Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, January 21, 1916, Image 2

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rn 1 i a* J * I 2 IH i a k: ■s Dnim<g ©S’ Fimranilitor© n§ New Hnud Oip E T© s lDaiile Hnud We ©re ©iffernons §©rnie 1 R(SI!KS ffiirudl m©w Iflae ftfimniett© ©lyo ©©nun® ft© see m§ wDnenii nan ft©wmi= ( 4 SOT r ’ y THE CARNESVILLE ADVANCE, CARNESVILLE, GEORGIA. Sheriff Sales. Georgia, 1 ’ranidin County Will be sold before the court, house door in Gainesville G/t. on the tirt Tuesday in February next 1 1 (; within the legal hours of sale 9 and best for cash to the highest bidder or bidders the following property to wii; Gne Gase ifodel Roadster Automobile No 10GS7 equipped with mohair top and windshield. Smd property sails! levied on and being sold to V a mortgage li la issued from Sup crior (’outt in favor of The J. L Case Th ostiing Machine (Jo. and against Oran Bowers, B B Bowers AN Bowers and /ot) Bowers. This December 21st lqlo John \V. Winslcy, Sheriff. Georgia Franklin Countv, Will be soli! at the Court Mouse door in Gainesville Ga. within the legal hours ol sale to the highest ami best bidder or bidders on the first Tuesday in February, 1910. for cash, the tollowirg real estate to wit; seventh One undivided one >h terest in the home place of Mrs. Jane Turman, deceased, of smd count' - more lulty described as , follows On the north by W. M. Allen, on the cast bv lands of W. P. Tui tmn. on south and west bv lands of L, 11. Ridgeway, on the northeast by land ot Obediuh Dean Said tract containing 51 acres, more or less Saul lard levied on to satistv two justices court fi fa issued from the J363 District M. said state ar d coatitv, one m favor of Bowers & Co. and against J. A. Turman, also one fi fa in favor of J, R. ILdl and against J. A. Tur- man, Si.ul lovyjjmade and return ed to me bv S, P. Massey, L* C- of the 13 > 5 District. Written notice given tenant in possession as the law directs Tins January 5th 1516 John W, Wansley, Sheriff. Georgia Franklin Countv; Will be sold before the Court House door in Carnesville. Ga, within the legal hours of sale at public o it erv tor cash, on Tuesday described in February next the fol¬ lowing property to wit; one te dli undivided interest in all that tract or parcel of laud situate lyng and being in the 210th Dist G. M. Franklin Countv, Georgia «idjoi ung lands of Freeman Roll¬ ing ami Nails Creek on the north on the east bv lands of Williams Phillips, on the south by Hudson liner, ano o.i the west bv landc ot ./,(). Selman ami L. S. Nlc Wliirter, containing hvo hundred lorly and four-tenth (i'4d.4) acres more ot less as described in a deed lecorded m book L 9 page 528, of the deeds record ot Franklin (,’onntv. Said property levied on ns the property of OO E'.t’S being Ins one tenth u..divided in teiesls in ins mothers estate, he being a son and heir at law of the laie .Mrs M U Evans, and to satis fy an execution issued from the Justice Court 438 District G M ol Madison County, Georgia o.. I7th day of September ly 10, m favor of C l* Drav and against the said OO Evans defendant Written notice given tenant in p isse-si >n as the law directs. This tiio lit day of -January 1910 j bn W. Wansley Sheriff Georgi 1 F.anklin County. Will be sold before the court house door in Carnesville, 6 'oor gia, within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder or bidders on the first Tuesday in February, 1916, for cash, t ho fol lowing real estate, to wit: One seventh umlivided interest in home place of J.’is Jane Tur man deceased, ot said Gountv, more fully described as lo’l >ws. l\ing and being in 1363 Dis’riot G a! said county and state, and bounded as follows; On the north bv W \\ Allen, on the east bv lands of W P Tin man, on snub and west bv lands of Ridgeway on the northeast bv land ot Obe diah Dean place. Said tract con taining 51 acres more or less. Sutl on) tin ed interest levi ed on and being sold to satisfy a H fa issued from the 1363rd Dis tnct in favor of Vickery National Bank, of Lavoma, Ga, and against J R Turman. Said levy