Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, September 07, 1900, Image 2

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THE ADVANCE. /JROAN .OF CO. 2. K DCRTCH, EtfJ.tox & Prop, ft. N. KJNQ, Associate fcrtlt or. KATJOi OJ-’ SIJflMGftf TOWN. + ,.r ft KAU - - - .SIX itVNTliri - X- - 50 ygRKK MONTHS - r lift,|<:s *0* AI>VKKTItHN(J, lvcjfiiliirtvjsiucss HdvortiHPWjMits ,(*up ,^,.llnr 1,./ inch, first insertion, |ifty cent s per inch for e#c,V !y^i)»«iucnt insertion. />il)oividiscount *(srt.rui^s for n-l- vortisonients to i'v.u longer tlnui months. J^;il noticcg tXM c^f’s u 4 '. 1 ’ i**- 11 ' first insertion five corns forn-ncli iuliscquont insertion. Bills due sficr first insertion unless Cthorwise .arranged. Address .ill imsiiuss conmiiinicn- Cions mu! make ell remit tunccM pt-y. ytble to THK Al)V AXt.'i*:. ___ _ Entered at tl-.v (K-stottice in fine, On., tw>*w*sond claas uintter. ycuusiiKn wkkkly. PEMOCRATJC KCKLT -—y * ♦ —r—: For President W. J. BUY AN, For V i*w pif sidei.d ,\. E. STEVfcJjjfJOK. For G°Viernoy, AJLff D. Candler, kiferetary of State, Phijip Coo.V. yor Comptroller General, W«i. A. Wright For State, Treasurer, Kobert E. Pavif. {’(;/• Attorney (lem-rai, .lo^iph M. Terrell. p’or State Setuiol Com.-ipssioau', G, Ii. tihmn. For Co;;;)niiiooner of Agriculture O, B. Stevens. por Prtsofc Cgmmissioucr, fujlj 'fumi, Clement A. ^vans. gor Prison Coimnis’r, IJnoxjiire.d Term, Tr f *>t.,as Eason, for iwapinte Juutice Supreme t^prt, (Volf 5»r Two.f WilhaiH A Little, j linn r y T. Lewis.- (for Solicitor tiooerni, Wastern tjjjyuU ; 0. Ii. Brand, For Uriiti-il sitiUe* Scuator, A O, Bapon. For Congress man, W, M. Howard. FOB .STATK SENATOR f or the Ulai Somiforial I list riot: W. H. COBB. J-'Qlt It E FJ1 N Ta TIVE : fl. II. CHANDLER. poll ()H))IfKAltYj W. It. LITTLE, mttt alfftBIFFi & s, CUIDFEI-TEH, FOB ObKliK* W.C, II all, FOlt TAX KKOEiyEBf ciias Mfliigjumr, TAX CtffjbKGTOlli M, n. duncan, FOB TlUfASEBEKi d, a c, miller, F04 suuygyoit: PAVJ 5 CONHElt, FOB OOROXBRt dlM I’HATIIKU, you COMUISttlOKEUS1 J. M. ANDREWS, J, P. A DAHL T. M. LOONEY- The South Carolina campaign is witnessing the interesting specta pie of Ijen Tillman quoting ycript- pres, --r-^-f-r-r— Onco a hero always a hero, peerns to hold good of Joe Wheel¬ er. Ills latest heroism wftt the rescuing of Bryan’s twelve year pid son as he was in the act .of tumbling out of a twentieth story window in Chicago, The chapces for deinocrafip suc¬ cess this fall are brighter than at Any time sinue the civil war. And jf we do not sweep the country it will not be because the rascals have not given the people every pxcijsc for turning thpin out. -- +t suem§ lathei bad hpth on patt of Atlanta to kick about the habffs of her ifiavor. Atlanta knew all about bin) before the election. The best thing she can nou do, is fo giin and endure wliat she has brought on herself, ftnd. not do so any more. Democrats Must Register! The dato for rogintration expires on41m icth of Scptemher. It is the duty of every good citizen not only ui regmtor himself, put take an active interest in seeing that his neighbor prepares himself for the important duty of ship which til? right of suffrage carries along. We arp under an obligation this year, probably greater than at any time within the memory of the present generatiyn, to pregent an unbroken front