Newspaper Page Text
o HI rdsses, a
Tailored, Dressy and Sport Models Skilful Copies .and Adaptions of the most stunning creations
by foreign and American countries fashioned of Broadcloth, velvours, introduced
tures and Twills Serges, Tweeds, Oxfords Mix¬
numerous others in every desirable shade.
The Seperate Skirt
There are skirts specially designed
for every purpose—for dressj affairs
street wear and for sport wear. Tneres
an air of distinction about the cleverly
draped models developed in the beauti
ful satin finished silks so popular at
present and the various pleats nrran g
ments of the attractive serge 3 gabar
dine and novelty weave skirts will win
nitanie approval. Then’s an attract
tion in the price to, as the following
them indicate. The new Bustle satin
skirt is the very latest out. Beauti
ful satin skirts in Tanpe, Plum Navy
and black.
$12,50 to 25,0 0
A Suitable Corset
For you in our selection of new
est models. There’s a corset that will
build up and preserve the graceful fig
ure lines; that will be perfectly comfort
ably thougn worn continuously for long
Some of che models most popular
at the present now being shown in
our corset parlors—$1,00 to 15,00
m '
m %
A. i )
‘Where the styles Ire Shown First” rn “■S Georgia.
How Good That Bradley Sweater Feel
When you step out into the cool, crisp morning air, when an unusually “nippy” day
comes along or when you step into that car for an evening ride. Certainly it feels good;
but you sboulden’t delay the purchase of it until the actual n?ed arises. Here are the sweat
ers in every desireable cold and style, priced so reasonably that no woman should hes ; tate
to provide herself with one of these practical convenient garments ot these low prices, $2 50
3,00, 3,50, 4,50 and 5,00.
Special Odd Lot Sale of sweaters on special sale Monday at very low prices.
Your Gloves Tells The Story
And iD a story which concerns yourself, how important then that the story told
should be favorable to you. Selections from our store in ure? you vg imit unf i/or ib’e glo/e
criticism for the qualities and styles are always of the best. This is as true this season,
when really good gloves are scarce, as any previous season -an animation will quickly and
conclusively prove.
Included are washable Suede Gloves at $2,50. All the leading Washable Cape Kid
Gloves at 2,50. We have the shades in gloves that others haven't.
New Fall Suits’
Numerous are the occasions that really demand a suit as well as the occasion fa*
which, while a suit is not actually demanded, it is very appropriate. No woman who d„si
complete wardrobe should look ;
es a over this important item.
Our present stocks, replenished by many recent arrivals which faithfully portray
every new desirable features, are complete in every detail and afford excellent latitude for
choice. Note these at $25,00, 27,50, 30,00, 35,00. Come to Collins, for you new suit hun
dreds to chojse from at very reasonable prices.
Gratifying Results
I i follow a Little
i n
I - v/ * «^i’U
Why Be Without
When such a splendid collection
o f s ets and seperate pieces is here at
such remarkable pric es. The wearing
of furs brings not only the satisfaction
of being comfortable on cold days but
th 3 satisf action of adding an air of dis
distinction to your appe arance also,
The present displays inc ude the
newest snipes and most desir rnle pelts
The selection is exceptionally large
large and varied, Here are some of
the most favored.
In Red Fox, Yukon Fox, Black
Black Lynx, White Fox, French Con
ey, Mole Skins, Cros Fox, W ute Ice
land Fox, Japanese Mink— $10,00 to
T he Newest Millinery
Many mid season styles innova
tions are prominent in the lisa lays
which include the most des 1 --.e colors
s uch ag rich dark brown, taup purpie,
and black. Prices start at $2,50,3,50
5,00, and 7,50.
We have arranged for a
series of six interesting articles,
"War Talks, oy Uncle Dan,"
written by Mr. Howard H.
' president of Untver.
oss, the
,, y Training League, of
" •< first They
L-ttcrs . oT*^#^ tell
. mi , lt
.U, o.tate of John O-
of *M <iounlv,
qiilcfly to ffi* hlC oTThiTalireB \fItB
Inrge numbers of men and help thou*
break the G«mn llM. Unless we cna
beat tb ® submarine they may t>re4
** ftt ftT>m «»Migh food to
J® 10 •JJ*® «*nnany 8 t0 ***P wo-id *U. #>ing. In that
As matter*
»tand today, our neatest need Is
trained men. If we had had serera!;
do not bettor* Its Kaiser would bar*
forced the war up a «•. As it was, ha.
’V* had no **«<>"“h rwpoct fc? us,*bd now we ‘t* * k*\
off?? *«■» »• *» caught av