The Enterprise. (Carnesville, GA.) 1890-1???, February 17, 1890, Image 3

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THE ENTERPRISE. Official Organ of raoklio County. i'rm.3sj.iFi> Every Monday, I.ON..UcXONNKI.L ami Q*0. 8. HIU44P8, JJiiiy.nit 4 su rnoniiKTUKs. FAltNKKVIU.K, (iA., MONDAY, PEB. 17, 18D0. DIRECTORY. £HJT$CUKf). Jiwfc; Baptist—Now A’ljtf'RPKyilJc—J»uftt,or, Suutlay Rev. .T. J. urday be preaching lore. every ueound uiul Sat¬ Cross Iloa<Js— Bov, JO, Sage, I., Sisk; preaching every tliird Sundav. ; .sunciay sctowi at naidi at i) u. ui. ■row x no vlilts x r. s-f. .Oiiuioltmeii—JL). Mayor—P, P. Proffitt. poll, Jauiea A, Manley, F. AAgfhi/'A. \V. II. Rauniley. A. \V. McCon- COUNTY ori ii ^>^?:M n i'huuns^;t;n!^;ir esvule - ®x< Tax lleceU’er—J. IX. I.eeroy, Luvnnia. f Treasurer—T.f. oroner—H. 11. llaves, Burton, Mize. Iron Bock. fOl’^T CALENDAR. in Superior Aiujch nntl.September. Court eouvenca N. every l. iiutcjdus, fourth Mi ji nday ige; It. 11. Russell, solicitor general. /esnet-’’ eiieBT. ( .. arpep.yilte—J. ... 10. Crawford, J. 1\; S. M. Ayer*, w o : i2iMiafi U aj;d j 'NAtun^ ’ bailiffs ’ BUSINESS LOCALS. Headquarters for plow stocks, plow gear, harness, traces, lines, back- bands, clevises, heel bolts, laprings, ptc,, ?t Hardware Store, Harmony Drove, Ga. Oatmeal at Blackwell's, Oats at McConnell A; Cannon’s, For harness call on A, W. Me- Connell, The Enterprise Stove is getting in pew goods daily. Hats from 25 cents to $4 at Me- Connell & Cannon's. You will save money by going to W. C. & J. B. MeEntire's for sugar, coffee, meat, flour or anything in the grocery line. Bottom prices on sugar, coffee and flour at the Enterprise Store, Diamond dye at Blackwell’s. Tljere js no use ill lying awake at night on account of coughing when one bottle of P, C- C. will cure you, for sale at the Enterprise Store. The best apple vinegar at Blaek- >vell's. AY. C. & J. B. McEntlre will sell you a tobacco that is ahead of any¬ thing in top ?} for BO cents per pound. The latest styles of hats at the En¬ terprise Store. Confederate Veteran cigar is the best 5-center on the market, Found only at McConnell it Cannon’s. Death to high prices! Wcjborn & Bro. are slaughtering prices on boots ajid shoes. Go to AY. C. it .T. B. McEntire for Cooking stoves. They can suit you with the best and cheapest stove ever brought to Carnesville. Stop your cough before it devel¬ ops into consumption, by taking one bottle of P. C, C, Sold at the Ph>. terpvise Store. Money saved is money made, and When you want the best tobacco for tije Jeast money go to AY, C, it J, B. McEntire’x. Peerless Cough Compound has no equal fo}’ po]ds, croup, sore-throat, etc, Fpr sale at the Enterjuise Store. McConnell & Cannon have the best stock of shoes in town. Go to the Enterprise Store to buy your hats. If you want a cart, buggy or wagon, It Would lie to vour interest to see A, AY, McConnell before juirchasing. YV. C. it .1. B. Mop'd ire will cer¬ tainly save you money on anything you want to buy. Flower seeds at the Enterprise Store, Beautify your homes. Fresh garden seeds at Wejborn & Bro.’x, If you want to buy mules or horses call on A. W. McConnell. Cowrie Hoyt tobacco found only at the Enterprise Store. Old Dominion tobaccos at McCon¬ nell it Cannon’s, Jf you want a first class road cart, call on A. AY. McConnell. AVelWn «fc Pro, are selling the finest flour in town. The Enterprise Store has control of list' Q}d Dominion tobacco. It can be bought for 33 1-3 cents per pound by the retail, or 32 cents per pound by the box, put up in 20-lb boxes. The latest sti les of Derbv hats at ‘ he Enterprise Store. AVclbom it Bro.’s is the place to buy your plantation supplies. I have on the road a nice line of buggies & carts, which I bought at factory prices. A, AV. McConnell. Local Urevitib». Carnesvilje is a good market for rabbits. Miss Leila Westbrook visited town Saturday, P. P, Proffitt js tije champion pis¬ tol sliot of our town. We learn that W. D, Payne js se¬ riously ill with measles, This place is getting to be a good buggy and wagon market. ■**' J - C. 1 Hack well is suffering from a very severe attack of asthma. Cotton was higher last Friday than at any former period this season. Mr **• l. joii y , of walnut mn, 0,1 our strec ‘ ts la8t Thursday. Out* town has been flooded with '* D « htB ° f tbe g , V’ the past week., J - P- A *« r » ha 'i»g lumber de- hvered to build an ell to his dwelling. a Alls* Essie Fttw js visiting & her sis- _ f R. Little, of this place. ter » rs • >>• A negro fisticuff in town yesterday added a few dollars to tJit* city treas¬ ury. Several of the measle patients are con valesing, and are again on the streets. Dr. W. C. Mattox left last Wednes¬ day for Athens, Tenn., on profes¬ sional business. Prof. Barge will commence his writing school to-morrow night at the court house. Rev. G. II. Cartledge preached an excellent sermon at the Methodist c * iUIV ^ yesterday. It is said that Governor Gordon will enter the United States Senate without opposition. We believe there is more roek-bot- tom progress in Franklin county than has ever been before. We are glad to hear that Mrs. .1. X. Goolsby is improving, and hope she will soon recover. L. IT. Crow visited friends in town Saturday and Sunday. Carnesville is always glad to see him. Sloan Crawford, who is working for It. D. Vow A Co., Avalon, was in town last week on business. Wagons loaded witli mountain pro¬ duce have been numerous on our streets for several days past. "Willie Westbrook was up from Bowersville Saturday and Sunday visiting relatives and friends, A good blacksmith would do well to locate at Gum Spring, near N. C. Gordon’s, on the Athens road. It is amazingly amazing how crazy a sensible young roan can be when he Imagines himself violently in love. There was more disagreeable and wintry weather around Carnesville last week than has been this winter. There is more modesty on the part of Franklin county’s aspirants for of¬ fice this year than we have ever no¬ ticed before. Why not reorganize the debating society? Both it and the Literary Circle should be well attended, having one one week and the other the next. Messrs. W. II. llampley and J. C, McCarter, who were delegates from this county to the Hawkinsvillc Ag¬ ricultural Convention, have returned and report a good time generally. A large amount of freight is being hauled to this place every day, keep¬ ing several wagons busy, and we un¬ derstand the depot is crowded with Carnesville’s goods awaiting trans¬ portation. We hear several men spoken of as as probable candidates for the next Legislature, among them the names of J. II. Sligb, Dr. T. J. Holbrook, S. M. Ayers, W. II. Htnnpley, Col. J.S. Dortch and X, A. Fricks. A large class lias been made up to study penmanship under Prof. A. L. Barge. He is one of the finest pens- men in the South, and an experienced teacher. Exercises open to-morrow night (Tuesday) at the court house, The Danielsviile Monitor appears this week in a new dress. The Mon¬ itor is neat and newsy, Mr. Mc¬ Gowan, the business manager, is well and favorably known in Carnesville and Franklin county. Wc are pleased to note bis progress and wish him continued success. Assistant Teacher. The trustees of the Carnesville In- utitute have selected and procured the services of a competent teacher as assistant with Prof. A. J. Morris. As soon as the measles are over and the school will justify it the assistant will begin work. Subscribe for Tin; Enterprise. The Presbyterian Church Mr, Gao. llitt, of Toecoa, has (he contract to build tiro Presbyterian Church at this place. We under¬ stand the work will be eomujenml af an early day. A Writing School. Prof. A, Lewis Barge, tiro penman, is in town. He expects to soon begin teaching in Carnesville and adjacent places. Prof. Barge is a thorough penman, and thong wjjo desire instruc¬ tions in this line will do well to pat¬ ronize him. ♦ - Adjudged a Lunatic. Airs. Celia Carroll was before the Ordinary last Tuesday to be tried for lunacy. After being examined the jury adjudged her insane, and she will be sent to the Asylum at Mjl- ledgeville. Mrs. Carroll is an old lady, probably more than (15 years of age. To Our Correspondents. It would be a great accommodation to us to hear from our correspond¬ ents before the very last day of the week, as our publication day is on Monday and we do not have time to get in all of the letters from Saturday eve 4 o’clock by Monday noon. AA’e hope as many as can will get in their letters Thursday and Friday. Some we know cannot send in until Satur¬ day. However late you may be we are glad to hear from you. Confederate Survivors' Association, Camp Millican. Every