to the enemy in county, state ^nd nation, The verv existence of our pres °f government, and life of our institutions seem more seriously threatened than at any time sinefc the founding of the republic. The ffiestion appears to present itself more seriously e&ch (lay to the voters of this county: Shall government control tho oorpo- lofionSj or shall the corporations own frfld .control the government ( Tho frysf-s, pampered by republi- can favor, have grown insolent Wi th power. Under the McKinley rule, they have dictated the policy of the government pt home and abroad. The peojile have no rights they are bound to respect, or do respect. McKinley and the party he heads represent the njoijey )><>w er. The people of old Franklin must throw the w$'ght of their influence against the dangerous e mditions that confront us. We can hojw. to accomplish nothing in the south by splits and divisions among ourselves ip effort to organize new parties We must stand together, to shoulder, as brothers a n d Irionds, whose interests are iden¬ tical and inseparable. Democracy has always stood for the rights of the people, and it is the only hone of the southern white man, Dcmoeracy must live, as Bryan very eloquently put it the other day, that there may be hope f< r the boy who follows the plow hai > die as well as the one who is born to the heritance of millions; for the girl wko works in the kitchen, d, well as for the one who sits in the parlor. Georgi a, of course, will roll up her usual one hundred thousand majority this fall, and our county must fall in line, replace hersolf in the Democratic column, that we may .share in the coming Jubilee. There is never the shadow of a doubt about the democracy of the sputh, and scarcely a doubt about tho success of the national ticket this fall. In county politics there js little doubt about the result it democrats will do their duty. We haye nominated able, honorable, fin >ly equipped men for all of our -county offices—-men wiiose elec¬ tion is a guarantee of faithful ad¬ ministration of our county govern¬ ment. And it now bee >mes our duty to elect them- N© good democrat can afford to be a lag- gard Jn the important work we have on hand We will place a democrat in tho White House and democrats in all pur state offices from tne highest to the lowest, and our county must do her part tn the patriotic work, in order that we may have a spe¬ cial right to rejoice in the glorv of the state and nation, -*»• Tho negroes of south Georgia are deserting the farms, and the planters of that section arc experu encing some difficulty about farm laoor. As a general thing the most profitable and dignified em¬ ployment for the average negro is found in the line of agriculture. And undoubtedly tho only real friends lie has in this country are found among southern white men, and able and worthy colored men like Booker Washington. It would be well for the colored race if they would, as) a maps, profit by the example and teachings of such men as Washington. It only de¬ moralises and ruins the negro to desert the farm for politics other avocations tor which 110 lias neither ability nor training, If Judge Cantrill’s decisions are to he enforced iu Kentucky', the jails of that state should be eu- larged tq make room for cans. We have uq sympathy for the republican party anywhere, and