Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, December 02, 1910, Image 1

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ictal Organ of County. still travel with us n afar we have been makes us t we are. —Selected. NIP toilet soap at Cox’s. ,rB. Crawford, of Henry, was itditn Thursday, WfO. Price was in Lavonia Hay of the past week. Mr, Carl Rampley was in La¬ l bia recently. Mr. Pearl Gregory was in La- nia Tuesday on business. L G. Hall was in Lavonia ^■nda /. ■ Miss Moore, of Bold Springs, Kas in town Saturday. ■H. J. Harrison spent Wednes ly in the country. ■ Ir R. T. Manley was in Atlanta a few days this week. IF. C. Isbell is in Atlanta buying Rules. I Chas. D. McEntire was in La- fcnia first of week on business- | loma Judge W R I-it vie was in La Saturday attending court J/r. Hubert J/anley and Miss Lula Addington were in Lavonia Friday of last week. E. B. Purcelle was on the itreets ot Lavonia a short while Tuesday. Miss Zelia Phillips visited lomefolks Saturday and Sun- lay. Mr. Jeff Parks was in Lavo¬ nia Friday and Saturday of last week. Miss Annie Rampley ThanKSgiving with here. C B Landrum, of Garland- ! ville, was at home Saturday aid Sunday. R T Manley and Little Har old and Louise McEntire were in Lavonia Saturday. Miss Lavinia Jones returned from a few days visit at Gaines¬ ville Sunday. Miss Etta Purcelle was in La- •vonia Sunday afternoon for a short while. Mr. Lee Wilmount, of Du_ rant, was in town a few hour s ednesday. ' , This is a typocal winter leather after a few weeks of /a y days. H. T. Manley was in Lavonia in busines* a short while during [he weex. 1 W. L. Little and P. S. Adair 7 ere in the country a short rhile Tuesday afternoon. 1 J. E. Spears, of near this dace, was in town this after loon on business. i Misses Anna an d Eliza Lamar, *f Bold Springs, vere in town Saturday. ylMrs. ■en, of A. Toccoa, L. Fricks home and alter chil- are ■few days visit here, ■Mr. James McDaniel returned ffew days since from a short Bit with his son in Atlanta. Pn. J. Williams and wife were gt Tabor visiting relatives a few “/s since. p}. ined Goerge L. Goode has re¬ from a few days busi- p trip to Athens, Commerce Atlanta. O/r. John Purdue, a prominent ■raveling Pi man of Athens, was town VYgdn$Ki&y mixing She Canicsoille Tt&tmnft. PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF FRANKLIN COUNTY AND ITS READERS. CAR NE8V 1.LLE GA. BLR. I ) A Y. r> jXjFiMber 2 , 1 DIO U|W. L. Burruss returned from a few days visit with and friends in Commerce and Atlanta. The Farmers Gin Company at Rovston was destroyed Tuesday afiernoon by lite. It is unknown how the fire originated. Lost—One dark blue ladies coat, lined with white satin, lest between Plain view and Carries- ville. Finder please leave at The Advance office. The members of Sheriff John W. Wansley’s family who has been confined to their room for the pa't few days are now able to be cut. Miss Emma Hall, of Canon, was the admired guest of rela¬ tives and friends here Sunday. She is very much pleased with Canon and her good people. J. T. Conger and T G Hall Ime a fine lot of horses and mules just come in from St. T outs, Alo. Mr, Corner and S. J. Carmichael have been gone several days. Miss Anna Landis retnrned Sunday from a few davs visit at Demorest and Nachoochee Val¬ ley. She enjoyed her visit with her many friends and they did much for her entertainment- Mrs. J. M. Phillip’s many fiiends will be glad to knc-w she is improving after a few days serious illness. She has been co 1 'fined to her bed for several weeks, but is slowly improving Rev. W, A. Cooper and wife, of Avalon, were in town Sunday. Rev. Cooper preached a very able and interesting sermon here Sunday. Everybody who were fortunate enough to hear him enjoyed and appreciated the sermon. The many friends of Dr. J. R Hall will be pleased to know that he is able to be out after few days illness. He is a good citizen and his friends are great ly interested in his welfare. Congressman-elect Tribble publishes his expense accouns of the election elsewhere in tbit issue. A card of appreciation of what his friends did for him will also be found in another col umn. ' Miss Blanche Burruss, one of Carnesville’s attractive and pop¬ ular you rig girls, spent a few days in Commerce visiting reta¬ rives and friends. She has many admiring friends in Commerce who always give her a hearty welcome. Misses Emma Manley and Em ma Sue Perteet entertained several of the young people of this place Thursday evening of last week in honor of Miss Miriam Waters, the beaatiful and attractive daughter of J/rs Glen Waters ol this place, lorm erlyof Atlanta. They moved here a few days since and have received many hearty welcome’s fiom our citizens of this town. M. Cole, E (). freeman -j , O. E. Clodfelter “three of / .1 worlds greatest advertisers” were in town during the week advertising Gi¬ gantic Doomed Sale of J. R. Dortch Companv, Lavonia, which begins Wednesday, December 7th at nine o’clock and closes the 17th # See ad elsev here m this The sale is managed by Mr. J/. (jole, ol Chicago,one of the great., est^bsmimugers, Th«v invite you to pom* arnund to sw tne toe? me Big; Reduction In Milli¬ ner, Our Milhnerj Department will close for this season on De¬ cember 1 st and until that date we will offer anything we have in Millinery at a Big Reduction in Price. Call around and take advantage of this offer. C. D. McENTIRE. Railroad From Tocooa Progressing Fine. J/r. W. J . Du vis, financial agent of Montreal. Canada, and E. S. Hunnieutt, ol Clarksville, are in town making all perparatins to be gm work on the railroad from Toe coa to this place, Mr. Du vis seems to be very much pleased with the piospeets and says the road will be completed. Mr. Hun nicutt lias lost no time in pushing this to a completiontion and both he and J/r. Davis speaks verv fa¬ vorably of the road. Onlv a few more months and Carnesville will be blessed with a railroad. The old adage says. All things come to (hose who wait. The town ot Carnesville has been waiting 100 and 10 years for a railroad but will no longer have this to do as the road will be pushed to a com¬ pletion. Every citizen in Carnes- v’dleand community are wearing a broad smile over the bright out look. It is time the citizens were remodhng and painting homes make them look new tor the town will glow by leap- and bbunds When Cie road is complet¬ ed. It will be greater Carnes., ville. Congressman-T^eet S. J. TriblCe Publishes A Card of Apprecia¬ tion. Editor:— ? Please allow me space in your paper to thank my friends for their loyal support. In thank mg them, I also desire to express a hope that since the battle is over, no wounds are left on those who opposed me. Let peace occupy the field on which the bitter conflict recent- ly ended; let harmony prevail, that I may serve the people well; let co-operation take the place 0 f animosity to my administra¬ tion, that my bearing abroad and my official influence may not be crippled by dissensions at heme. The country is inter¬ ested in the public good and not in personal grievances. In the last few weeks I have received letters and telegrams into the thousands, and if I have failed to answer any of them, the writer will oblige me by re¬ minding me of such an over¬ sight—some may have been mis¬ placed, or everlooked. I h°pe the humblest citizen in the dis¬ trict will feel that I am his ser¬ vant, and be free to write me his wishes whether I am at home or at Washington, that I may not only serve all the people but serve the» individually. Thanking my friends for the high tribute of confidence shown me, and assuring them that the trupt will not be abused, I am, Very »i Merely, Official Organ of FranLiin County. ^l.(X) A Big Saving For Yon! V The many people of Lavonia and surrounding country, who have traded at our store, know that we save them money on what they buy, on any class of goods thev need. It has been the custom of this store to give good goods at the lowest possi¬ ble prices, and we are still following that motto. We have almo t everything in the Furnishing Goods line, and can depend on us for quali y. B 1 f n J j»ll While our burer wr"? in New \ ork last month, he s°'Vi >* Q d rpmnric-dfv' rrood nnrg'airis clothing 1 , of vrhirb wo intend our* oustern^rs sh'dl r<‘po : ve the. henofit thruuon the very low prices at which we are gonvr to offer these goods We have the celebrated G. & F. BRAND Cr OT UNO —one of the very best makes on earth < hir pmV < t these e|othes a re *5 00 to $14.00 Per Suit. . We nPo carry a full line of Oud Trousers, Coats and Overalls These are the kind that wear well. 4 A ) BEw rspispaik Mess’ Hitt lilies md G’lrt'mm’ 'Jifonmr '.inibn 1 ! Wis } vert v»we;f Slyly A ip lln if Dili's aid lal’ss Tilt; il l8J>J3= aSh Prices Gall ti See Hum. oc rr xmsmrma Dress Goods We have the nicest, and at the same time the ch a apest line of Dress Goods to be found in any store ot Northeast Georgm. Our line ot Woolen and Cotton Dress Goods is surpassed, and you can find what vou need here. We know we can please every lady who is interested a this line, and :t will mean a big saving to vou t > trade here. •jgBasmzv, CO BOB Hannah and Hurts Slices for men, and other brands for men. For ladies, we have the celebrated ‘Smart Set’ and ‘TVtle’ brands, and other brands You can’t, beat these shoes anew here. The “ buck v” brand School Shops, none better made for children. We have a strong line of work shoes lor Men and Women and we guarantee satisfaction. Come and look our (in ■ over. They I 1 p ease you Shoes!! Shots!!! ■ \ f