member of Camp Millican, Confederate Survivors' Association of Franklin county, Ga., are earnestly requested to meet at the court house in Carnesville on the first Tuesday in March next, at 2 o’clock, p. m., as business of importance will be before the Camji. All veterans in the county who have not enrolled their names are cordially invited to attend. Come out and make the meeting interest¬ ing. It will be good to be there. The Tribune will jdease copy and oblige the old veterans. J. M. Phillips, Adjutant. Our Correspondents. CROMER’S MILL. Beautiful weather for February. The worm continues to eat the small grain. Sony to hear of the illness of J. D. Cromer, The farmers of this section are hauling guano. Prof. James R. Ilall has a flour¬ ishing school at Trinity academy. Last Thursday night it was very stormy in these parts, but no serious damage was done. The young people enjoyed a val¬ entine drawing at the residence of W. J. Haley’s on the 14th. Dr. Geo. AVestbrooks, of Cromers, has moved to Ila, the “free state” of .Madison, to practice his profession, Success to you, Doctor. Plow Boy. ROYSTON, Albert and Miss Emma Gary were in town last Saturday and Sunday on a brief visit home. Judge AV, F. Bowers was in town last Tuesday on business. Miss Texie Brown, of Eagle Grove, was visiting friends in town this week. Rev. AV. A. Cooper preached two very interesting and instructive ser¬ mons at the Methodist church Sun¬ day last. A\ r . M. Bowers had the misfortune to lose his “little gray animule” a few days ago, Charlie Munier has been on a visit to his home near Martin this week. The young people have erected a private telegraph line in town. AV. F. Weaver, of Brrtwcrsville, was in town this week driving the drummers. Miss Laura Crow, of Madison county, is visiting friends near town. Mrs. J. If. Maxwell will give a eon- cert at the close of her music class. AVe are glad to see J. S. Campbell able to be on our streets again after liis severe illness. H. B. Dickerson, of Hart county, was in town last Sunday. The following letter—of interest to the person who wrote it—was left on the counter at Royston & Son’s store a few days ngo: “What about lime prow? I would In* glad to git it. I am got to do some tradin’ on time an’ J would be glad Jo (fn it w jth voy,” J. .T. Bond had a very fitn* cow -to ilie a few days ago. Jiuncs AN’". Turner has had bis buggy repainted and bought a new suit of jjJojtbes, Look opt! C. D. Turner went hunting tin* other day ami kiiied seven birds at one shot. Prof. Xeese has moved the school to the church, while tiro work o;> the new academy is in progress. Frank M. Cook. STEVEN’S CREEK. A large crowd attended services at Hopewell lust second Sunday. Sunday school is now held every Sunday evening at Miller’s academy. AA'e had the pleasure of attending a singing at Mr, Jonathan Morgan's last Sunday afternoon. One of the boys got left Sunday evening—that is, a mule left one of the boys. JL B. Moore and J. W. Wansley visited in and near Cleveland, S, C„ last week. Miss Mattie Gillispie is visiting rel¬ atives and friends near Miller’s acad¬ emy this week. John C. McCarter seems to be in the clearing business this year, hav¬ ing cleared about fifty acres in the last few months. There are some young men living near Carnesville who seem to be pay¬ ing much attention to the young ladies in Flintsville. Go ahead boys while you are young, for ere long you will be old and lluss-ty, A young man, whose name we will not mention, was telling his mother about his best girl jilting him, atid lie seemed to take it very much to heart . To console him his mother said: •‘Don’t grieve about it, my son; there are as big fish in the sea as lias ever been caught..” “I know that, moth¬ er,” he replied, sadly, “but she was a whale.” Jack the Wagoner. OUR NEIGHBORS. What the People Are Dome in Our Sister Towns. HARTWELL - SIX. The Literary Society is on a boom. Quite a number joined at the last meeting. The friends of Rev. M. T.. Carswell are gratified to see him up and about again. An enterprising young lady of our town walks two miles into the coun¬ try each morning to teach school. All honor to all such brave and self- reliant young ladies. Drove after drove of horses and mules continue to come from Tennes¬ see and elsewhere. If our people would only give more attention to