The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, February 03, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE, Officiai_Organ f Mila Cossty . FubOsHId EV EUY MONDAY . J.ON..1. McCONKr.Lt. AND CEO. s. I'HII.urS, J'XUTOUS AND PttOITJJF.J’Oys. CARNESVILLE, OA., MONDAY, FEU, 3,1800. DIRECTORY, CHUKCHI'*?. Baptist—New Carnesvillt*—Pa?tor, Suu&iy Rev. J. .J. fceck; preaching every Fecund ami .Sat¬ urday Baptist—Cross before. Roads—Pastor, Rev. E. L. Risk; preaching, first Sunday and Saturday before. Presbyterian—Pastor, Rev. <«. H. Cartledge; preaching' Methodist,—Pastor, every third Sunday. Rev. V* O. B. England; . nreaebuig fourth Sunday and Saturday before. * Sunday school at eacnehuroh ut 9 a. m. TOWN GOVERNMEXT. Mayor—P. (UAUicilmpn—B. ]\ Proffitt. AdeihoHl, A. W. McCon- E. Hflll, .Fame# A. Manley, \V. II. JluinpJey. COUNTY OITIOKUH. l Cleric—J. Ordinary—Daniel M. Phillips, McKenzie, Carnesville. Carnesville. Mieritf—J. <\ McConnell, Carnesville. Tax Collector—la. J. Green, Carnesville. Tax Receiver—.1. it. Leerov, Livonia. Treasurer—T. c. Burton, Iron Rook. Coroner—H. H. Hayes, Mize. .County Commissioner^—J. M. Andrews, Mize; Ti. j. Cramp, Mize; W. Y. Holbrook, Bold Spring. fillin' fAI.KMl.Ul. .Superior Court convenes every fourth Monday in R. March B. Russell, and September. solicitor general. N. L. Hutchins, judge* JUSTICES’ COURT. Carnesville—J. ]'. ( raw ford, J. P.; 8. M. bailiffs, Ayer- 5 , N. P.; court day every second Monday; AV. O. Randall and .1. M. Rampley. BUSINESS LOCALS. Oatmeal at Blackwell’s. Oats at McConnell & Cannon’s. For harness call on A. W. Mc¬ Connell. Hats from 25 cents to §4 at Mc¬ Connell it Cannon’s. You will save money by going to W- C. & J. B. MeEiitire’s for sugar, Coffee, meat, flour or anything in the grocery line. Bottom prices on sugar, coffee and flour at the Enterpiise Store. Diamond dye at Blackwell’s. There is no use in lying awake at night on account of coughing when Due bottle of F. C. C. will cure you. For sale at the Enterprise Store. The best apple vinegar at Black¬ well’s. Confederate Veteran cigar is the best 5-eenter on the market. Found only at McConnell & Cannon’s. Death to high prices! Welborn & Bro. are slaughtering juices on boots and shoes. ■ ,0 tl> V . C . &. .i. McKntiie f<*i Cooking stoves. I hoy can suit von with the best and cheapest stove ever brought to Carnesville. fs-top your cougli before it devel¬ ops into consumption, by taking one bottle of P. C. C. IS old at the Eli* terprise Store. Money saved is money made, and when you want the best tobacco for the least money go to Vv. C. & J. B, MeEiitire’s. Peerless Cough Compound has no equal for colds, croup, sore-throat, etc. For sale at the Enterprise Store. McConnell & Cannon have the best Stock of shoes in town. If you want a cart, buggy or wagon, it would be to your interest to see A. W. McConnell before purchasing. Flower seeds at the Enterprise Store. Beautify your boynes. Fresh garden seeds at Welborn & Bro.’s. If von want to buy mules or horses call on -V. W. McCoiinell. Con ic Iloyt tobacco found only at the Enterprise Store. Old Dominion tobacco at McCon¬ nell ifc Cannon’s. If you want a first class road cart, gall on A. W. McConnell. Welborn & Bro. are selling the finest flour in town. The Enterprise Store lias control of ^he Old Dominion tobacco. It can be bought for )S-i 1-3 cents per pound by the retail, or 32 cents per pound by the box, put up in 20-lb boxes. The latest styles of Derby hats at be Enterprise .Store. Welborn & Bro.’s is the place to buy your plantation ^Applies. Lavonia Business Locals. Ladies’ glow- grain congress, shoes for 75ets. av T. II. Roberta. Buy your furniture from T. Roberts. Zinc trunks at T. Ir. Roberts. T wen tv grades of tobacco at Ilay- nie’s. Jfc sells cheap. Canned goods of all kinds at llay- nic’s. Try a glass of soda water at W. IL IiayuLe’s. ( ... .xunod , good.i , ]>! .... (*p;n e*t m ctcij , 8tj ic* at , Ilajnije Tr s. Haytiie is always ready to serve vou with soinetliing good. Subscribe for Tun Fnteei’Kise. Local Brevities. Carnesville needs sign pajjitei for several days, T,. J. McConnell has moved to his new