The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, January 13, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. Organ of Franklin County, I on. J. mcconnei.i. ami uko. s. min u rs, EnirouH ani> PnoriUKTOttf. 4'ARSESV1LI.K, HA., MONDAY, JAN. 13,1*90. REMEMBER THIS. If you owe me anything and don’t find your note or account in the bai¬ liff’s hands, you will save cost by call¬ ing ou me and settling at once. I am compelled to raise money. This is my last call. Take fair warn¬ ing. Resjiectfully, II. M. Freeman. A New Firm in Carnesville. Welborn Bros., consisting of C. R. and W. (i. Welborn, have bought out Adcrhold & Spears. The new firm will occupy the store-room now oc¬ cupied by Adcrhold it Spears. The Welborn boys are young men of good habits and integrity. We wish for them much success in their new line. 4 Representative Men of the Alliance. It was our good fortune a few days since to look on the representative men of the Farmers’ Alliance of Franklin county, and we do not hesi¬ tate to say that they were as intelli¬ gent and determined looking body of men as we ever saw. We have watched their work with much inter¬ est, and are gratified to know that they have done much for the good of their country. We extend to them bur highest regards. We Want It Here. 3Ir. S. 31. Ayers paid a flying visit to Elberton Thursday and returned Friday. He reports the little city as being on a considerable boom, and speaks very highly of her citizens for the open manner in which they re¬ ceived him. We think Mr. Ayers is somewhat interested in establishing a shoo fac tory at Ellierton or Carnesville. We hope he will decide to establish the factory here, as Mr. Ayers is a good judge of business, and makes every¬ thing a success he takes hold of. Carnesville will notallow Elberton to scoop her iu this way. Twelve Feet Under Rock. Bill Connor, a Colored man living with 31 r. John A. Moore, came very nearly losing his life* a few days since while working in a well for 31r. Will 3foore. The wall fell in on and cov¬ ered Iiim twelve feet with rock, as was afterwards ascertained by meas¬ uring the rope covered. As good luck had it the falling rock were im¬ peded by striking the bank before they reached his head, which no doubt saved his life. He was terribly bruised, but was not otherwise injured by his confinement of seven hours under the wall. Our Little Boy*. AVe feel it our duty to speak a few words to the parents of this town in regard to their boys. Our little boys are rude in the fullest sense of the word. They are on hand at every gathering, and do the principal part of the talking, whatever the subject matter may be. We have noticed their bad behavior more particularly at church, Sunday schools, debating societies and the Literary Circle than we have on the streets and public square. AA'e know that it is natural for them to romp and be boisterous, and we like to see them enjoy inno- cent sports, but when it comes to their taking the lead on all occasions we wish to enter our protest, AVe never have a public entertainment of any kind that their inexcusable bad behavior does not detract from its pleasantry. The Carnesville Literary Circle. The Literary Circle held its regu¬ lar meeting at the court house last Friday evening, and was enjoyed by everyone present. The speeches, recitations, dialogues, etc., were very entertaining. The following is the programme for next Friday: Address—A. N. King. Speech—L. .T. McConnell. Recitation—31iss 3lattie 3IcCon- noil. Speech—James 3fcConnelI. Essay—3Iiss Ellen Dortch. Debate -G. S. Phillips, J.W. Can¬ non, J. J. Rampley, Oiner Little. Recitation—Lilian Manky. Speech—I.oumis Little. Rea ’’.eg—3liss Mattie Skelton. Reading—31iss Minnie McEntire. Recitation—3Iiss Lula Eskew. The Circle meets Friday evening of every week at 7 o’clock, and every¬ body are cordially invited to attend. Subscribe