have been elected. Caroesville people are ail enthu- siastic over the school, and exteuu 1 a hearty welcome , to . all ,, who aie ( looking for a place to educate their children. One feature of the corner stone exercises will be a basket dinner r.o wbioh all are invited to k'-ng wcV filled baskets. Influences for Woman. In this ago of the evolution of woman's powers, we hear so much about their lnlluence. It is wo¬ man'* inilueuce iu the home circle, « ^ let V - » th « 80 hooi ^ nd - Ro ^ t ^ ere ^ taJk a1)(}ut , j 10l . influ . once at the lamglsd the world 1* waking up to a higher appreciation of woman’s worth, and * hope that as she becomes conscious of her power, she will be fuJ allout th(J lISC she makes of it. desire to have some in¬ fluence. It is but natural that we should. But while woman must be always exerting an influence over others, whenco shall she re eeivo any herself. Is she to be a sort of electric battery generating new force all the time! 1 have been interested in these articles on “Home Influence,’> “Woman’s Influence,” A Jfother’s | Inttuenne” aud others, aud thought them well considered. But not infrequently I feel ihe need of some cheerful influence for woman, and wonder whore it is to be got. Of course there Is comfort in the love of husband and friends, if one is fortunate enough to have these. There is pleasure in doing for those wo love, esjieeially if they appreci afg it. There is consolation in the sympathy of dear ones, when wo feel discouraged and sore tried—- Rnd often sore-tired. Then there ,F some satisfaction ..... in knowing , we are doing our ' llt >’ 11 faithfully and well, whether any (human enough to appreuate wonts of encouragement, and even a little praise, but it aowns tho Jot ol some never to Imr th«“tilUfter». die.’ Having our needs and con- yenienees supplied, is, in a meas- l)r e, conducive to a happy frame of miud, but we must uot depend upon tiiCBe for happiness. >te ought uot to be influenced too much by our surroundings. While it is well to enjoy ail the good usd beautiful in things about us, we should not give up to despair and impatience if wa cannot have 11s iye But there are women who have no h«i of advantages. What aru fchoy to dot It is hard for one who h.«s not been in * similar place (,o recomnjend what is hest. Biune yf us, ho\vever, having all (be#; lieqefijs, awgkeR several .something nwrninp i» still (he ^car to find that is wrong, spn»e- thing is tanking still to make the day> business wojrk with right good will. A few are so bappijy disposed they pan avoid most <?f : t& ese > hlit th h rwt ne§m Ufltso fort- Whether they really aye m IS for Sfieh ope to prove for kprMw. Finding : mvB<*U a jnnmber of jth«* j.,t tr . r o’o«W!». I bega® to work a re- for „. , lifted for #U e eau-e day*, » eve ,^trf»g I going might wrong" avoid some) and j that it, no timi that nun/ of them were begua hy finding some fault or; S pe£>kinf? a hasty word. My sys- t.*m labored under the ahock of ^.y, , a greeting the whole day ] on ^ ^ that w»nrthjng teemed to work gmh|. w Other mo,m- mgs I wo#ki ghow *9f«£ kindness, I)( . r h, irw uccidestejte or see anew beauty or cause forthank- f,ji rf .g s ftn fl this gavgguob a pleas- an t beginning to tlie new •Jay. So I rcsojyfd to try every morning to vwikco with some happv, wntent-* jn ,_ thought, that would help to „ ivo mea ,»tter aporeciation of learn for herself what will best have this influence upon her own disposition. My next observation