Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, September 15, 1916, Image 2

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Start A Bank Account Wth Us Fit jin ie for u rainy day by starting!! haul* account in the the Ca::oi: B nknow We wi • m ko this the safest hunk in the state «?<icor; la. Deposit vo r* money i a o'ir b.i ik/ % 7) v \VL n \ fi! ~w mg ?? in lx rr n » I ■ m MS - rJ H *-* " —r=s=g-narlr>M nnWatl St 'tiA^U 4 ^ ' y| | byBankera inthe early portoflhtlastCenhiiy. From the blrthv of the nation to the present time of national prosperity and influence the banhs have been a prominent factor in the develop* ment of this country. ^This prosperity banh is a of prominent the people factor of this in the community. It offers to them the same hind of b&nhing facilities that are enjoyed by the great business interests of Wall Street. This banh is safe, sound, careful and courteous—the essential attri¬ butes of successful banhing. g[It is the place for your account, a place where your money will grow. gL Get the saving habit. V C. Start a banh account with us today. V We will prevent the abuses of Overdrafts, the must be well secured 0 . B. Meneese Cashier of Can on Bank, Canon Ga, s m i SI.00 Vi.r. By Subscribing To The Car- nesville Advance Today. 4*. For a short while we are able to offer you by special arrangement a full years subscription to the Carnesville Advance and to The Way, both for $1.0$ the cost of he subsription to The Way or The Carnes- ville Advance alone. The Vay is the live wire weekly, published in At- lanta in the intorrst of the Christian citizenship of Mu; state of Georgia. It is interesting from start to finish and full of line lllustratisns. You are going to sub- scribe to it sooner or later—so why not do it now, when you can save a dollar by doing it? Regardless of when your subscription to The Ad- vance expires, renew it NOW; you will have your name put down for a subscription lasting for a year lrom date of expiration— and you will begin to receive The Way immediately. Don't neglect this opportunity send in veur dol- Jar today. The Carnesville Advance. Professional Cards D, T, Davis ATTORNEY AT LAW Luvoma, : : : Georgia H. H. Chandler « ATTORNEY AT LAW lavonia' Georg i Dr. A. N. Bowers DENTIST. HOURS 8 A.M. TJ 5 e. M . C no , : : : Georgia R. T. Poole —FIRE INSURANCE — Lavonia. : r Georg..i J. $. Hailey ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In All Courts—Co1le<- tions A Specialty. Canon. : : : : Georgia T. G. DOROCOH, GEO A. ADAMS ♦ * Borough & Adams ATTORNEY AT LAW Wtil Practice in All The Courts Office Up St iirsol I B< Avers Hall Royston, : : : : Georgia. H. S. Burch, Jeweler, Diamonds, Silverware And Novelties. Rt pairing A Spee.alty. Royston, : : : : Georgia David W. Meadow ATTORNEY ATr.AW Will Practice in all the Couits and Federal, Prompt At 'tition Given all Husmees. Jilbeiton, : : Georgia. Round Trip $1.75, From Lavonia Altanta EXCURSION September 22nd, 1916. Tickets Good Returning Up To And Including Train No 18. Leaving Atlanta 4:45 P. M. SeptemberJ20<h, 1916. Special Train Will Leave Lavonia 9:30 A. M. Arrive In Atlanta 12:30 Noon. Make Your Arrangements Now. Southern Railway Contracting A Speciality n n Get Our Prices n We do anything in the building line, cement work, and painting. Gen sate p money Creosote, shingle stain house paint nd metal Hroofiing. ’ 00 tt H *h a i^r i feo nan cl Vaughan 'nnnnnnnnnnnnnmxxxxxxxxmxxnxx Ford Cars For Why go to Atanta to purchase sec ond hand ford cars. We will save you money on same you come at once. Royston Hardwaetvi (AUTO DEPARTMENT) Royston, FURNITURE AT S. M. Ayer's- Harness Factory