residence. • Hartwell has three building and loan associations. Adolphus Manley has found water bjit no manganese. A. W, McConnell's warehouse is nearing completion. Wanted—A healthy William goat to eat spring poetry. Harmony Grove’s new brick acad¬ emy will cost §8,000. We thank our correspondents for their interesting letters tnis week. A. .T. Xoal is building and making valuable improvements on his farm. Mrs. J. C. Blackwell has been vis¬ iting relatives in Lavnnia this week. The best investment you can make is to put your money in Carnesville dirt. J. C. Blackwell has a peanut roast¬ er. Who says Carnesville is not on a boom ? Norman Sharp, traveling salesman for the Athens Hardware Co., was in town Friday. We predict that to-morrow’s rail¬ road meeting will be one of determi¬ nation and success. 'l'lie editor of the Hartwell Sim was presented with a fine gold watch last week by a friend, J. J. Rampley is making a fortune hauling goods. He thinks the rail¬ road would bo a poor thing. There are more new houses being built in Franklin county than were ever known at one time bofcii. Ben Aderliold and A. W. McCon¬ nell are speaking of starting a door and sash factory in Carnesville. Mr. A. B. Sullivan and lady, of Holland’s Store, S. C., visited rela¬ tives in and near town last week. If you want to do your county and yourself service attend the railroad meeting to-morrow and do your duty. Henry W. Grady was a Knight of Honor, and his wife lias received sjpyjOO from the widow’s benefit fund, See to it that- your neighbors and friends are thoroughly aroused to the importance of to-morrow’s railroad meeting. Ed. F. McGowan, the junior editor of the Danielsville Monitor, was elect¬ ed town commissioner of the town of Danielsville last week. : ] Xjevcrsecsuch weather ?—Hart well Sun. Nodidjew. But we’ll be Flowed if there won’t be a change, as sure as time Marches on. The population of Hartwell is now thought to be about 1,000. The Sun says there is no boom, but that the town is growing steadily. Go to the court house to-morrow with the determination that the Carnesville railroad shall have your support to the best of your ability. We call attention to the advertise¬ ment of J. P. Adair. Mr. Adair is handling the latest and best improved farming machinery that can be pro- eured. T Let send . the , good . all us news over ,, r ranklin , countv Wednesday , , morning . tjiat , plans , tor the completion . ot , next the , Carnesville ,, railroad have , , been poi'ieetcd. , , Attention is called to the adver¬ tisement of the Hardware Store, Har¬ mony Grove, Ga. They are head¬ quarters for this section for iqiytliing in their line, Some of the hoys around town are are going to get into trouble if they don’t stop some of their doings. This way of breaking down gardens and hiding locks that belong to other peo¬ ple will not be tolerated. W. A, Scoggins, sheriff of Banks county, brought in Martin Neal Thursday night. Neal is who negro that gave Brainier Flood the terrible blow on his head not long since with a rock. The matter w;',s settled ami Neal went his way rejoicing. is the talk that the Carnesville V U r railroad will be bur't and that the termini of tfiy line will be Caruesviilo mid Hartwell, and that (he rolling yt<Hjk now used on the E. A, L. U. will be transferred to, ike Hartwell and C’arncsvillo lailroad.—Haitweli t;„ n> - there «. I LiglUvOVS,I, i .„, 0ul;O r„M Men, : k.!c ,I„v i * , I i licadav, AiliaiH’e luccling \v canes- i v j day, court , at . Stranges , , r J r hursuay . , and , j p.j; u j xv ;ii e Saturday. We expect j t j, ( . j Vl0 J^jjcr days wii! t>e the largest V.vl: L>oii. CarnesvilL'’i; merchants arc gening in new spring goods. Clint Blackwell says he will make a fortune whether the railroad comes or not.. Let everybody attend and feel in¬ terested in the railroad meeting to, morrow. M, C. Rampley has bought him a fine double turnout—buggy, harness and mules. The Literary Circle had an inter¬ esting and pleasant entertainment Friday night. Deal with the men who advertise, my son; you will never lose bv it.