Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, February 13, 1903, Image 2

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Tim ADVAN'CO. 7* • KFICIAL ORGAN* OF FRANKLIN Co. arawBiTir m~«* W/KR DCRTCP.Kd-tor & Prep JKATt.S OF Sl'BSCRU’TION. I P t'. AKA K 1.00 SIX MON 1 11 - 50 THKKK MONTHS 2 ,-, UVIT.s FOR Am KiniSINO. Regular Im.viii es nilvrrl isoinents IcUar per inch, flint in.n*rlion, rod fifty (v-ntn j it inch for euch suiiM-rjiidit Bsertion. Liberal discount on conlrncts for vM’*tis;“mi-iits to run longer limn nwnl;.s. Local iwtic'.'s ten eonti per line tirst insertion and file ceuls- for pubiequent ih iertion Bills duo afior first insertion • therwise i.i-i-iiugcd. Address nil business si jis iiml make. :iii remittances 2 ■ > 10 T11E ADVANCE. Knl-erftd a! t pontoffice ill villc, ( tl. . ns second clnss matter tgawr. ie.r>m PC nueHl’D WIIKKLT. The New York state republican machine is fast going to pieces. J'berv are. many indications that the Gorman star is rising. The republican majority still continues to obstruct the business of the Senate. The White House lias been re | nameti, it is now known us the I Black and Tan Boost. Ordinary discretion ,,nd good sense will insure a great democrat ie vic>ory m /hot. Gen. Allies is quoted as praising the Empress Dowager of China at the expense of the bib Queen Victoria. Germany is be! ieyed to lie the nigger in the wood-pile who pre¬ vented us Irom getting tho Dan wli West Indies. Jk, r rt • r TSeuptor Hanna and Senator [Fairbanks' ty promise to make a pret¬ pair for the republican party to ‘‘draw to” in 1004. r Repub!,can jealousy ot J mitre . I.itth'licld oortonds ill luck for the I administration anti-trust Lull in \ the House.. A Londoner has mode a violin l without u sounding bo.\. A dia piirage. :uul trumpet are used to give volume to tno sound. : President Roosevelt and l 1Ib Cabinet now realize the truth of Mw Bryan’s contention that silver cannot be disregarded. ^Vark Twain is stilt a wav at Mis. Edilv and liie Chris- tian Sciuatists. i,as pa- tk-noi as well as buuior. i The X-rays, applied by f Gridin ' Club to the hen 1 of Sou- 1 utor Hanna, revealed the fact that I t hh. chief thought was the Uouse> The Allies have received a fair offer from Venezuela, and if ibev w ish to 1.: 1 * their fair sj ouches believed they w,ll a/cept. The Gndirou Club of Washing ton is an association of newspaper men wno give dinners during the winter to the most uistmgnisned I people 111 America. The name rtiridiron applies to tiie habit-of the Club of“misiing” its guests, _________ Mystxrious C-icumstancss. i One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing health uses Dr. King s New Life l.Piils 10 maintain it. By genU •’ - ^arousing the , lazv organs they com |pel gorjti digestion amt head coustniation. Only 25c at J. R. j i fluckcr’s, DruLV'i-i. ; ’'i Ir, tractions and Rules for Eo-d Overseers. > 1. lunch overseer to b:i(pa'<l pei day, and to work flfioms the spring ami 1<> hours in Kacii hand subject road duty is required to work fi day.'during the vear Itiofl, or to pay ff2,00 commutation tax. To work half the time in the sprint? or pay one dollar ami balance in the sutnnie: or p ir mo dollar. 2. Each overseer required not to work runlet 10 hands nor over 1/7 each day and to make a daily rejiort of each day’s work, and number of hands worked, name of each band and distance worked, amount expended and name of road, and not to work but two horses, one to .the plow and one to the scrape, and to pay 50c. each per dav and allowed to pay 50c. eadi for hands to work the roads 3. Each overseer n not allowed to spendtnorc on a road than the commutation tax paid 1 into his hands, . and , . uuin-d . his .. is 1 to use best , . itidguicnt , . m working the whore neeet&ary. W hero. a road i« level and don’t need work, don < waste any time 4. Each overseer is required to repair and look after the cross- ways and bridges and t<* do away with all that i< not'needed. 5. Each overseer is required to give a bond foi one hundred dol¬ lars for Hie tools and commutation tax that goes into his hands and for the faithful performance of his duties. r !\ M. Looney, Cha’m. -J. ,M. Andrews, O. ('. J. M. Iordan, C. C. T. J. Grow, Ex. officio Clerk ot saul Board. Hoav To Staorp Out Smallpox, Any lung tiiai pertains to the treatment of smallpox should In.’ ot interest and value to the people of Georgia just now. It is evident that a vigorous crusade must be waged by the authorities against this disease if they prevent a gen oral smallpox epidemic. Smallpox lias been successfully dealt with elsewhere and there is no reason why the same may not be done in Georgia. A treatise ju„t published bv the Columbia, Pa., board ot health on the recent¬ ly successful battle against the outbreak of smallpox in that 00 m munity should he read and the lesson that it contains applied here in Georgia. This treatise shows that no sooner was the first case of the diseys j properly diagnosed than a thorough system of investiga tion and prevention was inaugur¬ ated. Under that system, during the continual.