for The Enterprise. Local Brevities. After thinking the matter over we have decided not to change our pub¬ lication day, as was stated in our last issue. The Enterprise will be pub¬ lished every 3fonday, and will reach the people as soon as the mails will carry it. The livery stable outlook is a little better. . First Tuesday, sale day, brought a large crowd. (’. R. Wolborn is carrying a nice line of millinery. Go to C. R. Welborn’s for Indies’ hats, trimmings, etc. The latest styles of Derby hats at he Enterprise Store. Corrie Hoyt tobacco found only at the Enterprise Store. Open up your boarding houses and help build up our school. If you want to buy mules or horses call on A. IV. 3IcConnell. Fresh garden seeds of all kinds at W. C. it J. R. MeEntire’s. Bottom prices on sugar, coffee and flour at the Enterprise Store. For the best flour kept in town go to \Y. C. & J. R. 3IcEntire’s. Carnesville dirt advances every day. This speaks for her future. Several droves of mules and horses have been in town for several days. Our public square needs leveling, and our young shade trees need more attention. Every one is pleased with Jeff Davis tobacco. Sold by W. C. & J. R. 3lcEntire. We are are anxious to see our 3Iav- or and Councilmen tackle the town with their gloves off. - The quarterly Alliance meeting on Wednesday was well attended by the sub-Alliances over the county. Go to W. C. it J. R. McEntire for the latest style jerseys and shawls^ which they will sell you at cost. If you want a good chew, chow Jeff Davis tobacco. Sold by W. C. & J. R. 3IcEntirc. 3Ir. T. L. Gantt has sold the El- berton Star to 3Iessrs. L. Schevenell and F. A. Williams, of Athens. Our merchants are getting in their new goods, and say they will have nice “ads” for us in our next issue. Peerless Cough Compound has no equal for colds, croup, sore-throat, etc. For sale at the Enterprise Store. Yon can certainly get bargains in winter clothing at W. C. it J. 1>. McEntire’s. They are selling them at cost. We accept with the kindest feelings' the proposition to smoke the pipe of peace with our contemporary, the Tribune. A. W. 3IcConnell lias just reached the town with a drove of mules and horses. If you want to buy examine his stock. We call attention to the advertise¬ ment of 3IcConnell & Cannon, found in another calunin. They are having a nice trade. Stop your cough before it devel¬ ops into consumption, by taking one bottle of I*. C. C. Sold at the En¬ terprise Store. Another saw mill could do a pay¬ ing business near this place. There is a demand for lumber such as we have never had. 31r. Dudley Looney has opened up at the Mrs. Keeling stand, and is prepared to do all kinds of sadlery and harness work. There is no tabaeco on the market for 33 1-3 cents per pound that will equal the Old Dominion. Found only at the Enterprise Store. All-wool blankets sold at W. C. it J. B. 31 e Entire’s at cost. Call and see them and we are satisfied you will not leave without buying. If you want to buy an organ or pi¬ ano, call on ill’s. Spencer M. Smith, of this place, who is connected with the 3Iusic House of Elberton. We learn that there was a Juvenile Society organized at the Carnesville New Baptist church yesterday after¬ noon, in the interest of foreign mis¬ sions. 3Ir. and Mrs. T. W. Williford, of Harmony Grove, are the guests of our town. AA'e are proud to see them and trust they will consent to make this their future home. Some man would find it a paying investment if he would erect a con¬ i siderable number of cottages in this place. The people cannot move to our town unless avc have houses for them. Wo call special attention to the advertisement of I)r. W. ('. Mattox in another oolunui. Givi* him a call for anything in the dental line. Wo arc glad to hoar of the good discipline that Mr. Morris is display¬ ing in his school. Successful schools arc not to he taught without it. There is no use in lying awake at night on account of coughing when one bottle of 1*. 