— Ben Franklin. The last issue of the Elbertou Star is one of the neatest and newsiest weeklies we have seen. Can the world know a man has a good tliing unless lie advertises the possession of it.—Vanderbilt. The farmers in Franklin county are in a better condition financially than they have been for several years. Dr. A. L. Payne and family have moved to Fort Lamar. Doctor is a proficient physician and an esteem- able gentleman. We bespeak for him a tine practice. Mr. Frank White, the well-known and popular Atlanta drummer, was seriously hurt at Central, S. C., on Monday. His horse became fright¬ ened at a locomotive and started to Tun. Mr. White sprang from the buggy, receiving severe internal inju¬ ries___Hartwell Sun. A NEW FIRM. J. M. Carson is now a partner in the Enterprise Store, the linn eon- .-i-ting of L. J. McConnell and J. M. Carson. Our Correspondents. RED HILL. Mrs. Fannie ITunnicutt has been quite ill for several days. A few eases of measles of a mild type are reported in the upper part of our village. D. C. Crenshaw and wife are visit¬ ing friends and relatives in South Carolina this week. While yen arc speaking of fine porkers and successful hog-raisers, we would like to state that B, P, Vandiver slew one a Jew days since which weighed over four hundred pounds. Miss Ella Davis has left us to take charge of a school near Westminster, 8. C. We congratulate her patrons on securing Miss Ella’s services, as she is a most excellent young lady and a good teacher. Mr. B. S. M. Vandiver kindly en¬ tertained his young friends on his birthday by a quilting and splendid dinner in the day, and an enjoyable singing at night. His guests all de¬ parted wishing it was so arranged that a mail might have two birthdays in a year. The young men of our village have formed themselves into a society for mutual self-protection, and firmly re¬ solved that any widower, or old bachelor, from Carnesville, Hartwell, ... 1 elsewhere found m these occoa or ; with . , matrimonial . designs shall mails, surely bo dealt , , with .. the , , law (li¬ as irects. : Our young people will organize a social and literary society in a short time. We have the material, and nothing would be pleasanter and more improving during these long winter evenings, and in days to come will add to our store of pleasant mem¬ ories and our stock of general Infor¬ mation. We were loser and Hartwell gainer Ly a matrimonial transaction last Sunday night. Mr. Win, Barker and Miss Mattie Cox were the par¬ ties contracting. Miss Mattie was one of our brightest and pleasantest young ladies, and quite a favorite, so¬ cially. We hope the gods may smile upon their pathway t!trough life. Red Hill High School, under the ,management oJj Prof. J. R. Deavors, (is luaving on finely; new students joining ^ in every week, some hoard- !, g pupils, and WW V-Vpccted. Our i‘*co|»le know what a good school. >s •oi th to their hoys and gfijs and to jOie community to have at school large, the and equal always of a Kvery el.iren a ,:,l<e,„ g h»p«.,ll„ltc >*J l«M‘* «««». n One oi .. our , Lest citizens, . , alter , a visit ... to Jackson . , county, . and , compar- ing it with Franklin, came home and 1 raised the price of his farm live hun- [died dollars,thereby showing that lie j gave the decision in favor of Frank We have been over Georgia from the Savannah on the east to the Chattahoochee on 1 he west, Slid our own county com¬ pares favorably with any you find, in any respect. With a good school in every district, and a good newspaper in every home, progress and prosperity will be marked char¬ acteristics of our people. Gluon, Royston. J. S. Campbell lias typhoid lever. Dr. W. 1*. Deadwyly, of Elbertou, was in town a few days ago. Miss Lila Brown, of Elbertou, has been visiting in town recently. Mrs. .1. II. Maxwell, of Elbertou, is teaching a class in music in town. J, W. Turner and G. P. Gary vis¬ ited friends in Hart county on last Sunday. Dr. J. I). Veal Informs us that Lewis, son of Rev. II. P. Osborn is very low with pneumonia. I.. F. Lenhardt, of Carnesville, was in town last Thursday, and of course talked up The E.ntkkimmsh. D. A. Baker's little daughter, Jo- neal, fell in the fire on last Wednes¬ day and was severely burned. We now have