- n of the disease ninety-seven houses were quaran¬ tined, all suspicious cases promptly reported and looked into, a pest- iiouse erected and guarded by members of the local militia, and a scheme ot compulsory vaccina- tion instituted by a thorough house-to-house canvass. In a paper read before the State H c. uicai society upon tno outbreak, s; 1 b The Philadelphia Pres , l.)r. A. R. Craig, in noting that 10,250 ixjrsons were vaccinated during the epidemic, said that out of the 1 fib easts reported "f48 had nover been vaccinated, two Ji'ut been unsuccessfully vaccinated, eight were vaccinated within a week of the development of the for the first time and three luui b‘ en vaceirat-fd in childhood 1 fie vaccination, he nuued, ‘proved to be less EiiiO fifth the expense ot stamping out of the disease, and, had it been undertaken earlier. I am convinced that the other items * w * would have been reduced to very trifling figures.” In anv eas . however, continues I Tiie lb-ess, the rosnit of the work J of the (.’oluiUbia board of health I j was tliat, at the expense of just ^ tiM , IS;uul? oua hundmi and forty dollars, the plague was so we !i kept m hand and "finally con- that in a population of D2,31fi there were m six months, oi.!y 1fi7 cases and but two deaths -iu each instance that of a baby a few weeks old. Sureiv there is something of oi tins for the authorities here in Georgia. Caution and on• ergy may rid any community of this dread disease, lhere should be temi^rvin-. z.nd the author- : uo ties suould have very little patience with those people who neglect or to be vaccinated, it is due. to other people t hat vigorous j measures be adopted in such cases. — Ex. Governor I’nii'cei', of [Vnnsvivn'iia, is up tl e newspaper boy**. f!e wiil Retail that is coming to him and 11 little more. r— It now looks as though in their """f standard f currency -"" “> > x " the rc,t House publicans would forget to enact the anti trust bill. ---—— - At Concord, N. II., the homo of Mr*. Alary Baker Glover Eddy, the legislators are co sideling the advmibility of penalizing the practice of Christian Science. While the republicans are on quet.ting with an international ver standard the democrats are retully cultivating the confi¬ dence of t he business element of the count ry. 1 here is no fear , ol . a war with ... Germany. ., T Wnat ,. ^ Mv. ,, uoosevlt , . .. ., u ni prevent any .’conflict to tiie business interests.’ ------ A wellknown Westerner who has been watching ^the autics of Senator l’eyeridge in the State- hood debate gives the following accurate deliuition of his name, “A soft drink, one that frequently blow? out its cork, fizzes, foams and slops over prodigiously, but is weak and insipid to the taste and is seldom swallowed |by any but women and children. Than Gold. “I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and ner- ous debility.” writes F. J. Green. of Lanoastur, N. Li. “No remedy helped me until i began using Electric Ibt 1 , which did me more good thau all the medicines L ever used. They have also kept my wife j n excellent health for years. She s;l y h Electric Bitters arc just splen did for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and mvigorator tor weak run down women. No other medicine can take its place in our family.” Isy them. Only 50c Satisfaction guaranteed, by J. R. <k q. P. Tucker. /V'-V-V'S-'V'-V __ _ ____________ We promptly obtain L\ s. cud Foreign l ?53£S3B^®8siiaol jdoibi < moddi, E^etioU cfiiiTentionfor or iik.nto f tree report 01: pat;intamlity For fret Intok mm * 1 ? p > WASHINGTON D. 0. > AvN'Wv -w. v \-%'V / v4 §i&p i§B@ ' BMght it u> a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight You can always tell them from the rest They never do well aftenTards bnt , stay small and sickly. It is worse to see a blight Strike children. Good health is the natural right of children: i,u „ t * sonie of Gl them ltiem don’t dont S« o-e* their rigbris. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scott’s Emulsion can stop hat blight. Fliere is no r .v-son wm ?v.c't a :hiid shou-e ,v Em •j ■; -i 1 1 : i r*i with - ry .. . r i in it-—the ns t hit- make. t!ii 11 ■icci.'j LY ::sion ' 1. : ..iJiOa gi ov. , •I.tfiC.Ti S.