was that sometimes when things are run mug Is sniOvituly we suddenly meet a ci o thut trie* our paiienee sore ly. Then if we give up to com¬ plaining, the day’s enjoyment is marred sadly. But if wc control our spirits and make the best of ex- istiug circumstances we will have added to our peace and pleasure, ami leel stronger to meet the next; trial, for there will certainly come all ! j others. She who expects smooth iu thig world in;iy SU(i( ien1 v j find her , hopes wrecked. . m That ; • : sailor makes the Riifest run who prepares for the storms. Then sometimes when we are: t ij S couraged it may be well to re- member the old advice to contrast 1 our circumstances . with ... some that . 1 are worse. This will not add to | our store, but may make us feel! thankful . , , , aud , contented. , i , more So, to “sum up/’ some of the pleasant influences for woman are mutual lo ve and sympath}' of dear ones expressed, not repressed: pa¬ tience that restrains the hasty word; appreciation of the good and beautiful in all about us, and thankfulness for the blessings we have. Besides these is the won¬ ful consolation to be fonnd in our Christian faith aud hope. Anent the : ‘fu!l dumerpail” cry of <he Republicans the Sun (Deni.) says: “It may turn out that American workingmen nave souls above their dinner pails. It may transpire next November that they really love their country aud hate to see it dragged down into the mire of trust-made politics at homo and abroad. It may be proved at the polls that they cher¬ ish the Republic as the fathers it, the Declaration as Jef ferson wrote it, the constitution as ali our patriot statesmen, from Washington and Madison to Web¬ ster and Calhoun and on down to Tilden and Cleveland, have inter- preted it, and are not willing to see an empire, patterned on the British model, nut in their place. Tliey mav not be caught with the chaff of “full dinner pails” or the dema!?ogic pre . tonse that ^ prosperity J^tb alwavs comes in #nd the R.publi- 1B a boomerang cry. The seat of the workingroan . <l intelligence „„ t in his riie liepai,. ^ iottmilk)0 and that he is nothing more than a bread-and-cheese hunter, a din- ner-pail patriot, who votes for vict¬ uals only, will be generally and justly resentod,” Story of a Slave. To bo bound hand anil foot for years by chains of disease is the worst form of slavery, George I). Williams, of Manchester, Mich., says: less for ‘Lffy five wife has that bean she so could help¬ years in bo# alone. After Dot turn over using two bottles of El'xjtric Bit¬ ters siie is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work.” This supreme remedy tor female diseases viuckly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head ucho, backache, fainting end diar.y spoils, It is a godsend to weak, Sickly rundown people, Only 50 c. Sold by Dr, J, R Tucker, druggist. — 1 ^2 OR. 1. D, GALE, DENTIST, ^(}1 be in CVraeerilte every fourth week in the month. Qftj ce in D r . TpHjer’s. to l end on 1 WmjAOE AT 8c GtiKKIGSIONS CHANGED. jf y,*, borrow $1,008 70a roegive! il A (jOU. Vou lurnishabsta.ote, pay recording fee# jto'l stumpy A PP'. V Ut A ’ ]Sw5SK 1 J. ~ J___I'.Z NEE5E, A. ATTYS-AT-LAW, General Law Practice,. KINO & SWILLING, Aity-ut-Law Ciirnasville, - - r • - - Georgia. W. I-ittle Atty-nt-Law Camenville, - - - - Georgia. W 13 Stovall, Counselor at Law Eleouic Building - Georgia. Pronint attention iriven to biiGnc =is J in all the courts, IState aiiii Fcucrul., CHANDLER I H. H. Alty-at- l.av/ lxivoms - - • Georgia. ' WUIBSBS RAIVTiY. **Br ODibdtiifio4 of TminN. Vss. No. 1“ Cut Ms NotHiboand. Vo. 1*. No. 8# Ifs. No. 3*. IMlljr osar Huu. l)aiiy. j t». A«siit»,oi‘ i»nt».6T* r »»» fci» W Oft* dtp fissag3'-’4t' •?