stock raising, a great deal of money would be kept at home that would be found mighty convenient. A gentleman who lives not far from Royston came into our office Monday to pay his subscription, and when he found that he was two years in arrears wanted to pay us the inter¬ est. It paralyzed us. Such an offer had never been made to us before. When we expressed our astonished gratification he begged us not to pub¬ lish bis name, as he would be ashamed for people to know that lie was so far behind for his paper, which was but a result of carelessness. The principal satisfies us. The Hartwell Bank is now on a boom. The farmers of our county have very wisely determined to pay cash for their supplies this year, and the bank has been furnishing them large amounts on satisfactory terms. A few days ago they made a loan of over $1,600 to one of the Alliance lodges of our county, which will be distributed among the members, thus enabling them to take advantage of the low cash prices, which will be quite a saving and of mutual benefit to farmer and merchant. Other lodges would perhaps do well to fol¬ low suit. It would be well to get the Hartwell Bank’s terms before borrow¬ ing. It has plenty of money on hand. AMERICAS UNION. Peach blossoms are now putting out. We know of some which are in full bloom in the town. Tho weather this week has been various enough to suit every taste— the lover of mellow sunshine and al¬ so frigid winter time, all well repre¬ sented. A great many bales of cotton still remain unshipped at this place. The price now is over 11 cents. That Is putting cotton up to do some good. Seejps it should go, P A NIKI.XVI Li, K MON I TO*, Our senior editor is 4 own with the la grippe. Our doctors seem to be doing a good dead of practice. IV. G. W. 1 Vest brook lias located at IJa, in this county, Ue is a good physician. Mr, S. ,C. O’JCeliy, who lias been quite sick, is now up and able to at¬ tend to his duties as Clerk of tlu* Su¬ perior Court. The Baptist church is soon to be ceiled and lighted. This will much much to tho appearance of the build¬ ing and to the comfort of the wor¬ shipers, TOCOOA NEWS. J. R. Land is home visiting his pa¬ rents. He is still nursing his broken arm. Mrs. AV. T. AVilliford has been vis¬ iting friends in Toecoa this week. Aliss Lizzie Looney accompanied her home to Harmony Grove. Marshal Jackson is doing good work repairing the streets. Tho ladies of Toecoa will soon cir¬ culate a petition to have a county poor house and farm established near this city. Dr. Jeff Davis has gone to Xew York to take a post-graduate course at a medical college there. I.A VON IA NEWS. The school continues to increase. 127 enrolled. The Bajitist church iias purchased a beautiful organ. Our town is budding ttji rapidly. 1 Not a mushroom boom, but a steady, gradual building. Improvements are being made on every street. Dr. AV. AV. Cornog, of Oconee county, was in our town the j*ast week. AVallacc is an old Georgia boy, and is building up a fine prac¬ tice on each side of the river. The Alliance is speaking of organ¬ izing a co-operative store at this place. AVe have not learned what progress they have made, but trust they will succeed in the arrangements. People Here and There. A man named B. F. Butler has been arrested in Des Moines for in- sulting a lady. A man of that name insulted about 30,000 ladies in New Orleans sonic* years ago, and was not arrested. Mr. Spurgeon has just published the twenty-fifth volume of his ser¬ mons. The poet Swinburne has a red head and red chin whiskers. John Hogan has been awarded one dollar damages by a Chicago jury for the killing of his wife by a railway train. AVilkie Collins thought that “Bur¬ naby Budge” was Dickens’ weakest work. James Gordon Bennett, of the New York Herald, will return from Europe in March. Chauncey Depew got a dollar and a half for his first fee. Rutherford B. Hayes is aging and turning gray very rapidly, Baron Rothschild, the Paris bank¬ er, has fortified bis house and lives in deadly fear of the anarchists. General Malione is living in" com¬ parative retirement in Washington. Lord AVolsely, the famous general, is very unpopular with the English royal family. In his later years Robert Browning had a head that painters loved to study. A great many portraits of him have been made recently. The St. Louis Republic