-OCf, T 1 t- Cl I Give the v,i v vin-ra C*i-‘ t c I 7 v’*S i ■1 Ir- I: ..r *Ti L' .* .-I i. ; . " V i -ACwLl. V. ,i-j Pearl St., jCw -nut ;*f. -tt! t-bu^pislA. w£k aTdtettd ^ ^ heart that cannot blood keep op the circulation. The then aettles in the lower limb* where the watery surrounding portions tissue* oerze out into causing bloat and swelling, 1 he heart must be strengthened dropsy and built up before the <* n be t0 «tay; a»d the beat of all nwart medicines Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. “Heart disease made my be swell so that they had to lanced la severai places. One bottls of T>r. fclea’ Heart. bottles Cure helped roe and twelve worked a complete ctu e." 3 AMia 'I'uasA t, Barnard, Mo. D*.* Hites' Heart Cate . strength , .. to . the .« neart, gives new health gold by druggists on ^ guarantee Ite. Mliea Medical Ou.ElktuirtklnA, - 'JS!Aft TEA cures Dyspepsia, i ‘'£|4e*Ooustipaticn ^ 7lc.eu1e.tT8 Liver. andlndigestioi; Dricc ?Sc Th« rtna Day Cold Curc. F<-r L,,ia m Uhl h-a<> am! .arc throat use Ker. •♦flott'A . m< olales JCanative QuiDiue, tit- ‘ src OayC»M Cure ” TALL AID • WHITER STOCK CLOHiNG. Mv Stock ot Clothing tor Men, Boys ami Youths, is the largest 1 have ever had, and to say that I’m going to sell them cheap dees nut express it. Don’t thkik of buying until you have examined my stock and get nay extremely low prioes. HATS! HATS 1! We have got them! From the finest to the cheapest, all shapes—at prices that will s^ll them. We nave the most complete line ot SHOES we have ever carried, and can sel! you any style, from the cheap¬ est to 1 he finest dress Shoe. Our hue of NOTIONS is all that could be asked for—in tact my stock in every department is complete, and when you come to town call on me. Respectfully, R. J. 13obo, Lavonia, Ga, R. Iv LITTLE), DEALER, TW Fancy ami Family Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Fine Can dies and Hot. and Cold Drinks, in fact every thing that can be found in an up-to- date first class Grocery and Confectionery Store. GIVE ME Jk CALL And be convinced of the fact that I am carrying a fial stock, and the best quality of everything in my line and that I am selling them at hard time prices H i.V rsSESa THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY The Great Highway of TR.-*DS nnd TRAVLL THROUGH THR SOUTUIRH 9TATF8 Excellent Service Quick Tima Convenient Schedules Any Trip ts a Fiaasurc Trip to those who Travel via THh SOUTHERN RAILWAY Tha F inest Dining-Car Service in the World. !. For drtr.ilrd informrUon us to Tickets. Kutnc and Sieupicv^-Car vMiorvs address tK* nooreit Agent ot THE SOVTKEXN iVA!'.WAY. W. A. TURK. *. H. HAHDV/ICK, W. H. TAYLOR, Tt amc Vn.-w^r. Oetff*l Ag-ant AtskHiM ’ ’i». ?i.««n(jtr Agent, WAaniNCCOW D. c. WAjxi:wG,'od. a. c. ATLAM7A, GA. I t Ss m $ 37.50 uys a Full Leather Trimmed Buggy From .-3 r\ P 4 ■ •* <yi. u m 1 £31SSM i i •j [• f |||^ vMgxj Lv CarnesviSIe, Qa, Their Line of Undertakers Goods cannot be surpassed 1 " «* »“‘ ,M “ tMr pwoes ». the lowest. XB£4BBBSam> | WIkti in need of Furniture, Carnetimf, Harness, Trui’ks. Valises, Sewing Machines, Bicycie Supplies are Anything else Go to DORTCH & CO., and you will find it. Their PRiOES and TERMS carrt be best. j j 1 y” $" 8 *W 1 3 w i l 1 » he... ADVANCE, ■ i. R. SOftfCtt, Edittr ami Propie^or. ‘ r . Ut jaatmiUt ^OUfU^f f Published the 2 in interest of Carnesuile, Fran i-I n I s county an^l the Democratic party, not forgeting that the mass ot the people are most interested m the general welfare. I SS3r°' vJ he... Job Department Has recently had added to it new material for all > kinds of work, which we guarantee to do in first class style and cheaper than can be done at any «• other office in this section. * i N° « d«, irculars, i » » BlaaKs of Ail Kinds, * f Statements, Biii beads, ktc,; Always kept in stock and will be printed on the shortest notice. When you need anything in this l fine, call or address Zbe Hbvance, Car«e«pUle, «a. j > * ARE YOU WISE tnxt&Tt ,SWft aiaaoa te«re is no r«wu Jy to «quat 3 I«a1uou ^lustang LU&neafc - < v V- f v . £2 \ Y N m Wp\ m* ItiI h» r N J ft/ I' ?- an easy way 1 a sure wa 7 to treat a case of So*-e Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into :t a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang liniment >f m, iheu bathe outside gargle the throat throL *t frequent iutervals. ■ the of the thoroughlv v.-itU +ha lml- I tnentaud after doing this pour some in n soft cloth (Mil wrap/ V> ftrovad the neck. It is a POSITIVE CTJI’.E 25c., 60c. and $1.00 a bottle. l, Jr, M 1|V 2 RP Yllli UU «°re bare or long ulcer. been Treat troubled it afc with wir;. a rurcinir 3!^ tan Lunment and once you car depend upon a speedy cure. .