Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, October 20, 1916, Image 2

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Athens Business College. Graduates placeo in the best positions. Every coarse Guar mteod to give satisfaction Thoco'Iege tint ft quire* the least m< ney and give* tli • Ivst bus •» *»u. Kvwrgral t*» v cap * cf holxling f).l s< ‘ > - N M. * tv ' * »k \ ' • f»; h ‘ v‘ s-‘MI ft >i ItN u V > y •»' fTN^ ex t«. urM Anen^rof r'w Hi l»l:< rx.'vs * * V-v, ;•« f\... rfs IT>>»- *V>- T-O- ¥irtt teCptilt £ 4 *«**,*■' Atha is B j 5 ;i 353 College. “Ttie College of Quality” m r Ford Cars For Why go to Atlanta to purchase sec ond hand ford cars. We will save you money on same you come at once. Rovston Hardware (AUTO DEPARTMENT) Royston, If ST Any the right for % r, time is time a of ■j m i i i ...X. 11 !r Sl Morning, noon, or night— for a thirst-quencher, or % just for a delicious healthful beverage—you will find a new pleasure in every refreshing glass. 'i f jT tssS THE COCA-COLA CO. w A Atltnt*. Gm. a 1 wm 9 A 4 I 9c w X mchnamea Demand the encourage genuine try •ubotitution. full name— MS * 4 *' nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnn n n n $1 n n n n ave n n n n n n n n n H n n n n For a short while xve are able to offer von by n special arrangement a full vears subscription to the n Carnesville Advance and to Tbe Way, both for $1.(8) n the cost ot he subsription to The Way or The Caines- n ville Advance alone. n n The Way is the Jive wire weekly, published in At- n lanta in the interest of the Christian citizenship of the n state of Georgia. It is interex-ting from start to finish n and full ot lino illustratisns. Y '011 are going to sub- n scribe to it sooner or later—so why not do it now, n when you can save a dolur by demg it# XX n when subscription to '1 he Ad XX Regardless of your n vance expires, renew it NOW; you will have vour xx name put down for a subscription lasting tor a year XX lrom date of expiration— and you will begin to receive JlJ XX The Wav immediately. XX n xx n Don’t neglect this opportunity semi in ycur dol tl n Jar today. xx xx xx XX The Carnesville Advance. XX XX XX n n n ummnttttmttzuuunttttwnttttmu (MONEY TO fcOAN j I can muko loans of # 1,0110 and up at seven per cent on. improved arms You can • ). t'l !i! 1 urn f >r either 5, 7 or 10 vears. Loans un l« r #1,000 at 8 percent. Come to s.-e me. J. W. LANDRUM CARNESVILLE, CED Professiona Cardsf D, T. Davis A TIOKNEY AT LAW Lavoma, : : : : Georgia H. H. Chandler ATTORNEY AT I.AW Lavonia’ Geor^i:» Dr. A. N. Bowers DENTIST. * 01 R8 8am TO 5 P SI. Canon, : : Georgia 1 R. T. Poole — FIRE INSURANCE— Lavonia. : : Georgia —- J. S. Hailey ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice In All Couits—(,'olle<- tions A Special!*’. Canon. : : Geoigi.i T. G. DOROLGH, GEO. A, ADASIS Borough & Adams ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in All The Cou’ ts Office a mold Rowers Ilall Rovston, : : : : Geoign H. S. Burch, .Jeweler, Diamonds. Silverware And Novelties. Repairing A Specialty. Royston, : Georgia David W. Meadow ATTORNEY ATT.A XV Will Practice m all the Comt-= S'ate rr.d FiUeisl, Pi mi.pi At e i< 1 Gixi n all Rrsintis. iirlbcrton : : Georgia. MONEY TO LOAM I have an unlimited amount of money to loan at 6 per cent improved . farm lands to on mer- chants and farmers in Franklin Hart and adjoining counties Terms 5 7 and 10 years. Loans procured at once. J. S.Haley Canon Ga • « C»iro r."M 1 r Kjan. .tn.Ht’s Choc< tat^s f.p\aV ! .vc (Yimrnt «akc ' id nek If mre i.m' ‘ , ip - 1 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM LAN 8. In Franklin and adjoinin counties. Terms and interest 1 attractive, see or write WP Elrod or CB Sewell Lfwwifl, Ooorffifi We Protract Your Money Prepare for a rainy day by starting a bank account in the Canon Bank now We will make this the safest hank in the state of Georgia, eposit your money n our hank Oi A, 1 m TT? f*>} % tl rirrrl* : HU vwfl n 4r. •-•v Bank of th«Helher!onds AMSTERDAM ▼ ■* v ■ • C.The great banking Institution pic¬ tured here was the first to undertake what is today the principal function of all banks —the Keeping of deposi¬ tors’ money safe and accessible. C.The ability of a bank to perform this function—Keeping depositors’ money safe and accessible —represents its value to the people of the community which it serves. Money deposited with us is safe, and yet it is at all times accessible. It is where you can secure it at any time it may be needed, and where you are assured of its being in safe hands until you want it returned to you. g^A savings account means the culti¬ vation of the habit of thritt. g^ Start a bank account with us today. A , ■* Wi will prevent the abuses of Overdrafts, the papers must be well secured 0, B. Meneese Cashier of Canon Bank, Canon Ga. nm^mnrnnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnrttmnn'attnnB XX Chas. Stern xx xx xx n xx n H Leadin I xx I n xx n xx n xx n n greatly pleasul it the tumt> to let u to th men of tiiis section n We a’e < p > i 0 * n this good irade-mark. n n Tae ho ue of Gkni Gothes n n n n Now getting value is the mam business of anv buyer: Kot to see bow little n but how much you ca i get for what you do piy. n you can pa}' n Young men want Fall Suits that surpass anv they have reen lor style, fir, value n and smart distinction in appearance, and you will always find them ivurj our n clothes are sold n n Smart Fall Mels n n n Our stock ol these nice su’ts is th 0 most complete n shown xx that we have in several season.*, n n CHAS. stern company n XX xx XX xx xx i' ■ CLOTHIERS XX LEADING xx XX St. Athens Ga. xx Clayton n § XX xx * 1