Carnesville advance. (Carnesville, Ga.) 1899-191?, May 25, 1917, Image 2

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Tit J CARNESVILLE ADVA'^E, CARNESVILLE, GEORGIA. Official Organ 01 Franklin Couniy Miss Ret ha Purcell E. 1>. Purcell Business Manager (Rate Of Subscription ONE YEAR • I I » I I I I I I I I I I I I CjO *:__ t SIX MOUTHS • I I • I I * I » I I I I I t I un THREE MONTHS :: • • • • • • • 0 0 • 0 0 cxj I Entered at the Po>t Office at CarnesvnI ( Georgia as second U| isr Matti r ri i 'f ’ '-"-2 9 ■1 * V -y, * Register ard save futhc-r trou ble. Hoo. Tom Edison’s motto; “Too Busy,” If you don’t register you will have much to regret. Register on June 5ih, and show your colors. When did you buy a Liberty Loan bond? ♦ The rain caused a million do] lar smile in Franklin county. ♦ »♦— — Vacation days are here and the college gradutes will soon be nome. • > *- The wise person will can all too vegetables and fruits that can be secured this year. -*♦ ♦-- This paper is interested in the Franklin cour.ty boys who have volunteered in the service of their country and desires next week to give a list of them as far as possible and the branch ol servlee in which they are en listed. We will appreciate it if all who have relatives will fur nish us the name and branch of service in which they are enlisted. The first step toward great¬ ness is to be honest, says the Proverbs; but the proverb fair to state the case strong enough, Ilcnest is not only the first step toward greatness—it is great¬ ness itself. Honesty is the best policy, but those who do honest things merely because they think it good pohe/, are not honest. He that walketh uprightly, walketh surely. The truth of the good old maxim, that “Honesty is the test policy,” is upheld by the daily experience of life; up¬ rightness and integrity being found as success fails in busi¬ ness as in everything else. It keen sai( 1; a k your deal¬ ings give your neighbor the cast of the bank—good measure le aped up, and running ever- and you will not lose by in the end”. Honesty is the best policy. But no man be upright, amid the vaiious tempatationsof life un less he is honest for the rights sake. You should not be hon¬ est from the low motive of pol icy, but because you feel better for being honest. The latter will hold you fast let the set as it will, No man knoweth the and strength of his own I n, until he has passed the fiery ordeal of temptation. Men who slanders at the dishonesty of others, at one time in life, then soiling before favorable wind of prosperity, when adversity overtakes them, their honesty too often flies away on the same wings with their riches, and what they once viewed with holy horror, they now practice with shameless impunity. On the great day of accouut it will be found, that men hnve eired more in jndgeing of hon of others than in anyone thing else, Many who have been condemned and had the stigma of dishonesty fixed up cn them, because misfortune disabled them from payiig their just debts, will tand ac quitted by the Judge of quick and dead, whilst others cover dishonest hearts and actions undetected by man. Citations Georgia Fiaukhn County. To All Whom it May Concern; Notice is nereby given, that the appraisers appointed to set apart and assign a year’s snpport to Til I is A. McGanitv, the widow o John \V. MeGanty, deceased, nave filed their award and unless good and sufficient cause is shewn the same will he made the judge¬ ment of the Court at the June terra, 1917, of the Court ot Ordi¬ nary. This May 7th 1917. Y. C, Nelms Ordinary, Hoch Dsr (This poem, Written in 1 .s97 by A. McGregor Rose, a member of lie stuff ol the Montreal Herald and published in that piper, gain od considerable prominence by ivason uf its rec tal bv the late Rear Admiral Coghlan, IT. S. X.. at a bar.ij of the Ilhnn League club in Nl w Voik in the U. S S., lia'eigh at the battle of Manila hay.) Her K-is r of Bis Fatherland Und <iotton!ogh all dings 1 ‘OtIt- mand; Vi* two a eh! Hon’r you under stand? Meinself—und Gott. lie mg i i Heifen und alviys ll. Und mom own Empire d >n’d vas slim ill. Ein noble ba T I dinks \on cal! Mein-c-!f- t;i d Gott. Vile some men sing d.