Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, August 31, 1900, Image 2

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THE ADVANCE. tFVICUL OMAN OP FRANKLIN VC. 2. * 9CKICB. Editor A. ti OB. JL X. KINO, Associate Editor. feATKs of bumokiftion. «. Alt YKAB--- *1.00 Slit MONTHS - - • r,(l THBKK MONTHS - >2 '‘ XATKS FOR AOVKKTIMIKO. Regular business advertisements one dollar per inch, first insertion, and fifty eents per Inch for each subsequent insertion. Libers) discount on contracts fo* Ad¬ vert lament* to run lottgcr than two months. Local notices ten cents per line for first insertion and five coils for each subsequent Insertion. Bills due after first Insertion unless ttlierwise arrange 1. Address all business communica¬ tions and make all remittances pay¬ able to TUB ADVANCE. lettered at the poxtoHtac in Carnott- vtlle, (fit., as second class matter. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. DEMOCRATIC TICKET For President W. J. BRYAN. For Vice President A. E. STEVENSON. For Governor, Allen D. Candler. For Secretary of Stnte. Philip Cook. For Comptroller troneral, Wm. A. Wright. For Ntnto Treasurer, Kobort E. Park. For Attorney General, Joseph M. Terrell. Fov State Sch<«il Commissioner, (■». U. Glenn. For OoinmiRrioiur of Agriculture O. B. Stevens. For Prison OommlHxionrr, full Term, Clement A. Evans. For Prison OominU’r. Unexpired Term, Thomas Eason. For Associate .Tustfee Supreme Court, (Vote for Two.) William A. Little, Henry T. Lewis. For Solicitor General, Western Circuit, C. H. Brand. For United States Senator, A G. Bacon. For Congressman, W. M. Howard. FOB STATE SENATOR For the 3i*t Senatorial District: W. H. COBB. FOR ItF.FlEEE NTATIVF: it. H. CHANDLER. FOR ORDINARY: W. It. LITTLE. FOR SHERIFF: E. S. OLODFELTER. rOR CLERK; n, W. C. HALL FOR TAX RECEIVER: C11AS UIGUSM1TH. TAX COLLECTOR* M. II. DUNCAN. FOR TREASURER: J. C. C. MILLER. FOR SURVEYOR: DAVE CONGER. FOR CORONER: JIM PRATHER. FOR COMMISSIONER!): J. M. ANDREWS. J. P. ADAIR. T. if. LOONEY. Some of the polititmns are try¬ ing to prove Lincoln a despot and imperialist. It is always safe to prove things on a dead man, and sometimes easy. We shall next hear that George Washington was a traitor. But Washington, Lin¬ coln and Cleveland were among the nation’s truly great presidents, and but for Lincoln’s untimely as¬ sassination the linen of the south would have been easier after the war. Our flag is now waving in Te kin. Does McKinley think it should be torn down 1 With the rescuing of Minister Conger, the United 6 tates’ legitimate work in China has ended. Let the powers that see fit to engage in a war of greed and conquest, fight it out among themselves. Uncle Sam 3 houJd be “hands off.'’ Will Han¬ na heed the oranious warning from the American people? The One Day CoM Cures. Far cold ia tk. L.*<t and thrn .1 r* Irr- ^S&mcSE’^ L " ativt ,h *" °"® CARNESVILLE’S GREAT DAY. Th« Corners tone of Our laid in the Ptescnce of Him* dreds of Our Citizens. Last Tu *day marked a new era for Oarnesville and all this section, And onr town was the scene of an impressive and inspiring when the cornerstone of our co!- lege was laid in the presence of a great concourse of our own people and distinguished visitors. The awakening which is respon¬ sible for the oreetion of an insti¬ tution in our midst for the higher educatiou of our boys and girls, is prophetic of continued advance¬ ment along all lines. Churches, school houses and railroads go hand in hand, the substantial evidences of the best progress and development known to ours, the most highly civilized nation in the world. The people or section that lags behind in these means of growth or improvement and Christianiza¬ tion, must take a back seat in the world’s march. The great things of life—the fine and high things that make the struggle of life wcrtli while—can be only cornpre- bended by