0. will cure you. For sale at the Enterprise Store. The appearance of the Tribune under the management of Miss Ellen .1. Dortch is much improved. It is now one of the neatest ami newsiest sheets that comes to our office. Don’t let your teeth decay when a little work would save them. Dr. \V. C. Mattox has a dental room nicely fitted up at .las. A. Manley's and prepared do work on short no¬ tice. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. W.It. Little visited West Bowers- villc Friday. J. R. Parks attended court at Crump’s Friday. 1). IV. Brooks, of Lavonia, was in town last sale day. P. P. Proffitt is confined to his room with measles. J. C. Crow has sold his town prop¬ erty to R. F. Duncan. 3Ir. S. 31. Ayers visited Elberton last week on business. Mrs. S. J. O’Briant is improving and enlarging her residence. J. C. Blackwell visited his sister near Crump’s 31 ill last week. John W. Osborn, of Royston, vis¬ ited Carnesville last Tuesday. W. P. Elrod, of Reed Creek, Ilart county, was in town Saturday. R. F. Camp, Esq., visited Atlanta last week on professional business. II. R. Nelms, of Hartwell, was among his many friends here Tuesday. 3Irs. .T. W. Ayers visited relatives and friends near Bold Spring last week. Tom Bell, traveling salesman for John 1». Daniel, Atlanta, was in town Wednesday. 3Iisses Lla Langston and Anna Little, of Bold Spring, visited in town last week. 3Tr. AA'. F. 3IcConnell has moved to the residence recently occupied by J. M. Rampley. John A. Daley, representing 31. C. and J. F. Kiser & Co., Atlanta, was in town Saturday. A. V. Wcatherby, traveling sales¬ man for John Silvcy & Co., Atlanta, was in town Friday. T. R. Cheek, of Rowersville, was shaking hands with his many friends in town last Tuesday. 3fiss Henry Goodwin, of Dalton, Ga., who has been visiting relatives at this place, returned home last week. Bruce Smith and Jack Fawns- worth, traveling salesmen for 3Ioore, Marsh & Co., Atlanta, were in town Thursday. Capt. G. A. Pace, formerly of this county, but now a citizen of Ellis county, Texas, is here on a visit to relatives. Robt. White, of Tarrant county. Texas, son of Mr. Alex White, of this county, is in on a visit to rela¬ tives and friends. Col. J. S. Dortch lias been in At¬ lanta during the past week in the in¬ terest of a damage suit against the Richmond and Danville railroad. The young people enjoyed them¬ selves very pleasantly at the sociable given at the residence of 3Ir. J. S. Dortch last Wednesday evening. T. J. Goldsmith, representing Arm¬ strong, Cater it Co., the great Balti¬ more millinery and notion house, was here to sec* our merchants Saturday. Tom McConnell and Charley Mc¬ Entire left Saturday to enter the high school at Jefferson, Ga. We wish them much success in their studies. Mr. J. 31. Rampley has moved into town and now occupies the dwelling recently vacated by Mr. Carlisle Crow, who has gone back to his farm a few miles from town. 3Ir. Clark 3Iattox, father of our popular young dentist, Dr. A\ r . C, 3Iattox, was in town last week. 3Ir. 3Iattox is one of Elbert county’s lead¬ ing citizens and is an extensive planter. L. If. Crow has returned to Bow- ersville to resume his studies in the high school at that place. 