*r power devine, Mein soldiers sing “Die Wacht am Jlliein,” Untl drink der hsalth in Rheinisti ssnr.e Of Me-und Gott. Here’s Fiance, she wnggers all an-uiuit, She’sausgespieldt, she’s ro account To much wo thmk she uoa’t amoiind!; Meinself —und Gott. She viil not dare to fight agiin, Hut if sne‘"shonlilt I’ll show her DotElsiss und (in F rone a) Lena me Are mein—und Gutt. Von Bistnark vas a man auf might Und douglit us vas glea- out of sight, But aob! he vasnicht gout to light Alit me —und Gott. Vo knocked him like ein man aut sdraw, V 7 e let him know whose vill vas *aw, Und vot, wedon’d vould sdana his jaw Meinself—und Gott, Ve send him oudt in biff disgrace, We gif him insuldt to his face, Und putCaprtvi in his blaoe, Meinself und Gott, Und ven Capivi got svell hedt V r c verv biorn'otlv on him set, Und toldt him to get up and get. Moinseif— Und Gott. Here’s pr n I'm a dinks she’s nicht, stimuli beer, Mit Boer,s und such she interfere; She’ll learn none owns dts hemis¬ phere But me—und Gott. She dinks good frau, some ships she’s got Uun soldiers mit het scarlet goat: Ach! Ye eould knock dem! Pouf! like dot; Meinself—und Gott. In climes of peace berbare for vars I bear the tpear and helm of Mors Ynd care not for den thousand Czars, Meinself—mit Gott. In fact, I humor etry whim. With aspect dark and vissuge grim Gott pulls mit me und 1 mit him; Meinself -und Gott. MONEY TO LOAN OX FARM LAONS. In Franklin and adjoining counties Teimssr.d ;; attractive, see or write W P Eirod or B Sewell Lavonia, Georgia f m * ^ P' m « '1 (Or no W. AT 8 I a s r.t 55 * n l — -£■ hr/ r:. ;'v -■ V f i k ullMBSCL We Want to that n.'c H-tat’qtiliters for th* bos' merebandbo that you ran find siv we in this part of the state. Our li e* of Slippers and the l.ito»t style i f bhoe> :ro fiir passed. We hive the bait line < t 1 Ibis', foods that lias sve- been dis; l*yel n a town size. They tell that we s i goods tw ml v ii ve p r c >nt cheap *r t *. n t mv find of our us th; in in otli r t .was. Well tiny the judg s we have oil* p ices and we bough*.'before the p kes a*e soared so high. DnnMorget whoa you come to our town to ioo'.< for the Canon eicanti’e Cotnny will it on our window. \Vc pay the highest prices foryoar count 's' pro luce you see chickens ar.d eggs, cspccialit v. Don’t se ! until vo-.i see ns we pay cash il we’t trade. We want, vonr country produce and you will make no mistake to bem store. We have a good line for you to select from and the money to you if you don't want to exchange for gopds. a 3S JJ Li KP u 1 . ■■£ i |» '3 ®| y m I ? i. ' E £0 Canon Georgia N fficiemy * % l And Your Yyes <»> A persona! tfelinitioii of officer is tin greatest a«nt of work aceompilslted witli tits least amount of energy ex¬ panded. Detective eyssigiit tends to decreases your capacity for work and increases Hie expenditure ef nsrgy. iiols yreye sight petedlve? Do Had eyes hinder ou n your work? if so you need your eyes examined and giesss propery fitted. I ani qualified by State Examination to exmine eyes and fit glasses. Give me a trial ad you will be a satisfied customer US 08 ra CiS 5^* •Cza r o 3 5 * v<6 Georgia.