>«—►-b»-- SriS^i- <*<£ •• / ; > 1 r *> not«jw j v ,C *»« 080 T m * Wr" tjlimiiiiir UK*. ‘a iip iSp 3 T V •o * at •* r « » u» w|i*... 1 1 t...... i * ** -- i'J*? » rsj, *f lilti Ms ( «• 111 . • T£* * - c«ir,i SSUmn.' II -iO-4^c*t s- - 18: - • - Spy q«., .| as v s: * ” SSriuili.. t A*. &ro'U3»K>: a Mi 30a ■ /.T. DMlTlUd it »>j r lt CBp ‘ 1 Mr . • At. UlOnn««a.. «»» eao* .... «39p * Hew \\ on. hi* 4.n» • . <=»ea^x> feY.US a*»4 a PatM* V.e. N,Mhb**uX, v-o.». No.»». IDSUy Unity. IMlW inn: -ijsp....... a fcj R C Ch p ....... 0i2,u tfKp tf ....... 11 IS a IS p....... (s. jlitiwiii . U»l* 11 OOp 11 dp ly* biwtilW... » tin 6 10* «»* to Lv. Norfolk.. . , 0 tf) Isp! a 8 So 15&)........ p........ Ar. dro’flsbsro • 6 Qn'Ubwo "iw «P £® 1 (A* Jla W ft Sp.r'Snrf. II: 83* Ke. tv S8S:::::: **urrr. p “ Ore»n vs US 1 ... jg:8t •* “ • “ |*ns(»..... WolMter OroWe*.... r ........ iifm 3 ^.* *-*• K>- fe Ti iV* tf UP* Wtoa § g| 11 51teiSf::::':: till 1 “ UeJ*....... Osilirwinri « N • FtoHU*-. 4 -A • ! in *)EMm »-: 2J2S a>» &»• fc»4wee p 1 « U »»l Att»«s if Ex. Kx. Ho. 1*. •TATION& No. Vi. £*b. buo. Doily Dslly. "TioW I !•» ei«i <5<«u*cf4un eas®!« Tnii wiS ma n Una train*. “A" ». m. V p. ■* ”M" bow. “H” ni«q*. JJft u£j mSt Sr Sa*Sv!itw! , ^xA , R^««» jaunt*safit** «**«• tra*i^« «m a*mm. sum 2^ S±^afy5&Wsf eamii?Mj52 h SSsSS&3S W S*1SSL# ™ ^ UBtS-ftS and IS-Vntlmki, Caprisd*, C»wkif Daa- «ar» toad rod It and A awrtbhanad via vilt*. Ho*. DnotUxm mi# 13. ua. 34 Look foe tfce Wanteg. Heart filsesse Ml* surtdlvBljr, 'Xke but ■ever without wuralae. warn- legs mu be faiut extend ana brief, or naj bo startling and over many years, bat tkar sra cone the less cartata and positive. Too often the ! victim Is deceived by the thought, “it will pass away." Alas, It never in¬ passes away voluntarily. Once bet- stalled, itself.* heart disease If Dr. never Mile? gets Heart ttr of Cure is usad in the certain early stages re- covery where i* absolute!/ its fo persisted In iu. every ease use fluallr foi.nd relief. I was subject to fainting and staking spoils, lull- new about the heart, aad was unable to attend to my household duties. I tried roeommonaed near!/ ovary remedy that dooUrea was to me ana with the leading physicians of this section but obtained Miles' no help Heart until Cu I began taking Dr. r Jl It has done me more took." good than the medicine I ever Howowsv, Mbs. Ajuu. Geneva, led. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold at all dragglsta Write aa a advice pcaitt' and * guarantee. booklet t to for free Elkhart, Ind. pr, Miles Medic*! go., and Summer Millinery. ■ww ♦» OUR (STOCK. Of Flowers, Ribbons, Braids, Piece Goods, Ornaments, Millinery Ornaments, Ready-to-Wear Hats, Shapes and Trimmed Hats, is complete, and we are crowded day by day with customers who appreciate the extrnordi nary values we art- giving them and the abso¬ lute reliability of our designs. They realize that our milliner, lliss Anderson, is a real art ist and designer, and that a hat bought of us will be of correct style and will suit the wearer. We have also an up-todate diVhsinuktr, Miss Clyde AY all s, who will take youx measure and give you a fit, DENDY & STRIBLING. 