31r. Crow is a gentleman in the highest sense of ] the word, and his many friends in Carnesville regret his leaving. Confederate 8umvor*' Association, Cakknnvh.j.k, Ga., Jan. 7,1800. —The survivors of the Confederate soldiers of Franklin county held a meeting in the court house to-day. On motion of Dan’I McKenzie, Captain Sligh was called to the chair, and W. A. Landrum requested to act as secretary. The ex-Confederate soldiers present were then extended an opportunity of joining said Associ¬ ation, and the following names were enrolled: 1). McKenzie, Company If, Third Georgia Regiment. H. A. Conger, Troup Artillery, Cabal’s Battalion. A. P.Carson, Company L», Fifteenth Georgia Regiment. R, Fif¬ J. II. Shannon, Company teenth Georgia Regiment. J. M. Andrews, Company I, Thirty- fourth Georgia Regiment. M. J. Coker, Company I), Sixteenth Georgia Regiment. D. M. Hosier, Company F, Thirty- seventh Georgia Regiment. \V. A. Landrum, Company A, Six¬ ty-fourth K. South Carolina. E, Orr’s S. Cannon, Company Rifles, South Carolina. J. II. Sligh, Company F, Twentieth South Carolina. J. R. Payne, Company R, Fifteenth Georgia. Dr. J. R. Tucker, Company F, Thirty-seventh Georgia. IV. J. Morgan, Company A, Twen¬ ty-fourth W. Georgia. Stephenson, Company II, A. Fifteenth Georgia. ,T. J. Browning,Company If,Fourth South Carolina. John Lee, Company A, Twentieth South Carolina. J. 31. Bagwell, Company If, Fifty- second Georgia. If, Fifty- J. H. Spears, Company second Georgia. Robert F. Pulliam, Company C, Thirty-first Mississippi. I, G. F. Willis, Company Thirty- fourth Georgia. 1). C. Cochran, Company F, Thir¬ ty-seventh Little, Georgia. If, Fifty- AY. C. Company second Georgia. G, J. 31. Farmer, Company Thirty- fourth Georgia. George N. Stovall, Company (!, Thirty-fourth Georgia. R, Fifteenth Captain Georgia. G. A. Face, Company Lieutenant 11. F. Ghappelcar, Com¬ pany R, Fifteenth Georgia. George I. Brown, Company R, Fifteenth Georgia. 1L D. Yow, Company D, State Line. James 31. Purcell, Company F, Thirty-seventh Georgia. A, Second N. II. 3Ioss, Company Georgia. Phillips, Orr’s Lieutenant J. M. Rifles, South Carolina. ]•’. P. Neal, Company R, Second Georgia, State Line. Company R, W. J. A. Goolsby, Twenty-fourth Georgia. L. N. Tribble, Company G,Thirty- fourth Georgia. On motion the Association was then permanently organized by the election of the following officers: J. II. Shannon, commander; J. 31. Phillips, adjutant; S. If. Cannon, sen¬ tinel; George T. Brown, chaplain; Dr. J. R. Tucker, surgeon; Daniel McKenzie, treasurer. On motion the Association adopted the name Camp Alillican, Franklin county, Georgia. On motion the first Tuesday in February was appointed for the next meeting at Camp 3Iillican—immedi¬ ately after sale hour. There being no further business the Association then adjourned. J. II. Such, Chairman. \V. A. Landrum, Secretary. AYc are requested to state that a roll of the above organization maybe found in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court, and that any who may wish to connect themselves with the Association, can do so at any time by application to Adjutant J. M. Phillips, who will be pleased to regis¬ ter your names upon the roll of the same. —------- CARNESVILLE RAILROAD. It seems that the Carnesville rail road enterprise is taking on an inter¬ est and a determination, which prom¬ ises to be more thorough and effecual than ever before. It seems to center on one thing; and that is, the road must now be built. Sure enough the prospects are better and brighter than they have been since the road was first named, and it will doubtless be put through this year, if matters con¬ tinue favorable as they are now. - American Union. Municipal Officers. At the election Saturday, January 4th, for municipal officers, the follow¬ ing were elected: 3Iayor— P. P. Proffitt. Councilmen—Jas. A. Manley, AV. II. Rampley, A. AV. 3IcConnelI and II. F. Aderhold. The Enterprise Store has control of the Old Dominion tobacco. It can be bought for 33 1-3 cents per pound by the retail, or 32 cents per pound by the box, put up in 20-lb boxes. i OUR NE10II BO lift. What the People Are Doing in Our Sister Towns. ItANIKT.SVir.l.E MONITOR. The political pot is lieginuing to boil. Mr. J. S. Watisloy made 4,000 lbs. of seed cotton on 3 acres of land, about one mile from town, last season. Grandma Loft is, the mother of Mr. Win. Loft is, near Faoli, is recovering from her