them. Vfe have the finest climate in the world, sis rich soil and as fine water power as are to be found m all Georgia. It seems thst we have too long slumbered over our resources and possibilities. We need to educate our boys and girls into the men and women that will control and shape and guard the welfare of the commonwealth for the future Now that we have opened [ourjeyes to the one first pressing obligation upon us, to prcqierly educate our children, we will not be slow to move in the direction of the almost equally important one of giving ourselves railway connections. All this part of Georgia and particularly Oarnesville is to be congratulated upon the important event which was so happily and successfully consumated Tuesday. It was an ideal day. The skies were cloudless, the sunshine bright and the breezes balmy. It seems that Providence smiled on our ef¬ forts in a perfect summer day. And everybody was herel Old and young, large and small. It was an occasion m which the whole county was interested, and the county turned out in force. Rev. F. N. McConnell, of Virginia, Rev. llawkins and Prof. Barrett, of Toccoa, arrived m town early in the morning, and shortly after 10 o’clock repaired to the college grounds for th's important work of the day. The speeches delivered wero masterpieces in their line, and we regret that we have not space to reproduce them. After the ceremonies of laying the corner stone a rare picnic din¬ ner was enjoyed by the crowds who bad gathered from the four quarters of Franklin. And such a dinner at it was! The memory of it will hngeriwith us and make en¬ durable many a less toothsome repast. All in all it was a great and iffemorabto day. Everybody was in a good humor and everybody went home in the dusk of the even¬ ing comforted by the happy re¬ flection that Carnesville had hon¬ ored herself, and that the corner stone of momentus work, preg¬ nant with great things for the fu¬ ture, had been laid in the old town. The Hannaites seem to be in no end of trouble up ia Ohio, and speakers are being corralled from everywhere to help save the state. But Ohio can’t save McKinley. His fate ia doomed. It seems to us that one of the largest sized donkejf in public life today, is McKinley’s Secretary of State. It appears that Jfack does have a strange way of gathering • » al1 m«n about him. Hay's head was turned by social atten¬ tions received while ambassador to Great Britain and he foolishly im¬ agines that the obligation to look after British interests rests with him, and that he and bis son, Adel- bert, are shaping the South African war to a large extent. ATcKinley has frequently changed his ofifoial household, and were it not for the fact that he is going out himself so «X»” that he drop Hay. ' Stand U Your Guns. 11 is Mid tllat »°me (one) of the defatted candidates in the Demo¬ cratic primary in Franklin are working against tho regular nomi- nees. We are sorry to hear of this state of aiTairs. It will do the defeated ones no good, and furnish solace to but tew of the eppo«>ing party, It is also said that the afore- mentioned gentleman, who was a candidate in the primary, did not vote (because he preferred not to) and now claims that he is not bound to support tho nominees. We would like to understand by what process of reasoning he ar¬ rives at that conclusion. To us it looks as if he wero prov¬ ing to be a traitor to his party and to the friends who supported him in (he primary. Certainly he will stop before he everlastingly destroys his future political prospects and holds him¬ self up to the just ridicule of his former friends and political associ. ates.