loss lor fhe set of democrats now m control of the state politics of Kentucky. Mythical Campaisn rur t d. Ai&«ng tho #:nptivatin« j»idures of every |»olitical cumpmgn are the rei>oit:4 of treinciuloous butions to party fupds. This both sides are impartially credited with these windfall*. Orv© man was said to have given a jon dollars to elect Bryan at the opening of the canapaign, ig)d nat urally he has lieeu multiplied Xlic* republican party is reported to have received colossal sums frvm trusts and corporiidjons, and it is easy with this basic, for the imagination to divide upthn states and a",certain precisely wliter each will receive. In this way a single county in little Delaware i$ to re- ceive 1300,000, and the entire state more than a million- The three votes of Delaware at tins rufcej wiJJ come pretty high. If the people would rc/ a little they would perceive nonsense this is. Uicli men, as a rule, part with their money as un- willingly as poor men. They work for it, and in it they acquire the habit of tyhich >s a barrier to squandering. A soulless corpora tioj) in particular does not lavishly throw money about. It is con¬ trolled by directors and governed by fixed rules, and tho latter are not usually suspended to enable it to squander money on a political campaign. Kich men and cprpor ations expect a return for money spent. It is not apparent how thty can get any adequate return trom an expenditure of millions politics. Patriotism might be urged as 11 motive, but they have nr; more patriotism than other people. When war comes they do not ex¬ pend millions in raising (soldiers and building vessels to fight the enemy, and it is foolish to suppose that -they indulge in reckless ex- penditure at any other time, Many of them give to the side they favor, but they do not give in proportion to the contributio a of men of moderate means. One of the hardest problems of a cam¬ paign is how to raise enough money for expences. The diffi¬ culty besets both parties, and the campaign committees are nearly always hard up. Collectors are on the go all the time, and the poor man is beseiged as persistent¬ ly as the rich man, and m the ag¬ gregate far outstrips the latter by Ins liberal contributions,--^-Balti¬ more American. in the death a lew days ago of 6’ollis P. Huntington, the country lost one of the most remarkable men of his generation. With the millions he accumulated, he built great cities, opened up trackless deserts, and set in motion count- less industries that gave employ¬ ment to millions of men. He was distinctly this country s benefac- t°r and' did more to develop its resources than any man that lias Vot lived in it. One of the wise provisions of his will which has just been made public, is, that the million dollars left to his adopted daughter, the Princess Hatzfeldt, shall Dot go for the payment of her husband’s debts. They were good old days, tne story hooks tell us, in the early history of the republic when men lived who would rather be right than to hold any office. But they are nearly all dead now, and none have been heard of in republican camps in a generation, The Chinese minister at Wash, mgton has recently declined to at¬ tend a meeting of the Universal Peace Union. As matters now l°°k R m *TV ' ,e some time before ^ r - W M i* 1 shape to enjoy the proceedings of a Peace