recent illness. She is about ill years old. Our people are anxious for a cold spell just now, as there are a great many hogs to kill, and the weather is too warm to save them. 3frs. R. E. Fortson has a basket made of broom straw, that she can prove to he nearly 200 years old, and yet it holds feathers all right and will probably do for that purpose for one hundred years more. It is reported that 31r. Finch, who killed the negro near Fowler’s bar¬ room, in this county, gave himself up to the authorities last week, stood his trial at a justice court in Pittman district, and was acquitted on the plea of justification, that was self defense. HARTWELL SUN. There are several cases of measles in town. Our streets are being well and ex¬ tensively worked. Some of our citizens report volun¬ teer Irish potatoes as large as hen egg*- Mr. .T. W. Morris has half grown strawberries on the vines in his gar¬ den—and this is winter! The Banner says Prof J. AY. Ma- gill is one of the finest cornetist ever seen in Athens, and that he will make that city his future home. The Hartwell High School starts the new year under flattering auspi- cos. There are seventy pupils in regular attcndence, with a number in sight. AMERICAN UNION. “La Grippe” brings the proudest man to his sneeze. The firm of Jordan Bros, of this place, has dissolved and their business hereafter will be conducted by R. P. Jordan, who is successor. We suppose the work for broaden¬ ing the Elberton road will commence in a very short time. AA'e learn that it is to be completed in time for the* business season. S. P. Rond will soon have the new addition to hi; dwelling completed. It will add much to the convenience of his place. The school here under tlm care of Prof. Flavcl Rond is progressing very satisfactorily and successfully. Com¬ mencing only last week, it already numbers an attendance very encour¬ aging, for the season. It is likely to reach 75 or 80 pupils. TOCCOA NEWS. Air. C. Watts of Tugalo, says the wheat fly, in large swarms, are cov¬ ering the wheat fields, and he fears they may do much damage. The wheat is now growing finely and pre¬ sents a very promising appearance. A\L R. Bruce lias rented a portion of his large brick warehose to f Iu; bank stoi k holders, which will be fit¬ ted up for the Rank. This is a strong building, and in a good location for banking purposes. The firm of McAllister Simmons has dissolved. T. AAL AlcAllisterhas bought the business at Lavonia, and J. R. Simmons purchased thoToccoa establishment. These young ener¬ getic men will hereafter run these large stores alone in the respective cities: • * Notice. (®- That our readers may he de¬ prived of nothing of interest to them, we will publish the Sheriff sales gratis. Ei.len J. Dortch, Editor Franklin Co. Tribune. Jan. 7, 181)0. A\ r e learn that on Thursday night last M. Parker Hix was successful in securing for a bride , without permis¬ sion of her parents, Miss Julia Har¬ bor, daughter of Mr. Jasper Harbor. Also on the following night Mr. Eb- eneczer Addison had the same good luck in the same manner in securing a daughter of 3Ir. Jack Andrews. All of this county. Carnesville is the most progressive country town in North-east Georgia. She has more churches, doctors, law¬ yers, and does more mercantile busi¬ ness than any town of her size to our knowledge. People Hero utid There. The sermon of Rev, Dr. J. W. Lee on Henry W. Grady has been print¬ ed in a number of Northern papers, and is in demand in that section. George II. Ilaker, the Philadelphia poet, who died the other day, was a successful man of affairs all his life. Explorer Stanley is said to be very uninteresting as a lecturer. Mark Twain is growing lazy, and spends hours at a time playing with a big black cat. Rev. Dr. John Hall, of New York, is paid $20,000 a year by his church. The Princess of Wales is following the fashions set by