—Toccoa Record. Poor -Kentucky! Kentucky has convicted Ex-Sec retary of State 64»leb Powers, of complicity in the murder of Wm. Goebel, and he has been sentenced to life imprisonment. We don’t suppose that anybody in Kentucky or outside of it, believes that Pow¬ ers had anythin? to do with the murder of Goebel. Kentucky and her courts are coming to jbe a dis¬ grace to the American Union. The timo has come when no man’s life or liberty is safe there, if he happens to be uuder the political b in. It is hard to know which is worse, republicanism as represent¬ ed by Taylor, or Goebel democra¬ cy. Both have become a stench. And proud old Kentucky that in the past has contributed so much patriotism and statesmanship to to the nation’s councils, has indeed fallen upon evil days! The pigmies in charge ofher political affairs now do not represent her honor, her manhood or genuine rock-ribbed democracy. Kentucky must wrest her gov¬ ernment from their control, be fore she can again hold her right¬ ful place among the sisterhood of states. Meanwhile the federal government should see to it that no travesties upon justice are per¬ petrated by the courts of Ken¬ tucky. The Down-Trodden Men. And Atlanta is furnishing the country with a male shirt waist brigade! We suppose they repre¬ sent the new men, and that thfljlr next step in the maroh of advance^ ment will take in the rainy day skirt and sun bonnet. The bravery of the men of At¬ lanta as shorn by their rebellion against existing customs is highly commendable. Men have too long been held in check by heart¬ less women. What’s the use to be a man and not be a man) The bold stand taken by the men of Atlanta should be an en couragement to weak-kneed raja all over this country. We 4fc>k for a great uprising in the future'. Women have too long cornered on the pretty, dainty and comforta¬ ble things of this life. Let the men now have a chance. An encouraging sign is that the revolution is being led by such se¬ date and conservative men as for¬ mer Governor Northern. Story of a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for yean by chains of disease is the worst form of slavery, George D. Williams, ly of Manchester, Mich., says: “J wife has beon so help¬ less for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electno Bit¬ ters she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work.” This supreme remedy for female diseases vrnckly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head ache, backache, fainting end dizzy spells. It is a godsend to weak, sickly run-down people. Only 50c. Sold by Dr. J. R Tucker, druggist. DR. L. D. GALE, DENTIST. Will be in Carnesville every fourth week in the month. Office in Dr. Tucker's. MONEY TO LEND ON MOTGAGE AT 8c NO COMMISSIONS CHARGED. If you borrow f1,000 you receive I *1.000. You furnish ftbetiicts, pay recording fees and stamjie. Apply to J. A. Nisei'. J. A. NEESE. ATTYS-AT-LAW. General Law Practice. KING & SWILLING, I Atty-nt-Law Camosville. - - - - (iowgia. W. R. Little Attf-at-Lnw Gnrnesvillc, - - Georgia. W 13 Stovall, Counselor Ht Law Electric Building Atlanta, - - Georgiii. I’romot attention riven to businoka in all the courts, State and Federal. H. H. CHANDLER Attv-nt-Law Lavonia - - - - Georgia. ' gOUTHZR* BAIL WAT. JGL. Ohedmised Sohortala of hme’ Trriaa. leJfifftri M«yMh. lt». V«% Bo. n r«if* Viftlibowid. Nth 13. S".«t Pally. [Dully Pally. San. tv. Atlanta,OT . «- l»JF M, U isms P*0 “ Atlanta. BT scxrsc-s* I >3 • Iferorons.. R P “ SifnSwhk- It! ill 1 l P» 9 " lit. Airy. i*. 1*. Yo«- to». . . »** Ar. Jfji.irmn li fe a KltSf. -ffeS.’.: A V ill . • QraenrlUb. 8 tin H !Sp «? 8 S« a " Chariot*. .is; Ar. Urs'usboru Silt Ev. cpre^beio W a?? At. Da nvflte... 11 *9; it ftp IS; Ar. Blnkmond.J # C#» « ft) a • *Sp ilaisif 55t«a«i u. » $10*9 V»t Va Via InihhaMA No. m, Dally. Wo, Dally 11. Drily. •pi: s ?6 i 3S3T 11 ES 10 (A. iirtwi m»i. TTsHi n»; ttt*p liT. Deuvlfie.. i «y Ilia T»e Ar. Sn iilm Hi IS: ........w inailS xsr .•Ms •e .ssa- .