two hotels—the Cunningham and Dobbs—where hun¬ gry travelers can get their fill. Spurgeon, infant son of W. A. Crow, is very low with gangrene of the mouth, and liis recovery is very doubtful. A magic lantern show exhibited in the school bouse on last Monday night to a good crowd of our “fellow citizens.” Our school, under the efficient management of Prof. J. A. Neese and Miss Julia Wilder, is in a flour¬ ishing condition. It lias grown too large for the present building, and the contract for building an addition 21x50 feet lias been let out. Jonathan Clodhopper. Bowersville. M. F. Nelms is at home this week recuperating. 8. B. Segar, of Bowman, was in town yesterday. Luther Hall, of Bowman, has en¬ tered school here. W. F. Weaver has sold out his livery business to Wilber Roberts. S. T. Fleming is opening up a su¬ perb stock of goods in his new store room. E. W. Roberts and wife arc visit¬ ing relatives in Walton county this week. IV. B. Westbrook, of near Carnes¬ ville, is attending the Bowersville High School. Bodie Matthews, of Hartwell, who is a student at the University, was in town yesterday. Charlie Looney now owns a bird dog, and he brings in some of the feathery tribe daily. L. Ayti ii. Flintsville. La grippe lias a grip upon our com¬ munity, and it is a bad grip. A, W. McConnell, of Carnesville, lias sold several mules in our neigh- hood. 0, L, Mize has been doing, a fine business, and his store presents a metropolitan appearance. Prof. R. F. Sullivan has a thriving school at New Hope, with an atten¬ dance of about 00 pupils. According to Tom Payne’s testi¬ mony the “sweet little girl with the golden curls” is now large enough. We are glad to note that John Holcomb’s little boy, who had the hone taken out of his leg, is eon va¬ lesing. Rev. Andrew Gobi, has an appoint¬ ment at Flat Hock every second Sun¬ day. Wo are glad to welcome Mr. Cobb as a preacher and neighbor, Jo All. FARf-AER’s AcademY\ W, P..King ginnedftbout 490 lades of cotton thw sea&on. | Mis. L. I). Bolding, who lia.s hgeu quite ill, is improving. Farmers have been busy sowing oats and breaking land. 1., D. Bolding lost some of his, ' * ^ '. » II. I ,b«»l , to M returned home from a protract^ to her . filler near Gamesv£U\ Lum Mabry has gone to Jeffercon with G. L. King. We are sorry to 'lose him. Jay Ex. or it nuiouuoks. Wwat the People Are Doing in Our Sister Towns, <1 W!'i WI0I.1, SUN. Mr. W. H, Williams lias been eon- lined to his room this week with a severe cold. Miss Nimquie Williams has meas¬ les at the Wesleyan Female College, Macon. This is the second time she lias had measles, we hope it will be tile last. Our clever young friend, Charlie Norman, will accept thanks for a tine fat 'possum. He is u successful hun¬ ter and caught 24 pounds of 'possum the other night. Our efficient Clerk of Court, Mr. M. M. Richardson, asserts that he hoard a dove cooing .Monday, and thinks it a sign that spring is at hand. Mr. M. C. I Luton, a talented young gentleman who is very popular in Hartwell, has been elected one of the spring debaters of the Phi Kappa Society of the State University. ELT1KKTON STAR. The old Methodist church building is being torn down and removed. Elbertou lias received over thirteen thousand bales of cotton the present season. The stable men estimate t hat there will be over 409 mules sold in Elber¬ tou this season. The Banner says: A prominent, cit¬ izen of Elbertou, who is well known in Athens, made $8,54)0 in the rise in cotton. W. A. Swift, jr„ returned from Oxford last Tuesday on account of failing health. President Shannon, of the Ilartis- Allen Library Association purchased 105 volumes of standard works for the library. J. F. Geer, jr., the recently ap- pointed postmaster at Pen field com¬ mitted last Sunday morning, by shooting himself with a pistol. DANTKl.sylt.I.E MONITOR. Tic scliooF;is still booming. Sev¬ enty pupils liave been enrolled up to this week. There are more pretty girls in Pan- ielsville and vicinity than in any other towe in the State. Mr. Wylie Simmons is making val¬ uable additions to 1 , : s house on the square. When completed in’., will be one of the neatest homes in