made and returned to me by S P ihassey, L (J of the 1363rd Dist, Written notiie giv en tenant in | ossession as the law directs This January 5 191(5 John W. Wansley, Sheriff. Georgia Franklin Countv. Will be sold before the court house door in Carnesville, Georgia within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder or bidders on the first Tuesday in February, 1916, for casli tne fol lowing leal estate, to w't One lot known as No 3 in block A begginning at a corner on Pine Street, and running thence 100 j feet along Carnesville Street, and (hence E 103 leet along (fie 'Strickland lot to Kelleys lot thence 81 feet along Kelleys I >1 luck 1 > Carnesville St, thence 13d feel along Carnesville St, to beg yinn jig corner Als) Lots Nos l, 2 . and 3 block L), each fronting l< >7 reel on su:l Ciirnesvillos’r ;et and a lj > n• m r ' K Strickland lot 177 tee’, : ana ng back from said Carnesville street to lot of Stricklands and uieasu 'n* 100 le.-t each on back, tlimcc 205 feet to 'Ja nesvdle street along lot 4 in block L>. All of the herein described property lying ami being in 1303rd Dist. (4. M. Franklin County (in. Said property levied on to satisfy a fi In issued Irorn the Superior Court of KranKlin Con ;ty at fee October term, I 9 l 5 ol Franklin Superior Court, in tavor ot First National G inx of Elbarton, Ga. and against J/mnio Turman, principd. ami l) L Brewer Garni slice Said property levied on as the properly of J/donie Turmad. Writ ion notice given tenant in posses? ion as the law directs. This January 5th I 9 I 6 . Jno, W, Wansley, Sheriff. Notice. Margaret Tucker Carlan vs. liar monCirlan. Suit tor divorce in jr r unklin Superior Court March term 1910 To the Sheriff of sai l county greeting*: The defendant Harrison Garlan is hereby cite I arid required per¬ sonally or by attorney to be and appear at the Superior Court to oe held in and for said county on tne 27lh, day of J/arch 1916 then and there to make answer or defen sive allegation in writing to the plaintiffs libel as in default thereof the Court will proceed according to the statute in such cases made and provided. Witness the Honor able David W. .1/endow J u lge of said Court. This ‘23rd, day of Peceni ber 1915. C.J. Culpepper, Clerk MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LANDS. In Franklin and adjoining counties. Terms and interest attractive, see or write W P Elrod or C B Sewell Lavonia, Georgia. FREE FLOWER SEEDS Hastings Catalogue Tells You All About Them No matter whether you farm or only plant vegetables or flowers in a small lot you need Hastings 1910 Catalogue. It is filled (100 pages) from cover to cover with useful farm and garden infor¬ mation. It tells of seeds of kind and quality that you can’t buy from your merchant or druggist, seeds that cost no more but give you real satisfaction and a real gar¬ den. It tells how every customer can get ab¬ solutely free five packets of easily grown, yet showy and beautiful flowers. Hastings is both the best and largest seed firm in the South, the only firm that you should buy seeds from. When you plant Hastings Seeds, you meet “Good Garden Luck” more than half way. Write today for their big 1916 Catalogue. It is free. A postal card re¬ quest will bring it. H.G. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga.—(Advt.) 111 'i e. ail Mail ! tr. Wh 1 .' SV. A si THE 01.1 V 1st i'YI’KW.v 1TTEL r y . on-:; ■ f r ; M------—- WlBllsr' Morning Sickness Many womensuffer this mis¬ ery It makes its appear¬ ance so regularly that they learn toexpect it and arrange their household work accord¬ ingly. Few women think of seeking medical help to get rid of it for good. If women only knew of the power and effectiveness of Dr. SlCSt- mons Squaw would Vise be Wine they not without it a moment longer than it would take to get it from the drug store. It is a splendid remedy for all nau¬ sea or sickness of the stom¬ ach. The first dose settles the stomach and makes the patient feel better. Addi¬ tional doses act on the female generative system, strength¬ ening weakened organs, reg¬ ulating the habits, restoring tone and strength in every part of the body. It Is essen¬ tially a woman’s remedy prepared expressly to meet the need of women who suffer from the ailments common to their sex. Sold by Druggists and Dealers Price $1 Per Bottle .f.SIMMONS MEDICINE CO. } ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI (y Boll Weevil Quarantine And the Necessity For It Atlanta, December.