-*■ » dp mk «« 1» : i»»v » 39 13 • - & p II < m P rrir; » fctoAito Sfl. ■T m 83 m " Snfor*. WartnvM. .. " w A*. Atlanta.?? ■oe. AMsaU . CTI _ . ^---— ' Matwaaii l^la ao4,^N __ ___ —STxnoiwr rsa. w. r*. ***• * inpriMIH IS V<Ae ?t5ia muaaslion i»«l* al Lata trim watts Ntia traits*. -A" a w. "F- *. «. ••*"»«». ltlgh*. Sal Otowpaakr Werfolk Ltn* and WOMWia SaltlAat*. la Sally aarT t ea TD«a Wo* W awl Vatitna 88-8*1 '.y WuMaa»aa fiimit and SbBthtrratara Falinsaa ninyiaaoar* Unlwl. ami hot warn Wtw Torfc N»w Wuntawnwy. Orleka*. *1 via Wo*hin|t<>n, SaMraaa Saw Ailapla Tom w*J aad turn Ilf iikiaSaia. Mcnspkia, TI* a aahtngto^ PauAfAlT Atlauta anil nrjbttifw* Alw elMakl LiAaaiw O York Cawi tkotaaAlkra a Atlanta asifl W neMui iSWM Mta Drews WarklaA c* aci AMata Lwrrtaj WOfctAf *»*a •arre aH satnli mi rottta. FaMaJV totuitt MiOitJnr*. Wodnaatea wilitAatVoaffb arid • WMMaAtwi i<)M>ta« aadYw ror VnectRsoWttbSat Iw.-w V e a tt ya- psUastsp Lr Aw,ring-root* uleastair *a«a ccwhoii li I t ilA »1 anti yarlnat. Cloao float at i«v Ooffsoffiv. 3Q «lr •Sawuart.. vvgy^ tv.TRSj-m. .' indigestion dyspepsia biliousness and the hundred aad oae simi¬ lar ills caused by impure blood or inactive liver, quickly cleansing yield to the purifying and propert ies contained in S JofynstSn's arsaparilla QvAlT BOTTLa. It cures permanently by of acting the naturally body. oa blood-cleanser, all organa flesb- Asa builder, and health-restorer, it has ao equal. Put us in Quart Bottle*, and sold at ft each. ••Ttia Mien man save company.** vrtnil, IWCa* * TUtUnOMtoUta U* ajk g Spring and Summer Millinery. OUR STOCK OF Flowers, Ribbons, Braids, Piece Goods, Ornaments, Millinery Ornaments, Ready-to-Wear Hats, Shapes and Trimmed Hats, is complete, and we are crowded day by day with customers who appreciate the extraordi nary values we are giving them and the abso¬ lute reliability of our designs. They realize that our milliner, Miss Anderson, is a real artist ami designer, and that a hat bought of us will be of correct stylo and will suit tho wearer. We have also an up-to-date dressmaker, Miss Clyde Wallis, who will take your measure and give you a fit. DENDY & STRIBUNG. 1 WXM 5 BICTOE& -n We have just received our new line of Buggies and Bicy¬ cles and are in a positon to MEET ALL COMPETITION in PRICES, QUALITY AND TERMS. FURNITURE m COFFINS. Our Stock of Furniture is complete in every respect, and we Guarantee our prices. We also carry a full line of Coffins, Caskets and Burriai Robes ef ail styles sizes and PRICES. We carry the Largest Stock ef Sewing Ma¬ chines,Harness and Stoves ef any Housie in this section. OUR PRICES ARE RfGHT. DORTCH 6* tXX A Word it • • Suffering: Women. No oaa but youraclyci know of the •offefinf too go throagk. Why do jo* tuScrf It isn’t neccisarjr. Don’t »*« yout health and beauty, (for the Avw* loss of one ia speedily followed by the * loss of the other.) Don't feel "weak " and “worn out” Impure blood it at the bottom of all your trouble. a&ra^^wsaDarilla Johnston’s check*. Each bottle coauiae * W - — * ■ - QUAIL QUART ■♦THE MICWtOijnffiuq 60 ." OrtrettL »fc». nMSiSrUNins. Thi Paanw MUk Uro Nk. a For sale by Drs. J. R. Tucker, L K. Burruss and T. J. Crew Carnesville, Ga. t • *• »tiA jNY ih’S •< tha lint tw akAptam ■f th« OMpalsf Hark? U** *» *4in»ry «ubKfl»U«B BtbU, twh, »»ly, k»mk.M aa*;Ma* fair aul, tmlhk lit Aik Oaa I»*lla*. * 0 * »w® j2X 1 **—’P* «**gotr joar *•« » (tnlo, b«t MmUr aoari-lr 0ftSSiv S Am**. fo** »•»•, a«tmj TOOr or n gO nn i l«Ur. w *U a veiM' rw *or nMMt lift Coma* C.rrfcl Oraw, • 05.000 9,009 •rrntt amam. I «mK1 awnat MrfWI n* * t r, S,000 TOO aiam M»ra*« Mrr«e*, . I | J in tlWTlUWk prmltmrpafrb!