Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, October 21, 1910, Image 1

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Official Organ of Franklin County. sroo I :> k I t i Vi ■t. 32? V. N i K' iV mm N » • J* 0 % / MiiwtfaeaiKi■»-.***» ®E K vi-Ai-V- id— rwwwn •I 1 ■'■'■■.itj. ' E5B® ARE STYLISIT” We in i Creations that will satisfy, wear well, look well. THAT are ; ^position to give you these goods at twenty-five to fifty per cent less than they can be bought in large cities. 0 ur i i IMillinery Opening days were October 4th, and 5th, Tuesday and Wednesday. 0 i © © lanoai xraraf kvtot rxmaa&asr-ax Nice toilet soap at Cox’s. Rev. 1. H. Miller, Miss lna Miller and Miss Lucy Purcelle were in Lavonia Thursday shop ping. 3/rs. James T. Whitside, of El- berton, was in town Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives and friends. J/iss Mattie Sheibley. of Rome. Ga., is in town in benalf ol the J/oNaal Jb arble Coon pan v, collect ing money for the monument. J. E. Cox deals in all kinds of fancy groceries.' Miss J/amic Little, a popular voung lady of our city, is visiting relatives and friends in At lanta and Douglasville. The best flour in town will al¬ ways be found at J. E. Cox. H. F. Butler, of Dahlcnega, is in town engaged in the tanning business with S. M. Ayers. Mi- Butler is well known here and ha § many friends here who are glad to see him back. Call on Chas. E. Looney ii' vou want The Weekly Georgian for 36 cents a year—The Dailv $4.50 a year. He can send you The Home & Farm for 50 cents a year. He is the authorized agent for these papers in this section. Sub¬ scribe now wnde you can get these papers cheap. Mrs Dean C VanWey and a/iss Blanch Burruss returned Uav from Toledo, Ohio after sever vl months stay with J/r'VenlVey and relatives. Mrs. Van Wey and 4/tss ilurruss are verv popular and th'ur many fneuds are p,lud to know they are at home. Mr*. Yan Wev has been connected with a big Insurance firm since he left Athens up North and is now In Atlanta for a tewdavs. Rev I H J/iller and Mr S F Bag well solicited $i50 in about four hours on the streets here a few days since tor the Jfethodist Church. Rev. Miller is one oi best men to solicit money lor the Church that lias ever been in Carnesville. It will be remem- ered d/r. Bagwell did h.s fir t work oE this kind during the past summer and made a decided sue cess of it. He joined tne Baptist Church a few weeks since and lias been a faithful church worner. The members of t.he Baptist Cl mrcU claim him as a deacon, the Memodist claim as a Stewart nn<] the Rreslmerum as an elder, ♦ I 4* i ' ♦ PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FRANKLIN COUNTY AND ITS READERS. CA RNESV] I HF GA .* F113 ) A Y OCTOBKI1 *21. 15)10 ■fc* “H Ir. Howard is a Ian of His Word Hell Quit the Ban for Congress”-Hon. samuel J. Tribble Hominee of the Eighth Distort Put Strong and forceful Pacts to him. Athens, Ga., Oct. 15, Hon. W. RT.Howard, Lexinton,Ga. Dear sir:—Your letter ing exclusive white vote sition received. My proposition was clear cut to exclude the ne- gro vote, and you understood it. You claim to have accepted my proposition, Mr. Howard, I made no proposition to disfranchise white votes. I see a wide differ- enoe between disfranchising white voters and negroes. lean not understand proposition: why you say that you accept my Not- withstanding I defeated counties you 668 votes and carried 7 with 4 more votes than you in the convention, and am the legal 1 the still—if nominee of party, ran 3 ou would —in order to ge L rid of the negro vote I off red three weeks ago to enter another white primary. It took you two weeks to reject my proposition and then your newspapers print in flaming headlines, “Howard accepts Tribble’s Challenge.” White primary is the rule under which you alid I sought votes on August 23rd; it is the rule under whien every elected offi- cer in the state holds commis- 10n . ft bas b een tbe ru l e f 0 r de- moeracy for „ ten years, and has th e test through many stormy periods; and Mr. Howard ^ has been good to you. rule you have had no oppo- sition, but when you meet defeat it has served its day and fit only to be cast aside, if you are to be the judge. Did you know that you are the only man in ail these ve ars to kick out m defeat? Are y 0U so much better than other e0 p] e ? The white primary of 1 the party is good enough for everybody but you. It is good enough for me. It does seem to me that the rule of democracy should be good enough for you, for under it’s banner you have sailed and drawn more money out of office, state and national combined, thar any man in the history of the state, and yet you, desperate in defeat, propose to leave the party fold and set up a new party with your rules, and invite me to join you. You are not satisfied with your party ru ] e under which you pitched /our tents on August 23, fought an d me t deteat and now propose another one of your bolts, but your dissatisfaction will never lead me out o^ my party rules, I went into the August primary rules and there I shall abide. . mnventio^H- interference and executive . lce raeth « Is T»*»* th ra mv rnirnl i h ; ' L / a foretaste of the promised land you now offer ™ e - As a matter of truth your clause, if properly forcedwould turn awaj from the polls your friends as welt as as mine, hut the qualification weapon to be used with partisan application is afine idea for some*. your political associates. Please don’t say that I am charging politic al corruption on the mnna gers. You are the man who made this charge and swore to illegal voting—election frauds —in the Eighth congressional district of Georgia. You made the charge and had your parti- sari executive committee thrjvn out . legal . , votes in . blbert . countj , to prop up your mdependent candidacy and try to axe from the office to wnich I have been elected, and now in order that you may accomplish my downfall by the same kind of me thods adopted by that execu tive committee, a qualification rule is proposed. Who will pass on the qualification; anybody