Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, November 25, 1910, Image 1

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Official Organ of Franklin County. 100 Nice toilet soap at Cox’s. T. G. Hall was in Lavonia ring the first of the week. Miss Lucv Purcelle is able to after a few days illress. to Ik. i L. McEntire ** i* was in Lavo- T • i.u the £ first i. of * i.i the week. i ma Miss Maude McCarter was at home Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Ernest Clodfelter was in town a lew days since. R. T. Manley was in Lavon'a Wednesday afternoon. __ ^: _ P ‘, ^ A yers ’ ^ _. Lavonia, . is . visiting . home folks here. R. S. Lenhardt is at h( me en joy mg Thankgiving. W L Little was in Lavonia Wednesday. Thanksgiving is with us once again. Cox is receiving Christmas. goods. He has a real nice lot. Mr. Clyde Ayers is at home af¬ ter a few days stay in Lavonia* E. B. Purcelle was in the country Wednesday afternoon on business. Mrs. A, L. Fricks and children, of Toccoa, are visiting relatives here. 3/iss Fannie Alexander has been confined to her room lor a tew (lavs. Mr. jWD1 Burra?s and sister, .ll/iss. Blanche, are in Commerce ■enjoying Thanksgiving.* Chas, E. Looney, our excellent tvpo for The Advance, spent last Monday in Lavonia. Mr and J/rs Dungan, of Phil adelphia, were visiting relatives in town this week. Miss Mattie Rampleyis visiting friends and relatives in Madisor, this week. Mr. Alexander, of Comer was in town Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Gennie Elrod is visiting homefolks near Adolphus for a few days. D. C. Crenshaw, one of Red Hill’s most pi osperous farmers, was in town Wednesday. Miss Agnes Lynne Jones, of Atlanta, visited her sister, M’s? Lavinia, a few days last week. Miss Lavinia Jones is spend¬ ing Thanksgiving in Gaines¬ ville. S. J. Carmichael, a prominent business man, of Comer, was in to vn during the week. Miss Annie Rampley is at home for Thanksgiving. She . is teaching music in the Valley. J/r. and Mrs. J. B. McEntire were in Athens first of the week 'dsiting Hon. Samuel J. Tribble and family. I am now permanently locat- ed in Carnesville and prepared to do dental .work in all its branches. Satisfaction guaran¬ teed. D. M. Snelson, Dentis See special rates that Looney can give you on Advance, Georgian, Home Farm m this issue. These the cream of papers at milk prices. ♦ 0 mm ♦ PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FRANKLIN COUNTY AND ITS CARN KSV ! IYLK GA. Kill) AY". NDVHlM BKK 25. \ DIO Miss Ottie Wansley took charge of Miss Lavinia Jones department in the school room this week while she was in Gainesville. Mrs, Mashburn, !, a well known woman of tms . place, , „ near is * ’ sick • , . m Toccoa. TJ Her in many friends will be pleased to know that she is improviug Ex-sheriff John Rampley re turned a lew days since from Atlanta where he has been tak- lr| g treatment. His many friends throughout the county are g | a( j to know he ig mU ch j m p rove( j M]SS EmB9a HalJ > one of uur popular young girls who is at Canon with the firm of Burton and Bagwell, was the admired guest of relatives and friends here Sunday, The manv friends ot Miss Nan Dickson will deeply regrei to learn ot her serious illness with ap pendicitis. She will come ho ne tor a few weeks and it able she expects to return to Bessie Tift Col lege in January. Miss Annie Landis, the excel¬ lent music teacher at Tugalo In¬ stitute, is visiting her sister, at Demorest, and friends at the Valley. She will also spent a short while in Atlanta while away. The school is progressing nicely under the able manage¬ ment of Prof. Barrett. The music class is the largest it has tedi fer several years. Sheriff John W, Wansley has returned from a business trio in various pans of the state. Mr. Wanslev has made an able officer md his re-election with¬ out opposition proves his faith¬ fulness to this office. Mrs. Luther McEntire has re¬ turned from an extended visit with her parents in St.ephens- ville, Texas. The many friends hereof Mr. John Rampley will be pained to learn of his serious illness of pallegra, but glad to know he is improving. He has many friendsm Franklin county who are deeply internet in his welfare having made this his home for many years. Mrs. Glen Waters who has been living in Atlanta for the past eight or ten years has mov¬ ed here *and will make Carnes- ville her future home, She and her daughter, Miss Miriam, ar¬ rived here Monday ana her