—(Special.)— The new bell weevil quarantine line in Georgia has just been define! and marked out by the State Board oi Entomology, effective Monday, Dccem ber 6, and a rigid adherence to tlr rules and regulations laid down by the board will be insisted upon in or¬ der to prevent the spread of the boll weevil at a rate more rapid than un¬ der ordinary natural conditions. The Mexican cotton boll weevil, says the department, entered Georgia in August, and, owing to the very late season and favorable spread more rapidly than It has now been found in the ing counties: Decatur, Grady, as, Baker, I.owndes, Berrien, Mitchell, Miller, Early, Baker, Tift, Dougherty, Calhoun, man, Randolph, Terrell, Lem Schley, Webster, Stewart, Chat chee, Marion, Talbot, 'MM; ids, Upson, Pike, Meriwether, CamHH Heard, Coweta, Fayette, B®^ Carnal, Douglass and Haralson, one-f^^fl tal of forty, or more than of the cotton-growing area of state. m Conditions Were Favorable^M favo^H It has keen an unusually hn:^H year for the weevil, and it vanced uniformly through son,hern r.orlii^B Ve’^B ern Alabama and in see. If it had not been for the enforcement controlling the of quarantine movement re.gul&^B of ccM| seed, hulls, corn in the shuck and other articles as are liable to boll well weevil, established this in pest would seCioi^B non^B every frostBj Georgia. At the first killing H weevil went into winter quarters, iM one of his principal hiding places H stored cotton seed. This creates necessity for a strict enforcement^ the quarantine regulating the nnB ment of cotton seed from infested iB non-infested territory. fl The present actual boll weevil iB in Georgia as just established, entB the state from Alabama at Newsvfl Tallapoosa in Haralson and county, Bremen, passes then throw® threuj Horace in Carroll; through Bill AB and Chapel Hill in Douglass cour.ta Carol slightly north of Red Oak in bell county; then turns southward an! passes through Brooks in just cast of Molena in Pike and east of Thunder in Upson; slightly east of Junction City in Talbot and a few miles east of Ellaville in Schley ; thence slightly west of Americus in Sumter, through Philema in Lee, through Shingler and east of Sumner In Worth; thence through Dosia in Tift, just cast of Nola in Berrien and m' UAVff 1 r V ,\ V.l 1 % v * •• flK 4” | >. • .%• , H g B g gM B “TpIR?,., ' iss. *■**$*»" iffer^stp^p» '■^SS! BESSIE TIFT COLLEGE, FORSYTH, Gfi i on GIRLS Alii) YOUNG WOMEN. "arultv composed of University trained teacher?. Home-life that of a ’r.rsre family, livery section of dormitory under sapei vision cl a teacher. Every student under counsel of a seif gov¬ erned companion. Equipment complete and best approved in every department of instruction. Expenses beautifully at estimated illustrated cost of catalogue, furnishing-tbc address bcstadvantaeesrn C. H. e S. * ch JACKSON, ,department. President. Far __ -lightly east of Valdosta in Lowndes :nd on to the Florida line. Seed For Crushing Only In fixing the new quarantine area for the shipment of cotton seed until the movement of the next crop begins ,a August 1, 1916, the state board of entomology has authorized the ship¬ ment of seed from infested territory for crushing purposes only to oil mills ihat aie situated within the 20-mile safety zone. This safety zone is an area 20 miles wide, just east of the act !!JL r »v /?* II Everyone is warned not to carry live boll weevils into non-infested ter¬ ritory. There are very strict national and state laws against any person having live boll weevils in his posses¬ sion, and the penalties for violation are severe. The state board of ento¬ mology states that these laws will be rigidly enforced.