4 > :V V £ ' 1 ? .a ' F 1 ' ‘ FI v m y y 1 We have just received our new line of Buggies and Bicy¬ cles and are in a positon to MEET ALL COMPETITION in PRICES, QUALITY AND TERMS. FUMITTTRE AND COFFINS. Our Slock of Fumiti'ro is complete in every respect, and we Guaranies our prices. We also carry a full line of Coins, Caskets and Burri&t Robes of ail stylesoizes and PRICES. We carry the Largest Stock of Sewing Ma- chines, Harness and Steves of any House in this section. CUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. DORTCH & CO. A Word to . . A Jf I Suffering Women. Ifo one bat yourselves know 'A die aL^sV*\ Buffering suffer? you 50 through. \VLy do ra,. you It isn’t necessary. Don’t Jose your health and baanty, (for the loss of one is speedily followed by the Joss of the other.) Don't feel weak ” and “worn out.” Impure blood is at the bottom of all your trouble. ^Ivlo^nslori’s s^Sffi.stesi^Sarsapari I la cheeks. Each bottle contains s 1 * 11 quart. QOART mTTLBS. P»Mal <nd S«nrw«d Nma, ImpliHI;. LmeMthoa, VUta, SUrfSty. Ulcw*. •ld«, iquicalar Indlgotlraa, palpttaUoa ol the l.eart, co’d lauic. and fat. n.rrouineu, ilMplwrnew, *nkMH, et bevieg-dewa pain*, backache. lac ache, imrulai acdon of Ik. Irut, «««iHas »IIQ»la*S» cd f«a. breath, ab normal discharge* with palnttil mi n.traitlon, ecmldl.R of erlM. aaranea* of the breast*, noaralgfa, uterin. dUplacemeut, and oil foil there which make tL. 1 ’OISI woman’e life aa miserable. W* hats a book ol Maitll lafanratloa. Voo Want lU-ltsfrea •■THE MICMIOaTTB^UQ CO." Detroit, Mich. - r - -,nvwu»m w f, n, i - rr - i rwynTwrur i viyr-.rxn i w. i u. ---1—■■■ W Uvinfoi* ..... lor uv«r U»sr _ __ d# lift. It* _ p«h*i Uttft nut. a*e< sale by Drs. J. R. Tucker, L, K. Burruss and T. J. Crow ' c„Wiiv,G». A u «) iSi ( 4 ,^ 6 iisss ti tbo flhrat IIv« chapters f the Gosftl of M^rk? OUNT THEM Use iWlfncn' Bibb,- ▼«»«(?* only, and Mud your uenat, torethrt with One Dollar, *r£ tw< iamps f«r your aptscririien by to t \s KonaeboM Ciiclo, tie beet tezaUy HM^dr fn AikJiea. TMccy fa eardone or posta* note, money order or regletered letter. irsttUutifl wiH be a incest 31, aftfoltvwe: 1 ’•f llrft Cerrcc ; I 1#0 ^ j nearest Correct * ;m»nor. - *5,000 nextneyeet e t ficet, eeit, . ltd* l«J' rer aagwer. * v OOO 200 next acAvwt ogrnet, mo), - f er Tks nextxeemt trill dMde. eerrenaa^rcr, Complete of tfco*o *,000 receiving | 200 yrrminmtt xiexinesrsut vrfP be .^cbRsfied emit, fn each. fiift. r.umber. - B i All premfasMjj^ble- s ix « ol*I amd to be sent by Ar lorfcan Exptfres. Kefurexce, any bank or busiftess IF TOO OAjl COUNT, TOU MAY WIN A FOBTBNI. !U IT WOTfTH TjWlNOY Macs** Ikl* papa. A4dr*» TUB HOOTRHOLD t Bo* *. BorbtcNS, Jf. X Are You SicR Of Being SicR? Then let us suggest trouble • started cuie ; Ten to one the with your Uver. A torpid liver cause 1 Rheumatism, Heuralgui, Constipation, Dyspepsia. Head¬ ache and a dozen other ailments. AnTfieuB^io y’jlhei&c (UREr goes straight to work an th« liver. It cleanses that organ; makes it active again—the acid leaves you’re. Testimonial iloo'Jandyon’re below: cared. I cured my vl'a of meuratela of •even yaarV suin.llDt ft/ the usa or yotir medicine after the beat doctors u>Cincinnati failed. PAKKEB. ____ B. W. Cincinnati. MSW. Ktourta Street. Ar. Vogr Druggiit or (Lerchanl Fer K. CULLF.W h NEWMAW, Sole Proprietor*. Knoxville, Tend. lisraaEsi fhe hervous System the Se*| of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Ciscoveriae* vf ppofossional nct?o:aoh »w< stadv fn li>* notwitliMtuiiuing UiL' fatft ith > fer- w a ■fM ' . , \ ' ; tfc&t of Bpirai ft'din rn’or sud pi of ttve portion r the lif» putt so the in bra tho U cord, of MOijtfi* of thl Iot'9 Vnsfl up- t 'ti, tho »o I# nervous tom that .eve a tJ.