son, Glen Waters,. Jr., will remain in school in Atlanla for a while. Our people here will give this family a hearty welcome, James F. ( Morris, of Company B 15th Georgia died at Ft. Enterprise, Rusk county, on November ] 7 llh) mo, age 07. He - was a .son of General E. W. and Eliza d/orris, and a brother of the late A. J. M orris; his brothers and sisters having all proceeded him except Mr s W A d/an ley who was with him during his last illness. lie married d/iss Bailie Grubbs, of Hart countv, and moved to Texas 1810. he leaves a wife, ten children, and forty four grand children. He was a kind busoand. father, neighbor, and a devoted ciinstmn, and has a host of frien and relatives here who mourn 1 death. Rev I H Miller wlu was appointed at the recent. of the conference which held in Athens to take charge of this circuit, is well known and the, citizens are highly pleased with him as a man, min ister, and pastor, llis family is fixed by all denominations of the town and a strong and forceful appeal from all over this circuit was sent to confer ence at king for him to remain here The people are indeed glad he is with us for another year Tbs Harvey Oil Company. Manufacturers of Lubrica¬ ting Oils, Greases, Paints and Gasoline, Cleveland, Ohio. W. R. Pulliam, Agent, Mar¬ tin, Ga., R. F. D. 1. Big Reduction In Milli¬ ner. Our Millinery Department will close for this season on De¬ cember 1st and until that date we will offer anything wehav, in Millinery at a Big Reduction in Price. Call around and take advantage of this off er. C. D. Mg ENTIRE. Notice. Bring your hides to Toccoa Hide & Leather Company-- or when you accumulate one hun dred pounds, or over, ship them and we will pay the frieght. We send check the day the goods are received. Toccoa Hide & Leather Co. Toccoa ,Ga. » Pressing Clnb. I am running a larg3 Clothes Pressing Club. Will clam mens and boys suits, la he; suits f guarantee a g > > 1 j >') or no pty I also <lve clothes. Bring voir clothes to The Carnesville Press¬ ing Club—we will do you first class work. Next door to the Printing Office, L GORDON 1 . Notice. To Rent—150 acres of good farm lands with five good residences thereon. Will cut same into any amount necessa¬ ry to suit dweellings. Over half is second and third years land—all fresh and good. Half of same will make a bale of cot- ton to acre with good cultiva¬ tion. Prefer standing rent for one or more years to suit renter. This land is known as the Jack- ey Phillips place. See or write me at Royston, Ga. J, S, CAMPBELL Official Organ of Franklin County. ! .OQ HUM IIU B E laasassasas fry :A»in >i,t mz £ZZ28ff.EX -gsrer raa. The many people of Lavonia and surrounding ■ country, who ®e V traded at our store, know that we save them money on what they buy, on any class of goods thev need. It has been the custom of this store to give good goads at the lowest possi¬ ble prices, and we are still following that motto. We have almost everything in the Furnishing Goods line, and can depend on us for quali y. i r ■d S ■m. IL v a * | ■3 While our Imver was in New York l ist month, he securedwemnrtcablv -rood bargains in clothing, of which we intend our customers shall receive the benefit through the vei v low- prices at winch wo are going to offer these goods, We have the celebrated . G. & F. BRAND CLFTHING —one of the very best makes on earth. Cur prices on these clothes are $5 00 to $14.00 Per Suit, ^ _ We also carry a full line of Odd Trousers, Coats and Overalls These are the kind that wear well. MmV Hits, lattes anti S’lbmnV ’inform lam baa ot Skirls, very newest Styes, A 'll! lim of Cloaks and Lad'ss Saits a! Reasan= able Prises Call to See Until. We have the nicest, and at the same time the cheapest line of Dress Goods to he found in any store ot Northeas,, Geonra. Our line ot Woolen and Cotton Dress Goods is surpassed, and you can find what you need here. We know we can please every lady who is interested n this line, and it will mean a bur saving to vou to trade here, m mw-xmm 0BB IdiS ■’A iSSI Ssi?.a ©■3 Hannah and Barts Shoes for men, and other brands for men. For] idles, we have the celebrated ‘Smart Set’ and ‘Tuttle’ brands, and other brands Vo a can’t beat these shoes an vwhere. The “huckv” brand School Shoes, none better made for children. We have a strong line of work shoes tor Men \nd Women arid we guarantee satisfaction. Come and look our line over. They II p ease you* ... SKSSSESSSSEESS'iE: MamUB-M iSiiSSSSiSe^BB Vi m i