Newspaper Page Text
t v ■ v%\ i r-rr CLOTHES
» * / s /■ r
4 ran m 15 \ fabrics and models that .V-
The Suits we are showing are in pro¬ ' >« a
j .-*88 careful selective choice, and is in
I i * il vide the widest range for a
53 \ keeping with best demands. We have given much time to the
s m m closest inspection
fm GSM mm m v selection of our furni hings and invite the
* 5 m S: A? Ties
\ m 73 IffB Ll HIM L when you want Shirts, Underwear, C- llar, etc,
1 Hpf ■m $ E ■■ The stock is
‘ N Our Hats will prove most attractive to you.
!!*.& i ’SaillW sin I WA Mi yfipfilh® IK absolutely complete in shapes and colors, and the price win,.
I • i
&rm ;• d. U
U ■ s s HINU be just as pleasing.
m a i * A m \ * Styles « of genuine Stern's Quality suits
*~3jP New Fa,I and W'inttr
% r '1/M waiting for Come in and inspect our
s and overcoats are you.
% m immense stock.
* < j V." flKTiitl xi) 'J \ > Price $12.60, To $35.00
■m t it ; I T
i M t
X ji : A It m A: A ii 1
Tax Levy For The Year 1917
fames vide Franklin County
Ga. Sept 5th 1017.
At He regular session of the
Coun ty Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues of si! county pur
poses to assess and lew a taxon
the taxable property of said coun
tv sufficient to lqeot the require
ments thereof for county pin-
poses tor the ensiung year.
It is ordered that here be and
hereby'is levied a tax of fifteen
dollarson each one thousand clol
tars of taxable property for the
year 1917: returned by each tax
paver of said county and upon
the Digest of said county for the
year 1917and all otner property
subject to taxation advalcramand
which tax is levied for tnef-dlow
;-,g purposes to wit.
1st 25 cents on each $100,00 to
pay the legal indebteuness of the
county clue are to become due
ing the year to wit: 11 cents on
each $100,00 to repay money bor
rowed to supplv a casual-deficient
in Revenues, and H cents on each
$100,00 to pay principal and inter
cst on the court house bonds to
become due during the vear.
2nd 4S cents on each $100,00 to
build or repair court house, and
Jail and bridges or ferties and
other public improvements accord
i ng to contract,
3: cl 9 cents on each $10( ,00 to pay
Sheriff’s and other officers tees
that may be legally entitled to
them out of the county.
4th 1 2 cent on each $100,00 to
I ay Coroners all fees that may
be due them by the county lor
holding Inquests
5th 3 cents each $100,00 to pay
expenses of the county for Biiltfs,
at court non resident witnesses
in cniniii; i cases; fuel stationery,
servant hue and the like,
Otii 10 cents on each $100,00 to
pay jurors a per dier. conpensation.
7ih 13 c. ntson each $100,00 to
pay the expenses incure I m sap
porting the poor of the county
and as < it ho i wise p: escribed by
i ho code.
Sin 1 cent on each $100,00 to
pay any lawful charges against
the county not to otherwise pio
vide for¬
th!) -fo centstn each $100,00 to
be used and expende ! h r the pro¬
pose of working and lepainng the
roads of said county under
the alternative roacl law.
l’Oth 1-2 cent on each $100,00 to
pay the expensesinturtd by the
Board of health of saxl county as
provided by law.
And the following local school
tax as fixed by the Commission
eis and trusteess of the several
school districts maintaining a lo
cal tax for school purposes in
in said county as foil ws: 50 cents
on each $100,00 of taxable
ty meach of said districts is herein-
levied in the following districts,
to wit.
Fairview School District 50
cents on each 10,00 dollars
Ainana School District 50 cents
on each 100,00 dollar
Line Ko 1 School District 50
cents on each 100,00 dollars
Center School District 50 cents
on each 100,00 dollars
Gr advSchool District 50 cents
on each 100,00 dollars
Dawkins School district 50 cents
on each 100,00 dollars
Bold Springs School Di.-met 50
cents on each 100,00 dollars
Marv Moss School District 50
cents on each 100 ,00 dollars
Liberty No 2 School Di-tiist
50 cents on each ICO.OOdollar?