-f* ji’.iHtlo pricic will ot a CM UNO ins ttOw T death. Bo« ‘'nfc discoveries have tlewoT»«trat*d that. 11 tho r:' ins of tiio bud/ art under t he con- rol of t t A uorve comonh.kicaicti trhw *lljrtfi in of ntrttf he b'tso of the brain, ami that ar*> •oraii«e l fho orzant ubkcU iftsy wUA •vrvcilaiuitt^ ;tH*> d°r • lived. tThwi miutMjrod U.eife t: sorioa- injury i«.» -hw spinal rd wlU C iUHo pMffSlj4»s of the eouv btduw e ovciKCii Injured by pulr. tUa bocauto injury thr frwu i.^rve rt*}v»*hin< forrp, iho j ralyzcd porihtn. It will )xi tintlcrNTooti how .'i (Teniiiijo ii'Git of ihu of nerve tho various corner* orgunc r- U .u«etUedeia;u.)rm.*id hT force. G'dt flirty d’i:>{>Iy b i.» rve T^o-tldrdi* of rhrtmi-* di-orv^rs r.r« 1uo i«» i-.ioGrfucfc action of I he non *• «emtrs ul so of the brain, nob l i'.m a dt rai.'^ y .1 !:I1 1 orlr;»n linT Ir vi e orvan it' if. ’The ni.-«iaUe tl*tiiey o \ /mjairiane troat. tl.i» it ••itfhig dii*o:i>«’• la “fiilcli {an r.t:h.’C <!»■-» 1 ihe ntr\G • t a.cro •» tne of 1 no cei^'nitcd »a. Fits % *U!f Mines, the poc- Miit.-i iA pmfo indly Nt»«dW dibits subject lmucnatii To. •r 30 year*. an»i hat iii;*Ue many chief *f»w,>rioe In oo’inuotlou wi’Uit. ar oint • n, iho 4-ofi* vined In the tv -^vii of enioiiu and i^at- f oor*Hnary meihO’h 'MupMi’iro rrrmr. All headarhe, dl/*:- v, dultn-^-L confusicn. pressuttt. l). f ne-i •ii k, m »i;tu 'Soli, hu»»ni*y. epiiepwy, <ni?toaAC.3 M d l I VJ, V V*., Ijep tror.tlurfttl 'OSH* tuir itjr,' Bcstornil•« c-uised. The ^.•?'totfc© success ca . Miles* donfhofore::aiirv»rtnvi®Io. ■f.Miaf UU ’m« „ Nstreixe lea^db/ • ■t. Mif*F‘.' R-vriUiAiirr. Ir iTcIs' -: o ) n pedti VlBioUAu vw <r:iara»» C'L. 3", EiUh^rt, or •ct by 1).L piii.Ks b Wte, i.. on rec -ipv of prii*». *1 si* tins for £5. oTt>re';s pr« na»<f. Ifc r^ntAin# !»f»r onla es no • Pt»r% Ar # **v*'®2***V ''•Vi-NV.’f.*.. 4 ! Do You See Spots! before you In the air? That’s your liver’s fault. Rheumatimm, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Head¬ ache and BDUonsness are aB your liver’s fault, *' SyaptMu M a Disordered Livers Pain In bnck, eld* and ahouUer*. a bad taste In *h* moath, coatad tonguo, 1, central drewsuieM, dim- Han be d-roUnesaln the etomacb.loa* jf appetite, Mur and side Momacb, habitual coativsneea, dots bclbra tho eyes, a In ealtaw, eye* *»- vouaness, confused pimples mind. on tbs mat, dtp eonrb, At the first «ppeanu»*eaf these symptoms caU o» jvn merchant for a bottle of iJit (URJEr it goes straight to work o» lbs liver. It cleanses this organ— makes it active again—ourifimi cured. your blood and you*re Aik YeurDrufitterHorehant Fot It CULUiN A NEWMAN, Sole Proprltter*. Kncxvttlft, Teas. I ill NO CURB* NO MU 3 TACMC. NO PAY, NO PAY. DANDRUFF CURED, I will take Con*raet» (n grow hair on |hr hat* W f*ce with those who sail c*iU at my office or M the office of my agenta* proEid««| ih i h**.* i> not glossy, or the pores pf the scalp not ply.cA. Where the head is shiny or the pore* closed, Iptfe is no cure. Cafl atnd be examined free ei Jbjrrf^. tho exact If condition you cannot of the call, scalp writ*, and to me. State muon. PBOr. G. BlK^nui your occa Hoorn 1011 Mason’c z, Temp e. C.wc/ss The One Day Gold Cure. For colds and sore throat use Kermott’s Choc*i? 1atcs Laxative Quinine, Easily taken as CAyufy tuia quickly cure. • 9