knows that the managers will apply the rule finally at the polls. If your politcal partisans could succeed in securing my consent to this qualification and could ,, succeed .... at in placing cer- , large precincts . t partisan .. tam managers with this weapon in hand, another partisan decision like that executive committee decision might be handed down to me and the result might be disastrous. The committee too out of the box Tribble legal votes and left in the box Howard ille- gal votes as is known of all men. If managers could bo seccured at certain polling precincts atore- said, determined to do, hov easy to challenge Tribble voters where there is a qualifications to be in q^irederd about at the will ot such a marag/r and rule out Tribble ^ es . but whPn Howard voters no V™* questions f"**™ asked and the votes ffo t0 be 00OTled . No , Hr . yo „ r pvoposltlon s . )llnd t00 muc!i t0 me hke t.!iar. execu ^ comm|Uee ,„ vestig „ tlOT . , ^ en0 h „ t , h | 3 part i sa „ { ^ vnuP pretend ed nomination regal white voters wcre disfranchised on your oath. You admitted in vour Hartwell speecli that thev registered with the tax collector. You ad nil ted in vour Hartwell speech that in ordei to remove them from the said registration books it would oe necessary to give them person al written notice. Than vou sought shelter on the proposition that vou did not know whether thev had been served or net, 1°u were then presented wia th state ment fro ,„ t „ e r0j , istrar> W: Vickery-whore. virtues as Baptist ^ r vou | iavf) previously com mendfid —which staterneut in writ ing gives the names of your dis,. franchised voters, and says:* “The right . , ot , said ■, persons was never questioned by us and , none o , the , requirements oftho law was had, ( l uoslonu • ia sons have voted m tbo year 1910 yoQ thrusfc this statement aside Wltb wave of the hand' The on ]y other h vino- registrar, a verv active supporter of yours, express es a partisan 1 opmon that . you are the nominee. In r this view Willis „ ,, Adams, W. D. O’Farrell and other partisans of yours, no doubt, will agree but keep in mind he don’t say these men are not registered, in that statement: He allowed them to vote 3 t/rnes since Apn actually over his own they voted again on October 5tii this last date being since vou threw them out of the box and charged them against me. Dr. L P. Elierhardt and T. II. Verdell make sworn affidavits tnat Mr. Ginn admitted the registration of these voters when thev presented him with a list of the names. 7'ae men* themselves swear they had no notice and the executive com¬ mittee ot Elbert countv examined in bodv the registration books, both the tdX collector’s books and the books of the registrars and stated thpt these disfranckiseed , men were registered, vet in the fact of the truth your executive committee took them out of the box and charged them against me in order that >, our continued can didacy might escape the just brand of Indipendentism. You and vour political partisan allies thin k it perfectly all right ior these men to vote in all elections except where thev vote Tribble tickets. You oegan vour distran- chisment move hi Elbert county and it you so much that you then began a wholesale dislranchise- ment of white votes refusing to join inc on negro disfranchise ment. Your nomination was not satis factory and through vour chair¬ man, T S d/ell, you tried to escape the Eighth congressional district and applied to the state chairman. Your friends made nfanv false charges to him and tried to poison Ins mind against my cause. I do not know M r, Wright. / have never written him, ’ nor have I called on any of inv friends , to do go< £ wag nomilmted by the peo „ ple Iri the primary in this district and in convention in this district, and/am satisfied 'with that norm The idea of you even suggesting the word bolter when you are the chief of bolters afid the first bolter * n ^"° Vl ‘ us 1,1 • 1 1 ' 1 ( b• 1st. ion boite i your party . which , caucus in congress m yon .» 2nd< V(nl bo |ted tho primary on August 2Jrd because you were overwhelmingly defeated and re fused to r. cognize the nominee, 3rd. You bolted the convcjn fion in Athens and your friends another convention and Official Organ of Franklin County. ^ I .OO today vou run as an Independent against the nominee You deny the first bolt. [ prove it by the three party divisions in congress. (a) After your desertion of your Democratic assonciates tnese democratic colleages met again in caucus and not only censured vou but condemned vour deser¬ tion and discussed the property of on longer receiving you in tbo party counsel. (b) The leader of one branch of the republicay party, Speaker Cannon, stated that the new legis legislation could not have been in its present form without tbo aid of you a d your deserting asso.. ciates. (c) The leader of the other branch of the republican part'/, LaFollette, said m his last maga¬ zine: “On March the loth, 1900. the Cannon machine was saved from defeat only bv the help of its democratic ailiess in the House. Those Democrats were lead by Fitzgerald a Tammany represen¬ tative. Among them were Liv¬ ingston and Howard of Georgia, Last week these two Georgia rep¬ resentatives were repudiated by their constituents.” Mr. Howard, with propositions adieu. If you continue in tho race we meet again on November *th and on that day the second battle wilt be fought. I will carry the bannerol' democracy, inscrib¬ ed thereon 'will be “white votes sought.” You will carry ihe hat> tie of Iudeiiendentism, inscribed thereon will be “white and negro votes sought.” It remains to be seen which banner will trail in the dust. Very trill}, S. J. TRIBBLE. Box Supper. There will be a box supper af Tugalo Institute on Friday night October 28th, the proceeds will be used for church purposes. The women and girls are invited to come with well filled boxes—and the men and boys are invited to come with well filled pockets. Music will ’ , be furnished for the evening, a hd w T e all anticipate a good and plenty of supper,