Luioq. - The Bravery of Woman Was grandly shown bv Mrs. John Dowling of Butler, Pa., in a three years’struggle with a malignant stoinache trouble that caused dis- . , „ digestion. , All remedies , failed , .. , ^ to relieve her until she tried Electric Bitters. After taking it for two months, she wrote: "J am now wholly oqred and can eat It is truly a grand tonic for the whole system as I gained jn weight fee*} muce stronger since jt,” It aids digestion, cqres s|a, improves appetite, gives new life. Only 50c. Guaranteed, at V> r . J. R Tucker's drugstore. MONEY TO LEND ON MOTOAOE AT 8c NU WMWfllbalUNb rnMMIQQmN c ruAPrrn If 3*011 borrow ftl,000 you $1,000. You furnish ahstacts, pay recording fe.-s .41ul stamps. Apply to ‘ l A ' — J. A. NEESE, ATT Y S-AT-LAW. General Law Practise. KING & SWILLING, Atty-nt-Liiw Carrie tvillti, - - - Georgia. W. H. kittle h tty-at-J.uw Cnrncsvillc, - - - (ffeorgia. \V. 13. StovtilJ Counselor at haw Electric Building Atlanta, Georgia. Proimit attention (riven to liusiness in u)) l!u > courts, State and Federal. ----— H. H. CHANDLER Atty-iit-Liiw biivoam <■ “ V - .■ Georgia. J DR. L, D. GALE > DENTIST, Will lie in Oarnosvilje every fourth week jn the month. Office in I)r. 'Fucker’s. A ____.. t a ill You haye used all sorts o'f cough reme¬ dies but It does not j yield? it is too deep | seated. !t may wear [ fit itself is out -in time, liable but to more ? produce la grippe, f pneumonia or a seri¬ ous throat affection. You need something that wiiS give you strength and build up the body. SCOTT’S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. 50 c. BOWNK, and Si.oo, Chemists, all druggists. New York* ; 1 SCOTT h HOSIERIES J fhe Nervous System the- Seal of Life and Mind. Recent Wonderful Discoveries. 1 No mystery It lias lias ever been rompured the leading wit h subject that, of 111 man lifo. )i proffoisioivAl ivwv.vreU and study in all atfes tut notffitiistiijkitag this fact it al L iy not known gener¬ that- the sea' of life is locii lectin the up¬ .if per part jf t'lF spinai cord nc,.r tho bast of iltti hrain j and bo sons!* I tho is t h i W/ port Ion ot tiiv m-rvous sys¬ tem tl.nt even ^ lip pi c- k; of a in 00it* win crai^o in** ant T death. IlfKvnt discovorl.'s )»*t f - !f-nion.» 4 rat***l tha« xli thv).>r*.r:i. T i -j of til t In dy :ov usdor tho con imI of tin* idt*vo tviiM'i'h. i.vatt.d in or ncai he bits.' f the itf.tin. mui lhatuitfL i.hesoar* toritngo I (hj> or ■: 1 it. x*|;icIt ihov -upp-y with .ofvt! il iid ,!••* tit'fMivvd. u luin i* Is re- •tein ihered ’! at »i x.o’io u injury to th.> spinal heloy 'fd .... ..itl c tvi-;> oi the Lody i> in 1 u.j u’• i poi.i , i •••• tthe •* foive : 1*0 V i-n:* d dy the in nr;/ tfi-.a resuhiror tlv - r*t )i't B) j. . v?i;t he UiulersiooU hot no ' !’i:Ucni-‘;il> -n. ii. t*\ r e eeuit’fs v il lU'Vi’ I Ii*. '»•* do (i fit iTGi.O'tiL of tin . various jrsf&D . - 1 ivjll 1 hdy • 1 • • y V.i 1 -el'• e fofi.e. T.v )-th ! :• ! r - ■ iron? *. dl o*t '.(*•. ; 1 rc *i no tf tiU' l M t’f.* *1. ;t t ■(.if I ho mip- ■ 0 .Tiers a i )i it i.i) Draiii, id.* 'jcnvoffo .7 inii’i. («n r *;!i.p.ii*.*; it: .(• .ir/aii if I. I .i * ffrt. inis- i!\v.’ of itysit'Dins ii •0.41*11 g *.- '..f ili:*:.*; . <>y tn at- 1 lit fi’.'aii rrli r lit t flt«> IF 1*0' t It.4 is wiiicb . rt* t.TO - i .. DI’ *. U 1 . ., -ui Div. Fh • in Ah;.: lli«: c. ! 