makes the statement that Capt, Jack Haynes, tho engineer in charge of the engine at the Fagan building, is 102 years old. lie is a Tennesseean by birth and doesn’t look to be over 65, Lavonia Business Locals. Ladies’ glove grain congress shoes for Tacts, at T. II. Roberts. Buy your furniture from T. II. Roberts. Zinc trunks at T. II. Roberts. Twenty grades of tobacco at Ilay- nie’s. lie sells cheap. Canned goods of all kinds at Ilay- nio’s. Try a glass of soda water at W. H. Ilaynic’s. Canned goods prepared in every possible style at Haynie’s. Haynie is always ready to serve you with something good. I ‘‘live AND LET UVE” IS QUA MOTTO. COME-TO-SEE - VS. An Immense Stock of Clothing. CANNOT *:• BE r EQUALED a* IN -r CARNESVILLE Mini’s agd boys’ suits from the very best to the very .cheapest. We are now offering bargains in all kinds of Dry goods. Don’t let the .oppor¬ tunity pass. Bare your money by giving tis a trial. In HATS and ■SHOES of every kind mid style we are Leaders in Low Prices. STOVES. 1« Stoves we defy competition, and can suit you in quality and price at anytime. AVe keep all kinds of HARDWAHE at tbe .very lowest possible prices. TOBACCO! CIGARS! CIGARS! TOBACCO! In Tobacco we carry the best and most complete line ever kept in Carnesville. AA’e can saves you a.t least 10 per cent on the pound. For Mem, Lari, Floor, Sopr, Cole aoi Sms WE ARE HEADQUARTERS. Oyr stock is now in every line complete. Give us a trial and we wiW Certainly save you money. W. C. & J. B. McENTIRE, 3-26. Middle Room, Brick Building, Carnesville, Ga. Hardware Store I HARMONY GROVE, GA. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF AVagon ami Buggy Materials, Farming Implements, Ditching Shovels, Spades, etc;, etc., etc. Doors, - Sash - and - Blinds. The “Royal Keen Nutter Ax” the best in the world. Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, Rifle and Pistol Cartridges. Also COOK * STOVES, a HEATING * STOVES. THE •LEADERS * IN Low Prices I W E ARE in our new quarters, and are ready to offer the public goods at prices that will secure their patronage. Our stock is complete as to assortment, AVe have entered tin 1 arena to take our place among the leaders in our line, and if you know the value of a dollar we are bound to have a good portion of your trade. COME o AND » SEE •* US. AA’cst room in Masonic building. Respectfully, Welborn & Bro. 3-1 y. Carnesville, Ga, WAGONS BUGGIES, Carts, CUTAWAY HARROWS, PLANET JR., CULTIVATORS, Get my prices before repairing buying. Gen¬ done eral blacksinithing and good on short notice and as cheap as work can be done. 5-18 JAMES P. ADAIR. * ELBERTON MUSIC HOUSE. A FULL LINK OF PIANOS, ORGANS, — A N I) — MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Always on hand at prices and terms within the reach of all. Mrs. J. H. Maxwell, Elbcrton, Georgia. ty Samples can be seen by calling Oil Mrs. Spencer M. Smith, of Carncs- ville. 4-29. — the — LARGEST and NICEST STOCK — OF — Fancy and Stick Candies, Chewing Gum, Toilet Goods, Cologne, etc., on the Elbcrton Airline Railroad. I keep on hand a good stock of Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Tobacco, Snuff and Segars. Prices at the Bottom. Come and see me. Next door to Brooks it Tabor. W. H. HAYNIE » 4-29. Lavonia, Ga. STOVES! TINWARE! -and- * HOUSE i FURNISHING * GOODS. * ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE ABOVE LINE. At the lowest possible prices. ROOFING AND GUTTERING Done anywhere promptly by best skilled workman. Call on or write for prices. J. H. Maxwell, 4-29. Elbcrton, Ga. A CHANGE. •0 The store house formerly occupied by McConnell Bros, is now occupied by Messrs. J Firm consisting of J. C. McConnell and J. \V. Cannon, the latter con¬ ducting the business. The new firm arc receiving daily NEA/V GOODS —OF— ALL * KINDS ! «* And are fast filling up their Mam¬ moth Store Boom, and hope by LOW PRICES and prompt attention to merit a lib¬ eral patronage. !-tf CONFECTIONERIES! —and— Fancy Grocery. o My Store is Headqnarters for any¬ thing that is good to eat. Prompt attention and * LOW * PRICES. * Next door to Aderhold’s hotel. J. C. BLACKWELL 3-28. Buggies, Carts, -and- WAGONS! ANYTHING YOU WANT IN THE ABOVE LINE. Goods shipped furnished to any point Lowest de¬ sired, or here. prices for cash, Respectfully, or terms satisfactory on time. 3-28 L W. MCCONNELL.