Whitworth School District 50
cents on each 100,00 dollars
Liberty iNo 1 School District
50 cents on eech 100,00 dollars
Popular Spring School D'stfist
50 cents on each 100,00 dollars
Thomas School District 50 cents
on each 100,00 dollars
Cross Plains School District 50
cents on each 100.00 dollars
Cross Roads School district 50
cents cn each 100.00 dollars
Toms Creek School District 50
cents on each 100,00 dollars
Lavonia School District 50
cents on each 100,00 dollars
Trinity School District 50 cents
on each 100,00 dollars. v
W. O. Tribble Jordan/ Chr’m.
M. M.
AY P Kin*
J. B. McEutu
W. A, Sewe
Commissioners of Roads
Revenues ot Franklin Count
AY. R. Lit!
Clerk of Commissioners
Roads and Revenues Frai
money to lo.
I have an unlimited amc
of money to loan at 6 per <
on improved farm lands to i
chants and farmers in Fran
Hart and adjoining cour
Terms 5 7 and 10 years. I/,
drocured at once.
J. S. HaleyCanon (
Notice Of
trator’s Sale Of
By virtue of an order from the
court of Ordinary of Franklin
county grunted at the October
term 1917 will he sold,at public out
erv, on the first Tuesday in Novem
her 1917 at the court house door
in Carnesv lie. Franklin eon ty Le
tween thehgal hours of safe the
following real property to wit;
One undivided one halt
in all that tract ot land
lying and being in Middle River
district, in said county, adjoining
lands of Joe James on the North,
Ambros Crow on the South, Den
nis Phillips on the East and Mrs.
Mary Moss on the West, contain
ing seventy four acres more or les-,
and known as the Thomas Atkin
son oId P iace -
A Do at the same time and place,
r c-st
n as
of J.
?A M ■ EBP 'E88imVi}3»
% camrm ;:2 ■ i' Ml
/, merica. is Facing A Gieatf mis but many of our people do
caret rs~ but fad to see the path leading to the ambition crowned
heights of success.
Trainee Workers Are Needed Today As Never Before. Tin
future of America may depend upon their unPed efforts. Boys an
girbsAvho are-equipped for efficiency work can “help win ihe war,'
while..‘ecui eng 1 etter pcssiucr.s ior themselves an! making n.p:<
person 1 advancement.
The Only Thing Standing In Our Way Is Lack of Trainin.
Ytu will never get very far in this world at manual labor. Mnsch
is always relativtly cheap. Brsins arc always at a premium, a;.t
especially at this time, when so many positions must, be tilled
u Can Learn Our System of Shorthand And Type
In 8 to 12 weeks, and we will secure for you a good positron. "W e
have started thousands of young men men and women on the road
to success in tne Business World, ghet us mu do as
We give free coulees, al iiig with Shorthand or Bookkeeping
in Typewriting, Penmanship, Spelling. Business Law, English and
Arithmet/c, Our sysL in o f Bo ukksepmg is-up-t '-date, and, when
people c n be used in i nv modern business olfii e
Don't Let Any Slight Obsacle Prevent You From Entering
Fall Classes,' September, 3rd. Call and discuss the problen
with us, or write ns freelv, You must remember that “where
there is a will there is a way.” We have shown the way b
1 1 < 11 : r.i's ( f cates. Our vears of exmerenco is at our service.
us the opportunity of showing you how you can secura the
necessary training to lit you for one of the many good positions
oren to ambitious young people.
Act definitely. Call or wine today, Decide that you will train
efficient—that you will hold a much better jod
vear thim now —that you will muice tne m st, nossihle of vour
\Ye will gladly lic'p von. Write lor our Journal. “FORWARD, -
which points the wav to opportunity for v<n. It proves there
many desiraule opening in Business
Department A—O. Bratton D. Half Manager, (A Frankim Co. Boy