1 ratt’U spo * v. . .subject ft). •'ttiirt.Vi.C( pr* l.y .v*;i«liv ti i' !:< • t vr ; > . ir-s .; „l ii.*, u.i.iiD :u:i:iy iniptriaui ] !' 1 < ii* con M . •* 1 ' . u i; It : r *ir> otts .• , ■ i.. 1 1 • , , !».>. • infU In Die a-povt* " - ! T.t Ik >• : of ilutif.v met i»o<»*- x t . 1 r. m- TfO '.V: >tV\ All bcatliu. be, «:i zi- ie* d ui;i ->s, eon; yr- sme, blues i ,Y t, tiielit: . hoi> . ! . » lltl v, epiU’psy. ; -- ti. t hf • ou - n«* nil. -• ise I 'Th: v/ofuk'i''ful fcU';e€sspt the !iv* i'viHit is tine to V, 1 . tio.i ilit* f'»r«aroimr vn iiteiplo. D ■ I’v •.; A ’. ! V N Kri VIN V 1S S JiG » , 0/ sent £u;!*ar?. : 1 b ttlo, siv ^••t>»V.ipia*'cAi'.. ! irm m Dropu id. It 0 >niaiu: . .* d. it urouj 'iriJAa. ■ Cold in Head. Kennett’s Cliocolatt s Laxative Quinine, easy to *’: take and quick to cure cold in Ij^ad and soje f -'hl* Spring and Summer MUineiy. Oim CTOCJK OK Flowers, Ribbons, Braids, Piece Goods, Ornaments, Millinery Ornaments, Ready-to-Wear Hats, Shapes and Trimmed Hats, Is complete, and we arc crowrlfld day Uv dsty with customers who appreciate the extraordi ngry vnliias we are giving them and the abso¬ lute reliability of our designs. They realize that our milliner, Miss Anderson, is a real artist anil designer, and that a hat bought of u« will be of correct style and will suit the wearer. Wo Jiiive also an up-to-date dressmaker, Miss t’lvde Wallis, who will take your measure and give you a lit. DENDY & STRIBLING, *^ 8 (I? glr* a-:-. O',! dPNiliL I t;. y.v-r- IISJ 1 S gw .¥ Bffi • L . !' v . 1 p* HP p:: mm :,V r PIP y k Si I L a JI S3 We have just received our new line ofiBuggies and Bicy¬ cles and are in a positon to MEET ALL COMPETITION in PRICES, QUALITY AND TERMS. FURNITURE MU COFFINS. Our Stock of Furniture Is complete in every respect, and we Guarantee our prices. We also carry a full line of Coffins, Caskets and Burrial Robes of all styles sizes and PRICES. We carry the Largest Stock of Sewing Ma¬ chines, Harness and Stoves of any House in this section. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. DORTCH &> CO. V A Word £ 77 ". sis* -• *Ai Suffering Women. No one but yourselves know of the Suffering filer? you go through. Why do r< ou su It isn’t necessary. Don’t W v c ' loss loss and the ose bottom of of '‘worn your pne the Other.) health is out." of speedily all your and Impure Don't beauty, followed trouble. feel blood •• (for weak by U the the at " win ,h,b&n, ■**s ^arsapari Johnston’s I la b h'&fi b v i,”' ■*___ cheeks. Each bottle contains a 11 1 11 QUART BOTTLES. ' L " quart, s »r, r *-’*»d M.nsis, Irreculartty, I^ucorrhcca, White., SteHlIty, Ulcijra- .s, . life *'* UIH,ro11 or maid, all find relief, help, benefit and cuie In J B H ^ S .i ON S SARSAPARILLA. It la >< real panacea for headache, pain. In the left stc®, piUlgestion, , palpitation of tho heart, co.'u hands and f^et, sleeplessness, F ‘taring;-down nervousness, of the hoart, w ® a4tnes *» pair*a, backache, Iceache, Irregular action f broath, abnormal discharges with painful monstruatlon, scalding of urine* EUk■lnLnn«L t® e f’ ao ^* ne . ii » the betifista, neuralgia, uterlno dlBplaccment, itn 4 ftU fuU those mal Voi'wanTifLltito^'" H£ ' ® i,er * ble ' h » v8 * oi “THE MICHIGAN DRUO CO,” Detroit, Mich. 1 i-Jverittoa for Uvcf ills. Tile Pamoas Ltttla LlTer ^ac. ; For sale by Drs. J. IL Tucker, L, K, Burruss and T, J, Crow Caruesville, Ga, —K 3 ?r~m 4 : . i K will bt.