* Cra Jn Soil ri O. «*>*#**»» aniu wWBf Amorim y ri A krrOm. i k la* k« *AVk«i 1* ItfV mb*. t*>mt if Mm», tar Em* nr bnV»«m- "jTutrln M etkm m. t tr von caw coon, ikv * WO a vesnta sa nr wobth xmnrori M Ad to* nonmoLB ciaccs, e«* t, SMksalt». %■ : Are Yon SicK Of 6 eiiis SicK? Than let ua auggaat a enra Ten to one lbs uouble startsd with your Rheumatism, liver. A torpid liver causes Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Head* achaanda Constipation, itecat nihidafluata <^C*Heurd5io r. (UREr goes straight to work oa the fiver. It cleanses that organ; makes it active again—the acid cured. leaves you’ra Testimonial blood andyoa’l below: - # I cured my wife of neeral*1a of •even venrY Btandlntf by the uno of your medicine failed. afler tM btet «o«rtoni in Ctnoinnotl B. W. PAB 1 TB&. U1W. Fourth Street. Cincinnati. Ar t Tear DroggM ar HaMkaat Tar k CULLEN k NEWHAM, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tana. A || Ski 1 17STER1ES1 fhe Nervous System tba of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. yt ppofoviional iwarcli thU ana fact study in all brc*. lilt notwitbBt Audiag it u» nut genor- ova seat oi Ufa la loea ted In the ao- i \ pt-r part of tn# 1 spinal ll-e cord. m-.-i r base jsHTV; I of the brain, l and so seniil- tivn t» t b I por>!nn of the nervous sys¬ tem tfcst ore* tbr prlc k of A art nit will can-o la* out death. R#r(»nt dUcorrrlns have fJornonstrafod fha« I! tbtorzmn* of tbo bod/ arts under th« «om» rol of the nerre center*: lo.»»«! in or n«*F ’i# b»vw of fhe brain, and tha: nhen tranced the or^atit wialcit ilttjr auptM/ wit to •rre fluM »r*» ftiso Whun r. It #•- '•mtN?rwd t! vt > Nrtrlotw Inlury ih© 16 botiy Nfif r4 .fill Q!tui>) «r te n ivnotstvl injured by point, tUe lyaast* Injury the frt*m nerve reaching ror^ffi the r*1rs.nd por lou, i» wffl he ui»0#*-vfood s Jriraaireinoiit ot tb* n^rro center* p!!5 itrtrhAdctra tjtowMptt of 4ho various orsaap >.*b fhny *ii.’>j>Iy wt-h n««f »w ftue r |o-thtr1* fyi;*«rfF r»f dise»»if *re HI • - t 4Ctl*«u of the n«"pTn «t*t*#rft a| e '!)•?• nitri'r *»f ' lie bri;in«tiitf brain, not p- tu • t» ifcc .% *»tr«nK6» its ••Qt pr rtrfan f. Tfio rrr'-it of It • al ‘jut -*-*•? tlfa**.*•« I* the . tb»r trash tK# thxu thy nrrtt; ‘.©nfor*; wbkto * Itoa •*e*.«iof x\ e ‘**t|>lfi. crlahrMad * . ib** vaa ietAv** ,rr*;fO':Us. * t NUtoJar.f f'W - e V! **• and haa tn.tuy tm|f>rkaa% • a- rri « Li 8*unn« *■%*■ v#iib if, • •» !telujf uie fs.'t* # oT einac Itt tb# • n.irit, aa i that t: « ordlsutry n» vA«d« djta*- •Jfii'*!i»sn ar ynr* A.I :> (i>il!nn«, **onfi»eI**’». pre»»urai. k!iH a, n)"!a;» 'holy. i:*a*nlty, apllapay, d';»«Urt is ilea:*. 'i’„ n-.rro’j* »» ••r h vf faff.!••!. Th» vrc»n«iwrtm lniuelsllMi atF*CM*a% * HU«V Ut‘AU>ri;tT‘« ♦ *!ia.tfMs httedbn *-ha fnpavrtln? prfnafnlfa If •1 RrsT MtATim Jiftana*. ln»g*;i»t* on a po*H!ra gaarfn.e-, or swap •'•tb f Dn. Mr.** Mturfir, Co., Blkto on P'lC'dpt of prlc*. ?l *0* b t?-la, rtC .ae f.->T |K. rin-eg r*• pr*nald. '!Wi| It rotllnfi •• *r »*f>- » • Do Yob Set Spots before you ia tho abf That’* your liver's halt Rheumatism, Dyapapaia, Neuralgia, al ache and BiUii are your liver’s fault. Syraptans at a DlasrdsrsA U*M Pais in book, aids and shoaldars, a tad tatu in the month, coated tongue, bad.ftiUnesain general drowsiness, stomach,fora IttgSS- tioa the , of appetite, soar and sick stomach, habitual aostivenesB, dots before the i eyes, s in saBow, eyes yellow, fiscs, Mr- dry sough, ▼eusntts, confused pimples mind. en the At the first appearance ef these symptoms call oa j*m merchant fee a bottle ol /»js*KeuraRio (jJREr it goes straight to work oa tbs liver. It cleanses this organ— makes it active again—purifies your blood and_yoa’re cured. Mi Vtur OraggM sr ■srthtal Far * CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sot, Proprietory BmxvIUc, Teas, A I ill NO CURB. NO MUSTACNE. NO NAY. NO MAY. DANDRUFF CURED. I will take Contract* is grow hair en tbc kean •t wit to those who can call st my ofla#or GSi. *‘’*>? ? Of r 'h*.P my egeou, or « of provided the scalp ih* bead clnaed. i* Wbdre the boad ii shiny not or the pores -Ins,*, mere u ao cure. Call and be osomined li.a et " rou cannot call, wrfi. to me. Siam Bimi W 1 Muoifs tfmpto, Cinc/rh Tht One D«; Cold Ourt.