Amelie Hives- Chandler. Prof. John S. Newberry says that man has inhabited the earth 80,000 years. The New York Tribune suggests Rob Ingersoll for pastor of Plymouth Church. The tomb of Jefferson Davis is guarded day and night. Mayor Davidson,of Rultimore, Md., says that every city official who will not pay his debts must be discharged. Lady Londonderry spends one day out of every ten in bed. She says the rest preserves her beauty. It is said that Harry Edwards, the story writer, refers all doubtful ques¬ tions of dialect to his wife, who is quite an authority. To-day is Justice’s Court day, and judging from the number of people in attendance, there must be consid¬ erable business. Lohrnis Little is clerking for 3Ian- ley it Uro. This Space Belongs to Welborn Bros., Whose Advertisement AA’ill Appear in a Short Time. A. N. KING, *€•- Attorney at Law and Real Es¬ tate Agent, CARNESVILLE, - - GEORGIA. CaF’Office in court house. l-tf If you want a first class road cart, call on A. \V. McConnell. Sheriff &all£>, AIT Yw ILL Ikj on f ile fir J ton t Titer* in l;ty *»ii<l iii February iiCNt, at die Court re counts, within FU? )egj?«l Mir.' of salt*, to the highest hiiht* t tor <*a*li, tlig loHowirt^ property, to-wit: A life ¬ time Intern t of Mrs. At. M. $ turner in 'lying #7 ami eij'lit-tenths the ftttth dlutriet, r.eros U. of M. land, of more Franklin or county, act # on Hunters lhiktiiig ( reek, adjoining kind* o; 1\<\ (riiUVnie, efiiUliwn L. L). find hmdrt nelojigingt.othe of M# W* Martin, deceased, nsoi iK'lng the dow.ft* of said M . Starnes jji Ui»' land# of her J m iner hiif hanri, M. VV. Martin, FxjjJdui set apart to her at tli o amt March tenn, fully ttftJTs described of fn .%ifierlor the Court, Ln’tli more d s.iia dower nro^tedieg.-w a plat of Said tome pi at is t<* are well-improved, laid M. M. Starnes 1 >vuhI to salipJy on as execution the property issued of an from the Justices Court of the 211th district, <i. M., in This favor January of K. 4th, A. Mabry against M. AL Starnes. 18H0. ,i.<\ MMkskcil, Sheriff. ALSO at the samt*. tin* uiul plar., three undi¬ vided one-tenth hitcreKs hi a tract or ]>arocl of land lying ill Haiti county on the water** of North Jtroau Klver jM., adjoining and Turkey lands Fm of k. in J. the R. Uobtrt«on, 2Mth dis¬ trict, («. ih II. and other*, contain¬ S. K. Camion, burton, ing acre** more or less, Ixdng three individual interests in tlie place whereon Mr*. Mary (’. r.ugweli now Uves. The undivided three-tenth** internets Hold as the reversionary intere.»tfl form¬ owned by three of the heirs-at-law of W. \V„ Harwell, deceased, and deeded to H. It. Nelms. Solti tl as fa the issu'd property from of Franklin II. It. Nelms Superior 1»y virtue Court of in of JL FhillipH & Co. vs. H. It. Nehn*. Crop- jMjinted out by ^laintitrs attorney. Written given tenant in possession. Thin January 181)0 , J. C. McConnell, Flier iff. A CHANGE. The store house formerly occupied occupied by McConnell Bros, is now by -Messrs. I Firm consisting of J. C. 3IeConneJl and J. W. Cannon, the latter con¬ ducting the business. The new firm are receiving daily NEW GOODS —OF— -*s ALL « KINDS I *- And are fast filling tip their 3Iaui- moth Store Room, and hope by LOW PRICES and prompt attention to merit a lib¬ eral patronage. 1-tf Dental Work! -o- DR. W. C. MATTOX — IS— Located Permanehtlj -H T * CARNESVILLE. ---o- Nice room and office at .Tawics A- Manley’s. AYork neatly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. l-iiu NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! o metis * 3 * mmm Is opening arp a first-class line of New Goods at BOTTOM PRICES. ■o lie would be gln».i luce his friend* come and see hint when in town. l-lni THIS SPACE BVN.ONOS TO W, C» & J. B. McENTIRE, Whose segment will -Appear is ■m iUvtrt iiuuE THIS SPACE BELOMJS TO ^Manley Brothers^ Wtiose advertisement will Appear in a abort Time.