- paid ikjte i | e r?. to I Jm.t hoS« (!i roi<*. | LJhTTaT' fTscImKi. I. sc *>t iliittiry L.Lie, vc-rsos on];,*, r.n*i semi vo ii* count, topctbci -vitli Ouo Dollar, two 2-cfci^t ; :unpi ): f.r i>r yotu* yu’.ir fubsciipUoji fi ■.lohciipUoii tot to t io *.c Iloux’holx 11 i;u>*dioi*i . tire beat. lAjr.iJy liwiy, 1 :!)' in A incT-ioa. \ j | \urust ill al, ODV,-U>lKl ftslollcwY: or \ ) *. \* v VM.jtti P uSia note- i:>oncy t -.., Lft’tfr or rcgi.-t:r-.-4 Utter. iTttft’iums will bo a war Jed For first Correct answer, e*s 00a not oarreot, '.iC« . or noftrftst Cum ------, * t fi:i>wcr. a.ixio w..,, 200 n**x.«- ;pW(!St c«Krrec-r, **acft, - 1 j i or next afiswev, S,(/00 j JiOO liV<t X4%Gn*«est (Ttn’rtt, - lies lies v.ill will uivijitt, ufrititt, Co:*iT>U;fo Ca:*(T>U:fo 21.-1 21.-1 ; f those ihoso receiving retvfvliur | jr-yilnrtta r< xnltUDa xriV wii 1 be be ,11'fbTslied ,T«b*isIied Ip ip Sept, !»ep4. number. number, A ^ 1 fi cr iKiras ! f pf*•'.•iLlo pi-v.'illo m in Wold Wold and anti to to lm bn gent sent by by American American Express. Express, liefurenee, li«*fuivnoc, babk bt*iik business buiipe.sA unv any or «jt hauso Ui .Rochester. | a- roi can corxr, I’Gtr 3Uf wx a : -ovirrm-.. is iy syoftu r^iy.c ,? Mention ! h is paper, Accrrjs TJlU IIOLls-KflvlLj) I'JiiCUil, Jiox il, ^iochest^.', TI. Y A Yon Sick Are Of Being Sick? Then let us suggest trouble * started cure. jgn to one the with your Rheumatism, liver. A torpid Neuralgi; liver causes i, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Head¬ ache and a dozen other ailments. c$ « It XJBJfoi (jJREr ^ goes straight to work on the liver. It idealises that organ; makes it active again - the acid leaves you’re blood and below: you’re cured. Testimonial sov your in I Cliwiiinatl c‘n7e mctliclno d ar?«..S failed. after tho f bWg best doctors !SS 'i A* * B. W. PAftKHB, 439 W Fourth Street, Cinalnnotf, V 4 Your Druggist or Merchant For M. CUL7P.N & NEWMAN, 3ole Proprietors, ‘iaoxville, Tenn. V a iV vWA r SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Oemdensod SehedtUo of Paseeugar Train#. In Effect iluy 0th, 1900. ; Yes. Xa. 18. FstMi Northbound, No. 1‘?., Xo. 33. Ex. No. 34, Daily. Daily Sun. Daily. Lv* Atlantft.C'T 7 SI a 12 COm top 4 80 p USOp “ Atluuta.hiT 8 BO a 1 5 30a 18 B0 a •* Norcross.. 9 80 n .... 8 831 . 1 28 a 44 Buford..... 10 Oft u 7 03 p IS) a ** Gainesville 10 35 a 2 26 p 7 83 ; * 18 a ** Lula....... 10 6 - 3 - 8 4 ftp 8 OOp 2 ; 88 5 . ** Cornelia... !1 IS a........■ 8 80; ........ Lv. ** Mt. iS.bortoliTT. Toe tma... Airy... . 11 50 0 "8’ ft glr -_J top 11 8 28 * A*, Elbert . . 0 00a 4o p....... 40 a L v. on . .. . ... tv. \V minster. rs *-** g s v 44 Seneca,. g , *0 9 44 Central,. a > 3SSK 9 * Greenville. C 1 c^ 9 ** Gaffney,... hpar'burg . CC , •* 44 d*c» 8* * Blacksburg King's Mt.. cc 00 9 e * <* *c*o^3*o j : - 9 14 Gastonia.. 67 * oa- Sis’ • <X Ar. ** Charlotte.. Gre'naboro OO ■0*0 ro«£) rs s» Lv. Gre'nHboro . .. U 46p ... Ar. Norfolk..... 8 25a... Ar. Danville .. 11 25 p 1 ! 63 p 1 Sip Ar* Richmond.. 6 00 n 0 00 a 6 26 p Ar* W’hingtCD. C42a.. OMO*-OB 44 B’moreP.ft .. .. 8 00ft.. •»» 44 PVdelphia. . .. 10 15 a .. 44 New York. . .. 12 .. FstMn V*?a. Sonthbouud. No. 35. So, 37. No. 11. Daily. Daily. Daily. Lv. 7 N.Y..PO.E. 18 15 a i M ‘ Baltimore,, Ph'delphlo. 