town. Sheriff Sales \\J ILL fio sold oh Tuesday in February county, W next, at the Court, House the in*said highest bidder within the legal hours of salt,to lor ea^h, the io! low nig property, to-wit: A life¬ time interest of Mrs. Al. M. Starnes ill 87 and eight-tenths acres of land, more or less, lying in the 2Fdtit di.rtriet, (J.M., oi Franklin county, on llunUr.i Holding Cre» k, adjoining lands o j }\C. (lillispie, children 1,. J>. ami lands belonging to the of M. VV. Martin, deceased, and being the dower of said M. M. .Starnes in the lands of her former husband, M. W. Martin, set apart to he r at the March term, 1885, of f ranklin Superior Court, and more Indy described in a plat of the same at¬ tached well-improved. to said dower Levied proceedings. on as the Said property place of is said M. M. Starnes to satisfy an execution issued f rom t ha Justices Court of the 211th district, <}. in This favor of F. 4tli, A. Mabry 181M). again, t M. M. Starnes. January VITILL W be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, at the court house door in said coun¬ ty, within the legal hours of sale, to the to-wit: highest bidder for cash, the following property, One equal and undivided one-fifth interest in a tract oi land lying in said eotmty on tho south side of Nails creek, adjoining lands of the estate of Lewis 8he!toil, l>. H. Hull mid W. A. JJooper, and being the place whereon 1>. H. Hull now lives, containg one hundred and twenty-five acres more or less. Said land levied on as the property of Sarah M. A. Hooper to satisfy an execution issued Ironi the Superior Court of suid county iu favor of David If. llal! et ah, lor tin* use of the officers of pointed court against by deft Sarah ndant. M. A. Hooper. Property out ALSO at interest the same belonging time and place, all the of right i. N. title and to the estate Hradfev, deceased, in n certain tract of land lying in said county on the headwaters of Turkey creek, Burroughs, adjoining II. lands of J. ami \V. Crump, Mrs. Malialcy <\ 11. <«. Freeman Bradley, containing ninety-six S'. acres, more or less, being the place that I. Bradley owned and lived on at the time of his death. Said place is very werl improved, flier*; being erected out-buddings, upon it a dwelling tliirtv-ilve liou-e with in necessury eu’tivailon. .Said inter¬ about acres est of said estate in said land being the absolute and fee hi mole title in anp to said tract of land encumbered by the dower of Nancy J. Levcrett, former’y Nancy J. Bradley, widow of i. N. icy, deceased, which dower haa been laid off and set apart out of fuid tract oi land and to which it is to no sold subject. Bradley, Said late land of levied said county, on as de¬ the property of 1. N. ceased, to Court satisfy of an said cxi-cMtion in issued favor of from ,Samuel tb.o Superior Morgan against A- J. Neal, county, administrator of 1. N. Bradley* deceased, and N. J. Bradley. ALSO at the same time and place, the b tick store room in the west end of the Masonic build¬ ing, in the town of Carnesville, Franklin county, stands, < Ja., together fronting with twenty-five the lot upon feet which and the running same back otic hundivd and ninety feet. This is a very valuable house ami lot, being com idefed the best business fctand in Carnesyilie. Levied and on as the property oi II. B. Nelms by virtue ol' to sat. isfy a li la isMied irom Franklin .Superior Court iu lavor of Fhil!ips«fc Co. against plaintiff*’ if. B. Nelms. 1'roperty Written*notice pointed given out tenants by in possession attorney. as re¬ quired bv law. Tfiis J. February C. Men ad, , 1890 . Sheriff. tN.NhLL, l’OSTFONKD KIIKKXFF BALK. ALSO ut the same time and place, three undi¬ vided one-tenth in said interests in a the or parcel of North ot land lying ( River and Turkey county Creek, on in waavrs the ZMtli dis- Broat triet, O. M., a.Jfoining lands of J. F R. Robertson* S. K. H. Burton, and others, contain¬ ing 3Ji() acres more or less, being three imiivhU*al tenth interests in the place whereon Mrs. Ma$y C. Bagwell now lives. The atuhvided three-tenths interests sold as tin; reversionary interests form¬ erly owned by three of the heirs-at-law of \V, W. Bagwell, deceased, and deeded t<> H. }/■ Nellis , .Sold ft lit as the issued, property from of F^udWHi H. Ik Nelms; Superior by virtue Court of in a Xavor of Ik i’hillins & i o. vs. II. B. Nelms. I'row- oily pointed giyerj out by plaintiff’s attorney. Written, noticu ~ tenant jjj possession. ThisFebriia*y Sheriff. k J. C. Mc< o v nvi;ul, To One and AH Of my {iid friends who want either Saddles, Bridles or Harness made ox repaired will find the old saddler, D. M. LOOWEY, at CarnesviHo to do their work, at the Col. Thou. Morris office, where he will he glad to see you all and work for all once more hi life. Yours, as ever, D-M- Looney, it. Hardware Store? HARMONY' DROVE, GA. ItE.ilKR'aUlWK H- Foil AU. KINDS -i-Olt Hardware ! Wagon and Buggy Materials, Fanning Implements, Ditching Shovels, Spades, etc,, etc., «ele. Doors, - Sash - and - Blinds. The “Royal Keen Kutter Ax” the best in the world. Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Gups, Rifle and Pistol Cartridges. Also COOK * STOVES. > * HEATING * STOVES. -r-— JV THE * LEADERS * IN Low Prices I W E ARE in our new quarters, and are ready to offer the public goods at prices that will secure their patronage. Our stock js complete as to assortment, We have entered tin 1 arena to take our place among the leaders in our fine, and if you know the value of a dollar we are hound to have a good portion of your tra<le •25 COME » AND o SEE « US. & West room ill MaNonjc building. Respectfully, Welborn & Bro. 8- 1 v. Caknebv<lle, Ga» 9- Look at This Space Next Week, U will Contain an Advertisement of the LARGEST Ah'll CHEAPEST STOCK OF GOODS IH TOWN, ft W. C. & J. B. M’ENTIRE, * MIDDLE BOOM, BRICK STORE. WAGONS BUGGIES, Carts 9 CUTAWAY HARROWS, PLANET JR., CULTIVATORS, Get my prices before buying. Gen¬ done eral blacksmitliing and repairing on short notice and as cheap as good work can be done. nos JAMES P. ADAIR. ELRERT 0 N * MUSIC HOUSE. A FULL LINK OF PIANOS, ORGANS, — AND — MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Always on hand at prices and terms within the reach of all. Mrb. J. H. Maxwell I Elbertou, Georgia. fj: 'Samples can be seen by calling on Mrs. Spencer M. Smith, of Carnes- villu. 4-21). Staple aufl Fancy- [Iroceries! — THE - LARGEST and NICEST STOCK — OF — Fancy and Stick Candies, Chewing Gum, Toilet Goods, Cologne, etc., on the Elbertou Ajrline Railroad. 1 keep on hand a good stock of Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Tobacco, Snuff and Sugars, Prices at the Bottom, Come and see me. Next door lo Brooks it Tabor. W. H. HAYNIE, 4-29. J.avonia, Ga. STOVES! TINWARE! — AND - * HOUoE > FURNISHING j C 00 D 3 . * ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE ABOVE LINE. At Mu* lowest [).oasil>U* ^uvct’.s. ROOFING AND GUTTERING Done anywhere protiijitly by best skilled workman. Call on or write for juices. J, H, Maxwell, 4-29. Elbertou, Ga. Coffins anil Fariffl! -O I carry a complete line of Coffins in all sizes. Furniture consisting of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chairs, Safes, etc. AiNTS AND I L S! I carry a fall line of Paints and Oils. Prices guaranteed satisfactory. T, H. ROBERTS, 4-29. Lavonia, Ga. A CHANGE. The store house formerly occupied by McConnell Bros, is now occupied by Messrs, » Firm consisting of J. C. McConnell and J. W. Cannon, the latter con- dueling the business. The new firm are receiving daily NEW GOODS OK— * 5 : ALL * KINDS! And are fast filling up their Mam¬ moth Store Room, and hope by LOW PRICES and prompt attention to merit a lib¬ eral patronage. 1 if CONFECTIONERIES! —AND— Fancy Grocery. -o-- My Store is Headquarters for any¬ thing that is good to eat. Prompt attention and • LOW * PRICES. Nvxt ituur to AJwhohl’s hotel. J. C. BLACKWELL, 3-28. Buggies, Carts, -AND- WAGONS! ANYTHING YOU WANT tN THE ABOVE LINE. Goods shipped to any point de¬ sired, or furnished here. Lowest prices for cash, or terms satisfactory ou time. Respectfully, 3-28 A. W. McGOHMELL. Dental Work! --- o DR, W. C, MATTOX —is— Located Permanently H* A T * C A R S E S ¥ IL L l 4 - o- Nice room and office at James A. Manley’s. Work neatly executed, and satisfaetioNk^juaranteed. 1-lUL