3 6 BO 82 a 8 a 41 Waah’tou.. 11 15 a Cv. Richmond. 12 01a 11 OOp 11 00 p Lv. Danville.... 5 48 p 5 50 a 6 10 a Lv. Norfolk... 9 00 a 5^ ctrs Ar. Gre’nsboro 6 85 p I Lv. Gro’naboro OCO—8 » g Ar. Charlotte.. p B Lv Gastonia... Mt.. p qcokk^kmkm orro M King's Blacksburg ' : 44 p Gaffnoy... , : 44 e c-aT3 Greenville Spar’burg. a Central.. ♦— *c , W'minetcr. bo/jeca... ’ . l«- ■ 8: cS: : ct?r; i Tor con . JS n x3 e) Lv klibenoiTT. a >—j > ^ Ar. Elborton.. 11 4*» o ft 40 <> gT3l: Lv. Ml. Airy' -j! r«»P9m •• Cornelia... -1 0 “ Lula....... 4 19 8 Up qo , «*—'*0 ** Gainesville 30 a- 3 831 ae »3 Buford. 4 a > g’q ** b 02 a oc . , Ar. 44 44 Nororobfi. Atlanta,CT Atlanta.ET 5 6 26 10 a a 4 55p ^ o '.o q«o*c <»<DOO Between Lula and Athen s. No. ii. | j ~~r So. ti Ex. Xo. 13. STATIONS. No. 13. Ex. Sun. jDitily.j {Daily. Sun. & o 11 11 *?S!sS: a a! Lv Maysville Lula Arf ! 10 10 59 It) a] fSSp t 09 SSS: “ “ a p 11 1 2 plAr a| “ Harmony AGiona Lv “ j IX) 9 08 26 aj a! 9 0 38 OOp p * . ""Soto close connection mado At Lula with wain lino train*. “A” » m. “P" p. uj. “M** noon. “N” night. Chesapeake Lino Btanraars in daily aervtae betvroou Norfolk and Baltimore. Nos. 97 and 38 —Daily Washington and Pulljjmn Southwestern sleopingcara Veatibvilo bet-woeWNew Limited. York Through and New Orleans, via Washington, Atlanta York and and Montgomery. and also botwesn New Memphis, via Washington. Atlanta and Bif* mingham. Observation Also Oars elegant between Pulluak Atlanta Libra** and New York. Firstclasg thoroughfare coaches do- iwoen all Washington and Atlanta. Leaving Dining Washing* cars serve meals en route, inglon tourist Mondays, sleeping Wednesdays will through and hot Fridays h c*ar run ween Pullman Washington drawing-room and ban Francisco sleeping without l>etrwaea ollango. cars Greensboro and Norfolk. Cloae connection at Norfolk for Old Point Comfort. Nob. 86 and 8 &—l/njted States Fast Mall runs solid via Southern between Washington Railway, and <fe W, NewOrloafca, R. B. and N. A. P. L. & B. K., being composed. of coaches, through without Pullman change drawing for passengers or all glasses. room sleeping cays between New York and N$w Orleans, via At* lanta and Mouluonjory and between Blf* all mingham and Atlanta. Dining oara serve meals en route Nob. 11 , 33 , 34 and 12 —Pullman sleeping carl between Richmond and Charlotte, via Dam* ville. southbound Nos, U and 23 ,' northbound Nos. 84 nnd 12 . FRANK 6 . GANNON, J. M. CITLP, Third Y-P. & Gen. Mgr. T. M.. Washln T** W. A. TUBE. )(. , f NDWIC G. P. A., Wa%hin gt«^ •uta. A C3P d NO CURE. NO MUSTACHE. NO PAY. HO PAY, DANDRUFF" CURtD. I will taka Contracts to grow hair on ,hc heat, orfacewuh those who 6alJ call H My 0 t fic „ fti Ibe office of my agents, provided in * head i* g os the ? y ' ? head r ibapoves of the scalp net close / Where is shiny or the pore; closed, there is no cure. Call and bo examined Lee oi charge. If you cannot call, writ* to me State tho exact condition of the *calp and your CCCh; aatioa. PROP. (}. IliKKHOLZ, **o«u 1911 Muso.'pc Temr •?. i wr/ *3 - The One Day Cold Cure. For colds and §pre throat KerittPtt’s Chocqp* lates Laxative Quinine. Easily tai^en as candy and quickly cure. The One Day Cold Cure. For cold in the lit ad and sore throat use Ker. riott’s Chocolates Laxative Quinine, the " CMlS Lay c.uJd Cue.'